Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Democrat Denial About #ObamaCare's Midterm Repercussions in 2014

Yes, I can see why Democrats are starting to freak over their party leadership's ObamaCare denial.

Here's Debbie Wasserman Schultz from last week, "Wasserman Schultz: 'You're Darn Right' We'll Run on Obamacare."

And now here's this at Politco, "Democrats worry leaders in denial on Obamacare":
Democratic leaders claim the bungled launch of Obamacare is just the latest news sensation — a media-stirred tempest that looks in the heat of the moment like it could upend the midterm election, but ends up fizzling well before voters head to the polls.

Some party strategists say they’re in denial.

And that perceived gap between party spin and facts on the ground is fueling worries that the White House and Democratic higher-ups aren’t taking the possible electoral blowback seriously enough or doing enough to shield their candidates. Democratic contenders in the toughest races are distinctly less convinced that Obamacare will fade as an election-year issue — and they can’t afford to just cross their fingers that things get ironed out or that Republicans revert to political hara-kiri.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said at a forum hosted by BuzzFeed recently that the rollout won’t “hurt us in 2014,” adding that “we’re proud” of the law. Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, in a recent appearance on CNN, went so far as to assert that Obamacare would be “an advantage” for Democratic candidates next year.

“Democrats will run on the Affordable Care Act and win,” she has also told reporters.

The White House, meanwhile, has come across as equally dismissive of Obamacare’s consequences for 2014.

“The fact is that [the president] is focused on delivering the access to quality and affordable health insurance to the American people that the Affordable Care Act promises. He’s not concerned about the politics of that,” White House press secretary Jay Carney recently said.

Polls, however, suggest Democrats should be worried. A CBS News poll released Wednesday showed Obama with a 37 percent approval rating, his lowest figure ever in that survey. Another all-time low in the poll: approval of Obamacare, which stood at 31 percent.

Republicans are placing their chips on Obamacare as their defining 2014 issue and putting their money where their mouths are. The Koch brothers-funded Americans for Prosperity has launched a $4 million TV ad offensive targeting House and Senate Democrats on the health care law. As much as they might be tempted, those on the receiving end can’t easily flee from the law because many or most of them voted for it.

“We’re trying to deny what everyone knows is happening,” said one Democratic pollster who is a veteran of competitive congressional races. “Anybody who is halfway intelligent knows this is a big … problem for us. It’s impossible not to see. We can try to hide our heads in the sand and pretend it’s not a problem, but it is.”

A Culture in Ruins

You gotta read this piece, from Victor Davis Hanson:
Why would a culture that canonizes a Kanye West, Miley Cyrus, or Lady Gaga have the discrimination to determine whether their chief executive tells the truth or lies? Obamacare is a great program in a way that West, Cyrus, and Gaga are great artists, in a way that more iPads will mean more geniuses.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Obama in Complete Electoral Freak-Out Mode: Issues Regs to Crush Conservative 501c Groups

The IRS targeting scandal was just the beginning.

The Obama White House will crush conservative interest group opposition if it's the last thing it does.

At the New York Times, "New Rules Would Rein In Nonprofits’ Political Role":
The Obama administration on Tuesday moved to curb political activity by tax-exempt nonprofit organizations, with potentially major ramifications for some of the biggest and most secretive spenders in American politics.

New rules proposed by the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service would clarify both how the I.R.S. defines political activity and how much nonprofits are allowed to spend on it. The proposal covers not just television advertising, but bread-and-butter political work like candidate forums and get-out-the-vote drives.

Long demanded by government watchdogs and Democrats who say the flow of money through tax-exempt groups is corrupting the political system, the changes would be the first wholesale shift in a generation in the regulations governing political activity by nonprofits.

The move follows years of legal and regulatory shifts, including the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling in 2010, that have steadily loosened the rules governing political spending, particularly by those with the biggest bank accounts: corporations, unions and wealthy individuals.

But the proposal also thrusts the I.R.S. into what is sure to be a polarizing regulatory battle, with some Republicans immediately criticizing the proposal on Tuesday as an attack on free speech and a ploy to undermine congressional investigations into the agency’s handling of applications from Tea Party groups.

“Before rushing forward with new rules, especially ones that appear to make it harder to engage in public debate, I would hope Treasury would let all the facts come out first,” said Representative David Camp of Michigan, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Political spending by tax-exempt groups — from Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies, co-founded by the Republican strategist Karl Rove, to the League of Conservation Voters — skyrocketed to more than $300 million in 2012 from less than $5.2 million in 2006, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Much of the money has been funneled through chains of interlinked nonprofit groups, making it even harder to determine the original source.

And unlike political parties and “super PACs,” political nonprofits are permitted to keep the names of donors confidential, making them the vehicle of choice for deep-pocketed donors seeking to influence campaigns in secret.

The new rules would not prohibit political activity by nonprofits. But by seeking to establish clearer limits for campaign-related spending by groups claiming tax exemption, the I.R.S. proposal could have an enormous impact on some of the biggest groups, forcing them to either limit their election spending or register as openly political organizations, such as super PACs.

A spokesman for Crossroads declined to comment, as did officials at other political nonprofits.
It's a blatant attempt to shut down the Koch brothers' advocacy groups and Crossroads, to say nothing of folks like Sheldon Adelson and the like.

This push just reeks of total panic. Pathetic desperation. And it won't work. Money in politics is like water in a stream. Once something blocks the flow, the stream finds another way to keep rolling down.

Election 2014 can't come too soon. I'm loving this.

NBC Nightly News: Large Employers Slash Health Coverage Ahead of #ObamaCare 'Cadillac Tax'

Employees at large firms are seeing their out-of-pocket expenses skyrocket.

Mary Katharine Ham reports, at Hot Air, "Large employers cite upcoming Obamacare Cadillac tax for reduced benefits":

See? There’s something in this law for everyone, just not exactly the way they said.

But take heart, America. Brian Williams of the NBC Nightly News is on it, sending investigative reporters to look into the “fine print” of Obamacare. Isn’t that something that would have been more useful four years ago?

Now NBC’s found out that large companies— add ‘em to the small companies and individual market plans—are also reducing benefits, raising co-pays and deductibles to cope with Obamacare’s new costs. So, if you have a catastrophic plan in the individual market, you’re losing the plan you may have liked for the privilege of paying more. If you had a middle-of-the-road individual market plan you liked, you’re losing that plan for the privilege of paying more often for fewer benefits. If you had a decent plan at a small employer, you’re likely to get dumped into the exchanges as mandate-heavy health care plans get too expensive for small businesses to afford. If you have a plan you like at a medium-sized employer, you’re likely to get dumped into the exchanges next year when the employer mandate kicks in, and your costs are already rising or benefits are going down. If you’re at a large employer with a very nice health insurance plan, sorry, you’re now going to have reduced benefits to avoid the “Cadillac” tax.
For 75 million Americans who get their insurance through large companies, the Affordable Care Act is a mixed bag. Experts tell NBC News the new healthcare law is only slightly increasing premiums next year, but causing some companies with the most generous plans to reduce their employees’ benefits.

