Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Governor Ron DeSantis Celebrates Flag Day (VIDEO)

I'm seeing more and more talk about the candidate lineup for the 2024 GOP presidential primaries. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis certainly has demonstrated executive leadership in his state. He's bright, bold, and fearless. There are others who're also very impressive, but we'll have to see how things shake out after November, when the midterms are concluded, which is the traditional time you see aspirants announce their candidacies for the presidency.

Expect the Republicans to field an army hopefuls looking to be No. 47. I can't think of a more auspicious time to be in GOP elective politics.

DeSantis is making all the right moves, or at least, he's making moves, many bound to be popular with the national-populist base of the party. And patriotism --- seen here in the love for our founding documents --- is certainly going to be in demand in 2024.

In any case, Happy Flag Day!