Monday, June 20, 2016

Donald Trump Fires Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski

This is breaking.

At USA Today:

And originally from Maggie Haberman, at NYT:

Santa Barbara Sherpa Fire Still Raging Out of Control

This is a nasty, nasty fire.

Watch, at KEYT News 3 Santa Barbara, "Day 4 of fire fight in Scherpa comes to a close," and "West Goleta Residents Told to Think About Preparing."

And at the Santa Barbara Independent, "Scherpa Fire: Sunday Afternoon Update."

And from the Santa Barbara County Information Officer, incredible photos from the other day, when the fire jumps the 101 Freeway near Refugio:

It's still early on the West Coast. More triple-digit temperatures are expected, and this fire is burning in parts of the Santa Ynez outback, where there's few if any service roads.

Showdown Over Gun Control This Week on Capitol Hill

It's astonishing that our politics have come to this.

All of these terror attacks simply do not raise gun control issues.

At WSJ, "Lawmakers Set for New Showdown on Guns":
WASHINGTON—Republicans and Democrats are headed for a new showdown over gun control this week as lawmakers sort through four proposals on the divisive issue in the wake of the Orlando nightclub massacre.

The Senate will vote Monday on provisions to limit access to weapons for people on the government’s terrorist watch lists and expand background checks. One Republican-sponsored measure to delay gun sales to buyers on a watch list has secured support from the National Rifle Association.

None of the proposals is likely to reach the 60-vote threshold needed to overcome Senate hurdles. But some momentum was already building for a bipartisan compromise led by Sen. Susan Collins (R., Maine) to prevent people on the government’s no-fly list from buying firearms while still offering a route to appeal those decisions.

Omar Mateen, the gunman in the Orlando shooting that left 49 dead, was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2013 and 2014 and was placed on the terror watch list. But he was removed when authorities couldn’t find evidence to continue the investigations.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the Federal Bureau of Investigation plans to release Monday a partial transcript of the 911 calls from the gunman inside the nightclub. But she said the transcript won’t include what Mateen said about his support for Islamic State.

“What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this individual’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups and further his propaganda,” she said on NBC Sunday.

The Justice Department didn’t clarify what exactly Mateen said about terror or Islamic State.

The heated election season adds another wrinkle to the political maneuvering in the wake of Orlando. Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump last week broke with many in his party by supporting an outright ban on gun sales to people on terror watch lists. Democrats are intensifying their focus on terror watch lists alongside other measures such as expanded background checks. While Republicans in some tight Senate races might benefit from reaching a deal, such a move could also spark a backlash from conservative voters and from gun-rights groups.

Any gun-control measure would need to overcome significant hurdles, including winning support in the Republican-controlled House...
The administration's memory-holing of 9/11 is outrageous and reprehensible.

That said, I doubt the proposal on the terror watch list restrictions is going to fly. There's too many good, decent people who'll be banned from buying firearms because of bureaucratic screw-ups. Just a week or so ago, Dana Loesch's step-father was detained and questioned at the airport over a mistaken name. It's just not going to work.

Markets Soar After Poll Suggests Britain Will Stay in European Union

Hmm. It's just one poll?

Maybe traders are really jonesin' for the U.K. to stay?

At WSJ, "Global Stocks Soar After Poll Suggests U.K. Will Remain in EU":
Stocks, sterling and oil soared at the start of the week after polls suggested the U.K. was more likely to vote to remain in the European Union in Thursday’s referendum than previously expected.

The Stoxx Europe 600 jumped 3.7%, on track for its best day since August, while the British pound surged more than 2% against the dollar to as high as $1.4674.

Futures pointed to a 1.3% opening gain for the S&P 500. Changes in futures markets don't necessarily reflect market moves after the opening bell

“We’re in this sort of frenzied period where Brexit is front and center,” said Bob Doll, senior portfolio manager at Nuveen Asset Management.

A survey published in the Mail on Sunday showed that 45% of respondents backed the U.K. staying in the trade bloc, compared with 42% in favor of leaving. The poll-of-polls, averaging the last six polls in the U.K. vote, returned to 50/50, suggesting growing momentum for the “remain camp” in the referendum...
Keep reading.

There's no mention of the Jo Cox murder, but no doubt ghoulish British leftists will continue to exploit the poor woman's death.

FLASHBACK: From 2004, "Postcard from Britain: Immigration Is Hot Issue as Elections Approach."

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

Sorry for the light posting.

My younger sister was here on Friday, and then yesterday my mom came for Father's Day. We went out to B.J.'s in Irvine for a wonderful dinner last night.