Aaron Baker, 36, his wife Billie and their two young children are covered under a generous health insurance plan offered by the private Midwestern university where he’s worked for 10 years. When they opened their benefits notice this year, they were pleased to see their $385 premium is only up by four dollars next year. However, they were shocked to discover that instead of covering the first dollar they spend with no deductible, the Baker’s plan now includes a $1,000 deductible and a $2,500 out of pocket maximum. They also will still have small co-pays for services.

According to the enrollment notice, the changes are “to relieve future health plan trend pressure and to put the university in a position to avoid the excise tax that becomes effective in 2018.” The 40 percent excise tax—often called the “Cadillac tax”— is part of Obamacare and is levied on the most generous health plans. It’s designed to bring down overall health costs by making companies and workers more cost-conscious. The thinking is that if consumers have to pay more expenses themselves, through higher deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses, they’ll avoid unnecessary or overly costly procedures. And that is supposed to make care more affordable for everyone.

Billie Baker doesn’t think much of that concept. “I think that saying that your insurance is too good so we’re going to give you a penalty,” she said, “is sort of outrageous to me.”
Continue reading.

And here's my previous entry, "CBS 'This Morning': Millions to Lose Employer-Based Coverage Under #ObamaCare."

CBS 'This Morning': Millions to Lose Employer-Based Coverage Under #ObamaCare

I know Fox News has been all over the thrashing of employer-based coverage under ClusterCare, but even the leftist press is picking up on the story.

At CBS News, "Some small businesses cancelling health insurance plans for employees":

The Obama administration is promising the federal health care website,, will run smoothly by the end of this weekend. However, with that self-imposed deadline approaching, CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson learned some of those who get their insurance through work are losing their coverage.

Attkisson said on “CBS This Morning” that she learned that the government had earlier estimated that millions of workers would be dropped from their employee insurance under the Affordable Care Act, and for some it's already happening.
Continue reading.

And here's today's report at Fox, "Almost 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled, experts predict" (via Memeorandum).

Reader's Guide to the Coming #ObamaCare Traumas

At WSJ, "Manias, Panics and ObamaCare Crashes":
Our guess is that President Obama will try to power through all of this the way he always has: Blame others, stretch or break the law to plug the holes, squeeze insurers and try to keep Democrats from breaking ranks before the 2014 election. Perhaps it will work. But if the disruption spreads, and complaints multiply, don't be surprised if Democrats force the White House to reopen the law.
RTWT at the link.

Ace of Spades' Talking Points for Talking With Your Obnoxious Progressive Family Members About Obamacare This Thanksgiving


It's good, at AoSHQ:
5. Remember when you gleefully, giddily declared the end of the Republican Party and a new era of Proud Progressive dominance? Yeah, the current political Big Story is whether or not Obamacare will wind up discrediting progressivism for just an election cycle or two, or as much as a generation. It looks like you were wrong about that.
RTWT at the link.

Sinking #ObamaCare Will Take Entire Cesspool of Radical Progressivism Down With It

From Franklin Foer, at the New Republic, "Obamacare's Threat to Liberalism."

I love how Foer refers to Obama's Democrat successor as a "her."

Hmm, who could that be?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Oh My! Just 40% Say Obama 'Can Manage the Government Effectively'

Man, the hits are like wallops now.

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The raw numbers are at CNN's new poll.

And from Ed Morrissey, at Hot Air, "CNN poll shows Obama personal qualities sliding underwater:
We are starting to see a broad polling trend for Barack Obama, and it should have the White House worried — but maybe Obama’s fellow Democrats in Congress even more. The latest CNN poll confirms what the Washington Post/ABC poll first noticed, and what the CBS poll corroborated — Obama’s approval decline involves more than just his performance. The Americans public is souring on Obama as a person and as a brand, and that spells real trouble for his agenda...
Continue reading.

Worst. President. Ever.

I've been saying that for a long time. The rest of the country is just now catching up with me.

Obama Heckler is Illegal Alien

Anderson Cooper tweets.

#ObamaCare Will Not Cut Healthcare Costs

From Thomas Miller and Abby McCloskey, at WSJ, "The Next ObamaCare Mirage":
Supporters of President Obama are working overtime to backtrack from his promise that "If you like your health-care insurance, you can keep it. Period." While the president has conceded that this statement was inaccurate, the administration doesn't seem to have learned its lesson. The damage control plan is to spread another falsehood about the Affordable Care Act.

The claim this time is that the health-care "cost curve is bending, and the ACA is a significant part of the reason." That was what David Cutler —an influential Harvard economist and senior health-care adviser in Mr. Obama's 2008 presidential campaign—wrote in a Washington Post WPO -0.71%  op-ed on Nov. 10.

The president jumped on this theme in his press conference on Nov. 14. "I'm not going to walk away from something that has helped the cost of health care grow at its slowest rate in 50 years," he said. On Wednesday, the White House Council of Economic Advisers published a report claiming that "the ACA is contributing to the recent slow growth in health care prices and spending."

These assertions border on nonsense....

In his 2008 campaign, Mr. Obama promised that his health-care reform plan would save a typical family $2,500 in annual premiums by the end of his first term. This was Mr. Cutler's prediction, and it was based on projected rapid returns from larger federal investments in health-information technology, new reinsurance subsidies for high-cost workers, and savings on administrative costs for health insurance.

Those cost savings haven't materialized. Mr. Cutler maintains they will, mostly through other untested reforms, and the White House Council of Economic Advisers report points to potential savings from fledgling Accountable Care Organizations, lower Medicare reimbursements, value-based payments and hospital readmission penalties. To be sure, some of these programs have and may result in small savings, but they had little effect on savings claimed from 2010 to 2013. For example, even the president's Council of Economic Advisers hedges that some of the claimed savings from reduced hospital readmission rates "may not be entirely attributable to the ACA payment incentives."

CMS actuaries find that any positive effects of the ObamaCare delivery system experiments on the cost of health care "remain highly speculative." When they compare their September 2013 projections with earlier estimates in April 2010, these actuaries find that the law would increase national health spending higher than previously expected by an additional $27 billion in 2019 alone.

To argue that the Affordable Care Act has been and will be a key driver of slower health-care spending is irreconcilable with the most basic facts about such spending over the last decade, as well as with the judgment of the executive branch's own team of actuaries responsible for health-care accounting and future projections.
Magical communist gnomes were supposed to make this work, or something.

Donna Brazile's Hackiest #ObamaCare Hack Tweet

Man, just in time.

I needed a good laugh after work today, and Donna Brazile's got the goods.

At Twitchy, "‘Lunatic!’ Bless Donna Brazile’s heart: Hackiest Obamacare hack tweet in all of hackdom?"

Gun Possession Sentences Put Three-Strikes Law Back in Court

Well, I voted against the measure.

At LAT, "Rulings on jail terms inconsistent after changes to three-strikes law":
After nearly two decades behind bars, Mark Anthony White saw a chance for freedom last year when California voters softened the state's tough three-strikes law.

