Showing posts with label Flame Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flame Wars. Show all posts

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Charles Blow: Top NYT Race-Baiter Decries Race-Baiting

I was going to say "chief" NYT race-baiter, but Charles Blow's still second fiddle to the heavies on the op-ed page, Maureen Dowd and Frank Rich. That said, the dude can get his race-baiting on. See, "Here We Go Again."

Race has become a vicious game of bludgeons and crutches, where acerbic accusers run roughshod over earnest egalitarians and political gain is sought even at the expense of enlightenment.
Blow then rattles off a bunch of survey evidence suggesting vestiges of racism, then continues:

Racism is real. It is very likely an element of some people’s opposition to President Obama, but everyone who wants smaller government is not a racist.

Let’s stop talking about racism as if it’s black or white. There are many shades of gray.
Blow's one of those guys who practually holds himself up as possessing the "Judgment of Solomon." Yet this is not an issue we can just cut down the middle to find out who's really genuine on race. When we have this many people at the demonstrations, there are bound to be some kooks. The Lyndon LaRouche Democrats fit that bill through August, although the left tried to turn these guys into Bircherite-Republicans. Now we have the idiots at Media Matters alleging that the current environment is analogous to 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated (see, "Bloviating, Media Matters Style"). No matter that Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist who had visited the Soviet Union and married a Russian. Didn't fit the leftist meme, actually. But the left is all about historical revisionism in the monstrosity of a hegemonic takeover of state and society.

At the video above: "
Wallace On The Obama White House: 'They Are The Biggest Bunch Of Cry Babies I have Dealt With In My 30 Years'."

Saturday, August 1, 2009

About That Flame War...

... Radley Balko's, that is ... the one he's having with Patterico.

Radley's snippet is here (the creepiness reminds me of Repac3):
I blocked Patterico from reading my Twitter feed because he has a strange obsession with me. My Twitter feed is where, in addition to linking to my other work or the occasional news story, I write about my dogs, or complain about the WiFi at whatever airport I’m at, or write about a delicious dinner I just ate at some restaurant. When he tried to subscribe to it, I didn’t see a reason why a guy who clearly hates me would or should have any interest in what I’m eating for dinner. Nor did I really feel like reading a blog post in which he meticulously explains why what I ate couldn’t possibly have been as delicious as I described it on Twitter, calls me a liar, and demands a retraction. I’m exaggerating, but only a little. In the past, Patterico has referenced a blog post I once put up about an event in my personal life to try to delve into my psychology to explain why I have the opinions I do.

So I really didn’t feel like having the guy use old Twitter posts in some future attack on me. I figured if Patterico wants to see what I’m writing about politics or news events, or what I’m reporting, he can read my blog. So I blocked him. This was many months ago. That he has saved up my blocking of him all this time to now throw up with a giant graphic and expose! at the top of his latest blog post is weird. That he found a way to get around the block and is reading my feed anyway is, again, obsessive and creepy.
Skipping a section, then:
You’d think I’d have learned by now that responding to this guy in any way invites hours of wasted time delving into tedious parsing, rehashing months- or years-old debates, and responding to personal attacks. And, apparently now, discussion of my Twitter feed. Lesson (finally) learned. This idiot doesn’t merit a response. If one of his inevitable future attacks on me includes allegations meritorious enough that a blogger or commentator I respect picks up and reposts, I’ll respond. Otherwise, it’s just not worth it. I’m sure Patterico will respond to this post, and will then take my failure to respond to that response as a concession of defeat. And I will let him.
I read about half of Patterico's post. Too much to weigh right now, although he's been around this block before, not successfully, I might add.

Boy, the conservative blogosphere's a nasty place sometimes.