Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pamplona Bull Run 2016 (VIDEO)

Well, the running actually looks kinda fun, and take a good look, because who knows how long this will continue? Leftists are ramping up their protests.

From the other day, "Animal Rights Activists Poured Artificial Blood Over Themselves in Pamplona, Spain (VIDEO)."


And via Euronews:

Emily Ratajkowski Poses for Harper's Bazaar

At London's Daily Mail, "Emily Ratajkowski poses NAKED atop a horse for Harper's Bazaar."


Muslim Immigration to the West Threatens Women (VIDEO)

It's Ayaan Hirsi Ali, for Prager University.

And her recent book, Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now.

Kim Strassel Talks About The Intimidation Game

A great interview, at the Daily Signal.

And here's her book, The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech.

Devin Brugman Shares Bikini Photos from Greek Vaction on Instagram

Looks like a fan account.

And she should have fans, dang!

And from yesterday, "Natasha Oakley Speaks Out."

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

David Horowitz, Unholy Alliance

A great book.

A classic.

Here, Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam And the American Left.

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Deal of the Day: Dremel 3-Tool Craft & Hobby Maker Kit [BUMPED]

At Amazon, Dremel 2290 3-Tool Craft & Hobby Maker Kit with 200-Series Rotary Tool, Engraver & Butane Soldering Torch.

Plus, Save on Building Supplies.

And, Home & Kitchen Markdowns - Kitchen & Dining - 50% Off or More.

Also, from Heather Mac Donald, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

Harry Stein, No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist: How our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race Hurts Us All.

David Limbaugh, The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama's War on the Republic.

And Patrick Garry, Conservatism Redefined: A Creed for the Poor and Disadvantaged.

BONUS: Kim Strassel, The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech.

Update on Alton Sterling Shooting

The Daily Beast has a very graphic video of the shooting, via Memeorandum, "New Video Emerges of Alton Sterling Being Killed by Baton Rouge Police."

Obviously, information is scarce, but like with the death of Eric Garner in New York, the police can sometimes be seriously fucked up. While there's no "epidemic" of police killings of "unarmed black men," I'm upset with a lot of these deaths, and I can see how they fuel the leftist assault against law enforcement.

And I don't care if the guy Alton Sterling was a convicted molester, or whatever people are saying. The video sure looks like excessive force. You can see the man start to bleed out at the clip. He was shot right in the chest, so no doubt he didn't last long.

Police work is a nasty, ugly line of business. I used to hate cops when I was a kid, because they hassled me and profiled me. But I don't hate them so much anymore. I distrust them with my liberty, but I do know that most of them are decent individuals who mean well, and often are placed in unwinnable circumstances.

In any case, here's Bob Owens at Bearing Arms, "Most of What You’re Reading About Alton Sterling is Written byy Idiots" (via Memeorandum):
Here’s what really happened, based upon what we actually know.
* Police were called to a Baton Rouge (Louisiana) convenience store on a “man with a gun” call.
* Officers made contact with Alton Sterling at the convenience store because he matched the description provided by the caller.
* Officers had a conversation that led to a confrontation with Alton Sterling. We do not know the details of this conversation.
* A person in a nearby car began (badly) recording with a low-quality cell phone camera just as officers stepped back and fired a taser at Alston Sterling.
* You can distinctly hear the crackle of the X26 taser. It fires a second time. Alton Sterling is unmoved by either taser attempt.
* Up until this point, Sterling has been passively non-compliant, at least while on camera.
* An officer tackles Alton Sterling, and once Sterling is on the ground he starts actively resisting officers.
* The officer who fired the taser is able to secure Sterling’s left arm with great difficulty, and pins it under his legs.
* The other officer, the one who tackled Sterling, is attempting to control Sterling’s right arm, but it is out of camera view behind the bumper of the car.
* The officer who tackled Alston Sterling yells “He’s got a gun!” Sterling is seen still actively resisting. We still cannot see Alton Sterling’s right arm as the tackling officer fights to control him.
* The officer who had twice tasered Sterling draws his handgun to retention. He presumably issues the warning to Alton Sterling face to face: “Hey bra! You f*cking move, I swear to God.”
* Two shots are fired, and the cell phone video loses focus and goes back inside the car.
* Several other shots are heard.
These are the only real facts that we know.

If the investigation, which is now going to be run through Washington, reveals that Sterling was reaching for, or holding, his weapon, it's most likely his killing would be justified. But see Owens' post for the last analysis on that point.

Now, see Sarah Kendzior, your classic progressive intellectual (who nevertheless is quite good at her reporting):

Scroll through her feed for more.

Previously, "Alton Sterling Shot by Police After Scuffle Outside Convenience Store in Baton Rouge (VIDEO)."

Follow-Up on Michelle Fields Interview with Steve Malzberg

First page of Michelle Field's book (Barons of the Beltway: Inside the Princely World of Our Washington Elite — and How to Overthrow Them), where she alleges Corey Lewandowski nearly pulled her to the ground at the Donald Trump event. She flatly denied making the allegation in the book when called out by Steve Malzberg on Newsmax, and then she quit the interview. But it's right there. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a liar. And that's a bald-faced lie.


Here's the initial report, "Michelle Fields Abruptly Ends Interview When Called Out by Steve Malzberg on Corey Lewandowsk Lies (VIDEO)."

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J. Kael Weston, The Mirror Test

Obama's going to leave 8,400 troops in Afghanistan, which is about the most decent thing he's done all year.

More on that later.

Meanwhile, here's J. Kael Weston's new book, The Mirror Test: America at War in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Hillary Clinton Expanding College Plan to Offer 'Free' Tuition to Millions

"Free" college.

She's really feeling the Bern on this one.

Remember, Sanders' full program, education plus universal health care, etc., was pegged at more than $18 trillion over ten years.

Let's hope Crooked Hilary doesn't go that far, sheesh.

At WSJ (via Memeorandum):
In a bid to win over rival Bernie Sanders and his supporters, Democrat Hillary Clinton is expanding her college plan to offer free tuition to millions of families, a modified version of what Mr. Sanders pushed during his presidential campaign and a major concession.

The new plan will offer free tuition at public schools to students in families earning up to $85,000 a year at first, with that threshold increasing to $125,000 by 2021.

Mr. Sanders welcomed the plan as “a revolutionary step forward.”

Speaking to reporters, he applauded her move as “very, very significant” and said the new plan combines the best of both candidates’ ideas. But he continued to hold off an endorsement for Mrs. Clinton, who has the Democratic nomination in hand. “This is one issue—there are other issues,” he said.

Throughout their primary campaign, Mrs. Clinton argued that her college affordability plan was superior. Her proposal guaranteed that families wouldn’t have to borrow money to attend college, but insisted that students and their parents contribute what they could afford. She described this as a way to make sure everybody had “skin in the game.”

In a statement, Mrs. Clinton sidestepped the political imperatives in revising her plan and continued to talk about her policy in terms of “debt-free” college, as opposed to Mr. Sanders’s more sweeping vision of “tuition-free” school.

“American families are drowning in debt caused by ever-rising college costs and it is imperative that the next president put forward a bold plan to make debt-free college available to all,” she said.

It is not clear how many additional families would get free tuition under the modified version compared with the original Clinton plan. The campaign also didn’t say how much the new version would cost or how she would pay for it...


What difference does it make? It's going to be a massive taxpayer-funded boondoggle either way.

And to be clear, I support free community college education. It was free back in the 1970s in California, and it was designed as affordable for everyone. But even that's going to be hard to finance in this day and age. I'd like to see more affordability, more federal grants, and so forth. But no doubt it's going to cost a lot. Young people are being deceived if they think they're going to get a 100 percent free ride. It ain't going to happen.

Keep reading.

Italian Coast Guard and Navy Intercept 4,500 Refugees During Operations in the Mediterranean (VIDEO)

They should pick up these "refugees" and dump them in Germany, and the chancellor's office.

Via Ruptly:

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair Responds to Chilcot Inquiry Report (VIDEO)

As promised, following-up from earlier, "U.K. Chilcot Report Offers Devastating Critique of Tony Blair and the Iraq War," and "FLASHBACK: Tony Blair Testimony Before the Chilcot Inquiry in 2010 (VIDEO)."

Plus, updates at Telegraph UK, "Chilcot report: Tony Blair takes 'full responsibility' for Iraq war as Jeremy Corbyn 'apologises sincerely on behalf' of Labour party":

“The decision to go to war in Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from power in a coalition of over 40 countries led by the USA, was the hardest, most momentous, most agonising decision I took in 10 years as British prime minister.

“For that decision today I accept full responsibility, without exception and without excuse. I recognise the division felt by many in our country over the war and in particular I feel deeply and sincerely – in a way that no words can properly convey – the grief and suffering of those who lost ones they loved in Iraq, whether the members of our armed forces, the armed forces of other nations, or Iraqis.

“The intelligence assessments made at the time of going to war turned out to be wrong. The aftermath turned out to be more hostile, protracted and bloody than ever we imagined. The coalition planned for one set of ground facts and encountered another, and a nation whose people we wanted to set free and secure from the evil of Saddam, became instead victim to sectarian terrorism.

“For all of this I express more sorrow, regret and apology than you may ever know or can believe.”
The full video is here, "[Full speech] Tony Blair speaks after publication of Chilcot report."

Charles Krauthammer: Hillary Clinton's a 'Non-Criminal Liar'

That's the conclusion from listening to FBI Director Comey's remarks yesterday, says Dr. K.

Watch, from Fox News' Special Report, "The political ramifications of the FBI's Clinton decision."

Also at the video: Kirsten Powers and Mercedes Schlapp.

FLASHBACK: Tony Blair Testimony Before the Chilcot Inquiry in 2010 (VIDEO)

Following-up from earlier, "U.K. Chilcot Report Offers Devastating Critique of Tony Blair and the Iraq War."

It turns out Tony Blair gave a public speech today, and he apparently got choked up. I'll look for the video clip shortly and update.

Meanwhile, here's his initial testimony to the committee of inquiry, at ODN, "The day Tony Blair gave evidence to the Iraq war inquiry."

Natasha Oakley Speaks Out

She's one of the A Bikini A Day ladies.

The other is the mind-blowing Devin Brugman.

At Harper's Bazaar:

More, at London's Daily Mail, "Wish you were here! Natasha Oakley and Devin Brugman continue their envy-inducing holiday in Greece and show off their incredible curves in sexy swimwear."

Three Sylmar High School Baseball Players Enlisted in the Army

A great story.

One of those little nuggets of news that rekindle your faith in the goodness of America.

Remember, we're constantly bombarded with how terrible we are by the left. When I see a story like this, of young people resisting the left's nihilist culture, I want to shout it from the rooftops.

At LAT, "'Go Army' more than a motto for Sylmar High baseball players":

When Mario Xavier Cruz and Robert Jaime, baseball teammates at Sylmar High, look up into the sky on the Fourth of July and see fireworks bursting in the air, their thoughts may turn emotional.

Jaime leaves July 11 for Army boot camp at Fort Jackson, S.C. Cruz leaves the same day for Fort Sill, Okla.

Another Sylmar teammate, Erick Aleman, left June 20 for boot camp at Fort Benning, Ga.

“I’m very proud,” Sylmar baseball coach Ray Rivera said. “Three players off one team.”

Rivera doesn’t act like an Army drill sergeant — though his preseason conditioning sessions are pretty tough and he’s got an Army haircut. But the coach does offer a clear message to any player who shows up.

“I tell them everything we do here is geared for preparing you for life,” he said.

And the players agree that baseball has helped prepare them for Army life.

“Playing baseball really influenced me to join,” Aleman, a pitcher, said in an email before he left. “Baseball gave me the personal courage and confidence to join. The skills that I learned, I will use throughout my military career and life.”

Said Cruz: “Baseball takes a lot of discipline and you have to be mentally tough.”

Aleman was first to sign up, then he started talking to Cruz and Jaime. Soon, they were all in.

“I’ve always wanted to serve my country,” said Jaime, an all-East Valley League catcher who batted .437 and also starred as a wrestler. “I always looked up to soldiers and saw how much respect they got.”

Rivera, who has been Sylmar's coach for 14 seasons, had other players join the military but never this many from one team.

“All three of them could have gone to college,” he said...
Keep reading.

Alana Blanchard Surfing the Gold Coast, Australia (VIDEO)

She's a cool chick.

Brazil Ramps Up Security Before Rio Olympics (VIDEO)

My wife was saying last night that she wouldn't go.

And you can see why!

Watch, at CBS News This Morning, "Rio police battle security crisis as Olympics loom."

That's an excellent report. Brazil's deploying twice as many police and security personnel than Britain did for the London games in 2012.

Theresa May Once Called the Tories the 'Nasty Party' (VIDEO)


Watch, at the Telegraph UK, "Theresa May in 90 Seconds: Who is the woman bidding to be the next Prime Minister?"

And ICYMI, "Theresa May Wins First Round of Conservative Party Leadership Vote."