Saturday, January 14, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Weekend: Get Ready for Progressive Attacks on 'Racist' America

I just don't get into all the hand-wringing about alleged "lingering" racism in America, or that MLK's "Dream" is still a long way off, blah, blah.

If you're not successful in America today the reasons have little to do with the "institutional" forces of racism or whatever other fantasies progressives are spinning. That's not to say that bigotry and discrimination have been eradicated forever, but that at no time has America made a fuller commitment to equality before the law than today. Barack Obama is the ultimate testimony, and public opinion polls routinely indicate a level of support for full inclusion that makes the country's progress on rights look like light years from the 1950s and 1960s.

More on this later, especially when the racial grievance masters start publishing their annual screeds against "racist" America.

Meanwhile, the Christian Science Monitor has a decent piece on the topic, "Martin Luther King, Jr.: How would American life be different without him?"
