Friday, November 15, 2013

'Because admitting that their god, the Lying King Obama, has lied is just too much to ask of their fine, libtard, nuanced minds...'

From Emperor Misha, "New York Slimes, the Grey Meth Whore, Digging Desperately for New Euphemisms":
The more we observe the desperate contortions our so-called “press” twist themselves into in order to protect their village idiot president, the more we realize how wrong we were to shake our heads at the blatant lies of Pravda and Izvestiya that we monitored in our youth. Those guys were the very epitome of honesty compared to the “free press” of the United States of America.

And still it says less about the propaganda-spewing weasels of papers such as the New York Times than it says about the drooling idiots who subscribe to them. Who’s the bigger idiot? The publisher or the fucktards who pay for his propaganda?

Meanwhile, the Liberal Fascist Party members in DC are scrambling for the life boats, realizing all of a sudden that perhaps playing the part of the band on the Titanic while Obama sails off into the sunset for a life of ease isn’t all it’s been cracked up to be.