Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Michelle Malkin on Lapdog Media Doing Their Jobs: 'I Give Them a Golf Clap...'

An awesome Hannity segment from just a little while ago:

Leftist Meme: Tea Party Had It Coming on IRS Targeting

My jaw almost hit the floor reading today's letters to the editor at the Los Angeles Times, "Re "Report raises more IRS questions," May 12":
There is no question that the IRS violated a code of conduct when targeting conservative groups. I just wish that Republicans would be so outraged by their own partisan conduct.

Republicans have conspired since the moment of President Obama's first inauguration to block his agenda at every turn. Indeed, the Senate minority leader's stated goal was to make Obama a one-term president.

Those who truly suffer from this behavior are the people of this great nation.

Rodney K. Boswell
Thousand Oaks

Like blaming rape on the victim. The mind boggles.

More at Twitchy, "‘Media Matters just stopped mattering for the media’: Lefty group sides with DOJ against AP," and "Targeted by IRS? Bill Maher, Elayne Boosler suggest conservative groups were asking for it."

Syrian Rebel Cuts Out Soldier's Heart and Eats It

This is one of the more bizarrely grotesque things I've seen in awhile.

At Elder of Ziyon, "Video of Syrian rebel cutting out, eating soldier's heart (graphic videos)."

More at NYT:

Obama's Lawless Presidency

IBD is hammering this criminal clusterf-k administration.

See, "Obama's Scandals Stem from His Lawless Presidency," and "Eight Months Too Late, The Media See the Real Obama."

Angelina Jolie's Double Mastectomy

An amazing story, at London's Daily Mail, "How heroic Angelina Jolie kept her family life as normal as possible for the sake of her children as she underwent a double mastectomy."

Plus, "Brad says Angelina ‘is absolutely heroic’ and hails ‘happy day for our family’ after she undergoes double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer," and "Angelina Jolie's father Jon Voight only learned about daughter's double mastectomy online... despite seeing her just TWO days ago."

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Lurking Tyranny

From A.F. Branco:

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Obama insists there is no 'there there...'

At the Looking Spoon, "The Only Part of the Obama Administration Where There Really Is 'No There There'."

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tyranny is Always Lurking Just Around the Corner

At Bearing Drift, "Is Tyranny Around the Corner?"
Yes, tyranny is always just around the corner. That’s why, as Thomas Jefferson reminds us, eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
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'This may be one of the most heartbreaking stories I have ever read...'

At I'm41, "Pair of Berkeley Lesbian Lunatics Putting 11-Year-Old Son on Hormone Blocking Treatment to Make Him Their Daughter."

Also at Victory Girls, "Lesbian Parents Put Their Eight-Year-Old Boy Through a Sex Change":
Regardless of whether or not a sex change actually changes your gender (here’s a hint: it doesn’t), if an adult wants to choose to mutilate their genitals and live their life as a member of the opposite sex, then whatever. Go for it. You’re an adult, it’s your decision, I may not agree or understand, but it’s your life and your body. The difference here, however, is that this is a child. A child cannot understand the potential long-term consequences of their actions. A child cannot consent to hormone therapy and understand the health risks they could be taking. A child cannot understand that they are choosing to give up any chance of a normal childhood and adolescence. A child cannot think long-term, they cannot understand consequences of their actions, and therefore cannot make such a huge, life-changing decision as getting a sex change.

This isn’t just an example of poor parenting — it’s parents with an agenda to push, acting it out on their defenseless child who ends up being nothing more than a social experiment to their delusional parents.
Remember, for the leftards, if it feels good do it! (No matter whom you destroy in the process.)

Rapidly Shrinking Market Poses Big Challenges for TV Networks

An interesting piece, from Brian Stelter, at the New York Times, "As TV Ratings and Profits Fall, Networks Face a Cliffhanger":
As the major television networks prepare to unveil their new fall lineups in New York this week, they face threats from seemingly every corner.

Prime-time ratings for the Big Four broadcasters — ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox — together are dropping more precipitously than ever. Even their biggest hits, like “American Idol” and “Dancing With the Stars,” are fading fast. Advertisers are moving more cash to cable, cutting into the networks’ quarterly profits. New technologies are making it easier to skip those ads, anyway.

That’s not all: there are more outlets for programming cropping up all the time, with Netflix and Amazon and dozens of cable channels competing for actors, producers and, most important, viewers. Government regulators want to take back some of the spectrum allotted to local television stations. And start-ups like Aereo are threatening to deprive the stations of subscription revenue, causing some broadcasters to talk of options that were unthinkable a few short years ago. Some have warned they might go off the air entirely.

The many pressures bearing down on the industry are casting a shadow over this week’s upfronts, an annual tradition in New York in which the new sitcoms, dramas and reality shows are previewed at splashy, open-bar events and the networks try to capture their portion of an estimated $9 billion in advertising commitments.

“The networks are getting picked at from every direction,” said Jessica Reif Cohen, the senior media analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. “This year was the tipping point,” she said, “when the television ratings really fell apart.”

The broadcast networks have managed declining viewership for years, but executives by and large said they believed that they had escaped the punishing losses that digital media exacted on the music industry and newspapers.

Now, though, they say they are not sure; even the industry’s biggest boosters concede that the business is under assault, though they express confidence that the networks will adapt. While the challenges before them are numerous, said Gary Carr, who oversees ad-buying at TargetCast, “the networks are far from dead.”
More at the link.

'For a long time, it seemed like the idea of a coverup was just a Republican obsession. But now there is something to it...'

Yes, when events start going so badly for this administration that even the most hardened shills in the JournoList protectorate can no longer dismiss the avalanche of scandal...

See Robert Stacy McCain, "A Short Lesson in Liberal Media Bias: Has Alex Koppelman Forgotten Fitzmas?"

Heidi Klum 'Best Mother's Day Ever'

Well, she's definitely enjoying herself:

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Via Twitter.

Associated Press Phone Records Siezed by Department of Justice

It comes it threes.

From Erika Johnsen, at Hot Air, "Breaking: DOJ secretly seized two months of Associated Press phone records?"

More at the Hill, "Justice Department secretly seized AP reporters’ phone records" (via Memeorandum).

Astronaut Chris Hadfield Sings David Bowie's 'Space Oddity' in Space

A wonderful video:

Background at the Next Web, "Commander Chris Hadfield signs off from space with epic cover of David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’."

Monday, May 13, 2013

Obama Scandals Invoke Comparisons to Watergate


Lots of links at the post.

And I love this: " Barack Milhous Obamixon."

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Sick: Salon's Irin Carmon Dismisses #Gosnell Conviction as 'Local Story'

At Twitchy, "Salon’s Irin Carmon: Lone outlaw Kermit Gosnell really was just a local crime story."

And following the links takes us to David Steinberg's essay at Pajamas, "Gosnell and ‘Pro-Choice’: Fleeing From Reason?":
Take the emotion out of it. After Gosnell, is it possible for an impartial observer to offer a logical argument proving abortion is not murder?

Kermit #Gosnell Convicted on Three Counts of First-Degree Murder

At the Philadelphia Inquirer, "Abortion doctor Gosnell found guilty on 3 counts of 1st-degree murder":
Kermit Barron Gosnell - the West Philadelphia doctor whose career in urban medicine began during the "war on poverty" and ended 40 years later as a hated symbol of the antiabortion movement - was found guilty of three counts of first-degree murder Monday by a Philadelphia jury.

The jury acquitted Gosnell of one count of first-degree murder involving an infant prosecutors said was born alive and killed during an abortion.

In Pennsylvania, first-degree murder - the premeditated, malicious killing of a person - is punishable by death by lethal injection or life in prison without chance of parole.
Continue reading.

More the Other McCain, "#Gosnell Convicted: Quick Reactions" (via Memeorandum).

Expect updates...

Glenn Greenwald Gets His Blowback On

This was getting some attention on Twitter yesterday, at RCP, "Bill Maher vs. Glenn Greenwald on Islam's History of Violence & U.S. Aggression":

And in a hilarious surprise development, David Atkins, at Hullabaloo, took both Greenwald and Maher to task, "Greenwald and Maher are both wrong." (It's all about "fundamentalism," I guess.) And that elicited a blowback against the blowback from Digby, "No sorry David, Glenn Greenwald is not wrong."

Actually, they're both wrong themselves, and as I always say, as much as I dislike Glenn Greenwald, at least he's consistent. See, "Debating Bill Maher on Muslims, Islam and US foreign policy."

More from Barry Eisler, "Don't Worry, US Imperialism is Cost-Free."

I Picked Up Some Moose Drool

After beer tasting last week, I decided to quit procrastinating on diversifying my repertoire.

Here's the Moose Drool six-pack below. I haven't tried it yet. I also picked up a pack of the Rasputin Stout. Had some with dinner last night. Oh boy, is that good beer!

I'll update when I sample these puppies. The alcohol content much higher than domestic light beers (the Rasputin's at 9% ABV), so it might be next weekend until I have some more. Otherwise, I'll fall asleep too early in the evening.

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