Saturday, August 9, 2014

Obama Returns to Quagmire U.S. Had Exited in Iraq

At the Los Angeles Times, "Obama returns to the quagmire he exited in Iraq":
For three years, President Obama has declared himself the man who closed the door on a dark decade of U.S. war in Iraq. Now he has opened the door again.

Other than insisting no U.S. combat troops will return to Iraq, Obama's advisors outlined few clear limits and no definitive end to America's latest military mission, which began Friday with airstrikes against Sunni militants and drops of humanitarian aid. Given Obama's stated reluctance to use military force in Syria and other hot spots, the White House faced pressure to explain why Iraq was different, what airstrikes would achieve and whether Obama was launching a new phase of an old war.

I see this as a watershed event," said retired Army Lt. Gen. David W. Barno, the top commander in Afghanistan from 2003 to 2005. "Now that we are using lethal force in Iraq, that's a huge bridge to cross, and it's very difficult to get back across once you are over it."

The president for months resisted taking that step. In June, Obama began sending hundreds of advisors to Iraq to help train and supply government security forces under siege from the Al Qaeda offshoot known as Islamic State. Obama opted against airstrikes, aides said at the time, at least until Prime Minister Nouri Maliki's authoritarian government instituted democratic reforms.

Behind the scenes, however, the U.S. factories that produce Hellfire missiles began "working seven days a week in order to meet the need and push them out to Iraq," a senior administration official said. Both manned and unmanned surveillance aircraft and satellites provided near round-the-clock intelligence on Irbil, the Kurdish regional capital, and other key areas.

Then last Saturday, Islamic State fighters launched what U.S. officials called a sophisticated and multipronged attack with armored vehicles and artillery across a broad swath of northern Iraq. By Wednesday night, the militants launched assaults that raised fears of a siege on Irbil and the White House was prepared to act.

The U.S. is flying armed drones and fighter jets over the approaches to Irbil, looking for targets to hit, officials said. As long as the militants can be kept out of major cities, the air campaign can degrade their strength with targeted strikes against vehicles and heavy weapons that are relatively easy to hit in the open, military officials said. That would give Kurdish fighters in the north, and the Iraqi army closer to Baghdad, time to regain their footing...

Friday, August 8, 2014

'So You Want to Be a Rock & Roll Star'

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, from yesterday morning while out to errands:

Pride (In the Name of Love) -U2 9:45 AM

One - U2 9:40 AM

Desire - U2 9:37 AM

Up Around the Bend - Creedence Clearwater Revival 9:35 AM

I Heard It Through the Grapevine - Creedence Clearwater Revival 9:25 AM

Have You Ever Seen the Rain? - Creedence Clearwater Revival 9:23 AM

So You Want To Be A Rock & Roll Star (Live) - Tom Petty 9:12 AM

Don't Come Around Here - Tom Petty 9:07 AM


Only the U.S. Can Prevent a Humanitarian and Strategic Disaster in Iraq

At the Wall Street Journal, "The Jihadist March in Iraq":
Perhaps history will mark this as the week that President Obama recognized that evil unimpeded will devour everything before it. We say perhaps because with this President you never know.

President Obama said Thursday night he authorized limited air strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) to stop the Sunni jihadists from carrying out a genocide in northern Iraq. What he didn't do, but should, is make a larger U.S. military commitment against ISIS both to avert a humanitarian catastrophe and protect American security interests.

After routing Iraq's army from Mosul and most of northern Iraq in June, ISIS has grown as a military force. It captured significant war materiel, including armored U.S. Humvees, and has attracted hardened jihadist fighters from Syria and elsewhere. In addition to the sums it looted from Mosul's banks, the group has the potential to gain access to revenue from oil fields in northern Iraq.

ISIS is also threatening the obliteration of the Christian population in northern Iraq. An assault by ISIS's forces in northern Nineveh province has emptied towns of their Christian populations. Some 40,000 Yazidis, a minority who have lived in Iraq for millennia, are now isolated with little food or water on Mount Sinjar. ISIS controls all roads out and has proven it will have no compunction to slaughter those who try to flee.

When ISIS captured Mosul, it often painted an "N" on the houses of Christians, denoting they are of Nazareth, the birthplace of Jesus. The Christians' confiscated properties have been given to Muslims. Ancient Christian churches have been razed. The self-proclaimed "Islamic State" is a barbaric, pre-modern movement whose goal is to expand its dominion with mass killings. Unresisted, it will not stop.

Despite ISIS's obvious threat to the viability of Iraq—it now also threatens Kurdistan in the north—the Obama Administration to this point has done nothing significant for more than two months to help the Iraqis fight back. Instead, it has insisted that the Iraqis in Baghdad first depose Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and form a more "inclusionary" government.

Under current circumstances, this policy defines "beside the point." It has become a pretext for not acting, as if ISIS will pause while Baghdad organizes itself in a way that meets Mr. Obama's standards. It is past time for the U.S. to intervene...
More at that top link.

Is #ObamaCare Actually Helping People?

Michelle Fields interviews Edmund Haislmaier of the Heritage Foundation:

Disapproval of the law has been inching up, at RealClearPolitics polling averages, "Public Approval of Health Care Law."

Another thing to weight down Democrats prospects in the fall. Can't say I'm complaining.

Hateful Anti-Zionists Demand Academic Freedom while Violating the Academic Freedom of Israel Academics

Another awesome entry from William Jacobson, at Legal Insurrection, "Steven Salaita controversy points to the hypocrisy of anti-Israel academic boycotters."

Steven Salaita photo Twitter-_-stevesalaita_-When-Israel-slaughters-endorse-BDS_zps13753267.png

Also at the Illinois AAUP, "Illinois AAUP Committee A Statement on Steven Salaita and UIUC."

And from Professor Michael Bérubé, "The following is the text of a letter sent to University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Chancellor Phyllis Wise by Michael Bérubé regarding the university’s apparent decision to revoke a job offer to Professor Steven Salaita."

'We Have to Reach Out to People': Cathy McMorris Rodgers for Reason TV

I still like her.

An interview with Nick Gillespie:

Obama Approves Targeted Airstrikes on Islamic State in Iraq

At the Wall Street Journal, "Barack Obama Approves Airstrikes on Iraq, Airdrops Aid: Bid to Protect Refugees Fleeing Extremists: Bid to Protect Refugees Fleeing Extremists":

President Barack Obama authorized targeted airstrikes and emergency assistance missions in northern Iraq, saying Thursday the U.S. must act to protect American personnel and prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in the face of advances by violent Islamist militants.
The U.S. military said it completed a delivery of meals and water to thousands of members of a religious minority who fled the town of Sinjar and are trapped in nearby mountains by the group calling itself the Islamic State.

Mr. Obama said he ordered the use of U.S. airstrikes if necessary either to stop militants from closing in on the northern city of Erbil or to allow local forces to aid the Yazidis, the religious minority. No U.S. strikes had been conducted by late Thursday, officials said.

His remarks at the White House capped a day of soaring concern about militant advances in Iraq, where extremist fighters seized control of areas long considered safe and took over the Mosul Dam, the country's largest, according to local reports.

But Mr. Obama also acknowledged domestic jitters about renewed military involvement in Iraq, where America fought an eight-year war.

"American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq because there is no American military solution to the crisis in Iraq," he said, emphasizing the word "American."

"The only lasting solution is reconciliation among Iraqi communities and stronger Iraqi security forces," he said. Separately, Secretary of State John Kerry in a statement stressed the U.S. view that Iraq can only regain stability through the formation of a new, more inclusive government.

The sudden acceleration of U.S. military activity reflected White House concern over a burgeoning crisis in the semiautonomous Kurdish region of Iraq. An Iraqi military official said the Iraqi air force conducted its own airstrikes in the area Thursday.

