Saturday, August 29, 2015

Arrests Made as Death Toll Rises in Migrant Truck Trafficking Atrocity (VIDEO)

At the Wall Street Journal, "Four Arrested in Hungary Over Migrant Truck Deaths":

Hungarian police said Friday they arrested four men in connection with the scores of migrants found dead Thursday in a truck in Austria, a discovery that deepened the debate across Europe about how to accommodate or stem the biggest inflow of migrants in its post-War history.

The men, three Bulgarians and one Afghan, are suspected of being part of a clandestine migrant smuggling network, the Hungarian police said.

Austrian police said earlier Friday that the bodies of 71 migrants had been removed from an abandoned delivery truck on a highway some 20 miles from the Austrian-Hungarian border. The migrants were thought to have suffocated or died of thirst, the police said.

The gruesome discovery in the heart of the continent shocked European Union countries, which have struggled to address the crisis sparked by the arrival of hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East, Africa and the western Balkans since the start of 2014.

As they scramble to house and process the newcomers, national governments, often under pressure from hostile or fearful electorates, have also sought to stem the influx, beefing up border controls and debating cuts to the handouts some argue have acted as a magnet for economic migrants with unfounded asylum claims.

An EU initiative to distribute migrants, now concentrated in a handful of countries, more broadly across the region has faced stiff resistance in several key countries.

The bodies of 59 men, eight women and four children were discovered in the refrigerator truck on Thursday, Austrian regional police chief Hans Peter Doskozil told a news conference Friday. Based on travel documents found in the truck, the police assume that most of the victims were refugees from Syria.

Police and forensic medical examiners in Vienna are working to ascertain the migrants’ identities, as well as the time and cause of their deaths. Investigators believe the migrants had been dead for at least one-and-a-half to two days when they were discovered.

The highway where the truck was discovered is one of the main migration routes from eastern to western Europe, Austrian police said Thursday.

Many migrants are now traveling from Turkey to Greece and then across the Balkans to Hungary, a course considered less risky than the often deadly sea route across the Mediterranean.

Around 3,000 people a day are currently being moved through the Balkans, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates. The route has been used by roughly 10 times as many migrants so far this year as over the same period in 2014, according to the EU border agency Frontex.

Smuggling has become a lucrative business for criminal rings in Europe as more migrants have converged on the continent and tougher controls at the EU’s borders have made it more difficult to enter the region without outside help. The Austrian police estimate migrants pay between €3,000 ($3,370) and €5,000 for the trip from Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq.

Prosecutors in Italy, which has faced a large inflow of migrants coming by sea, say one of the main challenges is catching the masterminds behind smuggling rings—small groups that operate through a web of contacts mainly in Europe, Libya, Turkey and the countries of origin of the migrants and refugees...
Earlier, "Up to 50 Migrants Found Dead in Refrigerator Truck in Austria (VIDEO)."

Lindhurst High School Students Walk Out to Protest Lack of Air Conditioning

This is way up north in Olivehurst, just south of Yuba City, a mile or two east of Highway 99. It's freakin' boiling up there in the summer.


At CBS News 13 Sacramento:

Western Balkan Exodus Puts Pressure on Germany and European Union

They won't be allowed to stay.

At Der Spiegel, "Mass Migration: What Is Driving the Balkan Exodus?":
More than a third of all asylum-seekers arriving in Germany come from Albania, Kosovo and Serbia. Young, poor and disillusioned with their home countries, they are searching for a better future. But almost none of them will be allowed to stay.
Western Balkan Exodus photo image-887054-breitwandaufmacher-rorc_zpsinmrpcmp.jpg
When Visar Krasniqi reached Berlin and saw the famous image on Bernauer Strasse -- the one of the soldier jumping over barbed wire into the West -- he knew he had arrived. He had entered a different world, one that he wanted to become a part of. What he didn't yet know was that his dream would come to an end 11 months later, on Oct. 5, 2015. By then, he has to leave, as stipulated in the temporary residence permit he received.

Krasniqi is not a war refugee, nor was he persecuted back home. In fact, he has nothing to fear in his native Kosovo. He says that he ran away from something he considers to be even worse than rockets and Kalashnikovs: hopelessness. Before he left, he promised his sick mother in Pristina that he would become an architect, and he promised his fiancée that they would have a good life together. "I'm a nobody where I come from, but I want to be somebody."

But it is difficult to be somebody in Kosovo, unless you have influence or are part of the mafia, which is often the same thing. Taken together, the wealth of all parliamentarians in Kosovo is such that each of them could be a millionaire. But Krasniqi works seven days a week as a bartender, and earns just €200 ($220) a month.

But a lack of prospects is not a recognized reason for asylum, which is why Krasniqi's application was initially denied. The 30,000 Kosovars who have applied for asylum in Germany since the beginning of the year are in similar positions. And the Kosovars are not the only ones. This year, the country has seen the arrival of 5,514 Macedonians, 11,642 Serbians, 29,353 Albanians and 2,425 Montenegrins. Of the 196,000 people who had filed an initial application for asylum in Germany by the end of July, 42 percent are from the former Yugoslavia, a region now known as the Western Balkans.

The exodus shows the wounds of the Balkan wars have not yet healed. Slovenia and Croatia are now members of the European Union, but Kosovo, which split from Serbia and became prematurely independent in 2008, carves out a pariah existence. Serbia is heavily burdened with the unresolved Kosovo question. The political system in Bosnia-Hercegovina is on the brink of collapse, 20 years after the end of the war there. And Macedonia, long the post-Yugoslavia model nation, has spent two decades in the waiting rooms of the EU and NATO, thanks to Greek pressure in response to a dispute over the country's name. The consequences are many: a lack of investment, failing social welfare systems, corruption, organized crime, high unemployment, poverty, frustration and rage...
Keep reading.

Vin Scully to Return for 67th Season as Dodgers' Announcer


He's getting up there too, at about 87 years.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Dodgers' Vin Scully to return in 2016."

Depraved Democrats Rally Around Grandma Hillary

At Politico, "Democratic elite rally around Hillary Clinton":

MINNEAPOLIS — Hillary Clinton delivered a show of force on Friday meant to make one thing abundantly clear to Democratic leaders, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden: She is the boss.

Coming off two weeks of breathless speculation about the vice president’s ambitions, Clinton now looks like she’s nearly locked up the support of party elites, something she critically failed to accomplish in 2008.

A phalanx of Clinton’s top aides — including campaign manager Robby Mook, political director Amanda Renteria, and top organizing official Marlon Marshall — worked party influencers at the Democrats’ candidate cattle-call here and at a private happy hour at the W Hotel bar on Thursday night, while trying to calm those with questions about the email controversy. Clinton too met with supporters privately on Thursday night.

And party officials gathered in the hotel’s hallways, conference rooms, and suites responded, delivering a level of enthusiasm for their wounded front-runner that demonstrated to would-be challengers how little space they have to pursue the Democratic establishment...

Plus, at U.S. News, "Clinton Delights in 'Party of Trump'."

Jesus Gutierrez-Guzman, Cousin of Cartel Leader 'El Chapo', Sentenced in New Hampshire

Watch, at WMUR News 9 Manchester, "Court gives cousin of 'El Chapo' 16 years in federal prison."

RELATED: At the Guardian UK, "El Chapo's escape was spurred by concern over extradition, lawyer says."

Also, at the New Yorker, "How El Chapo Builds His Tunnels."

Israeli Doctor Fired from Medical Association Ethics Committee for Calling Homosexuals 'Sick in Their Body and Soul...'

It's Dr. Sudi Namir.

At Arutz Sheva, "Israeli Doctor Fired for 'Anti-Gay' Remarks: No Regrets."

Well, they are "sick in their body and soul," but you're not allowed to say stuff like that any more.

Good on Dr. Namir.

One America News Network Website Crashes in Advance of Donald Trump Interview

Donald Trump is no "flash in the pan," a fact that media types from the political establishment are grudgingly beginning to accept.

At Variety, "Website Crashes for Tiny TV Network in Advance of Its Donald Trump Interview."

And from yesterday, "Tomi Lahren Out at One America News Network."

Benghazi Witness: U.S. Provided Arms to Jihadists Who Killed Americans in 9/11 Attack

At Pamela's:
More Obama.

The only thing more monstrous is the media’s complicity in these treasonous acts — covering up for Obama (thankyouverymuch, Candy Crowley) and insuring his re-election not two months after his betrayal of America in Benghazi...
Keep reading.

Benghazi's not going away, because the email scandal's not going away. Grandma Clinton's scheduled to testify before Trey Gowdy's House committee in October.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Prince George's County Police Officer Shows Off His Jump-Rope Skills at Community Day (VIDEO)


This is pretty cool.

At WTTG-TV News 5 DC, "VIDEO: Police officer shows off jump rope skills at community day."

Plus, on YouTube, "VIDEO - Police Officer Shows Off Jump Rope Skills at Community Day - Maryland."

The dude's definitely got skills.

Martin O'Malley Rails at DNC for 'Rigged' Debate Schedule, Gets Evil Death Stare from Debbie Wasserman Schultz

This is freakin' hilarious!

At the Hill, "WATCH: DNC chair gives Martin O’Malley death stare after scathing speech."

And at WSJ, "Martin O’Malley Tells Democrats the Debates Are ‘Rigged’."

The Inoffensive Everyday Phrases Used by Reporter Alison Parker That Earned Her a Death Sentence Because Flanagan Deemed Them 'Racist'

The murderer Vester Lee Flanagan was a hypersensitive piece of shit.

From London's Daily Mail, via Blazing Cat Fur:
The report, seen by the New York Post, that was written by news editor Greg Baldwin read: ‘One was something Ward-Parker[1]about ‘swinging’ by some place; the other was out in the ‘field’.’

…’We would say stuff like, “The reporter’s out in the field.” And he would look at us and say, “What are you saying, cotton fields? That’s racist”.’

And someone once brought a watermelon to the office, the horror. This guy was nutty as hell and the race-hysterics gave him a focus for his paranoia. Remember when they tried to blame Sarah Palin for the Gabby Giffords shooting, based on nothing at all? So why aren’t we pinning these murders on Sharpton or, better yet, Barry?

Tomi Lahren Out at One America News Network

This is weird.

She just got national exposure and within weeks she got the ax?

Here's Ms. Lahren on Twitter, "I’ve completed my last show at OANN, and I am profoundly grateful for their support over the last year. Something new is coming...#TeamTomi."

Perhaps her firing has something to do with Sarah Palin's hiring. Indeed, Ms. Palin "filled in" for Ms. Lahren last week? Here, "I look up to @SarahPalinUSA & flattered to have her fill my shoes this week. I'm proud of the show I built #TeamTomi."

ADDED: At the Inquisitor, "Is Internet Sensation Tomi Lahren Joining Fox News?"

Defense Secretary Ash Carter Visits Camp Pendleton

Turns out he visited to observe amphibious landing exercises.

I'd be worried if he was looking to downsize the Marine base.

At the O.C. Register, "Defense secretary flies into JWA, visits Camp Pendleton to observe amphibious landing exercises":

CAMP PENDLETON – Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter visited Camp Pendleton on Thursday to observe an amphibious landing exercise and meet with sailors and Marines.

The exercise allowed the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force to showcase its crisis response capabilities, according to Camp Pendleton officials.

Marines worked with sailors to secure a beach area during an amphibious landing exercise.

The demonstration emphasized the need to upgrade the Marine’s Amphibious Assault Vehicle fleet while developing the Amphibious Combat Vehicle, Camp Pendleton officials said.

The Amphibious Combat Vehicle offers greater mobility in tough terrain, increased protection against improvised explosive devices, along with reduced fuel consumption and maintenance...

Hungary Accused of Treating Refugees Inhumanely as Migration Crisis Worsens

Oh man, this is just awful.

At the Telegraph UK, "Refugees left to bake in the heat for hours without food, shelter or medical aid on Hungary's border with Serbia."

Ronda Rousey Hot Carl's Jr. Cinnamon Swirl French Toast Breakfast Sandwich Commercial (VIDEO)

At Ad Week, "Step Aside, Waifs. Ronda Rousey Is Carl's Jr.'s Newest Sandwich-Devouring Ad Star."

And watch, "Carl's Jr. - Ronda Rousey Cinnamon Swirl French Toast Breakfast Sandwich Commercial."

Prep School Rape Trial: Suspect Owen Labrie Found Guilty on Lesser Charges of Misdemeanor Sexual Assault (VIDEO)

Watch, at ABC News, "Owen Labrie Found Not Guilty of Felony Sexual Assault."

Also at the Boston Globe, "Labrie acquitted of felony rape in St. Paul’s School trial."

The dude was convicted on lesser charges. At the Boston Herald, "Former student at elite prep school convicted of sex charges":

CONCORD, N.H. — A graduate of an exclusive New England prep school was cleared of rape but convicted Friday of lesser sex offenses against a 15-year-old freshman girl in a case that exposed a tradition in which seniors competed to see how many younger students they could have sex with.

A jury of nine men and three women took eight hours to reach its verdict in the case against Owen Labrie, who was accused of forcing himself on the girl in a dark and noisy mechanical room at St. Paul's School in Concord two days before he graduated in 2014.

Labrie, who was bound for Harvard and planned to take divinity classes before his arrest put everything on hold, could get as much as 11 years in prison at sentencing Oct. 29. The 19-year-old from Tunbridge, Vermont, will also have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

He wept upon hearing the verdict, and then, as his lawyers conferred with the judge, sat alone at the defense table, shaking his head slightly and looking up at the ceiling. His mother sobbed. His accuser appeared stoic and huddled with members of her family in the courtroom.

"Owen's future is forever changed," defense attorney J.W. Carney said, adding that the sex convictions will be like "a brand, a tattoo" that he will bear for life.

The scandal cast a harsh light on the 159-year-old boarding school that has long been a training ground for America's elite. Its alumni include Secretary of State John Kerry, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, "Doonesbury" creator Garry Trudeau, at least 13 U.S. ambassadors, three Pulitzer Prize winners, and sons of the Astor and Kennedy families. Students pay $53,810 a year in tuition, room and board.

Prosecutors said the rape was part of Senior Salute, which Labrie described to detectives as a competition in which graduating seniors tried to have sex with underclassmen and kept score on a wall behind a set of washing machines.

The young man was acquitted of the most serious charges against him — three counts of felony rape, each punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison. But he was found guilty of three counts of misdemeanor sexual assault, using a computer to lure a minor for sex, and child endangerment.

Essentially, the jury by its verdicts signaled it didn't believe Labrie's assertion that there was no intercourse, but it also didn't believe the girl's contention that it was against her will. In the end, it found Labrie guilty of having sex with an underage girl.

The girl is "leaving with her head held high," said Laura Dunn, a spokeswoman for the teenager and her family. "It was a step in the right direction.

But the girl's family lashed out at the prep school, saying in a statement: "We still feel betrayed that St. Paul's School allowed and fostered a toxic culture that left our daughter and other students at risk to sexual violence. We trusted the school to protect her and it failed us."

St. Paul's rector Michael G. Hirschfeld commended "the remarkable moral courage and strength demonstrated by the young woman who has suffered through this nightmare," and said the prep school is committed to teaching its students to act honorably.

Labrie was allowed to remain free on $15,000 bail while he awaits sentencing...
More at that top link.

And here's the coverage at WMUR News 9 Manchester:

* "Raw video: Verdicts read in Owen Labrie trial."

* "Raw video: Prosecutors react to Labrie verdict."

* "Raw video: Victim's family attorney reacts to Owen Labrie verdict."

* "Raw video: County attorney reacts to Owen Labrie verdict."

* "Raw video: Attorney for victim's family reacts to Owen Labrie verdict."

Meet the Americans Flocking to Iraq and Syria to Fight the Islamic State

From Adam Rawnsley, at Foreign Policy, "A motley crew of Texans, Iraq War veterans, evangelicals, and bored young men are battling to take down the caliphate":

When a U.S. citizen going by the name “Abu Abdullah al-Amriki” blew himself up in a suicide attack in Baiji, Iraq, this month, he was the most recent example of a troubling trend: the roughly 200 Americans who have traveled or attempted to travel to Iraq and Syria to fight for the Islamic State.

Not all of the foreigners have left for the region looking to fight for the Islamic State, however. Instead, growing numbers of Americans are heading there to fight against the extremists. The American fighters — mostly military veterans, with a strangely disproportionate share of Texans — are linking up with Kurdish groups and Christian militias in the region to battle the Islamic State militants who currently control broad swaths of Iraq and Afghanistan. A new report by the investigative website Bellingcat, released Wednesday, takes the first systematic look at these “other foreign fighters.”

The report finds that at least 108 Americans — including one woman — have made the journey to Iraq and Syria to take on the Islamic State, highlighting the global nature of the conflict and the relative ease of recruitment and travel to the battlefield. It’s a dangerous undertaking, and one American has already been killed in the fighting. Massachusetts resident Keith Broomfield, 36, died while fighting with a Kurdish militia in Syria earlier this year. Broomfield, who had no military experience, traveled to the war zone after a Christian religious awakening.

Nathan Patin, the author of the Bellingcat report, combed through social media posts and news accounts to compile the database. Although Patin was able to find information on the fighters using open sources, the report withholds the identities of those fighters who haven’t gone public in prior news accounts and does not include personally identifying information or information that could lead to their location on the battlefield, out of concern for their safety and that of their families.

The relative online openness of the Americans offers insights into their backgrounds and motivations for wanting to leave behind their daily lives in the United States and participate in wars far away that seemingly have little to do with them. Based on the biographical details offered, the Americans Patin found were almost all male, tended to be in their 20s and 30s, and stayed on the battlefield mostly between one and four months. Around two-thirds describe themselves as veterans, drawn primarily from the Army and Marine Corps. Texas, even accounting for its larger population, produced a disproportionate number of volunteers relative to any other identifiable home state.

In a statement, the FBI declined to say whether it was legal to travel abroad to fight the Islamic State. Still, the agency told Foreign Policy that there “are laws beyond material support charges that may apply to the actions of U.S. citizens in a foreign country,” a reference to statutes banning Americans from providing funding or other assistance to banned militant groups. The State Department also discourages Americans from traveling to the region in general, much less fighting there.

Discerning the motivations for wanting to take up arms against the Islamic State on a freelance basis was more difficult. Humans tend to be unreliable narrators of their own psychology, and assessing motivations from fragments of social media and news accounts offer only an imperfect view.

Based on social media posts and news interviews with the subjects, outrage at the Islamic State’s atrocities was among the most frequently expressed motivation for volunteering. Other factors included solidarity for Christian victims, nostalgia for the camaraderie of prior military service, and even sheer boredom.

Patrick Maxwell, who traveled to Iraq to fight with the Kurdish Peshmerga, is representative of many of the fighters in Patin’s report. A Texan and a veteran of the Marine Corps who served in Iraq, Maxwell has said his service there sparked a desire to return to Iraq and join the fight against the Islamic State.

“I may not be enlisted anymore, but I’m still a warrior,” Maxwell told the New York Times. “I figured if I could walk away from here and kill as many of the bad guys as I could, that would be a good thing.”
Still more.

The Obama administration will probably go harder after Americans fight Islamic State than it will against the actual jihadists.

Andy Parker, Father of Murdered Journalist Alison Parker, Pushes for New Gun Control After Virginia Shooting (VIDEO)

The man's been speaking out for new gun control laws since the murders.

This is from yesterday, at Mother Jones, "Watch the Grieving Father of the Slain Virginia Reporter Make an Emotional Plea for Gun Control."

And he gave an emotional press conference today, at WRIC News 8 Richmond, "Father of Alison Parker speaks to media Friday."

And watch, at CNN, "Slain journalist's father: Alison was a force of nature."

Democrats Freak Out as Donald Trump Campaign Puts Illegal Immigration at Top of Policy Agenda (VIDEO)

Priorities USA, Hillary Clinton's political action committee, is out with a new ad slamming Donald Trump and the GOP as racist on immigration, "This is the Republican Party."

(And at Big Government, "Dem Ad Attacks Trump, Bush, Walker In Spanish on Immigration.")

Obviously, though, the Democrats are shitting bricks now that Donald Trump has made illegal immigration, and Democrat Party murderous open-border sanctuary policies, the top policy concern of Americans.

At the Los Angeles Times, "How Donald Trump turned the immigration debate from reform to 'anchor babies'":

Priorities USA Attack Ad photo trump_clinton_ad_psg_zps2ysfeskl.jpg
At a recent anti-immigrant rally in the Inland Empire, where activists stood on a street corner chanting, “Help America, not illegals,” several sported the same white T-shirt. On it, in large blue letters, was a name: “Trump.”

This has been a satisfying summer for those who favor stricter immigration enforcement, thanks in no small part to Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

Less than a year ago, activists watched angrily as President Obama took sweeping executive action to shield millions of people in the country without legal status from deportation. But in a few short months, Trump has helped flip the national dialogue and given rise to a new surge of calls to ramp up deportations and wall off the Mexican border.

In Trump, anti-immigrant activists have found a brash and unapologetic celebrity spokesman – one whose impenitence was on display Tuesday when he tangled over immigration with Univision anchor Jorge Ramos after briefly kicking him out of a news conference.

Trump’s outrage over crimes committed by immigrants in the country illegally has spurred congressional assaults on “sanctuary city” policies. His proposal to end citizenship for children born to immigrants without legal status has forced more-moderate Republican presidential candidates to the right, with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and others using the controversial phrase “anchor babies.”

“It’s a good time for us,” said longtime anti-immigrant activist Robin Hvidston, whose group, We the People Rising, helped organize the rally in Ontario over the weekend. “Donald Trump has brought these issues to the front burner. Does it feel like public opinion is shifting? I’d say yes.”

A certain whiplash has come to define the immigration debate in recent years in the absence of a comprehensive fix to a system that all sides say is broken. Fierce battles play out episodically in Washington and at the state and local level, with activists on both sides trading defeats and victories.

Now the divisive issue is once again at the forefront of the presidential campaign — a fate Republican Party leaders hoped to avoid after 2012, when they ascribed their White House loss in part to their failure to win over large numbers of Latinos.

Recently, it seemed the immigration debate had swung in favor of immigrant advocates. Polls show a large majority of Americans support a path to citizenship, and advocates have won important victories at the local level, with driver’s licenses, healthcare and financial aid at public universities now available to immigrants without legal status in some states...
Keep reading.