Showing posts with label Indoctrination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indoctrination. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2017

Fergus Bordewich, Killing the White Man's Indian

My ultimate goal of all this reading on Native American history and the frontier West is to have a sound basis of rebuttal against the hateful leftists in my department who are expanding the curriculum, quite dramatically, to include Latin American and Indigenous studies. I'm not against that. What I'm against is one-sided indoctrination, which according to more than a few students, is quite rampant on my campus.

So, while I enjoy reading the general histories and more specialized (polemical and leftist) studies, my main hope is to develop my own curriculum and syllabi for courses on race, class, gender, and culture, because these things are coming down the pipeline ready or not. It's best practice to be able to serve all of our student demographics, not just the far-left, non-white constituencies who are being taught leftist revolutionary doctrines and hate-America ideologies.

In any case, here's a wonderful antidote: Fergus Bordewich, Killing the White Man's Indian: Reinventing Native Americans at the End of the Twentieth Century.

I'll have more later.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

National Teach-In Movement Called 'Teach, Organize, Resist'

This is literally criminal.

In California, the education code prohibits partisan indoctrination in public college instruction. These activities, starting at UCLA, are illegal.

At Campus Reform, "Profs pledge to 'use regular class time' to protest Trump":

A national “teach-in” movement is asking professors to set aside class time between Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and the presidential inauguration to “protest” oppression and challenge “Trumpism.”

The movement, known as “Teach, Organize, Resist,” is set to kick-off on January 18, strategically “poised between Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the presidential inauguration” as an explicit means of “challenging Trumpism.”

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Heh. I'm Cheering 'Professor Watchlist'

Having been on the receiving end of leftist campaigns to have me fired from my teaching job for having conservative views, I can only laugh at the progressive shock to the creation of the new website, "Professor Watchlist."

My view is that as long as left-wing professors treat all their students fairly, then they should be able to spew whatever they want. (But of course they don't treat conservatives fairly.) That, and they have academic freedom too. Of course the humanities and social sciences have been plagued by the radical takeover since at least the 1960s, and even earlier if you consider the German invasion of "critical theorists" at American universities after World War Two. So the problem merits some consideration as to remedies.

I mean seriously, it's like a plague.

I expect the best way to fight back is to simply to expose the left's hated and malevolence. There'll be enough cases of corruption and ideological harassment that left-wing professors will start losing their jobs. Leave it to local districts, and their voting constituents, to do the job. Just make sure that obscene campus ideological indoctrination and politicization is brought to public light and held accountable. It's not like there'll be a shortage of cases.

Here's the list.

I haven't actually skimmed it over yet, although I'm pleased as punch to see that Erik "Homosexual Lumberjack" Loomis has been recognized, and he's not too happy about it, hilariously.

See the idiot's essay at the Nation, "Trumpism Poses the Most Dire Threat to Academic Freedom in Recent Memory":
Thanks to the principle of academic freedom, professors have unusual space in American society to challenge the powerful without fear of retribution. For this reason the right has always resented professors, and for decades it has targeted them as subversives. The election of Donald Trump and the rise to power of the extremist ideologues surrounding him, like Steve Bannon and Rudolph Giuliani, make this a frightening moment for those academics who see fighting for a more just world as part of their job.

In 2012, I found myself the target of a hate campaign after saying a few intemperate things about the National Rifle Association and American gun culture in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. I was upset not only because of the horrors of the event itself—a shocking one for many Americans—but because in 1998 my high-school Spanish teacher in Springfield, Oregon, had been murdered by her son before shooting up his own high school. How many people had to die before anything was changed? Noting on Twitter that I would like to hold NRA leadership accountable for its promotion of high-powered firearms, I said that I wanted to see “Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick.” This was obviously a metaphor, but thanks to a right-wing website called Campus Reform, which “monitors” leftists on college campuses, demagogues such as Michelle Malkin started a campaign to have me fired. Hundreds of phone calls and e-mails poured into the university. Luckily, I work on a unionized campus and nothing came of the campaign.

While people still joke about this incident with me, I barely gave it another thought until two weeks ago when a young conservative activist backed by the extremist right-wing organization Turning Points USA created the Professor Watchlist. Listing 195 professors believed to be hostile to the group’s agenda of unregulated capitalism, white-supremacist politics, and opposition to women’s reproductive freedom, it is a rough draft of a possible Trump-era blacklist. I was placed on the Watchlist because of my attacks on the NRA four years ago. Professors across the nation found themselves suddenly targeted by well-connected conservative activists in a nation where increasingly radical Republicans have suddenly captured each branch of government. No one knows what will come of it, but the shock has ricocheted through the halls of campuses all across the country.

So far, the reaction has mostly been an awesome display of solidarity from my students and my colleagues, both at my university and around the nation. Hundreds of professors have reported themselves to the Professor Watchlist, asking to be included, with faculty at the University of Notre Dame even writing a public letter to that effect. This is wonderful. But what happens after Inauguration Day? Will free speech be respected by the Trump administration? Will the right be emboldened to launch increasingly harsh attacks against professors? If there are sustained pressure campaigns against radical academics, will administrations be able to resist giving in?
Still more.