The White House and Pentagon previously have said they reserve the right to use force in Iraq to protect Americans, and repeated that stance Thursday. The U.S. troops in Erbil are part of a force of planners and advisers working in joint U.S.-Iraqi centers.

Washington has held off on any direct military involvement as the Obama administration pressures Iraqi lawmakers to form a new government.

"We are sending a clear message to the Iraqi government," said a U.S. official...
Also at the New York Times, "American Forces Said to Bomb ISIS Targets in Iraq."

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Outrageous! Almost 90 Percent of Uninsured Won't Pay Tax as White House #ObamaCare Waivers Surge

The entire law has been a complete clusterf-k. And polls still show a majority of Americans disapproving of it.

The law's becoming another welfare dependency giveaway program that socks it to the middle class. Voters are already pissed about the economy and fearful for their children's future. This just piles on the anxiety when it hits your wallet but not those getting these waivers. Indeed, middle class taxpayers are subsidizing the Obama waiver scofflaws, who were supposed to pay a tax penalty as the law was originally designed.

And now this, at the Wall Street Journal, "Fewer Uninsured Face Fines as Health Law's Exemptions Swell: Almost 90% of Uninsured Won't Pay Penalty Under the Affordable Care Act in 2016" (via Google):

Almost 90% of the nation's 30 million uninsured won't pay a penalty under the Affordable Care Act in 2016 because of a growing batch of exemptions to the health-coverage requirement.

The architects of the health law wanted most Americans to carry insurance or pay a penalty. But an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation said most of the uninsured will qualify for one or more exemptions.

Daphne Gaines expects to be one of them. She said recently she got an electricity shut-off notice, which is one way Americans can get out of paying a fine. "I don't think I should have to pay any penalty," said Ms. Gaines, 52 years old, of Jasper, Ala., who works part time at a church preschool and a drug-recovery clinic.

The Obama administration has provided 14 ways people can avoid the fine based on hardships, including suffering domestic violence, experiencing substantial property damage from a fire or flood, and having a canceled insurance plan. Those come on top of exemptions carved out under the 2010 law for groups including illegal immigrants, members of Native American tribes and certain religious sects.

Factoring in the new exemptions, the congressional report in June lowered the number of people it expects to pay the fine in 2016 to four million, from its previous projection of six million. Also bringing down the total: At least 21 states have opted not to expand the Medicaid insurance program for lower earners under the health law, and those residents may be exempt from the penalty.

A legal battle over subsidies provided through the federally run insurance exchange could increase the number of Americans entitled to exemptions. In July, a Washington, D.C., appeals court struck down the federal exchange's authority to issue insurance tax credits on the grounds that the health law limits them to state-run exchanges. A Virginia appeals court upheld the subsidies, setting up a legal fight that is likely to go before the Supreme Court.

More than 4 million Americans get subsidies on the federal exchange used by up to 36 states. If the subsidies ultimately are struck down, more people could qualify for hardship exemptions based on their inability to afford coverage.

The exemptions are worrying insurers. The penalties were intended as a cudgel to increase the number of people signing up, thereby maximizing the pool of insured. Insurers are concerned that the exemptions could make it easier for younger, healthier people to forgo coverage, leaving the pools overly filled with old people or those with health problems. That, in turn, could cause premiums to rise.

Patrick Getzen, vice president and chief actuary at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina, said he saw more "older and sicker people" enrolled in 2014 than projected. He attributed some of that to the weakened mandate. "With a stronger penalty and less broad exemptions, that would be better for the risk pool."

The Obama administration argued before the Supreme Court in 2012 that the individual mandate was an essential component of the law's insurance-market changes, and the court narrowly upheld it on the grounds it is a tax. Now, Republicans who oppose the law say the administration has undermined that requirement with the exemptions and should waive the mandate entirely.

"If your pajamas don't fit well, you don't need health insurance," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office and president of the American Action Forum, a conservative think tank. "It basically waives the individual mandate."

The White House referred questions about the exemptions to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS, which oversees implementation of the health law. CMS spokesman Aaron Albright said the legislation allows those facing a hardship to apply for an exemption, and their applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. "The Affordable Care Act requires people who can afford insurance to buy it, so that their medical bills are not passed onto the rest of us, which drives up health care costs for everyone," he said.

The idea that Americans carry insurance or pay a penalty has been contentious since its inception. In an early version of the legislation, former Sen. Max Baucus (D., Mont.), then chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, floated a penalty of up to $3,800 a year for families who went without insurance. Republicans were turning against the requirement as the tea party gained momentum, and Mr. Baucus began whittling the penalty in hopes of gaining their votes.

That didn't happen, but lower penalties stayed in place in the final legislation. The fine for not carrying insurance in 2014 is $95 per adult, or 1% of family income, whichever is greater. That increases to $695 per adult, or 2.5% of family income, by 2016. The total family penalty is capped at 300% of $695—$2,085 in 2016.

While the health law was being written, President Barack Obama had pledged that Americans who liked their insurance plans would be able to keep them. But last year millions of people were informed their plans would be discontinued because their policies didn't comply with minimum-benefit requirements.

The resulting furor caused the administration to allow insurers who had planned to discontinue policies to extend them by a year. Some insurers and states, however, decided not to do so.

In an effort to address the problem without disrupting the roll out, the administration said consumers with canceled plans could qualify for a hardship waiver, then could buy minimal coverage initially intended only for individuals under age 30.

That sparked objections from an insurance industry long concerned the mandate was already too weak. "To make these new reforms work, there needs to be broad participation in the system," said Karen Ignagni, president and CEO of American's Health Insurance Plans, the industry's largest trade group.

The exemption was initially for one year. The administration has since extended it for two more years through October 2016.

In December, a hardship application form was released that laid out the 14 exemptions. Among other things, people could avoid the penalty if a close family member had died recently, if they were facing eviction or if they had medical expenses that couldn't be paid in the last 24 months and resulted in substantial debt.

Critics have assailed one exemption for people who "experienced another hardship obtaining health insurance" as too broad. That exemption asks for documentation if possible but doesn't require it.

Anti-Semitism Erupts Globally

From Professor William Jacobson, at the Hill, "Anti-Semitism flares up with Gaza crisis."

William recounts the wave a vicious Jew-hatred erupting around the world over the last month, and seen in the U.S. as well. These are not isolated incidents but a new phenomenon of global anti-Zionism manifesting itself as eliminationist hatred of the Jews.

William concludes:
The boycott, divest and sanctions (BDS) movement is the modern mother’s milk of anti-Semitism.

BDS was founded at the 2001 Durban conference, which was so anti-Semitic that the U.S. walked out.  The extreme anti-Zionism of BDS fuels the hatred of Israeli Jews as colonial occupiers, even in Tel Aviv, and seeks to dehumanize the right of the Jewish people to a homeland in the Jewish homeland.

It’s no surprise that BDS banners and shirts were seen at some of the anti-Semitic protests listed above.

Certainly, in theory, one can be anti-Zionist but not anti-Semitic.

There are ultra-religious Jews who do not believe in Zionism for religious reasons. And there are some left-wing Jews who side against Israel.

There also are those who truly just want Israel to leave Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”), although the Israeli departure almost a decade ago from Gaza calls such a strategy into question.

But the exceptions prove the rule. Intellectually one can distinguish anti-Zionism from anti-Semitism. But in the real world, on the streets of Paris, Berlin, London, Boston, Miami and elsewhere, they are one and the same.

It’s time we stopped pretending otherwise.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Professor Steven Salaita Loses Job Over Anti-Israel Tweets

It's mostly anti-Israel tweets, but this Professor Salaita ranges widely in far-left derangement and obscenity.

At Legal Insurrection, "Anti-Israel Prof. Steve Salaita loses job offer at U. Illinois over hateful tweets."

