Showing posts with label Moral Bankuptcy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moral Bankuptcy. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2015

'Note: this class is not academically challenging nor deeply time-consuming, but the assignments are meant to provoke some thought into the subject...'

The class?

"Palestine & Israel: Settler Colonialism and Apartheid," at the University of California, Riverside.

And those assignments aren't "meant to provoke some thought" so much as they are to force students into a murderous Israel-hating ideology.

The class is good for one unit of credit and the student organizers (yes, students teach it, not professors) are looking to double that for winter quarter.

See Jonathan Marks, at Commentary, "Anti-Israel Course is a Campus Farce."

A farce indeed.

The student "teacher," Tina Matar, is the president of the university's Students for Justice in Palestine chapter. Yes, and that's another indicator of how "balanced" the class is likely to be. (Flashback to 2011: "Israeli Apartheid Week, Students for Justice in Palestine, UCLA, February 23, 2011.")


Thursday, September 18, 2014

No Matter What, Repsac3 Will Attack You as Racist!

I'll be teaching all day.

In light of stalking hate-troll Walter James Casper's pathetic allegations of "bigotry" and "racism," here's Harry Stein's, "No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist: How our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race Hurts Us All."

Lolz. More blogging tonight!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The United States 'Awash' in Crude Oil as New Production Techniques Create Supply Glut

This really is one of the most significant strategic developments since the end of the Cold War, but leftists are such f-king morons most of the political establish hasn't a clue about what's going on.

At NYT, "Conflict in Oil Industry, Awash in Crude":
HOUSTON — T. Boone Pickens has personified the nation’s oil industry for more than a generation. So when he made an offhand comment at a conference here a few weeks ago expressing reservations about lifting the nation’s ban on exports of crude oil, he startled some of his old allies in the business.

Scott Sheffield, chief executive of Pioneer Natural Resources and one of the top oil executives in the state, picked up the phone to have a chat. “We had lunch and he made sense,” said Mr. Pickens, who has since revised his position.

Chalk one up for the oil producers, who have begun lobbying the Obama administration, Congress and the public to let them export the bounty of crude oil flowing out of new shale fields across the country.

Opposing them are their erstwhile cousins, the independent refiners, who insist that they need abundant, economical domestic supplies of oil so they can compete with foreign refiners.

It is a rare clash in a deeply guarded industry that involves arguments over national security, pricing at the pump and, after all is said and done, who will get a bigger share of earnings from the current drilling rush.

“What we have here is a food fight for the profits that will come either from exports of crude oil or exports of refined products,” said Amy Myers Jaffe, executive director of energy and sustainability at the University of California, Davis, who testified before Congress recently in favor of lifting the ban. “It’s like an argument inside a family business but one that could result in huge market distortions that can either hurt the consumer or our national security.”

Producers like Mr. Sheffield warn that a mounting glut of certain grades of oil in some regions of the country will eventually force a halt to unprofitable drilling if exports are not allowed.

“Nobody wants the collapse of the oil industry,” Mr. Sheffield said in an interview. “You would be importing crude oil from the Middle East all over again.”

On the other side of the debate are some of the nation’s biggest refiners, who argue against unlimited exports of crude oil even as they export increasing amounts of refined products like diesel and gasoline. To their way of thinking, the oil producers are merely trying to increase their profits at the expense of American consumers.

“They are seeking the highest price available,” Bill Day, a vice president at the Valero Energy Corporation, a large independent refiner, said of the producers. “If anything, unlimited exports would raise the price of American crude to the international level, which is why the producers want this step to begin with.”

The debate began in earnest two months ago when Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz suggested at a New York energy conference that it might be time for the country to reconsider the export ban that was instituted in the 1970s, when OPEC oil embargoes threatened the American economy. Congress at the time made oil exports illegal except for some shipments to Canada. The ban on exports of Alaskan North Slope crude was lifted in 1996.

The topic has renewed interest thanks to the oil industry’s reversal of fortunes in recent years. Only seven years ago the country’s domestic oil production appeared to be in a downward spiral. But with the advent of new extraction techniques, entire new fields were opened, replacing oil imports from unfriendly or unruly places like Venezuela and Nigeria.

Suddenly parts of the Midwest and Gulf of Mexico regions are overflowing with superior grades of crude, leading to a slump in prices and a gap of as much as $10 between American oil benchmark prices and the dominant world Brent price.

Even under current restrictions, crude exports are growing quickly. Shipments to Canada have already roughly tripled since 2012 to around 200,000 barrels a day. Some analysts say they think that figure will double by the end of the year...
Still more at that top link.

RELATED: At Hot Air, "IEA: US will be world’s largest oil producer in 2015."

Friday, November 22, 2013

Charles Manson in Rolling Stone: Final Confessions of a Psychopath

Actually, I'm not linking the Rolling Stone piece. I've had enough of these idiots and their worship of murderers.

The story's unreal, nevertheless. At LAT, "Charles Manson is commitment-phobic? Won't marry prison girlfriend."

Plus, a great write-up at Canada's National Post, "‘She’s not a woman. She’s a star’: Serial killer Charles Manson planning to marry 25-year-old groupie."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Greta Van Susteren Exposes Murderous Black Thug 'Knockout Game'

It's long past time for black leaders to speak out and denounce this vicious "game" that's popular with America's black thug youth.

At Greta Van Susteren's blog, "VIDEO: “Knockout Game” hits another victim in D.C."

From last night's show, "What did you think of my OFF THE RECORD commentary tonight?"

When someone dies from this cruel KNOCK OUT game (and it is not funny nor a game), it is MURDER. If the victim does not die, it is assault with intent to kill. It is mean. It is cruel. It also is terrible for the many good people in a community trying to live their lives and raise their families. They are scared.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

'Websites for Dummies'

Boy, that would've been delectable.

At the Blaze, "Tennessee State Senator Presents Kathleen Sebelius With Really Embarrassing 'Gift' – and She Doesn't Look Very Happy About It..."

And at Twitchy, "Ouch! Tenn. state senator presents Kathleen Sebelius with book that might come in handy [pic]."

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Senate Democrats Supported #ObamaCare Regs That Destroyed Individual Insurance Market

Oh boy.

And this was on CNN no less.

At Legal Insurrection, "Senate Dems killed (Obamacare) grandfather (fix)":
They own all of our Obamacare problems, completely.

CNN reports, Senate Democrats supported rule that led to insurance cancellations:
Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it.

“The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality. Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people if you like what you have you can keep it, and then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure that people are going to ignore it. But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to have to prevail on this piece of legislation as well,” Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said at the time.

“The administration’s own regulations prove this is not the case. Under the grandfathering regulation, according to the White House’s own economic impact analysis, as many as 69 percent of businesses will lose their grandfathered status by 2013 and be forced to buy government-approved plans,” the Iowa Republican said.

On a party line vote, Democrats killed the resolution, which could come back to haunt vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this year.

Bwahaha!! Hilarious New Yorker Covers Slams #ObamaCare Rollout Debacle

Love the Motorola DynaTAC cell phone (Zack Morris).

At Twitchy, "‘Obama sporting Zack Morris’ cellphone’: New Yorker ‘reboot’ cover nails O-care launch [pic]." And a NewsBusters, "New Yorker Mag Cover Slams Obama and Sebelius."


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Friday, November 1, 2013

Over 93 Millions Americans Could Lose Employer-Based Health Coverage as #ObamaCare Non-Compliant

At National Review, "Roy: Experts Knew Obama’s Promise ‘Was a Lie’":

Avik Roy sat down with Megyn Kelly to share his latest piece over at Forbes that found that more than half of employer-based health-care plans will be deemed illegal next year because they will no longer be Obamacare compliant. This signals the latest blow to President Obama’s controversial promise that people could keep their health-care plans, which Roy said experts knew wasn’t true to begin with.

“Everyone in the health-policy community left, right, or center knew this was a lie,” he said on Fox News on Thursday night. Unfortunately, at the time, critics of the law could only offer theoretical arguments, not real-world examples.

“The difference now is that people are getting cancellation notices — journalists can go and interview the people getting the cancellation notices,” he said.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

President Barack O-Bomba Goes to War

President O-Bomba: The biggest left-wing antiwar hypocrite, now the Commander-in-Chief who's war policy is completely incoherent.

At least this gives the ANSWER Stalinists a fresh issue for their never-ending campaign against racist American imperial aggression.

See, "Hands Off Syria - Take action against U.S. intervention!"

And more on antiwar public opinion at Guardian UK, "President Obama should listen to US and UK public: don't strike Syria."

Friday, August 30, 2013

Nancy Pelosi Opposed Persian Gulf War, Iraq War, the Surge — Yet She's Now Shamelessly Beating the Drums for War in Syria

Years ago I came to the belated realization that Democrats are traitors to America on the question of national security (and on other questions as well, no doubt).

President Obama, of course, throughout his entire career, has possessed not one ounce of credibility on matters of war and peace. Recall that as a candidate for president in 2007 he was farther to the left and more antiwar than any other Democrat seeking the party's nomination. His hypocrisy on America's national security interests is a total abomination and the supreme miracle feat of political posturing and opportunism. Disgusting.

Secretary of State John Kerry this week denounced Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons as a "moral atrocity" of world historical proportions, and has implored the international community to stand up to Syria's assault on "civilization." But in 2004, as Democrat Party standard-bearer for the office of the presidency, running against vigorous war leader President George W. Bush, he denounced the war in Iraq after having voted in 2002 to authorize the deployment as member of the U.S. Senate: "I don't believe the president took us to war as he should have."

And now we have the words of that arch antiwar Democrat Nancy Pelosi, the current House Minority Leader in Congress, and total hypocrite on anything dealing with the nation's security.

At WaPo, "Pelosi urges military response to Syria."

And at Politico, "Nancy Pelosi the hawk tells President Obama to act on Syria" (via Memeorandum):

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi pressed top administration officials Thursday night to take military action to punish Syrian President Bashar Assad in response to reports that he used chemical weapons in his nation’s ongoing civil war.

“It is clear that the American people are weary of war. However, Assad gassing his own people is an issue of our national security, regional stability and global security,” Pelosi said in a statement after the 90-minute conference call with members of the National Security Council and 26 high-ranking lawmakers.
Rank hypocrisy.

Pelosi boasts perhaps the most consistent antiwar war record of any current member of Congress (see Wikipedia). In 1991 she opposed the U.S. move to eject Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, a war that would ultimately be approved by an overwhelming margin in the Congress, and would win Security Council backing at the United Nations (heralding a "new world order" in the emerging post-Cold War international system). Pelosi also voted against the 2002 Iraq war authorization, and in 2007 she opposed the Bush administration's new counterinsurgency program in Iraq --- "the surge" --- that within a year had stemmed the tide of terrorist violence and allowed the United States to wind down the war.

But in 2013 Pelosi is all gung-ho, arguing that Assad's alleged use of chemical weapons is so egregious that even a "war weary" nation should fall in line behind the administration's headlong rush to conflict.

Sorry, but this is extreme partisanship and political posturing of the worst kind. It's no wonder that support for Congress and this president is at historic lows. This shameless Democrat Party warmongering marks a new milestone in wag the dog political expediency.

See more on this from Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage, "Liberal Hypocrisy in Iraq and Syria":
Democrats vociferously opposed any plan to stop the flow of terrorists from Syria into Iraq. Now they are about to fight Assad anyway in support of their own twisted Muslim Brotherhood version of regime change.

The anti-war party has become the war party and in a supreme irony, its cause for a new war is the familiar one of stopping a Baath Party regime from using weapons of mass destruction against civilians.

Everything old is new again and every hypocrisy rises again to become policy. In New Hampshire, Howard Dean is reportedly sniffing around his presidential prospects and in Washington [Nancy Pelosi], John Kerry, Chuck Hagel and Barack Obama will begin a war that they were against… before they were for it.
More at Memorandum.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Teacher Peg Brunda Slams Anthony #Weiner for 'Skeevy' Behavior

Man, this is classic.

The Weiner scum can't run away fast enough.

At the New York Post, "Teacher lectures Weiner over bad behavior":
Brunda later told The Post she had refused to shake lecherous Weiner’s hand because his behavior “skeeves me.”
Yeah, disgusting Democrats are "skeevy" like that.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Inland Empire Previews Fate of California Republican Party

At the Los Angeles Times, "Republican losses show Inland Empire's political shift":

Mary Bono
Stirred by a decade of astronomical growth, economic heartache and the rising political influence of Latinos, the Inland Empire proved treacherous territory last week for a Republican Party that just a decade ago considered it the new GOP frontier.

Voters in Riverside and San Bernardino counties on Tuesday elected three Democrats to Congress — two Latinos and a gay Asian American — after having sent only two Democrats to Washington in the last four decades.

Before the election, Republicans represented the city of Riverside in Congress, the state Senate and the Assembly. On Tuesday, Democrats took all three seats.

The rumblings of an impending seismic shift in Inland Empire politics have been heard for years, with pressure slowly building as the GOP's share of voters declined. California's new political boundaries, crafted last year, allowed pent-up Democratic power to push to the surface and reshape a political landscape that's now more evenly divided. Contests will be much harder to predict.

"The Inland Empire was the third bastion for the GOP after Orange County and San Diego," said Shaun Bowler, a political scientist from UC Riverside. "That's not true anymore, which is a worry for the Republican Party. They've got to work harder than they have in the past."
The new normal.

More at the link.

That's Mary Bono Mack at the photo. She took office under the widow's mandate when her then-husband, Sonny Bono, died in a skiing accident in 1998. Maggie's Notebook has more: "Connie Mack Mary Bono Mack: Connie Mack Lost Senate Bid – Mary Mack Lost House Seat."

RELATED: From George Skelton, at the Los Angeles Times, "GOP might never again hold power in California." (At Memeorandum.)

Broadwell and Benghazi

Read it all at the link, from James Taranto at the Wall Street Journal.

And from the editors, "The Petraeus Probe":
Senate Intelligence Chairman Dianne Feinstein said Sunday she intends to investigate who knew what and when about l'affaire David Petraeus, and rightly so. The facts that are dribbling out suggest that all sorts of people knew about the CIA director's personal predicament—except the President for whom he worked.

If the leaks are correct, the FBI was investigating Mr. Petraeus for months. The unidentified sources claim that the bureau stumbled across the affair when his paramour, Paula Broadwell, sent a threatening email to another woman. The G-men then pursued the matter out of concern for a national security breach, which they say they never found.

Let's hope so, although it's hardly reassuring that the CIA chief was communicating with Ms. Broadwell via a Gmail account. Our operating assumption is that every Gmail account can be ransacked by hackers from China and elsewhere, no matter Google's GOOG +0.43% best efforts at security. For America's chief spook to leave himself vulnerable in this way is an astonishing lack of judgment for such a disciplined and experienced man.

It's also passing strange, not to say politically convenient, that these sources say the FBI alerted the White House for the first time at 5 p.m. on Election Day. The leakers say the bureau told Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who then advised Mr. Petraeus he would have to resign.

But why wait weeks to tell the White House if a CIA chief is compromised in a way that might force his resignation? A report of this kind had to have gone up the chain of command to FBI Director Robert Mueller, and probably to Attorney General Eric Holder. Did they not tell anybody at the White House, not even the general counsel? This is odd, if not a dereliction, and the information chain needs to be understood.

All the more so because House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has confirmed a news report that he was told by a whistleblower in late October about the Petraeus affair, and he then had his staff alert the office of FBI Director Mueller. Mr. Cantor deserves credit for showing discretion and good judgment in the middle of an election campaign.

But the same credit should not go to Administration officials if they kept this problem bottled up until President Obama was safely re-elected. No one wants to see Mr. Petraeus or his family further humiliated, but there are security implications that need to be explained.
Still more, "FBI Agent in Petraeus Case Under Scrutiny."

Monday, November 12, 2012

Prop. 30 Won't Quench California's Big Government Thirst

At the Los Angeles Times, "Prop. 30 win won't guarantee state's fiscal safety":

Tighten Your Belt
SACRAMENTO — The election wasn't even over Tuesday when state Treasurer Bill Lockyer's phone started ringing. Activists of all stripes had the same message for him: With voters apparently poised to approve billions of dollars in tax hikes, it was time to spend more money.

"They had to be reminded the money has already been spent," Lockyer said.

As California tries to shake its national reputation as a financial bungler, policymakers in Sacramento will be managing an estimated $6 billion in annual revenue from Gov. Jerry Brown's newly approved tax plan, Proposition 30. The money is already included in the budget the governor signed last summer.

The bloodletting that has become a ritual part of assembling the state budget is expected to fade. But some of the issues that have made California's financial problems so persistent remain and could still create a budget gap if things don't go as planned.

In essence, analysts say, voters have stabilized the patient, but surgery may still be required.

Brown has long acknowledged that fixing the state's fiscal problems will require more work. He told reporters last week that "there are no cure-alls" and pledged to hold the line against new spending. As the former seminary student often does, he used a biblical allusion to make his point.

"We need the prudence of Joseph," he said.

The governor's plan will increase the state sales tax by a quarter-cent for four years and raise levies on high earners by one to three percentage points for seven years. Passage of Proposition 30 prevents billions of dollars in education cuts and gives the state an opportunity to end the fiscal year without a deficit for the first time in five years.

But California still has the lowest credit rating of any state. Its tax system is unstable. Borrowing costs remain high, and there are signs that the Brown administration's current $91.3-billion budget may be fraying at the seams as savings fail to meet expectations.

"By no means is California out of the woods yet," said Kil Huh, a director at the Pew Center on the States in Washington. "They've built up a set of challenges that are daunting for any state."

For starters, swings in the stock market can have an outsize effect on California's budget because the state relies so heavily on income taxes paid by the wealthy. In 2010, the richest 1% of Californians earned 21.3% of the income in the state and paid 40.9% of the state income taxes, according to the most recent government data available.

Gabriel Petek, an analyst at Standard & Poor's, noted that California has, over time, decreased more reliable sources of revenue, such as fees on motor vehicle registrations, while increasing less dependable ones, such as income taxes.

Revamping the tax base is politically treacherous. Voters approved strict limits on property taxes in 1978 with Proposition 13, which has since been considered the third rail in California politics.

"If I was dictator of the state, I would look at it," said Kim Rueben at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center in Washington. "I'm not sure it will ever be looked at."

The responsibility for handling state finances now is expected to fall completely to Democrats, who are poised to gain a supermajority in each house of the Legislature. Republicans would no longer be able to block tax increases, which require a two-thirds vote.

Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) said in an interview Friday that changes in the tax system can bring "political peril" and are not high on his agenda.

California could also face budget gaps when Proposition 30's tax hikes expire. Administration officials are banking on improvements in the economy to make up for the loss of extra tax revenue then.

Some Republicans fear Democrats will increase spending so much that they'll try to make the tax hikes permanent.
Make them permanent?

You think? All that and more, now that California's a one-party state with a permanent Democrat majority. An earthquake couldn't sink us into the as fast as the progressives.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Who Knows?

She's a vile woman.

I'm surprised she's even competitive, she's such a liar.

At Legal Insurrection, "Scott Brown launches first ad on Elizabeth Warren Cherokee claim."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

James Earl Carter IV Goes Alinsky on Mitt Romney

You gotta read this report from Michael Isikoff, "How the Romney video leaked: For Carters, it was personal." I mentioned before that the "SECRET VIDEO" release was well-played, and it's more than that: it's political revenge. James Carter IV has been literally pissed off for some time that Republicans have been slamming his grandfather's "weak" foreign policy, with comparisons to the Obama administration:
"It gets under my skin -- mostly the weakness on the foreign policy stuff," Carter said. "I just think it's ridiculous. I don’t like criticism of my family."
More at the link.

And at the video, radical MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is about to explode with orgiastic delight at the news of the "SECRET VIDEO." She can barely contain her glee and literally cannot speak at a couple of points, as she tries to spew out partisan talking points. Note too how Maddow, in her explanation of events, is extremely careful to claim that she had nothing to do with the initial versions of the Romney clip posted to YouTube under her name. But given how extremely damaging the clip's turned out to be, she's positively giddy that James Carter tracked down the person responsible for the tape. The added bonus is listening to David Corn rattle on about the story. He sounds like he's pulled off a criminal enterprise, or something. No doubt the guy's got a raging woody out of sight there at the studio. And he sure wants to make a point that the host of the fundraising, millionaire investor Marc Leder, allegedly sponsored kinky hot-sex parties like a deranged hedge-fund pervert. It's all designed to make Mitt Romney look bad, really bad, and these people are reveling it it:

Meanwhile, there's simply too much commentary on this to do an adequate roundup. I'm not latching onto one of the right-wing memes that this is just another blip on the radar screen, and that Romney just needs to catch his breath and keep plugging. Check some of the links at Memeorandum for all the buzz. He has to do that, sure, but I suspect this is more of a turning point in the campaign than folks are letting on, if they even realize it. There's really one last chance for Romney to shift some momentum back in his direction, and that's the presidential debates. And the hour is late. He's been on the defense literally for months now and it was just this week that the campaign was looking for a reset. That's not happening at this point.

I'll have more in any case. I hope I'm wrong, obviously. But it's been months of folks saying that Romney was about to change the dynamics of the race, and all the supposed game-changing moments have come an gone --- the veep pick, the conventions, the so-called post-convention bounce --- and Romney's still battling to find some traction against the Democrat-Media-Complex and its extremely dirty Alinskyite politics.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cecile Richards Speech to the Democrat National Convention

The CEO of the world's biggest infanticide operation:

RELATED: At Weekly Standard, "Democratic Platform Endorses Taxpayer-Funded Abortions":
And the Democratic party doesn't want to make abortions "rare."

Saturday, August 25, 2012

'Republican Women for Obama' Aren't Republican

Well, at least one of the women in this ad isn't Republican, and none of them are conservative. Also really misleading is the argument that if you're for "small government" you should vote for Obama, since he won't deprive you of your right to abort your baby in the 9th month of pregnancy. Family values, you know.

As I was saying yesterday about how stupid these people are, via Hot Air, "Busted: “Republican” woman in Obama ad has been a registered Democrat since 2006."

Watch the ad here.

This lady below, featured in the ad, is Maria-Ciano Adrian-Dillingham. There's perhaps also one other "Republican" imposter. John Hinderaker scoped out Ms. Maria on Facebook. Check out her "likes":

Maria Ciano
* Democracy For America
* Tar Sands Action
* Amy Goodman
* Barack Obama
* Being Liberal
* Bernie Sanders Tells You A Secret the GOP Would Rather You Didn’t Know
* Miss Piggy Delivers the Best Takedown of Fox News We’ve Seen All Month
* Think Progress
* The Best Quote From Barack Obama We’ve Seen This Week
* Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America’s Heartland
* Climate Reality
* The Amazing Victory Scored With Obama That More People Should Be Talking About
* The Sierra Club
* The Buffett Rule
* Obama For America–Colorado
* Denver Young Democrats
* Obamacare
* Latinos For Obama
* Michelle Obama
* Veterans For Obama
* I Love It When I Wake Up In the Morning and Obama Is President
* Obama Truth Team
* Democratic Party
Shayzus, she's a freakin' communist!

"Republican Women for Obama." More like "Marxist-Leninist Women Shilling for Obama"!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

'Toddler Fight Club': Delaware Daycare's License Revoked After Video Shows Kids Fighting

Howard Portnoy reports, at Hot Air, "Daycare workers arrested for urging toddlers to fight one another."

And at News One, "Child Care Workers Cuffed For Organizing ‘Toddler Fight Club’."

It was two black chicks and a f-king Latina --- but we wouldn't want to make any "sweeping generalizations" about these stupid c*nts. That would be unfair.

I hope the childrens' families win a huge settlement.