I've been hanging out watching sports all day today, with the exception of an afternoon excursion to Barnes and Noble, where I picked up a copy of the new book out from Eric Metaxas, If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty.

I'm also halfway through Roger Scruton's, Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left. Scruton's an absolutely stellar writer, and the book's excellent. It's heavy duty scholarship, though, so not a quick read. But his command of the literature is breathtaking, and he's just merciless in skewering all the neo-Marxist postmodernist pap.

On the sporting front, the Angels have been outstanding this weekend, especially the pitching. Both offense and defense have been great too, especially yesterday, with the Halos taking the Athletics 7-1. Tim Lincecum made his major league comeback, picking up the win, although this Sports Illustrated piece just savages him as a hollow shell of his old self.

Today Jared Weaver had a pretty amazing outing, a 2-0 shutout over the A's. I don't know how great or not it was according to all the sophisticated metrics of professional analysts, but it was nice to see Weaver pitch the complete game for the win, clearly rekindling some badly needed confidence for a pitcher who's also seen better days.

LAT's Pedro Moura was impressed, in any case:

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Deal of the Day: Save on Outdoor Lounge Sets from Hanover

At Amazon, a great time to be outdoors, Hanover Metropolitan 5-Piece Outdoor Lounge Set.

Also, Save Big on Select Yamaha Bluetooth Receivers.

More, Duduma® Polarized Fashion Designer Sports Sunglasses for Cycling Running Baseball Fishing Tr628 Superlight Frame.

And, Bluetooth Headphones, HaMi Noise Cancelling Headset Wireless Stereo Earbuds with Microphone Gym Running Sports Sweatproof for Android IOS Devices.

Plus, San Francisco Bay OneCup, Fog Chaser, 80 Single Serve Coffees.

Still more, from Kenneth C. Davis, Don't Know Much About History, Anniversary Edition: Everything You Need to Know About American History but Never Learned.

BONUS: William C. Davis, The American Frontier: Pioneers, Settlers, and Cowboys 1800-1899.

Kristen Keogh's Triple-Digit Weekend Forecast

Well, it won't be too bad if you're down by the seashore.

Otherwise, if you're out and about, be sure to drink plenty of water.

Here's Ms. Kristen, for ABC News 10 San Diego:

Antje Utgaard Dances in Her Underwear and Skinny Dips (VIDEO)

Watch, at Playboy, "Antje Utgaard Dances in Her Underwear and Skinny Dips When Left Alone at the Playboy Mansion."

Plus, "Is Antje Utgaard the Next Kate Upton?"

She's got a crazy-hot Instagram feed, man.

'Frat-House' Culture: Oakland Loses Third Police Chief in 9 Days (VIDEO)

Why are Democrat-run cities such cesspits of toxic macho culture and racist sexual predation?

At the San Francisco Chronicle, "Oakland police bombshells: Racist texts, latest chief steps down":

Oakland’s acting police chief Paul Figueroa stepped down Friday, becoming the third head of the Oakland Police Department to abruptly leave the top post in nine days, just as another bombshell dropped: A new internal investigation is under way, this time into racist text messages and emails shared among officers.

A visibly frustrated Mayor Libby Schaaf revealed the probe at a news conference Friday night that she began with a simple declaration: “I am here to run a police department, not a frat house.” With that, she disclosed that her city’s department, already engulfed in a sex scandal, was also being probed for racist communications that were “wholly inappropriate and not acceptable for anyone who wears the badge of the Oakland Police Department.”

The texts were sent by African American officers, Schaaf said. She would not give other details, including whether members of the police command staff were implicated, saying state law governing public release of police disciplinary matters prevented her from doing so.

Some of the officers being investigated were “engaging in hate speech,” and others were “tolerating it” by receiving offensive messages and not reporting them, Schaaf said. One text obtained by NBC news showed an image of a Ku Klux Klan member on a cereal box with the message, “Brad, I heard you got boxes of these in your cupboards.” Another text appeared to show the word, “N—.”
Well, maybe they should bring back Jerry Brown for another term as Oakland mayor? I mean, why not? He's on his fourth term as California's governor and we've still got a long way to fall!

Still more.

And note this part:
Meanwhile, the mayor has set her sights on significantly changing the department — ending what she says is a disgusting frat culture, even as the department has been under federal oversight for the last 13 years.

“We have a department with almost no women, no LGBT people, and a dramatic underrepresentation of people of color,” Councilwoman Rebecca Kaplan told The Chronicle. She is pushing for reforms that would require Oakland’s police force to rethink its hiring and recruiting strategies.