And at Blazing Cat Fur, "Professor Reportedly Loses Position over Anti-Israel Tweets":

Professor Steven Salaita photo Twitter-_-stevesalaita_-Lets-cut-to-the-chase_-If-defending-Israel-horrible-person_zpsf943645a.png

More at Inside Higher Ed, "Out of a Job." (Via Memeorandum.)

The Electronic Intifada rebuts the account of Professor Salaita's termination, saying he was "fired" rather than having his position "revoked."

Plus, from Professor Corey Robin, at Crooked Timber, "Another Anti-Zionist Professor Punished for His Views (Updated)." Professor Robin goes after Cary Nelson, the former president of the American Association of University Professors:
Once upon a time I wrote an essay for an anthology Nelson edited on unions in academia. When I was the leader of the grad union drive at Yale, he came to campus and spoke out on our behalf. I thought of him as not only a champion of academic freedom but as an especially acerbic—some might even say uncivil—commentator willing to throw a few elbows at his fellow academics. One time, he even compared a fellow English professor to a vampire bat, and proceeded to make fun of his bodily movements and facial gestures. In an academic publication subject to peer review.

But in recent years Nelson has become an outspoken defender of the State of Israel and a critic of the BDS movement. A man who once called for the boycott of a university now thinks boycotts of universities are a grave threat to academic freedom. A man who serially violates the norms of academic civility—urging fellow academics to “give key administrators no peace. Place chanting pickets outside their homes. Disrupt every meeting they attend with sardonic or inspiring public theater”—now invokes those same norms against a critic of Israel. A man who once wrote that “claims about collegiality are being used to stifle campus debate, to punish faculty, and to silence the free exchange of opinion by the imposition of corporate-style conformity,” now complains about an anti-Zionist professor’s “foul-mouthed presence in social media.” A man who once called the movement against hostile environments and in favor of sensitive speech on campus “Orwellian,” now frets over a student of Salaita’s fearing she “would be academically at risk in expressing pro-Israeli views in class.”

I bring this up not to pick on Nelson, but to ask him, and all of you, a simple question: Should Nelson be deemed ineligible for another job at a university simply because of these statements he has written? Should l be deemed ineligible for another job at a university simply because of some “foul-mouthed,” perhaps even intemperate, tweets that I’m sure I have written?

But I bring up Nelson’s case for another reason. And that is that his hypocrisy is not merely his own. It is a symptom of the effects of Zionism on academic freedom, how pro-Israel forces have consistently attempted to shut down debate on this issue, how they “distort all that is right.” Nelson’s U-Turn demonstrates that we’re heading down a very dangerous road. I strongly urge all of you to put on the brakes.
As you can see from the highlighted section, it's not just academic freedom that concerns Professor Robin, but "the effects of Zionism."

Seems to me that Professor Salaita made a big mistake thinking that he could expound his noxious views without any consequence to his employment. My personal recommendation is for academics not to engage in partisan politics until they have the protections of tenure, and even then you'll want to be careful. But as you can see, it's the larger issue at stake, especially for the left, which is apparently that eliminationist radical anti-Israel advocacy should have free rein in higher education. And that is "a very dangerous road" leftists are travelling, academic freedom or not.

Racing Shut Down at Del Mar Thoroughbred Club After 10 Horses Die

From Sunday at the New York Times, "Worries About Surface at Del Mar Track."

And at the O.C. Register, "What's wrong at Del Mar? 10th horse dies on track."

Small Biplane Overturns at Oceanside Airport: Pilot, Passenger Walk Away

My wife saw the biplane flipped upside down as we were driving out to Harrah's Resort yesterday.

And here's a report, at KGTV-ABC10 News San Diego, "Biplane overturns at Oceanside Airport, injuries minor."

Also at LAT, "Pilot, passenger walk from wreckage after Oceanside plane crash."

Hamas Activities Understood on the Basis of Law

From Professor Michael Curtis, at American Thinker:
To paraphrase the line in a Richard Rodgers ballad, I do not know a day when I did not behold Hamas rockets attacking Israeli civilians. Calculations suggest that more than 13,000 missiles have been fired by Hamas in Gaza against those civilians. During July 2014, Hamas fired more than 800 rockets before Israel responded by Operation Protective Edge seeking to eliminate or reduce the aggression. According to international law, the concept of military necessity justifies Israeli attacks on legitimate military targets. Regrettably, those attacks may have adverse consequences for civilians.

Well-meaning people like the President of the European Council and President of the European Commission in a joint official statement of August 3, 2014 on the Gaza situation spoke of the need to move beyond “these cycles of violence.” But there is no “cycle of violence.” Hamas’ position is unequivocal: it denies the legitimacy of Israel; it demonizes Israel; it wants to eliminate the State of Israel.

Unexpected parties have made clear who is responsible for the conflict in Gaza. On August 1, 2014, Abdullah, the King of Saudi Arabia, called the Gaza War “a collective massacre” caused by Hamas. He denounced the Hamas violence that had led to various forms of terrorism. He omitted to say that the war has led to a virtual alliance, for differing reasons, between Israel and Arabs including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and the Palestinian Authority, weak though the latter is.

Even those living in the fantasy world where Hamas is blameless for the current conflict, such as the Spanish celebrity actors, Penelope Cruz and Javier Barden, have qualified their partisanship. In a public letter of July 27, 2014 they, together with other show business celebrities, unilaterally condemned Israel for “its attacks in the Gaza Strip,” and spoke of Israeli genocide, a war of occupation and extermination against a whole people. No one had thought of Cruz as having a perfect, or even an imperfect, understanding of Middle East politics. However, two days after the letter, Cruz and Barden, or their publicists, “clarified” their position. Cruz explained with undue modesty, “I do not want to be misunderstood on this important subject. I’m not an expert on the situation.” Her husband Barden similarly explained, “My signature (on the letter) was solely meant as a plea for peace… I have great respect for the people of Israel and deep compassion for their losses.”

Cruz and Barden, and various critics of Israel, such as other celebrities, the mainstream media and churches, and all those who have been concerned about the loss of life, especially of children, in the fighting might now examine in the context of international law the extent of the responsibility of Hamas in committing war crimes and violations of international law. Hamas leaders, Muhammad Deif, Chief of Staff, and Ismail Haniyeh, the leader, have taunted Israelis, “We desire death like you desire life.” The best way to examine Hamas’ accountability is by analyzing a number of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949...

Newt Gingrich: 'Growing Panic' in Democrat Party Over Obama Executive Order on Illegal Aliens

It's Speaker Gingrich on the Laura Ingraham radio show.

Listen at the link, via RCP, "Gingrich: Obama Executive Order on Immigration Will Create 'Civil War In His Own Party'." (At Memeorandum.)

Allahpundit's got an analysis up at Hot Air (via Memeorandum). He's pretty skeptical of the Democrat Party "Civil War" thesis. We'll see. Although at this point we know that Democrat incumbents facing reelection are running scared ahead of November. I'm just focused on 2014. A lot can happen this year and then I'll worry about the "long game," which isn't looking so bad for the GOP on the demographic side after all.

Britain's Millie Mackintosh Bikini Photos from Ibiza

This is a bikini-palooza.

At Egotastic!, "Millie Mackintosh in a Bikini in Ibiza."

And at London's Daily Mail, "Made in Ibiza! Millie Mackintosh shows off her toned and tanned physique in bandage bikini top and high-waisted bottoms."

Still more at the Mirror UK, "Millie Mackintosh's hubby Professor Green shares video of her sleeping and a snap on Instagram."

'How Israel’s hawks intimidated and silenced the last remnants of the anti-war left...'

That subtitle's written if intimidating the antiwar left was a bad thing, lol.

