Monday, January 16, 2017

Taylor Branch, Parting the Waters


At Amazon, Taylor Branch, Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63.

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Trumpian Horrors

At People's Cube, "Trumpian Horrors Magazine."

Farm Girl Jen, 50-Year-Old Fitness Sensation with Rippling Abs, Become YouTube Star

She's in excellent, envious shape!

At London's Daily Mail, "Fifty-year-old farmer becomes a YouTube sensation after revealing the VERY unusual secret to her rock hard abs (and it's helping her rake in $100,000 a year): Jennifer King, from North Carolina, is known as Farm Girl Jen online."

David Hines 'Days of Rage' Tweetstorm

Okay, following-up from last night, "Watch for the Left to Become Even More Ruthless."

I found the thread I was talking about: It's David Hines, and it's now Storified, "DAYS OF RAGE, pt 1+pt2: The first and second tweetstorms about Bryan Burrough's DAYS OF RAGE and political violence in 2017."

BONUS: At the Other McCain, "Marxists Shut Down Campus Speech — Is Trump Inauguration Their Next Target?"

FLASHBACK: Barry Rubin, Silent Revolution

Since I'm blogging about all these violent crazy leftists, who worry me sometimes, here's a flashback to the late Barry Rubin's excellent book.

At Amazon, Silent Revolution: How the Left Rose to Political Power and Cultural Dominance.

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Brian H. Fishman, The Master Plan


A new book on Islamic jihad.

At Amazon, from Brian H. Fishman, The Master Plan: ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy for Final Victory.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Watch for the Left to Become Even More Ruthless

Following-up, "American Radicals and the Change We Could Believe In."

I saw this long series of tweets, many with long individual threads, yesterday at Kurt Schlicter's. A couple of folks were linking Bryan Burrough, Days of Rage: America's Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence, and suggesting that some similar "days of rage" might well be in our (near?) future.

I need to troll back through Schlicter's feed for some of the specific tweets. It seems some tweeps were even suggesting that there's current law enforcement and intelligence chatter to the effect of forthcoming political violence. But I'm not sure, so I'll come back with more if I can find it.

American Radicals and the Change We Could Believe In

As Obama's about to depart from office, there's virtually no signs that Democrats and progressives are tacking toward the center.

I spent a lot of time attending events on campus after the election, because as noted I genuinely feel for the students scared their parents will be deported. (I think folks should have information, at least so they'll understand how due process works and where to obtain legal assistance.) In one of the last ones I attending, the president of my union, with whom I've had my battles in the past, appeared positively energized by all the opportunities for radical left activism the coming Trump administration was likely to afford. And as I troll around on Twitter, especially clicking around on radical feminist feeds, etc., I'm forwarded to more and more sites and resources that throw off the same vibe. And American politics is so polarized I'm confident that unless Donald Trump has some very substantial successes, especially on the economy and jobs, he's very liable to becoming a one term president.

In any case, I read this piece at the Nation when it came out in early December, but never got around to posting it. If you check Katrina vanden Heuval's Twitter feed you'll get an idea of how febrile the radical left has become. (I'm also not discounting the possibility of political violence, but I try to put the thought of assassination out of my mind. It's just too horrifying, and I have a feeling with all the things coming down, there are some on the left who've seriously contemplated it.)

In any case, it's Eric Foner, who's now retired as a professor of history at Columbia:

The Great Hate-Crime Hysteria

From Eric Felten, at the Weekly Standard, "Untruth and Consequences":

Scottish teenager Kate Hume was no stranger to tragedy. By the time the great European powers hurtled into war at the end of July 1914, her older brother had already been dead more than two years: Violinist John “Jock" Hume was a member of Wallace Hartley's eight-man orchestra that had played on the deck of the sinking Titanic.

Just a month and a half into the Great War she received news even more devastating.

At the office in Dumfries where she worked as a "clerkess," Kate found herself with a pair of letters. The first had the signature of her older sister, about whom the last Kate knew was that she was working as a nurse in the English town of Huddersfield. The letter read: "Dear Kate, This is to say good-bye. Have not long to live. Hospital has been set on fire. Germans cruel. .  .  . My right breast has been taken away. .  .  . Good-bye. Grace."

The first letter was explained by the other, from one of Grace's fellow nurses, a Miss Mullard. "I was with your sister when she died," the letter said, explaining they had been together at a field hospital set up near the front at Vilvorde, in Belgium. The Huns attacked and burned the hospital, according to Nurse Mullard, killing over a thousand wounded men, including through beheadings. As for the nurses, the ones the Germans captured were grotesquely violated before being murdered. Grace was among them: "She endured great agony," the letter went on, detailing that counterattacking British Tommies had "caught two German soldiers .  .  . cutting off her left breast, her right one having been already cut off."

Kate shared the letters with the press. The story caused a sensation—covered not only in local Scottish papers such as the Dumfries Standard, but in London papers including the Pall Mall Gazette, the Globe, the Westminster Gazette, the Evening Standard, and everywhere in-between. The headline in the London Star was typical: "A NURSE'S TRAGEDY: Dumfries Girl the Victim of Shocking Barbarity."

With such widespread reporting, it didn't take long for Grace Hume to learn of her own grisly death. She saw placards up at the newsstand advertising the big headline "Terrible Murder of Huddersfield Nurse." She bought the local Post and, astonished by what she read, wired her father: "Reports untrue. Safe in Huddersfield."

Kate, it turned out, had made the whole thing up.

Jump forward a century and the case of the Mutilated Nurse has a newfound relevance. For we are in a new age of hoaxes, with frequent tales of Trump-inspired atrocities that have unraveled, as did so many of the stories of atrocities committed in WWI. Understanding the propaganda of the Great War may help us understand the motives and methods of the modern propaganda in what we might call the Hate War.

The Hate War got going in earnest in the immediate aftermath of the election with a raft of reports of malicious Trumpkins taunting and attacking young Muslim women, targeting them for wearing traditional religious head-coverings.

One of the most distressing of the hijab stories was that of Yasmin Seweid, who told police she was assaulted on the New York subway by marauding Trump supporters while fellow passengers did nothing, said nothing. The perpetrators were described as three drunk white men talking about Trump. "They were surrounding me from behind and they were like, 'Oh look, it's an f-ing terrorist,' " the 18-year-old Baruch College student told a CBSNewYork reporter. They pulled at her bag, breaking the strap. She said she begged to be left alone, only to be met with a torrent of abuse: "They kept saying 'you don't belong here, get out of this country, go back to your country.' " The men grabbed at her hijab, and her fellow straphangers, she suggested, were, in their cowardice, complicit: "Everyone was looking, no one said a thing, everyone just looked away."

The police didn't look away. They combed through the subway's security video looking for the men Seweid had described. They found none. Though the case was hugely publicized, no witnesses were found. Then, with the police looking to interview her again, Seweid went AWOL. When she finally turned up, "Suspicion," the New York Daily News reported, "went through the roof." Facing continued questioning by skeptical detectives, the young woman admitted she had been lying all along. The whole thing was a fraud. She was arraigned, charged with making a false report.

(If one thinks that a trifle harsh for a bit of youthful fibbing, it's worth noting that Britain, in the midst of war with Germany, prosecuted and convicted Kate Hume for her lies.)

Seweid's was hardly the only hijab hoax...
Of course not.

In fact, I can't think of a single confirmed hate crime committed by Trump supporters against Muslims or anything other progressive demographic group.

It's been all lies. Leftist lies.

But keep reading.

Matt Ryan and the Falcons Look Nearly Unstoppable

Lindsey Thiry yesterday, in real time, as well as Sports Illustrated after the win:

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

A.F. Branco  photo Buzzed-600-LI_zpscvxbeeta.jpg

Also, at Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Elmer Dud (CNN/BuzzFeed Fake News)."

Recent Storms Helped Southern California

But according to this piece at the O.C. Register, we're still not out of the woods, so to speak.

And check the photos and videos. I used to hang out at Hart Park. The storm channel doubles as a parking lot, when there's no winter storms, lol.

Here, "Recent rain gives glimmer of hope that drought could come to an end in California."

So, if SoCal's still in drought territory, how about Northern California? If the state's not catching enough runoff, who's to blame, man? Build more freakin' reservoirs, sheesh!

Rule 5 Sunday

Leading things off this morning is William Teach, at Pirate's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup."

Also, last week's entry at the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Sunday: January Jones."

More at 90 Miles From Tyranny, "Morning Mistress."

At Bro Bible, "Sizzling Viki Odintcova is Hotter Than a Snake’s Ass in a Wagon Rut (30 PICS)."

And the Chive, "Sunday is for the Triple-B: Beers, Babes and Burgers (33 Photos)."

Goodstuff's, "GOODSTUFFs BLOGGING MAGAZINE (276th Issue): Tempest Storm's Burlesque."

At Knuckledraggin', "Your Good Morning Girls."

Political Clown Parade, "Flowing Curves of Beauty."

And from Cousin Odie, "Static Electricity ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style."

Also, Proof Positive, "Friday Night Babe: Corinne Foxx!"

The Feral Irishman, "Friday Femme Fatale... (NSFW)."

Still more, at the Hostages, "Big Boob Friday."


BONUS: At Maggie's Farm, "Extinct Creatures." And, from Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "ATLANTIC CITY CASINOS REFUSED TO GIVE PROFESSIONAL GAMBLER WHAT HE HAD WON. INSTEAD OF PAYING HIM, THEY SUED HIM: Gambler Phil Ivey Can’t Get His Millions Because Casinos Are Too Big to Fail..."

If You Saw Your Dog and a Stranger Both Drowning in the Ocean, Which Would You Save First?

Here's Dennis Prager:

Pity the Sad Legacy of Barack Obama

It's brother Cornel West, at the Guardian U.K., "Our hope and change candidate fell short time and time again. Obama cheerleaders who refused to make him accountable bear some responsibility":

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Eight years ago the world was on the brink of a grand celebration: the inauguration of a brilliant and charismatic black president of the United States of America. Today we are on the edge of an abyss: the installation of a mendacious and cathartic white president who will replace him.

This is a depressing decline in the highest office of the most powerful empire in the history of the world. It could easily produce a pervasive cynicism and poisonous nihilism. Is there really any hope for truth and justice in this decadent time? Does America even have the capacity to be honest about itself and come to terms with its self-destructive addiction to money-worship and cowardly xenophobia?

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Herman Melville – the two great public intellectuals of 19th-century America – wrestled with similar questions and reached the same conclusion as Heraclitus: character is destiny (“sow a character and you reap a destiny”).

The age of Barack Obama may have been our last chance to break from our neoliberal soulcraft. We are rooted in market-driven brands that shun integrity and profit-driven policies that trump public goods. Our “post-integrity” and “post-truth” world is suffocated by entertaining brands and money-making activities that have little or nothing to do with truth, integrity or the long-term survival of the planet. We are witnessing the postmodern version of the full-scale gangsterization of the world.

The reign of Obama did not produce the nightmare of Donald Trump – but it did contribute to it. And those Obama cheerleaders who refused to make him accountable bear some responsibility.

A few of us begged and pleaded with Obama to break with the Wall Street priorities and bail out Main Street. But he followed the advice of his “smart” neoliberal advisers to bail out Wall Street. In March 2009, Obama met with Wall Street leaders. He proclaimed: I stand between you and the pitchforks. I am on your side and I will protect you, he promised them. And not one Wall Street criminal executive went to jail.

We called for the accountability of US torturers of innocent Muslims and the transparency of US drone strikes killing innocent civilians. Obama’s administration told us no civilians had been killed. And then we were told a few had been killed. And then told maybe 65 or so had been killed. Yet when an American civilian, Warren Weinstein, was killed in 2015 there was an immediate press conference with deep apologies and financial compensation. And today we still don’t know how many have had their lives taken away.

We hit the streets again with Black Lives Matter and other groups and went to jail for protesting against police killing black youth. We protested when the Israeli Defense Forces killed more than 2,000 Palestinians (including 550 children) in 50 days. Yet Obama replied with words about the difficult plight of police officers, department investigations (with no police going to jail) and the additional $225m in financial support of the Israeli army. Obama said not a mumbling word about the dead Palestinian children but he did call Baltimore black youth “criminals and thugs”.

In addition, Obama’s education policy unleashed more market forces that closed hundreds of public schools for charter ones. The top 1% got nearly two-thirds of the income growth in eight years even as child poverty, especially black child poverty, remained astronomical. Labor insurgencies in Wisconsin, Seattle and Chicago (vigorously opposed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a close confidant of Obama) were passed over in silence.

In 2009, Obama called New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg an “outstanding mayor”. Yet he overlooked the fact that more than 4 million people were stopped-and-frisked under Bloomberg’s watch. Along with Carl Dix and others, I sat in a jail two years later for protesting these very same policies that Obama ignored when praising Bloomberg.

Yet the mainstream media and academia failed to highlight these painful truths linked to Obama. Instead, most well-paid pundits on TV and radio celebrated the Obama brand. And most black spokespeople shamelessly defended Obama’s silences and crimes in the name of racial symbolism and their own careerism. How hypocritical to see them now speak truth to white power when most went mute in the face of black power. Their moral authority is weak and their newfound militancy is shallow.

PHOTO: That's me and brother Cornel, at Long Beach City College, October 21, 2016.

Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner Model of the Year Awards (VIDEO)

At Harper's:

It's the 'Glammy Gay Package'

Robin Abcarian tweets.

And her L.A. Times story here, "Breitbart provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos is shouted down at UC Davis but gets the last word."

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Trump Open to Shift on Russia Sanctions, 'One China' Policy


NEW YORK—President-elect Donald Trump suggested he would be open to lifting sanctions on Russia and wasn’t committed to a longstanding agreement with China over Taiwan—two signs that he would use any available leverage to realign the U.S.’s relationship with its two biggest global strategic rivals.

In an hourlong interview, Mr. Trump said that, “at least for a period of time,” he would keep intact sanctions against Russia imposed by the Obama administration in late December in response to Moscow’s alleged cyberattacks to influence November’s election. But he suggested he might do away with those penalties if Russia proved helpful in battling terrorists and reaching other goals important to the U.S.

“If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?” he said.

He also said he wouldn’t commit to America’s agreement with China that Taiwan wasn’t to be recognized diplomatically, a policy known as “One China,” until he saw what he considered progress from Beijing in its currency and trade practices.

The desire to change relations with Moscow in particular has been a goal of American presidents since tensions began rising under President Vladimir Putin’s leadership. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought the same goal early in the Obama administration, as did President George W. Bush, who met Mr. Putin early in his first term.

But Mr. Trump’s diplomatic efforts will have to compete with those in Congress, including many Republicans, who want to see the administration take a tough line with Russia after U.S. intelligence concluded that the government of Mr. Putin sought to influence the November presidential election with a campaign of cyberhacking.

Additionally, an unsubstantiated dossier of political opposition research suggesting ties between Mr. Trump and Russia was published this past week—drawing condemnation from Mr. Trump and his team but keeping Russian espionage in the spotlight. The allegations haven’t been validated by the U.S. intelligence agencies.

Mr. Trump in the interview suggested he might do away with the Obama administration’s Russian sanctions, and he said he is prepared to meet with Mr. Putin some time after he is sworn in.

“I understand that they would like to meet, and that’s absolutely fine with me,” he said.

Asked if he supported the One China policy on Taiwan, Mr. Trump said: “Everything is under negotiation including One China.”

China has considered Taiwan a breakaway province since Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists set up a government there in 1949, after years of civil war. Washington’s agreement to rescind diplomatic recognition of the government in Taiwan and uphold a One China policy was a precondition for the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between U.S. and China in 1979. Any suggestion in the past that the U.S. may change its stance has been met with alarm in Beijing.

On Saturday, a statement posted on the Chinese foreign ministry’s website said, “There is but one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China.”

It added, “we urge relevant parties in the U.S. to fully recognize the high sensitivity of the Taiwan question, approach Taiwan-related issues with prudence and honor the commitment made by all previous U.S. administrations.”

Though he has long been critical of China, Mr. Trump on Friday also made a point of showing a holiday greeting card he received from China’s leader, Xi Jinping...

The My Pillow Success Story

I know I've joked about it before, but this dude's a darned ringer for political scientist Larry Sabato, dang!

At Business Week:

Why the Left Hates Donald Trump So Intensely

From Thomas Lifson, at American Thinker (via Maggie's Farm):

The intensity of the hatred for a newly elected president faced by Donald Trump is equaled only by the reaction of the Confederacy to the election of Abraham Lincoln.  That ended up in civil war, a precedent that one hopes will not be equaled.  But there has been a remarkable fury at people who do not shun Trump: boycotts of a company whose shareholder contributed to a PAC supporting  Trump; attempts to pressure the president of a historically black college to prevent its marching band from performing at the inaugural; and hateful rhetoric at Hollywood awards ceremonies.  With much more to come.

A useful perspective is to regard this as a religious conflict.  Cults behave exactly the way the left is behaving when a member leaves the fold.  And remember that Donald Trump used to be a member in good standing of the Democrat cultural machine.  He even had a show on NBC, a mainstay of the left, in addition to being a generous contributor to many Democrats...

Valerie Van Der Graaf Intimates Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2017 (VIDEO)


Epic Ski Conditions in the Sierras (VIDEO)

This is the bright side of the storm.

The darker side is all the flooded and mudded residents trying to dig out.

At KCRA News 3 Sacramento:

Erika Canela, Brazil's 'Best Bottom' Winner, Gets Donald Trump Tattoo for Women's Rights

Totally bizarre.

At WWTDD, "Miss Bum Bum Erika Canela Gets a Trump Tattoo."

Also at the Scottish Sun U.K., "RUMPY TRUMPY: Miss Bum Bum contest winner Erika Canela has the face of DONALD TRUMP tattooed on her back in bizarre bid to improve his opinion on women and migrants - Stunning Erika Canela also admitted that she finds the 70-year-old President-elect 'strangely attractive'."

BONUS: "Miss Bum Bum 2016 finalists strip topless to prove they're not just packing booty."

Well, she's definitely got the best buns.

Cody Wilson, Come and Take It


My winter break's about half over now, so I don't know when I'll be able to get to this book, but it looks awesome.

The dude's known as a "crypto-anarchist," heh.

At Amazon, Cody Wilson, Come and Take It: The Gun Printer’s Guide to Thinking Free.

Pippa Bacca

I did not know this, but it's true. At Wiki:
Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo (9 December 1974 – 31 March 2008), known as Pippa Bacca, was an Italian artist who, together with a fellow artist, was hitchhiking from Milan to the Middle East to promote world peace, symbolically wearing a wedding dress during her trek. Arriving in Gebze, Turkey on 31 March 2008, she went missing. Her raped body was discovered in the same city on 11 April. The police arrested a man who had placed his SIM card into Bacca's mobile phone and he later led them to her body.
Via Jenna Jameson:

Bwahaha! Congressman John Lewis Looks Exactly Like Crying Baby Mask!

This is great.

Following-up, "Donald Trump Blasts John Lewis."

Seen just now on Twitter, via Andrew Arlink:

President Obama Led the U.S. in Endless Wars, After Being the Most Antiwar Senator in 2007

O's biggest pitch back in 2007 was that he never voted for the Iraq war. (Of course, he wouldn't have, since he wasn't in Congress at the time, but still.)

I wrote about it back in 2012, "As the Nation Remembers This Memorial Day, Don't Forget That Barack Obama Was Most Antiwar Candidate for President Since George McGovern."

Except for folks on the very far left (think wackos like Code Pink and International ANSWER), progressive-leftists gave him a pass.

Today, Obama leaves office amid an unprecedented expansion of America's wars, which now rage across the Central Asia and Middle East, the Persian Gulf, and Central and North Africa.


At LAT, "President Obama, who hoped to sow peace, instead led the nation in war":
Before he took office in 2008, Barack Obama vowed to end America’s grueling conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. During his second term, he pledged to take the country off what he called a permanent war footing.

“Our systematic effort to dismantle terrorist organizations must continue,” he said in May 2013. “But this war, like all wars, must end. That’s what history advises. It’s what our democracy demands.”

But Obama leaves a very different legacy as he prepares to hand his commander-in-chief responsibilities to Donald Trump.

U.S. military forces have been at war for all eight years of Obama’s tenure, the first two-term president with that distinction. He launched airstrikes or military raids in at least seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.