Within weeks of the election, White asked a judge to reduce his 25-years-to-life sentence under the ballot measure, which allows most inmates serving life terms for relatively minor third strikes to seek more lenient sentences.

White would have walked free if his request had been granted. But a San Diego County judge refused to reduce White's sentence. The judge ruled that the 54-year-old prisoner's last crime, being a felon in possession of a firearm, made him ineligible for a lighter punishment.

A year after state voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 36, judges around the state are handing down conflicting decisions on whether prisoners given life terms for gun possession can qualify for shorter sentences.

The ballot measure specifically excluded prisoners whose third strikes were either violent or serious, or who during the commission of their last crime were armed with a firearm or deadly weapon.

Whether someone convicted of simply possessing a firearm was in fact armed during the commission of a crime is a more complicated legal question than it might appear. The answer could mean the difference between freedom and life in prison for more than 280 third-strikers across the state. In Los Angeles County, about 120 prisoners are waiting for the legal wrangling over the issue to be resolved.

White has appealed the decision denying his request for a shorter sentence, and his case appears to be the first in which an appeals court could address the issue head on...
The f-ker should be behind bars. The three-strikes law was good law. You know idiot leftists got on the ballot last year, and good, decent and innocent people are the ones who'll pay the price as crime skyrockets.

More at that top link.

Time Magazine: Obama's Signature 'Broken Promise'

ClusterCare's on the cover of Time Magazine this week, with Americans being reminded (quite prominently) of the administration's signature broken promise, from supermarkets to doctors' offices and airports to mailboxes. A harsh cover story no doubt prefiguring many more to come.

See, "Obama's Race for the Cure":
A good President needs a big comfort zone. He should be able to treat enemies as opportunities, appear authentic in joy and grief, stay cool under the hot lights. But humility doesn't come naturally to those who decide they are qualified to run the free world. So the sign that the Obama presidency had reached a turning point came not when his poll numbers sank or his allies shuddered or the commentariat went hunting for the right degree of debacle to compare to the rollout of Obamacare.

It happened when he started apologizing. In triplicate. For not knowing what was going on in his own Administration. For failing to prevent his signature achievement from detonating in prime time. For not telling the whole truth when he promised people that Obamacare would not touch them without permission: "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."

Obama's supporters can decry a "feeding frenzy," but this is a critical moment for a President whose agenda for a second term amounted to little more than being not as lame as the other guy. The website may or may not get fixed on deadline, the senior staff may be booted and rebooted, but it is already too late to avoid a pageant of media scrutiny, Republican merriment, a rebuke even from Bill Clinton and a host of existential questions: Can this policy be saved? What is left of Obama's second term if it is consumed by fixing an unpopular policy from the first? How could a White House appear so confident and incompetent at the same time?

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Forget Black Friday: Major Retaliers to Open at 8:00pm on Thanksgiving

Target's upping its shopping Blitzkrieg to 8:00pm.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Black Friday keeps growing: Target, Toys R Us to open on Thanksgiving":
At this rate, shoppers hoping to get in on "Black Friday" deals will have to eat their turkey for lunch, as both Target and Toys R Us announced plans to open Thanksgiving evening.

In its earliest opening ever, Target said it will welcome bargain hunters at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 28, joining a veritable stampede of retailers, including Macy’s, J.C. Penney and Staples.

Target said most stores will stay open until 11 p.m. on Friday and also will stay open for at least 14 hours on Christmas Eve and 15 hours the day after Christmas.

As for the employees running the holiday shift, Target said it “works closely with its team members to understand scheduling preferences” and pays such workers time and a half.

In an ultracompetitive holiday season that can account for 40% of a retailer’s annual revenue, some chains aren’t even waiting out Thanksgiving dinner.

Toys R Us said Monday that shoppers can come in starting at 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. the next day. Best Buy said last week that most of its stores will be operational at 6 p.m. on the holiday. Kmart’s 41-hour Black Friday marathon will start at 6 a.m. Thanksgiving morning.
More at that top link.

Plus, "Black Friday slide: Macy's to open 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving."

Nigella Lawson Tweets!

I had just posted yesterday on the reply from Greta Van Susteren, and then what do you know?

Nigella gives me a shout out.

Previous Nigella blogging is here.

Bwhahaha!! New York Times: 'Redistribution of Wealth Has Always Been a Central Feature' of #ObamaCare

The despicable Dems thought they could pull a fast one on the American people, but they underestimated the scope and scale of the bloodshed the law's wreaking on insurance markets and consumers.

Click through at Ron Fournier's tweet.

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

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Also at Randy's Roundtable, "Friday Nite Funnies," and Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

More at Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Dressed For Success."

CARTOON CREDIT: William Warren.

Smokin' Sunday #Rule5

Last week's entry is here, "Sunday #Rule5."

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Starting things off this week is Pirate's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and "If All You See……is a horrible smartphone sucking up vampire energy, you might just be Warmist."

More at Randy’s Roundtable, "Thursday Nite Tart - Pamela David."

Soylent has the "Brunch Buffet" (I think).

Plus, some luscious stuff at Odie's, "It's a Sign ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style."

Subject to Change has "Humpday" --- and it's hot!

At Postal Dogs, "Natalie Gulbis is hanging in there."

Also at Good Stuff's, "Danielle Colby Cushman."

From Blackmailers Don't Shoot, "Pretty Girls on a Thursday, Aubrey Plaza Edition."

And at Camp of the Saints, "Rule 5 Saturday: Zoe Alexandra."

Also Daley Gator, "DaleyGator DaleyBabes: Audia Tulloch."

More at Knuckledraggin', "Mid-morning hottie."

And In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World has the "Friday Pinups."

Plus, from Drunken Stepfather, "Steplinks of the Day."

At 90 Miles From Tyranny, "Morning Mistress," and "Hot Pick of the Late Night."

More from Proof Positive, "Best of the Web* Linkaround."

Still more from Dana Pico, "Rule 5 Blogging: Even neutral Sweden has an Army!"

See also Bro My God, "Reminder: Girls Are Beautiful." (Via Linkiest.)

See also the Hostages, "Big Boob Friday."

A View from the Beach has, "Striped Bass Fishing With a Girl on Lake Lanier."

EBL has, "Cowboys vs. Giants."

Plus, here's a special appearance by Marooned in Marin, "Mark Levin: This Nation Is In Grave Danger (Nuclear Option)."

BONUS: At the Other McCain, "FMJRA 2.0: Cathedral Oceans."

Drop your links in the comments of I've missed your Rule 5.

Until then...

'Historic Mistake' — Israel's Netanyahu Blasts Obama's Appeasement of Iran

The Los Angeles Times has a report, "Israel's Netanyahu: Iran agreement a 'historic mistake'."

And at Twitchy, "Benjamin Netanyahu tweet-blasts ‘historic mistake’ Iran deal; Asks key question; Update: Israel has right to defend itself."

And the satanic leftists burst out of the miasmic magma to spew their ever-flowing hatred, at that link, and here, "‘Die please’: Hateful tweets pour in toward Israel, Netanyahu."

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Obama's Appeasement

Well, the Munich analogy is getting a lot of traction following the disastrous deal with Iran, discussed here, "Obama and Iran: Disastrous Nuclear Deal Revives 1930s-Era Appeasement."


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Obama and Iran: Disastrous Nuclear Deal Revives 1930s-Era Appeasement

Ambassador John Bolton has the lead story at Memeorandum right now, "Abject Surrender by the United States."

Read it all at the link.

It goes without saying that this deal is devastating for the United States and Israel. The Obama administration's foreign policy is simply predicated on reducing U.S. power and influence in the world, while conversely strengthening our historic enemies and placing Israel at the mercy of the world's most revisionist and murderous regimes. It's a disastrous agreement.

The Other McCain sums up perfectly, "‘Peace for Our Time’."

And at the Daley Gator, "The Lefts’ tragic addiction to appeasement," and Camp of the Saints, "Obama's Munich."

Also at Astute Bloggers, "FAUSTIAN PACT SIGNED WITH IRAN."

Yemeni Wedding Gangnam-Style Bloodbath

At the Independent UK, "Yemen wedding bloodbath as three shot accidentally during Gangnam Style dance."

Gateway Pundit has it on YouTube, "Yemeni ‘Gangnam Style’ Wedding Dance Results in Three Accidental AK47 Head Shots (Video)."

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Lights, Camera, Angels!

Hey, the show's coming up pretty soon now!

Uninsured Crushed Under the Jackboot of the #ObamaCare Enforcement Regime

Via the People's Cube:
The Commissar for Healthcare Enforcement will soon begin compulsory collectivization of those citizens who refuse to pay their fair share of the healthcare program. Kulaks will be paying penalties for their excessive hoarding through their refusals to pay into the State-mandated insurance collectives. Please assist the Commissar by denouncing uninsured citizens.
And for all your information needs on the jackboots of ClusterCare, check the link.

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Majority Leader Harry Reid: 'Destroying the Rights of the Minority Party'

The floor comments from Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) on the Democrats' repeal of the filibuster on judicial nominees.

More from James Taranto, at the Wall Street Journal, "The Senate Gets MAD":
The end of the filibuster entails a serious diminution of the Senate's power vis-à-vis the president and the House. As we observed this July, the Senate's power consists largely in its ability to withhold consent from both House-passed legislation and presidential actions (nominations and treaties). Thus majority rule enhances the power of the majority party at the expense of every individual senator, regardless of party.

As the Senate has become more partisan, and members elected during an earlier age have retired or died, concern for the Senate's institutional power has diminished. Yesterday's third Democratic dissenter, Carl Levin of Michigan, is one of only three remaining Democratic senators first elected before 1984.

But there's also a partisan incentive for restraint: A change in rules to benefit today's majority party will also benefit the other party the next time it is in the majority. It's called the "nuclear option" because it entails mutually assured destruction of the rules that benefit the minority. If the Republicans had gone nuclear in 2005, the Democrats would have reaped the benefit in 2009.

Once the filibuster is gone, it's as good as forever gone. There is no incentive for any majority party to reinstate it. Nor is there any reason to expect that future majorities will respect what's left of it. If a Democratic minority in 2017 tries to filibuster a Republican Supreme Court nominee, the Republicans will surely follow yesterday's precedent. The legislative filibuster may prove more robust, but one suspects our hypothetical Republican majority would abolish it if that's what it takes to repeal ObamaCare.

What's peculiar about the timing of the Democrats' decision is that it comes just when the partisan risk of abolishing the filibuster has been heightened. As the Washington Post's Ezra Klein acknowledges:
There's a lot of upside for Republicans in how this went down. It came at a time when Republicans control the House and are likely to do so for the duration of President Obama's second term, so the weakening of the filibuster will have no effect on the legislation Democrats can pass. The electoral map, the demographics of midterm elections, and the political problems bedeviling Democrats make it very likely that Mitch McConnell will be majority leader come 2015 and then he will be able to take advantage of a weakened filibuster. And, finally, if and when Republicans recapture the White House and decide to do away with the filibuster altogether, Democrats won't have much of an argument when they try to stop them.
"The political problems bedeviling Democrats" is a marvelous bit of understatement. The abject failure of ObamaCare has made the prospect of a Republican Senate in 2015 and a Republican president in 2017 much likelier. Thus even from a purely partisan standpoint, rational Democrats would have been more cautious about invoking the nuclear option when they did than at just about any other time in the past five years.
Well, Democrats are desperate.

And they'll rue the day they caved to short-term partisan incentives. And that day will come sooner than they think, in the words of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Greta Van Susteren Tweeted!

Hey, it's not everyday you get a Twitter response from a Fox News anchor, so I might as well post this for posterity.

Greta's been doing the great coverage on the black thug "knockout game," and I thanked her.

Actually, I've heard back previously from Janice Dean as well, so now it's on to some of the other Fox News hotties, lol.

Stacey Poole

She's lovely --- one of my current favorites among the U.K. "Page 3" models.

On Twitter.

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

#ObamaCare and Leftist Cruelty

From Karin McQuillan, at American Thinker, "Obamacare and Liberal Cruelty" (via the Other McCain):
Obamacare privileges the poor over the rich, the middle aged over the young, women over men, and everyone else over the elderly on Medicare. In order to extend more government control over private insurers, doctors and hospitals, Democrats have chosen to sacrifice the financial well- being and even the lives of other Americans. They justify it because they want to offer government subsidized insurance to those they deem needier.

People who watch Fox News or read the Wall St. Journal have seen the faces and heard the voices of cancer patients who have lost the doctors and hospitals who are keeping them alive. Families working as hard as they can to maintain themselves find their insurance bills jumping to calamitous rates. We have heard from quietly desperate mothers saying their family cannot afford these rate hikes and that they don't know what they are going to do.

The government has taken the power to divert the train. It is morally wrong.
A great piece.

Continue reading.

White House Extends #ObamaCare Enrollment Deadline

Another delay for this fabulous legislation.

At WSJ, "Obama Administration to Push Back Health-Insurance Enrollment for 2015":

The Obama administration is planning to push back the period during which Americans sign up for coverage under the new health law in its second year of operation, a change that could reassure insurers while also avoiding the 2014 midterm elections.

The Department of Health and Human Services will allow Americans to start signing up for coverage starting Nov. 15, 2014, rather than Oct. 15, 2014, a department official said early Friday. People will have until Jan. 15, 2015, rather than Dec. 7, 2014, to complete the process, the official said.

The move is intended to give insurance issuers "the benefit of more time to evaluate their experiences during the 2014 plan year and allow them to take into account those who may enroll late, including young adults, before setting 2015 rates," the department said. The change also would give states and the federally run marketplace currently serving 36 states more time to get their systems ready for the next open enrollment period, it said.

The change applies to the new health-insurance exchanges created by the 2010 Affordable Care Act. They offer coverage to those who can't obtain it from an employer or government program.

The decision was earlier reported by Bloomberg News. It doesn't affect the open enrollment period for this year, which began Oct. 1 with a rough start. Open enrollment this season continues through March 31, and some supporters have delayed plans for promotions until January.

Insurers typically prepare rates in the spring for plans that will take effect the following year. Dismal early enrollment numbers and other developments in the market have made insurers nervous about the kind of risk they will bear after the first enrollment period under the law is over. That could prompt them to err on the side of caution and propose higher premiums for 2015.

The delayed 2015 enrollment calendar now being proposed by the Obama administration would give the insurers more time before they had to pull the trigger on rate decisions.

Such a shift also would ensure that Democrats facing tough re-election races next fall don't have to campaign at the same time as open enrollment is taking place, although some premium information would be already available during the campaign.

'Racism Blackmail' in UK Public Schools: Required Islam Indoctrination for Grade School Children

Pretty freakin' unbelievable.

But then again, not.

At London's Daily Mail, "Children of 8 are 'racist' if they miss Islam trip: School's threatening letter to parents is met with outrage."

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Coming to America?

Actually, it's already here.

Dallas Ceremony Honors JFK's Legacy

At WSJ, "Thousands Pay Tribute on 50th Anniversary of Assassination":

DALLAS—Under leaden skies, thousands of people here paid solemn respect to President John F. Kennedy on Friday at the small greensward that his motorcade was passing when he was slain by gunfire exactly 50 years ago.

Roughly 5,000 people, who were awarded tickets through a lottery, braved freezing temperatures and steady rain for the hourlong commemoration at Dealey Plaza, which included songs by the U.S. Naval Academy Men's Glee Club, a nod to Kennedy's service as a naval officer during World War II, as well as a recitation of some of the president's speeches by historian David McCullough.

Among those attending was Jill Michaels, who drove an hour and a half from her home in Waco, Texas, to commemorate the fallen president, arriving several hours before the ceremony began at noon. "Kennedy's assassination was our generation's 9/11 moment," said Dr. Michaels, a 59-year-old dentist. "I came to remember it and maybe to experience a healing moment."

Dallas's event was as much a tribute to the president's life and vision as it was an attempt at closure for the city, which had been scarred by the events a half-century ago on Nov. 22, 1963, after which people blamed a climate of intolerance here for the shooting.

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, 59, assured citizens that the city "was not guilty of the crime," but acknowledged that it had used the event as a catalyst to change for the better.

"It seems like we all grew up that day," said Mr. Rawlings, who recalled being ushered into the school gymnasium that Friday in 1963 and told his school day was over.

The commemoration drew visitors from around the world, many of whom were drawn by both Kennedy's legacy and the persisting mystery surrounding his death. Many people to this day continue to believe there must have been a wider plot to assassinate Kennedy, with some questioning the Warren Commission conclusion that accused gunman Lee Harvey Oswald, a worker at the Texas School Book Depository, was the sole gunman.

SIGINT Strategy: National Security Agency Outlined More Powerful Role

At NYT, "N.S.A. Report Outlined Goals for More Power":
WASHINGTON — Officials at the National Security Agency, intent on maintaining its dominance in intelligence collection, pledged last year to push to expand its surveillance powers, according to a top-secret strategy document.

In a February 2012 paper laying out the four-year strategy for the N.S.A.’s signals intelligence operations, which include the agency’s eavesdropping and communications data collection around the world, agency officials set an objective to “aggressively pursue legal authorities and a policy framework mapped more fully to the information age.”

Written as an agency mission statement with broad goals, the five-page document said that existing American laws were not adequate to meet the needs of the N.S.A. to conduct broad surveillance in what it cited as “the golden age of Sigint,” or signals intelligence. “The interpretation and guidelines for applying our authorities, and in some cases the authorities themselves, have not kept pace with the complexity of the technology and target environments, or the operational expectations levied on N.S.A.’s mission,” the document concluded.

Using sweeping language, the paper also outlined some of the agency’s other ambitions. They included defeating the cybersecurity practices of adversaries in order to acquire the data the agency needs from “anyone, anytime, anywhere.” The agency also said it would try to decrypt or bypass codes that keep communications secret by influencing “the global commercial encryption market through commercial relationships,” human spies and intelligence partners in other countries. It also talked of the need to “revolutionize” analysis of its vast collections of data to “radically increase operational impact.”

The strategy document, provided by the former N.S.A. contractor Edward J. Snowden, was written at a time when the agency was at the peak of its powers and the scope of its surveillance operations was still secret. Since then, Mr. Snowden’s revelations have changed the political landscape.

Prompted by a public outcry over the N.S.A.’s domestic operations, the agency’s critics in Congress have been pushing to limit, rather than expand, its ability to routinely collect the phone and email records of millions of Americans, while foreign leaders have protested reports of virtually unlimited N.S.A. surveillance overseas, even in allied nations. Several inquiries are underway in Washington; Gen. Keith B. Alexander, the N.S.A.’s longest-serving director, has announced plans to retire; and the White House has offered proposals to disclose more information about the agency’s domestic surveillance activities.

The N.S.A. document, titled “Sigint Strategy 2012-2016,” does not make clear what legal or policy changes the agency might seek. The N.S.A.’s powers are determined variously by Congress, executive orders and the nation’s secret intelligence court, and its operations are governed by layers of regulations. While asserting that the agency’s “culture of compliance” would not be compromised, N.S.A. officials argued that they needed more flexibility, according to the paper.

Senior intelligence officials, responding to questions about the document, said that the N.S.A. believed that legal impediments limited its ability to conduct surveillance of terrorism suspects inside the United States. Despite an overhaul of national security law in 2008, the officials said, if a terrorism suspect who is under surveillance overseas enters the United States, the agency has to stop monitoring him until it obtains a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

“N.S.A.’s Sigint strategy is designed to guide investments in future capabilities and close gaps in current capabilities,” the agency said in a statement. “In an ever-changing technology and telecommunications environment, N.S.A. tries to get in front of issues to better fulfill the foreign-intelligence requirements of the U.S. government.”
There's more at that top link.

Actually, this strategy sounds more like what NSA should be doing, but it's all FUBAR now, thanks to the treasonous f-k Snowden.

Covered California Won't Extend Insurance Deadline

At LAT, "California won't extend health plans":

Spurning President Obama's call to let insurers extend canceled health policies, California won't allow 1 million policyholders to keep their health plan for another year.

The board of the Covered California health exchange voted unanimously to break with the president and keep its requirement that insurers terminate most individual policies Dec. 31 because the policies don't meet all the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

Officials acknowledged that their decision won't satisfy angry consumers and will mean many of them will pay significantly more for new coverage come January. But they worried that allowing widespread renewals could cripple the rollout of the healthcare law in California just as enrollment is picking up steam.

"We know this transition is difficult and some people will be hurt," Covered California board member Susan Kennedy said. "But delaying the transition won't solve a single problem. I think it will make a bad situation worse if we complicate it further."

The state did offer some modest relief for consumers. The exchange will open a special hotline Monday to address policyholders' questions about cancellations and pushed back the deadline to sign up for January coverage to Dec. 23, about a week later.
Yeah, that'll help.

Hopefully you'll get someone on the line who's not on probation or parole.

Crystal Mangum, Duke Lacrosse Accuser, Found Guilty of Second-Degree Murder

At Instapundit, "THE GROUP OF 88 WERE UNAVAILABLE FOR COMMENT: Duke lacrosse false rape accuser found guilty of second-degree murder."

Race-Baiter Hypocrite Oprah Winfrey

ZoNation, via Theo Spark.

'They must have thought themselves members in good standing of the Beltway Nomenklatura and immune to the inconvenience of having to live by rules they crafted for the benefit of the peasantry beyond the Potomac...'


At the Weekly Standard, "Winners and Losers":
We learn more about the vagaries of Obamacare every day. People who thought they were somehow okay are discovering that they are getting it in the neck and wondering how this could be. One tends to feel sympathy. But in some cases, not so much. As for instance, the situation described by Jonathan Allen & Jennifer Haberkorn of Politico:
Veteran House Democratic aides are sick over the insurance prices they’ll pay under Obamacare, and they’re scrambling to find a cure.

“In a shock to the system, the older staff in my office (folks over 59) have now found out their personal health insurance costs (even with the government contribution) have gone up 3-4 times what they were paying before,” Minh Ta, chief of staff to Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.), wrote to fellow Democratic chiefs of staff in an email …
More at the link.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Media Coverage of JFK Assassination

I don't see it now, but folks earlier on Twitter were praising the '60s-era media coverage of the Kennedy assassination. I think Walter Cronkite was the greatest.

But also, it's amazing how the Dallas Morning News identified Lee Harvey Oswald as a "Pro-Comminist" leftist at the time. It's highly doubtful we'd have that kind of honesty on the front-pages of today's big media newspapers. Wouldn't want to alienate progressives and Democrats, who are the ideological children of the same movement that marinated Oswald.

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More at London's Daily Mail, "How the JFK assassination transformed media coverage: The idea of broadcasting live breaking news was born."

Democrats Were for the Filibuster Before They Were Against It!


Plus, an awesome editorial at the Wall Street Journal, "Senate Rules for Radicals":
Today's Democrats have grown up in the Saul Alinsky tradition, and on Thursday they proved it with a partisan vote to break the Senate filibuster rule for confirming judges and executive-branch nominees. The new rules will empower the party's liberals for as long as they control the White House and Senate, but they will also set a precedent for conservatives to exploit in the future.

Majority Leader Harry Reid broke a GOP filibuster of a judicial nominee on a 52-48 vote. He was prodded by the Democratic Senate classes of 2006-2012, younger liberals in a hurry like Al Franken (Minnesota), Jeff Merkley (Oregon) and Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire). These are the same liberals who enjoyed a rare 60-vote supermajority in 2009-2010 when they rammed through ObamaCare without a single Republican vote. They view the minority as an inconvenience to be rolled.

It's true that Senators of both parties have misused the advice and consent power to make it harder for the executive branch to govern. But the great irony is that Democrats voted to end the practice of judicial filibusters that they pioneered when George W. Bush was President. As the minority from 2003-2005, Democrats demanded 60 votes to confirm executive-branch nominees like John Bolton for U.N. Ambassador.

Also from Roger Pilon, at National Review, "Harry Reid’s Nuclear Hypocrisy."

Nevada Sex Workers Love #ObamaCare!

Hookers for Obama.

At Free Beacon, "Bunny Ranch Hookers Love Obamacare."

Charles Manson in Rolling Stone: Final Confessions of a Psychopath

Actually, I'm not linking the Rolling Stone piece. I've had enough of these idiots and their worship of murderers.

The story's unreal, nevertheless. At LAT, "Charles Manson is commitment-phobic? Won't marry prison girlfriend."

Plus, a great write-up at Canada's National Post, "‘She’s not a woman. She’s a star’: Serial killer Charles Manson planning to marry 25-year-old groupie."

Mary Landrieu Mussolini

At the Hayride, "Mary Voted to Kill the Filibuster Today…"

Mary Landieu photo mussolandrieu_zps1733993f.jpg

Via Memeorandum, "Bill Cassidy staffer tweets Mary Landrieu-Mussolini picture."

And at TPM, "Rep. Cassidy's Campaign Manager Tweets Photo Of 'MussoLandrieu'":
The campaign manager for Rep. Bill Cassidy's (R-LA) Senate campaign tweeted out a link to a photo of Sen. Mary Landrieu's (D-LA) face superimposed on the body of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini an hour after a conservative Louisiana blog posted the image.
Screw 'em. As if I'm supposed to be upset by a Photoshop.

Rachel Williams: Zoo's Great British Babe Search Winner 2013


This lady is freakin' worthy!

At Zoo Today, "Meet Rachel Williams, your winner of our Great British Babe search 2013!"

Leftist Democrat Martha Robertson Running Away from #ObamaCare in #NY23

We'll be seeing stories like this for the next 11 months.

At Legal Insurrection, "Dem House candidate runs from past single-payer support after Obamacare debacle."

Also at the NRCC, "Martha Robertson and the Democratic Socialists of America Sing for Single Payer!"

Yep. She's a "Democrat-Socialist."

But I thought that was a right-wing conspiracy, or something. Fail.

Hot Beth Williams!

What a lady.

Via Twitter.

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The Man Who Used to Walk on Water


At the Economist, "How Barack Obama can get at least some of his credibility back."
AN AMERICAN president’s most important power is not the veto pen or the ability to launch missiles. It is the bully pulpit. When a president speaks, the world listens. That is why Barack Obama’s credibility matters. If people do not believe what he says, his power to shape events withers. And recent events have seriously shaken people’s belief in Mr Obama. At home, the chaos of his health reform has made it harder for him to get anything else done. Abroad, he is seen as weak and disengaged, to the frustration of America’s allies.
Continue reading.

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Via Instapundit, "... not the Economist cover Obama wants to see."

JFK Single-Bullet Theory Probed Using Latest Forensics Technology

A CBS News story, at, "Father-son duo use latest forensic tech to prove JFK single-bullet theory (VIDEO)."

The entire PBS Nova video is here, "Cold Case JFK."

It's very compelling, but see JFK Facts, "The single bullet theory and the perils of JFK denialism."

I'm a "denialist," I guess.

PREVIOUSLY: "Kennedy Assassination Trutherism."

Kennedy Assassination Trutherism

Fifty years ago today. And we're still dealing with Kennedy truthers.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Seeking the truth behind the tragedy of Kennedy's assassination":
Barb Junkkarinen emerges from the bedroom with the gift her husband and son gave her one Christmas.

It's a 1940 Italian-made rifle, like the one Lee Harvey Oswald fired from a sixth-floor window at the Texas School Book Depository, killing President Kennedy on an autumn afternoon in Dallas. He'd spirited the weapon into the building by disguising it as a curtain rod.

"This is how Oswald carried his package," she says, holding the butt of the rifle low, the way witnesses described. "He had it cupped in his hand, like this."

Junkkarinen's husband, Juha, and son, Jason, nod at the demonstration they've seen again and again. They help adjust the unloaded weapon just so. They point out there's also a scope and ammunition.

Over more than half her lifetime, Barb Junkkarinen has made a hobby of delving into rumors, theories and contradictory facts that swirl around a killing that continues to titillate — and divide — Americans on the 50th anniversary of the events of Nov. 22, 1963.

In the world of online Kennedy discussion groups, she learned "lurkers" tune in but never post; "fringies" attribute a political motive to every turn; false witnesses claim to have been places they haven't. Those who believe Oswald acted alone are "lone-nutters."

And people like Junkkarinen are CTs, for conspiracy theorists.

She has amassed a trove of artifacts: autopsy reports, investigation documents, shelves of books and photos, and a model of the Lincoln Continental limousine Kennedy rode in when he was shot in Dealey Plaza. There's also a life-sized plastic model of a human skull she uses to make detailed arguments about bullet entry and exit.

Inside her Portland-area home office, she avidly dissects the latest theories of the paranoid and the emotionally unstable.

They include those who believe Kennedy was first hit in the throat with a bullet made of ice; that a man in Dealey Plaza fatally wounded the president with a dart fired from an umbrella; and that J. Edgar Hoover attended a party the night before the assassination celebrating JFK's imminent demise.

Junkkarinen rejects those theories. She blames gangsters and spies.
Well, I'm a "lone-nutter."

Although, since Oswald was a communist, it's natural you'd get Democrats as the leading conspiracists. See, "Secretary of State John Kerry Has 'Doubts' Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone in Assassination of President John F. Kennedy."

And don't miss Gerald Posner's book, Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nuclear Option

At the Los Angeles Times, "Senate Democrats invoke 'nuclear option' on filibusters":

WASHINGTON — Democrats made a historic change to Senate rules Thursday, ending the minority party's ability to use filibusters to block most presidential nominations and, in the process, virtually guaranteeing that the rest of President Obama's term will be dominated by executive actions and court battles rather than legislation.

In changing the long-standing rules with a near party-line vote in the middle of the session, Democrats brushed aside a century of congressional tradition and further embittered relations between the parties on an already deadlocked Capitol Hill.

The Senate Republican minority, which will see its power dramatically curtailed, threatened reprisals and characterized the rule change as a political power grab, comparing it to Obama's push to pass the landmark Affordable Health Care act in 2010 without bipartisan support.

The decision by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to deploy the so-called nuclear option means Senate confirmations of presidential appointments — except for Supreme Court justices — will proceed by a simple majority vote. Previously, a 60-vote threshold had become the norm to avoid a filibuster by the minority party. The change does not affect filibusters on legislation.

Over the years, Democrats and Republican have used filibusters to block nominations, but the practice became much more common in recent years.

"I realize that neither party has been blameless for these tactics," Obama said Thursday in supporting the rule change. "They've developed over years, and it seems as if they've continually escalated. But today's pattern of obstruction — it just isn't normal. A majority of senators believe, as I believe, that enough is enough."

Only three Democrats — Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Carl Levin of Michigan — joined Republicans in the 48-52 vote...
Continue reading. The rest of the piece explains how the rule-chang passed and how the Obama White House expects to govern by executive fiat over the remainder of the term.

More at Memeorandum.

Che-Loving Kshama Sawant Exhorts Workers to Seize Boeing

Fits News has the report, "Seattle Socialist: Boeing Workers Should Rise Up."

Also at WND, "Socialist lawmaker urges workers to 'take over' Boeing."

She's a freakin' murder-loving communist, it turns out. At her election-night party headquarters, Che Guevara posters adorned the walls.

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Che was a remorseless mass murderer. It's pretty sick he's held up as a icon by a top official in one of America's biggest cities, but it's no surprise. (See my previous Che blogging at the link.)

There's No Substitute for American Power — And Decency

From Walter Lohman, at the National Interest, "What Typhoon Haiyan Taught Us about China":
If the Asia Pacific region ever needed a reminder of the difference between a U.S.-led order and one shaped by the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the respective reactions of the two to Typhoon Haiyan is a stark one. One nation sends its navy and Marines and pledges $20 million in assistance. The other sends $100,000 in government assistance until it folds to the hectoring of the international community and increases its contribution to a still-miserly $1.6 million.

American friends and allies in the region should seriously consider the implication of this comparison. It is not an aberration.

The U.S. has made mistakes over the years. Alliances with undemocratic regimes—whether Marcos in the Philippines or Suharto in Indonesia—were often necessary in winning the Cold War. In some cases, as in Taiwan or South Korea, our embrace was a critical factor in their eventual democratization. But certainly, there were occasions when we embraced autocrats longer and more fully than necessary.

It all seems so clear now. At the time, it was not. And operating in real time, we got the details wrong on occasion. The U.S., however, has always sought to exercise a basic decency in the conduct of its foreign policy. Its electorate demands it. And in the absence of a dominant, overarching strategic context like the Cold War, the judgment calls have only gotten easier...
Continue reading.

24 Grooms Seeing Their Brides for the First Time

This is cool, from BuzzFeed.

#ObamaCare's Redistribution Scheme Exposed

One of the very best recent commentaries I've read.

From Holman Jenkins, Jr., at WSJ, "How the GOP Should Fix ObamaCare":
Let's understand: The stumbling block to fixing Mr. Obama's broken promise is Democrats clinging to the central redistributive scheme embedded in ObamaCare. There is no reconciling the two.

Americans are beginning to understand that the essence of the Affordable Care Act is that millions of people are being conscripted to buy overpriced insurance they would never choose for themselves in order to afford Mr. Obama monies to spend on the poor and those who are medically uninsurable due to pre-existing conditions. Both Mr. Obama and Republicans are blowing smoke in claiming that the damage done to the individual market by the forced cancellation of "substandard" plans (i.e., those that don't meet the purposes of ObamaCare) can somehow be reversed at this point. It can't be.

What can be done is Congress creating a new option in the form of a national health insurance charter under which insurers could design new low-cost policies free of mandated benefits imposed by ObamaCare and the 50 states that many of those losing their individual policies today surely would find attractive.

What's the first thing the new nationally chartered insurers would do? Rush out cheap, high-deductible policies, allaying some of the resentment that the ObamaCare mandate provokes among the young, healthy and footloose affluent.

These folks could buy the minimalist coverage that (for various reasons) makes sense for them. They wouldn't be forced to buy excessive coverage they don't need to subsidize the old and sick.

If this idea sounds familiar, it was proposed right here three years ago, after the 2010 elections in which Democrats lost the House due to public disquiet over ObamaCare.
Continue reading.

#ObamaCare Rollout is 'Lasting Mess' for Freaked-Out Democrats

Oh, this is harsh.