From Gregg Carlstrom, at Foreign Policy, "The Death of Sympathy":

TEL AVIV — Pro-war demonstrators stand behind a police barricade in Tel Aviv, chanting, "Gaza is a graveyard." An elderly woman pushes a cart of groceries down the street in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon and asks a reporter, "Jewish or Arab? Because I won't talk to Arabs." A man in Sderot, a town that lies less than a mile from Gaza, looks up as an Israeli plane, en route to the Hamas-ruled territory, drops a blizzard of leaflets over the town. "I hope that's not all we're dropping," he says.

Even before the war, Israel was shifting right, as an increasingly strident cadre of politicians took ownership of the public debate on security and foreign affairs. But the Gaza conflict has accelerated the lurch -- empowering nationalistic and militant voices, dramatically narrowing the space for debate, and eroding whatever public sympathy remained for the Palestinians.

The fighting seems to be winding down, but it leaves behind a hardened Israeli public opinion: There is a widespread feeling that Israelis are the true victims here, that this war with a guerrilla army in a besieged territory is existential.

Hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has found himself under pressure from politicians even further to his right. The premier has suspended negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, arrested more than 1,000 Palestinians, demolished the homes of several people convicted of no crimes, and launched an offensive in Gaza that has killed more than 1,800 people. That's not enough, even for some members of Netanyahu's own party, who see worrying signs of weakness.

"We've seen the influence of [Tzipi] Livni over the prime minister," Likud Knesset member Danny Danon told Foreign Policy, referring to the justice minister and her centrist party. "My position is to make sure we're not becoming a construct of the left.... As long as he stays loyal, he'll have the backing of the party."

Netanyahu fired Danon from his post as deputy defense minister last month, because he was too critical of the government's strategy in Gaza. But Danon cannot be dismissed as a marginal figure: He took control of the Likud central committee last year, and has used the post to steer the party further right -- an ironic turnabout, as Netanyahu used the same tactics to drive out former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon a decade ago. Even before his election, the 2012 Likud primary turned Netanyahu into perhaps the most liberal member of his own party.

Public opinion polls confirm the Israeli right's gains during the current conflict. A survey conducted by the Knesset Channel last week found that the right-wing parties would win 56 seats in the next election, up from 43 last year. The center-left bloc would shrink from 59 seats to 48. Other surveys suggest that the right could win a majority by itself, without needing religious parties or centrists to form a coalition.

But perhaps more striking is the public's near-unanimous support for the Gaza war, from Israelis across the political spectrum. Roughly 90 percent of Jewish Israelis support the war, according to recent polls. Less than 4 percent believe the army has used "excessive firepower," the Israel Democracy Institute found, though even Israeli officials admit that a majority of the 1,800 Palestinians killed so far are civilians.

Meanwhile, Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog, the ostensible head of the opposition, is doing public relations work for Netanyahu, defending the war at a gathering of foreign diplomats. Livni herself at times sounds more hawkish than the prime minister, arguing that Israel should topple Hamas and build a moat to separate itself from Gaza. "I have two words for you: Get lost," she told the U.N. Human Rights Council after it voted to investigate possible Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

And Finance Minister Yair Lapid, who once threatened to bolt the coalition if talks with the Palestinians collapsed, has been another vocal advocate. "This is a tough war, but a necessary one," he said last month.

Decades ago, a commentator coined the phrase "quiet, we're shooting" -- a reflection of the Israeli public's tendency to rally behind the army in wartime. But this time, public dissent hasn't just been silenced, it's been all but smothered. A popular comedian was dumped from her job as the spokeswoman for a cruise line after she criticized the war. Local radio refused to air an advertisement from B'Tselem, a rights group, which simply intended to name the victims in Gaza.

Scattered anti-war rallies have drawn small crowds, mostly in the low hundreds; the largest brought several thousand people to Tel Aviv on July 26. But most of the protests ended in violence at the hands of ultranationalists, who attacked them and set up roving checkpoints to hunt for "leftists" afterwards. Demonstrators have been beaten, pepper-sprayed, and bludgeoned with chairs...
Heh, "hunt for leftists." You gotta love it.


'Amanda Marcotte needs to be hit in the face with a whip cream pie...'

That's the fabulous first comment at Althouse, "The conundrum of the monogamous bisexual."


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Renewed Predictions of a Third Intifada

I wrote about this last week.

And now here's Khaled Elgindy, at Foreign Affairs, "Welcome to the Third Intifada: After Gaza, Palestine's Uprising Will Spread to the West Bank":
Given the intensity of the ongoing war between Hamas and Israel in Gaza, it is easy to forget that the current crisis began in a different part of Palestine. The kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank led to a severe Israeli crackdown on Hamas, which responded with a barrage of rocket fire at Israel from Gaza. Meanwhile, the murder of a Palestinian teenager by Jewish extremists sparked several days of violent protests by Palestinians in East Jerusalem and elsewhere. The shift in venue served Israel’s interests, diverting the conflict away from sensitive and strategically vulnerable areas. For Israeli policymakers, another concentrated war against Gaza was preferable to the possibility of another West Bank uprising against Israel, akin to the so-called intifadas that occurred in the late 1980s and the early 2000s. Contrary to what Israelis may have hoped, however, the present war has made a third intifada more, not less, likely...

This Elgindy guy looks like he favors a third intifada, actually, given the nature of his pro-Palestinian advocacy.

Monthly Credit: California Assemblywoman Introduces Bill to Provide Diaper Stipend to Low-Income Women

Makes sense for dependency state leftists, especially in California. They have a "welfare stipend" for just about everything nowadays.

At KGTV-ABC10 News San Diego, "A welfare program for diapers? Diaper stipend proposed for low-income families."

The Palestinian people vs. the Israelis


WSJ/NBC News Poll: Widespread Economic Anxiety, Fear; Next Generation Will Have Fewer Opportunities

At the Wall Street Journal, "Poll Finds Widespread Economic Anxiety: Respondents in WSJ/NBC Poll Fear Their Children's Generation Will Have Fewer Opportunities—And They Blame Washington Politicians (via Google and Memeorandum):

Still scarred by a recession that ended five years ago, Americans are registering record levels of anxiety about the opportunities available to younger generations and are pessimistic about the nation's long-term prospects, directing their blame at elected leaders in Washington.

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that despite the steady pace of hiring in recent months, 76% of adults lack confidence that their children's generation will have a better life than they do—an all-time high. Some 71% of adults think the country is on the wrong track, a leap of 8 points from a June survey, and 60% believe the U.S. is in a state of decline.

What's more, seven in 10 adults blamed the malaise more on Washington leaders than on any deeper economic trends, and 79% expressed some level of dissatisfaction with the American political system.

"The American public is telling its elected representatives that the economic distress that a significant proportion of them are feeling is directly their fault," said Democratic pollster Fred Yang, who conducts the Journal poll with Republican Bill McInturff. "The public seems to have moved beyond the plaintive cry of 'feel our pain' to the more angry pronouncement of 'you are causing our pain.' "

That frustration is taking its toll on President Barack Obama and members of Congress. Mr. Obama registered his lowest-ever approval rating for his overall job performance and handling of foreign policy in the new Journal poll, as well as the worst personal favorability ratings of his presidency.

The president's approval rating dropped to 40% in this latest poll from 41% in a June survey, and he notched a disapproval rating of 54%, matching a previous high. Meanwhile, 36% approve of Mr. Obama's handling of foreign policy, compared with the 60% who disapprove—his worst-ever marks.

Congressional Republicans fared even worse, with 54% of adults viewing them negatively and just 19% expressing positive views, a gap of 35 percentage points. Democrats in Congress were viewed negatively by 46% and favorably by 31%, a difference of 15 points.

This gloom sets the stage for a midterm election in which Americans, according to the early data, are less motivated to vote than in many previous cycles, a trend bound to complicate Democratic efforts to hold the Senate. But the lingering frustration with Washington also presents a hurdle for Republicans, who continue to fall further out of favor with women.

"If there was ever a hold-our-nose election, this certainly would be it," Mr. Yang said.