Yet the U.S. faces more threats in more places than at any time since the Cold War, according to U.S. intelligence. For the first time in decades, there is at least the potential of an armed clash with America’s largest adversaries, Russia and China.

Obama slashed the number of U.S. troops in war zones from 150,000 to 14,000, and stopped the flow of American soldiers coming home in body bags. He also used diplomacy, not war, to defuse a tense nuclear standoff with Iran.

But he vastly expanded the role of elite commando units and the use of new technology, including armed drones and cyber weapons.

“The whole concept of war has changed under Obama,” said Jon Alterman, Middle East specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a nonprofit think tank in Washington.

Obama “got the country out of ‘war,’ at least as we used to see it,” Alterman said. “We’re now wrapped up in all these different conflicts, at a low level and with no end in sight.”

The administration built secret drone bases and other facilities in Africa and the Middle East, and added troops and warships in the western Pacific. It also moved troops and equipment to eastern Europe to counter a resurgent Russia.

Along the way, Obama sometimes quarreled with his top military advisors. After they left the Pentagon, Obama’s first three secretaries of Defense — Robert M. Gates, Leon E. Panetta and Chuck Hagel — accused the Obama White House of micromanaging the military.

Obama’s political rise famously began with a speech he gave in Chicago in October 2002, when he announced he was “opposed to dumb wars,” referring to the planned invasion of Iraq by the George W. Bush administration.

But as president, Obama found himself caught in the fierce cross currents of the so-called Arab Spring uprisings that roiled much of the Middle East and North Africa in 2011, leading to harsh crackdowns across the region. Only one country, Tunisia, ultimately saw a transition to democracy.

He reluctantly approved a NATO air campaign in Libya initially aimed at preventing massacres of civilians by strongman Moammar Kadafi.

Determined to avoid the kind of nation building that pulled the U.S. into Iraq’s civil war, he withdrew after Kadafi was killed — only to see the oil-rich country collapse in conflict and become a magnet for terrorist groups.

The danger was clear after members of the Islamic militant group Ansar al Sharia stormed a U.S. diplomatic compound and nearby CIA base in Benghazi, in eastern Libya, in September 2012, killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

The messy aftermath in Libya made Obama realize the limitations of military power in achieving U.S. goals, and that shaped the rest of his presidency...
Still more.

Sistine Stallone LOVE Advent 2016 (VIDEO)

There's still a few more of these I haven't posted.

Also, at Vanity Fair, "Get to Know the Stallone Sisters, This Year’s Miss Golden Globes."

Toby Keith: 'I'm not sorry...'

At Daily Mail:

And meanwhile, Jennifer Holliday's pulled out:

Donald Trump Blasts John Lewis

At USA Today:

'Stolen Election'

I'm pretty tired of it, but Krauthammer's right: the Dems seemed to have found some kind of voice, after being absolutely stunned into silence on November 8th, and that voice is to scream theft and illegitimacy.

And Dr. K's right: the people know what's up. The people know who won. Trump takes office next week, and by then this screaming about stolen elections is over. It's on to governing and opposition.

But if anything, for me, it's the reality of a new regime, and the fact that we are a country that hates opposing partisans with a blinding heat.

Gird your loins.

Marine Le Pen's World: French Nationalism at Heart of Her Campaign

At Blazing Cat Fur:

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PARIS — France — as envisioned by far-right leader Marine Le Pen — should be its own master and have no globalization issues, European Union membership or open borders.

It would join the United States and Russia in a global battle against Islamic militants. Francs, not euros, would fill the pockets of French citizens. Borders would be so secure that illegal immigration would no longer fuel fears of terror attacks or drain public coffers.

It’s a vision that holds increasing appeal for voters once put off by the image of Le Pen’s anti-immigration party as a sanctuary for racists and anti-Semites. It has made Le Pen a leading candidate in France’s presidential election this spring...
Keep reading.

PREVIOUSLY: "France’s Next Revolution? A Conversation With Marine Le Pen."

Friday, January 13, 2017

Emily Ratajkowski Wears Nothing but Guitar Picks in Body Paint Video

At Sports Illustrated, "Emily Ratajkowski Wears Nothing but Guitar Pick - Bikini Body Painting - Sports Illustrated Swimsuit."

Rebecca Traister Unhinged

Will Roe v. Wade be overturned anytime soon?

I don't think so, but leftists have become deranged over the prospect, as well as over new regime's threat to so-called "reproductive freedom."

Now, while I don't think Roe will be taken down, I do expect more movement to weaken Planned Parenthood, including defunding the left's key abortion provider (genocide provider).

In any case, get a glimpse into leftist "pro-choice" thinking with this piece from far-left Rebecca Traister, at New York Magazine.

Notice the completely over-the-top rhetoric. It's like worlds are crashing down. An "extinction-level event," in the words of Twitter leftists.

Seriously, these people need to get a grip.

Self-Defense Against Animals

An interesting piece.

At Instapundit, "NEWS YOU CAN USE."

I'm always worried about a mountain lion attack when I go on my big hikes at Peters Canyon.

Biloxi, Mississippi, Renames MLK Holiday ''Great Americans Day'

Oh boy, here we go.

A debate on racism and and national holidays the weekend before Donald Trump takes office.

At the Biloxi Sun Herald, "Biloxi called Monday ‘Great Americans Day’ and the internet exploded":
It only took a few minutes after the City of Biloxi posted a Facebook status and tweet — noting that offices would be closed Monday for “Great Americans Day” — for people to start responding.

For the record, Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday.

Great Americans Day doesn’t exist as a holiday in Google, Wikipedia or for the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office, which recognizes a joint celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s and Robert E. Lee’s birthdays. It also did not appear in a LexisNexis search of all Mississippi news sources for the past 20 years.

Two hours after it was posted, the Facebook post had 64 comments and 91 shares and the responses to the city’s tweet include words that can’t be repeated on this website or in this newspaper.

The kindest were some variation of “I beg your pardon,” or “Autocorrect seems to have accidentally misspelled MLK Day.”

The city, for it’s part, then issued a series of tweets defending the name and touting its Martin Luther King Jr. Day events.

Within two hours, the Facebook post also had been amended to add that Great Americans Day was a state-named holiday and to include a link to its MLK events.
Also at Complex, "A Mississippi City Called MLK Day 'Great Americans Day' and Twitter Went Nuts."

Goldman Sachs, With Long History of Public Service, Makes Return to Washington in Trump Administration

This is pretty fascinating.

At NYT, "Goldman Sachs Completes Return From Wilderness to the White House":

“Government Sachs” is back.

After eight years in the political wilderness, its name synonymous with the supposedly undue and self-serving influence in Washington that brought us the financial crisis and the Wall Street bailout, Goldman Sachs is again making its presence felt. In the Trump administration, to an unprecedented degree, economic policy making is largely being handed over to people with Goldman ties.

The Goldman alumni include Steven T. Mnuchin, the nominee for Treasury secretary; Gary D. Cohn, tapped as director of the National Economic Council and White House adviser on economic policy; and Stephen K. Bannon, who was named chief White House strategist. Jay Clayton, named to head the Securities and Exchange Commission, is a Wall Street lawyer who has represented Goldman.

This week President-elect Donald J. Trump hired Dina H. Powell, a Goldman partner who heads impact investing, as a White House adviser. Anthony Scaramucci, a Goldman alumnus (whom I spotlighted last week), is on the Trump transition committee and is expected to be named to a White House position as well.

And this after Mr. Trump campaigned against Wall Street, excoriated Senator Ted Cruz for his ties to Goldman, and castigated Hillary Clinton for giving paid speeches to big banks, Goldman among them.

The Goldman influx has so far drawn little criticism, perhaps because worries about what once would have been deemed undue influence now mix with relief that there is some adult supervision in the executive branch.

On balance, “it’s a plus,” Michael R. Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor who built his fortune on Wall Street, told me this week. “Whatever you may think of them individually, you can’t get to be a Goldman partner and survive if you’re stupid, lazy or unprofessional.” (Mr. Bloomberg is co-chairman of Goldman’s “10,000 Small Businesses” initiative, which provides support to fledgling entrepreneurs.)

Whatever bricks Mr. Trump threw at Wall Street during the campaign, investors have cheered his victory, driving the stock market to new highs. And Goldman has been a particular beneficiary, with its shares gaining 35 percent since Election Day — the top-performing stock in the Dow Jones industrial average in that time.

Mr. Trump, a spokeswoman of his told me, sees no contradiction here. There’s a difference between individuals who happen to have worked at Goldman Sachs, at some point in their careers, and Goldman Sachs itself. “He’s said from the beginning that he’ll hire the very best people for the job regardless of where they worked before, which is what he’s done throughout his career,” said the spokeswoman, Hope Hicks.

While the firm’s influence in a Trump administration may reach a new apex, Goldman alumni have long been fixtures in both Republican and Democratic administrations. The Goldman legend Sidney J. Weinberg headed Franklin D. Roosevelt’s influential Business Advisory and Planning Council.

Recent Treasury secretaries with Goldman roots include Robert E. Rubin, a former co-chairman, under Bill Clinton; and Henry M. Paulson Jr., a former chairman and chief executive, under George W. Bush.

Even in the Obama administration, where a Goldman pedigree was something akin to a scarlet letter, Gary Gensler was credited with reviving a moribund Commodity Futures Trading Commission and might have been Treasury secretary had Mrs. Clinton won in November.

Which raises the question: Why would such a disproportionate number of the “best people,” in Mr. Trump’s view, come from just one bank? After all, Goldman is hardly the only large bank, and it is also far from the biggest. It employs roughly 33,000 people; JPMorgan Chase’s work force is many times as large.

Many point to a unique Goldman culture that has long encouraged public service and philanthropy as integral to its business model.

Goldman “does seem to produce people who are very smart and have valuable experience,” Mr. Bloomberg said. “And they have a culture and a long tradition of leaving the firm for public service. The firm pushes them to do that.”

Police Charge Black Female Student for KKK Threat Made at Arundel High School (VIDEO)

Man, I would not want to live in Baltimore.

And remember, it's all hoaxes all the time on the left. The real political violence we're seeing is black on white, leftists on Trump supporters.

At CBS News 13, "Police Charge Student for Threat Made at Arundel High School."

Added: The threats were made on Twitter; see the screencaps here.

Selena Gomez Goes Nearly Nude on Instagram

Arianny Celeste tweeted the story, but it's also at Huffington Post, "So Now There’s a Picture of Selena Gomez in a Thong on Instagram."

Ah, the celebrity life. Must be rough posting photos of your bare booty to social media, lol.

Obama Has Collapsed the Appeal of the Democrat Party. What Next for the Donkey Dunderheads?

That emerging Democrat majority thesis sure took a whacking in this election, sheesh.

Here's Ronald Brownstein, at the Atlantic, "What Happens to the Democratic Party After Obama?":

The outgoing president narrowed the party’s appeal in ways that helped the GOP. Democrats may need to widen it again if they hope to recover power.

In his bittersweet farewell address this week, President Obama made a passionate case for both his policy agenda and his civic vision of a nation strengthened by diversity. But his words won’t settle the Democrats’ difficult debate about his political legacy.

Through two terms, Obama deepened the Democrats’ connection with a constellation of growing groups, namely minorities, the millennial generation, and college-educated whites, especially women. That coalition allowed him to join the ranks of Andrew Jackson and Franklin Roosevelt, the only Democrats to win a presidential popular-vote majority at least twice.

But Obama also narrowed the Democrats’ appeal, both demographically and geographically, in ways that helped Republicans seize unified control of the White House and Congress and establish their biggest advantage in state governments since the 1920s.

Both these positive and negative trends for the Democratic Party predate Obama’s first campaign, and the latter trends were accentuated by Hillary Clinton’s unique weaknesses in 2016. But Obama intensified these dynamics with a distinctive strategy that bound Democrats to the political priorities of their heavily urbanized new coalition, especially on cultural issues from gay rights to immigration reform. That came at the price of further alienating the GOP’s competing coalition of older, blue-collar, and religiously devout whites, who live largely outside of urban areas. And it was those voters who mobilized to narrowly elect Trump and preserve Republican control of Congress...
Well, it's going to be interesting to see how long leftists cling to the emerging majority thesis?

All they have to do is keep pushing the date back for majority status, and voila! Their theory is validated. Yet lots of analysts are now saying that the white working class vote is itself an emerging voting bloc, which could be a powerful swing vote in upcoming elections. Is that bloc up for grabs? At this point, most Democrats don't seem to care, despite warnings of dire political consequences to their indifference.

But we'll see. We'll see.

Still more.

Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo: Media's 'Garbage' Reporting is 'Harming the Fabric of Our Society' (VIDEO)

Oh boy, this is an excellent segment, from last night:

Trump Didn't Kill Conservatism

A review of Patrick J. Deneen’s Conserving America? Essays on Present Discontents, at the Wall Street Journal.

And shop, Save Up to 20 Percent on Books.

The Deep State Goes to War Against President-Elect Trump, as Dems Cheer (VIDEO)

Honestly, I don't think Glenn Greenwald is a good person --- he helped smuggle Edward Snowden's stolen NSA data into Germany, to Laura Poitras (and that's not mentioning his rabid anti-Israel politics) --- but I swear he's been doing the best writing on the Democrats spy-ops smear-ops to take down the incoming Donald Trump administration.

So, with the usual FWIW warning, at the Intercept, "The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer":

IN JANUARY 1961, Dwight Eisenhower delivered his farewell address after serving two terms as U.S. president; the five-star general chose to warn Americans of this specific threat to democracy: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” That warning was issued prior to the decadelong escalation of the Vietnam War, three more decades of Cold War mania, and the post-9/11 era, all of which radically expanded that unelected faction’s power even further.

