The video has some disconnections, but it's good.
And see Joel Pollak, "RightOnline in Review: What Would Breitbart Do?"
Commentary and analysis on American politics, culture, and national identity, U.S. foreign policy and international relations, and the state of education - from a neoconservative perspective! - Keeping an eye on the communist-left so you don't have to!
I'm a huge Bachmann fan, as long-time readers will recall. I still get a kick out of this clip, so here's a flashback:
I covered Bachmann's town hall event at Knott's Berry Farm last year, although I didn't have a chance to meet her personally. But she'll be speaking this weekend at David Horowitz's West Coast Retreat, at the Terranea Resort at Palos Verdes, so perhaps this time. I'll be attending events there through Sunday, so blogging will be spotty. Here's the line-up:
Charles Payne, Dennis Prager, Victor Davis Hanson, David Horowitz, Congresswomen Michele Bachmann, Renee Ellmers, Marsha Blackburn, Congressmen Steven King, John Eastman, Tom McClintock Thaddeus McCotter, and Ed Royce, Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach, Andrew McCarthy, Ralph Peters, Tammy Bruce, John Yoo, Pat Caddell, Steven Emerson, Robert Spencer, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, and Andrew Klavan.Tonight's the opening banquet. I'll try to post a few pictures later this evening.
Until then ...
I ... think it is absolutely fair to ask why someone would target a census worker (and sadly, a single father of two)? I have never heard of a Census worker being murdered before. I am sure it happens and has probably happened even in recent times, but I simply have never read or heard another instance of such a crime. So at the very least we can say it is a rare crime.
Okay. Right.And I think that it is also fair to question the role Rep. Michelle Bachmann [sic] (the psychotic, drooling, knuckle-dragger, ill-informed conspiracy theorist, birther and hater masquerading as a member of Congress) jihad against the Census Bureau had something to do with it.
We need to absolutely expose Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, CNN's Lou Dobbs, Michael Steele, Rush Limbaugh and the legion of others parroting right-wing lies for trumping up this nonsense and getting people to now commit murder in a hideous fashion.Conservatives getting people to commit murder? Okay. That's a really credible hypothesis coming from folks who post with murderous Che Guevara avatars. It's kinda like, you know, communists don't have to "get" anyone to murder people - they just go out and cut down their opponents without provocation.
Before we assume that this apparent homicide was a response solely to the attacks Michele Bachmann and others have made on the census, it's worth recalling how Clay County made news earlier this year, when a bunch of local officials were indicted for vote fraud.Whew! I feel better already. All that Fox viewing is turning me into a murderer!
I feel like I have a front row seat on history right now. I cannot believe what I'm seeing. This is our country. We love our country and I'm watching our freedoms slip out the door every day. Just this week with the G-20 and what President Obama is wanting to do to cede American sovereignty to transnational global authorities makes your head spin and we as members of congress have to bind him down with that authority, we cannot agree to these things that he is wanting to do, because it will continue to take away freedom from individuals in the United States.There's absolutely nothing in these comments out of the ordinary for conservative political discourse. Indeed, we need more folks like Michele Bachamann standing up for what's right, and telling it like it is for this president, who is now travelling the world over putting other nations' interests ahead of our own.
It is a dream come true for people who want to transform our country from a free-market economy to a centralized government planned economy. It is completely different and antithetical to what our founders gave us and I think people should be shocked, they should be stunned with what is happening and the speed at which it's happening and in particular, what is happening with the G-20 and the transnational aspects of what our President is committing our nation to.
Representative Bachmann's clearly raising the ire of the nihilists at Firedoglake, "Michelle Bachmann, Vigilant Guardian of the Constitution."
Funny how all these Bush/Cheney Republicans have suddenly discovered there's this thing called "the Constitution," isn't it?Previously Firedoglake posted a Photoshop of Ms. Bachmann with Nazi paraphernalia. We're seeing nothing less than a campaign by hardline radicals to personally destroy Michelle Bachmann, not unlike the left's current program to bankrupt Sarah Palin with endlessly frivilous ethics lawsuits against the Governor and her family.
