Thursday, January 5, 2012

Throwing Longstanding U.S. Policy Under the Bus, Obama Pimps the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

He probably doesn't have much choice, considering the colossal foreign policy blunder a year ago when the masses took to the street to overthrow Mubarak. Amazing that Barack Hussein is working now to influence the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood rather than working to build a secular alternative to Mubarak back at the time. But this is ultimately the desired foreign policy outcome. I mean, the president announced his goal to make the world safe if Islamism at his Cairo speech in 2009.

In any case, at Astute Bloggers, "Even the NYTimes admits it - on their front page, no less: Yes, Obama has reversed USA policy and is siding with the islamists," and Atlas Shrugs, "Obama's Next Horror: Overtures to Egypt's Jihadists Reverse Longtime U.S. Policy."

And the main article's at New York Times, "Overtures to Egypt’s Islamists Reverse Longtime U.S. Policy."

And don't miss Jonathan Tobin's brutal takedown, at Commentary, "Obama Gets Engaged to the Brotherhood."


Old Rebel said...

But isn't Obama just completing the "freedom" project Bush started? From the Boston Globe:

"A small, controversial effort launched under President George W. Bush to fund and train election monitors in Egypt played a key role in the movement to topple President Hosni Mubarak’s regime."

As Edmund Burke warned, "The effect of liberty to individuals is, that they may do what they please: we ought to see what it will please them to do, before we risk congratulations."