Sunday, May 22, 2011

Obama 'Black Mascot' of Wall Street

I saw this earlier, but William Jacobson's covered it for the Saturday night race card, "Progressives Devouring Their Own Tail":

More at West's interview with Truthdig:
“We have got to attempt to tell the truth, and that truth is painful” ... “It is a truth that is against the thick lies of the mainstream. In telling that truth we become so maladjusted to the prevailing injustice that the Democratic Party, more and more, is not just milquetoast and spineless, as it was before, but thoroughly complicitous with some of the worst things in the American empire. I don’t think in good conscience I could tell anybody to vote for Obama. If it turns out in the end that we have a crypto-fascist movement and the only thing standing between us and fascism is Barack Obama, then we have to put our foot on the brake. But we’ve got to think seriously of third-party candidates, third formations, third parties.”
I'm just laughing at how Obama suckered these idiots. I don't care about the empire bull, but I've long hoped that Obama would genuinely work to help the disadvantaged, and he's done jack as far as I'm concerned, especially on the school choice issue. What a waste of opportunity.

RELATED: At Saberpoint, "My Impression of CORNEL WEST (Photoshop)."

Code Pink AIPAC Flashmob

At Bare Naked Islam, "CODE PINKO PIGS sing in support of Islamic terrorists in Union Station, Washington DC":

RELATED: At Zion's Trumpet: "Do American Jews Hate Themselves and Israel? Why Do They Support an Anti-Semitic President?"

BWAHAHA!!! Jack Stuef Out at Wonkette!

From Dana Loesch, "Writer Who Started “Trigs Crew” Phenomenon Out at Wonkette."

And from Stuef's farewell post.
A few times I’ve made fun of people who really didn’t deserve it, and when it was pointed out to me, I apologized. This sort of thing happens, even when you make a point of trying to stay true to yourself as much as you can, because you’re human.
Well, bail on progressivism before you start blabbering about being human. Loser.

Background is here: "Wonkette Deletes Trig Palin Post as Advertisers Leave Site."

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What Are Israel's Defensible Borders?

An excellent video from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

Also, from Dore Gold, President of the Jerusalem Center, at Wall Street Journal, "Israel's 1967 Borders Aren't Defensible":
It's no secret that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas plans to lobby the U.N. General Assembly this September for a resolution that will predetermine the results of any Israeli-Palestinian negotiations on borders. He made clear in a New York Times op-ed this week that he will insist that member states recognize a Palestinian state on 1967 lines, meaning Israel's boundaries before the Six Day War.

Unfortunately, even President Barack Obama appears to have been influenced by this thinking. He asserted in a speech Thursday that Israel's future borders with a Palestinian state "should be based on the 1967 lines," a position he tried to offset by offering "mutually agreed land swaps." Mr. Abbas has said many times that any land swaps would be minuscule.

Remember that before the Six Day War, those lines in the West Bank only demarcated where five Arab armies were halted in their invasion of the nascent state of Israel 19 years earlier. Legally, they formed only an armistice line, not a recognized international border. No Palestinian state ever existed that could have claimed these prewar lines. Jordan occupied the West Bank after the Arab invasion, but its claim to sovereignty was not recognized by any U.N. members except Pakistan and the U.K. As Jordan's U.N. ambassador said before the war, the old armistice lines "did not fix boundaries." Thus the central thrust of Arab-Israeli diplomacy for more than 40 years was that Israel must negotiate an agreed border with its Arab neighbors.
More at the link above.

Added: Now a thread at Memorandum, featuring Israel Matzav.

Lady Gaga's Next Chapter

At New York Times, "Lady Gaga Has a New Album, 'Born This Way'."

And from the comments at Althouse:
Gaga: progressively more tiresome.

I'd say more like a cross between Madonna and the Spice Girls with some Marilyn Manson thrown in for good measure.
I posted on Gaga's "Judas" previously, and ace commenter Dennis was also unimpressed.

Update on Noam Chomsky

It's been busy lately blogging the unholy alliance of communism and Islamic jihad. I haven't had the chance to post a couple more of my pics from the Noam Chomsky event at UCLA. I noted previously that "Chomsky was swarmed by extremist acolytes upon entering the lecture hall," some of whom can be seen here:


And here's Chomsky's being fitted with a microphone by Hamzah Baig, who I covered previously at FrontPage Magazine, "UCLA’s Palestine Awareness Week: Students for the Extermination of Israel":


Recall that Hamzah Baig was extremely nervous by the attention I was paying to him, and he made sure to be on record that UCLA's Students for Justice in Palestine "provides no support for terrorism whatsoever."


The folks from the International Communist League were right outside the entrance, handing out literature:


These dolts publish this stuff: "U.S. Murders Its Frankenstein’s Monster Bin Laden: “War on Terror”: Marauding Abroad, Repression at Home; Imperialists Out of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya!"

Makes sense, I guess. Goes hand-in-hand with the latest propaganda Chomksy's peddling, in a newsletter out yesterday: "Chomsky's More Detailed Response to the News of bin Laden's Murder" (via Memeorandum). Chomsky places President George W. Bush on a plane of moral equivalence to Adolph Hitler, which is, of course, central to Chomsky's oeuvre. The guy's not only an idiot, but a liar as well. See Brad DeLong's comments on the memo: "Stupidest and Most Dishonest Man Alive of All Time: Noam Chomsky." (And well, that explains why Robert "Che Porn Guy" Farley's down with the MIT crackpot.)

All in a day's work. Freakin' commie-progressive jihad-lovers. Sheesh.

Los Angeles 'Gold Card Desk'

Old media's dying, but some venerable old media institutions are still doing excellent journalism, so CWCD. The Los Angeles Times had the story the other day on the L.A. city government's "Gold Card Desk," where local officials got expedited treatment to make parking violations go away: "'Gold Card Desk' dismissed some L.A. parking tickets without justification, audit finds." And here comes the story on the front-page of this morning's paper: "L.A. Drops its Parking Gold Cards."
A plastic parking bureau Gold Card was apparently distributed to city offices and included a special phone number for a holder who had an "urgent need to resolve any parking citation matter which requires special attention." The card promised that "you will be immediately connected to our Gold Card Specialist."

Moe Tkacik: 'Look at Me!'

Remember Moe Tkacik? The background's here and here.

Well, she's got an interesting piece at Columbia Journalism Review: "Look at Me! A writer’s search for journalism in the age of branding."

