Saturday, April 15, 2017

Easter and Passover: Both Holidays Are About the Dead Rising to New Life

A lovely essay for Easter weekend, which (this year) is also the end of Passover week.

From R.R. Reno, at WSJ, "The Profound Connection Between Easter and Passover."

Hat Tip: Dr. Carol Swain.

Journalist Goes Undercover in North Korea (PHOTOS)

At London's Daily Mail.

No photos of concentration camps (complaints about this on Twitter). But still, it's an amazing, excellent photo-essay:

Trump Plumps His 2020 Campaign War Chest

Trump's a man of massive ego, so being reelected in 2020 should be the ultimate goal. The ultimate validation.

And remember, if Roger Simon's right, it's going to be a cakewalk, heh.

At WaPo, via Memeorandum, "Trump's reelection stockpile grows as small donors keep giving."

Nationwide Protests Over Donald Trump's Tax Returns?

Well, ahem, the times they are a changin'.

Seems like there's a lot more pressing problems than worrying about the president's tax returns. And besides, it's not like he's not paying his fair share. Just ask the idiot Rachel Maddow about that.

Either way, see Instapundit, "THE TEA PARTIERS PROTESTED THEIR OWN TAXES. NOW LEFTIES ARE PROTESTING OVER SOMEONE ELSE’S: Nationwide marches set to protest Trump tax returns."

Tomi Lahren's the Biggest Whiny Baby (VIDEO)

She's been having a hard time of it since the fallout last month. See, "Tomi Lahren's Pro-Choice?"

She's whiny, and actually stupid, if she thought Glenn Beck was going to cut her loose without a battle.

At the Dallas Morning News, "'I will not lay down and play dead — ever,' Tomi Lahren tells 'Nightline'":

Tomi Lahren, the conservative commentator known for her incendiary quick takes, said Wednesday on Nightline that she's disappointed and hurt by her employer's actions since she voiced her "pro-choice" stance last month.

In an interview on The View, Lahren said she "can't sit here and be a hypocrite and say I'm for limited government but I think that the government should decide what women do with their bodies."

Days after she made the statement, her show on the The Blaze was put on hold. On Friday, Lahren filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against her former boss, Glenn Beck, and his right-wing media firm.

The Blaze said last week that Lahren has not been terminated.

In a prepared statement, a Blaze spokesman said, "It is puzzling that an employee who remains under contract  (and is still being paid) has sued us for being fired, especially when we continue to comply fully with the terms of our agreement with her."
The spokesman said also Beck would not comment directly on the suit.

Lahren is being paid through September when her contract is up, but told Nightline host Byron Pitts that she was blindsided and feels lost without her job.

"The way I look at things I’m not doing what I was contracted to do — produce a television show, political talk show — I no longer get to do that," she said. The suit also alleges that The Blaze won't allow Lahren to access her Facebook page, where she has 4.2 million followers. She has not posted on the page since March 19, two days after The View episode aired.

The 24-year-old told Nightline that she has been silenced and that her ability to communicate with her followers has been wrongfully taken away...
Shoot, she's getting paid. And she's got until September. Hey, maybe write a book while you're chillin'? Work on your tan or something?

Keep reading.

Jennifer Delacruz's Sunny and Warm Forecast

Ms. Jennifer's a hottie!

From last night, at ABC News 10 San Diego.

It's going to be lovely weather this weekend:

Friday, April 14, 2017

Trump Will Win Bigly in 2020

From Roger Simon, at Pajamas:
I have bad news for the mainstream media and the Democrats.  Time to stock up on absinthe or hightail it down to the medical marijuana store -- Donald Trump is going to be president for eight years.  Not only that, he will win reelection much more comfortably, easily winning the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

I'm not saying this because I am in the slightest bit psychic. I always lose in Vegas -- and don't even ask about the track. I'm also not saying it because Trump just had a good week, getting his Supreme Court pick through and taking it to Assad and ISIS, earning him a slight bump in the polls. (They don't mean anything now anyway.)

 I am saying it for same reason I predicted Trump would win his first term back in August 2015 -- simple observation of the scene. I should add observation from afar because I have the advantage of watching from Los Angeles. The view is too distorted in the nation's capital where, at least it seems from here, no one can stand each other. (That's okay. People in Hollywood are exactly the same.)

Yes, you can say I'm being stupid and rash to make such an early prediction, but that's just what I was accused of in 2015.  So go ahead and call me anything you want.  Make my day -- November 3, 2020.