A friend who speaks wingnut tells me this is good old right-wing/Bircher/Evil Federal Reserve/One World Government paranoia, as Bachmann later hints at with her weird question about an "international monetary standard." But I think she's just an idiot.
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is one of Minnesota's most effective spokesmen for conservatism, so our local media have collaborated with Democrats in trying to defeat her. The most recent attack on Michele arose out of my radio show last Saturday.See also Representative Bachmann's essay at Townhall, "A Government Power Grab" (via Memeorandum).
The case will require the justices to consider the thorny question of just how much leeway school officials should have in policing zero-tolerance policies for drugs and violence, and the court is likely to provide important guidance to schools around the nation.But Michelle Bachmann's not worthy of that dignity, apparently. See also, Ed Morrissey, "Strip-searching teenage girls in school?", and Memeorandum.
In Ms. Redding’s case, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco, ruled that school officials had violated the Fourth Amendment’s ban on unreasonable searches. Writing for the majority, Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw said, “It does not require a constitutional scholar to conclude that a nude search of a 13-year-old child is an invasion of constitutional rights.”
“More than that,” Judge Wardlaw added, “it is a violation of any known principle of human dignity.”
I’m a foreign correspondent on enemy lines and I try to let everyone back here in Minnesota know exactly the nefarious activities that are taking place in Washington.Minnesota's Smart Politics puts this in the context by providing quotes of her earlier statements:
I would say there are probably 30 keepers of the flame over here…The main thing we can do right now is be foreign correspondents reporting to you from enemy lines ....I'll be the first to say, unequivocally, this is not controversial.
I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back. Thomas Jefferson told us ‘having a revolution every now and then is a good thing,’ and the people – we the people – are going to have to fight back hard if we’re not going to lose our country. And I think this has the potential of changing the dynamic of freedom forever in the United States.
Unfortunately, this is what happens when politicians are incapable of understanding the issues, unwilling to listen to people who can fix the situation, and would prefer to take the whole country down rather than work with or learn something from someone new.The last comment is particularly totalitarian. Exercizing your First Amendment rights gets you - "and others like her" - "stripsearched"?
I want this nutjob - and others like her - stripsearched every time she comes close to the President. It would NOT at ALL surprise me if at one point people like her get the insane idea that they need to "save" the nation and do stupid things.
This is beyond unhinged. It sounds like a press release from Stormfront.Well, I don't know about Debbie Wasserman Schultz, but Markos Moulitsas is up for the job:
Let's imagine for a moment the Faux News/National Review/InstaMalkin/RedState freak out if, say, Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave a radio interview with Kos in 2005 and referred to the Bush administration and the GOP congress as an evil, foreign enemy.
How loud and non-stop would the drumbeat of right-wing outrage get before she'd be forced to apologize on the House floor?
But that's the thing about the right-wing. They engage in this kind of political hate speech so often, it literally goes unnoticed when one of their sitting members of Congress calls the President "the enemy."
I have been sweating rumors that Bush will replace Cheney with someone more exciting, charismatic, engaging, friendly, and, well, less evil ... I won't rest easy just yet ... Bush needs Cheney so he, himself, can look less evil. Literally.God bless Representative Michelle Bachmann. She speaks for me!
"Nothing From Nothing. "
Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit "AND THE ROLE OF EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN WILL BE PLAYED BY…: Liberals’ Knives Come Out for Nate Silver After His Model Points to a Trump Victory..."
R.S. McCain, "'Jews Are Dead, Hamas Is Happy, and Podhoretz Has Got His Rage On ..."
Ace, "Georgia Shooter's Father Berated Him as a "Sissy" and Bought Him an AR-15 to 'Toughen Him Up'..."Free Beacon..., "Kamala Harris, the ‘Candidate of Change,’ Copies Sections of Her Policy Page Directly From Biden's Platform..."