This is the faction that is now engaged in open warfare against the duly elected and already widely disliked president-elect, Donald Trump. They are using classic Cold War dirty tactics and the defining ingredients of what has until recently been denounced as “Fake News.”

Their most valuable instrument is the U.S. media, much of which reflexively reveres, serves, believes, and sides with hidden intelligence officials. And Democrats, still reeling from their unexpected and traumatic election loss, as well as a systemic collapse of their party, seemingly divorced further and further from reason with each passing day, are willing — eager — to embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry, and damaging those behaviors might be.

The serious dangers posed by a Trump presidency are numerous and manifest. There is a wide array of legitimate and effective tactics for combating those threats: from bipartisan congressional coalitions and constitutional legal challenges to citizen uprisings and sustained and aggressive civil disobedience. All of those strategies have periodically proven themselves effective in times of political crisis or authoritarian overreach.

But cheering for the CIA and its shadowy allies to unilaterally subvert the U.S. election and impose its own policy dictates on the elected president is both warped and self-destructive. Empowering the very entities that have produced the most shameful atrocities and systemic deceit over the last six decades is desperation of the worst kind. Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie — is an assault on journalism, democracy, and basic human rationality. And casually branding domestic adversaries who refuse to go along as traitors and disloyal foreign operatives is morally bankrupt and certain to backfire on those doing it.

Beyond all that, there is no bigger favor that Trump opponents can do for him than attacking him with such lowly, shabby, obvious shams, recruiting large media outlets to lead the way. When it comes time to expose actual Trump corruption and criminality, who is going to believe the people and institutions who have demonstrated they are willing to endorse any assertions no matter how factually baseless, who deploy any journalistic tactic no matter how unreliable and removed from basic means of ensuring accuracy?
Keep reading.

PREVIOUSLY: "Glenn Greenwald: Leftist Media Protect Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)."

Protesters Torch Chargers Memorabilia in San Diego (VIDEO)

Well, luckily only mementos got scorched.

At ABC News 10 San Diego:

Dana Loesch: Sorry, Not Sorry

She's an awesome woman!

Rising Waters of the Russian River (VIDEO)

And folks are still debating if the drought's over, pfft.

Here's CBS News San Francisco:

How Will Los Angeles Welcome the Chargers?

Following-up from yesterday, "Bill Plaschke: #Chargers Move to Los Angeles is Bad for Everyone."

Here's Lindsey Thiry with Gary Klein:

Woman of Color Lady Liberty on New U.S. Currency

Doesn't bother me.

That's a nice looking coin!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Los Angeles Foothills Fight Mudslides After the Storm (VIDEO)

It rained today for quite a bit. Not hard downpours, but consistent rain this afternoon.

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

'Don't Be Cruel'

Here's Cheap Trick.

I was out Tuesday night, heading over to CVS to pick up my son's prescription, and I hear "Don't Be Cruel." I only vaguely remember that Cheap Trick covered the song, and I told myself to check the playlist at the Sound L.A.

And then yesterday during my afternoon drive time I heard it again. I'm just now getting around to checking the playlist. Here's Tuesday night's:

Lay Down Sally
Eric Clapton
11:28 PM

Sweet Emotion
10:56 PM

Magic Bus
The Who
10:52 PM

In Your Eyes
Peter Gabriel
10:47 PM

Don't Be Cruel
Cheap Trick
10:38 PM

Run to You
Bryan Adams
10:34 PM

Piece of My Heart
Big Brother & The Holding Company
10:26 PM

New World Man
10:23 PM

Bennie and the Jets
Elton John
10:17 PM

You Give Love a Bad Name
Bon Jovi
10:14 PM

Do It Again
Steely Dan
10:08 PM

Rock the Casbah
The Clash
10:05 PM

Here Comes the Sun
The Beatles
10:02 PM

Pride (In the Name of Love)
9:58 PM

Go Your Own Way
Fleetwood Mac
9:54 PM

Rock of Ages
Def Leppard
9:50 PM
Greg Kihn Band
9:40 PM

Doctor My Eyes
Jackson Browne
9:37 PM

Dancing With Myself
Billy Idol
9:33 PM
And here's yesterday's:
Shake It Up
The Cars
4:18 PM

Here Comes My Girl
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
4:14 PM

4:09 PM

Go Your Own Way
Fleetwood Mac
4:06 PM

So Lonely
The Police
4:01 PM

Suite: Judy Blue Eyes
Crosby, Stills & Nash
3:53 PM

3:49 PM

The Valley Road
Bruce Hornsby
3:38 PM

Crazy Train
Ozzy Osbourne
3:33 PM

Don't Be Cruel
Cheap Trick
3:25 PM

Don't You (Forget About Me)
Simple Minds
3:21 PM

3:17 PM

Dancing With Myself
Billy Idol
3:12 PM

Stuck In the Middle With You
Stealers Wheel
3:09 PM

Lonely Is the Night
Billy Squier
3:04 PM

Eleanor Rigby
The Beatles
3:02 PM

Piers Morgan Slams the Sleazy Hookers of the Left-Wing Press

Oh boy, the hits just keep coming.

I think Ben Smith might need to lay low for a while, man.

At London's Daily Mail, via Steve Green, at Instapundit, "The only hookers in this story are the cheap, lazy journalists who ran with fake Trump sleaze to urinate on his presidency."

PREVIOUSLY: "Piers Morgan Blasts Meryl Streep's Anti-Trump Golden Globes Tirade."

Columbia Journalism Review Defends BuzzFeed's Despicable Publication of Russian #FakeNews Hack Job

I think I've snarked before, but everything's fake now.

If the CJR, which is supposed to be an uber-establishment institution beyond repute, is defending this BuzzFeed fake news Russian dossier hack publication, then there is no standard for journalism left. Everything's fair game.

And another thing I've mentioned previously: If there's fascism today, we're seeing it in real time in the left's machinations to overturn the results of the election.

Check this out, "BuzzFeed Was Right to Publish Trump-Russia Files":

EARLY TUESDAY EVENING, spurred by a CNN story, BuzzFeed published a 35-page dossier on Donald Trump’s alleged long-term relationship with Russia. The documents contain references to compromising information the Russians purportedly gathered about the president-elect and accusations that Trump’s campaign was in regular contact with Russian officials. Within hours, The Guardian, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, among many others, slammed the digital powerhouse for its decision, while pointing out that they, too, had seen the documents but declined to make them public.

BuzzFeed explained that it was publishing the dossier “so that Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government.” But the Post’s Erik Wemple countered that “Americans can only ‘make up their own minds’ if they build their own intelligence agencies, with a heavy concentration of operatives in Russia and Eastern Europe.” The Guardian, meanwhile, complained that BuzzFeed’s “decision…forced other media outlets to repeat the allegations or ignore a story that lit up the internet.” That writer was quick to note that his paper, too, “had obtained and reviewed the documents in recent weeks but declined to publish because there was no way to independently verify them.”

The media’s full-throated condemnation of BuzzFeed is both self-righteous and self-serving. BuzzFeed noted up front that the documents contained “explosive—but unverified—information,” and Editor in Chief Ben Smith convincingly defended the decision in a staff memo, arguing that the dossier was being read and talked about “at the highest levels of American government and media. It seems to lie behind a set of vague allegations from the Senate Majority Leader to the director of the FBI and a report that intelligence agencies have delivered to the president and president-elect.”

By publishing the documents when it did, accompanied by strong caveats about their reliability, BuzzFeed put itself at the heart of the story and made some of its most prominent journalists go-to people for any tips the dossier might generate. The most typical kind of investigative reporting entails spending months or even years gathering documents and cultivating sources to build an unshakable edifice. BuzzFeed took a different but still well-established approach: Release what you can when you have it and see what new leads it generates. If this strategy pays off, the outlet that has morphed from a cat-video factory to a font of serious journalism could end up with some terrific scoops. You can almost hear the rest of the media muttering, “Damn, why didn’t we think of that first?”
Still more.

It's a highly coordinated attempt to bring down Donald Trump and scuttle his administration.

See, "Coup d'État! Release of BuzzFeed Russia Hack Is Democrat-Leftist Attempt to Overturn the Election!"

Coup d'État! Release of BuzzFeed Russia Hack Is Democrat-Leftist Attempt to Overturn the Election!

It's Mark Levin.

He's got an angry shtick anyway, but he's really pissed off here.

At Conservative Review, "Levin: BuzzFeed’s Russia Hack Job is the Left ‘Staging a Coup’ Against Trump":
“It is time that we stand our ground in defending Donald Trump’s legitimacy,” said Conservative Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin during a fiery segment at the beginning of his radio show Wednesday night. “The praetorian guard media, the Democrat party … Academia and Hollywood are seeking a coup of sorts” against the president-elect.

Levin was referring to a widely-panned “news” story at Buzzfeed that reported salacious, unverified, and disputed accounts of Trump’s dealing with Russia.

“What [the Left] seek to do … is drive issues of controversy,” he concluded. “They’re laying the foundation, not only to discredit Trump, but to impeach him down the road.”

He went on to call all “corners of the conservative movement” to rally around the president-elect “not for every issue, not for every nominee, but for the legitimacy of the election … for our country, for our Constitution.”

“The specific major issue of the legitimacy of this election and our Constitution is under attack,” Levin told his audience. “What you saw yesterday was an absolute attempt to overturn the election!”

BuzzFeed's Enormous Favor to Donald Trump

I just got around reading the BuzzFeed report, which you can access in a Google cache page. (BuzzFeed's notorious for its link-bait publishing model, so you won't give them any hits if you read the cached version.)

And see the commentary at the Blaze:

Certainly, the impression that President-elect Donald Trump gives in public is that he is upset with prominent online news site BuzzFeed for publishing an alleged dossier full of salacious details that Russian intelligence was allegedly planning to use to compromise him. Furiously upset, even — going so far as to call them a “failing pile of garbage” in a defiant press conference Wednesday morning. And who knows, Trump’s anger might well be genuine; but he really ought to be thanking BuzzFeed for changing the course of this story in a way that has been very positive for him.

Rewind the clock to Tuesday afternoon and recall what Trump was facing. CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who enjoys one of the broadest bipartisan reputations for honesty of any person in the media, was on television, flanked by reporters Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez and Carl Bernstein. Tapper reported that CNN had developed credible information that U.S. intelligence officials had presented evidence to both Trump and outgoing President Barack Obama that Russian intelligence agents claimed to have compromising information about Trump “of both a personal and financial nature.” Further, the agents claimed that surrogates for the Trump campaign had regularly been in contact with Russian officials throughout 2016, directly contradicting Trump’s fierce denials of any such contact.

Tapper made clear that CNN would not be discussing the contents of the allegations. He stated that they had not been able to independently verify them and thus would not repeat what they were. He stated that no one knew if the claims allegedly made by Russian intelligence were true or not. All they knew was that this dossier was out there, and it had been handed to Trump and to Obama, with the message that the Russians were allegedly trying to use its contents to compromise Trump. Responsible reporting if in fact CNN did its due diligence on the report.

Then came BuzzFeed. They, in fact, had no such qualms about publishing the contents of the dossier itself. They emphasized that the material was both “unverified” and likely “unverifiable,” but laid out the claims in all their glory.

As the dust has settled, a general consensus has developed that CNN’s reporting should be distinguished from BuzzFeed’s and that CNN acted responsibly where BuzzFeed was reckless. It should be noted, BuzzFeed has its notable defenders today, including the Columbia Journalism Review, but most members of the media agree: What BuzzFeed did was worse than what CNN did (if you grant that CNN did anything wrong at all).

However, from Trump’s perspective, BuzzFeed’s reporting did him a huge favor. The reason for that is simple: The contents of the dossier were so obviously suspect that they called the veracity of the entire account into question. What reasonable intelligence official would have taken this transparent pulp to the president of the United States without a shred of verification to back it up? None would have, it was virtually obvious from the document’s face.

Imagine if BuzzFeed’s story had never been printed. CNN’s allegation that Russians had unspecified compromising information of both a “personal” and “financial” nature would have been left hanging in the air. And it would have been believable by a large number of people. Polls have shown that, after a brief post-election honeymoon period, Trump is unpopular again and the American public is increasingly uneasy about his public posture toward Russia — a vulnerability that Senate Democrats have mercilessly exploited during the first few days of confirmation hearings for Trump’s Cabinet appointments...

Last of LOVE Advent — Kate Upton (VIDEO)

They saved the best for last?

Perhaps not, but Ms. Kate sure had a good run, heh.

Bill Plaschke: #Chargers Move to Los Angeles is Bad for Everyone

I posted this great Bill Plaschke commentary last January, "San Diego Chargers Should Stay in San Diego."

Turns out the Chargers didn't get the memo.

I tweeted last night, and Plaschke's latest is below.

Every relationship is built on honesty, so the San Diego Chargers should hear this as their moving vans are chugging up the 5 Freeway on their noble mission of greed.

We. Don’t. Want. You.

The news broke Wednesday that Chargers owner Dean Spanos has informed NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell he is moving the team to Los Angeles, which is pretty much dreadful news for Los Angeles.

Wow, just what we need, the return of a professional sports team with no buzz, no tradition, few local fans north of south Orange County, limited success, and an owner who just stole them away from a place where they were loved unconditionally for 56 years.

What was the NFL thinking? What are the Chargers thinking? I know what Spanos is thinking, that he is leaving behind those unwashed heathens who didn’t want their tax dollars to pay for a football stadium and sliding into Stan Kroenke’s Inglewood palace to ride piggyback on the Rams.

What a guy. What a joke.

The problem is not that Los Angeles must now be asked to support two NFL teams after 22 years of somehow surviving with none. We knew this would happen. This was the deal when the Rams returned last year. This is what the NFL has always wanted for Inglewood, so there was no avoiding it.

The problem is, the second team should have been the Raiders. The Southland is filled with Raiders fans everywhere. I have still never met a single Chargers fan.

I like the Chargers, and I've rooted for them many times. But I agree with Plaschke: They should've stayed in San Diego.

Nicole Kidman: It's Time to Accept and Support Donald Trump — #MAGA!


I can dig it:

ADDED: Here's the video, "Nicole Kidman on Donald Trump."

Demi Novato Bikini Photos

At Drunken Stepfather, "DEMI LOVATO IN A BIKINI OF THE DAY."

Donald Trump at War With All Sides?

Actually, all sides are at war with Donald Trump. Folks were saying that --- I was saying that --- as far back as the summer of '15.

The entire leftist establishment has been, and remains, out to destroy Donald Trump. And the anger and hatred only intensified when the anointed entitled one, Crooked Hiillary Clinton, lost in November.

So, yeah, Trump's at war with all sides, and it's a war of defense. He's the one who's been attacked, and it's unrelenting.

At any rate, FWIW from Cathleen Decker, at the Los Angeles Times, "President-elect Trump in news conference: At war with all sides":
Donald Trump on Wednesday displayed his essential political character: He is a man apart, rebelling against both the political party he defeated and the one he ostensibly leads.

That positioning, and its appeal to disgruntled voters, helped to secure him the presidency. The question now is whether playing by his own rules will work as well in the White House.

In his first full news conference in almost six months, Trump put his independence and refusal to follow Washington convention on vivid display.

He deepened his public war with the intelligence agencies that in nine days will be among his most important national security guides.

He gratuitously insulted a Republican senator who could prove to be a daunting enemy when it comes to Trump’s own goals.

He laid down demands on replacing Obamacare that his party’s House and Senate leaders have indicated they can’t attain and refused to take steps even many Republicans have said are necessary to limit conflicts between the interests of his business and the United States.

All that comes as Trump wraps up a transition that has achieved some goals but has conspicuously not expanded the political support that was only barely enough to allow him to defeat a highly unpopular Democratic nominee.

He stands to begin his presidency with the lowest poll ratings ever for a newly elected president. Far from using the pre-inauguration honeymoon period to consolidate support, Trump has diminished his standing by some measures.

But if his news conference demonstrated anything, it is that Trump at this point sees no need to change his course.

Most striking was his treatment of the intelligence community, which has aroused Trump’s ire with its unanimous declaration that Russia sought to interfere in the November election in order to damage Democrat Hillary Clinton and assist him.

Any other president-to-be would tread carefully before criticizing the nation’s spy agencies en masse. Impugning the intelligence community and weakening its standing can pose dire problems in the event of crisis, and openly warring with those who hold the nation’s secrets is rarely beneficial. (That might have been obvious on Wednesday, the day after publication of articles detailing how the nation’s intelligence leaders had briefed Trump and others on alleged Russian efforts to gather damaging information about the president-elect.)

Yet Trump started the day by blaming the agencies for allowing “this fake news to leak into the public” and equating the alleged actions with those of a heinous regime...
Still more.

PREVIOUSLY: "The Best Press Conference in the History of Press Conferences."

(I love Trump because he fights back against the left. That's been, and it still is, the biggest reason for my support. I just love him for that.)

Populism Isn't a Threat to Democracy, But a Vibrant Manifestation of It

Following-up, "Fascism vs. Right-Wing Populism."

I don't believe so-called "right-wing populism" is a threat to democracy. What it is is a threat to the morally bankrupt, far-left globalist agenda, and radical progressives across the institutional spectrum, from Hollywood-types, the leftist media, far-left academe, and the radical left's NGO network, working hand-in-hand to delegitimize the grassroots popular surge against the political class, seen in Brexit to Trump and beyond.

The latest case in point is Kenneth Roth, and his piece up at Foreign Policy, "Dark Days: The Global Rise of Populism is a Dangerous Threat to Democracy and Human Rights":

The global rise of populists poses a dangerous threat to human rights — which exist to protect people from governments. Yet today, a new generation of populists is reversing that role. Claiming to speak for “the people,” they treat rights as an impediment to their conception of the majority will, a needless obstacle to defending the nation from perceived threats and evils. Instead of accepting that rights protect everyone, they encourage people to adopt the dangerous belief that they will never need their rights against an overreaching government claiming to act in their name.

The appeal of the populists has grown with mounting public discontent over the status quo. In the West, many people feel left behind by technological change, the global economy, and growing inequality. Terrorism sows apprehension and fear. Some are uneasy with societies that have become more ethnically, religiously, and racially diverse. There is an increasing sense that governments and the elite ignore public concerns.

In this cauldron of discontent, a certain breed of politician is flourishing by portraying rights as protecting only the terrorist suspect or the asylum-seeker at the expense of the safety, economic welfare, and cultural preferences of the presumed majority. They scapegoat refugees, immigrant communities, and minorities. Truth is a frequent casualty. Nativism, xenophobia, racism, Islamophobia, and misogyny are on the rise.

But if these voices of intolerance prevail, the world risks entering a dark era. We should never underestimate the tendency of demagogues who sacrifice the rights of others in our name today to jettison our rights tomorrow when their real priority — retaining power — is in jeopardy.
And you know what's coming: When leftists start going off on nativism, xenophobia, racism, Islamophobia, misogyny and blah, blah, the dreaded "F" word is just around the corner.

See, more from Roth:
We see a similar scapegoating of asylum-seekers, immigrant communities, and Muslims in Europe. Leading the charge have been Marine Le Pen in France and Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, but there are echoes of these arguments of intolerance in the Brexit campaign, the rhetoric of Viktor Orban in Hungary and Jaroslaw Kaczynski in Poland, and far-right parties from Germany to Greece. Throughout the European continent, officials and politicians hark back to distant, even fanciful, times of perceived national ethnic purity, despite established immigrant communities whose integration as productive members of society is undermined by this hostility.

We forget at our peril the demagogues of yesteryear — the fascists, communists, and their ilk who claimed privileged insight into the majority’s interest but ended up crushing the individual. When populists treat rights as an obstacle to their vision of the majority will, it is only a matter of time before they turn on those who disagree with their agenda. Such claims of unfettered majoritarianism, and the attacks on the checks and balances that constrain governmental power, are perhaps the greatest danger today to the future of democracy in the West. They threaten to reverse the accomplishments of the modern human rights movement...
Voices like Roth's are the voices you need to ignore.

Democracy's not under threat. There is no wave of "xenophobia" and "racism." And the so-called "nativist" tide is a righteous populist revolt against the out-of-touch elites in both the U.S. and Europe, who've brought on an unprecedented crisis of jihad terror and political correctness. It's these scourges, and the neo-communist economic policies that go with them --- that threaten world order and the survival of democracy.

Spread the word. Keep fighting for freedom. Make America Great Again!