The latest Journal poll of 1,000 adults, conducted between Wednesday and Sunday night, found some signs of improvement in American views of the economy. Half of those polled said the economy is improving, and 49% think the U.S. is still in a recession, down from 58% last summer and 77% in 2008.

Sixty-four percent of those polled said they are still feeling some impact from the recession, down from the 71% who said they initially felt effects from the downturn when it began more than six years ago. Forty percent said someone in their household had lost a job over the last five years, and one of three said someone they live with was forced to take a job with a significantly lower income.

While hiring has picked up and job openings are at a seven-year high, growth in inflation-adjusted wages and family income has been distressingly slow. The Census Bureau says the income of the median, or typical, American family in 2012 was $51,017, or about the same as in 1995 adjusting for inflation. Median family income is about 8% below 2007 levels.

"I was doing better five years ago than I'm doing now," said Laura Colvin, 29, a fast-food worker in Jonesboro, Ark., whose hourly wage has risen less than a $1 over that period while her utility costs and the price of other goods and services have risen.

"We've always wanted our kids to have it better than we did, whether it's an education or a good job, and it just doesn't seem like I see that for my kids," said Luis Gomez, 64 years old, a land surveyor from Overland Park, Kan., who is worried about the costs of higher education for his 17-year-old son. "It feels like we're Japan, that the economy has flatlined."

In the survey, roughly a quarter of adults said they or their child has more than $5,000 in student-loan debt, and 25% said someone in their house had to take a second job just to pay the bills. The groups most impacted by the recession include: Latinos, white women between the ages of 35 and 49, people who make less than $30,000 and white working-class Americans.

A majority of those polled agreed with the statement that growing income inequality between the wealthy and everyone else "is undermining the idea that every American has the opportunity to move up to a better standard of living." Those impacted most by the recession were far more likely to hold that view.

This widespread discontent is evident among just about every segment of the population. Fifty-seven percent of those polled said that something upset them enough to carry a protest sign for one day. That included 61% of Democrats and 54% of Republicans, as well as 70% of adults who identify with the tea party and 67% of self-described liberals. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

With congressional approval ratings still hovering near all-time lows, a plurality of those polled said they want their vote in this fall's midterm election to be seen as a message that the country needs incumbents of both parties to lose to usher new people into Congress. Adults split more or less evenly between those who want their votes to be a referendum for, or a check on, Mr. Obama.

"I don't think they're working for the middle class," said Evan Coley, a 22-year-old resident of Albermarle, N.C., who works in an auto shop. "They're trying to help themselves more than anyone else."
Well, I think both parties have a lot to worry about going into November, but especially the Democrats, since their hold on power in the Senate looks increasingly tenuous.

More at the Lonely Conservative, "Poll Finds American Pessimism Is At An All Time High."

VIDEO: RAF Fighter Jet Intercepts, Escorts Qatar Airlines Flight QR23 After Terrorist 'Bomb Threat'


At London's Daily Mail, "'There is a bomb on board this plane': Terror on Flight QR23 as RAF Typhoon escorts it to Manchester Airport before armed police storm on to arrest man, 47, over 'bomb threat hoax'."

More video at the Sydney Morning Herald, "Man arrested for hoax bomb threat on plane escorted by fighter jet to Manchester Airport."

U.S. General Killed in Afghanistan

This is horrible.

At Regular Right Guy, "U.S. General Murdered by Afghan ‘Ally’."

At the New York Times, "U.S. General Is Killed in Attack at Afghan Base, Officials Say":

KABUL, Afghanistan — An Afghan soldier shot a United States Army major general to death and wounded a German brigadier general and at least 14 other foreign and Afghan military service members on Tuesday at a military training academy on the outskirts of Kabul, officials of the American-led coalition said Tuesday. The major general appeared to be the highest-ranking member of the American military to die in hostilities overseas since the Vietnam War.

The coalition officials said a senior Afghan commander also was among the wounded. The officials declined to identify any of the victims by name. The identity of the gunman was not disclosed, either, but a Pentagon spokesman told reporters in Washington that he had been killed.

The Pentagon spokesman, Rear Adm. John Kirby, also said officials believed the gunman was “a member of the Afghan national security forces,” but he had no other details about him or the circumstances of the shooting.

Admiral Kirby also said the shooting, the first so-called insider attack in months in Afghanistan, was an inherent risk of the war, calling it “a pernicious threat and always difficult to ascertain.”

The German military confirmed that one of its brigadier generals serving in Afghanistan was among 15 coalition-led troops wounded in the shooting, described as “presumably an internal attack.” The general was being treated for his injuries, which were not life-threatening, the Germans said in a statement.

Other details of the shooting were sketchy, and the coalition, in an official statement, would only confirm that one of its service members had been killed in what it described as “an incident” at the Marshall Fahim National Defense University in Kabul. The coalition declined to specify any further details, saying it was still working to notify the family of the deceased.
More (via Memeorandum).

Westwood Demonstrators Call for Peace in #Gaza

Here's KTLA's report on the "phony" ANSWER protest from last Saturday: "Pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli demonstrators gathered outside the federal building in Westwood on Saturday and called for an end to the bloodshed in Gaza."

PREVIOUSLY: "Communists, Hamas Solidarity Protesters Demand Israel's Extermination in Los Angeles — #ANSWERLA."

Sick Anti-Zionist Repsac3: 'The Fact Is' I've Got 'No Tweets Supporting' Racist BDS Movement

I thought I'd better screencap this one, since once again racist, smarmy Repsac3 is cornered like a greasy polecat, dishonestly --- no, wickedly --- attempting to weasel out of his own words.

The fact is, not only has Walter James Casper III tweeted his racist support of BDS, he's allied himself with the most disgusting anti-Zionist racists I've ever seen.

Here's a Google link to more lies from racist anti-Zionist Walter James Casper III: "Donald Douglas Beclowns Himself (again), and Insults His Friend."

And he writes:
The fact is there are no tweets supporting BDS--in fact I don't support that movement, and never have--and while I did once post a tweet saying "Occupy Wherever You Are," it's quite the implausible stretch for Donald to imply that that tweet is in any way racist...not that the implausibility of his...well, "conspiracy theories" regarding me have ever stopped him before...
Screencapped here, since lying skunk-wad Reppy will probably pull the post, the racist pig:

 photo ScreenShot2014-08-05at103912AM_zps5fe07889.png

As I noted earlier today, Repsac3's health is failing him --- he's literally at death's door --- and he's obviously lost his cognitive capacities. Heart bypass patients often suffer reduced blood flow --- and oxygen --- to the brain, restricting mental function. I've suggested that sick racist Reppy just call off his hateful jihad against American Power. He's been stalking me for over 6 years. He tried to get me fired by sponsoring attacks at American Nihilist, posting my work contact information, and he's continued to ally himself with all the hateful trolls who've libeled me time and again throughout the years of workplace harassment.

Repsac3's a racist, a stalker, and a liar.

Here's my post from April 2013, where Repsac3 attacked Pamela Geller, posting an endorsement of the eliminationist BDS movement: "Hateful Anti-Semitic Ghoul Walter James Casper III Tweets Jew-Bashing Attack on Pamela Geller — and Israel!" Screencapped here, since Reppy might pull that tweet, just as his racist BFF "Cassandra Rules" has been doing all weekend:

Hateful Racist Walter James Casper III photo ScreenShot2014-08-05at100601AM_zps44f95fd3.png

Walter James Casper tweeted his support for censoring Pamela Geller --- my friend in liberty, and a true crusader for human rights. His same tweet says that BDS hatred "should be allowed."

BDS is the premiere organization of contemporary global anti-Zionism. Judea Pearl, father of slain Wall Street Journal Reporter Daniel Pearl, has written that BDS should be understood for precisely what it is: a racist movement whose sole purpose is the destruction of Israel and the Jews. See: "Anti-Zionism is Racism."

