Showing posts with label Death and Dying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Death and Dying. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Gandolfini Fat-Shaming

Hey, he was a big man who died young.

I can see where people are coming from, but see Althouse, "Gandolfini’s death prompts rampant fat-shaming'."

Thursday, May 2, 2013

'We've forgotten what abortion really is...'

From Ed Morrissey, at Hot Air, "Video: “We’ve forgotten what abortion really is”":
Lila Rose gets straight to the heart of why the media didn’t want to cover the Gosnell trial — and why they won’t want to cover what happens in other late-term abortion clinics, either. They don’t want to see the brutality or the inhumanity, and the culture sanitizes the horror of abortion in order to keep public opinion from turning against it. These films, and the Gosnell trial, strip the façade away...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Finding the Words to Say Goodbye (or Not)

I spent time with my dad when he was in a hospice in 2004, and he died there on December 20th of that year. We never had a final "goodbye" conversion. I knew he was near the end, although I thought I'd have a chance to go visit him again. But I got the call from the social worker saying he'd passed. Weird, that. It wasn't my sister who called me. It was his social worker.

Anyway, my advice is not to wait too long to say goodbyes if you think things are coming to the end for a loved one. But some people don't even tell their friends and family that they're dying.

See this piece at the New York Times, "Exit Lines."

'I think the idea is to enjoy life to its fullest...'

Johnny Rotten on death and mourning.

RELATED: "John Lydon Says 'Sons of Norway' Film Quashes Idea that 'Punk Is All Negative'."