Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Progressives Paint McCain as Angry American Warmonger

Desperation is building on the far-left at the realization that Barack Obama's nomination is turning out to be an unmitigated disaster for the Democratic Party's chances in November.

Note first the letdown among "
progressives" at the dreadful polling numbers for the Obama-Biden ticket this week. Chris Bowers and Tremayne, at the radical portal Open Left, express their frustration and helplessness at the fading likelihood of a post-convention bounce following this week's events in Denver. As Bowers laments:

I am feeling really frustrated today. I am sensing that something is wrong with this convention, and that there will be no bounce. I don't know exactly what we need to do to get a bounce, but I do know that we haven't done it yet.
Both bloggers search for explanations for declining Democratic fortunes (blaming, for example, an insufficient "populist message" or the inattention of the "traditional media" to the events).

Neither, naturally, engage is the kind of introspective analysis that might lead to the conclusion that Americans are burned out on "Obamania" and they're getting hip to "The One" and his oppositional combination of fringe extremism and mainstream policy superficiality.

Thus, it's no surprise that other "progressives" want to quit pussy-footing around and hit back at "Chimpy" and "McSame" with all they've got. For example, check out
Ilan Goldenberg at Democracy Arsenal:

John McCain has an ad up trying to scare the American people about Iran and saying Obama doesn't take the threat seriously enough. I think it's time to take the gloves off and paint McCain as the reckless and dangerous overeager warrior that he is.
Goldenberg continues with some unhinged anti-neocon conspiracy theorizing suggesting that McCain's "paranoia" will elevate every international event to another "Thirteen Days."

And then we have
Cernig at Newshoggers to top it all off with a deconstruction of "McCain's inner Ugly American":

It never was true of all Americans, but it certainly was true of some. But more and more, the phrase has come to be associated abroad with the mindset exemplified by the Bush administration these last eight years. Not just loud and pretentious about lands beyong American shores, oblivious to local nuance and complexities of culture - but pugnacious and belligerent about it too. And it doesn’t matter whether these Ugly Americans are home or abroad, their underlying attitude doesn’t change. (I write this as a European living in the U.S. - I’ve seen the Ugly American both at home and abroad.)

Bush, Rumsfield, Bremer, Bolton, the entire Kagan family, Podhoretz - Cheney, of course - and a slew of hard right pundits and bloggers. The right is filled with Ugly Americans right now, who simultaneously want to dictate how non-Americans will behave and to insist that only American interests matter, only what they want matters. It’s a mindset rooted in the ideology of American exceptionalism, with a hefty dose of Divine Mandate (code for “The White Man’s Burden” reset as a uniquely American one), leavened with fear of “the other”, but to perpetuate it requires ignorance, arrogance and a belief that all problems can be solved by using a bigger hammer.

Out of all the Ugly Americans of the modern hard Right, John McCain is rising as the star. His entire worldview is based not just upon American exceptionalism but upon McCain exceptionalism - “
Verb, Noun, P.O.W.
All of this impotence comes when the Democrats are supposed to be strolling to victory in the November election.

But it's not just frustration with the GOP or John McCain. This is the outrage of an anti-establishment radicalism, which evinces a loathing in a search for scapegoats: The "lamestream" media or the evil of "BusHitler," Halliburton, and the neocons!

The problem, of course, is not John McCain or any of the other usual suspects identified throughout these threads. The problem is Barack Obama and the Democrats' abject ideological bankruptcy that's preventing the party from offering anything remotely acceptable to the broad swath of the American electorate.

For example,
signs of progress in Iraq have left the progressives boxed-in and confused in a funk of surrender. The failure of the economy to collapse into deep recession removes from the Democrats a powerful economic cudgel with which to hammer GOP "incompetence." And polls show that Americans prefer health care simplification and reduced costs in medical provision, not the program of single-payer nationalization that the left envisions under an Obama administration.

But most of all, Americans tell pollsters that
Barack Obama does not share their values, that he's too risky and inexperienced for the office of President of the United States.

All of these facts force a paralysis on the leftists. They can't think outside of the neat boxes of demonization they've concocted for their enemies.

Barack Obama's one of them. He'll negotiate unconditionally with the enemies of the United States, and those of our allies. He'll seek denuclearization to weaken American national security, and he'll promote a postmodern sensibility on the country that will leave innocent babies to die in soiled-linen closets and one that befriends unrepentant domestic terrorists who now "teach" our children.

When that's all you've got, I suppose the desperation of pulling out the stops by painting the GOP candidate as an angry and reckless warmonger actually makes some sense.

University of Illinois at Chicago Releases Annenberg Files

The Chicago Tribune's report on the Daley Library's release of Barack Obama's Annenberg records is intiguingly titled: "Files Linking Obama to '60s Radical a Hot Commodity":

The University of Illinois at Chicago on Tuesday released more than 1,000 files detailing the activities of an education reform group in which both Barack Obama and former 1960s radical William Ayers played key roles.

The release of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge documents turned the sterile special collections room at the university's Daley library into a media frenzy. Television crews hovered at the room's entrance. Librarians scurried to copying machines to fulfill the requests of a roomful of reporters. Two security officers stood guard.

On a typical day, one or two scholars may conduct research there. The library director laughed when asked whether it has had security before.

A partial examination of the documents did not reveal anything startling about the link between Obama, the Democratic presidential contender, and Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground, a Vietnam-era anti-war group that claimed responsibility for several bombings. Ayers, who spent years in hiding, is now a UIC education professor.

The interest in the documents comes as supporters of Republican presidential candidate John McCain have questioned Obama's ties to Ayers. The Obama campaign this week countered by airing television commercials suggesting that McCain is stuck in the '60s.
Perhaps there's nothing "startling" in the files, according the Tribune's initial review, although the report mentions that "Obama and Ayers attended board meetings, retreats and at least one news conference together," a simple fact that puts the lie to Obama's claim that:

This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.
But the National Review has a deeper analysis of why Obama's Ayers connection matters:

Have you ever been a friend or business associate of a terrorist? Not someone who, to your shock and horror, turned out secretly to have bombed government buildings. No, the question is whether you’ve ever befriended an unreconstructed radical whose past was well known to you when you entered his orbit and walked through doors he opened for you. Have you been chummy with an unapologetic terrorist who, years after you’d known and worked closely with him, was still telling the New York Times he regretted only failing to carry out more attacks — and that America still “makes me want to puke”?

Barack Obama has.

An organization called the American Issues Project, backed by Dallas investor Harold Simmons, is running a campaign ad which highlights Obama’s troubling relationship with William Ayers. Ayers is a former member of the Weathermen terrorist organization that bombed the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol, various police headquarters, and other targets in the early 1970s....

Obama’s campaign has acknowledged that the candidate and Ayers are friends. Though Obama has more recently minimized Ayers as “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” it is clear that the relationship was much deeper than that. Ayers and his fellow-terrorist wife, Bernadine Dohrn (who has spoken admiringly of the infamous Manson Family murders), are icons in Chicago’s hard-left circles, to which Obama sought entrĂ©e as a young “community organizer.” In 1995, they hosted a fundraiser that helped launch his career in Chicago politics.

Ayers has never abandoned his indictment of America as an imperialist hotbed of racism and economic exploitation. He has merely shifted methods from violent extortion to academic indoctrination. Through his perch as a professor of education at the University of Illinois, he has been a ceaseless critic of the criminal-justice system (he is essentially opposed to imprisoning even the most violent criminals) and a proponent of what he calls “education reform” but what is actually the use of the classroom to proselytize for the Left’s political agenda.

Writing in the Chicago Tribune in 1997, Obama called A Kind and Just Parent, Ayers’ polemic on the Chicago court system, “a searing and timely account.” Michelle Obama, then a dean at the University of Illinois, invited Ayers to participate in a panel with her husband, then a state senator who, the program explained, was “working to block proposed legislation that would throw more juvenile offenders into the adult system.”

Obama apologists dismiss all this as “guilt by association” based on a single joint appearance. But it was far from the only one.

In fact, by 1997 Obama and Ayers were collaborators on a far more significant level. They sat together for several years on the board of the Woods Fund, a left-wing Chicago charitable organization. There, they doled out tens of thousands of dollars to such beneficiaries as the Trinity Church (where Obama was a longtime member and where another Obama mentor, Jeremiah Wright, preached a radical, anti-American brand of Black Liberation Theology) and the Arab American Action Network (co-founded by Rashid Khalidi, a Yasser Arafat apologist who has supported attacks against Israel and now directs Columbia University’s notorious Middle East Institute, founded by Edward Said).

Even more intriguing, in 1995 Ayers won a $49.2 million grant from the Annenberg Foundation — matched two-to-one by public and private contributions — to promote “reform” in the Chicago school system. He quickly brought in Obama, then all of 33 and bereft of any executive experience, to chair the board. With Ayers directing the project’s operational arm and Obama overseeing its financial affairs until 1999, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge distributed more than $100 million to ideological allies with no discernible improvement in public education.

Until this week, moreover, the University of Illinois at Chicago, where Ayers works, was blocking access to the project’s files (examination of which was being sought by frequent National Review contributor Stanley Kurtz), until finally relenting under public pressure. Less than three months from Election Day, analysis of the records from Barack Obama’s only significant executive experience is just beginning.

The mainstream media has been derelict on the Obama/Ayers relationship. Perhaps now, finally, it will get the scrutiny it deserves.
Obama's ill-advised relationship to Ayers raises questions of judgment that should be at the center of the national discussion on the Illinois Senator's qualifications to serve as President of the United States.

While the National Review doesn't address the topic in its editorial, the mainstream press has also been derelict in its inattention to
Obama's extremist positions on abortions and the right to life.

See also, Sister Toldjah, "
FactCheck: It’s the NRLC, not Obama, telling the truth on BAIPA."

See the additional analysis at Memeorandum.

Hillary Makes Good Start on 2012 Campaign

I admire Michael Barone, so I'm pleased that my analysis of Hillary Clinton's speech last night dovetails with Barone's analysis today, "Hillary Clinton's Speech Was a Good Start on Her 2012 Run":

Clinton's speech was carefully tailored, like the very attractive orange pants suit she wore. It was tailored to her need to speak directly to those who supported her, especially those unreconciled to Obama's nomination. It was laden with references to feminist advances—the Seneca Falls conference of 1848 got hearty applause, the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment was duly noted, Harriet Tubman was cited as advice to all (keep going). She saluted thereby her own persistence through the primaries and noted that America does not like a quitter. So much for those Obamaites who kept urging her to get out of the race.

My sense is that many of the women—at the convention and out in America—who are heartsick over Clinton's defeat and see it as somehow illegitimate are women of a certain age, like Hillary, women who made choices over and over again to do things they were told growing up they shouldn't do (live with a man before marriage, work outside the home after having children), women who are disappointed that the young women of today don't share their fervor and sense of outrage (because those women were never told not to do those things). An increasing percentage of mothers with children under 5 are choosing not to work outside the home. Michelle Obama, as
Danielle Crittenden notes, spoke on Monday night more as a wife and mother than as a career woman (and indeed quit her $321,000 job to campaign for her husband). The Hillary feminists sense that time has passed them by. Time and the Democratic Party. Hillary Clinton addressed their grievances and gave them visibility and legitimacy.

In contrast, the argument for supporting Barack Obama was far more abstract. Clinton voters supported her because she could help those unfortunate souls out there (the requisite lugubrious stories follow). Barack Obama would help those unfortunate souls, and John McCain wouldn't, not at all. He'd just be four more years of George W. Bush. Ergo, logic requires you to support Barack Obama. But Clinton's affect was chilly, or at least seemed so to me; I could see the back of her head as she spoke from my press seats and could watch the Fox News feed on Chris Wallace's TV on the podium two rows in front of me. Yes, she smiled, but not a lot, and at moments when it was she (or her husband) she was spotlighting.

What was missing was much in the way of description of Barack Obama. What kind of man is he? One who supports the same positions she does. Has she looked deep into his heart and found something worthy? No evidence here that she had. Would he be a good commander-in-chief? Not a word on that, as the McCain campaign quickly and gleefully noted. Clinton can tell Obamaites that she made the case for Obama and brought the convention cheering to its feet. She can say that she told her supporters in the most explicit language possible to work hard for his election. She can make this claim whether he wins or (the more tantalizing case) he loses. In the latter case, she's made a good start on her own 2012 campaign. She'll be only 64 that year, the same age as George H. W. Bush when he was elected in 1988.
See also, Victor Davis Hanson, "Hil's Grand Strategy."

Michael Dukakis Emerges From Political Exile in Denver

Former Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis disappeared from the top echelons of the party establishment after his devastating loss to George H.W. Bush in 1988. I recall in 2004, during the Democratic Convention in Boston, where Senator John Kerry was being nominated, commentators still spoke of Dukakis as a disgraced loser who would not be on hand to address the delegates.