So again, if Repsac3 doesn't like being called out for his racism then he should stop his racism. Simple as that.

Oh, and my wonderful friend the Mad Jewess Woman wrote that the ANSWER LA protest last weekend was "phoney," as in composed of a bunch of bullshit losers. She was writing facetiously.

Repsac3, on the other hand, was writing literally, not only correcting his spelling to the non-facetious "phony," but further elaborating with some conspiracy about how I "make a point" showing up at these protests" looking for these women."

Again, not enough circulation to Reppy's de-oxygenated brain. I wouldn't have even known who "these women" were until the disgusting Reppy starting reaching out to "Cassandra Rules" on Twitter in mid-July.

So, I renew my plea for Walter James Casper III to retire from this madness. He's getting worse. He's been bad a long time, since he started trolling me at Biobrain's blog. But he's gotten worse, more sinister and racist, and more intent to inflict harm on me and my friends. It's not good for him. It's obviously been bad for his health. He needs to just come clean and say, simply, "I'm sorry. Enough. No more of the hate. I'll leave you alone."

Anti-Israel Protesters Greeted by Zionists in New York's Diamond District, July 25, 2014

This is the most beautiful video. It starts out hateful and eliminationist, like the #ANSWERLA protest. But the streets are soon filled with happy warriors, chanting "Is-ra-el!" Is-ra-el!" The hateful Hamas solidarity protesters are disoriented and demoralized. They're overtaken by a righteous mob of prideful people repudiating the leftist hatred.

Via Fouse Squawk, "Standing up to Pro-Hamas Bullies in N.Y."

Labour Party Leader Ed Miliband Slammed for 'Pathetic' and 'Distasteful' Wreath Message

Figures. The dude's a died-in-the-wool leftist.

At the Telegraph UK, "Ed Miliband branded 'crass' for not signing wreath for First World War commemoration":
Labour leader's wreath carries no name or personal message in 'disrespectful' omission.

Heh: Ben Shapiro, Appearing on CNN, Blasts CNN for Its Anti-Israel Bias Live, On the Air

At Truth Revolt, "Ben Shapiro Blasts CNN's Gaza Coverage Live On Air":
If Hamas could have come up with any sort of outlet that would have created a will to kill more Jewish babies and Palestinian babies, CNN would be it. CNN is a key factor in drawing the same sort of equivalency.”
Watch: "Ben Shapiro Blasts CNN for Anti-Israel Bias."

Heinous Video of Extreme Animal Cruelty: Fish Taken Out of Water to Smoke a Cigarette

This mad me very sad, and angry, at the Mirror UK:

Probabilistic vs. Non-Probabilistic Modern Survey Sampling

Remember that huge panel survey for the November elections out from CBS News and the New York Times? I posted on it here, "CBS News/New York Times Battleground Tracker: Republicans Positioned to Take Senate in November."

The survey uses a non-probabilistic sample, a panel survey to be updated monthly before the elections. Well, it turns out the American Association of Public Opinion Research blasted the format in a statement, and a couple of the political scientists at the Monkey Cage have responded.

See, "Modern polling needs innovation, not traditionalism":
In practice, the probability pollster needs to make massive and changing assumptions about the method of reaching people, as the breakdown of landline-only, cellphone/landline and cellphone-only households switches. There is no known ground truth to how people can be reached and the quantity of people at each phone. As the response rates fall below 10 percent, polls need to make more decisions about how to adjust for systematic differences between respondents and the general population. And pollsters continue to make decisions about their models for the likelihood that a respondent will turn out to vote.

In short, probability pollsters need to make many assumption selections into their polls, just as YouGov does! An important difference is that while YouGov examines their selection issues aggressively and publicly, probability pollsters sometimes ignore the growing lists of selection issues they face. While academics and practitioners alike have studied the issue, traditional probability polling still reports a margin of error that is based on the assumption of 100 percent response rates for a random and representative sample of the population. AAPOR writes of non-probability polling: “In general, these methods have little grounding in theory and the results can vary widely based on the particular method used.” In fact, the theory used by YouGov and in other non-probability polling contexts is well-founded and publicly disclosed, based on the general principles of adjusting for known differences between sample and population.

Yet, oddly, AAPOR’s letter barely mentions methodology but instead focuses on transparency; they accuse the New York Times of obfuscating the methodology. That is odd because Doug Rivers of YouGov is a prolific writer who has detailed the methodology at length and subjected the methodology and results to public transparency that rivals the best practices of major polling companies. YouGov polls fare well when scrutinized along with the major traditional probability polling companies. Doug’s (and other’s) academic papers are published in the top peer review journals. If anything, people on the cutting edge of research are not hiding anything; on the contrary, we are fighting hard to overcome entrenched methods by being even more diligent and transparent...

Social Media: The New Propaganda War Tool

Ain't it the truth:

The Moral Divide: #Hamas Violence Breeds Violence

Video channel hat tip, the Daley Gator.

'Cassandra' 'Wanted to Scratch the Eyeballs Out of One of the Pro-Israeli Women' at Hamas Solidarity Protest in Los Angeles

From commenter Gary on my coverage of the protest last Saturday:

I observed "Cassandra" when she crossed the street to go after the pro-Israelis. A few minutes later, when I crossed back across to Wilshire to the pro-Hamas side, she was there telling some other girls how much she wanted to scratch the eyeballs out of one of the pro-Israeli women. I don't remember the exact words, but she was using her hands to describe scratching the eyes out of someone. She was some piece of work, a poster child for our side to demonstrate the misfits among the Americans who have aligned with the pro-Hamas forces.
She's a nasty bitch, that's for sure.

A mean racist Jew-hating anti-Zionist. Just nasty all around.

PREVIOUSLY: "'Cassandra Rules' Tweets Racist Slur Against Pro-Israel Demonstrator: 'Zionist piece of shit...'"

Thousands March Against Israel in Los Angeles: Racist Repsac3 Sees Conspiracy of 'Phony' Protest

Perhaps readers will feel sorry for him, as apparently Walter James Casper III is a dead man walking, with a debilitating heart condition, but it's just sad that he's losing his cognitive faculties as well.

Thousands turned out for the protest march I covered last weekend in Los Angeles. See the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, "Pro-Palestinian protest in Westwood draws thousands, causes Wilshire to shut down."

Never mind that, though. It turns out that near-death Repsac3, in his diminished capacity, is bizarrely warping reality in his ongoing demonization efforts and hate-mongering. It was a "phony" protest, or something:

Well, we know Repsac hates Israel and the Jews --- given his long history of tweeting support for the racist Occupy Wall Street movement, not to mention his tweets backing the Jew-hating BDS movment --- so his conspiracies are all of a piece. Right in line with this old man urging Muslims to stand up and blame the Jews for the September 11 attacks. Yep, this is what Reppy's all about::

Repsac3 started trolling me over six years ago, upset that I was paying no attention to him, and he's never given up. That is some obsession. His stalking hate-blog is now members-only, but he continues to troll my online presence relentlessly, and at this point it's actually clinical and perverted. The dude should give it up and take care of his health, enjoy whatever remainder of time he has on this good green earth.

And most of all, he should just disassociate with the racist anti-Israel protesters he's been reaching out to. Seriously, these are terrible people. Liars and racists. Too bad for Reppy, but it's come to this in his twilight.

The Islamic State Genocide

Strange, but I was posting on ISIS (and the impending genocide) in June, but here comes CBS Evening News in any case, from last night:

Mark Levin Slams White House, Valerie Jarrett: 'It's Easy to Jew-Bash...'

At Breitbart.

'Nantucket visitor Owen Perkins tells us he spotted Kerry on Sunday and snapped the picture below...'

From Eliana Johnson, at National Review, "While the Middle East Burns..."

