Showing posts with label Douglas Vortex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Douglas Vortex. Show all posts

Sunday, March 13, 2011

TBogg of Firedoglake a Liar? Well It Depends On What the Meaning of the Word 'Long' Is

I'd pretty much planned to ignore the latest vile and steaming hatred over at Lawyers, Gays and Marriage. It's the same old baloney. But you know, if Scott Eric Kaufman wants to write post after post whining about my objections to him saying he was gonna "end me," then maybe he shouldn't have threatened that he was going to "end me," or something. But he's at it again, in any case, bloviating with a bunch of nonsense about how he's got some attorney friends spoon-feeding him litigation tips, which sounds totally impressive --- and totally unimportant. That said, the thread's a fabulous case of a bunch of fever swamp dickwads with too much time on their hands. Talk about getting sucked into the Douglas Vortex! I love the feedback, as demented as it may be. No doubt I'm over the target and killing these mofos. Indeed, Demon Tbogg at Firedoglake --- thinking he's some kinda netroots bigshot --- ends up lying through his effin' teeth:
I long ago decided to quit responding to or otherwise acknowledging Douglas. Back when he was going apes-hit about the budget in California I pointed out that it could come back to bite him in the ass since he is a public employee. He took that to mean I was somehow threatening to his job when I was pointing out that he had a family to watch out for.

Some people are just too stupid to be helped. Fuck ‘em.
So, Tbogg "long ago decided to quit responding to or otherwise acknowledging Douglas." And of course, he signs off his rant with the obligatory FDL profanity. Gotta love these guys. "Dumbasses", as dolt-douche Thers might say. Since naturally it was just exactly two weeks ago when TBogg in fact commented here at the blog, on February 27th. The "JuCo" dig is meant to be a slam on my position at a community college professor, but as we serve the most disadvantaged in society, it's a reminder of how out of touch progressives are with the people they profess to champion:
Tell me Donald, does your JuCo employer have anyone on staff who teaches remedial reading?

"As a pudgy FreedomWorks Warrior For Freedom demands that a Union guy discuss Freedom with him, Tabitha Hale shows up and and decides to shove her iPhone in the Union guys face..."

Even by your standards...very sloppy.
The quote's from TBogg's attack on Tabitha Hale, of which he suggests I should be correcting, since he can't write decent prose, I guess. Either way, that's a real awesome job there of not "responding to or acknowledging in any way." And just two Sundays ago --- which I'm sure we'll be learning from those in the "reality-based community" is in fact a really, really long time ago! Because, you know, it just all depends on what the meaning of the word "long" is!

And if that doesn't do it, perhaps progressives might stretch their timeline back to December, which was the last time TBogg was not acknowledging me in any way, with "
Donald Dick."

But hey, you gotta love these mofo troll-freaks. They hate me so much they really like me. Sally Field would be proud!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's Hard Out There: The Radical Assault on American Power

Man, when you're subjected to a leftist death-wish campaign of this magnitude, you know you're really over the target!

So, yeah, you know it's hard out there in the 'hood sometimes. But when you be hangin' low you toughen up, mofo! You take the blows and move on. Basically, if you can't put up then shut up. Know what I'm saying, yo!?

So, no, I'm not complaining. Just thought I'd lay some of this down for my homies. My post on
the New York leftists on 9/11 really kicked off a stream of hate and invective all across the leftosphere. It all started when JBW picked up on the gaffe I made last week on Sasquatch. My bad. I know. I copped to it and told my idiot detractors to fuck off. Win a few lose a few, and all that. Still, JBW, who's been jonesin' to come up with some kind --- any kind --- of intellectual hole in one, went for the easy pickin's. Cool. The post was mostly straight reporting, but there's an interesting slur in the comments, from B to the D:
Does having a dicky-do (look it up Donny) impair cognitive capacity? Or does being a douche bag just make you say douche baggy things?
I looked it up, since I'm not that hip to the latest in weightist hate speech (see Urban Dictionary: "hey man, how am i supposed to suck yo dick, when you got a dicky do? I aint bouts ta hold all dat jelly up!").

