Friday, May 15, 2009

Majority of Americans Identify as "Pro-Life"

I debated "social scientist" Scott Lemieux the other day, after he suggested that public opinion data indicate strong majority support for Roe v. Wade. Lemieux's key piece of evidence? A five year-old blog post with dead links.

Now, while Lemieux's specifically discussing support for Roe v. Wade, the underlying question is public support for abortion, and I called him on it in the comments. He in turn sent me to the abortion page at Polling Report, which frankly, didn't help his case, as I suggested in another comment:

CNN/Opinion Research April 23-26 shows declining suppport for "pro-choice" position, and 49 percent is bare plurality within the margin of error (i.e., statistically insignificant). NBC News/WSJ September 6-8, 2008, just 25 percent should always be legal. Both the Washington Post and Pew show declining support for abortion "in all cases."

Geez, Scott, that's some ace blogging there, buddy! I can see why you cited a 5 year-old blog post with dead links, ROFLMFAO!
This discussion provides an interesting and pertinent background to the new Gallup survey out today on the declining support for abortion, "More Americans “Pro-Life” Than “Pro-Choice” for First Time."

Just 42 percent identify as "pro-choice" at the discussion, which is precisely in line with the declining trends in the "pro-choice" side found at
Polling Report. Gallup provides an analysis of the trends:

With the first pro-choice president in eight years already making changes to the nation's policies on funding abortion overseas, expressing his support for the Freedom of Choice Act, and moving toward rescinding federal job protections for medical workers who refuse to participate in abortion procedures, Americans -- and, in particular, Republicans -- seem to be taking a step back from the pro-choice position. However, the retreat is evident among political moderates as well as conservatives.

It is possible that, through his abortion policies, Obama has pushed the public's understanding of what it means to be "pro-choice" slightly to the left, politically. While Democrats may support that, as they generally support everything Obama is doing as president, it may be driving others in the opposite direction.
The partisan implications are clear: Barack Obama is seriously alienating the roughly 20 percent of voters at the political center who the Democrats need to maintain a viable electoral coalition. And always remember: "Republicans did not lose the 2008 election because they were out of step ideologically with average Americans."

And because of this, hardline leftists are already spinning
Gallup's results as unrepresentative. Dana Goldstein, at the American Prospect, argues that "these latest number are, quite likely, outliers."

And then, coincidentally, Scott Lemieux follows up at American Prospect as well, "
More on Abortion and Public Opinion":

As Dana says, the direction of public opinion has been solidly pro-choice, although marginal regulations on abortion tend (regrettably) to be very popular. So barring a much more sustained trend, it is indeed pretty safe to assume that the latest Pew and Gallup surveys are outliers ....

One should be particularly wary about poll questions, like the Gallup survey, that ask people to choose between abortion being legal in "most" or "a few" circumstances. Leaving aside the vagueness, the
obvious problem is that for the most part such a question is irrelevant to legislative enactments ....

Speaking of concrete questions, for some reason polling firms often don't ask about Roe v. Wade. When
they do, however, note that there are always substantial majorities in favor of upholding it.
On support for Roe, Lemieux again links to the same generic Polling Report page as if that provides some kind of powerful support for his argument.

The problem, first, for Lemieux is that
Gallup's survey questions are in fact not "vague." As readers can see from the graph above, the question simply asks people of they consider themselves to be "pro-choice" or "pro-life." And only 4 in 10 support the "pro-choice" position. Indeed, if you check the survey, the choices for various question-items are clear and unambiguous. The results show steadily declining support for abortion in America. The poll asks, for example, should abortion be legal under any circumstances; legal under certain circumtances; or illegal under all circumstances:

In answer to a question providing three options for the extent to which abortion should be legal, about as many Americans now say the procedure should be illegal in all circumstances (23%) as say it should be legal under any circumstances (22%). This contrasts with the last four years, when Gallup found a strong tilt of public attitudes in favor of unrestricted abortion.
There's nothing "vague" about this at all.

Pew released a poll on abortion just two weeks ago, asking whether abortion should be legal in all or most circumstances or illegal in all or most circumstances. Just 46 percent indicated that abortion should be legal in "all/most" circumstances, and what's especially interesting is the steady trend indicated at the questionnaire page in the declining support for abortion over roughly the last 15 years.

It's clear that support for abortion in the U.S. is on the decline. Actually, the election of Democrat Barack Obama to the White House has accelerated the drop off in support. Lemieux, second, cites no recent data to indicate continuing public support for Roe v. Wade. But given the more generalized results from a variety of recent surveys, it's clear that Roe v. Wade is barely hanging on for dear life (or "dear death," be that as it may).

See also Lemieux at Lawyers, Guns and Money, "Abortion and Public Opinion."


Side Note: There's a lot of discussion of torture in the news, but for some real tortured pro-death logic, be sure to check the comment thread at Lemieux's post at Lawyers, Guns and Money I cited above. For example, right here:

I think it would better suit the arguments of the pro-choice movement to define fetuses as humans without consciousness. For instance, arguments are frequently made that those in a vegetative state can justifiably be killed (removed from life support) since they have no hope of regaining consciousness or otherwise enjoying life as most of us experience it. In this instance, human life is terminated on pragmatic grounds--pragmatic in terms of the patient's life and in terms of use of resources.

What this leads to in the context of abortion is a removal of the argument over whether a fetus is or is not human and replaces it with a discussion over the merits of allowing every fetus to come to term. Why is this a good thing? Well, first, it moves the debate towards the real problems solved by legalized abortion: overpoplulation, childhood poverty and/or neglect, abandonment, infanticide, botched non-medical abortions, threats to the health of mothers, etc. These problems are not minor and deserve to be the focus of the abortion debate.
And these kind of suggestions are extremely common on the left. The politics of abortion isn't really about "choice." It's about death. It's no suprise, then, that Americans are slowly but surely turning away from such gruesome far left-wing anti-life nihilism.

New York Times, Nation's "Paper of Record," Rejects Frontpage Coverage of Pelosi Scandal

The Hill's lead headline this morning blares "Storm Center Over Pelosi" (frontpage image here). And today's Washington Post features a couple of A1 stories, "Accusations Flying in Interrogation Battle: Pelosi Says CIA Misled Congress on Methods," and "Speaker's Comments Raise Detainee Debate to New Level."

