Friday, May 27, 2016

Leftist Animals! Punches Thrown During Protest at #DonaldTrump Rally in San Diego (VIDEO)

Via ABC News 10 San Diego:

Why the President Needs to Be White, Male, and Republican

From Glenn Reynolds, at USA Today, "Media watchdogs snoozed while Obama expanded executive power. They'll wake up and bite when it's Trump":
The press has done a lousy job of protecting American freedoms in recent years. But I have a modest proposal for improving press performance: Elect a white male Republican.

When Bill Clinton was inaugurated as president, actor Ron Silver, then a Democrat, was there. And when fighter jets flew over the Lincoln Memorial, he was reportedly at first upset at the military symbolism, but then reminded himself that since Democrat Clinton was being sworn in, ”those are our planes now.”

We’re seeing something of a reverse-version of this phenomenon as large swathes of the commentariat realize that we might wind up with a President Trump. Suddenly, sweeping executive power (fine with many under President Obama) is being portrayed as a possible threat to the republic. Which, to be fair, it is. But only now do they care.

At National Review, Charles C.W. Cooke poses this question to folks on the left: “Has Donald Trump’s remarkable rise done anything to change your mind as to the ideal strength of the state?”

A sensible view is that we might not want the government as a whole, and the president in particular, to possess more power in general than we would be willing to allow when our political enemies were in power. Because experience demonstrates that, just as for Ron Silver “their planes” became “our planes” when the White House changed hands, so too “our president” becomes “their president” when it changes in the other direction.

But while that view might be sensible, it doesn’t seem especially common. Though a few people are evenhanded on executive power — law professor John Yoo, for example, who supported sweeping antiterror policies under both President Bush and President Obama — most seem to regard stretched authority as necessary and proper when a president of their party does it, and as an imperial presidency when the other party does.

Here’s a hint: It’s the imperial presidency pretty much all the time.

But it’s nice to see the prospect of a Trump administration reminding folks on the left of this, particularly as the journalist and pundit classes are dominated by lefties. It’s terrible, we’re told, that Trump is issuing veiled threats to journalists — though Obama joked about auditing his enemies, seized journalist phone records and threatened a journalist who refused to reveal sources with imprisonment. Trump would be a warmonger, we’re told, although in fact Barack Obama has been at war longer than any other U.S. president, if without any particular success. Trump would arrogantly ride roughshod over any opposition, though Barack Obama famously used “I won” as an excuse to ignore opponents and bragged that he had a “pen (and) a phone” to bypass congressional disagreement. (And he’s used them a lot.)

Many of the journalists and pundits who see Trump as the next imperial president were silent over these Obama actions. Like Ron Silver with his fighter jets, they saw Obama’s envelope-pushing as fine because it was by their own president...
Keep reading.

A lot of my students this semester wrote their papers on President Obama's DAPA (Deferred Action on Parents of Americans) program, in which the White House issued executive orders granting work permits and preventing deportations for at least 4 million undocumented migrants. The case is before the Supreme Court, which is tied 4-4 and likely to uphold the lower court's ruling against the administration (striking down the unilateral executive amnesty). Students to the one supported DAPA and wanted the high court to sustain Obama's executive actions. None of them considered what might happen if the shoe was on the other foot, if a President Trump had the same unchecked executive power on U.S. immigration policy. In theory, a President Trump could use those same sweeping executive powers to reverse Obama's DAPA (and DACA, Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals) and begin rounding up illegal aliens for deportation. Students looked positively glum when I posed that possibility to them. But no one said they didn't want Obama to have those powers. American politics is completely tribalized, all the way down to the low-information (non-voting) students at community college.

Amber Heard Accuses Johnny Depp of Domestic Violence: Hollywood Turns Blind Eye to Abuse

Well, I thought it was just a regular falling out, perhaps too much shotgun to the wedding.

But it appears there's more to it, a lot more. Bruisingly more, in fact.

At People Magazine, via Memeorandum, "Amber Heard Accuses Johnny Depp of Domestic Violence with Graphic Photo of Bruise."

And more, at the Daily Beast, "Amber Heard Says Johnny Depp Beat Her. It Will Ruin His Career. Just Kidding!":
When you Google the term “actors charged with domestic abuse”—as I did following the TMZ report that actress Amber Heard is seeking a restraining order against Johnny Depp, whom she filed for divorce from after one year of marriage this week—you are greeted with a slideshow of 80 celebrities who have been charged with the crime.


Ten times the number of people who attended my last birthday party.

Half the people who will attend my sister’s wedding.


The number of those celebrities for whom those charges negatively affected their careers? Roughly, zero.

This most casual jaunt of investigative reporting—literally just a Google search—was spawned by TMZ’s scandalous headline reporting that Heard arrived at court Friday for divorce proceedings alleging that Depp physically assaulted her during their short marriage. According to TMZ, she arrived with photographic evidence of bruises she says Depp inflicted. As the celebrity news site writes, “Three days after Depp’s mom died, Amber filed for divorce. And one week after his mom died, she’s claiming domestic violence.”

It’s important to note, I guess, that these are allegations. As we always do, we will wonder whether this is a victimizing cash-grab ploy by the woman. The celebrity couple did not have a prenup and Heard is seeking spousal report, which Depp is asking the judge to reject. Depp is reportedly worth $400 million.

It is also important to note how Hollywood reacts to male celebrities when there are allegations of domestic violence, which is not at all...
Keep reading.

And no prenuptial? What's up with that?

Perhaps Edward Scissorhands thought he was really in a storybook wedding?

Deal of the Day: Camp Chef OS-144 Indoor/Outdoor Movie Screen

This is pretty cool.

At Amazon, Camp Chef OS-144 Indoor/Outdoor Movie Screen.

Also, Sunbeam Renue Tension Relief Heating Pad, Brown.

BONUS: From John Dower, Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II.

Bernie Sanders Names Hateful Leftist Cornel West on Democratic Platform Committee

Bernie Sanders named Cornel West to the DNC's Platform Committee, among many radical others.

Dr. West is particularly loathsome pick, though, considering his execrable leftist Jew-hating and Israel-bashing. UCLA Professor Judea Pearl excoriated Dr. West for becoming "a leading propagandist for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement."

Here's the background from Jonathan Chait, at the New Yorker, "Why Did Bernie Sanders Put an Obama-Hater on the Democratic Platform Committee?"

Plus, David Horowitz has a chapter outing Dr. West's radical left-wing hatred in his recent book, Radicals: Portraits of a Destructive Passion.

David Horowitz photo 13241325_10209934408779836_8932025620127033888_n_zpsex5x2wnp.jpg

Good Riddance to

From Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "THE FALL OF SALON.COM."

And from the Politico piece linked there:

Over the last several months, POLITICO has interviewed more than two dozen current and former Salon employees and reviewed years of Salon’s SEC filings. On Monday, after POLITICO had made several unsuccessful attempts to interview Salon CEO Cindy Jeffers, the company dropped a bombshell: Jeffers was leaving the company effective immediately in what was described as an “abrupt departure.”

While the details of Salon’s enormous management and business challenges dominate the internal discussion at the magazine, in liberal intellectual and media circles it is widely believed that the site has lost its way.

“I remember during the Bush years reading them relatively religiously,” Neera Tanden, the president of the Center for American Progress, told POLITICO. “Especially over the last year, they seem to have completely jumped the shark in so many ways. They’ve become — and I think this is sad — they’ve definitely become like a joke, which is terrible for people who care about these progressive institutions.”

So, what happened?
Well, they fully and unabashedly embraced their genuine inner leftism. The freakazoid Id of progressivism is what you see, and that's actually the true face of radical progressivism that's infected our politics. It's a pandemic disease and should be eradicated.

I mean when shrieking psycho-harpy Joan Walsh jumps ship for the Stalin-apologists at Katrina vanden Heuval's The Nation, you know Salon's really circling the drain.

But keep reading.

More Eagerly Anticipated Jackie Johnson Fitness Workout Footage!

She's so incredible.

What a lady.

Watch, at CBS News 2, "Fit Tips on 2: Workouts that can help you get a better night's sleep. Jackie Johnson reports."

PREVIOUSLY: "Here's That Jackie Johnson Fitness Stretching Video You Were All Eagerly Awaiting!"

Buzzy Cohen Taunts Alex Trebek on 'Jeopardy' (VIDEO)

This is hilarious.

I literally LOLed when CNN shows Alex Trebek and the "SNL" clip with Will Ferrell and Darrell Hammond (as Sean Connery), "Suck it Trebek!"

Watch, "Buzzy Cohen has an eight-game winning streak going on "Jeopardy!" But his celebrations and taunts to host Alex Trebek have drawn a mixed reaction on the internet."

Kelly Rohrbach Spotted on Baywatch Set

At TMZ, "Kelly Rohrbach is spotted with her top off on Baywatch set."

Hat Tip: Egotastic!, "Kelly Rohrbach Chesty Bikini Photoshoot (And A Link to Her Caught With No Top On)."

We Owe So Much, to So Many, on Memorial Day

From Salena Zito, at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, "Unquestionable courage & sacrifice":


The perfect symmetry of alabaster headstones, majestically holding formation along this national cemetery's pastoral hills, reminds you that our soldiers are sentinels guarding our republic, even in death.

On a sunny spring day, a lone figure held a tiny flag blowing vigorously in the wind as he knelt before a headstone. He held a conversation with a lost service member, perhaps a son or daughter, alternating between amusement and grief.

Taps played from off in the distance.

Only the heartless could fail to be touched by the raw emotion of that moment or by the somber presence of all of these soldiers who died serving our nation through the ages.

Tomorrow is the day that we as a country honor Americans who put their lives and their loves on hold, stepped forward to say “Send me, I will go,” and never came back.

Memorial Day began as Decoration Day immediately following the Civil War to give tribute to the 620,000 soldiers who died in that carnage, according to historian David Pietrusza.

“The ceremonies to mourn the dead on both sides subtly reminded Americans that such a division must never recur,” he said.

Today it honors all fallen American soldiers who risked everything to protect our homeland, our values, our Constitution...

Katie Couric Under Fire for Deceptive Editing of 'Under the Gun' (VIDEO)


Even far-left NPR is doggin' idiot leftist Katie Couric.

See, "Manipulative Editing Reflects Poorly On Katie Couric, Gun Documentary."

And watch, at Reason TV, "Katie Couric Responds to Deceptive Editing Charges in Gun Documentary."

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Amber Lee's Memorial Weekend Forecast

She's so sweet.

Via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Tools and Home Improvement for Father's Day

At Amazon, Father's Day 2016 - Tools & Home Improvement.

BONUS: Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan.

Donald Trump Supporter Peter Thiel Reveals Secret War with Gawker

My god I love this story!

At NYT, "Peter Thiel, Tech Billionaire, Reveals Secret War With Gawker":

A billionaire Silicon Valley entrepreneur was outed as being gay by a media organization. His friends suffered at the hands of the same gossip site. Nearly a decade later, the entrepreneur secretly financed a lawsuit to try to put the media company out of business.

That is the back story to a legal case that had already grabbed headlines: The wrestler Hulk Hogan sued Gawker Media for invasion of privacy after it published a sex tape, and a Florida jury recently awarded the wrestler, whose real name is Terry Gene Bollea, $140 million.

What the jury did not know — nor the public — was that Mr. Hogan had a secret benefactor paying for the lawsuit, to the tune of about $10 million: Peter Thiel, a co-founder of PayPal and one of the earliest investors in Facebook.

A 2007 article published by Gawker, “Peter Thiel is totally gay, people,” and a series of articles about his friends and others that he said “ruined people’s lives for no reason” drove Mr. Thiel to mount a clandestine war against Gawker, funding a team of lawyers to find and help “victims” of the company’s coverage to mount cases against Gawker.

“It’s less about revenge and more about specific deterrence,” he said in his first interview since his identity was revealed. “I saw Gawker pioneer a unique and incredibly damaging way of getting attention by bullying people even when there was no connection with the public interest.”

Mr. Thiel said that Gawker published articles that were “very painful and paralyzing for people who were targeted.” He said, “I thought it was worth fighting back.”

Mr. Thiel added: “I can defend myself. Most of the people they attack are not people in my category. They usually attack less prominent, far less wealthy people that simply can’t defend themselves. He said that “even someone like Terry Bollea who is a millionaire and famous and a successful person didn’t quite have the resources to do this alone.”

Mr. Thiel said that he had decided several years ago to set in motion a plan to secretly fund multiple cases to try to cripple Gawker. “I didn’t really want to do anything,” he said. “I thought it would do more harm to me than good. One of my friends convinced me that if I didn’t do something, nobody would.”

The revelation that Mr. Thiel was covertly backing Mr. Bollea’s case as well as others has raised a series of new questions about the First Amendment as well as about the role of big money in the court system — specifically the emerging field of litigation finance, in which third parties like hedge funds and investment firms pay for other people’s lawsuits.

Roy D. Simon, a professor emeritus of legal ethics at Hofstra University School of Law, suggested that the practice has helped “level the playing field” by providing resources for people to mount cases against big institutions that would be impossible otherwise.

But he said there was a risk when a lawsuit was funded by a single person with a potential agenda. “I am troubled by Thiel,” Professor Simon said. “I guess that one guy is much more likely to have an agenda driven by revenge or personal dislike or wanting to prove a point.”

But other legal experts said that the mere fact of Mr. Thiel’s involvement did not change the case. And while there is no legal requirement that underwriters like Mr. Thiel reveal their involvement to the opposing side or the jury, it is considered fair game for lawyers to ask questions about financial backing — something that Gawker Media did on Wednesday in court as part of its efforts to overturn the Hogan judgment...

Plus, "Florida Judge Denies Gawker's Motion for New Trial in Hulk Hogan Case."

And still more, from Michelle Malkin:

Thiel's a Trump supporter, heh:

The Hottest Summer Ever with Hailey Clausen (VIDEO)

Via Sports Illustrated:

NewsBusted — President Obama Visits Hiroshima...

Via Theo Spark:

Amber Heard Files for Divorce from Johnny Depp — After Just One Year of Marriage

At the Los Angeles Times:

And at Vogue Australia:

Emilia Clarke Channels Melisandre

At London's Daily Mail, "The new Red Woman! Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke channels priestess Melisandre in sizzling scarlet dress on Late Night."

BONUS: At the Independent UK, "Game of Thrones season 6 episode 4: Emilia Clarke on Daenerys' nude scene - 'It ain't no body double."

No Major Violence: Donald Trump Supporters and Protesters in Anaheim (VIDEO)

At LAT, "Several arrested after Trump supporters and opponents square off at rally in Anaheim."

And at CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Mother of Second DePaul Protester is Juanita Johnson, Who Serves as Chicago Police Department's Director of Administration

Following-up, "Hateful Leftists Shut Down Milo Yiannopoulos Speech at DePaul University (VIDEO)."

At Big Government, via Instapundit, "CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Meet Kayla Johnson, The DePaul Protester Who Took a Swing at Milo":
The second lead protester at last night’s event at DePaul University has been identified as Kayla Johnson, the daughter of Juanita Johnson, who serves as the Chicago Police Department’s Director of Administration.