No thanks, actually. But as I was saying ... It turns out that JBW's entry picked up a little viral action, and the Sasquatch thing became the rage at
Sadly No!, Lawyers, Gays and Marriage, and TBogg's. I'm always game for a bit of back and forth across the 'sphere, and as noted, I promptly told Tintin at Sadly No! to go ream himself. That was followed by a few Twitter exchanges, including this announcement:


That tweet links to a second post --- that's right, a second entry in two days at the hate site Sadly No! --- a sure sign that I've got my target coordinates nailed down. Although I'm not so sure what this photoshop is supposed to mean? It's not like a middle-aged man shopping at Kohl's will occasion a visit from the boys in blue, or khaki, be that as it may. And frankly, it's none of my business which dudes Tintin prefers when blowin' his rocks off. To each his own, mofo --- NTTAWWT!!


And if you check the links, there's over a thousand comments at Sadly No! hatin' on AmPow! Like I said, yo, over the target mofo!!

I love
this one:
Does Donalde have any idea how ugly his Twitter page is?
My Twitter page features a full-size background of the Statue of Liberty. I can't imagine anyone slamming that as "ugly" --- these fuckers hate America, so it's no surprise.

Another comment,
not likin' on me so much:
Douglas has already proven that he’s immune to feeling foolish. He is metafoolish; He is such an utter buffoon he is incapable of realizing that he is a complete and utter fool.
And some folks over there are obviously new to the American Power Vortex (been there done that with epic losers E.D. Kain and (O)CT(O)PUS). Lots of comments from these dolts on how they might get me fired, like this one:
This guy Don…we don’t really have anything actionable against him. He’s a moron, but I’m sure his CV makes that clear to his Dean already. He’s a prick, but that’s not a firing offense at any university I’ve ever heard of. He probably used university resources to post SASQUATCH ISRAEL. Maybe we can get him for that.
Some time back, SEK at LGM was agitating along these lines (in alleging that I engage in sexual harassment by babe blogging --- an offense which only an effete academic leftist could possibly imagine). That said, SEK joined the assault on American Power as well (in an afterthought to a post attacking right-wing commentator Jack Cashill):
Like the Donalde, Cashill’s acquired the reputation of a man who will do anything to acquire a reputation. Admittedly, he hasn’t demonstrated the “tactical elan” of an “unmatched competitor” by closing down the comments on posts where he might be challenged to back up his fightin’ words with their arguin’ kin—but remember that the Donalde is a special sort of stupid, the likes of which we almost don’t deserve.
All of these assailants, JBW at Brain Rage, the airhead commentariat at Sadly No!, and the freaks at LGM, are really unhappy that I've disabled comments to my responses at the blog. I guess this is especially maddening, since I state at my Blogger profile: "I welcome comments and debate, and I'll defend my positions vigorously." That's all true, of course. What leftists really don't like is that I'm in control. They hate the fact that they're unable to flood my comment sections with the most vile half-witted screeds on the web. For example, I opened comments on my post last night, "The Radical Assault on America's Future." And I found this in the moderation queue this morning:
Anonymous said...

Good're an asshole. David Horowitz? Really? It must really suck to wake up every morning feeling like the whole world is against you and knowing that all you've ever believed in is based on a foundation of lies and corruption. Here's a clue...get over yourself douchebag, you're nothing but a bag of meat and your thoughts and desires are meaningless and you are a worthless piece of poo.

September 18, 2010 5:28 AM
I guess there's something about the moral clarity of David Horowitz that drives these freaks batshit insane:
Behind the facade of liberalism, the Left has continued to advance its socialist schemes: to redistribute resources according to race, gender, and class and to turn Big Government into Big Brother.

David Horowitz

So, yeah, it's hard out there for a neocon mofo!
It might be new to you, but it's been like this for years ... It's blood sweat and tears when it come down to this shit ...

But when the going gets hard, I play baseball, if ya'll know what I'm saying, yo!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

American Power Fan Mail

I must be doing a great job lately, as measured by the stepped-up reaction to my writing on the political left (remember the vortex?).

Here's a case in point, in this e-mail sent yesterday from "Isaac," a self-proclaimed former "student":

Dearest Mr. Douglas,

You post non-stop garbage about Obama and all the terrible secrets behind him, with paper thin proof, and the most ridiculous bias I have ever heard. You spew hatred and prejudice, and instead of pointing out McCain's positives, you point out Obama's negatives. You run your blog the same way McCain ran his campaign, and frankly, it comes off desperate and petty (and thats why the better candidate won). I petitioned to be in your class in 2003, and after the first day of you pushing your beliefs on the class by telling us we need to support our president, I decided not to waste my time. Remind me, how did that Bush thing turn out again? And I can only assume that you will support our president for the next 4 years, right?

It's obvious you are an educated man, but from the looks of it, the majority of your readers are gullible, racist, religious fanatics, that buy all the propaganda you, Fox News, and the McCain campaign is selling. To believe Obama advocates the murdering of innocent babies because he's Pro-Choice or that they would be betraying their country and God to vote for Obama. You seriously read those comments and think, "Well that is a valid point". In the meanwhile i put out a thought out, satyrical rebuttle to your laughable post, and I get banned? If you believe in your cause so much, I would think that you would refute my points, instead of deleting the posts and banning me so I don't expose your readers to the cell of a life they live in.

I rarely delete comments or ban readers (mainly for abuse or pure stupidity), so Isaac's comments were likely as over the top as his e-mail above.

Obamania can do that to folks, so it's understandable.

See also my previous "American Power Fan Mail," here.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sucked Into the Douglas Vortex

My proposed blogging break is turning out to be shorter than I expected, but considering my post last night, maybe I shouldn't have expected it.

Anyway, I think I'm getting a "
vortex," like Ann Althouse:

Boy, left-wing bloggers really hate Ann Althouse....

Evidently, there's a pack of bloggers hoping to catch Althouse on any slip-up, particularly when the Times has given her space [here]
Well, boy, left-wing bloggers really hate Donald Douglas as well.

It turns out there's a pack of bloggers (a small, but nevertheless vicious pack, like a
wolf pack), who is out to catch me slip up.

The guys (gays?) at
LGM have had me in the crosshairs for some time, and TBogg at Firedoglake posts some funny-bone slams on American Power from time to time.

But Dan Nexon's a new member of the pack, seen in his entry this morning, "
Donald Douglas Goes Completely Insane:"

In private exchanges with Donald over the years, he's repeatedly discussed his use of "red meat" rhetoric to drive up his readership and implied that one should not take that rhetoric too seriously. He's even, to his credit, blogged about this--which also means I'm not inappropriately revealing the content of private correspondence....

At some level, this is all rather amusing. Donald's been on a self-styled crusade to reveal the pathological hate spewed by the left blogsphere, one in which he repeated proclaims that nothing on the right compares....

But I find it both sad and frightening....

Donald is a trained political scientist and a college teacher (by all accounts, an excellent one). He knows, or at least should know, that a 4% variation in the marginal tax rate for the highest income bracket is not the difference between communism and capitalism (John McCain does, as he said on video before the last days of the 2008 campaign), that both McCain's and Obama's policies "redistribute wealth," and... well, I could go on and on. If he does know, he has an obligation to pass this knowledge along to his credulous readers. If he does not, then there's little left to say.
Let me admit, first, that Nexon's so far the only blogger who's nearly one-upped me in debate, and he's also a respectable scholar to boot. I respect him.

But what's the fuss, really? Over this passage from
my post?

Now, let me disabuse my relentless left-wing critics: Barack Obama is not a communist in the Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist mold, as seen in the widget above-right.

He is, however - whether folks want to acknowledge it or not - deeply in solidarity with
many of the forces arrayed against the U.S. This I believe of Barack Obama: Not imminent physical destruction of our nation (though not completely discounted), but destruction nonetheless. Destruction of the moral light that never lets the malignant growth of evil roll across the land. No, America's enemies will get a respite, where they can regroup and reconsider what they want from America. There will be a reckoning, at some point, of course. Because even those who have been hoodwinked by the hope-i-ness of change will not long tolerate the yoke of Third World despotism and terror over this proud nation. A despotism seeking to behead the American individual, and the culture that bore him - all of this, dearest Americans, faster than you can say Madrid 2004.
It's true, of course: I do indeed throw out the juicy conservative red-meat from time to time, to chum the waters a bit. In fact, that's exactly why a posted the ObamaNation "Yes, We Can" Marxist-Leninist widget to the top-right of the page last night. I'm taking it down now, naturally, because I don't believe Barack Obama's the heir to Joseph Stalin.

I do think Obama's a master at disguising just how radically left he is, and how badly he wants to turn the United States in a European-style social democracy - a "
brave new Omerica"- and I take nothing back from my post, especially the conclusion: "Stand with me, my friends! Fight with me! Fight for what's right for our country!"

And that's what I'll continue to do, with the effect, apparently, of building a vortex...