Okay, but why?

To begin with, the media (his main opposition party) has completely blown it in less than the allotted one hundred days. By attacking Trump every which way at once, calling him a racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamophobe, isolationist and warmonger -- yes, the last two are completely contradictory, but that doesn't stop the geniuses in our Fourth Estate -- they have literally turned into the journalistic version of the boy who cried wolf.  No one believes them anymore, assuming they ever did in the first place.

And it's only going to get worse because the Trump-Russia scandal is an obvious dud while the Obama-Trump surveillance contretemps could have legs, as we say hereabouts.

The situation is even more dire for the Democratic Party itself...
I'm a little skeptical that Trump can survive the gauntlet Democrat-Media Complex a second time (his win last November still seems miraculous somehow), but I admire Roger's pluck.

In any case, still more.

Wow! Federal Investigation of Fresno State History Professor Lars Maischak

I attended Fresno State, but I'd never heard of this guy before. He posted some nasty tweets, and the blowback's been harsh.

At the Fresno Bee, "Fresno State says FBI, Secret Service probing professor’s tweets about President Trump." (Also at Twitchy, "Fresno State cooperating with feds in probe of lecturer who tweeted that ‘Trump must hang’.")

The idiot's taken his page down and apologized.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "'To save American democracy, Trump must hang': California professor apologizes for anti-Trump tweet."

Jennifer Griffin Reports on Afghanistan MOAB Attack (VIDEO)

Following-up, "MOAB."

Watch, at Fox News, "MOAB used for the first time in combat."


It's the "massive ordnance air blast," a.k.a, the "mother of all bombs," which is actually pretty hilarious.

At CNN, via Memeorandum, "36 ISIS fighters killed by US ‘mother of all bombs’: Afghan official."

Leftists were horrified that the U.S. actually kills people over there, bad people, of course (a distinction lost on radical progs).

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Professor Eugene Volokh Discusses Freedon Speech on Campus (VIDEO)

Following-up from yesterday, "Eugene Volokh on the Individual Right to Bear Arms (VIDEO)."

He's an interesting guy.

Here's the video of his recent talk at the Reason Weekend, the annual shindig sponsored by the Reason Foundation:

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Jeffrey Ostler, The Lakotas and the Black Hills


At Amazon, Jeffrey Ostler, The Lakotas and the Black Hills: The Struggle for Sacred Ground.

Jackie Johnson's Chance of Showers Forecast

Hey, it was perfectly pleasant weather today. We've got a chance of showers tomorrow, with some clearing heading into the weekend.

Here's the lovely Ms. Jackie in a beautiful white dress, for CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Bret Stephens Quits WSJ for NYT

Stephens has been a rather vile "Never Trumper" this last year or two, so it's pretty natural for him to join up at the Old Gray Hag.

At Politico:

Ongoing Promotions in Lawn and Garden

At Amazon, Lawn & Garden - Ongoing Promotions.

More, GreenWorks 25022 12 Amp Corded 20-Inch Lawn Mower.

Also, New Arrivals in Sports Apparel and Swimwear.

And, Mountain House Just In Case...Classic Assortment Bucket.

BONUS: Wallace Stegner, Beyond the Hundredth Meridian: John Wesley Powell and the Second Opening of the West.

ICYMI: Susan Sleeper-Smith, et al., Why You Can't Teach United States History without American Indians

At Amazon, Susan Sleeper-Smith, et al., Why You Can't Teach United States History without American Indians.

Eugene Volokh on the Individual Right to Bear Arms (VIDEO)

Another outstanding video, from Prager University:

Current Populist Wave the Result of the 2008 Recession?

Actually, no.

But see Stephen Green, at Instapundit, "WASHINGTON PANEL: Populist Surge a Result of 2008 Recession":
Meh. This panel seems to have focused entirely on Marxist-flavored economic determinism, and ignored the cultural blowback in Red America after eight years of top-down Progressive do-goodism...

Fewer Illegal Crossings on Southern Border

Amazing how well a little enforcement works in deterring illegal immigration.

I just love this administration, and especially the new attorney general.

At LAT, "Rio Grande Valley is unusually quiet as Southwest border crossings drop to lowest point in at least 17 years."

Earlier, "Jeff Sessions' New Immigration Plan (VIDEO)."

Bo Krsmanovic for Maxim (VIDEO)

Following-up from Sunday, "Bo Krsmanovic Uncovered for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2017 (VIDEO)."

Here's Maxim: