Sunday, January 10, 2016

Cruz Leads Trump in Iowa 28-to-24 Percent, Latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll Finds

The Wall Street Journal's write-up is behind the paywall (see Memeorandum).

But Marist, who did the survey, has a summary at their homepage, "Cruz and Trump Vie in IA, Trump NH Favorite… Clinton and Sanders Competitive":
With just weeks to go until the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, 28%, edges businessman Donald Trump, 24%, among likely Republican caucus-goers in Iowa including those who are undecided yet leaning toward a candidate. Florida Senator Marco Rubio, 13%, and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, 11%, are vying for the “third ticket” out of Iowa. In New Hampshire, Trump, 30%, outdistances Rubio, 14%, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, 12%, among likely Republican primary voters statewide including those who are undecided yet leaning toward a candidate. Texas Senator Ted Cruz, 10%, Ohio Governor John Kasich, 9%, and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, 9%, follow.
Keep reading.

Jeb and Kasich are both at 9 percent, which is almost three points lower for each when compared to the NH1 poll also out this week, "NH1 News Poll Shows Jeb Bush Battling John Kasich for 2nd Place; Donald Trump Holds Lead at 31.7 Percent."

In both polls, though, Donald Trump is far and away the Granite State frontrunner.

In any case, more at NBC News, "Poll: Neck-and-Neck 2016 Races in Iowa, New Hampshire." Hillary's up 48-45 percent in Iowa, which is within the margin of error (and should be freaking out the Clinton campaign, either way.)