It's a quite forcefully argued book, rooted in deep literary learning of German Romantic and Early Romantic opera, which is used to embed the "critical theory" of the Frankfurt School in its "satanic" foundations.
Walsh literally takes no prisoners with his analysis, as one of the reviewers indicates at the Amazon page.
I just noticed last night that Walsh has included a bunch of prints of classical artwork to illustrate the book. Below is Gustave Doré's illustration for John Milton's Paradise Lost" -- "Satan is cast out the hill of Heaven and is cast in Hell's canyons."
And Walsh writes at the caption, "The Paradise that has been irrevocably lost is not ours but Satan's. No wonder those who advocate the satanic position fight for it so fiercely."
Those advocating for "the satanic position" are leftists, as Walsh points out time and time again.
Earlier Michael Walsh blogging is here.
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