Saturday, May 13, 2017

Kenza Fourati Takes It Off (VIDEO)

Following-up from last month, "Kenza Fourati Body Painting (VIDEO)."

Blonde Babe Shows Off Skimpy See-Through Bikini

At Sexy and Funny, "Hot Blonde Flaunts Bikini That's See-Through When Wet."

Lolz: Feminist Professor Caroline Heldman Weighs In on Firing of James Comey (VIDEO)

She's such an idiot.

Remember, from last month, "Professor Caroline Heldman Calls for 80 Percent Tax on the Rich (VIDEO)"?

Well, the far-left hypocrite's back, at CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Uproar Over ABC's Cancellation of Conservative Tim Allen's Hit Show 'Last Man Standing'

Seriously. My wife and I love that show. It airs at 8:00pm on Friday nights, which is great. It comes on right after you've had dinner and had time to clean the kitchen. I always sit down to watch for a while, before going to my man cave for blogging and reading. And to think, "Last Man Standing" was having its best year in the ratings, its sixth season, and was averaging 8.1 million weekly viewers, behind only the leftist freak show "Modern Family."


At Heat Street:

San Carlos #KinderCare Cited for Numerous Violations (VIDEO)

My kid used to attend #KinderCare back in the day, in Fountain Valley and Irvine. It's such a nightmare sometimes. If you don't have family in the area, and you have a career --- as both my wife and I do --- it's a bummer to put your child in the hands of strangers. You have to be super vigilant. With luck, you'll wind up with excellent caregivers. We finally found a daycare center in Irvine with the owner who had her own special needs children, so she made sure our son got the attention he needed. But it takes a while until you can find the right place. This center in San Carlos should be shut down. Either that, or parents should bail out until it goes out of business.

At ABC News 10 San Diego:

Kristen Keogh's Mother's Day Forecast

The lovely Ms. Kristen's been away for a while.

At ABC News 10 San Diego:

Court Rules Kentucky Print Shop Has Right to Avoid Making Gay Pride T-shirts


Screw the homosexual Nazis.

At WSJ (via Memeorandum and Vox Populi):

A Kentucky appellate court on Friday ruled that the Christian owner of a printing shop in Lexington had the right to refuse to make T-shirts promoting a local gay pride festival.

The dispute represents the latest court fight testing the limits of antidiscrimination protections for gays and lesbians following the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 landmark ruling legalizing gay marriage nationwide.

The cases have led to a number of state court rulings against Christian-owned businesses that refused to bake cakes, design floral arrangements or take portrait photographs for same-sex weddings.

The ruling by the Kentucky Court of Appeals favored the business owner. A crucial difference in this case was the expressive nature of the service denied: literally words on a shirt.

In a split vote, a three-judge panel concluded that the store, Hands on Originals, couldn’t be forced to print a message with which the owner disagreed.

The dispute started in 2012 when Gay and Lesbian Services Organization in Kentucky asked Hands on Originals to make T-shirts with the name and logo of a pride festival...
Flashback to the Weekly Standard, "You Will Be Assimilated":

Rush Limbaugh: 'I Wish People Would Take a Moment and Step Back, and Realize What an Epic Presidency This Is?' (AUDIO)

At RCP, "Limbaugh: Can We Take a Moment and Appreciate How Epic Trump Presidency Is?"
I wish people would take a moment to step back and realize what an epic presidency this is and realize we are never gonna see anything like this again our lifetimes, and we’ve never had it prior to this in my lifetime. I mean, normally we get idiots like Jimmy Carter, who do great damaging things. I mean, while Trump is doing all this, the country is vastly improving! As I have detailed today. Some of the core things that were destroying the guts of this country are being reversed. And it’s…

Trump and Russia, Nixon and Watergate

Following-up from yesterday, "It's Not Watergate People. It's Just Fucking Not."

Here's another good comparative piece, at USA Today.

It's not the same, people. Leftists have gone insane.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Chris Wallace's 'Must-Watch' Critique of Trump White House (VIDEO)

I don't know if it's "must watch," but it's interesting.

At Mediaite, "‘It Took My Breath Away’: Chris Wallace Offers Stunning, Must-Watch Critique of Trump White House."

Remember, Chris Wallace is an establishment insider. He represents the "hard news" side of the Fox News bullpen. Indeed, expect to see more of this kind of harsh, critical anti-Trump commentary as the network attempts to restore its mojo following the relentless left-wing wave of diabolical lawfare.

More video, with Martha MacCallum, "Wallace: White House answers only raise more questions."

Belgium Shining Bright from Space

A great piece, which points out Belgium's environmental hypocrisy.

Beautiful photography too. Absolutely astonishing.


James H. Merrell, Into the American Woods


Merrell's a phenomenal scholar. Just absolutely outstanding.

Don't miss his work.

At Amazon, James H. Merrell, Into the American Woods: Negotiations on the Pennsylvania Frontier.

Kate Upton Feels Herself (VIDEO)

Via Theo Spark:

Verizon AT&T Chick Has a Great Rack

It's Milana Vayntrub, and she's hot.


ADDED: At Playboy, "That Girl From the AT&T Commercials Looks Way Better When She's Not in Uniform." Also, at AdWeek, "How Milana Vayntrub Quickly Rose From Surprise Ad Star Into a Creative Force for Good."

It's Not Watergate People. It's Just Fucking Not

I found the comparisons amusing the other night. I'm finding them fucking infuriating now.

Far-left tool James Fallows blocked me eons ago on Twitter, or else I'd give him a piece of my mind. Here's his hacktastic hot-take today, via Memeorandum, "Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate.

It's not worse people. It's not even close. Leftist hysteria is peaking, but we're not there yet. It's going to get worse. Progs will lose their minds, and publicly. There'll be violence.

I've seen a few good articles making reasonable comparisons, but so far this one's the best, and amazingly, it's at the left-wing BBC, "Comey sacking doesn't rise to Watergate levels" (via Instapundit):

The New York Times called for the president to leave office immediately, describing it as "the last great service" he could perform for the country.

The Washington Post demanded impeachment, followed by a Senate trial. Time magazine, deeming it necessary to publish its first-ever editorial, thundered: "The president should resign."

Outside the White House, protesters waved placards at passing motorists: "Honk for Impeachment." Even Washington's most influential columnist, Stewart Alsop, who was normally supportive of the president, called him an "ass." The president had lost his moral authority, argued his critics, and with it, his ability to govern. The country faced a constitutional crisis. The republic was imperilled.

Such was the feverish reaction to the events of 20 October, 1973, a date remembered in the national memory as the "Saturday Night Massacre" - a pivotal moment in the unfolding Watergate controversy.

With scandal engulfing the White House, Richard Nixon decided to fire Archibald Cox, the special prosecutor appointed to investigate "all offenses arising out of the 1972 election… involving the president, the White House staff or presidential appointments".

Nixon's Attorney General, Elliot Richardson, and his Deputy Attorney General, William Ruckelshaus, resigned rather than carry out the president's order. Eventually, the Solicitor General Robert Bork, who was third in command at the justice department, was prepared to fire Cox.

The White House announced the news at 20:22 that Saturday evening.

On Wednesday, almost as quickly as the news that he had been sacked as head of the FBI reached James Comey in Los Angeles, these two dramatic episodes were being described as historically analogous.

The president had fired the lead figure in an investigation into alleged wrongdoing by members of his own team.
The Nixonian parallels were obvious.

Roger Stone, a Trump associate who also worked in 1972 for the notorious Committee to Re-elect the President, told the New York Times: "Somewhere Dick Nixon is smiling."

The Nixon presidential library even trolled the White House on Twitter: "FUN FACT: President Nixon never fired the Director of the FBI #FBIDirector #notNixonian."

Democrats insinuated that Comey was fired for similar reasons to Cox, because he was closing in on the truth.

There were other resemblances, too. In the lead-up to the Saturday Night Massacre, the Nixon White House was still reeling from the resignation of the president's chief of staff, Bob Haldeman, a central figure in the Watergate scandal, just as the Trump administration continues to be buffeted by the swirl of controversy surrounding the forced departure of Gen Michael Flynn, his former National Security Adviser.

There's the suspicion now, as there was four decades ago, that an embattled White House has something to hide.
So is this truly a re-run of the events of 1973? Is the past repeating itself?

Even by the standards of the Nixon presidency, the autumn of 1973 was unusually chaotic...
Keep reading.

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BONUS: David Schoenbrod, DC Confidential: Inside the Five Tricks of Washington.

Leftist Media Hysteria Over James Comey Firing (VIDEO)

A quick clip with from RCP, "Mollie Hemingway: Manner With Which Media Covering Comey Story Borderline Delusional."

And at Fox News, the inimitable Charles Krauthammer:

Thanks to the Reader Who Bought John Keegan's, The Face of Battle

Actually, thanks to all my readers for visiting the blog, reading my posts and sharing, and of course shopping through my Amazon links. I greatly appreciate it.

But here I wanted to give a shout out to my reader who picked up a copy of Keegan's, The Face of Battle: A Study of Agincourt, Waterloo, and the Somme. That's a classic book. It was cited in the footnotes of my scholarly readings in grad school, all the time. I had kind of a flashback moment seeing the title pop up in my associate's statistics page.

Thanks again!

Teaching Racism in K-12 Classrooms

From Matthew Vadum, at FrontPage Magazine, "Leftist educators are corrupting the young":

Teachers at Highlands Elementary, a school in Edina, Minnesota, are indoctrinating five-year-olds in order to radicalize them and encourage them to become activists obsessed with race.

Public school teachers across America already saturate students with information about racial injustice in America in a nonstop barrage of historic facts and ahistorical nonsense. And in the culture at large, the media, politicians, and the entertainment industry can’t stop talking about race. The last thing any young student in America needs is to be taught about is race. Race matters only to radicals.

Leftists believe you have to get ’em while they’re young and impressionable.

Marxist theorist Paolo Freire advocated in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, that schools be used to inculcate radical values in students so they become agents of social change. Freire held that the so-called dominant pedagogy “silences” poor and minority children and that there is no such thing as a neutral educational system.

Joining Freire in his desire to use the educational system to level institutions is unrepentant communist terrorist and education theorist Bill Ayers, who has long advocated poisoning the minds of the young so they can agitate to fundamentally transform American society.

“If we want change to come, we would do well not to look at the sites of power we have no access to; the White House, the Congress, the Pentagon,” he said in 2012. “We have absolute access to the community, the school, the neighborhood, the street, the classroom, the workplace, the shop, the farm.”

This brings us to Highlands Elementary, which is located in one of the most affluent cities in Minnesota. Its school district is among the best in the state, Daniel Lattier reports at Intellectual Takeout. Highlands students do well in standardized testing: more than 85 percent of its students are proficient in reading and math.

But racial and social justice indoctrination have found their way onto the Highlands curriculum over the past year, according to Lattier. The phenomenon is not limited to Highlands, he adds. “[A] large percentage of students in public schools today are being trained to view the world primarily through the lenses of race, class, and gender.”

Katie Mahoney, who took over as principal of Highlands last fall, is proud of the school’s “Melanin Project.” She tweeted April 26: “Kindergarten tackles the Melanin project! @edinaschools @LeslieStageberg[.]” (Leslie Stageberg is a teacher.)

A poster made of construction paper is shown that reads, "Stop thinking your skin color is better than anyone elses[sic]! Everyone is Special!"

This message in itself isn’t sinister. American children shouldn’t be taught skin color is a mark of superiority, inferiority, or of anything in particular.

But one has to question the appropriateness of getting intellectually, emotionally immature Kindergarteners thinking about skin color at all, before they know how to think critically.

Why the rush?

It is to soften young minds in order to make the indoctrination process easier throughout students’ time in school. If a young child is already self-righteously hyperventilating about race and supposed systemic racism in America, it makes that child more susceptible to other leftist ideas.

The Highlands Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) wasn’t lying when it stated in the banner photo of its Facebook page that “Highlands is Planting Seeds of Change.”

Something else about the Melanin Project is disturbing. Discussions of melanin have an ugly pedigree. Racists are particularly fascinated by melanin.

Radical activists use melanin for political purposes, spewing pseudoscientific nonsense to create the illusion that their warped ideas about race somehow have an empirical basis in science. Melanin itself, a blanket term for a group of pigments, is the primary determinant of human skin color. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun triggers a process by which an amino acid called tyrosine becomes melanin, which protects the skin from sun damage. The thinking is that over time the more a population is exposed to the sun, the more melanin is generated and the darker their skin.

Leonard Jeffries Jr., a black studies professor at the City College of New York, is an influential thinker on the black racist Left. This Afrocentrist academic embraces “melanin theory,” maintaining that melanin possesses supernatural powers and makes those who have large quantities of it smarter and stronger than those who don’t. Blacks are therefore, peaceful and compassionate “sun people,” and are culturally and racially superior to whites, the violent, cruel “ice people.” Melanin empowers black people to “negotiate the vibrations of the universe and to deal with the ultraviolet rays of the sun," Jeffries says.

This fetishizing of human anatomy is surprisingly commonplace on the Left. The low-rent James Baldwin wannabe, Ta-Nehisi Coates, now the toast of bicoastal elites and academics, talks about “black bodies” as objects worthy of veneration without regard to the individuals occupying them. His phraseology is now boilerplate among members of the violent, racist Black Lives Matter movement.

Highlands was recently awarded a grant that will allow fourth- and fifth-graders to take part in the Stages Theatre Company’s “Perspectives on Peace” (PoP) project, Lattier notes. PoP is run by Nikki Swoboda, “whose directorial credits include: “Virgin Territory,” which “tak[es] a hard look at the ‘ideals’ of virginity and how those are perceived in society”; and “Ball: A Musical Tribute to My Lost Testicle.”

PoP promotional material states that the project “illuminates current world events and broadens students’ attitudes toward tolerance, respect, understanding, and peace…” A promotional video for PoP that was linked to in an email sent to Highlands parents associates Black Lives Matter with “peace.”

At South View Middle School in Edina, older students are encouraged to get involved in something called Dare 2 Be Real. A presentation slide that begins with “Be The Change You Wish To See In The World! – Mahatma Gandhi” states [emphases in original]...

Democrats' James Comey Hypocrisy (VIDEO)

From the RNC: