Showing posts with label Pamela Geller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pamela Geller. Show all posts

Friday, January 16, 2015

Pamela Geller on Rick Amato Show: 'There Is No Other Choice' But to Defend Freedom and Fight Radical Islam

I was able to log onto Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs early this morning as I signed off from the Internet. I tweeted:

But the DDoS attacks are continuing and Pamela's blog has been taken down again. She's been putting the word out on social media, and requesting support to keep her work going. Bob Belevedere reports on that at TCOTs, "DDoS ATTACK ALERT: @PamelaGeller Needs Our Help."

And at the end of his interview with Pamela, Rick Amato asks if she worries for her safety amid "this current climate we're in." The question caught Pamela a little by surprise but not without a ready response: "Of course ... but the alternative is laying down and dying, and abridging my freedom..."

Watch: "Pamela Geller on One America News, Rick Amato Show: Jihad, Islam and the West's Denial."

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hackers Take Down Pamela Geller's 'Atlas Shrugs'

I just tried to log on to Pamela' site and got a huge error warning.

She's got an update on Twitter here. And via Twitter, the current message at the error page is here.

It's more than a DDoS attack.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Attack on Truth in San Francisco: CBS News Bay Area Libels Pamela Geller's AFDI Ads as 'Hateful'

"This political correctness will be the death of us..."Judge Jeanine Pirro.

As Pamela Geller has observed many times, "truth is the new hate speech."

And now it's CBS News San Francisco that substantiates Pamela's verities.

See Atlas Shrugs, "CBS News: 'Hitler Appearing In Ads On SF Muni Buses'":
The attack on truth is full-on in San Francisco. Even now, after Jews were taken captive and slaughtered in a kosher supermarket by a devout Muslim, the usual suspects and their goosestepping shills are attacking free speech.

Fight the machine. CONTRIBUTE to our ad campaigns here.

AFDI is running these ads in order to raise awareness about the nature and magnitude of Islamic antisemitism — a grim reality that is nearly universally ignored, and which led to the murders of four Jews in the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Paris several days ago. The massacre in the Paris supermarket shows how accurate, and urgently needed, these ads are.
“Hitler Appearing In Ads On SF Muni Buses”, CBS News, January 12, 2015":

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

#ParisAttacks: Death of the Jews of France

From Pamela Geller, at Breitbart, "THE DEATH OF THE JEWS OF FRANCE":
In the wake of the slaughter of four Jews in a Paris kosher supermarket by an Islamic jihadist, a Parisian Jew said: “In the past year, 7,000 Jews have already left France and after this there will be many thousands more. We are not safe in France any more. There is no future for Jews here in France. We are finished in France.”

Europe loves to memorialize dead Jews, even to the point of fetishizing them – it’s live ones that they cannot tolerate. The idea that French President Francois Hollande did not want Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at a memorial march for Jews who were slaughtered in exactly the same way as Jews were in 2012 in Toulouse —where he said they were murdered because they were Jews, and even more importantly, in the same way as the Germans murdered Jews — speaks volumes. Inviting the head of a terror movement,

Mahmoud Abbas, because Netanyahu was coming, was depraved. With Muslims now accounting for 10% of France’s population, Jew-hatred is at a fever pitch...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Paris Jihadist Amedy Coulibaly #ISIS Propaganda Video — #CharlieHebdo — UPDATED AND BUMPED!

This is full blown.

It's not in English (although there are French subtitles), but just the visuals alone prove decisively that this motherfucker was no lone wolf wannabe.

And to think, there he was, right in the mother's breast of Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. Damn, the West is losing the war on terror, and badly.

At Atlas Shrugs, "Watch VIDEO: Paris Jihad Amedy Coulibaly pledges allegiance to the Islamic State “retaliate against the enemies of Islam”."

UPDATE: MEMRI has the video transcribed with English language captions. Excellent.

Watch: "Paris Supermarket Gunman Amedy Coulibaly Pledges Allegiance to ISIS, Justifies His Actions."

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hamas Activities Understood on the Basis of Law

From Professor Michael Curtis, at American Thinker:
To paraphrase the line in a Richard Rodgers ballad, I do not know a day when I did not behold Hamas rockets attacking Israeli civilians. Calculations suggest that more than 13,000 missiles have been fired by Hamas in Gaza against those civilians. During July 2014, Hamas fired more than 800 rockets before Israel responded by Operation Protective Edge seeking to eliminate or reduce the aggression. According to international law, the concept of military necessity justifies Israeli attacks on legitimate military targets. Regrettably, those attacks may have adverse consequences for civilians.

Well-meaning people like the President of the European Council and President of the European Commission in a joint official statement of August 3, 2014 on the Gaza situation spoke of the need to move beyond “these cycles of violence.” But there is no “cycle of violence.” Hamas’ position is unequivocal: it denies the legitimacy of Israel; it demonizes Israel; it wants to eliminate the State of Israel.

Unexpected parties have made clear who is responsible for the conflict in Gaza. On August 1, 2014, Abdullah, the King of Saudi Arabia, called the Gaza War “a collective massacre” caused by Hamas. He denounced the Hamas violence that had led to various forms of terrorism. He omitted to say that the war has led to a virtual alliance, for differing reasons, between Israel and Arabs including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and the Palestinian Authority, weak though the latter is.

Even those living in the fantasy world where Hamas is blameless for the current conflict, such as the Spanish celebrity actors, Penelope Cruz and Javier Barden, have qualified their partisanship. In a public letter of July 27, 2014 they, together with other show business celebrities, unilaterally condemned Israel for “its attacks in the Gaza Strip,” and spoke of Israeli genocide, a war of occupation and extermination against a whole people. No one had thought of Cruz as having a perfect, or even an imperfect, understanding of Middle East politics. However, two days after the letter, Cruz and Barden, or their publicists, “clarified” their position. Cruz explained with undue modesty, “I do not want to be misunderstood on this important subject. I’m not an expert on the situation.” Her husband Barden similarly explained, “My signature (on the letter) was solely meant as a plea for peace… I have great respect for the people of Israel and deep compassion for their losses.”

Cruz and Barden, and various critics of Israel, such as other celebrities, the mainstream media and churches, and all those who have been concerned about the loss of life, especially of children, in the fighting might now examine in the context of international law the extent of the responsibility of Hamas in committing war crimes and violations of international law. Hamas leaders, Muhammad Deif, Chief of Staff, and Ismail Haniyeh, the leader, have taunted Israelis, “We desire death like you desire life.” The best way to examine Hamas’ accountability is by analyzing a number of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Palestinian people vs. the Israelis


Sick Anti-Zionist Repsac3: 'The Fact Is' I've Got 'No Tweets Supporting' Racist BDS Movement

I thought I'd better screencap this one, since once again racist, smarmy Repsac3 is cornered like a greasy polecat, dishonestly --- no, wickedly --- attempting to weasel out of his own words.

The fact is, not only has Walter James Casper III tweeted his racist support of BDS, he's allied himself with the most disgusting anti-Zionist racists I've ever seen.

Here's a Google link to more lies from racist anti-Zionist Walter James Casper III: "Donald Douglas Beclowns Himself (again), and Insults His Friend."

And he writes:
The fact is there are no tweets supporting BDS--in fact I don't support that movement, and never have--and while I did once post a tweet saying "Occupy Wherever You Are," it's quite the implausible stretch for Donald to imply that that tweet is in any way racist...not that the implausibility of his...well, "conspiracy theories" regarding me have ever stopped him before...
Screencapped here, since lying skunk-wad Reppy will probably pull the post, the racist pig:

 photo ScreenShot2014-08-05at103912AM_zps5fe07889.png

As I noted earlier today, Repsac3's health is failing him --- he's literally at death's door --- and he's obviously lost his cognitive capacities. Heart bypass patients often suffer reduced blood flow --- and oxygen --- to the brain, restricting mental function. I've suggested that sick racist Reppy just call off his hateful jihad against American Power. He's been stalking me for over 6 years. He tried to get me fired by sponsoring attacks at American Nihilist, posting my work contact information, and he's continued to ally himself with all the hateful trolls who've libeled me time and again throughout the years of workplace harassment.

Repsac3's a racist, a stalker, and a liar.

Here's my post from April 2013, where Repsac3 attacked Pamela Geller, posting an endorsement of the eliminationist BDS movement: "Hateful Anti-Semitic Ghoul Walter James Casper III Tweets Jew-Bashing Attack on Pamela Geller — and Israel!" Screencapped here, since Reppy might pull that tweet, just as his racist BFF "Cassandra Rules" has been doing all weekend:

Hateful Racist Walter James Casper III photo ScreenShot2014-08-05at100601AM_zps44f95fd3.png

Walter James Casper tweeted his support for censoring Pamela Geller --- my friend in liberty, and a true crusader for human rights. His same tweet says that BDS hatred "should be allowed."

BDS is the premiere organization of contemporary global anti-Zionism. Judea Pearl, father of slain Wall Street Journal Reporter Daniel Pearl, has written that BDS should be understood for precisely what it is: a racist movement whose sole purpose is the destruction of Israel and the Jews. See: "Anti-Zionism is Racism."

So again, if Repsac3 doesn't like being called out for his racism then he should stop his racism. Simple as that.

Oh, and my wonderful friend the Mad Jewess Woman wrote that the ANSWER LA protest last weekend was "phoney," as in composed of a bunch of bullshit losers. She was writing facetiously.

Repsac3, on the other hand, was writing literally, not only correcting his spelling to the non-facetious "phony," but further elaborating with some conspiracy about how I "make a point" showing up at these protests" looking for these women."

Again, not enough circulation to Reppy's de-oxygenated brain. I wouldn't have even known who "these women" were until the disgusting Reppy starting reaching out to "Cassandra Rules" on Twitter in mid-July.

So, I renew my plea for Walter James Casper III to retire from this madness. He's getting worse. He's been bad a long time, since he started trolling me at Biobrain's blog. But he's gotten worse, more sinister and racist, and more intent to inflict harm on me and my friends. It's not good for him. It's obviously been bad for his health. He needs to just come clean and say, simply, "I'm sorry. Enough. No more of the hate. I'll leave you alone."

Friday, May 30, 2014

‘Truth About CAIR’ Posters Vandalized in New York Subway Stations

The truth hurts, obviously.

At Pamela's:

Truth About CAIR photo CAIRdiorama32_zps330fbc66.jpg
The leading Muslim Brotherhood-tied organization in America, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), has deceived the media, cultural, and political elites in America for years, to the great peril of the American people.

But we’re fighting back. My organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), has placed “Truth About CAIR” posters on New York City subway platforms this week, including Times Square, City Hall, Brooklyn Bridge, Third Avenue, 44th Street, and 10 other stations.
Also, "Hamas-CAIR Thugs at Work: AFDI “Truth About CAIR” Ads Defaced with Anti-Semitic Vandalism":
Our “Truth About CAIR” ads were not up a full day when the Islamic supremacists, thugs, and Jew-haters were out in full destruction mode.

Truth to sharia adherents is like the silver cross to Dracula. Brutal.  But I printed up a stack of these posters, knowing how the destroyers operate. This ad is being replaced today, as will any other ad that is destroyed by these philistines.

I made an even bigger “Truth About CAIR” buy in other US cities. So Hamas-CAIR  better rent a bus. Road trip!
More here, "“Truth About CAIR” Awareness Ad Campaign Hits Washington DC Metro."

RELATED: From Robert Spencer, at Town Hall, "A Closer Look at CAIR."

Also, from Joe Kaufman, at FrontPage Magazine, "CAIR’s Hamas Co-Conspirator Associates," and "'Unindicted' Doesn't Mean 'Not Guilty'."

And at Michelle Malkin's, "Outrage: CAIR's war on Robert Spencer, Young America's Foundation."

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Scarlett, Soda and Samaria

From Melanie Phillips, at the Jewish Chronicle:
Rarely can the off-screen performance of a Hollywood star have had such a galvanic effect upon the morale of a besieged group of people.

When Oxfam attacked Scarlett Johannson for advertising SodaStream, the gaseous gizmo whose bubbles are apparently toxic for being manufactured in Mishor Adumim just over Israel’s Green Line, the charity was expected to sack the actress as its public face.

But, as the attacks on her by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions crowd reached fever pitch, Ms Johansson stunned everyone by sacking Oxfam, on the grounds that she was a supporter of “economic co-operation and social interaction between a democratic Israel and Palestine”. Which, by implication, Oxfam was not.

With this put-down, she achieved more than all the anti-BDS activists put together (not to devalue their heroic efforts). For the first time that I can remember, a glamorous personality went on to the front foot against the peddlers of anti-Israel bigotry.

She did not adopt a cringing, defensive posture. She strode on to the moral high ground and, at long last, delegitimised the delegitimisers.

For Oxfam’s part, it dug itself further and further into its ridiculous hole. Its mantra that Israeli “settlements” such as Ma’ale Adumim – the city to which Mishor Adumim belongs — are illegal under international law is simply false.

Well, Scarlett's certainly not hesitating to get out there on the "front foot," unlike Ms. Phillips, who's been caving to the British Islamo-fascists, if you recall.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Atlas 2.0 — Pamela Geller's New Digs

She's a got a sweet new blog setup, at

See, "Atlas 2.0 – Welcome to my new digs!"


Pamela Geller photo 832637873_zps44b096c9.png

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tommy Robinson, Former EDL Leader, Capitulates to Islam, Joins Forces of Global Jihad

I have wonderful respect for my co-counter-jihad bloggers, but I have to say I've never been one to tout the bona fides of former EDL leader Tommy Robinson. I can spot a fascist organization when I see it, and the EDL is a bunch of drunks, hooligans, and criminal thugs. I wouldn't ally with them, frankly, and I personally warned Pamela Geller about these people a few years back. She's been wary, for good reason, but has been willing to listen to Robinson, and has championed him during his struggles against Britain's Islamo-coddling left.

But now the bloom is off the rose, if there ever was one.

Here's Pamela's report, "TOMMY ROBINSON: BREAKING BAD." (Robinson's pictured below with Islamist supremacist Mohammed Ansar.)

And more from Robert Spencer, "And here's to you, Tommy Robinson."

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Folks can read all the accounts at the links.

My theory is simply that Robinson sold out counter-jihad to save his sorry ass from a long stay in a British penitentiary. By confessing his sins, abandoning his blasphemy from the religion of Islamist supremacy, and redirecting his firepower against those still standing for freedom in the West, he's attempting to gain the good graces of the totalitarian forces now raising the black flag of Muslim tyranny over Europe. He's the Marshal Petain of contemporary Britain, a former warrior against jihad injustice and Islamic death, now a craven turncoat surrendering to an Occupied Britain.

See the Guardian UK, for instance, "Ex-EDL leader Tommy Robinson says sorry for causing fear to Muslims." And at London's Daily Mail, "Former EDL leader Tommy Robinson vows to help police track down 'racists' within the organisation and says he's sorry for scaring British Muslims."

He's turned states's witness, the sorry-assed coot.

Expect updates. I'm wondering how some of my fellow counter-jihadists are handling this, and will provide additional links as I find them.

Added: At Saberpoint, "The Effemination of Tommy Robinson Continues: He Publicly Apologizes to U.K. Muslims for Telling the Truth #EDL, #TommyRobinson, #Islam."

More: Check out Janice Fiamengo, "Tommy Robinson Exits the Field":
I hope I am wrong about what has happened to Tommy Robinson. I hope he will go on to successful anti-jihad activism with moderate Muslims and other Britons of good will. But I am afraid that his actions signal the end of genuine resistance to Islamism in Briton and represent the next stage in a tragic drama of capitulation and collapse of a once-valiant nation.