So it's interesting to see Dukakis reemerging from obscurity to attend this year's festivities in Denver. Katie Couric, in the video below, interviews Dukakis outside the Pepsi Center arena. The former Massachusetts Governor is apologetic for his loss in 1988, lamenting that he didn't combat the GOP attack-machine effectively. He says this year Obama's got to "fight fire with fire":

See also the background story on Dukakis' return at Scripps News Service, "Even Now, Dukakis Blames Himself for 1988 Blowout":

Twenty years have passed, but Michael Dukakis still kicks himself -- again and again and again.

Seven times in an hour-long chat, he brings up "mistakes" from that 1988 presidential election.

Twice, he flat-out admits that he "screwed it up." He wonders aloud whether he might have been naive. And, lest anybody still wonders who was to blame for his loss to Republican George H.W. Bush, Dukakis keeps repeating that the strategic decisions were "my fault, nobody else's."

Things just didn't work out the way the former Massachusetts governor had hoped. And this after what Dukakis considered a "great," "terrific," "unified," "positive" Democratic National Convention in Atlanta.

Turns out, a great political get-together just isn't enough, particularly if the presidential nominee forgets the most important part of a convention: The morning after.

After the last balloons drop, a presidential nominee has to start the campaign all over again. He has to be ready to fight back against attacks. And, Dukakis says from experience, those attacks are coming.

"What I would change obviously, and what you have to be aware of, is the final campaign is very different from the primary," Dukakis says, sitting in front of a vintage map of Denver at his daughter's stately home in the city's Country Club neighborhood. "You think you've addressed every issue under the sun. You try to do so in your acceptance speech. But it's a whole new ballgame, and you've got to begin, post-convention, as if the campaign has just begun."

After his upbeat convention in 1988, "I just kind of assumed, 'Look, it's just a continuation of what I've been doing: a very positive approach that so far seems to have done what I hoped it would," Dukakis says. "And anyway, that's the kind of guy I am, so we'll just kind of continue . . .' "

But it was a famous miscalculation. Dukakis wanted to stay positive. So he was slow to respond to some brutal attacks on his record, his positions and even his wife's reputation.

By the time he fought back, it was too late.

That's a painful lesson Democrats should never forget, Dukakis says. And it's clear that a sometimes "feisty" Sen. Barack Obama already has taken it to heart, he adds.

In Dukakis' view, any and all attacks have to be countered, swiftly and forcefully, he says. Or else, suffer his fate, a party's standard-bearer who ended up as one of those self-deprecating woulda, coulda, shoulda guys.
I think Dukakis is right to argue the best defense is a good offense, but in my mind his deadened, liberal technocratic ideology is what did him in, seen most infamously at the 1988 presidential debate where he told moderator Bernard Shaw that would not support the death penalty in response to the rape and murder of his wife, Kitty:

Dukakis can help the Democrats this year by reminding them that their soft-on-criminals eschatology had as much to do with their party's defeat 20 years ago as the GOP's well-justified attack strategy.

Clinton Backers Reject Party Unity

Hillary Clinton made a powerful case for Barack Obama and Democratic Party unity in her address last night to convention delegates at Denver's Pepsi Center.

Yet supporters of Senator Clinton, arguably the most important Democratic constituency in the country right now, remain uncommited to electing Barack Obama to the White House in November.

Here's the Washington Post's report:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's most loyal delegates came to the Pepsi Center on Tuesday night looking for direction. They listened, rapt, to a 20-minute speech that many proclaimed the best she had ever delivered, hoping her words could somehow unwind a year of tension in the Democratic Party. But when Clinton stepped off the stage and the standing ovation faded into silence, many of her supporters were left with a sobering realization: Even a tremendous speech couldn't erase their frustrations.

Despite Clinton's plea for Democrats to unite, her delegates remained divided as to how they should proceed.
The New York Times confirms the disunity, "Some Clinton Fund-Raisers Are Still Simmering":

A significant number of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s top fund-raisers remain on the sidelines and unwilling to work for Senator Barack Obama, a nettlesome problem that appears to be contributing to the campaign’s failure to keep pace with ambitious fund-raising goals it set for the general election.

The lingering rancor between the sides appears to have intensified at the Democratic convention, with grousing from some Clinton fund-raisers about the way they are being treated by the Obama campaign in terms of hotel rooms, credentials and the like. Tensions were already high, particularly in the wake of revelations that Mr. Obama did not vet Mrs. Clinton or ask her advice on his vice-presidential pick.

Many major Clinton fund-raisers skipped the convention; others are leaving Wednesday, before Mr. Obama’s speech.

More broadly, a consensus appears to have emerged among many major Clinton donors that the Obama campaign did not do enough to enlist their support, according to interviews with more than a half-dozen Clinton fund-raisers.
Gallup explains Democratic Party elusiveness as resulting from the defections of conservatives Democrats:

Barack Obama has been struggling to maintain his Democratic base thus far in August, and according to weekly averages of Gallup Poll Daily tracking, the problem seems to be with conservative Democrats.

Within the Democratic Party, Obama's losses are primarily evident among the relatively small group that describes its political views as conservative. The 63% of conservative Democrats supporting Obama over McCain in Aug. 18-24 polling is the lowest Obama has earned since he clinched the Democratic nomination in June. At the same time, there have been no similar drops in support for Obama in the preferences of liberal or moderate Democrats.
Here's Gallup on the implications of Obama's conservative defection for the general election:

Obama held the slight upper hand in the race from early June through mid-August. His failure to maintain that last week - averaging a tie with McCain at 45% - can be largely explained by some defection from the conservative wing of the Democratic Party, as well as less crossover support from moderate and liberal Republicans....

It will be important to see whether Obama's erstwhile supporters - particularly conservative Democrats - come back to the fold this week as they watch the Democratic National Convention and take a fresh look at their new nominee for president.
There's some "high anxiety" up in Denver, and if these folks don't come in for a landing, the party's hopes for a historic victory in the fall may dissipate in the clouds.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary Clinton’s Unofficial Announcement for 2012

Hillary Clinton's speech tonight to the Democratic National Convention in Denver may well be remembered as one of the most significant speeches in the history of American political party conventions.

Hillary Clinton Democratic Convention Speech

Over the last 18 months, Senator Clinton has developed into a masterful politician.

From launching her campaign from the high perches of arrogance and inevitability in early 2007, to returning to the stage tonight on the wings of generous magnanimity, Hillary Clinton delivered a knock out so decisive that it's clear she's fully deserving - in demeanor if not delgates - to be standing herself Thursday night at the rostrum accepting her party's nomination as candidate for President of the United States.

Whether or not she made the sale for Barack Obama
among her disgruntled supporters, there can be no doubt that a great many Americans saw what must rightly be considered Hillary Clinton's unofficial announcement for the Democratic nomination in 2012.

The speech had it all: From combative partisanship to compassionate public purpose, from bedrock American individualism and bold gendered hermeneutics, from historical lore to histrionic lampoons, Clinton's address affected a near-perfect tone that placed Democratic Party unity above her own immediate personal political interests.

Listeners may recall their favorite moments of the speech. Mine came near the end, when Clinton began
the crescendo toward her conclusion, drawing on the imagery of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad:

My mother was born before women could vote. My daughter got to vote for her mother for president. This is the story of America, of women and men who defy the odds and never give up.

So how do we give this country back to them? By following the example of a brave New Yorker, a woman who risked her lives to bring slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad.

On that path to freedom, Harriet Tubman had one piece of advice: "If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there's shouting after you, keep going. Don't ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going."
Senator Clinton continued, rallying the delegates at the Pepsi Center, exclaiming, "In America, you always keep going. We're Americans. We're not big on quitting."

Those words, of course, provide the perfect summation for her 2008 campaign. Like Roman General Maximus Decimus Meridius of the Academy Award-winning film epic,
Gladiator, Hillary Clinton simply wouldn't die.

From New Hampshire to Pennsylvania to Indiana, Hillary Clinton always kept going, scoring big electoral wins thoughout the primaries season, demonstrating massive appeal across demographic constituencies (not the least, significantly, being working-class whites).

But the power of her winning appeal will be tested over the next couple of days.

Sunday's CNN poll found the 27 percent of Democratic Hillary supporters saying they'd vote for John McCain in November. In Denver this week, Clinton supporters have joined together in solidarity to toast McCain at GOP-sponsored happy hour events.

Of course, it seems incredible that so many people - in their unhappiness with Barack Obama - would either bolt the party or stay home on election day - so the remaining months of the campaign will be instructive.

Much now depends on Obama himself. His political liabilities are manifold. From inexperience to perceived anti-American values, the success of his presidential bid rests fully in his hands.

Hillary Clinton tonight made a resounding case for party unity. If Democrats indeed submerge their rivalries in time to bolster their sagging fortunes, no small amount of the credit will be due to Hillary Clinton's unofficial announcement that she intends to be a major player in presidential politics four years from now.

Photo Credit: New York Times

McCain Surges as Obama's Biden Pick Flops in Public Opinion

The trends in polling this week are even more advantageous to the GOP than I've predicted thus far.

I argued previously that "
Obama Will Get No Post-Denver Polling Bounce," but even with that I'm caught off guard by Gallup's latest tracking numbers finding John McCain leading Barack Obama 46 to 44 percent:

McCain Leads Gallup

It's official: Barack Obama has received no bounce in voter support out of his selection of Sen. Joe Biden to be his vice presidential running mate.

Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Aug. 23-25, the first three-day period falling entirely after Obama's Saturday morning vice presidential announcement, shows 46% of national registered voters backing John McCain and 44% supporting Obama, not appreciably different from the previous week's standing for both candidates. This is the first time since Obama clinched the nomination in early June, though, that McCain has held any kind of advantage over Obama in Gallup Poll Daily tracking.

The race for president has been virtually tied since mid-August. In this period, Obama's support from national registered voters has consistently ranged from 44% to 46%. The 46% currently supporting McCain is technically his best showing since late May/early June, but is not a statistically significant improvement over his recent range from 43% to 45%. (To view the complete trend since March 7, 2008,
click here.)

analysis of historical election poll trends by Gallup Poll Managing Editor Jeff Jones shows that recent presidential campaigns have enjoyed a small (though short-lived) bounce from the running mate announcement. This includes a four percentage point bounce for John Kerry in 2004 after selecting John Edwards, a 5-point bounce for Al Gore in 2000 with his announcement of Joe Lieberman, and a 3-point bounce for George W. Bush in 2000 upon choosing Dick Cheney. Bob Dole received an extraordinary 9-point bounce in 1996 after bringing Jack Kemp onto his ticket.

All of these bounces occurred before the respective party's convention began, and in most cases the candidates received an additional boost in the polls upon completion of the convention. Thus, any increase in Obama's support in the coming days would seem to be more the result of the star-studded and well publicized Democratic national convention than the
apparently lackluster Biden selection.
Note that while, yes, McCain's lead remains within the margin-of-error range, holding statistical significance aside, over the last week McCain's picked up 6 percent on Obama on a straight point basis.

Trend-wise, this is even better than I'd hoped. My expectation earlier was for Obama to stagnate this week, getting a small single-digit bounce coming out his acceptance speech, a lead that would collapse upon the announcement of McCain's running mate.

Hillary better knock a Mile High home run tonight at the
Pepsi Center. Obama's lagging behind historical benchmarks, and the more I look at the data, the less favorable appear Democratic Party prospects, not only for a post-convention polling bounce, but for post-Labor Day campaign success as well.

Note finally, if McCain announces his vice-presidential running mate ahead of schedule, possibly on Thursday, the GOP may well chip into Obama's numbers even more (and a Thursday veep announcement could dramatically jumble the day's press cycle, surpressing the media bounce from Obama's acceptance speech in Denver).

Photo Credit: Cleveland Leader, "
McCain Pulls Ahead of Obama in Second Poll this Month."

Obama Dogged by 1960s Radical Ties

The American Issues Project has released a rebuttal to Barack Obama's Chicago-style campaign of intimidation against those speaking out against the Illinois Senator's associations with 1960s-era radical terrorists.

USA Today offers a background report, "
Obama Dogged by Links to 1960s Radical":

Conservatives are stepping up efforts to turn 1960s radical Bill Ayers into a political liability for Barack Obama.

This spring, Obama's links to Ayers briefly became a campaign controversy. Now American Issues Project is spending $2.8 million to air a TV ad highlighting links between Obama and Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground Organization, which opposed the Vietnam War and was responsible for several bombings.

Obama released a rebuttal TV ad Monday. "With all our problems, why is John McCain talking about the '60s, trying to link Barack Obama to radical Bill Ayers?" a narrator asks.

A movie, Hype: The Obama Effect, was first shown Sunday in Denver. It was made by Citizens United, another conservative group, and explores the Ayers-Obama connection and questions whether Obama can unite the country.

Documents released today by the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) will be scrutinized for clues to the relationship.

Ayers was a founder of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a school-reform group. Obama chaired its board from 1995-99. National Review reported last week that UIC said records detailing meetings and other business were public, then reversed itself. UIC said Friday there was a misunderstanding.

Obama and Ayers, now a professor and author, live a few blocks apart in this city's Hyde Park neighborhood. Conservative activists say their relationship is evidence that Ayers' radical politics helped mold Obama's views.

"Ayers is clearly a relevant issue as it relates to Obama's pattern of relationships," says David Bossie of Citizens United.

American Issues Project spokesman Christian Pinkston says Ayers' influence is an open question, but "it's hard to see how one actually could resolve having any sort of relationship with an admitted, remorseless domestic terrorist."

The ad notes that Weathermen bombed the Capitol and asks why Obama would "be friends with someone who bombed the Capitol and is proud of it?"

Ed Failor, a founder of American Issues Project, worked for John McCain's Iowa campaign.

The Obama campaign on Monday released a letter sent to the Justice Department last week asserting that the American Issues Project ad violates federal rules that bar tax-exempt political groups from advocating a candidate's election or defeat. Pinkston called it "a sad ploy to circumvent the First Amendment." The campaign also released a letter sent last week to TV stations disputing the ad's truthfulness.

Campaign officials say the 47-year-old candidate and the 63-year-old UIC education professor have only a casual relationship.

"The last time Obama saw Ayers was about a year ago when he crossed paths with him while biking in the neighborhood," says Ben LaBolt, a campaign spokesman. "The suggestion that Ayers was a political adviser to Obama or someone who shaped his political views is patently false."

Actually, the patent falshood is the lie that Obama's trying to perputate on the American people.

This story's received intense coverage from commentators in the right-wing press and blogosphere. It's high times for the mainstream media to pick up on this scandal and run with it.

See also: "
Attack Ads Slam Obama Ahead of Democratic Convention!", and "Fighting Back Against Obama’s Thugs."

McCain 3 AM Phone Call Greets Democrats on Defense

John McCain's got a brilliant new ad buy out attacking Barack Obama in 3:00am-style, with Hillary Clinton playing a starring role:

It's hard to imagine a more effective advertisement. The beauty is that by showcasing Hillary Clinton's criticism of Barack Obama, McCain inoculates the GOP from recriminations over going negative. What better way to hit the Democrats where it hurts than by using the potent Clinton wedge to both hammer Obama and potentially exacerbate tensions within Democratic ranks?

The McCain 3am call greets a Democratic Party on defense. Opening night in Denver showcased a bunch of left-wing partisans hesitant to go on attack against the GOP.

Josh Marshall wants Democrats to turn up the heat, to "attack, attack, attack," but his readers warn that Michelle Obama had to pitch her message softly. The unsaid reason? Mrs. Obama had to pump up Barack Hussein's family values. Otherwise, she'd only come off sounding shrill, with the effect of simply reminding voters of her rage against the machine, that with Barack Obama's nomination, this is the first time she's been proud of her country.

Marshall illustrates why the Democrats are on defense:

The real weapon the Republicans have on the table right now is simply burying Obama in so much sleaze, xenophobia and slurs that he becomes unelectable. In that sense, humanizing Obama, discrediting the attacks through an affirmative message, is the key to sealing the deal for Obama. I see that argument. To a significant degree I agree with it. And if this just wasn't the night for attack, attack, attack, that'd be fine. I just need to know it's coming and that - even if mainly in the hands of surrogates - it won't stop until election day. Listen to Begala. It's not about responding quickly to the attacks. It's about making McCain respond to Democrats' attacks.

If the Democratic nominee, his wife, and top party spokesmen have to rely on "surrogates" to attack "Bush/McCain" it defeats the whole purpose of a national nominating convention.

Paul Begala's right: The Democratic Convention got off poorly last night. The party's got emotion and uplift, but it also showed that as soon as it goes negative, it risks a "mirror, mirror on the wall" effect, that is, by going "bitter," Democratic attacks will work to emphasize the Obamas' essential opposition to American decency, an opposition that is the deep, sub rosa message of anti-Americanism from which Barack Obama and his wife so desperately need to hide.



Taylor Marsh laments the Democrats on defense:
Watching the convention from the media room, but also at times from inside the convention hall, you get a different take from what's being seen by the television audience. Still, when I get a gut feeling, well, it's usually worth listening to. I got that feeling last night when as the minutes, then hours ticked by, I still didn't know where it was all going. What the hell was it all about? At the end of it all I still didn't know. The whole night just floated from one moment to the next. I also didn't hear the most important thing of all.

Attacking George W. Bush? No.

Attacking John McCain who's agreed with George W. Bush 95% of the time? Nada.

Attacking the horrendous policies of the last years that has taken this country into the worst situation at home and around the world we've been in looking back decades? Zilch.

If this convention doesn't build to a unmitigated dissection of George W. Bush and John McCain, especially on foreign policy, but also the economy, one thing will happen. We will lose in November.

This is Marsh's buyer's remorse, you might say ... she's just not coming out with it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Michelle Obama Loves America: A Reintroduction

Michelle Obama, looking radiant and brimming with confidence, delivered an impassioned speech at the Democratic National Convention tonight in Denver.

Mrs. Obama's clear goal was to instill trust in the American people, trust that her husband was just like them, trust that the Democratic nominee shared their hopes and dreams for the health and prosperity of the nation and its people. She spoke of her loving father, who in ailing health spent extra time in the mornings to get ready for work. She spoke of how her dad exemplified a loving care that she worked hard to pass down in raising her daughters. And she spoke of the opportunity that America had provided, the opportunity to attend college and to be on that stage at the Democratic National Convention, living out the true meaning of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

Her address was
coherent, reasonably well-delivered, and warmly received by the delegates. Her performance seemed exponentially better than the video snippets from earlier this year, when she notoriously declared that for "the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country."

Mrs. Obama avoided such bitter negativism, finishing her encomium to the American dream with the exclamation, "And that is why I love this country..."

The Wall Street Journal provides some background on the importance of Mrs. Obama's speech:

Aides called her speech on Monday a "reintroduction" to the country. The goal was to show the Obamas as "an American family," said one. "It's get to know the Obamas; they could live next door."

In a statement Monday, the campaign said Mrs. Obama would talk about the couple's life together, "building a family grounded in faith and values."

"After all that's happened these past 19 months, the Barack Obama I know today is the same man I fell in love with 19 years ago," she planned to say in one section. "He's the same man who drove me and our new baby daughter home from the hospital 10 years ago this summer, inching along at a snail's pace, peering anxiously at us in the rear-view mirror, feeling the whole weight of her future in his hands, determined to give her everything he'd struggled so hard for himself, determined to give her what he never had: the affirming embrace of a father's love"....

Many black women hail her as an icon. She is a Princeton- and Harvard-educated lawyer who works as a hospital executive. She is also the mother of two young girls, and is seen as both stylish and outspoken on the campaign trail.

But many whites remain uneasy. In the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC poll, 29% of voters said they had a negative view of Mrs. Obama, almost twice as many as said they had a negative view of John McCain's wife, Cindy. Mrs. Obama's positives were also higher than Mrs. McCain's, with 38% saying they had a positive view of her, compared with 29% for Cindy McCain. (The rest were neutral or didn't have an opinion.)

Mrs. Obama's brother, Craig, when speaking about his sister's community service, did not mention that Public Allies Chicago, a youth leadership development organization where Mrs. Obama had been executive director, has steady ties the Gamaliel Foundation, a group spouting extreme, anti-American ideology on par with Reverend Jeremiah Revered Wright’s black liberation theology.

Stanley Kurtz has more on this:

After hearing about Barack Obama's ties to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Fr. Pfleger and the militant activists at ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), it should be clear to everyone that his extremist roots run deep. But Obama has yet another connection with the world of far-Left radicalism. Obama has long been linked - through foundation grants, shared political activism, collaboration on legislation and tactics, and mutual praise and support - with the Chicago-based Gamaliel Foundation, one of the least known yet most influential umbrella groups for church-based "community organizers." The same separatist, anti-American theology of liberation that was so boldly and bitterly proclaimed by Obama's pastor is shared, if more quietly, by Obama's Gamaliel colleagues. The operative word is "quietly." Gamaliel specializes in ideological stealth, and Obama, a master student of Gamaliel strategy, shows disturbing signs of being a sub rosa radical himself. Obama's legislative tactics, as well as his persistent profession of non-ideological pragmatism, appear to be inspired by his radical mentors' most sophisticated tactics. Not only has Obama studied, taught, and apparently absorbed stealth techniques from radical groups like Gamaliel and ACORN, but in his position as a board member of Chicago's supposedly nonpartisan Woods Fund, he quietly funneled money to his radical allies - at the very moment he most needed their support to boost his political career. It's high time for these shadowy, perhaps improper, ties to receive a dose of sunlight. The connections are numerous.
This background provides an even greater rationale for Michelle Obama's reintroduction to the American people, and to share the story of her family and her hard-working father. It's a background that seems innocent, even poignant, but wholly alien to the fist-bumping, fatigue-wearing, Angela Davis hair-styling image of the future First Lady that Michelle Obama may well still become.

This is why the success of Mrs. Obama's reintroduction tonight was of crucial importance. Her plea to the American people, her bid to reassure average folks that she really does love America, may help her weather some of the closer scrutiny of her Chicago ties that is likely to come before the November election.

The Revolution in Denver

Denver's anti-American, anti-Bush, anti-capitalist protests at the Democratic National Convention kicked off over the weekend, ahead of official party festivities.

Little Green Footballs has photos, and there's no doubt that this is one angry, Marxist revolutionary crowd.


The Denver Post has the background, and it looks likes the barricades are a bit undermanned:

Maybe it was too hot Sunday afternoon, or maybe they hadn't gotten warmed up yet, but the tens of thousands of demonstrators that protest organizers promised would march through Denver turned out to be tens of hundreds.

Demonstrations began early Sunday and kept up a steady beat of marching, sign waving — and tying up downtown traffic. But through most of it, protesters were vastly outnumbered by police and, occasionally, even by those who came downtown just to watch the spectacle.

Lt. Ron Saunier, a Denver Police Department spokesman, said the number of protesters that actually showed up was nowhere near what groups had told city officials to expect.

Recreate 68 had projected that as many as 25,000 or even 50,000 people would participate in activities this week. Instead, a group estimated by police at 1,000 to 1,200 participated in a Recreate 68 anti-war march Sunday morning, with a much smaller group parading up Colfax Avenue later in the day.
The protesters are not without television coverage, however, and this has amazingly generated some recriminations among the desperate netroots left:

When the news broke last week that the Clinton's formed a "whip team" to handle troublemakers, I immediately realized that any disturbance, no matter how insignificant, would be elevated to a top story. It's kind of like when there's an earthquake and all the helicopters swarm over a burning shack somewhere and people across America get the impression that all of California is engulfed in flames....

Naturally, FOX News is already leading the way by not just reporting that it's 1968 all over again, but
trying to actually stir up trouble for their broadcasts. But the rest of the media appears to be receiving the message perfectly. CNN is spending most of their time this morning talking about the attempts to "paper over" the big divisions in the party. MSNBC just ran a clip of Teddy Kennedy standing with Jimmy Carter in 1980 as NBC's David Brinkley cooed, "This is awkward."
Yep, everyone's out to sabotage the Democrats.

Yeah right ... who needs
Donald Segretti when International ANSWER's on hand outside the convention hall and Barack Hussein Obama's on the inside, with his machine bosses attacking Hillary Clinton supporters as "Uncle Tom"?

If the police end up having to break out
rifle butts and truncheons to control the radical riff-raff, Democrats voters might as well stay home on November 4.

Democratic Buyer's Remorse

In the midst of Barack Obama's latest controversy, this time over the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, I suggested that "Democratic buyer's remorse may be this year's October Surprise."

While my quip was prompted by
unrepentant 1960s radical William Ayers, the possibility of Democratic buyer's remorse enveloping both officials and the rank-and-file of the party appears increasingly likely.

The scale of Barack Obama's liabilities may be so grand, the range of his controversies so vast, and his depth of experience so shallow that the Democratic electorate may not need until October to realize it picked badly in the nomination contests this year.

Stuart Rothenberg makes the suggestion in his essay, "
Should Democrats Be Feeling Any Kind of Buyer's Remorse?":

As Democrats kick off their national convention to nominate Illinois Sen. Barack Obama as their nominee for president, there is little or no evidence that activists or insiders are having second thoughts about the party's standard-bearer.

In other words, buyer's remorse has not settled in, and it probably won't unless Republican Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) nips Obama at the wire 10 weeks from now.

Yet only the most uncritical party insider could avoid asking himself or herself the obvious question as delegates gather in Denver: Did Democrats, who two years ago placed no higher priority on selecting a candidate than on picking someone who could win back the White House in 2008, really pick the right person to carry the party's banner this year?

Obama remains the favorite to win in November, but he has not yet come close to locking up the race, even with a political landscape that is slanted so completely in his party's favor.

Because of that, it's hard not to wonder whether his party would be in a far more secure position to win the White House if Democrats in Denver were preparing to nominate Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden, former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner or any of a number of other Democrats, possibly including New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

On one hand, voters remain very unhappy with the Bush administration and with the direction of the country, and Obama remains one of the party's strongest messengers for "change."

Moreover, the Illinois Democrat's ability to excite younger voters and mobilize African-Americans is unmatched when compared to other potential Democratic nominees. Unlike what Clinton or Biden could have done as the party's presidential nominee, Obama may be able to change the traditional political arithmetic this year, benefiting Democrats up and down the ballot in many states.

But Obama's shortcomings, most particularly his limited experience, his difficulty connecting with older, working-class white voters and his inability to ease voter doubts about his ability to handle foreign policy crises, make him inherently a riskier choice for the White House.

The Senator's supporters, of course, argue that events have proved the soundness of his judgment, and he'll have plenty of opportunities during the next two and a half months to do what Ronald Reagan did in 1980 -- convince undecided voters that he has the toughness, astuteness and levelheadedness to protect U.S. interests abroad and deal with tough, even ruthless, adversaries.

But at least at this point in the campaign, with the surge in Iraq apparently paying dividends and the Russian invasion of Georgia reminding Americans of the dangers that still exist internationally, Obama looks far more fragile as a nominee than he did five months ago, riding the wave of change.
Rothenberg's putting it mildly, but read more at the link.

A key point from the article: As much as Democrats want to focus on "
Bush's third term," John McCain's been successful in making this summer's media coverage a referendum on Barack Obama's fitness to serve.

And don't forget about the trouble in Hillaryland!

It turns out that
some of Clinton's top advisers will skip Obama's acceptance speech at INVESCO Field.

Not only that, Hillary's delegates are being told
to vote their conscience, in Denver, which could make for some hot times on the convention floor, particulary since the sparks have already started to fly: Delmarie Cobb, a Clinton delegate from Chicago, has apparently been slurred as an "Uncle Tom" by Emil Jones, Barack Obama's South Side political mentor. It remains to be seen if the Clinton-Obama disunity will be settled in time to salvage the promise of the Democrats' historic primary season earlier this year.

the presidential horse race remains tied, and 27 percent of Hillary's supporters say they'll support McCain in November, up from 16 percent in late June.

Hillary's Convention Narrative

Long-time readers will recall that I blogged the presidential primaries like a man on fire.

I recall, earlier this year, as the Democratic race wore on, many commentators suggested that the party schism between the supporters of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama was
potentially fatal to Democratic Party hopes in the fall. I discounted such talk. Anger at nearly eight years of GOP rule would provide a central focal point binding the disparate left-wing factions together by the time of the national party conventions and beyond.

That scenario might have held, but with Barack Obama becoming the Democratic nominee, the passions of the "Hillraisers" haven't settled down; and the selection of Joe Biden as running-mate may have been the ultimate slap in the face, especially since Clinton apparently wasn't even vetted for the post (I remember all of the "unity" rallies now ... a waste for Obama, but a PR milestone for Hillary).

Well, it turns out that even if Hillary Clinton gives a bang-up send-off speech for Obama, her supporters my nurse enough grudges to defect from Democratic Party ranks anyway, with large numbers voting for John McCain in the general election. Top Democratic officials are already moving
to revise the party's presidential nomination process. All of this is combining for a perfect storm of self-immolation this year, especially with hopes of a bounce in polling trends dangerously deflating for the Obama-Biden ticket.

All of this prompts Rich Lowry to suggests that the dominant narrative this week in Denver will be Hillary Clinton's:

IT'S Hillary's convention. Not in the way she imagined it when the primary battle began - she's not the nominee making history and bidding to end the dread Bush years. That role has been usurped by Barack Obama.

But the convention narrative revolves around her in important ways.

It's not just because so much drama attaches to the question of how she and embittered husband Bill regard Obama, and not just because she and Bill are getting so much air time. Obama has two major challenges this week - and both are Hillary-centric.

First, Obama has to win over Hillary's voters from the primaries, only 52 percent of whom are now supporting him, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

Second, he has to occupy the space on the political spectrum that Hillary carved out in the primaries - identifying himself with mainstream American values, demonstrating a toughness on foreign affairs and connecting with the working class with his economic policies. (If he's at a loss how to do any of it, perhaps Hillary can explain it over a shot and beer chaser.)

That Obama is still performing so poorly among Hillary voters makes the prominence he's given the Clintons look less like an abject capitulation and more like a strategic necessity. If the Clintons can deliver Hillary's voters, every minute devoted to them will have been worth it.

The Clintons, of course, are profoundly conflicted. They've long thought Obama will lose, but they can't betray that belief lest - should Obama actually fail in the fall - they get blamed, engendering the bitterness of half the party.
Lowry suggests that the Clintons are torn over all of this. They don't think Obama's electable, but they can't say it publicly, for fear of being blamed for a Democratic catastrophe.

There's no better outcome for the Clintons, of course. Hillary will become the odds-on Democratic frontrunner if McCain wins on November 4.

The Politico has more in its piece, "
Tensions Boil Between Obama-Clinton Camps."

Note that all of this is taking place during an electoral environment for 2008 seen as a slam-dunk Democratic year. For example, Bloomberg writes this morning, "
Democrats Begin Convention With Most Advantages Since Watergate."

today's polls aren't cooperating, partly because Hillary supporters are dragging down the numbers for the Democratic ticket.

The party needs that "
game changer," and they need it fast.

Netroots Seeks Leftward Shift in Media Coverage

Just this weekend American Power was dismissed as a "random, arcane, nearly useless professorial blog" by Professor Russell Burgos at UCLA.

I'm not familiar with Burgos' work, but a quick
Google search indicates he's apparently a frequent contributor to hard-left blog comment threads, and he spends time writing progressive letters to the editor. Burgos is also an Army veteran, so perhaps that background informs his left-wing perspective, something like an Apocalypse Now syndrome.

In light of all this, it's not surprising Burgos would dismiss American Power as "nearly useless," although my feeling is that Burgos wouldn't say the same thing of the lefty blogs he frequents, like Washinton Monthly's "
Political Animal."

I mention all of this while contemplating this morning's piece at the Politico, "
Netroots Push Back Against MSM 'Bias'." The article suggests left-wing bloggers hardly agree with the notion of the "liberal media," and they're out to do something about it:

If you asked a random sample of progressive Democrats and liberal bloggers to describe the current state of political media, from CNN to The New York Times, there’s one word that’s unlikely to come up: “liberal.”

For those on the left, the more operative words these days are “mainstream,” “establishment,” or “traditional.” And if one is feeling particularly aggrieved, the description of choice is increasingly — and surprisingly — “conservative.”

Gone are the days when only the right howled about bias and malice from network anchors and star political reporters. What began roughly a decade ago as frustration from Democrats over coverage of President Bill Clinton’s impeachment and adulterous escapades has morphed into an informally organized rapid response network, ready to pounce on any and all perceived media slights against Barack Obama.

Clearly, bloggers aren’t a monolithic group. But it’s fair to say that liberal bloggers — and the more activist-oriented members of the Netroots within that group — have been calling out the media’s campaign coverage with far more regularity than just four years ago. And it’s not simply because there are more activists who know how Moveable Type works.

Pushback against the media has been aided by the growth of more sophisticated liberal news sites, such as Talking Points Memo and The Huffington Post. In 2004, TPM founder Josh Marshall didn’t have any paid staffers; this year he has nine. And Arianna Huffington’s arsenal of nearly 2,000 bloggers didn’t exist until President Bush was already six months into his second term. Not to mention, liberal watchdog group Media Matters — which provides ammo to many bloggers — has grown in that time from about 20 staffers to near 100, according to a source familiar with the organization.

Criticism from the left can take a variety of forms, including fact-checking, aggregating links and sometimes original reporting. Also, similar to the right’s strategy over decades of “working the refs,” there are left-leaning bloggers who provide a knee-jerk dismissal of whatever’s on the front page of the Times or making the rounds on Sunday chat shows.

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas, who co-authored with Jerome Armstrong the seminal Netroots tract, “Crashing the Gates,” said in an e-mail that he’s found political coverage to be “utterly vapid, devoid of context, frequently wrong, and wedded to narratives that defy all logic and reality.”

Trolling a handful of the top liberal blogs, it’s obvious that Moulitsas’ critique isn’t isolated.

Liberal bloggers often raise the issue of how Al Gore and John Kerry were treated by the press and have adopted a “never again” approach to the 2008 race. Bloggers raise a ruckus when they believe the media is focusing too heavily on superficial issues rather than policy. Some examples: bloggers cried foul when the national press kept writing about whether Obama wore a flag lapel pin, as well as the various narratives discussed as clouding his chances in November — inexperience, overly eloquent, arrogant, too skinny, too black or not black enough. And don’t mention Bittergate, Obama’s now infamous thoughts about Americans who own guns and go to church, to a left-of-center blogger, either.

“Liberals believe that they can’t get a fair shake from the media anymore,” said Eric Alterman, media critic and author of the 2003 book “What Liberal Media?”

So when liberals feel the media is misrepresenting something important, Alterman said, they respond quickly. “That’s an exact mirror of what the right did with talk radio,” he added.

Alterman, like several liberal writers interviewed, said that he considers the majority of Beltway journalists to be socially liberal but “corrupted by their need to be part of the establishment.”
Read the whole thing, here.

The basic academic consensus, a point the Politico touches on, is that journalists are mostly left-wing Democrats, but they seek to practice the objective professionalism that is the standard of non-biased journalism. Hence, the leftoshere's outrage is now basically transplanting 1990s-era talk radio as the grassroots movement du jour seeking to eviscerate views that don't align with their own.

Netroots practices are often totalitarian, seen, for example, in
Jane Hamsher's latest atttempt to smother journalists who are friendly with Republicans.

To borrow from
Megan McArdle, the netroots' anger at the establishment media power structure seems to be rapidly transmuting into anger at the non-netroots media power structure.

No doubt
Russell Burgos approves. Perhaps he can redirect some of that anger at C-SPAN.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Poll Confirms Obama Dangers as Convention Begins

As I argued this afternoon, Michael Dukakis held a seven-point lead over George H.W. Bush in public opinion polling on the eve of the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Governor Dukakis went on to enjoy a 17 percentage-point bounce after being nominated by his party for the general election campaign.


But this year, Barack Obama's campaign is floundering in the polls in an election that has all the makings and excitement of a Democratic blowout in November. Indeed, at an identical point in the campaign compared to 20 years ago (with the Democrats then, like now, seeking the White House after nearly eight years of GOP rule), Gallup finds the 2008 race in a perfect tie, with 45 percent of voters nationwide supporting each candidate for president.

This should not be happening to the Democrats.

John McCain's campaign
was criticized in March for campaign drift, for missing a golden opportunity to seize the initiative while the Democratic campaign sludged along. Just six-weeks ago McCain was considered still adrift, in need of a dramatic shakeup, a "dose of discipline." Throughout the year, the GOP's suffered from an "enthusiasm gap" that has promised to swamp the party in turnout come November. And the GOP has trailed the Democrats badly in the money race, with the uptick in McCain's July reporting seen as a lifeline after months of underperformance in campaign receipts.

Well, something has happened along the roads to Denver and Minneapolis. In the first public opinion survey conducted since news of Joe Biden's selection as the Democratic running mate,
CNN is reporting that McCain and Obama are tied dead-even in the presidential horse race:

It’s a dead heat in the race for the White House. The first national poll conducted entirely after Barack Obama publicly named Joe Biden as his running mate suggests that battle for the presidency between the Illinois senator and Republican rival John McCain is all tied up.

In a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll out Sunday night, 47 percent of those questioned are backing Obama with an equal amount supporting the Arizona senator.

“This looks like a step backward for Obama, who had a 51 to 44 percent advantage last month,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

“Even last week, just before his choice of Joe Biden as his running mate became known, most polls tended to show Obama with a single-digit advantage over McCain,” adds Holland.

So what’s the difference now?

It may be supporters of Hillary Clinton, who still would prefer the Senator from New York as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

Sixty-six percent of Clinton supporters, registered Democrats who want Clinton as the nominee, are now backing Obama. That’s down from 75 percent in the end of June. Twenty-seven percent of them now say they’ll support McCain, up from 16 percent in late June.

“The number of Clinton Democrats who say they would vote for McCain has gone up 11 points since June, enough to account for most although not all of the support McCain has gained in that time,” says Holland.

Clinton and Obama battled throughout the primary season, with Clinton winning more than 40 percent of the delegates. She suspended her bid for the White House and backed Obama in early June, after the end of the primary season.
A majority of those surveyed said the selection of Biden was a good pick, although Clinton supporters were significantly less enthusiastic as registered Democrats as a whole.

Note though, Obama's weaknesses are also found beyond the CNN survey: The Western States poll now reports McCain holding a nine-point regional spread over Obama "If the 2008 presidential election were held today..."

This week should go a long way toward settling questions surrounding the inability of the Democrats to take advantage of the permissive environment helping the party this year.

There have been suggestions that a "wave of buyer’s remorse has swept the Democratic Party." While that sounds like a premature hypothesis, Obama's tepid support in public opinion - particularly coming on the heels of his veep selection - is certainly starting to flesh out the thesis a bit.