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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query michael walsh. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Satan Cast Out of the Hill of Heaven

I'm getting through Michael Walsh's The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West.

It's a quite forcefully argued book, rooted in deep literary learning of German Romantic and Early Romantic opera, which is used to embed the "critical theory" of the Frankfurt School in its "satanic" foundations.

Walsh literally takes no prisoners with his analysis, as one of the reviewers indicates at the Amazon page.

I just noticed last night that Walsh has included a bunch of prints of classical artwork to illustrate the book. Below is Gustave Doré's illustration for John Milton's Paradise Lost" -- "Satan is cast out the hill of Heaven and is cast in Hell's canyons."

And Walsh writes at the caption, "The Paradise that has been irrevocably lost is not ours but Satan's. No wonder those who advocate the satanic position fight for it so fiercely." 

Those advocating for "the satanic position" are leftists, as Walsh points out time and time again.

Earlier Michael Walsh blogging is here.

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Michael Walsh's New Book Is On the Way

I ordered some books, including Walsh's The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West.

I'm excited to sink my teeth into it.

Meanwhile, see Roger Kimball, "Thoughts on ‘The Devil’s Pleasure Palace’":
Subversion is Michael Walsh’s primary focus and the battle he describes is nothing less than a battle between good and evil.
And see Micah Mattix, at Free Beacon, "The Real ‘Great Satan’: Review: Michael Walsh, ‘The Devil’s Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West’."

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Elites and Media Really Hate Donald Trump's Voters

True. So very, very true.

From Michael Walsh, at the New York Post.

See also the Chicago Boyz, "The Trump Phenomenon," and Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "ANALYSIS: TRUE. Elites and media really hate Donald Trump’s voters, Michael Walsh writes":
In the movie business, there’s something called the “cheer moment,” when the long-suffering hero finally decks his tormentor with a satisfying right cross. What the Beltway Republicans fail to understand is that their conservative base — which gave them stunning congressional victories in 2010 and 2014 and has nothing to show for it — has been longing for precisely that moment since Reagan crushed Mondale 49-1 in 1984.

The Trumpkins are sick of winning and having nothing to show for it, and their vengeance will be terrible. Maybe the Establishment should stop belittling them and listen instead.
Hat Tip: Memeorandum.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Monday, September 7, 2015

Whoo Hoo! Michael Walsh's New Book Came Today, The Devil's Pleasure Palace


I wasn't expecting a book delivery on Labor Day. This is great!

I blogged about here: "Michael Walsh's New Book Is On the Way," and "'Communists are always deliberate liars, who believe that the 'dictatorship of the proletariat' justifies any deception necessary to advance their cause, and Communists kill without remorse, unrestrained by conscience...'"

Here's the Amazon link, The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West.

So, what a great day of reading and watching baseball today!

More blogging in a little while too. I'm going to start reading the first couple of chapters right now!

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Thursday, November 5, 2015

America's Moral Crisis and Election 2015

D.C. McAllister, at the Federalist, uses Michael Walsh's, The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West, as a launchpad to analyze Tuesday massive repudiation of the Demonic-rats.

See, "America’s Crisis Isn’t What You Think":

The Devil's Pleasure Palace photo 10505596_10207950600425867_4951665721612082122_n_zpsw1yscc6q.jpg
In politics, as in all of life, it’s imperative to see our choices in that context. Distinguishing between heroes and villains is integral to us deciding what kind of society we want to be.

The True Nature of Our Crisis

This is how many voters are looking at the candidates running for president, even if they’re doing it unconsciously. They’re asking, who are the tricksters, the deceivers? Who are the support characters? Who are the healers? Most importantly, who will be the hero, the leader, who will stave off America’s enemies both from without and within? Who will defend her no matter the cost to himself? Who will love her and protect her? Who will heal her from the sickness that has spread throughout her body politic?

They can’t always define the sickness. Is it immigration, federal overreach, the education system, the debt, high taxes, political corruption, activist courts, all of the above? Whatever the issue, the conclusion is the same: America is in trouble. America is in crisis.

But what is the true nature of that crisis? Is it a fiscal crisis? A security crisis? A constitutional crisis? It’s all of these, but so much more. “The crisis in which the United States of America currently finds itself enmeshed is a moral crisis, which has engendered a crisis of cultural confidence, which in turn has begotten a fiscal crisis that threatens—no, guarantees—the destruction of the nation should we fail to address it,” Walsh writes.

This is an important point, because if you don’t see the crisis as a battle between good and evil—a moral crisis, as Walsh explains, that has been created by Leftist German philosophies (Hegel, Marx, Frankfurt School), subverting our culture by luring us into thinking there is no battle between good and evil (only a synthesis of both)...
Keep reading.

The left is truly diabolical, and the sheer depth of Tuesday's shellacking has even radical leftists questioning the sustainability of the Democrats as a national party.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Specter of Violence is Haunting Our Democracy

That's Michael Walsh, at New York Post, "Attack on civility: ‘Occupy’ alive in NY, DC" (via Glenn Reynolds):
A specter is haunting America — the specter of violence that challenges the notion of civil discourse and threatens our democracy. Embodied by the Occupy Wall Street rabble and its imitators, and shamefully abetted by far too many Democratic elected officials, what once masqueraded as “dissent” is now unmasked as partisan thuggery.
I like how Walsh is riffing on the Communist Manifesto, which begins, "A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism."

Monday, September 28, 2015

Mozart for Meditation

Classical music from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, at Amazon.

Plus, Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 / Coriolan Overture CD.

This reminds me of Michael Walsh's book, The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


After watching Fox News all evening yesterday --- taking in Hannity, Greta, and O'Reilly from 6 to 9pm Pacific --- I clicked over to watch Rachel Maddow's show. I rarely do this, for reasons that are obvious. She's frequently wrong, and regularly dishonest. I'm rarely surprised watching her show, which is of course all progressive red meat for today's far-left Democrat partisans. But this opening segment was a little more over the top than usual. After going through a list of President Obama's accomplishments, she declared that a second term for this administration would elevate Obama as one of "the most consequential" presidents in American history. I guess that's understandable coming from someone as far-left as Maddow. The ideological mirror is true on the right side of the spectrum. Conservatives widely consider this administration as one of the worst in history, even surpassing the Carter administration for the mantle of most inept, candy-assed regime of modern times. I'm not one of those predicting a Mitt Romney landslide. Oh, I won't be surprised at a Romney win, but it'll be a close run thing no matter how it turns out. That said, folks might get a kick out of Michael's Walsh's essay, at National Review, "Crush Them." This passage is key:

From Day One of the Obama administration, real conservatives understood the explicit threat of “fundamental change,” whose meaning can now be clearly discerned in Obama’s “revenge” remark; for the Left, “revenge” is precisely what this election is all about. For them and their voting-bloc constituents, it’s payback time: payback for slavery and segregation; payback for poverty; payback for foreign wars; payback for restrictive immigration laws. They’ve long used the goals of the civil-rights movement — which after all was directed precisely against Democrats – and the Vietnam-era “anti-war” movement — which arose in opposition to the foreign policy of the Democrats — as wedges with which to crack the larger social structure and now, so close to realizing the ultimate expression of “critical theory” — that everything about America stinks — they and their media allies are doing their best to swing one last election for Obama.

Mitt Romney is an imperfect standard bearer, but tomorrow he is the army we have. Elsewhere, I’ve predicted a Romney victory and even a retake of the Senate, despite the breathtaking tactical stupidity of Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, both of whom needlessly wandered into the mine field of social issues (where the media is guaranteed 100 percent arrayed against them) and blew their own feet off. But, should Romney win, he can’t simply assume the vote was a mandate for putting America back to work, and then do his corporate-turnaround thing. If he wins, if his victory is beyond the margin of David Axelrod’s ability to cheat, Mitt needs to understand that a considerable portion of his vote was not only anti-Obama but anti-Obamaism, that it was a repudiation of everything the Marxist Left and its bien-pensant fellow travelers in the media stand for. And, most important, that going forward, it’s a call to substantially reduce their influence on the body politic.
There's more at the link, but that really is it.

Just listen to the orgasmic glee at which Maddow rattles off this veritable Christmas list of pent-up progressive policy demands. She's loving the payback, and she's literally chomping at the bit for a second term to consolidate the left's programs of the last four years, knowing deep inside that these are not popular agenda items with the bulk of the American people. Obama's been lucky. From his rise as the un-vetted savior in 2008 to his exploitation of the horrible but politically fortuitous hurricane last week, this president has just been riding along atop the froth of history, with hardly a real accomplishment to his name other than becoming a vessel for all the dreams of the American neo-socialist left.

So yes, victory is important. But if Romney doesn't win tomorrow it's only going to delay the reckoning. Politics moves in cycles. Perhaps Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s cyclical theory of public purpose is now having its moment after years of private interest politics. But at some point the cycle of history swings back, and in this case it'll swing back with a vengeance. The tea party set the contemporary standard for protests movements, and activists are seasoned now at grassroots-to-governing politics. There'll be a rekindled revolt upon a second Obama term, because the left's push for change has indeed been radical and disruptive. And the left's politics has been completely divisive and contemptuous of what in the past has been largely bipartisan courtesy and respect. Obama himself governed as a calculating partisan, not the highly touted "post-partisan" unifying figure he campaigned as. He's a fraud all around, and a dishonest hack with no decency or larger values. For example, see this shocking post at Lonely Conservative as a case in point, "Uber Creepy Campaign Tweet From Team Obama."

By hook or by crook the Obama Democrat-socialists may indeed leverage themselves back into power. But if they do, there'll be a rekindled conservative movement to light a million prairie fires of outrage against a second Obama term.

Stay tuned. Either way, I'm amped up for the fight.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dems' Thuggery Knows No Bounds

Michael Walsh's column is here.

But see also National Review:
For years now, I’ve been saying that the modern Democratic party is the unholy issue of thirties gangsters and sixties Marxists, a criminal organization masquerading as a political party, composed of thugs, lawyers, layabouts, and guilt-ridden dupes, and motivated entirely by a lust for power disguised as the phony virtue of “compassion.” And I mean that in the nicest possible way: The Republicans could use a little — no, make that a lot — of their ruthless moxie.
More at Cold Fury, "Pin the tail on the radical" (via Memeorandum).

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Besieged Leftist San Francisco Mom Raises Insufferable Eco-Monster Teenager; Lives to Regret It

Look, my 19-year-old son has taken on a lot of far-left positions, and Lord knows he wasn't raised that way. So, imagine the horror of this Jewish progressive San Francisco mom who's raised an eco-monster.

From Darleen Click, at Protein Wisdom, "Mother raises insufferable prick, is confused":
If you can make it through the whole exercise in Ha ha, my kid is off to college and I’m not sorry, isn’t that funny? narcissism, you’ll find the only males mentioned are the 100 lb bully Cory and his best friend.

Where is dad? Or grandpa?

Where was the required influence of an adult man who would have pulled this little asswipe aside and told him to knock-off the totalitarian nonsense or get knocked into next week — “Don’t ever, ever let me catch you treating your mom this way again.”
More at the link, and be sure to click through to the essay by the "besieged San Francisco mom."

I can't stand eco-leftist monsters. I had an insufferable student last semester in my World Politics class. She could have been a satanic antagonist right out of Michael Walsh's The Devil's Pleasure Palace, seriously.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Why Do Leftists Hate Asian-Americans?

Well, I posted on this last week or so, "Leftist Racial Bias Against Asian-Americans in College Admissions."

And now here comes Michael Walsh, at Pajamas, sounding the tocsin on the left's despicable racism. See, "Why Do Democrats Hate Asian-Americans? Because They’re Smart and Successful":
This piece appeared in the Los Angeles Times recently, and it deserves a lot more notice from conservatives than it’s received so far. It’s not that it doesn’t tell us things we didn’t already know — it’s that the Left is so blatant about its prejudices, and so determined to tear down any semblance of meritocracy regarding college admissions. And, mostly, it reminds us that Asian-Americans need to recognize who their enemies are...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Remembering Andrew Breitbart

Recall that the first time I met Andrew was at the Orange County Tax Day Tea Party in 2009.

Breitbart is shown with his father-in-law Orson Bean. I posted the photo to his Facebook page and he remembered it later when I spoke to him at CPAC in 2011.


And below is the picture from the last time I saw Andrew, when he spoke in Newport Beach just days after Anthony Weiner announced his resignation and Breitbart stole the show at the pre-announcement press conference. Left Coast Rebel was there as well, and boy was he excited to meet Andrew. Thinking about it now, I'm so glad that we went. He was irreplaceable and the memories cherished.


I have lots more Breitbart blogging at the search link. I don't have too much more to say at this point. I do think it's interesting the Breitbart rose to his greatest fame in tandem with the rise of the tea party. He mentioned the Orange County tea party as a formative experience in his book, Righteous Indignation. And  as I became a tea party activist at the same time, Breitbart was indeed instrumental to my own political development over these last few years. What people have said so many times is that Andrew fought fearlessly against progressives and especially the progressive-left media complex. And the left loathed him for it. Progressives clearly wanted him dead because he was beating them and he was a showing a whole generation of young activists how it's done. He spoke for us. He articulate the rage against the politically correct and radically corrupt leftist institutional machine. And it often meant even more because Breitbart could do what many simply could not do because of how we're situated in our work and family lives. William Jacobson spoke eloquently about that, about the "restraints" that have prevented him from being more outspoken in his blogging and activism. I face those same restraints and I've paid substantial personal costs in pushing past the barriers on occasion. Breitbart was an entrepreneur and his own boss. He could fight the fight without facing those restraints, and he thus had the kind of intangible resources that are and will be vital to defeating the left in the years ahead.

There will be much more commentary and reflection on Breitbart going forward. New videos are scheduled for release next week, in fact, of Barack Obama's radical college days. And then there will be movies and books and all kind of continuing activism among those from Breitbart's circle of allies. And of course the new class of conservative warriors will be carrying Breitbart's banner for generations to come. What a man and what a legacy.

Michael Walsh had an outstanding remembrance the other day, so I'll close with that. See, "Goodbye, Andrew: We have lost our bravest warrior, but we must continue his good fight":
In the war against the institutional Left, Andrew Breitbart was the Right’s Achilles; the bravest of all the warriors, now fallen on the plain. There was no combat in which he would not engage, no battle — however small — he would not join with glee, and no outcome acceptable except total victory. His unexpected death last night at the young age of 43 is not the end of his crusade, but its beginning.

No figure on our side was more despised in the whited sepulchers of the media/academic/political Left, and Breitbart wore their loathing as a daily badge of honor. His refusal to grant even a glimmer of moral absolution constantly enraged them, and his very existence was an affront to their carefully constructed — to use one of Andrew’s favorite words — “narrative” of moral superiority. Naturally, they are already dancing on his grave, with the manic joy of being suddenly and miraculously delivered from one of their most potent enemies.

Breitbart’s death is a tragedy, not only for those who delighted in following him into battle but for those who cheered him on as well. Andrew was larger than life, a charismatic natural leader, a big man in every way — physically, spiritually, and intellectually. He would meet a total stranger and immediately try to enlist him or her into his army, railing against the Left’s mendacity and misdeeds. He would practically pick you up by the lapels and shake you in order to make you understand the furious, urgent necessity of his fight.
Continue reading.

And also, at Michelle Malkin, for good measure, "DEVASTATING: Andrew Breitbart, R.I.P."

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Might as Well Post the Link to Harry Stein's Book, No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist...

I'm off to the college for my long Thursday of teaching, but it's no doubt going to be an interesting new day.

Don't be surprised to see leftists martyr the Virginia murderer Vester Lee Flanagan for the cause of gun control. The New York Times is fast out of the gate with this really stupid editorial, which was posted prominently at the main page of the website last night, "Killings of Journalists Bring Gun Violence to Dark New Level."

As always, more commentary and analysis later.

Meanwhile, here's Stein's book, No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist: How our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race Hurts Us All.

BONUS: ICYMI, don't forget about Michael Walsh's new book, The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West.