'I tried, I tried, I tried, I tried, in every way I could, to make you see how much I love you. Ooo, I thought you understood...'

An encore, from Junior Walker and the All-Stars, after six years.

Monday, August 4, 2014

What Would Hamas Do If It Could Do Whatever It Wanted?

From Jeffrey Goldberg, at the Atlantic:
It is, in my opinion, a dereliction of responsibility on the part of progressives not to try to understand the goals and beliefs of Islamist totalitarian movements.

Wolf Blitzer Calls Out Hamas Spokesman Osama Hamdan for His 'Disturbing' Blood Libel Against the Jews

Man, this is just wow.

The f-ker would not retract or repudiate his own statements, which are replayed during the segment, in Arabic with translations.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Wolf Blitzer Confronts Hamas SpokesNazi for His ‘Disturbing’ Blood Libel Remarks."

Innocent Civilians Will Continue to Die Until #Hamas Brutality and Propaganda Are Exposed

From Melanie Phillips, at the Times of London, "You’re not getting the real truth about Gaza":

Ed Miliband has berated David Cameron for not condemning Israel’s attacks in Gaza. No 10 says it is shocked that Mr Miliband is making political capital out of the war. Meanwhile Philip Hammond, the foreign secretary, says the suffering in Gaza is intolerable and has called for an unconditional humanitarian ceasefire.

The exchanges illustrate the widespread incomprehension of the nature of this conflict and the uniquely dreadful dilemma it poses.

The civilian suffering, particularly the dead and injured children, is indeed appalling and tragic. No one of any conscience could fail to be horrified. With these sickening images regularly broadcast on TV, and with interviewers all but accusing Israeli spokesmen of being cruel and reckless child-killers, it is no surprise that much of the public is being inflamed against Israel.

People don’t realise, however, how their emotions are being manipulated. They are not being shown how Hamas is using its own people as human shields and sacrifices, to enable it to continue firing rockets at Israeli civilians and to increase its own civilian casualties in order to turn western opinion against Israel.

It has built no shelters, forcing civilians to use UN schools, for instance, instead. It has ordered Gazans to ignore Israeli warnings to flee their houses and stay put under bombardment.

Declassified Israeli aerial pictures show rocket launchers situated in mosques, schools and playgrounds. Hamas rockets have been found stashed in three UN-run schools. A senior UN official, John Ging, has said Hamas “are firing their rockets into Israel from the vicinity of UN facilities and residential areas”.

Shifa hospital also acts as a Hamas command centre. Reporters know this, as they often conduct interviews there with Hamas spokesmen. Yet this detail is generally denied to the public. Nor are the public informed about rocket fire from that hospital. A Finnish journalist was a lone exception when she recently reported that a rocket was launched from the hospital’s parking lot.

Such war crimes aren’t usually publicised because reporters work under an implicit threat. One Spanish journalist admitted: “We did see Hamas people launching rockets close to our hotel, but if ever we dared point our camera on them they would simply shoot at us and kill us.”

Instead, news reports parrot the Hamas line. So the “overwhelming majority” of the casualties are reported to be civilian. In fact, an analysis by Al Jazeera shows that most of those killed have been young men of fighting age, not women, children or old people. Rules published by Hamas order anyone talking to the media to describe all Gaza casualties as “innocent civilians” and ensure “there is no evidence of rockets being fired from Gaza population centres”.

There is also virtually no reporting of Gazan casualties caused by Hamas’s own rockets falling short. Last Monday, there were explosions in a kindergarten and Shifa’s outpatient clinic. The media immediately blamed Israeli airstrikes. Yet both Israel and official Palestinian media blamed misfired Hamas rockets — a fact endorsed by a reporter who said he could only do so once he left Gaza and escaped Hamas intimidation.

The Israelis take more care than any other army to avoid harming civilians, warning them by leaflet, phone, text or warning shots to flee. Their rules of engagement restrict them from attacking where they know civilians are present, although when gunfire comes from a hospital or school the IDF are entitled to return fire. They have also aborted dozens of attacks when civilians are present. Yet it is the Israelis who are vilified as child-killers.

Ed Miliband says he condemns what Hamas is doing. How else, though, is Hamas to be stopped? Israel has stuck to every ceasefire. Hamas has broken every one of them, although it denies doing so...
Screw Ed Miliband. He's a chip off the old block, his communist father Ralph Miliband.

1984 Redux: Orwellian Illegal Immigration

From VDH, at PJ Media:
Everything we are told about illegal immigration is mostly a lie, and a self-serving one at that. Remember that fact, and the current debate over the border becomes comprehensible.

New Alessandra Ambrosio Bikini Pics from Malibu

She's a good lady.

At Egotastic!, "Alessandra Ambrosio Bikini Mommy Drops So Much Model Sexy on Malibu Beach."

VIDEO: Obama Midterm Strategy to Pit White House Against 'Mean' Republicans in Congress

Actually, it's Barack "Bring a Gun" Obama who's mean.

At the Hill, "Obama wants to fight 'mean Congress'":

The White House’s emerging strategy for the midterm elections is to run against a “mean” Congress.

President Obama has made that tack known more than ever in recent days.

In the last week, he’s accused Republicans of getting into disagreements with themselves over the border supplemental funding and for not being able to pass “plain vanilla” legislation.
He asked them to “stop hating” and “being mad all the time.” And he mocked House Republicans for suing him and added, “And I said to Speaker Boehner, tell your caucus the best way to avoid me acting on my own is work with me to actually do something. Then you don’t have to worry about it.”

Just as important as Obama’s words are his gestures and style.

The president is in his wheelhouse when he’s in campaign mode, and during the Kansas City, Mo., address, he was frequently joking and smiling with the crowds.

He at times oozed with sarcasm as he hailed the infrequent times when he said Republicans had been willing to work with him. Laughter and smirks were diced through the speech.

His audience ate up the storyline portraying House Republicans as the villains in the 2014 storyline.

Those in Obama's circle say it’s no coincidence that, with the fall elections just months away, Obama is ramping up his attacks on a “do-nothing” Congress.

“All of us have always thought he's better with an opponent and someone to fight against,” said Tommy Vietor, a former longtime Obama communications aide. “When you got an opponent, especially an opponent as absurd as the Republican Congress, he's in a better place because he can point out their hypocrisy, their mean spiritedness, and he can do it with humor.

“The more feisty campaign tone is where he's strongest,” Vietor continued, adding that the president's recent Kansas City event, “felt like a campaign stop, and it felt like him at his best.”

Obama has a past of running against Bogeymen. In 2008, he campaigned against former President George W. Bush, even has he competed for the White House with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the GOP’s nominee.

And in 2012, he depicted Mitt Romney, his rival in the presidential election, as an out-of-touch billionaire who couldn't relate to every day Americans.

Obama's success in 2014 will be measured by one thing: who controls the Senate.

And Chuck Woolery has the push-back:

Andrea Tantaros Slams Geraldo Rivera: You're 'an apologist for' Hamas...' (VIDEO)

Via the Blaze, "‘You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself’: Geraldo Erupts After Fellow Panelist Challenges Him on Israel Criticism."

'As the daughter of Holocaust survivors, all I can say is that it is déjà vu back to 1933...'

From Lynne Rabinoff, at FrontPage Magazine, "Jew-Hatred Flying Like Hamas’ Missiles":
I am a daughter of Holocaust survivors, and I’m sad to say, I’m glad both my parents are no longer living. What they would see, to their horror, is déjà vu back to 1933 with an explosion of anti-Semitism, especially in Europe, the UK and even in the U.S. and Canada. Throughout Europe, where Muslim populations have grown substantially along with a left-leaning constituency, out-of-control violence against Jews and Israel has erupted, with the perpetrators using the Israeli-Gaza conflict as an excuse for the “old hatred.” This is, in part, a direct result of the media coverage of the conflict. The openly biased written and visual reporting has created a frenzy of anti-Semitism – even though much of this reporting has been, or will be, proven incorrect and to be simple disinformation propaganda.

