Friday, April 29, 2016

Donald Trump Jumps Freeway Barrier to Get to GOP Convention: 'It felt like I was crossing the border...' (VIDEO)


The despicable leftist illegal alien communists blocked the freeway.

At Gateway Pundit, "WILD VIDEO=> Trump Jumps Barrier, Crosses Ditch to Avoid Violent Leftist Mob in California."

Leftists and Mexican Thugs Burn the American Flag They Stole from Donald Trump Supporter (VIDEO)

Here's the headline at Gateway Pundit, "VIDEO=> LEFTISTS AND OPEN BORDER THUGS Bust Through Security and Storm California GOP Convention" (via Memeorandum).

Leftist anti-Trump protesters hoist the Mexican flag while burning the American flag, via KCRA News 3 Sacramento:

More, via Memeorandum, "California GOP Convention Chaos: Protesters Block Donald Trump's Motorcade."

Donald Trump Rouses Cheering Crowd in Costa Mesa: 'Build That Wall' (VIDEO)

Following-up from previously, "Latinos Riot, Smash Police Cars, Outside Donald Trump Campaign Event in Costa Mesa (VIDEO)."

At the O.C. Register:

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump brought his rousing message of political indignation to a full house at Costa Mesa’s 8,000-seat Pacific Amphitheatre on Thursday and was celebrated by the vocal crowd for providing an alternative to the status quo.

Within minutes of taking the stage to kick off his California campaign, Trump had the crowd on its feet chanting, “Build that wall.”

“Your crime numbers, they’re going through the roof, and we can’t have it anymore,” Trump told the packed venue at the OC Fair & Event Center. “We’re going to get our country back to a balance.”

Outside, sheriff’s deputies on horseback and in riot gear had to separate pro- and anti-Trump groups who shouted profanities at each other and nearly came to blows, with one side chanting “Dump Trump” as the other shouted, “Go back to Mexico.” After the rally ended, demonstrators jumped on a Costa Mesa police car, breaking out the windows and attempting to turn it over, as hundreds of people blocked the streets.

The tensions may be an early sign of what’s ahead for California in the weeks leading up to the June 7 primary, as Trump shifts his attention to the state that could prove the most crucial yet in his drive to be the Republican standard bearer.

“No state has suffered more from open borders than the state of California,” Trump told the crowd.

Trump’s choice of Orange County for his first major California event of the year is no surprise. While the county’s increasing ethnic diversity has contributed to Republican voter registration recently slipping below 40 percent, the GOP still has an 8-point advantage over Democrats, and the county continues its longstanding national reputation as a Republican powerhouse.

The county’s many wealthy donors also make it a national fundraising hub for GOP candidates.

Hours before the rally began, large crowds of flag-waving supporters and scattered sign-carrying protesters gathered at the fairgrounds.

Dawn Mayo stood on a concrete planter box in front of the fairgrounds’ Pacific Amphitheatre, surrounded by Trump supporters. She waved a blue “Make America great again” hat in her hand as she tried to lead the crowd in a “Go Trump!” chant that quickly died out.

“I’ll get them excited. Give me time,” said Mayo, 49, who grew up in New York and drove from San Diego on Thursday afternoon to attend the rally. “I love Trump. I want the energy to be up and people to be as excited as I am.”

A first clash came around 4:30 p.m.

Latinos Riot, Smash Police Cars, Outside Donald Trump Campaign Event in Costa Mesa (VIDEO)

Some of my students were emailing and tweeting me from the event.

Many Trump supporters waited in line all day to get into the rally, at the Pacific Amphitheater, located at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Attendees were required to RSVP, but nevertheless at least 3,000 rally-goers were turned away as the venue was packed to capacity. After Trump finished speaking, apparently around 8:30pm, mostly-Latino protesters, many hoisting the Mexican flag (seen at the video below), took to the streets outside the fairgrounds.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Protests rage outside Trump rally in Orange County; 17 arrested, police car smashed."

Also, at the O.C. Register, "Video: Police cruiser smashed in post-Donald Trump rally protest in Costa Mesa, about 20 arrested."

Hundreds Swarm SDSU President to Protest David Horowitz Freedom Center Anti-BDS Posters (VIDEO)

At FrontPage Magazine:

A series of posters created by the David Horowitz Freedom Center targeting proponents of the Hamas-inspired and funded Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against the Jewish state have incited a storm of controversy on the San Diego State University campus where hundreds of students swarmed University President Elliot Hirshman to claim that he did not condemn the posters forcefully enough and demanding an apology.

The Freedom Center’s posters identified by name a number of prominent student and faculty BDS activists on the campus and described them as having “allied themselves with Palestinian terrorists to perpetrate BDS and Jew Hatred on this campus.” The posters also contained the hashtag #StopTheJewHatredonCampus, the slogan of the Freedom Center campaign which seeks to confront the agents of campus anti-Semitism and refute the genocidal lies spread by Palestinian terrorists and their campus allies. These lies include the claims that Israel occupies Palestinian land and that Israel is an apartheid state.

Protestors were also incensed by a print ad taken out by the Freedom Center in the Daily Aztec.

The ad states:
There is an epidemic of Jew hatred on American campuses and at San Diego State University. This Jew hatred is incited by Students for Justice in Palestine, the Muslim Students Association and assorted leftist groups, all of whom support the terrorist organizations Hamas and Fatah.
The ad goes on to explain that both SJP and MSA were created by operatives of the Muslim Brotherhood and that both groups “disseminate genocidal lies about Israel whose purpose is to weaken and destroy the world’s only Jewish state.”

Posters for the campaign appeared on five California campuses, including at UCLA and UC-Berkeley, where they also sparked protests from anti-Israel activists, as well as university administrators who falsely characterized them as “hate speech.” Images of all the posters may be viewed here. Accounts of the protests and administrator responses can be read here.

In an email sent to San Diego State’s entire student body on Tuesday, Hirshman criticized the posters but also defended the importance of free speech: “First, we recognize and fully support the rights of all parties to voice their positions on political issues, whether supportive or critical. We also understand that when parties adopt a specific political position they become responsible for their actions and these actions may produce criticism.”

Hirshman’s failure to outright condemn the posters did not sit well with SDSU’s anti-Israel activists and the campus left...
Keep reading.

Identity of Zero Hedge's 'Tyler Durden' Outed by 'Disgruntled' Ex-Employee

Well, this is interesting.

At Bloomberg, "Unmasking the Men Behind Zero Hedge, Wall Street's Renegade Blog" (via Memeorandum):
Colin Lokey, also known as "Tyler Durden," is breaking the first rule of Fight Club: You do not talk about Fight Club. He’s also breaking the second rule of Fight Club. (See the first rule.)

After more than a year writing for the financial website Zero Hedge under the nom de doom of the cult classic’s anarchic hero, Lokey’s going public. In doing so, he’s answering a question that has bedeviled Wall Street since the site sprang up seven years ago: Just who is Tyler Durden, anyway?

The answer, it turns out, is three people. Following an acrimonious departure this month, in which two-thirds of the trio traded allegations of hypocrisy and mental instability, Lokey, 32, decided to unmask himself and his fellow Durdens.

Lokey said the other two men are Daniel Ivandjiiski, 37, the Bulgarian-born former analyst long reputed to be behind the site, and Tim Backshall, 45, a well-known credit derivatives strategist. (Bloomberg LP competes with Zero Hedge in providing financial news and information.)

In a telephone interview, Ivandjiiski confirmed that the men had been the only Tyler Durdens on the payroll since Lokey came aboard last year, but he criticized his former colleague's decision to come forward.

He called Lokey's parting gift a case of sour grapes. Backshall, meanwhile, declined to comment, referring questions to Ivandjiiski. A political science graduate with an MBA and a Southern twang, Lokey said he had a checkered past before joining Zero Hedge. Earlier this month, overwork landed him in a hospital because he felt a panic attack coming on, he said.

“Ultimately we wish Colin all the best, he’s clearly a troubled individual in many ways, and we are frankly disappointed that he’s decided to take his displeasure with the company in such a public manner,” Ivandjiiski said...

And at Zero Hedge, "The Full Story Behind Bloomberg's Attempt to 'Unmask' Zero Hedge."

Thursday, April 28, 2016

New from David Horowitz, The Black Book of the American Left — Volume VI: Progressive Racism

At Amazon, The Black Book of the American Left — Volume VI: Progressive Racism.

And from the book's website, "Introduction to Volume VI: Progressive Racism":

Progressive Racism photo Progressive Racism_zpsyaqcexjg.png
This is the sixth volume of my writings called The Black Book of the American Left. It is also one of the most important, as its subject—race—goes to the heart of the most problematic aspect of America’s history and heritage, and is thus the focus of the progressive assault on America and the American social contract. For obvious reasons, progressives have largely concentrated on one race in particular—American blacks, or “African-Americans” as they have come to be known through at least five permutations of political correctness in my lifetime: “coloreds,” “Negroes,” “blacks,” “persons of color” and—only then— “African-Americans.” The injustices of slavery and segregation and the historic sufferings of this community form a factual basis for the progressive indictment, which systematically ignores the historic gains—unprecedented and unparalleled—of this community because of America’s tolerant and liberating social contract.

The first essay in this volume, “The Reds and the Blacks,” explains how this indictment fits the left’s melodrama of “oppression” and “social justice,” and is merely an extension of Marx’s discredited formulas of “class oppression.” Parts I & II of the text that follows address the falling-away of the civil rights movement from the mission and values championed by Martin Luther King. An introduction, “Memories in Memphis,” is the account of my visit to the “National Civil Rights Museum” housed in the motel where King was murdered. This visit provided a summary moment in my efforts to understand these historic events. “Memories in Memphis” first appeared as the opening chapter in Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes. The original title of this book published in 1999 was “Hating White People Is a Politically Correct Idea.” This was an accurate description of the culture promoted by the new leaders of the civil rights movement, and—equally important—was the undeniable thrust of what was being taught in university curricula devoted to the malevolent race, gender and class “hierarchies,” which tenured leftists falsely claimed as structures of American society. The book was rejected by my publisher, Basic Books, whose editor told me, “We will never publish a book with that title.” His response indicated how completely the literary culture had succumbed to the new dispensation. I had to find an obscure publisher in Texas to get the book in print, and thus the upshot of trying to right an injustice was a dramatic diminishment of my career as an author.

Both essays, “The Red and the Black” and “Memories in Memphis,” were written in 1999, and the opening chapter of Part II, “The Race Card,” two years earlier. All the other chapters in this volume are organized in chronological order to form a running journal of the conflicts that followed the transformation of the civil rights cause. Until then it had been a movement to integrate African-Americans into America’s multi-ethnic democracy. In less than a decade it had become a movement led by demagogues to refashion racial grievances into a general assault on white people and on the country they were said to “dominate.” In its core agendas, the new civil rights movement was an assault on the basic American social contract, and in particular the 14th Amendment, with its commitment to equal rights under the law and thus to race-neutral standards and race-neutral governmental practices. Post-King civil rights became a movement to institutionalize racial preferences—the same kind of discriminatory practices that characterized segregation—and to recreate a race-conscious political culture in which blacks and a handful of designated minorities were singled out as the groups to be racially privileged. On other the side of the coin, whites were made targets of exclusion, suspicion and disapprobation.

Part III recounts an effort I undertook in the spring of 2001 to oppose a campaign by the left to gain reparations for slavery. This was a cause that had been first proposed in 1969, during the civil rights era, and rejected by every major civil rights organization. At the time of the proposal there were no slaves alive to receive reparations, while the vast majority of Americans who would be forced to pay reparations were descended from immigrants who had arrived in America well after slavery had been abolished. The clear goal of the radicals who launched the reparations campaign was to indict America as a racist society, and to sow the seeds of racial conflict. It was also an obvious shakedown effort of the kind that had come to characterize the civil rights leadership of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. In the winter of 2001, I published an account of these battles titled Uncivil Wars: The Controversy Over Reparations for Slavery, which explained why the issue of race was at the heart of the left’s assault...
Keep reading.

Clinton vs. Trump? Brace Yourself for Fall Campaign

Sounds about right to me. An increasingly likely match-up.

From Susan Page, at USA Today, "Analysis: 4 ways to see the emerging and polarizing Clinton-Trump fall campaign":
The primaries aren’t over, but the general election has begun.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, bolstering their formidable leads in convention delegates after five Northeastern primaries Tuesday, are increasingly focused on the fall campaign they expect to wage against one another.

“I consider myself the presumptive nominee, absolutely,” Trump declared in New York.

In Philadelphia, Clinton’s victory speech was aimed at Trump. “Despite what other candidates say,” she said, “we believe in the goodness of our people and the greatness of our nation.”

Trump easily won Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. Clinton won in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and Connecticut, while Bernie Sanders won Rhode Island.

It sounds like the pitch for the ultimate reality TV show: an election that would pit two of the most polarizing figures in public life today in the race for the White House — one the wife of a former president, herself a former senator and secretary of State; the other a billionaire businessman who has never run for office before.

The primary results and exit polls in the contests provide clues about the outlines of a possible Clinton-Trump contest.

Two words: Brace yourself...
Keep reading.

Good and Evil Really Exist

Here's Boston College philosopher Peter Kreeft, for Prager University:

Target's Evil Co-Ed Restroom Policy

This is a great, great essay from Laurie Higgins, who is now by far the most authoritative voice for standing up to the LGBT totalitarian left.

At the Illinois Family Institute:

Behind the Tanlines Body Painting Swimsuit 2016 (VIDEO)

At Sports Illustrated, "Watch the exclusive behind the scenes video from the Bodypainting SI Swimsuit 2016 shoot, featuring Caroline Wozniacki, Lindsey Vonn."

Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Speech (VIDEO)

Click through at Memeorandum, "DONALD J. TRUMP FOREIGN POLICY SPEECH."

And watch, via CNN, "Donald Trump's entire foreign policy speech."

Trump's sounding a lot more restrained of late. He's positively gracious and subdued.

Also, at the Washington Post, "GOP front-runner dismisses globalism as damaging to U.S.":

Donald Trump said in a foreign policy speech delivered Wednesday that “America first” would be the “major and overriding theme” of his presidential administration, and he dismissed globalism as a “false song” that has helped bring America to its knees in the world.

Trump charged President Obama with direct responsibility for chaos in the Middle East, China’s rise and Russia’s hostility, along with a string of international “humiliations” that undercut respect for U.S. power. Offering few specifics, he said that as president he would reward friends, punish enemies — including “very, very quickly” destroying the Islamic State — and reexamine whether international institutions and alliances served U.S. interests.

“My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people and American security above all else,” Trump told about 100 invited guests and an equal number of journalists who attended the event hosted by the National Interest magazine at a Washington hotel.

The morning after he swept five Republican primaries in his steamrolling quest for the GOP nomination, Trump was somewhat subdued, reading his 40-minute address from a teleprompter without his usual bombast and with relatively few off-script interjections. A senior campaign official said that Trump had largely rewritten a draft prepared by staffers from ideas he has expressed during the campaign.

While he struck familiar themes of protectionism, nationalism and promises to correct “a reckless, rudderless and aimless foreign policy,” many of Trump’s more incendiary views were absent. There was no mention of Mexico, let alone the construction of a wall to keep out undocumented immigrants. Although he spoke vaguely of a “pause for reassessment” of immigration policy overall, he did not repeat his pledge to stop all Muslims from entering the country or his acquiescence to the spread of nuclear weapons...
Keep reading.

Plus, from David Horowitz, at FrontPage Magazine, "A QUICK REACTION TO TRUMP’S SPEECH":
If Mitt Romney had given the speech that Donald Trump did today, and if he had followed its strategy during the third presidential debate with Obama on foreign policy, he would have won the 2012 election. Trump’s themes were straightforward: Make America strong again, put America’s interests first. The Obama-Clinton-Kerry foreign policy has strengthened our enemies, disparaged our allies, and earned us global disrespect. It has led to disasters that include the rise of ISIS and the destabilization of the Middle East. The theme of the Obama-Clinton-Kerry years has been the weakening of America – point Trump with maximum bite: “If President Obama’s goal had been to weaken America, he could not have done a better job.” And of course the Jeremiah Wright-Billy-Ayers-radical-Barack Obama did set out deliberately to do just that. Obama’s agenda is American weakness, which leads to losing. Trump’s agenda: we must start winning...

It was a good speech. Listen for a while at the video above.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jackie Johnson's Continued Wind Advisory Forecast

Continued high winds in parts of the Southland tonight, and partly cloudy heading into the weekend.

The winds have been keeping the temperatures a little cooler.

Here's Ms. Johnson, via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Donald Trump Populist Rebellion Sweeping the Nation (VIDEO)

Following-up from previously, "Systematically Underestimating Donald Trump's Performance."

A great segment with Laura Ingraham, on last night's Hannity:

Deal of the Day: Breville Juice Fountain

At Amazon, Breville BJE510XL Juice Fountain Multi-Speed 900-Watt Juicer.

Also, $20 Off Kindle Paperwhite.

Plus, Skechers Sport Men's Equalizer Game Point Training Sneaker, and Skechers Sport Women's D'Lites Memory Foam Lace-Up Sneaker.

More, 50% Off Selected Skechers Shoes.

And, from Leszek Kołakowski, Main Currents of Marxism: The Founders - The Golden Age - The Breakdown.

Alain Badiou, The Communist Hypothesis.

David Priestland, The Red Flag: A History of Communism.

BONUS: Stanley Kurtz, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism.

ICYMI Yesterday: Andrea Tantaros, Tied Up in Knots

I just got a promotional email from the publisher, Harper Collins. They're sending me a review copy of the book, which is cool.

Check it out, Tied Up in Knots: How Getting What We Wanted Made Women Miserable.

Newt Gingrich on Donald Trump's Sweeping Victories in Super Tuesday's I-95 Primaries (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Donald Trump Sweeps 5 States in Super Tuesday I-95 Primaries (VIDEO)," and "Systematically Underestimating Donald Trump's Performance."

A great segment, from last night's Hannity:

Systematically Underestimating Donald Trump's Performance

Last night was a real turning point in the campaign.

Most analysts were frankly shocked at how well Trump did. Some folks are in a state of denial that the Manhattan mogul will be the GOP nominee. But it's all but inevitable at this point.

Here's Althouse, "Donald Trump did not just win in all of the 5 states yesterday. He won in every county in each of the 5 states."

Today's Jackie Johnson's Weather Forecast

I was too tired to get this posted last night.

It's been cooler and windy the last couple of days -- with rain in some areas.

Via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Concerns Mount That Sweden's Green Party May Have Been Infiltrated by Islamists

Well, no surprise here.

It's what Islamists do.

At Instapundit, "NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: Sweden’s Greens deny claims party has been infiltrated by Islamists."