Friday, September 20, 2013

Home Depot Dumps 20,000 Employees onto ObamaCare

Critics long argued that ObamaCare was just the first step toward nationalized health care.

And here comes yet another major national chain dumping its employee insurance benefits and sloughing off its part-time workforce onto the ObamaCare exchanges. How many of these will then end up needing taxpayer subsidies to afford coverage? How many of these will end up on Medicaid?

Who knows? All I know is that the law is working just as Democrats intended: to kill healthcare excellence in America.

The Lonely Con reports, "Home Depot Dumping 20,000 Part Time Workers Into Obamacare Exchanges."

There's been so much in the news on this I don't even try to attempt a full roundup. The administration denied big labor a waiver from the law, to the harsh chagrin of the union bosses (and proving Republicans right all along).

And now news comes that the same people who wrote the law are now cashing in as ObamaCare consultants in the private sector. Culture of corruption anyone?

The depraved left, of course, lies and obfuscates about this socialist clusterf-k, alleging a reign of so-called Republican "anarchy" over demands for defunding.

But the political reckoning is coming. Republicans will be smart to hold the line on ObamaCare. Make the Democrats eat this steaming pile of a law. It's the only way we're going to have meaningful change. Full repeal. That's the ticket.