Oh brother. I'm sure that "recruiting strategy" will really fix things right up. Might as well put out hiring feelers to Black Lives Matter activists!

RNC Promotes Report Accusing Democrat Party of Conspiring to Nominate Hillary Clinton

Well, that oughta piss off a few Bernie bros, heh.

At the New York Post, "Leaked document shows the DNC wanted Clinton from start" (via Memeorandum):

The document, posted online by the hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” outlines ways to hit back at the GOP presidential field, such as “use specific hits to muddy the waters around ethics, transparency and campaign finance attacks on HRC.”
Heh, guilty much?

Paused EU Referendum Debate to Resume with Calls to Be More 'Respectful'

Who wasn't being "respectful"? The suspect in the Jo Cox murder, Tommy Mair, wasn't political and wasn't campaigning for Brexit. This is a made-up controversy. Made-up by desperate and demonic leftists who look like they're about to lose.

At the far-left Guardian:

Clinton Snarks at Trump on Twitter

It'll be a full-blown Twitter campaign this election, which must say something about the extreme significance of social media, or of modern times, or something.

I just can't help that it feels kinda stupid, insignificant even. Or, it's just weird.

And notice the pro-Clinton tone at this Politico piece. Here's hoping that Donald Trump blows off all the demands that he become more "presidential." Those are leftist demands for "civility," as in "civility bullshit."

Ten-Point Swing to #Brexit in EU Referendum

The vote's scheduled for Thursday, June 23rd -- less than a week away.

Louise Mensch's thinks it's more than at ten-point swing, on Twitter:

U.S. Diplomats Slam Obama's Syria Policy, Call for Airstrikes on Assad Regime

From Austin Bay, at the Observer, "As Assad Continues to Wipe Out Syria, State Dept. Dissenters Confront Obama":
Dissenting State Department officials are demanding President Barack Obama wage war on the Assad dictatorship—which is a short step away from demanding regime change.

Late on June 16 The Wall Street Journal reported that the “near collapse” of the current ceasefire had spurred 51 “mid-to high-level State Department officers involved with advising on Syria policy” to sign a “dissent channel cable” calling on the Obama Administration to target Syria’s Assad regime with repeated “military strikes.”

At the moment, the article remains behind The Journal’s paywall, so I’ll include several extended quotes. Journal reporters who personally reviewed the cable described the document as “a scalding internal critique of a longstanding U.S. policy against taking sides in the Syrian war, a policy that has survived even though the regime of President Bashar al-Assad has been repeatedly accused of violating cease-fire agreements and Russian-backed forces have attacked U.S.-trained rebels.”

The dissenters argue “Failure to stem Assad’s flagrant abuses will only bolster the ideological appeal of groups such as Daesh, even as they endure tactical setbacks on the battlefield.” The Journal adds that Daesh is an Arabic acronym for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The article provides excellent background information, noting the “Dissent Channel” is an authorized forum for expressing opposing views. It also quotes a former State Department official who acknowledged: “It’s embarrassing for the administration to have so many rank-and-file members break on Syria.” The dissent comes from “the heart” of the State Department bureaucracy—in other words, career, professional diplomats.
Yeah, and keep in mind the overwhelming majority of these "career professionals" at State are leftists. It's thus even doubly telling how disastrous this dissent is the for administration's policy.

More here.

And pay wall? What pay wall?

Just click through at the Google link to read the WSJ's piece, "U.S. State Department Officials Call for Strikes Against Syria's Assad."

Friday, June 17, 2016

The 'Never Trump' Murder-Suicide Pact

From David Horowitz, at Breitbart (via FrontPage Magazine):

Barack Obama delivers nuclear weapons and $150 billion to America’s mortal enemy in the Middle East – and every Democrat to a man and woman defends his betrayal; Hillary Clinton violates the Espionage Act and delivers classified secrets, including information on an impending drone attack, to America’s enemies – and every Democrat to a man and woman defends her. Obama and Clinton lie about matters of war and peace – and every progressive publicly swears they are telling the truth.

But when Donald Trump insinuates the president is a man of uncertain loyalties, Republican leaders back away from him. When Trump proposes fighting “radical Islam,” securing America’s borders, stopping unvetted immigration from Muslim terrorist states, surveilling mosques, and scrutinizing the families of terrorist actors, Republicans join Democrats in denouncing him, or take an uncomfortable distance or maintain a silence that leaves him to fend for himself.

The left is blaming Christians, Republicans, and guns for the Orlando slaughter. The president and Hillary are claiming that ISIS is on the run – a lie flatly contradicted by the CIA director himself. They want to disarm Americans. If Hillary is elected, borders will stay open, and protecting Muslims will take priority over fighting Islam’s holy war against us.

In other words, Democrat betrayers of America are on the attack, while Republican leaders who claim to be patriots are on the run. Where, to take one example, is Ted Cruz? He claims to be a patriot and care about the Constitution, but he is AWOL — sulking like Achilles in his tent over personal slights he can’t get past to fight for his country’s survival. The Republican leader of the Senate and his second-in-command have both announced they will not participate in the presidential election, while the leader of the House makes clear his extreme embarrassment over Trump’s proposals to establish immigration policies appropriate to a nation under siege. This is the sad state of the Republican forces in retreat in an election campaign that will decide the fate of our country.

There are actually two wars we are engaged in– one with the Islamic caliphate and the other with an American left that refuses to recognize the enemy we face or the magnitude and nature of the threat. In this internal war, too many on the right have taken a course whose only practical effect can be seen as a betrayal of their cause. Erick Erickson has summed up the view of the Republican renegades in this succinct phrase: “We are in the midst of a murder-suicide pact that will be our ruination.”

This is, in fact, a precise description of what the #NeverTrump right is up to. But in Erickson’s inversion of reality, it is “the Republican Party [that] intends to murder the nation and commit suicide along the way.” What Erickson and his fellow saboteurs, led by Mitt Romney and Bill Kristol, want is for the Republican Party to block Trump and repudiate the record number of Republican primary voters who nominated him. This would actually be a Republican suicide in November – one that would indeed “murder the nation.”

Although the defection of the Republican leadership from the field of battle is still ongoing, there has been a break in the ranks of the #NeverTrump spoilers. Two of their leading intellectual figures, Hugh Hewitt and Andy McCarthy, have finally come to realize not just the futility of their efforts but their destructiveness as well. For the sake of the nation, let’s hope that there are a lot more such reversals on the way.

Meanwhile, the really big problem remains that of the Republican leadership, which thinks that “We’re stuck with Trump but we won’t dump him!” is an appropriate battle cry. As we all know, the Democrats are vicious, unprincipled attack dogs with a kept and unprincipled media in their camp. Passivity in the face of this blitzkrieg is, in practice, no different than a white-flag surrender. Paul Ryan summed up Republican fatuity in his answers to media questions in the wake of Orlando about whether he’s still supporting Trump. Ryan’s answer: he would be defending Republican principles in this election. Well, Paul, principles aren’t running in this election. Candidates are. And unless Republicans rally around Trump, and Trump beats Hillary, Republican principles are going down with him.
PREVIOUSLY: "Hugh Hewitt: We Can't Dump #DonaldTrump."

Hugh Hewitt: We Can't Dump #DonaldTrump

This is great!

Hugh Hewitt's done an about-face on Donald Trump, and it's spectacular!

At WaPo, "Clinton’s the real risk. If we want to stop her, we can’t dump Trump":
With his undisciplined comments about federal district Judge Gonzalo Curiel the week before the attack in Orlando, Trump was losing ground and the confidence of many Republicans who have reluctantly backed him. But if he sticks with the tone and the focus of Monday’s speech, Republicans will stay with him. Despite endless talk of a mutiny within the GOP, if Trump can forcefully expose the weak leadership and serial failures of Obama and Clinton in the fight against terrorism — the central issue of our time — he will not only consolidate support, he will make any talk of an intra-party coup obsolete. On Monday, as he did throughout the primaries, Trump spoke to the Republican base and the undecided middle in a way no other candidate has.

When Trump said, “I will be meeting with the NRA” to “discuss how to ensure Americans have the means to protect themselves in this age of terror,” liberals may have blanched, but conservatives cheered. When he said, “I refuse to be politically correct,” he returned to the theme that powered him to the top of GOP polls. Promising to provide “our intelligence community, law enforcement and military with the tools they need to prevent terrorist attacks,” Trump sent the message that Clinton cannot, and will not, to a country demanding security.

It’s not just that voters give him a polling edge on national-security issues, it’s that this week he finally returned to what so many voters liked about him in the first place. He’s not a policy wonk, and he’s not an orator in the mold of Abraham Lincoln. But more than any other right-of-center politician, he relishes aggressively championing Republicans’ national-security priorities.