So, how about the nation's "unofficial newspaper of record"? Nope, Nancy Pelosi's allegations of CIA lies and deception don't rate the frontpage:

In fact, the Times clearly hopes this story goes away, and fast. They've buried their coverage deep inside the front section, at page A20, "Pelosi Says She Knew of Waterboarding by 2003." And the editorial page makes no mention of Washington's biggest news at the op-ed page.

The Los Angeles Times is no better, relegating
its coverage of Pelosi to page A15.

In contrast, the Wall Street Journal features a major A3 story, "
Pelosi and CIA Clash Over Contents of Key Briefing." And today's lead editorial at the Journal hammers the Speaker, "Pelosi's Self-Torture."

While there's some suggestion of "
yellow journalism" in the media of late, we might also see the Pelosi scandal as again substantiating the rise of a new partisan press.


UPDATE: If I didn't know better, I'd think the Weekly Standard was reading American Power! See John McCormack's nearly identical post, "Pelosi Accuses CIA of Lying, the NYT Reports . . . on Page A-18."

Pelosi Engulfed by Her Own Game of Political Retribution

The tortured debate on enhanced interrogations is getting more tortured by the day.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has now elevated the left's power-hungry hypocrisy to the center of partisan politics. Today's lead editorial at
the Wall Street Journal perfectly captures the moment and implications of Pelosi's pursuit of political retribution:

Given House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's acknowledged skill at torturing the Bush Administration in recent years, it no doubt afforded her critics some pleasure yesterday to watch her twist in the wind in front of the press over what she knew and when about the CIA's terrorist interrogations. With mockery even from Jon Stewart on Comedy Central, Mrs. Pelosi has turned herself into a spectacle about a subject that she and fellow Democrats had themselves reduced to a spectacle of demagogic accusation and blame, repeatedly threatening to put Bush officials in the dock for "condoning torture ..."

Whatever one's politics may be, there has to be some recognition that Washington -- the U.S. government -- simply can't function if it is endlessly entangled in the exquisitely argued, one might say absurd, blame-games that she and some Democrats are running against former Bush officials, and that now threaten the political standing of the Speaker herself.

Barack Obama won the election and as President he now has a government to run. With that responsibility comes the necessity to make difficult decisions, as those he has made on prisoner photos and military tribunals attest. If he is to succeed, he needs a capital city of responsible partners, not a running circus with the Speaker of the House at the center, blaming everyone else as she flees from any responsibility for what she heard and did.
As I argued yesterday, Speaker Pelosi should step aside. President Obama should encourage her to do so. As John Hinderaker argued yesterday:

I don't suppose anyone imagines that the CIA was foolish enough to lie to Pelosi and others about the use of waterboarding. On the contrary, it seems obvious that everyone in the chain of command was covering himself or herself by disseminating information about the harsh interrogations of three al Qaeda leaders. Pelosi has now opened the lid on a box that she will not be able to close. The CIA has no choice but to defend itself by demonstrating that she, not the Agency, is lying. Possibly Leon Panetta can save her, but at the moment, it is hard to see how this affair can end with Pelosi remaining as Speaker of the House.
The spectacle has taken politics to a new level, even by the standards of today's polarization. It's utterly astounding to see nihilist leftists attacking folks like Charles Krauthammer with childish Photoshops. And incredibly, James Fallows, the premiere writer at the Atlantic, is arguing that former Senator Bob Graham has "shifted the debate" away from Pelosi's lies (main story on Graham, here).

Amazing ...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Speaker Pelosi Should Step Down

I found no embed code, but the ABC News video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's press conference on enhanced interrogations is devastating. Check the MSNBC video below as well. Pelosi claims she was misled by the agency. Indeed, she accuses CIA officials of giving her "inaccurate and incomplete" information on waterboarding and enhanced interrogation methods:

The New York Times has a long rundown of Pelosi's involvement, and the post says the press conference was "heated." See, "Pelosi Acknowledges She Was Told of Waterboarding in 2003":

"I am saying that the C.I.A. was misleading the Congress and at the same time the administration was misleading the Congress on weapons of mass destruction," Ms. Pelosi said.

Senator Joseph Lieberman, inteviewed by NBC's Norah O'Donnell, disputes Pelosi's allegations that intelligence officials lied:

No, on that specific point, I totally disagree. You have to have confidence in the CIA. And over the 20 years I’ve been here, I’ve been briefed constantly by the CIA and I’d say that they’ve told me the truth, as they see it.

I think Speaker Pelosi has completely lost the confidence of the American people. As Andrea Tantaros indicates:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has told multiple and conflicting tall tales regarding her knowledge of what she knew about the Bush administration’s information gathering tactics, when we know she was told about waterboarding in 2002, did nothing, and now has misled the American people about it.
Thus, until a resolution on this matter is reached in Congress and at the White House, I'm calling for Speaker Pelosi to step aside as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Also, if the clamor for investigations continues, President Obama should appoint an independent, bipartisan committee outside of the Congress to investigate the matter. The Democrats cannot be trusted on these matters, and the partisan witchhunt has gone on too long. Attacks on the previous administration have now reached a level of unacceptable distraction to the important business of the nation.

Speaker Pelosi: Step aside!

Leftists Take Refuge in Denial

Dr. Sanity's got another great post up, from yesterday, "The Consequences of Denial; or, The Perils of Self-Delusion."

Her point of departure is Jed Gladstein's essay, "
The Price of Denial is Death," from American Thinker. She quotes Gladstein's key sections, adds an outline on the negative consequences of psychological denial, and then applies it to today's radical left:

Never have so many been willing to deny so much reality!Any success that was accomplished under a Republican is an unacceptable reality for them, thus they must distort it; and even make that success a crime, in order to maintain their own fragile sense of self.

Every person in denial has a
hidden psychological agenda--which, in these examples, is nothing less than the continued humiliation of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, the Republicans, and America so that they can continue to shore up their own self-esteem.Note that even after they have won the White House, their dysfunction continues.

They pride themselves on "speaking Truth to Power", but at the
White House correspondents' dinner the other night, who were they denigrating with their humor? President Obama? The Democrats in power? No, they were still harping on the past Administration which has become the convenient scapegoat for their own irresponsibility, incompetence, and aversion to reality.

Their rhetoric is always designed to obfuscate and deny objective reality --which interestingly is a concept they don't even believe in to begin with (or, they believe in it until it become threatening then they seek refuge behind postmodern political rhetoric). The motivation for their continual Bush/Republican bashing is simple: they have no real ideas of their own (except the same one my teen daughter and her friends have: spend lots and lots of money without concern about where it comes from or who pays the bills. I can understand the teens--they are children still and irresponsibility is their default. They will grow out of it with patience. But the Obama Adminsitration is supposedly composed of adults who should know better). Unfortunately, they are as irresponsible as it is possible to be as adults.

As the real world presses in on them, their voices of the left will become ever more shrill and hysterical; their rage at the past will escalate (because dysfunction always escalates). They will look for--and find--new, improved scapegoats. The previous Administration is just the beginning. They will have to scapegoat big business, small business, Wall Street, and capitalism itself, to maintain their economic delusions; and they will have to scapegoat Israel and the Jews along with the previous administration, to be able to continue to maintain their delusion that Islamic terrorists are simply misunderstood citizens of the world, who given the chance to idolize Barack Obama will enthusiastically embrace this Messiah who transcends faith and focuses his largesse upon them.

It's been a while since most of the minions of the left bothered to argue their points logically; nor do they want to debate at all. They simply loudly denounce any idea or person who threatens their ideology or their god in the White House; or deliberately and with the ruthless finesse of all tyrants and thugs, simply attempt to silence all dissenting opinions.

9/11 did not wake them up; rather it forced them to openly move toward what they have supported surreptitiously all along--the elimination of free speech in the name of political correctness and multiculturalism; a dictatorship where the pseudo-intellectual, politically correct priesthood rule; and complete control over the lives of others (for their own good, of course!). Why should they waste a crisis, when they can use it to implement their ideology with the least muss and fuss?

their long-range objectives happen to parallel those of the Islamic terrorists, they care not that their behavior enables and encourages the terrorist's agenda. They blithely denounce America and the principles of freedom and democracy out of one side of their mouth, while remaining convinced that their actions are patriotic and are representative of "true" American values.

Once they considered it patriotic to dissent (when Bush was in the White House); now, of course, any dissent must be labeled at once for the racism and sexism and hate that it represents.

Their outrage at Republicans or Israel conveniently obscures the reality that we are at war with an implacable enemy that wants to kill us all.

That's what denial is all about. It allows--nay, it encourages-- the most blatant contradictions in thinking; and the individual does not ever have to account for those contradictions or take responsibility for them because they don't even perceive them!
Facts, shmacts.
Good stuff, and there's more at the link.

Republicans in the Wilderness?

It's amazing sometimes how really awful mainstream political reporting has become. I'm just now reading Time's cover story this week, "Republicans in Distress: Is the Party Over?", and the half-truths and distortions are literally breathtaking. Note this passage on the GOP as the "Party of No":

The Democratic critiques of the GOP — that it's the Party of No, or No Ideas — are not helpful either. It's silly to fault an opposition party for opposition; obstructionism helped return Democrats to power. Republicans actually have plenty of ideas.

That's the problem. The party's ideas — about economic issues, social issues and just about everything else — are not popular ideas. They are extremely conservative ideas tarred by association with the extremely unpopular George W. Bush, who helped downsize the party to its extremely conservative base. A hard-right agenda of slashing taxes for the investor class, protecting marriage from gays, blocking universal health insurance and extolling the glories of waterboarding produces terrific ratings for Rush Limbaugh, but it's not a majority agenda. The party's new, Hooverish focus on austerity on the brink of another depression does not seem to fit the national mood, and it's shamelessly hypocritical, given the party's recent history of massive deficit spending on pork, war and prescription drugs in good times, not to mention its continuing support for deficit-exploding tax cuts in bad times.
It's a simplistic slogan, the "Party of No," and the Democrats know it. But notice how Time's Michael Grunwald substantiaties the meme anyway.

No one is talking about tax cuts for the "investor class." Conservatives simply think taxes are too high already, and they don't believe President Obama at his word when he says taxes won't increase on those making less than $250,000. And on same-sex marriage, as I've demonstrated many times, "protecting marriage from gays" is in fact majority opinion,
nationally and in Iowa in recent polls.

Not only that. No one is "blocking" universal health insurance. Current Democratic health care proposals don't even claim to guarantee universal insurance coverage. What leftist are actually promoting is an opt-out provision to shift consumers to a government-run health bureaucracy whose ulitimate goal is to destroy private health markets and transform American medicine into an inferior ration-plagued socialized medical regime. And on torture, as we all know, the Democrats are all about
hypocrisy and witchunts, and majorities oppose torture trials against former Bush administration officials in any case.

And we're simply not "on the brink of another depression." God, the stupidity rankles! The Dems just want big government activism, damn the leading economic indicators! Recall my earlier post, "
With Recession Easing, Obama Will Keep Spending Anyway."

But actually Grunwald does have a piont about the GOP's "recent history of massive deficit spending on pork, war and prescription drugs ..."

This is precisely why the Republican grassroots is fired up. The GOP has gone off the tracks and the right-wing base of the party wants a return to not only limited government, but good government. And don't forget, "
Republicans did not lose the 2008 election because they were out of step ideologically with average Americans."

The "Republicans in the Wilderness" meme has emerged as the left's major media frame to cover for the genuine fear among progressives that their government mandate is miniscule and their electoral majority fragile. The Democratic-media is simply attempting to brainwash the public with the "GOP is in disarray" propaganda. Their hope is that this smokescreen will work like magic to mask the Obama administration's incompetence and overreach.

On a related note, Erick Florack cites
American Power in his essay at Pajamas Media today, "Frustrated Conservative Base Itching to Take Off the Gloves." As Florack notes:

For eight years, every single time the Republicans made any kind of a move, it was reason enough for the Democrats to hold a press conference. They would scream and gnash their teeth over whatever the news of the day happened to be. In so doing, they managed to cast anything even remotely Republican to be bad or evil.
Well, as they say, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Related: For more examples of Democratic-media propaganda, see Dan Balz, "As Cheney Seizes Spotlight, Many Republicans Wince," and also Memeorandum.

Palin Backs Prejean, Blasts "Liberal Onslaught"

Here's The Politico's report, "Sarah Palin Backs, Relates to, Miss California" (via Memeorandum). But see also, "Palin Backs Miss Calif., Blasts 'Liberal Onslaught'":

In a strongly worded statement relased late Wednesday, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin defended Miss California Carrie Prejean and ripped into "the liberal onslaught of malicious attacks" against Prejean for her response to a question about gay marriage.

"I can relate as a liberal target myself," Palin said. "What I find so remarkable is that these politically-motivated attacks fail to show that what Carrie and I believe is also what President Obama and Secretary Clinton believe — marriage is between a man and a woman."

Prejean created a stir with her response to a question about gay marriage at last month's Miss USA pageant, questions about her work with gay marriage opponents and nearly nude photos taken of her when she was a teenager put her title in jeopardy.

"I applaud Donald Trump for standing with Carrie during this time. And I respect Carrie for standing strong and staying true to herself, and for not letting those who disagree with her deny her protection under the nation's First Amendment Rights," the former vice presidential candidate said.

"Our Constitution protects us all — not just those who agree with the far left," Palin said.

On Wednesday, former Miss USA Shanna Moakler resigned as co-executive director of the Miss California USA pageant, saying she no longer believes in the organization because of pageant owner Donald Trump's decision to let the state's controversial title holder keep her crown.

At a news conference, Moakler angrily accused Prejean of violating the contract she signed with pageant organizers, but Trump announced Tuesday that Prejean would keep her title.

Moakler, the Miss USA of 1995, said she decided after Trump's news conference to quit.
For more on Moakler's resignation, see Robert Stacy McCain, "Miss December 2001 Decides She Can No Longer Associate With Miss USA Pageant." See also the commentary at Memeorandum.

Will Leftists Launch "Currency Trutherism" Against Nouriel Roubini?

You know, I'm no economist, but I'd say Nouriel Roubini is vindicating some of my recent economic analysis on the role of the dollar as the international reserve currency. In a couple of posts, especially, "Leftists Launch "Currency Trutherism" Against Bachmann," I showed that Representative Michelle Bachmann's concerns over the replacement of the dollar as the world's reserve currency were well founded. As I noted:
Bachmann's proposed resolution to protect the dollar as the country's sovereign unit of exchange is perfectly justified in light of monetary history and the outlandish comments from Secretary Geithner. Advanced economies are not inoculated from supranational pressures toward monetary homogenization or unification, as the case of the European Union indicates. Once Ms. Bachmann refers to "One World Currency," the only logical reference point is to a national currency unit that would replace current dollar hegemony worldwide.
So, I'm frankly getting a kick out of Nouriel Roubini's essay at the New York Times this morning, "The Almighty Renminbi?", via Memeorandum.

Roubini's made a big name for himself recently with a series of prescient articles on the scale of economic collapse (see, "
The Coming Financial Pandemic," from Foreign Policy, March/April 2008). He's something of a "Chicken Little" if you ask me, but my interest here is whether leftist airheads will start attacking him for his "black copter" currency conspiracies:

THE 19th century was dominated by the British Empire, the 20th century by the United States. We may now be entering the Asian century, dominated by a rising China and its currency. While the dollar’s status as the major reserve currency will not vanish overnight, we can no longer take it for granted. Sooner than we think, the dollar may be challenged by other currencies, most likely the Chinese renminbi. This would have serious costs for America, as our ability to finance our budget and trade deficits cheaply would disappear.

Traditionally, empires that hold the global reserve currency are also net foreign creditors and net lenders. The British Empire declined — and the pound lost its status as the main global reserve currency — when Britain became a net debtor and a net borrower in World War II. Today, the United States is in a similar position. It is running huge budget and trade deficits, and is relying on the kindness of restless foreign creditors who are starting to feel uneasy about accumulating even more dollar assets. The resulting downfall of the dollar may be only a matter of time.

But what could replace it? The British pound, the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc remain minor reserve currencies, as those countries are not major powers. Gold is still a barbaric relic whose value rises only when inflation is high. The euro is hobbled by concerns about the long-term viability of the European Monetary Union. That leaves the renminbi ....

The renminbi, rather than the dollar, could eventually become a means of payment in trade and a unit of account in pricing imports and exports, as well as a store of value for wealth by international investors. Americans would pay the price. We would have to shell out more for imported goods, and interest rates on both private and public debt would rise. The higher private cost of borrowing could lead to weaker consumption and investment, and slower growth.
See also Clusterstock, "Roubini: The Dollar's Dead, China's Renminbi is the World's New Reserve Currency."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Socialism Schmocialism? Let's Get Real About Marxism in America

Look, I'll be honest. I've attacked Barack Obama many times for his "socialist" inclinations (which are genuine by training and upbringing), but so far this administration has not turned the United States into a genuine socialist regime. As Rick Moran argued before the election last year:

Calling Obama a 'socialist' simply isn't logical. He doesn’t share the belief that industries should be nationalized by the government or even taken over by the workers as many American Marxists espouse.
And that's the key: As long as the U.S. remains committed to a free-enterprise system - albeit with substantial market intervention by government - the U.S. will retain what's simply but technically known as a "mixed economy."

So, while it is true that President Obama is steeped in doctrinaire Marxist ideology, and through his activism and teaching he's practiced radical post-structuralist ideologies, this administration has so far worked within the normative boundaries of ideological acceptability. That's why, frankly, I greeted
the news this morning of the GOP's "rebranding" of the Democrats as "Socialists" with a shrug.

I know most readers won't misunderstand, but let me be perfectly clear: The Barack Obama administration is indeed an ideological disaster for this nation. In economics, social policy, and international affairs, the administration is seeking to shift American politics to the extreme far-left of the spectrum. That said, we're still well short of "socialism" in the absence of state ownership of the means of production - and by that I'm not just talking about a trillion or two in government bailouts for privated industry. No, we'd need to see the toppling of the "capitalist state" altogether, and its replacement with a "workers' collective" legitimately organized along Marxist lines. As Eric Ruder notes at the May/June International Socialist Review:

In a society where all of the means of production are socialized, blind market forces would be replaced by democratic planning. The accumulated savings of society would not be handed over to a class of people, unelected and unaccountable, to invest for the purpose of their private gain. Instead, the economic output of society would be used to address the social needs of the producers. The critical determining factor of whether state ownership of the means of production (or the means of finance) has a socialist character depends on the answer to a simple question: If the state controls the economy, who controls the state?

The Obama administration’s state intervention in the economy today is designed to preserve decision-making power for the owners of banks and corporations ... This is not surprising, given the completely incestuous relationship between the state and private business, with a steady flow of businessmen into government jobs and then back again ....

The working class exerts its power, first through its ability to shut down production—the strike weapon. But if it is to assert its collective interests on society as a whole and against the employers as a class, it must seize political power. Only after the working class has seized political power can it begin to reorganize production and distribution in such a way as to gradually abolish the market and production for profit’s sake, and replace those relations with a purely socialized system of planning.
So it's going to take the literal "expropriation of the expropriators" to transform the U.S. economy from its current pattern of regulatory state capitalism to that of a full-blown workers' collectivist state.

But note something crucial here: While Barack Obama - to the dismay of the Socialist International - has indeed been "coopted" by the "agents of capitalist hegemony," his party's netroots-base is very much a radical "lumpen proletariat" agitating for the evisceration of capitalist "exploitation" in the U.S.

Amid this ideological tension between the president, the progressive capitalists within the administration, and the hardline Democratic base, we'll see the increasing shift to the compromise of "European statism." As Mark Steyn indicated recently, in "
Prime Minister Obama: The Europeanization of America":
Europeanized health care, Europeanized daycare, Europeanized college education, Europeanized climate-change policy ... Obama’s pseudo-SOTU speech was America’s first State of the European Union address, in which the president deftly yoked the language of American exceptionalism to the cause of European statism. Apparently, nothing testifies to the American virtues of self-reliance, entrepreneurial energy and the can-do spirit like joining the vast army of robotic extras droning in unison, "The government needs to do more for me ..."

Most Americans don’t yet grasp the scale of the Obama project. The naysayers complain, oh, it’s another Jimmy Carter, or it’s the new New Deal, or it’s LBJ’s Great Society applied to health care… You should be so lucky. Forget these parochial nickel’n’dime comparisons. It’s all those multiplied a gazillionfold and nuclearized – or Europeanized, which is less dramatic but ultimately more lethal. For a distressing number of American liberals, the natural condition of an advanced, progressive western democracy is Scandinavia, and the U.S. has just been taking a wee bit longer to get there.
And this really isn't a matter of debate, although the radical leftists will deny it to no end, and they'll excoriate conservatives as "fearmongers" and "America-haters." But it is what it is. The problem is that the RNC doesn't have the time nor the inclination to explain to the public and the media the intricacies of democratic socialist philosophy. To relabel the Democrats as the "Democrat Socialist Party" is an attempt to brand them as the party of anti-Americanism. While true, it's unlikely that the GOP will be able to overtake the pushback from the media-netroots axis.

Just this afternoon, Digby got a post up entitled, "
Socialist Schmocialist" (via Memeorandum). And Chris Bowers has joined in with, "The Name Calling is the Entire Point."

But recall, Mark Levin, in his new book,
Liberty and Tyranny, gets around this problem of nomenclature by identifying today's Democratic collectivists as "Statists." And as I pointed out in "Renewing Socialism? Don't Even Think About It ...," it doesn't really matter how we label the ideological agenda of today's partisan radicals. The outcome will be the same: creeping tyranny and impoverishment, and the total obliteration of American exceptionalism, at home and abroad.

Andrew Sullivan's Latest Torture Trials Hissy Fit

Andrew Sullivan is a journalist. He's also a classic partisan blogger whose words deserve careful examination and rebuttal on the facts. Here's Sullivan this morning on the Obama administration's decision to withold Defense Department photographs of abuse of detainees:
In what can only be seen as a stunning reversal, the president is now refusing to release photographs that would help prove that the abuse and torture techniques revealed at Abu Ghraib were endemic in the Bush military. I can't help but wonder if this is related to his decision to appoint Stanley McChrystal as the commander of his Afghanistan war and occupation. There is solid evidence that McChrystal played an active part in enabling torture in Iraq, and his activities in charge of many secret special operations almost certainly involved condoning acts that might be illustrated by these photos. The MSM has, of course, failed to mention this in their fawning profiles of McChrystal.
This is a patent falsehood, exacerbated by ideological blindness. The night McChrystal was appointed the Wall Street Journal ran a major report focusing on just the issues Andrew alleges the media has systematically ignored: "Success and Scrutiny Mark General's Career."

Andrew's also freaking out that President Obama's moves toward an effective counterinsurgency operation in Afghan have garnered approving reviews from neoconservatives, including Bill Kristol, Michael Goldfarb and Max Boot. See Andrew's, "Obama, Neocon In Chief."

Note, of course, that the push for torture trials is increasingly understood as a misguided and distracting partisan witch hunt, and the administration's shift to a new COIN strategy in the Afghan war indicates President Obama's seriousness of purpose on the conflict, and he deserves the support of the American people.

Andrew Sullivan is underserving of the attention he gets, and his advocacy for criminalizing the Bush administration's military efforts, and now his excoriation of his man-crush-president, is one more sign that this guy's truly flipped his wig.

See also, "White House Indicates ‘Great Concern’ About Releasing Photos of Detainee Abuse ," and "Obama Reverses on Releasing Photos," via Memeorandum.

Florida Primary is Showdown for GOP Future

Here's Marco Rubio's new campaign spot hammering Charlie Crist:

Today's Los Angeles Times has the story, "Crist's Senate Bid Represents Ideological Struggle for GOP":

It is a heated debate in the struggling Republican Party: whether to broaden its ideology or follow the advice of Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh and others who argue against deviating from core conservative principles.

Now, the GOP has a chance to see whether a moderate can become a model for Republican resurgence, with Florida Gov. Charlie Crist announcing Tuesday that he will run for the U.S. Senate in that politically important state.

Crist, who has bucked the GOP's conservative wing on voting rights, global warming and other issues, enjoys high approval ratings. But with the governor facing a conservative in the primary, Republican leaders across the country have seized on Florida as a battleground in the larger philosophical war over the party's future.

Crist won instant endorsements from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Texas Sen. John Cornyn, chairman of the GOP Senate campaign committee. The two see him as the best hope for keeping a Senate seat in GOP hands as the party tries to avoid falling below the crucial number of senators needed to block legislation, an outcome that many political analysts see as likely.

Crist's main primary challenger, former state House Speaker Marco Rubio, went on the attack Tuesday, releasing a video showing the governor with President Obama and criticizing Crist's support of the Democrats' "reckless" economic stimulus spending.

"Our primary will offer Republicans a front-row seat to a debate about the future of the Republican Party here in Florida and across the nation," Rubio said. "My campaign will offer GOP voters a clear alternative to the direction some want to take our party."
Responding to the NSRC's announced backing of Crist yesterday, Robert Stacy McCain quips:

Basically, the old wobbly moderate, Crist, is stepping on the career of the promising Latino conservative, Rubio. It's the exact opposite of what we need. It's a triple disaster: Crist will forego a reasonably safe re-election bid as governor, to waste NRSC money running for an iffy Senate seat, creating an expensive GOP primary in the governor's race. It's just bad basic politics, all the way around, and only an idiot like Cornyn could think this was a smart move for the NRSC.

Notre Dame Students to Boycott Obama Commencement Speech

Here's Greta Van Susteren's interview with Notre Dame's Michele Sagala and Andrew Chronister on boycotting Obama's commencement speech:

The transcript is here, "Skipping Graduation and President Obama."

Watch the video. Greta asks Michele what she'll be doing after graduation. Michele responds, "I'm actually marrying this guy over here in August."

Then Greta to Andrew, "All right, Andrew, I'm a little psychic. I know in part what you're going to be doing, at least in August. I got smart real fast."

Good stuff from good people!

Reflections on the Leftist-Islamist Alliance

In December 2006, the Wall Street Journal published, "Anti-Americans on the March: Inside the unlikely coalition of the U.S.'s sworn enemies, where Communists link up with Islamic radicals." I cite that report periodically when discussing the radical left's support for the world's Muslim enemies of freedom. Also good is David Horowitz's, Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left.

But Jamie Glazov just sent me a copy of his book,
United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror, and I'm looking forward to reading it.

It turns out the David Solway has published an essay on United in Hate at Pajamas Media, "The United Hates of America." Check it out:

Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate is a serious book and deserves serious attention. Mulling it over, I recalled reading a newspaper article about some domestic calamity or other that had befallen the United States and tripping over a providential typo — the United States was misspelled as the “Untied States,” an apt metathesis or anagram. Which fits in pretty well with Glazov’s argument and which suggests another felicitous misprint we might stumble across one of these days: the “United Hates of America.”

For the U.S. is a country that seems to be increasingly at war, not with the hostile nations of the world that wish it harm, but with itself: the electoral gulf between red and blue states; the growing procedural animosity between Democrats and Republicans, mirroring the ideological conflict between liberals and conservatives; the unprecedented legal threat that the current administration is levying against its predecessor’s anti-terrorist interrogation methods, which promises even further discord and self-division; the friction between the mainstream press and the blogosphere, with the former tending on the whole to suppress information and the latter to unearth it; and especially the long and destabilizing campaign of the American Left against the political interests of its own country and its rush to embrace the dictatorial agendas of America’s most resolute enemies. In the current geopolitical context, the most pronounced subset of this zealous campaign is the “unholy alliance” (to use David Horowitz’s phrase) between the radical Left and the Islamic Right, which is a major theme of Glazov’s book.

There are, of course, many other excellent books on the general subject that United in Hate is addressing. I might mention in passing such works as David Pryce-Jones’ The Closed Circle, Paul Hollander’s Political Pilgrims, David Horowitz’s The Politics of Bad Faith, Phyllis Chesler’s The Death of Feminism, Mary Habek’s Knowing the Enemy, Nick Cohen’s What’s Left, Mark Steyn’s America Alone, Robert Spencer’s Stealth Jihad, Kenneth Timmerman’s Shadow Warriors — and even Saul Bellow’s To Jerusalem and Back, where we read the following prescient passage:

But the connection of democratic nations with the civilization that formed them is growing loose and queer. They seem to have forgotten what they are about. They seem to be experimenting or gambling with their liberties, unwittingly preparing themselves for totalitarianism, or perhaps not quite consciously willing it.

This was written in 1975 and could have served as an epigraph to United in Hate.

What Glazov has done in carrying on the work of his intellectual compatriots is to narrow and intensify the beam of their concern, laser-like. He directs his scrutiny to the love affair of the radical Left, and even large segments of the liberal Left, with the very forces that would destroy them, and he does this with a relentless, unswerving focus, buttressed by a veritable profusion of specific, high-profile examples and case studies. And he stays on message with such fierce and unwavering concentration that the reader has no choice but to keep pace. Mental coffee breaks are out of the question.

The result is devastating. The only resistance that those unsympathetic to his thesis can mount is to respond ad hominem and slander the messenger, for his examples cannot be wished away and his analysis seems the only conceivable means of making sense of the leftist orgy of national treason, betrayal of genuine liberal principles, and passionate support of tyrants and demagogues.

Read the whole thing, here.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

On Torture, Democrats Have No Decency

I just love this Ramirez cartoon from IBD:

But see also Jennifer Rubin's essay, "Madame Speaker, Have You No Decency?":

The decision to criminalize and potentially prosecute Bush administration officials is a unique political witch hunt, heretofore never attempted by any party or administration. By raising the issue of the Democrats’ involvement and lack of objection to the enhanced interrogation policies, Republicans are making clear just how partisan an affair this is. They are also making clear how lacking in merit is the underlying premise of the accusers that, of course, these methods had to be torture because everyone would have concluded that their use “shocked the conscience.” Well, except for those lawmakers who attended some 40 briefings.
As usual, netroots leftists are still playing up "torture" as if the Democrats are not implicated in EIT. See Eric Martin, "Used to be One of the Rotten Ones," via Memeorandum.

But check Fox News as well, "House Majority Leader: Congressional Hearings Should Explore Pelosi's Interrogation Briefing":

While Democrats want the hearings to focus on what they call torture, Republicans have tried to turn the issue to their advantage by complaining that Pelosi and other Democrats knew of the tactics but didn't protest. Pelosi was briefed in 2002 while on the House Intelligence Committee.

Abortion Culture's Freedom to Kill

Ross Douthat's column today on the culture wars compares variations in Democratic group support on questions of gay rights and abortion. He suggests that liberals, especially those under 35, are particularly firm in their opposition to abortion rights. This group conceives of the sanctity to life within the divine context of the inalienable rights as set forth in the Declaration of Independence. Douthat notes that this younger constituency is skeptical of the far-left judicial activism found in such legal inventions as "penubras" and "emanations": "This helps explain why Americans under 35, while more sympathetic to gay marriage than their parents, also tend to be slightly more anti-abortion."

Scott Lemieux at Lawyers, Guns and Money takes issue with Douthat. He first cites five year-old survey data - yep, that old! - to indicate patterns of public support for a court nominee committed to upholding Roe v. Wade. Recall, in contrast, the recent Pew survey that found just 46 percent of Americans "supporting legal abortion," and hence logically, Roe v. Wade. I know it's only a blog post, but geez, that's really bad work, unscholarly even.

Lemieux is aghast with Douthat's implication that there's been "no rollback of Roe's near-absolute guarantee of abortion rights," exclaiming: this is "frankly absurd"! But it's his conclusion itself that's particularly telling of the deathwish abortion extremism on the Democratic-left:

... perhaps some day he'll explain why there's some moral significance to pre-viability abortions that occur during the second as opposed to first trimester, but I'm not holding my breath.
Actually, this notion of "pre-viability's a canard.

The trimester system has long been attacked as an arbritrary, judically-imposed regulatory scheme enabling leftist hostility to life. I mean really, what is viability? Is a fully healthy newborn outside the womb viable? Life begins the moment of fertilization. Support for abortion by Democratic-leftists from President Obama on down is pure barbarity.

Douthat's right: Leftists don't care about freedom. Or, if they do, it's freedom to kill, including killing human infants irrespective of stages of gestational development.

MSNBC's David Shuster: Carrie Prejean Makes Me Want to "Vomit"

David Shuster at MSNBC pretty much captures the total Prejean derangement that's taken over the left in the wake of this whole gay-totalitarian controversy:

I know a good many conservatives are just sick with the attacks on this woman, but The Anchoress strikes gold with her post, "Prejean: Cautionary Tale for Christians:

In America, we should not be watching a person endure character assassination and the possible loss of livelihood because she has committed the sin of daring to hold a “politically incorrect” position. Prejean was asked a question and she answered it. In America, once upon a time, the people who referred to themselves as “liberal” believed that one was entitled to one’s opinion and to full respect for it. Currently in America, every diversity is celebrated except the diversity of thought. Sadly, some in the nation have decided that thuggery, rather than respectful, reasonable argument, is a more expedient means of persuasion. They think “agree, or be destroyed” is a legitimate argument, as is its flip-side; “shut up to be safe.”
Be sure to read the whole thing, and check the links too!

See also, Alexander Burns, "
Donald Trump on Miss California: Same as Barack Obama" (via Memeorandum).

Republicans and Health Care

There's been a lot of debate on health care the last few days. Check out this morning's Wall Street Journal, for example, "Soda Tax Weighed to Pay for Health Care" (via Memeorandum).

A "soda tax" is a "vice tax", like cigarette taxes, that gouges people for making personal choices that may have negative externalities for the economy. The upshot, of course, is that limiting human freedom is taken as beneficial to the "public good." And it's the Democrats who're always doing it.

Yesterday's Wall Street Journal had a great editorial on the health care debate, "
Republicans and the 'Public Option'." As it turns out, GOP Senate moderates are inclined to vote for Democratic legislation calling for the "public option" that allows individuals to opt out of private insurance for government provided health benefits. This is naturally the single-payer Trojan Horse for socialized medicine, and any Repubilican who votes for it deserves a primary challenge next year.

But I'll let Monique Stuart have the last word with her commentary on the Journal's editorial, "
Health Care: A Battle Republicans Can’t Afford to Forfeit":
I hear the press keep throwing out this number of 47-50 million people being without insurance. That number means nothing to me because until about a year ago, I was one of those people. I often think about going back to being one of those people. The reason is I’m young and relatively healthy. I didn’t feel I needed insurance. Most of the time I still feel that way. Other than a case of pink eye I have barely even used my health insurance. Most people without insurance, at any given moment, are in a transitory state and will get insurance when they can, or want to, afford it. As I have said before, sometimes it’s just a matter of priorities.

This “overhaul” they keep talking about is just a set up. Like the article states, any concessions made by Democrats now will be superficial and easily changeable in the future. Both sides know this. If Republicans give into the Dems on this now it’s only a matter of time before the Dems true goal of single-payer, government-run health care becomes our reality. Eventually we will all be forced onto the government rolls.

The costs will end up being way more than any projections being offered now. People who are currently reluctant to run to the doctor over every hang nail will soon be showing up at the doctor’s office in anticipation of one. Why wouldn’t they? What is there to stop them? The only thing stopping them now is the cost. Take away the cost barrier and they’ll be there for every imagined illness under the sun.

This run on resources will inevitably lead to a rationing of services. The only reason other countries can survive on “free” health care is because they have beacons of freedom like us to take care of their overflow. What do you think Canadians do when their government refuses them treatment or puts them on line for an illness that is on a different schedule than the bureaucracy and isn’t waiting to kill them? They seek treatment here.

Anyway, I thought it was the Democrats that didn’t want the government in the doctor’s office with you? Isn’t that one of their battle cries when it comes to abortion? Where do you think socializing health care places the government when it comes to medical care? They’ll be in the doctor’s office with you, in the hospital, at the local pharmacy. They (some nameless bureaucrats in Washington) will be making the decisions on which medical treatments are necessary for which diseases, when it’s appropriate to go to the hospital and when it is not, and which medications are approved for your consumption. There will be no more choice in medical decisions. You want the government paying for it all? They’ll pay for it. And you’ll pay for it, too.

Have we all forgotten the old adage that nothing in life is free? Health care will never be free. We’ll be paying for it financially through higher taxation. And, more importantly, we’ll be paying for it with our freedom. Freedom from government intervention and interference in our medical options and decisions. I refuse to believe that this is what the majority of Americans want.
There's more at the link.

Monique "
HotMES" Stuart is indeed hot!

Carrie Prejean Will Keep Miss California Crown

Here's the latest Carrie Prejean news, at the Los Angeles Times, "Miss California Will Keep Title, Trump Decides."

But note that the Times joined the "
yellow fever" bandwagon with this morning's frontpage story, "Miss California USA Pageant is Rocked on its High Heels."

Ever since Miss California Carrie Prejean declared onstage last month at the Miss USA Pageant that she believed gay people should not have the right to marry, she has battled her critics in TV interviews, been championed by groups opposed to same-sex marriage and pretty much eclipsed the woman who beat her to become the reigning Miss USA.

(Does anyone even remember what state the winner was from?)

But that's nothing compared to what Prejean did to the Miss California organization. She hijacked it, the organizers said, for her own message.

"Up to now, we've just been riding along as a passenger on this runaway train," Keith Lewis, co-executive director of the Miss California USA pageant, said Monday morning at a news conference at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills. "But that ends today."

And with that, the organizers labeled her a rogue Miss California and, well, ostracized her. They don't have the authority to dethrone her. That power lies only with Donald Trump, the owner of the Miss Universe and Miss USA pageant system. He is scheduled to weigh in on the brouhaha today at a news conference in New York.
Keith Lewis deserves the "shame," not Carrie Prejean.

Gay Patriot notes, via R.S. McCain:

... why do so many gay lefties use the word "shame" to describe the actions of their ideological adversaries? . . . Why can't these people show some class, some grace, in confronting their adversaries? Why must they adopt so harsh a tone and so vitriolic a vocabulary?"
As for Carrie Prejean, Stacy's got new topless photos from TMZ this morning, "Latest 'Carrie Prejean Nude' News Update."

More at Memeorandum. See, especially, JammieWearingFool, "How Convenient: More Racy Carrie Prejean Photos Surface."

Social Conservatives Under the Bus

From David Paul Kuhn, "Social Conservative Leaders Feel Scapegoated" (via Memeorandum):

There is a brooding sense within top social conservative circles that they have become the revolving scapegoat of the Republican Party. Many of the longtime leaders of the Christian right, from Richard Land to Tony Perkins to Gary Bauer, expressed resentment in extended interviews with a singular theme: that the most loyal GOP bloc has been so quickly thrown under many critics' bus.

"There are powerful interest groups in the party and in the country that are trying to scapegoat social conservatives," Land said, who has long served as a bridge between Southern Baptists' political concerns and GOP leadership. "It's people who have no problem ignoring facts."

Social conservatives have proven perhaps the most loyal Republicans. The September 15th economic crisis brought Democrats to new ground across red America. States from Indiana to Florida to North Carolina shifted to Barack Obama after the market crash. In this last chapter of the campaign Obama made inroads with GOP strongholds like white men.

But social conservatives did not budge. Only 29 percent of whites who attend church weekly backed Obama. That is the precise portion who voted for Al Gore and John Kerry. Half of all Americans who voted for John McCain were weekly church attendees. White evangelicals or born-again Christians comprised 42 percent of the GOP vote, according to exit polls.

Despite their loyalty to the GOP, traditionally, after national losses, social conservatives feel like the whipping boy of GOP critics.

"The party alienated too many Americans by allowing social conservatives to dominate," read one New York Times article shortly after Bill Clinton won in 1992. To win, "we're going to have to take on the religious nuts," argued a GOP strategist after Clinton's reelection four years later.

"That's the pattern that has emerged over the last couple of decades," said Perkins, who heads the Family Research Council. "People want to find an easy excuse for the GOP's failures and they try to point to the social conservative issues and by extension social conservatives."

Today, many social conservatives believe that this pointing is more pervasive.
More at the link.

The GOP will lose social conservatives if the Meghan McCains of the party become ascendant. That said, Republicans didn't lose in 2008 because of social conservatives, so we'll see who's going to get thrown under the bus in the end. See also, "Grassroots Conservatives Must Rise Up."

Monday, May 11, 2009

From McKiernan to McChrystal in Afghanistan

Here's the New York Times report on the sacking of Gen. David D. McKiernan, "Commander’s Ouster Tied to ‘New Approach’ in Afghan War" (via Memeorandum).

Here's the Wall Street Journal's report on McKiernan's replacement, Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, "
Success and Scrutiny Mark General's Career":

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said he wants a new commander in Afghanistan to fight the kind of complex counterinsurgency warfare that has come to dominate the campaign there.

His recommendation, Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, certainly fits that bill. Gen. McChrystal, a Green Beret who has spent most of the last year as the top staff officer to Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spent the previous five years commanding special operations forces in Iraq -- units that specialize in guerilla warfare, including the training of indigenous armies.

It was also those skills that officials said Adm. Mullen was counting on when last month he appointed Gen. McChrystal to head a task force to improve Afghan war strategy with a broad mandate to review the entirety of the campaign -- including, according to an agenda for the task force viewed by The Wall Street Journal, "appointment of key leaders."

Like Gen. David H. Petraeus, who will become Gen. McChrystal's new boss and is credited with turning around the Iraq campaign, Gen. McChrystal has won over converts in the Pentagon because of his intellectual rigor and a flexible decision-making process that lends itself to irregular warfare, senior military officers said. Gen. David McKiernan, the man Gen. McChrystal is succeeding, comes from the more traditional ranks of the Army, having commanded heavy armor brigades and divisions during his 37-year career.
McChrystal's been around a good bit of controversy (he was responsible for the misleading reports of Pat Tillman's death by friendly fire in Afghanistan), although he looks like the perfect man for Gen. Petraeus.

More analysis at
Memeorandum, and see especially, Fred Kaplan, "It's Obama's War Now: The ouster of Afghanistan commander David McKiernan could make—or break—the Obama presidency."

Michelle Bachmann Interview at Right Wing News

John Hawkins has an interview with Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann:

The Republican Party is obviously in pretty lousy shape right now. Why do you think that's the case and what do we need to do to turn it around?

I think we absolutely can turn it around. You might say that the Democrats are at their apex now and the Republicans are at their nadir -- and that's happened before. We've switched positions where the Democrats have been at the nadir and the Republicans have been at the top.

But, I think the one key to remember is that conservatism is not dead. No matter how much the mainstream media, the liberal elites or anyone else wants to say it is -- it just has to be reignited ... We squandered our opportunity to lead the country because the policies and the principles that we all saw work so well in the 1980s weren't followed during the early part of the Bush years and on as we went.

You cannot grab the hearts and minds of the American people when, for instance, Republicans are putting into place a government takeover of the local public school classroom. At that point people look askance at Republicans and say, "Why in the world should we back you when you're governing like liberals?" -- and so you can understand why people would reject what it is that Republicans were selling.

Read the whole thing at the link.

Janeane Garofalo Responds: "They're All Racists!" - UPDATED!

Griff Jenkins interviewed Jeneane Garofalo on the street, and I just caught the clips at O'Reilly Factor and Hannity. This snippet of Garofalo's defiant refusal to apologize doesn't quite capture it: Jenkins asked if she wanted to take back her attack on tea partyers as racist. Garofalo got her face right in the camera and announced, "No, they're all racists." Well, that includes me and my 13 year-old son! I mean it, really, truly, when I say this is an awful, hateful, and disgusting woman. And to think she's a major spokeswoman for the left. I won't be holding my breath for anti-Garofalo protests any time soon!


UPDATE: Here's the video from Hannity's show, care of HotAirPundit: