Showing posts with label Intolerance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intolerance. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

When the Left Turned Against Free Speech — #LiberalFascism

From Matt Welch, at Reason, "The long, ugly journey from the Free Speech Movement to professors assaulting protesters":

On March 4, in a designated "free-speech zone" at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), associate professor of feminist studies Mireille Miller-Young walked over to a 16-year-old anti-abortion protester named Thrin Short and demanded that Short take down a graphic sign showing pictures of aborted fetuses. When Short refused, Miller-Young forcibly snatched the sign out of the smaller girl's hands, then handed it to her students and walked away triumphantly. The rattled teen accurately accused Miller-Young of being a "thief," to which the professor implausibly retorted: "I may be a thief, but you're a terrorist!" Adding injury to insult, Miller-Young then shoved the protester and barred her from entering a campus elevator. Moments later, the professor and her students cut the stolen poster to shreds.

The story gets worse. According to the ensuing police report, Miller-Young maintained that she had set a good example for her students by acting like a "conscientious objector" to offensive hate speech that had "triggered" her emotions and violated her "personal right to go to work and not be in harm." Many students, too, remained defiant about the assault long after tempers cooled.

"We, as students of UCSB, are in solidarity with Professor Miller-Young and urge our student body, staff, faculty, and community members to provide as much support as possible," reads a petition submitted by "UCSB Microaggressions" that as of press time had received more than 2,000 signatures, dwarfing a rival petition asking for the professor's ouster. "We do not condone the hate speech and media attention she has been actively receiving."

Our tale gets worse still. In an open letter to students on March 19, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Michael D. Young did not mention Miller-Young by name, did not address either the outrageousness of her actions or the inanity of her logic, and instead aimed most of his fire at "outsiders coming into our midst to provoke us, to taunt us and attempt to turn us against one another as they promote personal causes and agendas."...
Keep reading.

Matt Welch attended UCSB in the 1980s. You learn something new every day!

RELATED: At National Review, "UCSB Smears Pro-Lifers After Professor’s Attack on Pro-Life Student."

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Political Correctness Out of Control

A great O'Reilly talking points memo.

He's got some leftist Buckwheat dude on there who's a freakin' laugh riot.

Yeah, and no doubt No More Mister's got a response to O'Reilly. Because leftist PC intolerance is always justified, or something.

Friday, May 16, 2014

College 'Hump Day' Event Canceled After Students Protest 'Camel Racism'

Boy, "camel racism."

What's next?

At Campus Reform, "‘Hump Day’ event cancelled after students claim bringing a camel to campus was racist."

And Twitchy, "‘Is this a joke?’ College ‘camel fiasco’ sparks mockery of PC cops, exposes real racists."

.@ProgsToday Released from #TwitterGulag

The left, morally and intellectually bankrupt, can only use deceit and force to push its agenda.

And @ProgsToday must have really struck a nerve to bring out the fever swamp gulag trolls.

From Gateway Pundit:

And follow Progressives Today:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Liberals' Dark Ages — #LiberalFascism

I don't think she's had her full Damascus moment, but Kirsten Powers is right there.

At USA Today, "Liberals' Dark Ages" (at Memeorandum):
As the [left's fascist] mob gleefully destroys people's lives, its members haven't stopped to ask themselves a basic question: What happens when they come for me? If history is any guide, that's how these things usually end.

Anti-Liberalism on the Left? Just Call It #LiberalFascism

An interview with far-left (pro-abort extremist) Michelle Goldberg, at Vox, "Why are students forcing out commencement speakers?"
Is this just on college campuses, or is this something you see within the left as a whole?

There is not that much of a left in America. Whenever you talk about the American left, a big part of their base is going to be on college campuses. … There's a specific part of the anti-liberal left that sees civil liberties and free speech ideas as secondary to social justice. You see expressions of it on Twitter, but it's mostly on college campuses.

