Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Walter James Casper III Harassment. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Walter James Casper III Harassment. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Smirking Spectator? Guilty as Charged

Folks must be sure to read this piece at Popehat, "Professor Loomis and the NRA: A Story In Which EVERYONE Annoys Me." (At Memeorandum.)

What defenders of Erik Loomis conveniently overlook is his long history of violent death-wish rhetoric spewed at his political opponents. Should he be fired for this? Of course not. But that's not to say I'm not amused by the whole thing, a fascinating spectacle, to be sure. Here's the quote I'm referencing:
I support, without qualification, people writing about Professor Loomis. I find his expression contemptible. But I also find the efforts to get him fired or arrested contemptible, and I find it highly regrettable that some blogs are, at the most charitable interpretation, acting as smirking spectators to that effort. The effort is not without cost, even if neither the police nor the University take action. Trying to get a professor fired for clearly protected speech promotes and contributes to the culture of censorship in higher education that FIRE fights and that Greg Lukianoff exposed persuasively in his recent book "Unlearning Liberty."
Perhaps I'd be more bothered by efforts to get Loomis fired if I hadn't been on the receiving end of identical efforts by his co-bloggers at Lawyers, Guns and Money and by his ideological allies in the progressive ASFL fever swamps. Indeed, I almost fell off my chair laughing at this mewling piece of "free-speech" grandstanding at Crooked Timber, "Statement on Erik Loomis." You'll notice in the comments that Scott Eric Kaufman "signs" the statement in solidarity, which is about as hypocritical as one can be ---- considering that the f-ker tried to get me fired, not for threatening him, but for simply pointing out that he loves using profanity in his teaching. There was some history of flame wars before that, but my post nailing Kaufman bragging about dropping f-bombs during lectures really must have hit a nerve. The next thing you know the guy was libeling me at my college (smearing me as a pornographer and sexual harasser), posing as a concern troll with the most demonic intentions imaginable. None of these same academic and progressive idiots said a word in my defense at the time, because they all hate me with the passion of the 1000 burning suns. But when one of their own idiots gets caught in the crossfire (metaphor) ---- and Popehat does indeed slam Loomis as an anti-free speech lunkhead --- they get all stiffer than a black-stallion steroid-pumped homosexual erection. These people are the epitome of double-standards and partisan posturing --- an example of hypocrisy also hammered at the Popehat post.

Here's my post on SEK: "The Lies of Scott Eric Kaufman — Leftist Hate-Blogger Sought to Silence Criticism With Libelous Campaign of Workplace Harassment."

And as regular readers know full well, Walter James Casper III used his blog, with his co-bloggers, to post my contact information and exhort his readers to contact my college. See: "Intent to Annoy and the Fascist Hate-Blogging Campaign of Walter James Casper III." And don't miss: "Roundup on Progressive Campaign of Workplace Intimidation and Harassment."

When you see the idiot progs get all bent out of shape like a bunch of homos, be reminded of Michelle Malkin's comments:
So, it’s come to this: Advocating beheadings, beatings, and mass murder of peaceful Americans to pay for the sins of a soulless madman. But because the advocates of violence fashion themselves champions of non-violence and because they inhabit the hallowed worlds of Hollywood, academia, and the Democratic Party, it’s acceptable?

Blood-lusting hate speech must not get a pass just because it comes out of the mouths of the protected, anti-gun class.
No one is as vile as these people. Loomis is just roadkill in the partisan wars, and he won't be the last on either side. Is it decent or fair? Perhaps not, but not so many people are as stupid as Loomis the Lumberjack. No one's as stupid to violently rattle off the death chants while still an untenured assistant professor at a research university. "Dim bulb" is charitable.

Meanwhile, Robert Stacy McCain's having a field day with Loomis, to the hilarious benefit of the conservative 'sphere. See: "#Metaphor: Academics Sign Their Own Death Warrants by Defending Loomis."

Screw these people. They reap what they sow. When they start calling out the workplace harassers among their own partisans maybe I'll give a f-k about stooges like Loomis.

BONUS: From Glenn Reynolds:
I KNOW I HAVEN’T: Don’t get too excited about Professor Loomis. “Professor Loomis’ vivid tweets are not actionable threats. That is to say, they aren’t ‘true threats’ outside the protection of the First Amendment.”

That’s right. They’re just hate-filled “eliminationist rhetoric” of the sort that lefties are always accusing people on the right of, but seem to engage in rather a lot themselves. Not a firing offense, but certainly worthy of widespread mockery.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Progressives Are the Biggest Threat to Freedom of Speech in America

An excellent clip from FIRE.

Rauch, who is a far-left progressive, nails it on who's the biggest threat to freedom of speech, thought and expression in the country today. What's surprising, though, is that harassment-blogger Walter James Casper III "liked" it on Twitter --- tweeting it out a couple of times in fact. And it's ironic too, since Repsac3 is the epitome of the hateful, speech-controlling progressive that Rauch is denouncing. From racism to anti-Semitism to the recent attacks on Ann Coulter at Fordham, Repsac3 is down with it. He never, ever speaks out against it, and in fact joins in with his progressive hate-commentariat in mounting campaigns of personal destruction against those with whom he disagrees. I've chronicled Repsac3's criminal campaigns of intimidation many times. If he truly "likes" the ideas of Jonathan Rauch he should in fact practice them. Sadly, the record shows that while the demonically hate-addled Repsac3 purportedly champions this kind of classical liberal thought, his actual political loyalties are with those who stand against it. It's not just that Walter James Casper III is a stupid man. It's that he's also been psychological corrupted by progressive evil. Where there's a bodily inclination in him that says leftist thought suppression is not just wrong but massively vile, his raging primordial rage at conservatives kicks in to advance the exact kind of censorship that Rauch excoriates above. Repsac3 is a rodent of a person, and hardened, blackened chip of human refuse. Honestly, his only hope is to follow the words of people like Rauch and literally repent his ideology of hatred and secular demonology.

PREVIOUSLY: "Wall Street Journal Weekend Interview: Greg Lukianoff, 'How Free Speech Died on Campus'."

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Left's Brett Kimberlin Truthers

Okay, the breaking story late today is that Erick Erickson's home was SWATted.

See Patterico, "BREAKING: Bogus Call Sends Police to Home of Kimberlin Critic Erick Erickson."

And lots more from Memeorandum:

* Aaron Worthing, "BREAKING: Another Critic of Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Has Been Swatted!"

* Bob Owens, "Soros-funded left-wing terrorists target second conservative blogger with potentially deadly SWATting attack"

* Jawa Report, "SWATing a CNN Contributor, Who's Next Beotches??"


Folks are tweeting CNN and other major media outlets in an effort to get some major media coverage on this: "After Brett Kimberlin blogburst, RedState blogger/CNN contributor Erick Erickson and family victims of SWATting; will CNN cover the story?"

Meanwhile, the progressive left is circling the wagons. Markos Moulitsas tried to blow off Everybody Blog Brett Kimberlin Day, and he got called out on it: "Markos Moulitsas gets schooled on ‘nobody’ political terrorist Brett Kimberlin."

And as is generally the case, few progressives have blogged this story, and those who have blogged it are denying Kimberlin's campaign of criminal harassment --- they're in fact blaming the victims. Barbara at Mahablog dismissed the threats from Kimberlin and dissed the conservative response as a "lynch mob." But you get real hardcore Kimberlin trutherism at No More More Mister Nice Blog, "I WANT THE KIMBERLIN TRUTH TO PUT ON ITS BOOTS":
You know the saying ascribed to Mark Twain: "A lie goes halfway around the world before the truth puts on its boots." That's pretty much what happens when the right pushes and distorts a story, while the mainstream press says nothing. That's what happened, for instance, with the "Ground Zero mosque." The right-wing media and blogosphere pushed the story for months before the rest of the media took notice of the right's distortions....

That's what must be prevented in the case of Brett Kimberlin. In addition to convicting him in the media, the right is already trying to tie him to the Obama administration, and, by inference, to every liberal and Democrat in America. That's only going to continue.

Let wingnuts be the mainstream press's assignment editors? I say yes, but just in order to tell the truth. At worst, we learn that Kimberlin really was a nasty guy; the fact appears to be that liberals and Democrats who may have allied with him simply didn't know that. (Yeah, he's an ex-con, but so is Don King, who once killed a guy, which didn't stop the GOP from expressing delight as his endorsement of George W. Bush in 2004.) Or we may find out that behavior is being ascribed to Kimberlin and his friends that's someone else's doing, or that's being exaggerated and distorted, just to score political points. Either way, the right is prevented from owning the story for the next several months and presenting it in a way that exclusively helps the right. If these hissyfits are ignored, they don't go away.

All one has to do is read Aaron Worthing 28,000 word report and you'd be a long way toward "the truth." But progressives don't want the truth. They want to destroy conservatives. So by denying Kimberin's evil and by attempting to turn it all around so it's really the right who's harassing Kimberlin, the left ends up enabling and empowering the left's criminal intimidation network. But read more of the comments from No More Mister Nice Blog. These people have got it bad. Here's this one, for example, from Jymn:
I just wish there was some equivalence between media coverage of the left and the right. Judging by Memeorandum in the aftermath of Breitbart's death, the right has gone around the bend. With Erick Erickson and Dana Loesch on CNN with no lefty blogger counterpoint, the right is monopolizing the media. Sure, let the right shoot itself in the foot. But it doesn't work that way. Righties advance the more they screw up. Not so for the left. With this latest kerfuffle, probably the wildest and most obscure I've ever encountered in the blogospher, how will we ever know the truth? The media is no longer diligent enough to wade through the bull. I have a feeling McCain is only telling a purple prose version of the events. He may not be the victim here but if the right keeps trumpeting his victim status, the lazy media is sure to do the same, despite the underlying facts.
And here's this from my old hate-blogging stalker Walter James Casper III:
Exactly right, Steve... I want the truth of the thing to come out, whatever it is... The ones involved/telling the story are politically biased, and--because they're involved--not objective or trustworthy on that front, either.

It just bothers me that a deputy district attorney for LA county (Patterico), a lawyer (Worthing), and a former news reporter (McCain) can't get much help or traction from law enforcement, the court system, or the media. (Both Frey and Worthing have specifically said the law isn't following their leads or taking their plights seriously.) Meanwhile, the rightwing blogs are hanging on their every utterances as though they're Gospel. If professional law enforcement is skeptical of their stories, I fail to see why I should believe them, either.

When I start to see movement from unbiased legal and media sources, I'll take their stories more seriously.
And that is from a guy who is the publisher of a criminal harassment blog. He only stopped his harassment after I went to the police: "Intent to Annoy and the Fascist Hate-Blogging Campaign of Walter James Casper III."

I'll have more on the Kimberlin trutherism later, and of course more on all of the attacks. This is personal: "Carl Salonen Libelous Workplace Allegations of Child Pornography and Sexual Harassment at Long Beach City College."

Added: Again, putting aside the truthers for a moment, where there have been a few folks on the left who've blogged this story, it's frankly been either among those who've also been targeted by the Kimberlin network or simply a few sympathetic progressives. Amazingly, TBogg, the guy who've I've called out as a racist anti-Christian bigot, actually writes something decent, but only so much:
Whoever “swatted” Patterico is an asshole and deserves to be in prison. I’ve had my own issues with Patterico, as well as Aaron Worthing, over the years, but nobody deserves the shitstorm they’ve been through. Having said that, if rightwing bloggers put as much time and coordinated effort into ‘vetting’ Barack Obama that they have in rehashing the same odd Kimberlin stories, we’d probably know if Obama was truly the murderous socialist Kenyan muslim Breitbart-killing Tonton Macoute terrorist that they keep telling us he is. Also, too: Robert Stacy McCain’s story reeks of grift. McCain has spent the last few months moaning about how he’s not making any money and how he’s going to quit blogging and nobody likes him – everybody hates him, he’s gonna eat some worms and now: mysteriously vague threats … GIMME MONEY! I call bullshit.
Well, no, TBogg, you pea-brained progressive creep. Had he not gone into hiding, Stacy would have been SWATted faster than you can say Carl DeLong. If you're going to have a good word to say, say it and be done.

So, as folks can see, I'm skeptical that this is just a "free speech issue" and not a Soros-backed criminal harassment network issue. Patterico argues that this isn't partisan, and that people should be judged by their actions not their ideology. And I know that Patterico's serious (I'm listening to him on Blog Talk Radio as this update goes live). But whatever left-wing sympathy we see on this will be thin as thawing ice on a lake and as shortlived as a TNT fuse. I don't trust these people. Mike at Cold Fury nailed it best, and I won't change my mind on this leftist or that leftist until I see some sustained advocacy on behalf of those who've been targeted. See: "This Means War."

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Freedom to Blog Update July 21, 2012

I just wanted to post a brief update on Brett Kimberlin and related blogging.

Aaron Worthing continues to push back against the left's repulsive lawfare campaign, "Exclusive: Brett Kimberlin Threatens to File Criminal Charges Against Me, Again," and "Exclusive: My Virginia Complaint Against Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser and Ron Brynaert."

And the background is at Michelle's, "Going dark to urge congressional action: Who will protect the freedom to blog?", and "Freedom to blog updates: Aaron Walker fights Brett Kimberlin gag order; the Left and endless lawfare."

And at Camp of the Saints, "The #BrettKimberlin Report D+52: Brad Friedman’s Fit."

Now, in related developments, my friend Karen at The Lonely Conservative has been subjected to a vicious hate campaign. Really, it's unbelievable the degree of abuse she's been fighting. See "Connecting the Dots on the Ongoing Harassment." RTWT and see also The Other McCain, "Poison Pen E-Mail and the Harassment of the Lonely Conservative."

And God bless Mare Zilla for her undaunted defense of those under assault: "Because Darkness Hates the Light – ROLL CALL!", and "Oh, Those “Compassionate” Leftists!"

Both Karen and Zilla have links to those joining the call of liberty.

And it this point, I can't recall a more vicious campaign of destruction. Prayers for Karen.

And that's saying a lot, considering:

* "The Lies of Scott Eric Kaufman — Leftist Hate-Blogger Sought to Silence Criticism With Libelous Campaign of Workplace Harassment."

* "Carl Salonen Libelous Workplace Allegations of Child Pornography and Sexual Harassment at Long Beach City College."

* "Intent to Annoy and the Fascist Hate-Blogging Campaign of Walter James Casper III."

* "Roundup on Progressive Campaign of Workplace Intimidation and Harassment."

Previous "Freedom to Blog Updates" are here.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mofo @Dat_Nigga_Reppy Be Down Wit Some Anti-Christian Hatin'!

Hey, ain't nevah no surprises wit dat hate-addled mofo Walter James Casper III --- a.k.a. @Dat_Nigga_Reppy, since he be down with somma mofo @Dat_Nigga_Vonni hatin' on Twittah.

Seriously, @Dat_Nigga_Reppy done be tweetin' him some Erik "Lumberjack" Loomis anti-Christian hate:

I done already be blogging on dat mf, "Faith, Any Faith, Has Now Officially Become Hate Speech." And @Dat_Niggy_Reppy already done tweeted him some anti-Christian hate from vile mf POS John Aravosis:

These mofos be lying, especially epic liar @Dat_Nigga_Reppy. I been calling out dat fool for his mf harassment for long time, yo. Ima get me some cops comin' down on that bitch for his serial harassment, cracka fool!

Mf @Dat_Nigga_Reppy just be like @Dat_Nigga_Vonni on #TrayonMartin on Twittah:

See dat, mofo! Next up, we likely be seein' @Dat_Nigga_Reppy gonna be down with poppin' some Christians, no doubt yo! More here, cracka!, "#TrayvonMartin Supporters Keepin' it Classy on Twitter."

BONUS: "Bwahaha!! Poor Widdle Wepsac3 Whines Hilariously: 'I'm the Victim! It's Me, I'm the Victim!'"

Bwahaha! I be laughin' at dat bitch!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Polls Show Joseph Biden — 'Malarkey McSmirk' — Losing Debate to Paul Ryan

More public opinion data show Joe Biden as a national laughingstock after Thursday night's debate. At PolicyMic, "Who Won the VP Debate 2012: Paul Ryan Wins the Polls Against Laughing Joe Biden":

If you're a liberal or a Democrat, you probably loved Joe Biden's performance last night; if you're an independent or a Republican, not so much.

According to, the Obama campaign was deeply wounded after last weeks presidential debate. Mitt Romney not only came off as more likable the he ever had previously, but he also came off as more knowledgeable and confident than President Obama. Over the past eight days, the polls have shifted over to Governor Romney's favor.

Biden was sent out to reverse this increasing trend, rally the base and show the American people that the administration still had fire in its belly. There is, however, one word that Vice President Biden forgot, and that word is overkill.

Biden's been here before. All throughout the 2008 Democratic primary season, and during his 2008 VP debate with Governor Sarah Palin, he was calm, collected, even presidential. He was a likable and charming guy. This time, we saw a different Joe Biden.

Biden smirked, grinned, and waved his hands wildly. Some people would call it impassioned. Others might suggest that he was doing an impression of a southern preacher trying to perform an exorcism. He shook his finger repeatedly in the air, and interrupted Congressman Paul Ryan 82 different times. Paul Ryan maintained his cool, and was polite to a fault.

As the old adage goes, it's all about how things look. Biden tried to exude strength, but ended up coming across as unhinged, cocky, arrogant and rude. Paul Ryan tried to come across as confident and composed, but may have come across as slightly timid. So who ended up getting the best results for their team in the end? Well, as of right now, it might very well have been vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan.

According to the CNN poll of independents, Paul Ryan won the debate, 48% to 44%. The same poll showed that people who watched the debate believed that Paul Ryan expressed himself better than Joe Biden, 50%-41%. An NBC poll of 435 uncommitted voters after the debate showed Paul Ryan winning with 63% to 31%. CNBC had it 56% to 36%, again with Paul Ryan coming out on top. Even the Danville Advocate Messenger had Paul Ryan on top at the end of the day, attracting 56% to Biden's 41%.

So how could Joe Biden's strategy have backfired so horribly? It's quite simple. He did not come off as 'presidential.' He wasn't Joe Biden. He was Malarkey McSmirk.
More at the link.

Only someone who is personally, literally a bullying asshole, like Walter James Casper III, would actually think Biden did well. Honestly, you'd have to be a horrible, horrible person to think that Biden gave a good performance. And no one on the right is arguing that Biden was "mean." Everyone is arguing that he was angry, blustery, brusque, contemptuous, cranky, overbearing, rude, and completely unserious. Biden's performance was so bad that he actually proved himself unfit to serve. But for epic harassment troll and Internet predator Repsac3, conservatives are "whining." Typical. Leftists have absolutely no class. They've got no basic decency. When you can't win on the merits you shout down not only your opponent, but the moderator as well. It was an historic debate, but not in a good way. Biden's already outranked Al Gore for giving one of the worst debates in history. Commentators are saying Biden's was the worst they'd ever seen.

And here's Peggy Noonan with more, "Confusing Strength With Aggression":
In terms of content—the seriousness and strength of one's positions and the ability to argue for them—the debate was probably a draw, with both candidates having strong moments. But in terms of style, Mr. Biden was so childishly manipulative that it will be surprising if independents and undecideds liked what they saw.

National Democrats keep confusing strength with aggression and command with sarcasm. Even the latter didn't work for Mr. Biden. The things he said had the rhythm and smirk of sarcasm without the cutting substance.

And so the Romney-Ryan ticket emerged ahead. Its momentum was neither stopped nor slowed and likely was pushed forward.

Meaning that things will continue to get hotter. The campaign trail, commercials, all sorts of mischief—everything will get jacked up, cranked up. Meaning the next debate is even more important. Which means, since the next debate is a town hall and won't be mano-a-mano at the podium, that the third debate, on foreign policy, will be the most important of all.
And just like the first debate, Obama's going to get crushed.

In sum, Joe Biden failed at the most important goal in Thursday night's debate: to halt Mitt Romney's momentum. Not only did he fail at that, he showed once and for all just how big a bullying buffoon he really is.

Joe "Malarkey McSmirk" Biden. That one's for the ages.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Epic Loser Walter James Casper III 'Isn't a Very Effective User' of Twitter

Via Robert Stacy McCain:

Alas, "troll rights" harassment stalker Repsac3 is only "effective" in his own mind, the f-king narcissistic #p2 asshole.

PREVIOUSLY: "Cyber-Stalking Harassment Troll Bill Schmalfeldt," and "Obama Administration Pushing for Implementation of U.N. Resolution 16/18 Prohibiting Criticism of Islam."

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Progressives Can Just FOAD

From Zilla of the Resistance:

And from 20011 at AmPower: "Zilla of the Resistance! — 'Stand Against Evil - Never Let it Win'."

Plus, R.S. McCain's updated: "‘At a Time of My Choosing’."

PREVIOUSLY: "Cyber-Stalking Harassment Troll Bill Schmalfeldt." (With a detailed discussion of progressive hate-troll Walter James Casper III.)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bloggers Against #BrettKimberlin Fracture Over Ali Akbar and the National Bloggers Club

It's been about a week since I last blogged about the Kimberlin affair. I've been following along closely, at The Other McCain, in particular, but haven't posted on developments, mostly because I've been busy. For example, on Father's Day I was offline and missed the pretty harsh backlash against Paul Lemmen of An Ex Con's View. See Ann Barnhardt's hit piece over at iOWNTHEWORLD: "Stop Drinking the LemmenAde – Ann Barnhardt." Folks should spend a few minutes with the post, and be sure to read the comments there and also at this one. Reading through there you will see how nasty things have gotten among conservative bloggers who would normally be allies in the fight against the left's criminal harassment network.

Aki Akbar

One reason I backed off Kimberlin blogging is my own issues with people like Scott Jacobs, which I posted about here: "Hip Hip Hooray for John Hawkins! — '7 Ways Conservative Activists Are Being Harassed By the Left'." But that was nothing, really. Now battle lines are being drawn between people who I consider good friends in the blogosphere. So I'm mostly just going so say just a few things here and link around to others who've taken sides.

Paul Lemmen quit his Kimberlin blogging in response to Barnhardt's attacks. See: "The Darkness" and "After Due Consideration." But he's also been contacted directly by Ali Akbar and Stranahan, both of whom pressured him to STFU. I have spoken to Paul on the phone. He decided to step aside, for now at least, in the interest of the greater good. I can't defend Paul against the attacks. He's got a very sketchy background and I'm still learning about him. But I can say that not once have I felt I couldn't trust him during these controversies and I think, frankly, he's got one of the more vital voices standing up against the progressive thugs. I hope he comes back to blogging the fight. He's being thrown under the bus after being a stand up guy in this so far.

Now, I've also spoken to Mare Zilla. She's pretty upset since she was attacked in the comments at iOWNTHEWORLD. Zilla can't blog a whole lot because she's dealing with some painful and debilitating illnesses. But few people have gone to bat for so many in the "dextrosphere," as she likes to call it. So it pains me to see this post of hers, which is a response to the conservative infighting, "It’s Just How I Am." Read the whole thing for the background (Zilla is a friend to everyone), but check the conclusion:

It has been many years since I have tended bar (or even drank alcohol, for that matter), but my little personality quirk has stayed with me and it has both served me well and caused me harm, but it is part of who I am and it’s just how I roll. Some people have a problem with that; they take issue with the fact that I am not quick to turn my back on outcasts or jump on a bandwagon to throw a social pariah beneath its wheels, but I think that perhaps that is more THEIR problem than it is mine.
Zilla's been good to me personally. She organized a blogburst to smack down the despicable hate-blogger Walter James Casper III. I won't ever forget that kind of support, so I'm doubly irked by how she's been treated by some folks on the right.

Most of this is directly a result of the revelations of Ali's criminal background. It turns out that Ali's not only been (seemingly) hiding a shady past, but it's not clear he's fully owned up to it when called out. I'm not one to judge, but I can see why a good number of people have some serious issues with Ali's management of the National Bloggers Club. Honestly, there's some history that makes people uncomfortable, especially since a lot of folks are putting their hard-earned money where their mouths are. So when the news came out that Paul had been pressured --- even harassed --- to step aside, that was the last straw for a few. See Film Ladd's post, for example, "Good Luck National Blogger's Club"

Look, I'm not a collectivist. I don't care about celebrities. I don't care if someone is "important" or not. Screw Ali's political connections. You love him? Want to blacklist me? Be my guest. Won't be the first time that's happened. Been happening for two years now anyway. It's the sort of thing I think Ali likes to do to people who get crosswise with him - trash them, prevent them from getting work, and so on. I could regale you with first-hand stories I've heard, but this post is already too goddamn long.
Go read it all at that link.

And don't miss Dan Collins as well, who's not pleased: "MORE INSIDE BASEBALL KIMBERLIN FALLOUT: PAUL LEMMEN, ALI AKBAR, LADD EHLINGER."

And this just in, from The Impolite Canadian, "WE WILL NOT BE BULLIED INTO SILENCE!!!":

Ann Barnhardt, one such elitist bastard, says she wrote the rag on Paul Lemmen at the request of friends. BULLSHIT. She wrote it to draw attention away from Ali Akbar, the president of the NBC where she is a full fledged member, for fear the recent revelations on him would bring her drama-queen ass down with him. She pushes the envelope as far as to TELL Paul to withdraw from the fight on the Kimberlin goon squad, and the SWAT-ing incidents. Followed by her kiss-ass minions, she goes on to say that Paul is still conning people.

WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, Ann Barnhardt?? Who died and made you queen of the right-wing dextrosphere?? What gives you the right of life and death over smaller bloggers who engaged in this fight to expose the left wing terrorists?? You are the most self-centered, elitist piece of shit I have EVER encountered. Fuck you, Ann Barnhardt! You won't silence us! Nor will you silence the STRONG voices of MUCH BETTER bloggers than you are who sided with Paul.
Keep reading.

And after you finish that, go read Da Tech Guy's post, "And now by request…I jump into the middle of it."

Folks will have to read Da Tech Guy in full at the link. Bottom line is that the internecine battles are distracting from the larger war. And that's where I'll conclude. First, no one has a monopoly on this story. Of course those who have been personally sued, targeted or SWAT-ted should be rightly at the forefront, as best as they're able. But the battle needs reinforcements, especially when bloggers like Aaron Worthing have been silenced, albeit temporarily. It doesn't do any good for those more central to the controversy to attempt to marginalize those who're providing backup. We all have a lot to add to the fight, we compound the firepower. Michelle Malkin has repeatedly reminded us that conservatives have a common enemy in the left and that we can win if we keep the pressure on. Victory will take place piecemeal at times, but victory will certainly come. But if some so-called conservatives insist on taking exclusive monopoly ownership of the fight, attacking others for supposed heresies and other crimes, virtually the entire campaign will fold after a time, as conservatives decamp to their respective redoubts, holding grudges against folks nominally on their side. And that's not good, because the multiple blogbursts have been very effective so far. As it is, some of the biggest participants in past solidarity actions are now on opposing sides. It bugs the hell out me, frankly, and I'm already alienated a bit from entering the mosh.

Finally, I'll just repeat what I've said before: This is indeed a partisan battle of conservatives fighting a progressive program to shut down right-wing speech by any means necessary. A few well-meaning allies on the left have contributed quite a bit, but in the end it's going to break down along partisan and ideological lines. How it all shakes out, in the near-term, I don't know. I do know that the outcome of the Brett Kimberlin battle will have implications all the way to the top of national politics. Members of Congress have engaged and put pressure on the Justice Department. But that's only a start. Robert Stacy McCain and others keep digging away with their investigations and we may see some of the left's subversion reaching right up into the top ranks of the Democrat-Media-Complex. Time will tell. But either way, the push back against progressives criminals won't develop as well when various battalions are taken out with friendly fire. There's one common enemy ultimately, and for a variety of factors (diverse short-term interests on the right, outsized ego, etc.) the focus among conservatives has been lost.

I will continue to engage no matter what happens. But it'll be a whole lot easier without all the lame fissiparous backstabbing on the right side.

ADDED: I'm being told on Twitter that Paul Lemmen was NOT told to STFU by either Ali or Stranahan or both. But that's not what Paul told me personally. So, my essay stands until I have evidence otherwise that Paul wasn't told to stand down.

MORE: Here's Paul Lemmen in the comments, which I want to preserve at the post just in case he comes under more pressure:
Thank you Don. I have no words beyond there that will be believable by those who found it necessary to repeat their blacklist of me from March. I get it, okay? "STFU and go away" is the order of the day. They want and need the intel I have gotten but can't be seen putting me in any positive light.

That's okay with me, the fight is not about me but about Brett Kimberlin and his associates. That is what should be remembered instead of the rhetoric about me.
Someone, somewhere in all of this is not telling me the truth. So this all stays up for the record.