In country after EU country, there have been violent anti-Israel demonstrations with signs reading such things as “death to Jews” and “no dogs or Jews allowed” (this was a sign seen by an elderly woman in Cologne, Germany who lived through the Holocaust). In France, Jewish businesses have been torched and synagogues attacked. The trend has also been visible in the US at demonstrations in Boston, Chicago and other locations. They have become violent where left-wing constituencies and large Muslim populations prevail. There is also the element of the universities, where anti-Israel sentiment is widespread and becoming a real danger in the United States. In addition, there is almost no outrage voiced by the U.S. administration or from the EU.

This whole situation is not a far cry from Kristallnacht...
No, not a far cry at all.

Keep reading.

Rare Archive Footage from Start of World War One in 1914

Via Telegraph UK:

Early cinema newsreel from 1914 captures the outbreak of World War One in Europe.

From the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914 to Britain’s declaration of war on Germany in August of that year, the Telegraph looks the momentous events which defined the The Great War.

An intricate web of alliances began to crumble as nationalist and imperialist rhetoric reached fever-pitch well before 1914.

The Great Powers responded by mobilising their entire populations for a period of total war.
And ICYMI, from last Monday, "100 Years Ago Today: Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia."

Bwahaha! CAIR, Unindicted Co-Conspirator, Wants 'Bomb Gaza' Games Pulled from Google App Store

CAIR, the unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas funding case, has its panties in a wad.

Via Blazing Cat Fur, "There really is no fun in Islam: CAIR Calls for Removal of 'Bomb Gaza' Games from Google's App Store."

Bomb Hamas photo whackthehamas_zps6038c7b4.jpg

Europe: More Scenes from Worst Episodes of Anti-Semitic Violence Since the 1930s

At Blazing Cat Fur (linking to the Investigative Project), "In Europe, They Call For Death to Jews. Again":

Since the beginning of the latest clash between Israel and Hamas on July 8, European Muslim groups (and some European leftists) have engaged in violent protests aimed not only in supporting Palestine (or, as in the case of a demonstration in The Hague, supporting ISIS), but in calling for the destruction of the Jews. "Slash their throats," Muslims chanted in a July 26 pro-Palestine event in Paris. "Death to the Jews." In The Hague, a group of mostly Dutch-born youths of Moroccan background repeated the now-familiar refrain: "Hamas, Hamas, all Jews to the Gas," along with new ones: "Itbah ya Yahud" ("slaughter the Jews") and "Khaybar Khaybar ya-Yahud."

The outcome: over 130 incidents of anti-Semitism, some violent, reported in the UK during the month of July alone – the second highest number on record; in the Netherlands, where increasing numbers of Jews are leaving, the normal average of three reports of anti-Semitism per week has skyrocketed to more than 70; and the number of French Jews moving to Israel is approaching a record high. Jews are being attacked in the streets, synagogues burned, Jewish homes firebombed.

But what European officials conveniently overlook is that this hatred didn't happen overnight. It didn't simply emerge when the first shot was fired against the rockets being slammed against Israel from the Gaza Strip, or when Jewish extremists, in retaliation for the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli boys, kidnapped and killed a young Palestinian. The recent events in Israel-Gaza have formed only an excuse, an opportunity to release the venom that has been coursing through their veins for years, perhaps their entire lives. And Europe – its teachers, its governments, its neighborhood associations, its libraries – has done absolutely nothing at all to change that reality...

VIDEO: One Killed in Tractor Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem

At Agemeiner, "One Killed in Tractor Terror Attack in Jerusalem, Rogue Driver Shot Dead."

And at Gateway Pundit, "BREAKING: TERROR ATTACK IN JERUSALEM – Bus Flipped By Suicide Terrorist in Tractor (VIDEO)."

Newsweek: Why Jews Are Fleeing Europe

Well, we know why they're fleeing. To me it's just interesting that Newsweek put the story on its cover. The piece has a huge leftist slant, and it's much too light on the leftist causes of contemporary anti-Jewish racism, but good for them. People need to be talking about this. A new Shoah is on the horizon. It needs to be stopped.

See, "Exodus: Why Europe's Jews Are Fleeing Once Again."

Jewish Exodus from Europe photo 4b19d367d1f20be73b4eceeb427a6312e82432213f22bc2d652d79cd3acc29ca_large_zps349a7ae9.jpg

'Cassandra Rules' Tweets Racist Slur Against Pro-Israel Demonstrator: 'Zionist piece of shit...'

Robert Stacy McCain went around with some trolls yesterday, and summed things up:

But Bossy Cracker gave me the heads up on "Cassandra," who's been tweeting (and deleting) me all weekend.

Here's a tweet "Cassandra" sent earlier, still up as of 8:50pm Sunday night:

Here's the vile racist tweet, "Zionist piece of shit...":

Easy to see why Repsac3's been reaching out to her:

Sunday, August 3, 2014

VIDEO: Hamas Solidarity Protesters Violently Harass Pro-Israel Couple at #ANSWERLA Demonstration

Fouse Squawk has lots of coverage.

See: "Pro-Palestinian Protest in Los Angeles UGLY," and "Video of Sunday's Pro-Palestinian Protest in LA."

Here's the profane, violent threatening abuse the communists and Hamas solidarity protesters heap on Israel supporters:

More, "Some Thoughts on Sunday's Pro-Palestinian Rally in L.A":
As expected yesterday's pro-Palestinian rally at the Los Angeles Federal Building was short on logic, long on mindless chants, and long on loud intimidation of opposing voices. The first indication of that came when a lone man carrying a sign that insulted the Prophet Mohammad was swarmed by screaming people who got in his face, screamed insults at him and took away the sign. The second incident was when Steve Goldberg, head of the Zionist Organization of America, and a lady appeared on the scene with an Israeli flag. Once again, they were swarmed by people screaming obscenities at them as they attempted to make their way across Wilshire Blvd where a few dozen pro-Israel folks had gathered.

On both occasions, while filming these incidents, I tried unsuccessfully to get the attention of LASD, LAPD and the Protective Services Security to alert them that violent situations were brewing. I was unsuccessful. The cops at that point were basically acting like potted plants. Most of them were trying to be unobtrusive in a parking lot across the street standing behind a hedge. In the first case it took an event organizer with a bullhorn who eventually told the crowd to leave the man with the sign alone and get back. Only then did Sheriff's deputies arrive to guard the man. In the case of Goldberg, it was only when he crossed Wilshire Blvd that deputies arrived to escort him across the street. Only then did deputies and police start doing their job protecting the Israel supporters from what was a screaming mob. Even then they did not keep the groups separate. Individual Palestinian supporters continued to cross the street to hurl insults at the few dozen Israeli supporters.  At one point, a young man was shouting, "Long live Hamas. Long live Jihad. Long live Hizbollah" in the faces of the pro-Israel supporters. I was less than 10 feet way and saw and heard it clearly...

PREVIOUSLY: "Communists, Hamas Solidarity Protesters Demand Israel's Extermination in Los Angeles — #ANSWERLA."

Hamas Tweets Photo Collage of Dead Israeli Soldiers

The protesters yesterday are down --- no, allied --- with this kind of terrorist evil.

At Gateway Pundit, "BARBARIC! Hamas Posts Dead Jew Collage on Twitter."

Hamas Tweet photo hamas-death-tweet_zps7876eff3.jpg

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

 photo Not_a-Lame_Duck_zps5b038d2f.jpg

More at Randy's Roundtable, "Friday Nite Funnies (early edition)," and at Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

Also at Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Crash of Civilization."

And at Theo Spark's, "Pic Dump..."

CARTOON CREDIT: William Warren.