Partly that's just because college campuses are really the only place where the left has any power to enforce its own agenda. In the broader world, there are probably leftists who want to shut up all kinds of people, but they have no ability do so. They have no power in American life. But they have power on college campuses...
I think she badly underestimates leftist power off America's campuses. I mean, c'mon, the mainstream mass media is objectively leftist. Even outlets like ESPN are now pushing a Gramscian Marxian social ideology.

But keep reading.

RELATED: From our little leftist friend Olivia Nuzzi, at the Daily Beast, "The Oh-So-Fragile Class of 2014 Needs to STFU And Listen to Some New Ideas."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dallas TV Host Amy Kushnir Walks Off Over Michael Sam Homosexual Kiss

At the Blaze, "‘I’m Done!’: Talk Show Host Storms Off Set After Heated Discussion Over Michael Sam’s Kiss With Boyfriend."

Video at the link.

More at Larry Brown Sports, "Michael Sam kiss debate leads Dallas talk show host to walk off set (Video)":
Even though she will receive a lot of negative press for this, I thought she was completely composed during the debate and handled herself well while expressing her opinion. I don’t post this to mock her, but rather to illustrate how sensitive this topic has become.
Hmm, that's not what the homosexuals fascists are going to say, but yeah.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Closing of the Collegiate Mind

From Ruth Wisse, at the Wall Street Journal:
There was a time when people looking for intellectual debate turned away from politics to the university. Political backrooms bred slogans and bagmen; universities fostered educated discussion. But when students in the 1960s began occupying university property like the thugs of regimes America was fighting abroad, the venues gradually reversed. Open debate is now protected only in the polity: In universities, muggers prevail.

Assaults on intellectual and political freedom have been making headlines. Pressure from faculty egged on by Muslim groups induced Brandeis University last month not to grant Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the proponent of women's rights under Islam, an intended honorary degree at its convocation. This was a replay of 1994, when Brandeis faculty demanded that trustees rescind their decision to award an honorary degree to Jeane Kirkpatrick, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. In each case, a faculty cabal joined by (let us charitably say) ignorant students promoted the value of repression over the values of America's liberal democracy.

Opponents of free speech have lately chalked up many such victories: New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly prevented from speaking at Brown University in November; a lecture by Charles Murray canceled by Azusa Pacific University in April; Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state and national-security adviser under the George W. Bush administration, harassed earlier this month into declining the invitation by Rutgers University to address this year's convocation.

Most painful to me was the Harvard scene several years ago when the Committee on Degrees in Social Studies, celebrating its 50th anniversary, accepted a donation in honor of its former head tutor Martin Peretz, whose contributions to the university include the chair in Yiddish I have been privileged to hold. His enemies on campus generated a "party against Marty" that forced him to walk a gauntlet of jeering students for having allegedly offended Islam, while putting others on notice that they had best not be perceived guilty of association with him.

Universities have not only failed to stand up to those who limit debate, they have played a part in encouraging them. The modish commitment to so-called diversity replaces the ideal of guaranteed equal treatment of individuals with guaranteed group preferences in hiring and curricular offerings...

So far my campus has been spared a roiling debate on leftists suppression, although the mere mention of a talk by Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist a few years back brought out the thought police --- and a "no" vote from the college administration on the grounds of "campus security." (So, yeah, we basically experienced the heckler's veto once in recent memory.) Recall back in 2006, Gilchrist was attacked at Columbia, rousted off the stage and beaten by a gang of leftist thugs. So it's been at least a decade of this kind of leftist fascism, which according to Wisse dates back the left's Vietnam-era generation.

RELATED: At Vassar, at least one faculty member called for a boycott of William Jacobson, who spoke recently against the BDS movement. See, "“One responded, actually calling for a boycott of Professor Jacobson”."

William Jacobson photo William-A-Jacobson-Cornell-Law-School-speaking-at-Vassar-College-620x420_zps3dfcbe87.jpg

Video here: "Vassar College Wins (Update – Video added)."

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

'It's obvious that the far left has decided there are no longer constraints on what it can do to anyone who disagrees with it. How did this happen? Who let the dogs out?...'

Well Obama, of course.

The Obama White House unleashed the forces of far-left intolerance.

See Daniel Henninger, at the Wall Street Journal, "Obama Unleashes the Left."

RELATED: At Legal Insurrection, "Anti-Israel Vassar student group focuses on race of crowd at my speech."

SJP Vassar photo Vassar-SJP-Tweets-re-Jacobson-speech-e1399477592400_zps6f1df71b.jpg

Yeah, the SJP at Vassar also deny Israel's right to exist, "NYU's Students for Justice in Palestine: Israel's Existence is 'Flagrant Violation' of International Law."

An ominous cloud of leftist intolerance has descended on America's campuses.

And leftism is literally a murderous ideology.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Slow Death of Free Speech

From Mark Steyn, "The 'Safe Space' is Where Cultures Go to Die."

Linking his new essay at the Spectator UK, "How the Left, here and abroad, is trying to shut down debate — from Islam and Israel to global warming and gay marriage":
I heard a lot of that kind of talk during my battles with the Canadian ‘human rights’ commissions a few years ago: of course, we all believe in free speech, but it’s a question of how you ‘strike the balance’, where you ‘draw the line’… which all sounds terribly reasonable and Canadian, and apparently Australian, too. But in reality the point of free speech is for the stuff that’s over the line, and strikingly unbalanced. If free speech is only for polite persons of mild temperament within government-policed parameters, it isn’t free at all. So screw that.

But I don’t really think that many people these days are genuinely interested in ‘striking the balance’; they’ve drawn the line and they’re increasingly unashamed about which side of it they stand. What all the above stories have in common, whether nominally about Israel, gay marriage, climate change, Islam, or even freedom of the press, is that one side has cheerfully swapped that apocryphal Voltaire quote about disagreeing with what you say but defending to the death your right to say it for the pithier Ring Lardner line: ‘“Shut up,” he explained.’

A generation ago, progressive opinion at least felt obliged to pay lip service to the Voltaire shtick. These days, nobody’s asking you to defend yourself to the death: a mildly supportive retweet would do. But even that’s further than most of those in the academy, the arts, the media are prepared to go. As Erin Ching, a student at 60-grand-a-year Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, put it in her college newspaper the other day: ‘What really bothered me is the whole idea that at a liberal arts college we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion.’ Yeah, who needs that? There speaks the voice of a generation: celebrate diversity by enforcing conformity...
Oh pshaw!

What'a all this talk about crushing free speech?!! Ayaan Hirsi Ali can come to Brandeis and speak whenever she wants, lol!

F-king morons.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Forgetting Freedom on Passover

From Caroline Glick:
Passover, which begins on Monday night, is the festival of freedom.

The holiday reminds us of the brutal enslavement of the Jews by Pharaoh and the Egyptians. We recall their midnight flight from Egypt, pursued by the mighty Egyptian army, and God’s miraculous rescue of the Jews at the shores of the Red Sea. We remember how Moses led them for 40 years in the desert, and taught them what it means to be a nation, and what it means to be free.

We repeat the story of enslavement, flight, redemption and freedom each year at Passover, because our sages wanted to ensure that we never forget the value of freedom, and remain vigilant in our fight for it.

In Israel, where our freedom is physically threatened, most Jews understand and live by the lessons of Passover.
But something is happening to the Jews in America.

More and more, every day we see American Jews embracing intellectual bondage. We see American Jewish leaders embracing the intolerant, who seek to constrain freedom, and shunning those who fight for freedom and the rights of Jews and other threatened peoples and groups.

To a large degree, this rejection of the lessons of the Exodus among the American Jewish community reflects the growing intolerance and tyranny of the political Left, to which most American Jews pledge their allegiance.

With increasing frequency, leftist groups and leaders in the US are openly acting to deny freedom of expression to their political and ideological foes, and to destroy the lives of people who oppose their dogma.

For instance, last week we saw the growing tyranny of gay activists. Under assault from homosexual thought police, the Mozilla Corporation of Firefox browser fame fired its CEO Brendan Eich because he once contributed $1,000 to a campaign to block the legalization of homosexual marriage in California.

Eich’s firing was only the latest assault by gay rights bullies on private citizens who oppose their goals. The aim of these assaults is to silence all opposition to their agenda using the tools of social ostracism and intellectual terror...
Keep reading.

The essay ranges far beyond the left's hateful, intolerant and terroristic attack on Eich.

The Left's Medieval Torquemadas

At Patriot Post, from Victor Davis Hanson, "Our civil liberties will not be lost to crude fascists in jackboots."

 photo 1625752_10152181872385914_5707903273604788652_n_zpsc5b3defd.jpg
We are in a new Inquisition. Self-appointed censors try to stamp out any idea or word that they don't wish to be aired – in the pursuit of a new race, class, gender and environment orthodoxy.

Hounding out people with different views is seen by the Left as a necessary means to achieve its supposedly noble goals – just like the Spanish Inquisitioners who claimed God was on their side as they went after religiously “incorrect” Jews, Muslims and heretics.

Unfortunately, the Obama administration has been part of the problem, not part of the solution. Its appointees used the once-impartial IRS against conservatives. They monitored Associated Press reporters. They denied that the NSA was eavesdropping on average citizens. They arbitrarily chose not to enforce laws they didn't like.

The president bragged of using “a pen and phone” to circumvent the legislative branch, and urged his supporters to “punish our enemies.” The attorney general calls Americans who have different views from his own on matters of affirmative action “cowards.”

All of that them/us rhetoric has given a top-down green light to radical thought police to harass anyone who is open-minded about man-caused global warming, or believes that gay marriage needs more debate, or that supporting Israel is a legitimate cause, or that breaking federal immigration law is still a crime and therefore “illegal.”

Our civil liberties will not be lost to crude fascists in jackboots. More likely, the death of free speech will be the work of the new medieval Torquemadas who claim they destroyed freedom of expression for the sake of “equality” and “fairness” and “saving the planet.”
Torquemadas. Heh, I love that.

I called out leftist gay rights Torquemada Tara Dublin last weekend and she delivered with an hilarious meltdown: "If @TaraDublinRocks Didn’t Exist, Would @AmPowerBlog Have to Invent Her?"

And the idiot Ms. Dublin is just the tip of the Torquemada iceberg (unmelted iceberg, to their endless idiot consternation). More at the leftist hate-hole Lawyers, Gays and Murderers, "Today’s Specious 'Free Speech' Martyr." (And yes, remember loser Lemieux's attack on Ayaan Hirsi Ali the next time depraved leftists tell you they're all about human rights. They're not.)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Dropbox, Unfazed by 'Drop-Dropbox' Campaign, Not Dropping Condi Rice

At Instapundit, "STANDING UP TO THE RACIST BULLIES OF THE LEFT: Dropbox Unswayed By Anti-Condi #DropDropbox Campaign."

Speaking of racist bullies, leftist idiot Tom Hilton is co-blogging at No More Mister Nice Blog, the asshole. He's all down with the thugish campaign against Mozilla, and comes up with the one of the dumbest arguments I've heard on why Eich was an epic homophobic hater in '08 but Obama not so much. (Pay no mind to the crown of sunshine floating above the Lightworker's head, of course.)

Yep, racist bullies and totalitarian thugs. Never cave to these losers, lol.

Nigerian Child Bride Kills Husband and His Three Friends by Lacing Meal with Rat Poison

She was just 14, but did what she had to do to be free.

At Atlas Shrugs, "Child bride forced into marriage poisons groom and three of his friends in Nigeria."