With Monday’s speech, a bookend to his strong words on religious liberty at Friday’s Faith & Freedom Coalition forum, Trump has returned to a winning message and walled off the assorted “never Trump” holdouts trying to upend his nomination. Although there’s been talk in recent weeks of implementing new rules at the Republican convention in Cleveland that would allow party leaders to replace Trump — talk that I’ve entertained — the appetite for that sort of drastic measure is gone. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) want no part of a coup, so there won’t be one. Yes, party rules allow for last minute rules changes and tricky procedural maneuvers. But for Republicans to root for a coup at this point would be more than just futile, it could be completely self-defeating. No Ryan, no McConnell, no mutiny. Period.

Despite reservations, Ryan, McConnell and others have judged the cost of trying to make a change at the top of the GOP ticket to be higher than the cost of betting that Trump will ultimately see that his path to the White House is a return to big themes — not small arguments and inflammatory rhetoric. They understand that Republicans have to stick with Trump if they want to avoid capitulating to Clinton, who has demonstrated again and again that she is unfit to lead — and, that at this stage, Trump alone can run successfully against her. If Ryan and McConnell have wagered wrong, we’ll soon know. But events of the past few days suggest that they are right.

Clinton can’t respond effectively to Trump’s blunt assessment of terrorist threats because Americans know that her positions over the years — on Egypt, Iraq, Syria and especially Libya — have directly contributed to the dangers we face.

Trump is positioned to make the case that Clinton’s cavalier approach to State Department email security has compromised her ability to combat terrorism, particularly if, according to new reports, she discussed sensitive operations, such as planned drone strikes, via non-secure communications. He is positioned to make the case that, according to former CIA deputy director Michael Morell, our adversaries’ intelligence services could “have everything on any unclassified network that the government uses,” including hers — meaning that anyone who sent her anything may have been compromised as well.

Trump will make sure that the Clintons’ serial scandals: the Clinton foundation’s questionable dealings, the appointment of an unqualified Clinton ally to the International Security Advisory Board and obscene multimillion-dollar payments made to former president Bill Clinton as “honorary chancellor” of for-profit Laureate International Universities, are never far from voters’ minds. Add in the latest revelation of the Russians’ hack of the Democratic National Committee’s computers, and the public’s concern over the former secretary’s at-home server skyrockets.
More at that top link.

CBS News May Have Broken Federal Law with 'Straw Purchase' of AR-15 (VIDEO)

And the pathetic thing is that Mateen didn't use and AR-15. He used a Sig Sauer MCX semi-automatic rifle.

At Free Beacon, "Store Owner: Undercover CBS Purchase of AR-15 Broke Federal Law."

Hat Tip: Dana Loesch.

West Hollywood #ShootBack Posters

This story made the local news last night, which is great!


At ABC News 7 Los Angeles and the L.A. Times:

Jo Cox: Best of Britain

From the lovely Louise Mensch, at Heat Street, "Jo Cox MP Was the Best of Britain. Politicising Her Death is the Worst":

Jo Cox’s killing has stunned the nation. A new MP, passionate about her job, her family and her children, is gunned down at a surgery where she is trying to help people.

Every one of us must have our hearts broken. The worst of it is imagining, or trying to imagine, the pain of her little ones, just three and five.

Jo was just 41. She was a woman in the prime of her life, a politician of great promise....

The Vote Leave campaign bears no responsibility – none – not the tiniest sliver – for any part of what happened to Jo Cox MP, and neither do its supporters. Anybody suggesting that at this grief-stricken moment should be treated with the most profound contempt.
Be sure to RTWT.

Who would have thought serving in parliament would be such a dangerous job?

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Political Establishment Will Exploit the Murder of Jo Cox to Kill Brexit

From Paul Joseph Watson, at InfoWars, "'Not all Muslims' Crowd Will Blame All 'Vote Leave' Conservatives for Shooting of MP":
The shooting of Labour MP Jo Cox will be swiftly exploited by the political establishment and blamed on those who want to limit immigration and vote to leave the European Union.

Mother of three Cox, who supported the ‘Vote Remain’ campaign, was stabbed and shot in her constituency near Leeds today.

The killer reportedly shouted “Britain first” during the incident, although Maria Eagle MP, one of the most prominent people to make this claim, has since deleted her tweet about it.

When another eyewitness was asked if he heard “Britain first” being shouted, he responded that he “never heard that”.

Another eyewitness told Breitbart’s Raheem Kassam that he didn’t hear the words either.

It has since emerged that the man has received treatment for mental illness and was in receipt of “psychotherapy and medication”. He also “had no political views” and no opinion on the EU referendum.

However, the facts don’t really matter to the left, who scream “Not All Muslims!” after every Islamist attack, but will immediately exploit the death of Jo Cox to frame ‘Vote Leave’ supporters as dangerous extremists.

PREVIOUSLY: "Britain at the Breaking Point."