And fuck "radical academics," the bleedin' idiot losers.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Kasim Hafeez: 'Born to Hate Jews' (VIDEO)

YouTube banned this video from the site this morning, only to reinstate the clip after realizing it's an anti-hate video, not a hate video, which would be violate the service's terms.

Via Legal Insurrection, "YouTube Banned Prager U Video “Born to Hate Jews” – Reinstated After Protest and Petition."

And watch, "How do devout Muslims born in the West feel about Jews? How do they feel about Western values in general? Kasim Hafeez, who was raised a devout Muslim in England, explains."

Hopefully it won't get pulled, but if so, click on the LI link, where another video is embedded.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

'Medical Humanities in the Digital Age' at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

After reading this piece at the College Fix, "Professors tell students: Drop class if you dispute man-made climate change," I sent the following email to the instructors of the course, as well as the university administration:
Hello Chancellor Shockley-Zalabak:

According to an article at the College Fix, your campus will offer an online course called "Medical Humanities in the Digital Age" for the fall semester.

Apparently, the faculty members leading the course have sent enrolled students an email indicating, "The point of departure for this course is based on the scientific premise that human induced climate change is valid and occurring. We will not, at any time, debate the science of climate change, nor will the ‘other side’ of the climate change debate be taught or discussed in this course..."

The email goes on to tell enrolled students to, essentially, GTFO if you don't agree with the ideological agenda of this course.

This is an absolutely pathetic case of all the worst of institutional progressivism in American academe. For the record, the science of anthropomorphic global warming is not settled. In fact, the idea that "97 percent of scientists" agree with the hypothesis of man-made climate change is nothing more than an urban legend. The earth's climate has been changing for millions of years. We're currently in a long warming period that began in the 19th century. The question of humanity's carbon consumption contributing to changes in the global climate remains a matter of scientific investigation.

Moreover, to suggest, in a university course, that there should be no debate on a topic of great public interest and import is in fact the epitome of anti-science and irrationalism. Such statements of refusal to consider opposing ideas, much less to answer questions or concerns of skeptics, is the height of intolerance and anti-intellectualism.

I hope that you and your administration will think long and hard about the reputation that is accruing to your institution in light of the news of this course offering. No self-respecting scientist or scholar would dare be associated with such close-minded snobbery. I further hope that you and your administration are taking appropriate steps to remedy this shameful episode, and to restore the integrity of your school's standing as an institution of higher learning.

Thank you for your time.


Donald Kent Douglas, Ph.D.
Irvine, California
Please join me in sharing your thoughts with the course instructors and the administration. The university's home page is here.

More, from Anthony Watts, "Intolerance by the Climate Thought Police at University of Colorado."

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What Hate Education Breeds

From Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary:

Palestinians have a new idol in their pantheon of heroes and heroines. Her name is Dima al-Wawi and she is 12 years old. But unlike the paths to distinction in other societies for children, al-Wawi isn’t a math or science whiz or a great athlete. Instead, she’s guilty of attempted murder.

The girl was released on Sunday after serving 4 and-a-half months in jail where she was housed with other youngsters. Upon returning to her home village of Halhoul near the city of Hebron, she was greeted as a conquering heroine as both the Fatah Party that runs the Palestinian Authority and Hamas competed to shower her with praise. But rather than contemplate the depravity of a society that indoctrinates a little girl to think of murder and the very real possibility that she might be killed in the attempt as a praiseworthy activity, the coverage of al-Wawi’s release centers mostly on outrage that she was imprisoned and the notion that her crime somehow symbolizes the “frustration” of Palestinians about Israeli policies or the existence of settlements. And that, in a nutshell, is not only everything that is wrong with the culture of Palestinian politics but also what’s wrong with much of what passes for coverage of the Middle East in the international press.

The facts of the case are fairly straightforward...
Keep reading.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

'Sesame Street' Unveils Islamic Jihad Muppet: 'Zari'

Oh brother.

And to think I used to let my kids watch "Sesame Street." I thought it was harmless. But then, one of our daycare ladies used to change the channel to Disney, lol.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "‘Sesame Street’ Unveils Hijab-Clad Muppet: ‘Zari’ Is a Feminist from Afghanistan."

Zari Islamic Jihad Muppet photo zari-sesame-street-hijab_zps9kdpc5sd.jpg

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

'Feminists are women who do not like men...'

From Robert Stacy McCain, "Pro Tip: Don’t Be a ‘Feminist Man’."

"Feminist man" is an oxymoron. Those two things just do not go together.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Parents Object to Controversial 'White Privilege' Video Shown at Virginia's Glen Allen High School

What's interesting is the video's been in use for ten years already, and it's completely pedestrian.

Not sure why it's taken parents so long to complain.

At the Washington Post, "Parents outraged after students shown ‘white guilt’ cartoon for Black History Month."

The cartoon video is here, "The Unequal Opportunity Race."

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Karl Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' is the Most Frequently Assigned Book at U.S. Colleges

Actually, students should read it. They'll see for themselves what a farce it is.

The problem's not the book so much as the professors who're teaching it.

At Truth Revolt, "Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' Most Frequently Taught Text in U.S. Colleges."

Karl Marx

Pick up a copy, at Amazon.

Yeah, I know. It's not free. Communists always leave that part out. Free stuff isn't really free. Someone's gotta pay. Shoot, most college students don't even paying for their own copies. Either mom and dad are footing the bill, their college or university foundations, or the taxpayers through financial aid. When you have to start paying your own way is when you really learn how big a crock Marxism is.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

UCLA Faculty Approves Diversity Course for Future Undergrads

Mandatory diversity classes, of course.

At Blazing Cat Fur.

I'm locked into my job but I'd move out of this state if I could. Man.

Friday, April 10, 2015

New Jersey Teacher Suspended After Class Sends 'Get Well Cards' to Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal


At CBS News New York, "N.J. Teacher Suspended For Having Students Write To Convicted Cop Killer."

Also, at Newark's Star-Ledger, "N.J. teacher suspended over third-graders' 'get well' letters to convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal." And at Philly Mag, "Philly Students Send Get-Well Cards to Mumia Abu-Jamal."

Universities Failing Students in Every Respect

From VDH, at National Review, "The Modern University Is Failing Students in Every Respect":
A bachelor’s degree is no longer proof that any graduate can read critically or write effectively. National college-entrance-test scores have generally declined the last few years, and grading standards have as well.

Too often, universities emulate greenhouses where fragile adults are coddled as if they were hothouse orchids. Hypersensitive students are warned about “micro-aggressions” that in the real world would be imperceptible.

Apprehensive professors are sometimes supposed to offer “trigger warnings” that assume students are delicate Victorians who cannot handle landmark authors such as Joseph Conrad or Mark Twain.

“Safe spaces” are designated areas where traumatized students can be shielded from supposedly hurtful or unwelcome language that should not exist in a just and fair world...

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why Students Voted to Remove American Flag

From Dennis Prager, at Town Hall.

The facts are presented first, and then the analysis:
Now to what I believe is the most important question regarding the resolution to ban the flag and the petition on behalf of the resolution: Why were they supported?

Here are three reasons:

1. Outside of the natural sciences, math, and a few other departments, our universities are essentially seminaries -- teaching what has been the most dynamic religion of the Western world over the past hundred years, leftism. Every -- frequently incoherent -- idea expressed by the resolution and the petition represents years of left-wing indoctrination. Respect for the American flag comes naturally; reasons to hold it in contempt have to be learned.

It is not surprising that the author of the resolution is a student at UC Irvine's School of Social Ecology. Visit its website and you will see leftism in one of its purest forms.

2. The students and the professors see themselves as citizens of the world. Leftism rejects nationalism, and the most nationalistic of the industrialized Western democracies is America. The left regards nationalism -- as symbolized by hanging or waving the American flag -- as primitive and ultimately fascistic.

3. Many professors and students are bored. Compared to the past anywhere and compared to the present almost anywhere, life in America is remarkably easy for the vast majority of college students and college professors.

This ease, however, presents them with another problem -- a lack of meaning in life. For nearly all people there has never been a problem with finding meaning. Even putting aside religion -- humanity's greatest supplier of meaning -- life's difficulties have always given people meaning: How will I feed myself and my family? How will I provide myself and my family with a home?

But these problems exist for almost no American college student and they do not exist for any American professor. And since so few professors, and increasingly few students, derive meaning from America's traditional Judeo-Christian religions, meaning must be sought and found elsewhere.

Thus the left generally and the universities in particular manufacture crises that give the secular middle and upper classes great meaning: fight American sexism, intolerance, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism, material inequality, capitalism and nationalism.

That America is in fact the most open, opportunity-giving and tolerant country in world history is irrelevant to these people. To acknowledge this would be to deprive themselves of the greatest human need after food -- meaning and purpose.

These are the reasons they want to ban the American flag. That hundreds of thousands of Americans died for what this flag represents -- the American trinity of liberty, In God We Trust and E Pluribus Unum -- means nothing to these students and professors. Thanks to leftism, when they see the American flag they see imperialism and bigotry.
Hateful leftists. Most people rejoice at our flag. Not leftists. They're blinded by hatred.

The Privilege of Checking White Privilege

From John McWhorter, at the Daily Beast, "When students are compelled to have “White Privilege 101” classes, we have every right to ask: Why, and for whose benefit?"

You can check it, but it this leftist meme ain't going away anytime soon (via Instapundit).

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Megyn Kelly Interviews Ward Churchill

Man, the dude is so full of hatred.

And he won't apologize for calling those killed in the 9/11 Twin Towers attacks "little Eichmanns."