Monday, May 15, 2017

Pat Buchanan, Nixon's White House Wars


Great timing.

Just out this week, at Amazon, Pat Buchanan, Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.

WaPo's Crap Hit-Piece on 'Highly Classified' Intel is Fake News

It's trending at Memeorandum, "Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador."

Laura Ingraham's calling bull:

I read the piece. All sources are commenting on background. You can't corroborate the details, and as you can see, the White House is denying.

Former Olympic Medalist McKayla Maroney on Instagram

At the New York Post, "The side of McKayla Maroney you haven’t seen before."

Also, at IDLYITW, "Ok Then, McKayla Maroney."

Shop Today

At Amazon, Today's Deals. New Deals. Every Day.

Also, Best Sellers in Televisions.

More, Deals in Laptops.

BONUS: Richard White, The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, 1650-1815.

Danielle Gersh's Fog and Drizzle Forecast

A very similar forecast to Jennifer Delacruz's for the metropolitan San Diego area.

It's going to be foggy and drizzly, and some part of the O.C. coast will be in the low 60s.

Here's the lovely Ms. Danielle, for CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Freakin'-a no doubt!

Seen on Twitter:

Our System of Checks and Balances is Under Assault' (VIDEO)

It's James Crapper, er, Clapper, from CNN yesterday.

And no, our system's not under assault --- not by President Trump at least. If there's an assault going on, it's seen in the left's war on our legitimately-elected government. It's seen in the left's revolutionary all-out war on our republic.

Watch, FWIW:

Meme War Veteran

Cool hat.

Michael Roberts, The Long Depression

A link for any dialectical readers.

At Amazon, The Long Depression: Marxism and the Global Crisis of Capitalism.


That's quite a twist on the weather, a hip twist, heh.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Ruchir Sharma, The Rise and Fall of Nations


At Amazon, Ruchir Sharma, The Rise and Fall of Nations: Forces of Change in the Post-Crisis World.

Jennifer Delacruz's Drizzly Forecast

It's going to be wet, gray, and cold tomorrow --- not all that unusual weather for mid-May, actually.

Following-up from a little while ago, "Jennifer Delacruz's Cool Cloudy Forecast."

Once more, here's the lovely Ms. Jennifer:

Samuel P. Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies

I need to read a little more widely over the summer, especially among works in my field.

Here's Samuel Huntington, at Amazon, Political Order in Changing Societies.

Faith Hill

She's the sweetest thing ever.

The Frightful Five

This is pretty good, from Farhad Manjoo, at NYT.

The "frightful five" are Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Google. Which ones could you do without, from the easiest to the toughest? I'd ditch Facebook with no problems, lol. After that, though, it's not so easy to ditch any of these. We're not just talking about ditching one product, but the entire company. I like Microsoft Word, and at work I like Microsoft Outlook for email. And I'm on Apple all the time, since I have an iPhone, which I love. Amazon's mostly for books and stuff, but Google's my bread and butter. I blog on Google, email with, and of course search Google exclusively. It'd be hard to give up. So, you get the picture. Manjoo would be bummed to bail out on Amazon, because he uses it for everything and has been since it first went online, which is interesting.

Mother's Day Brings Out the Worst

The worst in feminists, and leftists generally. What is so wrong with these people?

Jennifer Delacruz's Cool Cloudy Forecast

Here's the lovely Ms. Jennifer, for ABC News 10 San Diego.

I'll update if the network's got another video up of Ms. Jennifer later.

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Also at Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."