Get a cup of coffee and read the whole thing. Moe's a great writer, and actually has an extensive background in journalism, which I did not know. She was fired from the Wall Street Journal for getting too close to the facts on Abercrombie & Fitch's racist corporate practices:
I went to great lengths to corroborate the facts, which is where I fucked up; I e-mailed a draft of the piece (a decision inspired by a respected journalist I’d read about who said he did this all the time) to a trusted source, and he e-mailed it to someone else, and eventually it made its way to Abercrombie’s corporate offices and in turn to the company’s fearsome New York “crisis PR” firm. And because Wall Street Journal investigations are the sort of thing that affects the stock prices of companies, this was a fire-able offense. In retrospect, as much as I felt like a failure and a fuckup, I didn’t actually mind being liberated from the constant, insane pressure not to fuck up. All year I’d been variously accused of being “in the pocket” of one company or its rival by analysts, money managers, publicists, lawyers, etc., and I’d found it preposterous. What did I care who prevailed in the sneaker wars or the doll wars or the Japanese-hipster-credibility-halo-effect wars?

What I couldn’t understand, though, was why they killed the story. Sure, it wasn’t Blackwater, but this was a store that at least half our readers’ kids would have killed to work for, and it was being run by some racist, frat-boy cult, and the suburban teenagers it hired and fired so mercurially were going to grow into adults who thought this was . . . normal? That in the modern American workplace, this sort of Lord-of-the-Flies management strategy was just par for the fucking course?

I ended up handing over my notes to a civil-rights lawyer who was leading a class-action race-discrimination suit against Abercrombie. A few years later, more than ten thousand former brand representatives got checks in the mail as part of the $40 million settlement.
More here.

Caroline Glick: 'Obama's Abandonment of America'

At "FrontPage Magazine":


I was out sick yesterday so I was unable to write today’s column for the Jerusalem Post. I did manage to watch President Obama’s speech on the Middle East yesterday evening. And I didn’t want to wait until next week to discuss it. After all, who knows what he’ll do by Tuesday?

Before we get into what the speech means for Israel, it is important to consider what it means for America.

Quite simply, Obama’s speech represents the effective renunciation of the US’s right to have and to pursue national interests. Consequently, his speech imperils the real interests that the US has in the region – first and foremost, the US’s interest in securing its national security.

Obama’s renunciation of the US national interests unfolded as follows ...

Judgment Day

Some background at New York Times: "Harold Camping Rapture Prophecy Tests Families." Actually, progressive atheist blogs are all over this, although I saw this at CSPT: "May 21, 2011 The World Ends W/ The Rapture."

More here.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Netanyahu Rebukes Obama

At WSJ, "Israeli Leader, Obama Clash: Netanyahu Delivers Rare Public Rebuke to U.S. President Over Proposal to Restart Peace Talks."

See also, Yid With Lid, "SLAM!! Bibi Diplomatically "Slaps" Obama During White House Press Op," and Doug Ross, "Obama orders Jews to Ghetto in preparation for final final solution."

Huge Waves at the Wedge in Newport Beach

At Los Angeles Times, "Huge waves hit Southern California's south-facing beaches." And this picture's a riot!

I cruised over there this afternoon:




That's one of Newport's lifeguards. Some of these guys are extremely well-paid. See "VIDEO: Newport Beach, California, Pays Lifeguards More Than $200,000 a Year!"

For GOP Contenders, Love Always Means Having to Say You're Sorry

From Ronald Brownstein, at National Journal, "After Glasnost: Why the 2012 Republican presidential hopefuls are facing multiplying demands to renounce earlier positions":

Eruption of Mediocrity

In the 2012 Republican presidential race, love apparently means always having to say you’re sorry.

On an array of issues, the field of GOP contenders is facing enormous pressure from an ascendant conservative base to renounce earlier positions that challenged orthodoxy on the right. Their response to those demands could cast a big shadow over not only next year’s Republican primary but also the general-election contest against President Obama.

The emergence of these pressures testifies to a decisive shift in the GOP’s balance of power. The ideas now drawing the most fire from conservative activists—including support for a cap-and-trade system to limit greenhouse-gas emissions, a mandate on individuals to purchase health insurance, and a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants—all flowered in Republican circles during the middle years of George W. Bush’s presidency, especially among governors.

In different ways, each of these proposals embodied the common belief that Republicans had to broaden their message beyond a conventional conservative argument focused almost exclusively on reducing government spending, taxes, and regulation. Intellectually, these initiatives reflected an impulse to redefine conservatism in ways that accepted a role for government in empowering individuals or promoting market-based solutions. Politically, they reflected the belief that to build a lasting majority, Republicans needed to attract more minority voters, especially Hispanics, and to loosen the Democratic hold on blue states by reclaiming more suburban independents.
More at the link above.

Basically, RINO-Republicans are getting deep-sixed, and thank goodness for that.

RELATED: At Snooper's Report, "Obama Praises Romney for 'Assist' in Passing Obamacare." Figures.

EXTRA: At CNN, "GOP contenders: Obama has 'thrown Israel under the bus'" (via Memeorandum). Well, perhaps there's a ray of hope after all.

Newt Gingrich Dancing Queen!

Hey, feel the beat from the tambourine.

Newt's hoping "anybody could be that guy" for the nomination, and idiot Alex Pareene's jonesin' for it.

Priorities USA Goes After Mitt Romney

At Roll Call, "Democratic Priorities USA Runs Ad Hitting Romney," and The Caucus, "Group Unleashes Early Ad Against Romney" (via Memeorandum).

Plus, in the comments at Althouse, from LincolnF:

Bring it on, pissants.

Mitt Romney is in a whole other category of men than Obama. Let the grubby little hit pieces keep coming, they're all the Left has got. I really hope Romney gets the nod (I know, I know...) so Americans can see the contrast between he and Obama. Mitt is ten times the leader that Barry is, and that won't be easy for the Dems to hide, even from the American Idol-type voters who voted Obama in last time.
Pissants. Yep.

Rational and Effective? Progressive Agenda Project Medicare Ad Shows Paul Ryan Pushing Grandma Off Cliff

Via Weekly Standard:

A friend on twitter observes that The Agenda Project's website says the group's goal is to "build a powerful, intelligent, well-connected political movement capable of identifying and advancing rational, effective ideas in the public debate and in so doing ensure our country’s enduring success."

Progressive Blue Texan's Instaputz Slurs Israel 'Ãœber Alles'

Associated with the Nazis, the first stanza of Germany's official national anthem included "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles" (Germany, Germany above all). And thus Blue Texan slurs Israel as a Nazi state, quite common, of course, on the anti-colonial, neo-communist left (see Norman Finklestein, for example, "THE GRANDCHILDREN OF HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS FROM WORLD WAR II ARE DOING TO THE PALESTINIANS EXACTLY WHAT WAS DONE TO THEM BY NAZI GERMANY…").

Despicable, but not surprising at all. It's in fact progressives who're today's exterminationists and totalitarians:


Blue Texan alleges that "These people are nuts," and following the link takes us to The Hill, "Obama 'disrespected' Israel, threw it 'under the bus,' says Romney." (Also at Memeorandum.)

'Adult Baby'

In the news, at Washington Times, "Senator questions benefits to ‘adult baby’" (via Althouse), and at Seattle Post-Intelligencer, "‘Adult baby’ investigated for social security fraud."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Glenn Beck: Obama Betrayed Out Last Strong Ally

A brief segment at top, and the full episode below. Beck's a treasure:

ObamaCare's Culture of Corruption

From Michelle, "Waivers for favors: Who applied, who was denied, and why?":

Israel Rejects Obama's Call to Return to 1967 Borders

At The Hill, "After Obama speech, Israel rejects return to 1967 borders." (Via Memeorandum and Weasel Zippers.) And from WaPo, "Israeli leader reacting to Obama speech: West Bank pullout would leave Israel indefensible":

JERUSALEM — Israel’s prime minister on Thursday gave a cool reception to President Barack Obama’s Mideast policy speech, warning a withdrawal from the West Bank wold leave Israel vulnerable to attack and setting up what could be a tense meeting at the White House.

In his speech, Obama endorsed the Palestinian position on the borders of their future state, saying it should be based on Israel’s lines before the 1967 Mideast war. Israel captured the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza Strip in the fighting, and the Palestinians claim those areas for their state.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas planned to convene a meeting with senior officials as soon as possible to decide on the next steps, said Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat.

Abbas is determined “to give President Obama’s effort and that of the international community the chance they deserve,” Erekat said.

The U.S., the international community and even past Israeli governments have endorsed a settlement based on the 1967 lines, but Obama was far more explicit than in the past. His position appeared to put him at odds with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has not accepted the concept.

Reacting to Obama’s speech, Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a full withdrawal from the West Bank, saying the 1967 lines were “indefensible” and would leave major Jewish settlements outside Israel. Netanyahu rejects any pullout from east Jerusalem.

Netanyahu heads to the White House on Friday and said he would seek clarifications.
More at the link above, and from the Simon Wiesenthal Center, "Israel Should Reject a Return to 1967 'Auschwitz' Borders."

RELATED: An analysis, from Ron Radosh, "President Obama’s Speech to the State Department Means New Dangers for Israel":
President Obama has just finished his speech at the State Department. Much of it, particularly the sections regarding democratization and the Arab dictators whose regimes have begun to fail, echoes in many ways the very policies of the Bush administration — which the Democrats and Obama supporters disparaged and ridiculed when George W. Bush was in power. Indeed, it seems in some ways to be a rejection of his own Cairo speech, in so much as he said that for many of the Arab states, attacking Israel was the only way that Arab rulers could allow their populations to express themselves.

Yet, the bombshell in the speech is the following:
So while the core issues of the conflict must be negotiated, the basis of those negotiations is clear: a viable Palestine, and a secure Israel. The United States believes that negotiations should result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states. The Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state.
What the president has said is essentially that rather than borders and boundaries being established as an end result of negotiations, the two states that will be created should be based on the 1967 lines, a conclusion that gives the Palestinian Authority its own desired boundaries — and takes away from Israel the necessary buffer zone it gained after the 1967 war, and from which it has been able to prevent attacks on its own people.
More later ...

Harold Koh: 'The Lawfulness of the U.S. Operation Against Osama bin Laden'

At Opinio Juris (via Glenn Reynolds and Memeorandum):
Given bin Laden’s unquestioned leadership position within al Qaeda and his clear continuing operational role, there can be no question that he was the leader of an enemy force and a legitimate target in our armed conflict with al Qaeda. In addition, bin Laden continued to pose an imminent threat to the United States that engaged our right to use force, a threat that materials seized during the raid have only further documented. Under these circumstances, there is no question that he presented a lawful target for the use of lethal force.

A Michele Bachmann-Sarah Palin Showdown?

I've thought about this a lot, actually. At this point, I'm backing Bachmann unless Palin throws her hat into the ring. See National Journal, "Palin Still 'Considering' 2012 Bid, While Bachmann Gears Up." Here's Sarah from last night, in top form once again:

Jason Mattera Asks Sen. Bernie Sanders, 'How does an avowed socialist go about selling a book?'

When Noam Chomsky spoke at UCLA, I took a copy of his book, Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel's War Against the Palestinians. It wasn't a book signing event, but it was suggested, given the opportunity, that I actually present The Anti Chomsky Reader for a signature instead. That would have been a laugh riot, and apparently Jason Mattera would have agreed. He actually had the chance for some book-signing fun with socialist Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont, who has a new book out, The Speech: A Historic Filibuster on Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class. The full report's at Human Events:

Update on Carl Salonen For the Record

First, I'd like to apologize to my many loyal readers and supporters, some of whom I communicate with regularly, and some unknown to me but appreciated. This last couple of weeks of blog wars with the progressives from Lawyers, Guns and Murder, Sadly No!, et al., have been extremely disturbing personally. What started out as more or less my regular anti-communist blogging has developed into something with apparently high stakes for some of the subjects of my writing. The distortions, lies, evasions, and demonizations have probably by now taken the record for the most sustained depravity I've dealt with in my 5+ years of blogging. And that's saying a lot.

In any case, I'm getting back to my regular blogging routine, providing lots of high-quality content and commentary for readers. The semester's winding down, and I'm finding more time for reading and writing. Here though I wanted to be on record with some things that I discovered today. I wrote the Esquire/World Net Daily post earlier today, and while commenting on how Doug Mataconis fell for the prank I linked to the Sadly No! attack on Sasquatch Israel. Clicking the link later tonight I checked the comments, which was difficult, but still, I noticed that "actor212" was leading the discussion, with his exclamation that I'd found Tintin's post on the "tailpipe fuck."


Linked at the comment is my entry on Sadly No!'s attack on Don Surber as fornicating with an exhaust pipe (click through for the disgusting Photoshop). Mindboggling mendacity, I know, but I'm just warming up here. Recall that "actor212" is Carl Salonen, a smug and chunky one at that. Responding to him, Malaclypse enters the thread and indicates that "It would be very, very wrong to photoshop Donalde showing his love of Sasquatch."


That's sick.

Anyway, my (other) longstanding nemesis (James Casper) has been getting off on all of this, so I decided to drop a non-profane comment in the thread pictured, but he deleted it --- four times. Racist Repsac3 is one of the most hardcore free speech blog administrators online, but he wouldn't let this one through, despite the specific omission of actor212's identity. Maybe he didn't want that link to actor212's comment at Sadly No!, although that's an ad hoc adjustment. Racist Repsac3 = Casper keeps moving the goalposts:


Anyway, my investigation is continuing, and as we can see, things are picking up. Meanwhile, referring back to Amy Alkon's blog, folks might review her essay, "The Attack On My Book":

Grown adults, like a 52-year-old unsuccessful actor in New York City named Carl Salonen, are part of an attack at Amazon by the Tiny Little Thugs (aka in hopes of hurting the sales of my book. Their blog item is here.

Salonen, most vilely, posted a "review," now removed, calling me "Arnold Alkon," harkening back to their old attacks at their site calling me a tranny and asking whether I have a penis, etc.
Amy's got the links back to the sick fucks at Sadly No! It turns out that actor212 reposted one of his "reviews" of her book to the Sadly thread:


I'll update this post with some additional links and screencaps, bringing in Scott Eric Kaufman's libelous allegations of pedophilia at the most recent Sadly attack on American Power. And I've got more information and screencaps forthcoming as well. This is the daily routine with these people, and Carl Salonen is the Sadly No! ringleader in the comment threads, and perhaps more.

Until then ...

RELATED: Here's the longer post from yesterday afternoon, on Israel's Nakba incursion, in response to a post from Charli Carpenter at Lawyers, Guns and Murder. I'll have more on Charli Carpenter later as well. As I've argued previously, she's destroying her reputation by associating herself with these pathetic losers.

Danish Film Director Lars Von Trier's Nazi Comments at Cannes

This is just plain weird, and that's Kirsten Dunst next to Von Trier at top:

Noodling Catfish

Heard about it for the first time the other day, at Wall Street Journal, "Long Arm of the Law Penalizes Texans Who Nab Catfish by Hand." And now here comes the video clip from Maggie's Farm, "Serious Fishin'":

Not sure if I'll be givin' that one a go ...?

'The History of Jerusalem Did Not Start in 1967'

Via Israel Matzav, "Video: Jerusalem: The media myth of two cities":
The history of Jerusalem did not start in 1967. Thousands of years of Jewish history took place in what is now called "Arab East Jerusalem."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Speaking of Esquire ... Marisa Miller Topless Photoshoot!

I covered this today, but the Kos Kids are getting a load out of it, "BWAHAHA! Corsi/Farah/WND PUNKED by Esquire!" (I like the BWAHAHA! part ...) And here's the key passage, an official statement from Esquire, apparently:
UPDATE, 12:25 p.m., for those who didn't figure it out yet, and the many on Twitter for whom it took a while: We committed satire this morning to point out the problems with selling and marketing a book that has had its core premise and reason to exist gutted by the news cycle, several weeks in advance of publication. Are its author and publisher chastened? Well, no. They double down, and accuse the President of the United States of perpetrating a fraud on the world by having released a forged birth certificate. Not because this claim is in any way based on reality, but to hold their terribly gullible audience captive to their lies, and to sell books. This is despicable, and deserves only ridicule. That's why we committed satire in the matter of the Corsi book. Hell, even the president has a sense of humor about it all. Some more serious reporting from us on this whole "birther" phenomenon here, here, and here.
I don't read Esquire (it sucks, obviously), but Marisa Miller's lovely, and painful though it may be, here's the exception: "Marisa Miller Would Like to Welcome You to Summer."

Israel-Bashing Progressives Paint Iran/Syrian-Backed Border Incursion as 'Martin Luther King-Style Non-Violence'

I write about Israel a lot, but once again I'm blown away by the left's complete disconnect from objective reality. Charli Carpenter, at Lawyers, Guns and Murder, posts an entry, citing The Economist, making the case that the Nakba Day uprising was a "Martin Luther King-style" example of non-violent resistance. The videos tell another story, naturally.

But there's a number of reports as well that indicate a much more complicated picture than political scientist Charli Carpenter lets on, much less the dolts at The Economist. There's major concern, for example, that outside powers, Iran and Syria, played a major role in fomenting violence among what for many may have indeed been a planned day of peaceful protest. See, Allison Kaplan Sommer, "‘Nakba Day’ Incidents Worry Israelis and Embarrass the IDF":"
For days, the military — and, to be fair, also the Israeli and the international press — had been focusing on expected violent protests and provocation in Jerusalem and the West Bank, when it should have been looking northwards, where the worst “Bloody Sunday” clashes took place in the Druze village of Majdal Shams and on the Lebanese border.

It was the infiltration of the Syrian border by hundreds of unarmed civilians, who successfully trampled the border fence and crossed into Israeli territory near Majdal Shams, that was the real shock of the day. Protests in that area were a matter of routine on Nakba Day and were expected: for nearly 1000 Syrians to gather at the border and for hundreds to rush across the fence into Israeli-controlled territory was not a scenario that was forseen or prepared for.

Israeli politicians and pundits quickly theorized that the infiltration was a Bashar Assad production. Israel was clearly being used in a public relations exercise, they said, deliberately orchestrated by the Assad regime in an effort to take the spotlight off of their brutal suppression of protest movements in Syria and draw attention instead to the border with Israel. The infiltrators reportedly were Palestinians from refugee camps in Syria. Presumably, for the operation to succeed, it had to have been tolerated, if not actively assisted, by the strong Syrian government. The IDF intelligence failure appeared even more embarrassing when it was reported that the operation was planned carefully over the past several months — and that participants were recruited and logistics organized on Facebook. (As of this writing, Israeli journalists poring over Facebook have not yet found evidence to back up the claim.)

If Syria was indeed an active player, it was successful: international headlines emphasized the events on the Israeli border and downplayed a continuing crackdown in a Syrian city on the Lebanese border on the very same day that claimed more Syrian lives than the IDF incident.
Also mentioned are the border incursions from Lebanon, at Maroun al-Ras, from Gaza, and from the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Omri Ceren, at Commentary, has more on this, "Naturally, the UN Condemns Israel for Nakba Day Violence":
To distract the world from how he’s been massacring his own people, Bashar al-Assad opened up the Israeli-Syrian border to rioters on Sunday, hundreds of whom infiltrated Israel. In Lebanon, Hezbollah—a recognized terrorist organization and a proxy for the Iranian government—organized protesters, ensuring that enough Palestinian flags were distributed. Israeli soldiers watched as Syrian, Lebanese, and United Nations soldiers stepped aside to let hostile mobs rush their border, and only when rioters were at the fences—or had climbed over them—did they react.

Naturally, then, the UN is condemning Israel.

“I am shocked by the number of the deaths and the use of disproportionate, deadly force by the Israeli Defense Forces against apparently unarmed demonstrators, which I condemn,” said Michael Williams, UN’s Special Coordinator for Lebanon.

Amnesty International is also calling for an investigation into Israel’s actions, although for some unknown reason they are not calling for a similar investigation of the Lebanese Armed Forces, which also opened fire on protesters. No surprise here. A little chagrin on the part of the UN, though—perhaps even some reticence to condemn Israel—might have been expected, given how UN forces’ severe dereliction of duty enabled the rioters to rush the Israeli border. Apparently not.
And more on the Lebanese Armed Forces. It turns out that Israel has decided NOT to release video that captured Lebanese troops killing protesters. See, "IDF withholds video of Lebanese firing on protesters." Also, on the terrorist truck rampage that killed one on Nakba Day: "Police increasingly sure TA truck rampage deliberate."

I'll have more later. Meanwhile, check the comments at Lawyers, Guns and Murder. It's like a bloodthirsty mob that's mainlined a toxic zombie cocktail of Noam Chomsky and the Hamas Charter's genocidal jihad. Seriously. It's Western Jew hatred condensed in netroots fever-swamp form, available on an ostensibly responsible academic political science blog. A frenzied, deranged malice, directed solely at Israel, which unleashed would bring about a bloodbath of world historical significance.

Say your prayers.

NewsBusted — Osama's Dead

A classic:

RELATED: At LAT, "In genuine flip-flop, Obama White House ends faked news photo practice," and "Why did Obama's Osama bin Laden poll boost get buried at sea so quickly too?"

Let me guess ... losers in the White House? Yeah. Sounds about right.

World Net Daily Rebuts Esquire's 'Fabricated Attack' on Jerome Corsi's New Book, Where's the Birth Certificate? — UPDATED!!

It's a prank.

The Esquire story is here: "BREAKING: Jerome Corsi's Birther Book Pulled from Shelves!" (via Memeorandum). Pretty sensational, right? Well, WND is not pleased, suggesting it's a White House-backed disinformation campaign to destroy the book's credibility and that of the author and publisher. See, "National mag publishes fabricated report attacking Corsi book: Esquire claims best-seller being disavowed by publisher, 'pulled from shelves'":
A major national publication that endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008 today published a completely fabricated news story claiming Jerome Corsi's new best-selling "Where's the Birth Certificate," published by WND Books, has been disavowed by the publisher and taken out of stores nationwide, with refunds offered to purchasers.

Esquire, established in 1932, alleged on its website today under a "BREAKING" headline that Corsi's book was "pulled from shelves!"

Media are calling WND from around the world about the false report.

WND founder and CEO Joseph Farah confirmed he never spoke to Esquire.

"Never uttered these words or anything remotely resembling them to anyone," he said. "It is a complete fabrication."

Farah said, "The book is selling briskly. I am 100 percent behind it. This has all the earmarkings of a White House dirty trick – but, of course, only the Nixon administration was capable of dirty tricks like that, according to our watchdog media."
More at the link above.

Daily Caller reports on the prank. Mark Warren, the author, says he has no regrets for posting it, and he's got strong words for Jerome Corsi: "He is an execrable piece of shit ..." Typical progressive "civility."

Anyway, turns out Doug Mataconis didn't catch the parody, although that stuff happens.

Anyway the book's selling pretty good, so check it out: Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President. Apparently there's significant demand, which is understandable given the president's rank duplicity. See Gallup, "Obama's Birth Certificate Convinces Some, but Not All, Skeptics."

UPDATE: This is getting pretty ugly . See James Taranto, "How Not to Write Satire" (via Glenn Reynolds). And especially, Chris Moody, "Joseph Farah says he may sue Esquire for ‘parody’ story on Jerome Corsi book."

Newt Gingrich Founders as Sarah Palin Pulls Away

Man, this is a really strange pre-primary period. I couldn't be happier at Newt Gingrich's self-destruction, and it's the first rule of holes by this time. I doubt ten appearances on Fox News will make much difference. Gingrich has lost both activists and the establishment. Contrast that to Sarah Palin, who's at the top of Gallup's new poll on Republican Party presidential preferences.

But see Politico, "Newt Gingrich campaign fights for its life."

Mitch Daniels: GOP Savior?

It's perplexing to me. I've thought about this ever since Mona Charen gave Daniels a shout out at the Jewish Policy Center panel last September. I can't say yet either way. Daniels delivered an opening keynote speech at CPAC. I didn't pay all that much attention, but he's a former White House budget director and he puts a Cold War gravity on our our current fiscal crisis. Here's a clip below (and the full video is here and transcript here):

And see Politico, "GOP elite see Mitch Daniels as 2012 savior" (at Memeorandum):

Republicans say that barring an addition to the field, the fight in coming weeks will be for the spots as the most viable alternative to front-running Romney. The former Massachusetts governor is expected to far surpass his rivals in fundraising and has a vast political machine left from his previous run.

Romney’s support remains lukewarm. “People say, ‘I wrote him a check, but I’m not going to kill myself for him, like I did last time,’” a well-connected Republican said. “If you listen long enough, to enough people, you pick that up a lot.”

So insiders are closely watching a Pawlenty vs. Huntsman subrace, to see who else might show staying power.

There is one other scenario, and it terrifies Washington Republicans. That is the possibility that some very conservative, insurgent candidate will become the Romney alternative: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum or former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, if she defies conventional wisdom and winds up going for it.

“Republicans could have the situation that Democrats did in 1972, when the base of the party was so far outside the mainstream,” said one top Republican. Back then, George McGovern was the Democratic nominee and lost 49 states to President Richard Nixon.

Obama to Give Middle East Address Thursday

Yeah, and a lot of good it's gonna do.

See Los Angeles Times, "Obama's upcoming speech will spell out his Mideast rationale."
President Obama will seek to define his administration's stance toward the rapid changes in the Middle East and North Africa in a major address Thursday in which he will cast the U.S. as a facilitator rather than the instigator of political change in the Arab world.

As uprisings have swept through the region, Obama has been criticized from both the left and the right for taking too passive an approach. In Egypt, as demonstrators began demanding the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak, a longtime U.S. ally, the administration initially seemed to vacillate on its course, and ended up angering Mubarak's supporters as well as his opponents.

In Bahrain and Syria, the U.S. has largely remained on the sidelines as authoritarian regimes have sought to crush domestic opposition. And in Libya, the U.S. has backed the use of NATO military power against Moammar Kadafi's regime in a limited fashion.

Critics have said the administration is merely reacting to events and lacks an overall strategy. Obama's speech, aides say, will give the president an opportunity to lay out the rationale for his approach.
See also, Wall Street Journal, "Obama to Pledge New Mideast Aid."

Hope that helps, or ... well, from Barry Rubin, "Read It Now: The Possible/Probable Main Crisis for 2012."

'All the Dangerous Reptiles and Insects, and All the Lethal Bacteria, Are Far Less Dangerous Than the Jews'

This is terrorist Yunis Al Astal of Hamas, Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, calling for death to the Jews in Israel (via Bare Naked Islam):

Arab Spring Fails to Improve U.S. Image

Hmm ....

Support for suicides bombings is up in Egypt, unchanged among Palestinian Muslims. See the Pew Global Attitudes Project. (Via Blazing Cat Fur, who has screencaps.)

RELATED: At IBD, "Is the Invasion of Israel Imminent?"

Expectation Grows for Michele Bachmann Presidential Announcement

It's looking more likely she'll be a candidate, and I'm not going to surprised at all. I've been expecting Bachmann's entry since at least the Horowitz West Coast Retreat. That said, it's still speculation at this point. See Fox News, "GOP Braces for Bachmania" (via Memeorandum).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Newt Gingrich Glittered!

Boy, he's getting it from all sides, metaphorically speaking, of course:

And of course, the extremists at Rachel Maddow's are down with that. Amazing thing is Gingrich is such a GOP loser. He must have REALLY built up some resentments. Seriously. Good thing these guys weren't leather-clad bomb-throwers. No doubt there's some gay Weather Underground-wannabes out there. And Gingrich is fail on the security. Sheesh.

Also, at KARE11-TV Minneapolis, "Gingrich hit with glitter at Minneapolis event." And KSMP-TV Fox 9, "Protestor Hits Gingrich, Wife with Glitter before Speech."

Newt Gingrich Apologizes

To Paul Ryan, for his amateurish attack on the House Budget Chairman's Medicare reform plan. At Politico (via Memorandum):

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich apologized in a telephone call to House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Tuesday afternoon for his remarks on “Meet the Press,” where the presidential candidate referred to Ryan’s Medicare proposal as “radical change.”

“Newt apologized,” said Rick Tyler, his press secretary and longtime aide. “The call went very well.”

Gingrich, his nascent campaign in jeopardy, has shifted into fervent damage control following a furious conservative reaction to his comments — and is even expressing a rare bit of contrition.
More at that link above.

Frankly, Newt's presidential star is setting before it even came up. See also, "Newt Gingrich owed six figures to Tiffany's." Lots more at Memeorandum. Pathetic.

Added (with video): At Nice Deb, "Newt Gingrich Is Done."

Herman Cain Interview at PJTV

And see also Robert Stacy McCain, with video, "Herman Cain: Georgia GOP Speech."

The French Are Mad — Mad! — at the Arrest of Socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Sexual Assault Charges

At New York Times, "As Case Unfolds, France Speculates and Steams."

PARIS — France’s shock at the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn on sexual assault charges has turned among some to suspicion and anger, with his defenders questioning the initial New York police account and speculating about entrapment, and many others characterizing the photos of the handcuffed suspect as insulting and unfair.

Mr. Strauss-Kahn, 62, was arrested on charges of attempted rape and illegal imprisonment of a chambermaid in a French-owned hotel in Midtown Manhattan, the Sofitel, and was arraigned on Monday in New York.

The charges against a man thought to have had the best chance of becoming France’s next president in elections only a year away, and who is the prominent managing director of the International Monetary Fund, have exploded most political assumptions here.
Poor dears.

Actually, I'm with Judge Melissa Jackson on this, as she remarked when denying Strauss-Kahn's defense attorneys' request for bail: “When I hear that your client was at J.F.K. Airport about to board a flight” ... “that raises some concern.”

Well, yeah.

See also Matt Welch, "BHL: France's National Disgrace" (on Bernard Henri-Levy, via Althouse).

Cindy Crawford Mitt Romney Demonstration Video

Everybody's blogging on this, although I can't find the actual demonstration video. Mitt Romney Central has video of Romney's Q & A livestream from yesterday's National Call Day: "In Case You Missed It: Video of Mitt Romney’s Facebook Town Hall + Romney Headlines Drudge." Meanwhile, Pirate's Cove has a fabulous photo-round up of Cindy Crawford, "Cindy Crawford Abandons Obama For Romney?" (Via The Hill and Memorandum.)

And here's some alternative Cindy Crawford video:

Arnold Schwarzenegger Love Child!

I'd say this proves he was a Democrat all along, but a Democrat would have just paid for an abortion and been done with it.

At Los Angeles Times, "Schwarzenegger fathered a child with longtime member of household staff." (Via Memeorandum.)

Dems' Thuggery Knows No Bounds

Michael Walsh's column is here.

But see also National Review:
For years now, I’ve been saying that the modern Democratic party is the unholy issue of thirties gangsters and sixties Marxists, a criminal organization masquerading as a political party, composed of thugs, lawyers, layabouts, and guilt-ridden dupes, and motivated entirely by a lust for power disguised as the phony virtue of “compassion.” And I mean that in the nicest possible way: The Republicans could use a little — no, make that a lot — of their ruthless moxie.
More at Cold Fury, "Pin the tail on the radical" (via Memeorandum).

Israel Will Never Have Peace

It's Bret Stephens, at the Wall Street Journal. There's no brief passage to capture it, so RTWT. Stephens was former editor-in-chief at the Jerusalem Post, and his commentary reflects it. (Google link is here.)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Carl Salonen Threatens Libel Action

Okay, an update to this morning's post: "Outing Tintin at Sadly No!"

As mentioned, I'm still researching information, although now it looks as though Carl Salonen's going to make the job a lot easier. Salonen, who Amy Alkon has identified as the Sadly No! ringleader in the attacks on her book, now indicates that he's "brought" suit against me, in the comments at Racist Repac3 = Casper:


"It's brought" is reference to the verb phrase as "bringing a lawsuit," and as of 10:00pm EDT the announcement flew right over the heads of dimbulbs James Casper and Brendan Keefe at the thread. Idiots.

Carl Salonen's an idiot too. Not only will I file a motion to dismiss for lack of venue, I'll file counter claim for abuse of process, and I'll reverse the libel charges. While keeping Tintin in the loop, Carl Solenen has libeled me on Twitter "child pornographer":



Carl Salonen isn't the first to call me a paunchy middle-aged child pornographer. Scott Eric Kaufman made the allegations previously. And "too little, too late" is a reference to my entry this morning, and my pulled posts.

Not only that, see Glenn Reynolds, "Libel in the Blogosphere":
Blog-culture also frowns on libel suits, and threats of libel suits. Anyone threatening a blogger with legal action—even if that person is a blogger as well—can expect a generally hostile response from many, many other bloggers. This is what happened, for example, when economist-blogger Donald Luskin threatened then-anonymous blogger “Atrios” (since self-unmasked as Duncan Black). Many bloggers, including myself, urged Luskin to withdraw his threat, as he finally did.

When a non-blogger threatens such a suit, the result is usually even more fierce, resulting in far more bad publicity than the original statement is likely to have produced (publicity that, because of blogs’ strong representation in the Google ranking scheme, will be prominently displayed to anyone researching the threatener). In addition, bloggers and blog readers tend to do their best to discover any other embarrassing matter regarding the threatener, adding an “Army of Davids” effect to the old lawyers’ saying that if you sue someone for libel, they’re “liable to prove it.”

Finally, speedy correction of factual errors is another cultural value of the blogosphere. When errors of fact are pointed out, most bloggers correct them immediately (something that is easy with blogging software as it is not for newspapers, television broadcasters, or book publishers) and generally do so with the same degree of prominence as the original error. This practice makes libel suits less likely, of course, and would arguably serve as evidence of absence of malice.
I'll have more later.

I took my posts down while gathering more evidence, and that goes to show "absence of malice."

But whatever. I'm especially looking forward to how "bloggers and blog readers tend to do their best to discover any other embarrassing matter regarding the threatener, adding an “Army of Davids” effect to the old lawyers’ saying that if you sue someone for libel, they’re “liable to prove it.”

I mentioned this last night, when I suggested that Carl Salonen doesn't really want the publicity. Sadly No! is reviled across the conservasphere. But if Carl's cruisin' for a bruisin', hey, bring it on brother.

Penélope Cruz in 'Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides'

I caught a brief preview of the new "Pirates" while watching television with my little guy the other day. I had no idea another version was coming out, and I think I skipped seeing the last one in theaters; but Penélope Cruz is fabulous, so perhaps the franchise is worth another look. The film preview is at the Disney page. And at Los Angeles Times, "'Pirates of the Caribbean' the latest film franchise to go for a four-peat":

When "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" debuted in May 2007, many critics derided the third installment in the Disney franchise, calling its plot incomprehensible and 169-minute running time torturous. Newsweek prayed it was the final movie in the series; the New Yorker said a monkey delivered the best performance in the film; and Time suggested an alternative title for the picture: "Pirates of the Caribbean: At Wit's End."

Yet rather than sheath their swords, Johnny Depp and Co. restocked the eyeliner supply and relaced the corsets, signing on a little more than one year later for a fourth go-round. The copious haul of doubloons that Capt. Jack Sparrow pocketed worldwide suggested that with a little freshening of the franchise, audiences might be lured back aboard for yet another film.

"Even though the reviewers weren't crazy about the third one, it did almost a billion dollars. That's a big movie," says "Pirates" producer Jerry Bruckheimer, who, along with Disney, a new director ("Chicago" helmer Rob Marshall) and a new supporting cast, including Penélope Cruz, will bring another adventure in the eye-patch saga to theaters this week. "If we do a little less [money] on the fourth one, we'd be happy."

The return of "Pirates of the Caribbean" on Friday (this one is titled "On Stranger Tides") is part of a major shift in Hollywood, with studios now routinely pursuing a fourth picture in a series, often after an extended layoff — or even a fifth, in the case of Universal's current hit "Fast Five."
That "Fast Five" is of the "Fast and Furious" series, which has already made a cool $140 million and could get a sixth installment.

More examples at the link up top.

Last Launch for Space Shuttle Endeavour (VIDEO)

And Gabrielle Giffords was on hand: "Gabrielle Giffords, Mark Kelly met privately before shuttle launch."

Also at AubreyJ's.

Althouse Slams Robert 'Porn Guy' Farley!


Robert "Porn Guy" Farley (a.k.a "Che") gets slammed by Althouse. Added bonus is this cached version from the archives: "Candyass blogger move of all time: Lawyers, Guns & Money bans Meade!"

Cool porn hat too!

Added: Ann slaps down LGM in the comments:

I don't like [link] to his blog anymore. I used to go back and forth with them over some things, such as when they attack me. But deleting all Meade's comments? Fuck them.

Turns out LGM's getting f-bombed all over the place, for example, by R.S. McCain.

Trump Won't Run

Well, it was fun while it lasted.

At The Rhetorican, "Trump Won’t Run For President."

Also at New York Daily News, "Donald Trump will not run for president in 2012 after toying with possible Republican candidacy."

Added: Trump's statement is at CNN (via Memeorandum).

Runoff Expected in Special Election for California's 36th Congressional Seat

And it looks like Marcy Winograd, the hardline progressive who took 41 percent of the vote against Jane Harmon in the Democratic primary last year, won't make the cut. See Politico, "Class divide in war for Jane Harman's seat":

Washington has largely ignored the special election here Tuesday, focusing instead on a competitive House race across the country in New York. But the winner of California’s 36th District contest could reveal who’s leading the fight for the soul of the Democratic Party heading into the 2012 cycle.

Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn is an urban Democrat with strong labor backing. She will square off against Secretary of State Debra Bowen, a progressive candidate supported by environmentalists.

Under new California election rules, the top two vote-getters will advance to a July 12 runoff. With 16 names on the ballot, that means a divided Democratic vote won’t tip the seat to a Republican.

Hahn, the front-runner, is a “beer-track” Democrat from a political dynasty. She has support from such politically muscular unions as the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, an AFL-CIO affiliate representing 800,000-plus workers in the region, and the California Service Employees International Union.

Bowen, who previously represented most of the district in the state Legislature, is a “wine-track” Democrat who made a name for herself as an environmental crusader, co-authoring one of the country’s most ambitious laws to curb global warming. That’s earned her strong support from the national Sierra Club and the California League of Conservation Voters.

“Whoever’s voters show up on Election Day, that’s what’s going to win this,” Hahn told POLITICO. “The labor piece in this election is key, and particularly, again, because it’s a special election. L.A. County Federation of Labor knows how to win these.”
Actually, there's really not that much of a "class-divide" here. The South Bay labor constituency boasts major backing from the left's communist organizations. Winograd marched with ANSWER and antiwar veterans groups, but the Los Angeles teachers unions and SEIU recently "dropped the mask" on their communist orientation, so clearly the local Democrat Party has been captured by the hard left. Hahn? Bowen? It doesn't really matter. The 35th District is pulling far left and whoever wins the runoff will be doing bidding for America's ideological enemies in Congress.

More on this at WaPo, "Fighting to be the real progressive in California special election."

Outing Tintin at Sadly No!

I'm on the verge of obtaining the mother of all tips on Tintin's identity. So until that information becomes available, and since Carl Salonen is threatening punitive retaliation against those looking into his shady activities, I'm temporarily pulling my previous posts in the series. Still available is "Excavating Pure Evil — Failed New York Actor Carl Salonen Revealed as 'Tintin' at Sadly No!??"

Interestingly, Tintin has agreed to delete any mention of Carl Salonen at Sadly No! The scrubbing conspiracy is complete:


For the record: Links to the mentions scrubbed from Brendan Keefe's (here), Lawyers, Guns and Murder (here and here), and Whiskey Fire (here and here).

Updates forthcoming.

Jewish Defence League Nakba Counter-Protest, Toronto, May 15, 2011

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Royal Ontario Museum Gift Shop Stormed In Nakba Rioting!"


Jewish Defense League Nakba Counter-Protest, Toronto, May 15, 2011

If there is a lesson to be learned from the event – it is that not all people are mindless Chomsky zombies, most of us think and remember history. The lefties can’t dupe everybody into believing their mythology. We know the truth and we are not afraid to stand for it.
Chomsky zombies? Yep. Sounds about right.

In Honor of Israel's 63rd Independence Day

An IAF flyover (via Theo Spark):

RELATED: At ABC News, "Palestinians Demonstrate on Israeli Anniversary." Also, previously, "Nakba Violence Erupts in Middle East — Analysts: Iran, Syria Leveraging Arab Spring to Destroy Israel (VIDEO)." More on this later ...

Brandi Lynn Rule 5!

I haven't posted Rule 5 in a while.

I promised Marooned in Marin some linkage, so check it out: "Hippie Rock Star Santana Uses Baseball Game To Bash Georgia & Arizona's Crackdown On Immigration Lawbreakers."

VIDEO c/o Theo Spark.

And don't miss Bob Belvedere's fabulous Rule 5 entry: " The TCOTS Six Days Of Cheesecake: Saturday."

Anyway, here's some link around action: Astute Bloggers, Bob Belvedere, CSPT, Dan Collins, Eye of Polyphemus, Gator Doug, Irish Cicero, Left Coast Rebel, Mind-Numbed Robot, Legal Insurrection, Lonely Conservative, PA Pundits International, PACNW Righty, Pirate's Cove, Proof Positive, Saberpoint, Snooper, WyBlog, The Western Experience, and Zion's Trumpet.

Plus, top it off with with American Perspective, Maggie's Notebook and Zilla of the Resistance.

Let me know if I need to add your blog to the roundup.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nakba Violence Erupts in Middle East — Analysts: Iran, Syria Leveraging Arab Spring to Destroy Israel (VIDEO)

The Astute Blogger's been doing some heavy reporting, for example, "TRUCK JIHADIST MURDERS ONE IN TEL AVIV."

Also, at Atlas Shrugs, "ISRAEL UNDER ATTACK: SYRIAN INVASION, LEBANON AND GAZA TOO, TRUCK ATTACK IN TEL AVIV, MUSLIM VIOLENCE ERUPTS IN ISRAEL." And Ynet,"Deadly clashes on Israel's borders with Syria, Lebanon" (via Memeorandum).

Background at Time, "A Third Intifadeh? Deadly Nakba Protests Spark Fears of Israel-Lebanon Border Escalation." Also, at Christian Science Monitor, "Palestinian refugees call for third intifada during deadly clashes at Israel-Lebanon border," and "'Nakba' clashes: Iran, Syria trying to turn Arab Spring fury into attacks on Israel?":

Israeli officials have warned in recent weeks that "radical" Islamist groups and Iran are trying to leverage the unrest in the Middle East to expand their influence and pull Israel into the conflict.

Now, the unprecedented breadth of Sunday's border protests, which marked the anniversary of Israel’s independence in 1948 – known to Palestinians as the "nakba’’ or "catastrophe" – are likely to strengthen Israel’s anxiety that the so-called Arab Spring will destabilize its neighborhood. And that will make the Jewish state less likely offer concessions for peace, security and political analysts say.

"For decades, the Arab leaders used Israel as an alternative focus. In my view, this is a return to the era of trying to divert internal dissent into attacks against Israel," says Gerald Steinberg, a professor of political science at Bar Ilan University. "It is possible that if Egypt and Syria were replaced by more open, pluralist regimes, they would be more focused on dealing with the internal issues, and less capable of diverting the population to targeting Israel, but this is still a long way off.’’

Israeli analysts speculated the incident occurred with the blessing of the Syrian government, but was actually a sign of the weakness of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, which has maintained a quiet border for decades.

On Sunday, the chief spokesman of Israel’s military, Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai, argued that the border protests in Lebanon and Syria bore the "fingerprints of Iranian provocation."
Plus, at New York Times, "Israel Clashes With Protesters on Four Borders."

RELATED: At Jerusalem Post, "Abbas: Those killed in Nakba Day clashes are martyrs," and "Syria condemns Israel's 'criminal acts' against protesters."

Naturally ...

The Racist 2012 Republican Field?

So far both Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul have been attacked as racist. Check Matthew Yglesias, "Newt Gingrich Proposes Reviving “Poll Tests” of the Sort Outlawed in the Civil Rights Era." He did nothing of the sort, but Yglesias cites race-monger Ta-Nehisi "Don't Spell My Name Wrong" Coates as an authority. It's just a warm-up. The entire GOP field will be attacked as "racist," pretty much for just running against Barack Obama. He's black. How dare you??!!

Via Memeorandum (with some bonus dolt-douche thrown in).