Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Child Fashion Necessity for In-Style Leftist Families: Striped 'Star of David' Holocaust Tees

Perfect leftist fashion item with a 1940s flair.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Zara pulls plug on 'Holocaust shirt' for kids."

The company released a statement, indicating that the tee-shirts, with the "Star of David" on them, will be "exterminated":
The item in question, part of the Cowboy Collection for babies, was inspired by the character of the sheriff in Wild West movies. The word ‘Sheriff’ is visible on the star at the front of the item. Nevertheless, we can understand the sensitive context and connotation that was created. The item does not exist in Israel and as soon as the issue became clear, it was decided the product will be removed from shelves across the world and exterminated.

We sincerely apologize if, as a result, we have offended the feelings of our customers.
Yes, "sincerely." I'm sure.

New Jennifer Nicole Lee Photos from Miami Beach

At Egotastic!, "Jennifer Nicole Lee Spotted in South Beach."

Previously Jennifer Nicole Lee blogging here.

Political Correctness Helped Cover Up Child Sexual Exploitation in #Rotherham

More on the enormous depravity in Britain.

At Legal Insurrection, "Racial and religious targeting of white teenage girls — but investigators feared being labeled “racist,” according to independent report."

Also, commentary from Allison Pearson, at Telegraph UK, "Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now?"

And at the Other McCain, "The Rotherham Horror."

PREVIOUSLY: "Sex Abuse Ignored in Britain: 1,400 Girls Raped by Muslim Sex-Trafficking Gangs as Police Feared 'Racism' Accusations."

VIDEO: Shirley Sotloff Appeals to Islamic State for the Release of Her Son, Steven Sotloff — #ISIS

An amazing development in the realm of international affairs. A bereaved mother appeals directly to the head of a transnational terrorist organization for the release of her son, held captive as a pawn in the terror war Islamic jihad is waging against the West. The video itself is particularly interesting for its production quality, and its apparent sponsorship by the New York Times. This is some kind of private party diplomacy that is extremely unusual. I'd have to research it, but we'd have to go back to the period of the 1980s, and the kidnappings conducted by the Islamic Jihad Organization in Lebanon, for something similar.

In any case, at the New York Times, "American Hostage’s Mother Issues Appeal to ISIS Leader: Plea to Islamic State for Release of Steven Sotloff" (via Memeorandum):

The mother of an American hostage being held by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria released an emotional video appeal to his captors on Wednesday. Shirley Sotloff, the mother of the 31-year-old freelance journalist Steven J. Sotloff, addressed her plea directly to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS and the self-declared caliph of the Muslim world.

Ms. Sotloff addresses Mr. Baghdadi as caliph, a title he bestowed on himself a few months ago, and calls on him to exercise his right to show clemency and follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad as previous caliphs did.

“I am sending this message to you, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Quraishi al-Hussaini, the caliph of the Islamic State. I am Shirley Sotloff. My son Steven is in your hands,” she begins. “You, the caliph, can grant amnesty. I ask you please to release my child,” she continues. “I ask you to use your authority to spare his life.”

Mr. Baghdadi — an Iraqi national who was jailed briefly by American forces in 2004 — declared a caliphate this year after his group captured a significant chunk of territory in Iraq. His claim to authority has not been recognized by most Muslims. In addressing Mr. Baghdadi as caliph of the Muslim world, Ms. Sotloff’s appeal is almost certainly the first time a non-Muslim has acknowledged his authority, a move that may prove controversial.

Miley Cyrus' Homeless Friend Has a Warrant Out for His Arrest

Ms. Cyrus was being touted as a "humanitarian" after Sunday's VMAs.

Now, not so much.

At ABC News:

Jon Stewart Epic 'Race/Off' Rant

Leftists are creaming over this, but what the heck? Stewart's a riot.

Watch: "Race/Off."

'Hero' Josh Shaw Investigation Hangs Over #USC Football

The original story is that he saved his nephew from drowning. Now, maybe not so much.

At LAT, "Josh Shaw situation hangs over preparation for USC season opener."

Will Photo of Kay Hagan Greeting President Obama Doom Her Bid for Second Term?

At USA Today, "Hagan greets Obama: The politics of a photo op in North Carolina."

She was bashing Obama just yesterday. It's hard out there for a Democrat.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sex Abuse Ignored in Britain: 1,400 Girls Raped by Muslim Sex-Trafficking Gangs as Police Feared 'Racism' Accusations

Look, the Telegraph UK won't even call these guys Muslims, even though they're from Pakistan and all have Arabic-Islamist names.

See, "Rotherham sex abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited by Asian gangs while authorities turned a blind eye." Also "Video: Police 'sorry' for failure in Rotherham child sex abuse scandal."

But see London's Daily Mail, "Revealed: How fear of being seen as racist stopped social workers saving up to 1,400 children from sexual exploitation at the hands of Asian men in just ONE TOWN."

Muslim Sex Gangs Britain photo Bv_r51SCAAA_-9A_zpsbd392713.png

And especially at Bare Naked Islam, "UK HORRIFIC REVELATIONS: How fear of being called ‘racist’ prevented social workers from rescuing up to 1,400 mostly white girl children from sexual abuse and exploitation by Muslim sex ‘grooming’ gangs in just one town!"

And Iowahawk on Twitter:

Keira Knightley for Interview Magazine September 2014

She's lovely.


Joshua Muravchik: Making David into Goliath

Here's another highly recommended book, from Joshua Muravchik, Making David into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel.

'Eric Holder Is One of the Biggest Race-Baiters in This Entire Country...'

Andrea Tantaros is da bomb!

Left-Wing Revolt Plunges Hollande Into Crisis

At Telegraph UK:
The French president is forced to order a reshuffle after two dissident cabinet ministers launch an open rebellion against his economic policy.

François Hollande was forced to order his second reshuffle in less than five months today after a revolt within the cabinet threatened to cripple his presidency.

The Left wing of France’s ruling Socialist Party is furious over Mr Hollande’s shift to more centrist economic policies with the introduction of tax and spending cuts aimed at reducing the country’s huge budget deficit.

The outgoing government, headed by the reformist prime minister, Manuel Valls, was appointed in March with the aim of bringing an end to infighting and the cabinet’s apparent lack of direction.

However, it was plunged into crisis over the weekend by Left-wingers led by Arnaud Montebourg, the flamboyant economy minister.

He defied Mr Hollande’s authority by publicly urging him to discard austerity and break with what he described as deficit-cutting measures imposed on the eurozone by “the most extreme orthodoxy of the German Right”.

The Neo-Neocons


Jean Kaufman (Neo-Neocon) oughta get a kick out of that headline, via Bret Stephens, at WSJ, "ISIS Makes Liberals Rediscover the Necessity of Hard Power":
So now liberals want the U.S. to bomb Iraq, and maybe Syria as well, to stop and defeat ISIS, the vilest terror group of all time. Where, one might ask, were these neo-neocons a couple of years ago, when stopping ISIS in its infancy might have spared us the current catastrophe?

Oh, right, they were dining at the table of establishment respectability, drinking from the fountain of opportunistic punditry, hissing at the sound of the names Wolfowitz, Cheney, Libby and Perle.

And, always, rhapsodizing to the music of Barack Obama.

Not because he is the most egregious offender, but only because he's so utterly the type, it's worth turning to the work of George Packer, a writer for the New Yorker. Over the years Mr. Packer has been of this or that mind about Iraq. Yet he has always managed to remain at the dead center of conventional wisdom. Think of him as the bubble, intellectually speaking, in the spirit level of American opinion journalism.

Thus Mr. Packer was for the war when it began in 2003, although "just barely," as he later explained himself. In April 2005 he wrote that the "Iraq war was always winnable" and "still is"—a judgment that would have seemed prescient in the wake of the surge. But by then he had already disavowed his own foresight, saying, when he was in full mea culpa mode, that the line was "the single most doubtful" thing he had written in his acclaimed book "The Assassins' Gate."
Stephens continues to skewer Packer with example after example, and then:
And then along came ISIS.

In the current issue of the New Yorker, Mr. Packer has an essay titled "The Common Enemy," which paints ISIS in especially terrifying colors: The Islamic State's project is "totalitarian." Its ideology is "expansionist as well as eliminationist." It has "many hundreds of fighters holding European or American passports [who] will eventually return home with training, skills, and the arrogance of battlefield victory." It threatened a religious minority with "imminent genocide." Its ambitions will not "remain confined to the boundaries of the Tigris and the Euphrates." The administration's usual counterterrorism tool, the drone strike, is "barely relevant against the Islamic State's thousands of ground troops."

"Pay attention to other people's nightmares," he concludes, "because they might be contagious."

Correcto-mundo. Which brings us back to the questions confronting the Bush administration on Sept. 12, 2001. Are we going to fight terrorists over there—or are we going to wait for them to come here? Do we choose to confront terrorism by means of war—or as a criminal justice issue? Can we assume the cancer in the Middle East won't spread so we can "pivot" to Asia and do some more "nation-building at home"? Can we win with a light-footprint approach against a heavy-footprint enemy?

Say what you will about George W. Bush: He got every one of these questions right while Mr. Obama got every one of them wrong. It's a truth that may at last be dawning on the likes of Mr. Packer and the other neo-neocons, not that I expect them ever to admit it.
Heh. You gotta love it.

The Angry, Disillusioned Music of the London Rapper Accused of Beheading James Foley

From Elias Groll, at Foreign Policy.

Stop the Race to Judgment on #Ferguson

Deneen Borelli, on Hannity's last week.

And Jason Riley's very thoughtful as well:

'Holocaust Victims,' Relatives Challenge Elie Wiesel for Defending Israel

From Phyllis Chesler, at Big Peace.

A nice piece.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Egypt and United Arab Emirates Launch Airstrikes in Libya

The story's at NYT, "Arab Nations Strike in Libya, Surprising U.S."

And Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, at 7:30 minutes into this Megyn Kelly segment, slams the Obama administration: "Our erstwhile allies don't trust us anymore," because Obama'w letting the entire world go to hell.


Black Suspect Arrested After Iraq Vet Beaten by Racial Mob Inflamed by Mike Brown and #Ferguson

"Life in post-racial America," via Instapundit.

At the New Orleans Times-Picayune, "Mississippi man beaten after he's warned restaurant wasn't safe for whites, witness says."

And at USA Today, "Witness: Beaten man told eatery 'not safe for whites'."

Also at Fire Andrea Mitchell, "Courtez McMillian beats West Point Marine Ralph Weems in Michael Brown revenge racist attack."

Layoffs at CNN? Start by Firing Serial Plagiarist Fareed Zakaria

It's hard out there.

At the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "Turner Broadcasting to offer voluntary buyouts, layoffs also expected," and "Following layoffs memo, Jeff Zucker tells CNN employees they need to “do less and do it with less”":
CNN chief Jeff Zucker recently shared not so encouraging words with some of the news operation’s employees, many of whom have been bracing for potential jobs cuts.

“We are going to do less and have to do it with less,” Zucker said during a call-in to a news meeting Tuesday morning. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution recently received a partial transcript of the call from a Turner employee who asked not to be identified.

Zucker’s comments feed growing concerns among employees at CNN and other operations of Turner Broadcasting, which has nearly 13,000 full-time employees, about half of them in Atlanta.

Zucker made his comments to staff the day after Turner chief John Martin sent a memo to staff saying a more streamlined company would be in place by the start of next year and that employees would begin hearing more in coming weeks. Turner executives are trying to refocus the business, including shedding costs, spending more on original programming to boost ratings and looking to prioritize other growth options.

Zucker said, “We now have a sense of what Turner is expecting from CNN. I am working with the senior management team at CNN to figure out what this means for us. This will result in changes and what we do and what we stop doing.”

Here’s a transcript of part of Zucker’s call...
More at the link.

CNN can start by firing Fareed Zakaria.

Also at Variety, "Turner Broadcasting Prepares for Staff Buyout Offers Amid Bigger Changes Ahead."