At the Hill, "Obama hits new low with Dems":
President Obama’s relationship with congressional Democrats has worsened to an unprecedented low, Democratic aides say.

They are letting it be known that House and Senate Democrats are increasingly frustrated, bitter and angry with the White House over ObamaCare’s botched rollout, and that the president’s mea culpa in a news conference last week failed to soothe any ill will.

Sources who attended a meeting of House chiefs of staff on Monday say the room was seething with anger over the immense damage being done to the Democratic Party and talk was of scrapping rollout events for the Affordable Care Act.
“Here we are, we’re supposed to be selling this to people, and it’s all screwed up,” one chief of staff ranted. “This either gets fixed or this could be the demise of the Democratic Party.

“It’s probably the worst I’ve ever seen it,” the aide said of the recent mood on Capitol Hill. “It’s bad. It’s really bad.”

Meanwhile, at a recent caucus meeting with Senate Democrats and White House chief of staff Denis McDonough, one senator stood up and asked for a political point of contact at the White House.

“There’s been an increase in frustration because people feel like they are continuing to be blindsided,” said one Democrat who attended the caucus meeting, adding that there’s a “check-the-box” mentality at the White House in dealing with lawmakers.

Democrats around Capitol Hill say there are lots of people to blame for the debacle that has engulfed them. But increasingly the anger is directed at one person only: Obama.

“Is he even more unpopular than George W. Bush? I think that’s already happened,” said one Democratic chief of staff.

Senior administration officials say they understand the frustration and anger on the opposite side of Pennsylvania Avenue and they realize Democrats are the ones who continue to take a hit.

But the senior officials say the most important thing the White House can do right now is to get the implementation of the healthcare law right. The feeling in the West Wing corridors lately is that once the rollout is fixed, the public will see all the positives behind ObamaCare.

“The policy will take care of the politics,” one senior administration official said.

But not everyone agrees with that sentiment — particularly those Democrats in both chambers who are up for reelection in 2014.

“They’re freaking out, as they should be,” said one senior Senate Democratic aide, adding that the rollout continues to be “a lasting mess.”
It's so bad House Dems won't be seen with Obama on the campaign trail. Talk about toxic, man.

Still more bad news at the link.

A Gold-Plated Insurance Exchange for Members of Congress

Man, a lot of people are going to be steaming if this becomes a political hot potato (or, another political hot potato).

At NYT, "Perks Ease Way in Health Plans for Lawmakers":
WASHINGTON — Members of Congress like to boast that they will have the same health care enrollment experience as constituents struggling with the balky federal website, because the law they wrote forced lawmakers to get coverage from the new insurance exchanges.

That is true. As long as their constituents have access to “in-person support sessions” like the ones being conducted at the Capitol and congressional office buildings by the local exchange and four major insurers. Or can log on to a special Blue Cross and Blue Shield website for members of Congress and use a special toll-free telephone number — a “dedicated congressional health insurance plan assistance line.”

And then there is the fact that lawmakers have a larger menu of “gold plan” insurance choices than most of their constituents have back home.

While millions of Americans have been left to fend for themselves and go through the frustrating experience of trying to navigate the federal exchange, members of Congress and their aides have all sorts of assistance to help them sort through their options and enroll.

Lawmakers and the employees who work in their “official offices” will receive coverage next year through the small-business marketplace of the local insurance exchange, known as D.C. Health Link, which has staff members close at hand for guidance.

“D.C. Health Link set up shop right here in Congress,” said Eleanor Holmes Norton, the delegate to the House from the nation’s capital.

Insurers routinely offer “member services” to enrollees. But on Capitol Hill, the phrase has special meaning, indicating concierge-type services for members of Congress.

If lawmakers have questions about Aetna plan benefits and provider networks, they can call a special phone number that provides “member services for members of Congress and staff.”

On the website run by the Obama administration for 36 states, it is notoriously difficult to see the prices, deductibles and other details of health plans.

It is much easier for members of Congress and their aides to see and compare their options on websites run by the Senate, the House and the local exchange.

Lawmakers can select from 112 options offered in the “gold tier” of the District of Columbia exchange, far more than are available to most of their constituents.

Aetna is offering eight plan options to members of Congress, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield is offering 16. Eight are available from Kaiser Permanente, and 80 are on sale from the UnitedHealth Group.

Lawmakers and their aides are not eligible for tax credit subsidies, but the government pays up to 75 percent of their premiums, contributing a maximum of $5,114 a year for individual coverage and $11,378 for family coverage. The government contribution is based on the same formula used for most other federal employees...
Yeah, it must be rough.

The Washington elite against the rest of us. Republicans should be ashamed they're getting special treatment, but at least they didn't vote for the monstrosity. They can at least partially redeem themselves by getting that clusterf-k repealed. ASAP.

Still more at that top link.

#ObamaCare Forced Mom Into Medicaid

Now this is just downright sad.

From Nicole Hopkins, at WSJ:
My mother is not one to seek attention by complaining, so her recent woeful Facebook post caught my eye: "The poor get poorer." It diverged from the more customary stream of inspirational quotes, recipes and snapshots from her tiny cottage in Pierce County, Wash.

The post continued: "I just received a notice: 'In order to comply with the new healthcare law, your current health plan will be discontinued on December 31, 2013.' Currently my premium is $276 and it is a stretch for me to cover. The new plan . . . are you ready . . . projected new rate $415.20. Now I can't afford health insurance."

The unaffordable ObamaCare-compliant plan that her insurer offered in a Sept. 26 letter is not what makes my mother's story noteworthy. Countless individually insured Americans have received such letters; many are seeing more radical increases in premiums and deductibles.

But most of these people are still being offered the chance to choose what health-care insurance they will receive, or to opt out before they are automatically enrolled in a state program. Not so my mother, Charlene Hopkins, as I soon discovered when I called after seeing her Facebook post.

Since she couldn't afford the new plan offered by her insurer, she told me she was eager to explore her new choices under the Affordable Care Act. Washington Healthplanfinder is one of the better health-exchange sites, and she was actually able to log on. She entered her personal and financial data. With efficiency uncommon to the ObamaCare process, the site quickly presented her with a health-care option.

That is not a typo: There was just one option—at the very affordable monthly rate of zero. The exchange had determined that my mother was not eligible to choose to pay for a plan, and so she was slated immediately for Medicaid. She couldn't believe it was true and held off completing the application.

"How has it come to this?" she asked in one of our several talks over the past few weeks about what was happening. When she was a working mother and I was young, she easily carried health insurance for our whole family. "How have I fallen this far?"

In 2011, she had to give up her real-estate license; as a newer agent, she did not stand to earn enough in the tough market to justify the fees to renew. She has since managed to eke out a living as a substitute para-educator in the Central Kitsap School District. "I'm not on the couch, watching TV," she said. "I'm out trying to find more work every day."

Unable to secure employer-sponsored health care, she had, until this fall, chosen to pay $276 a month for bare-bones catastrophic coverage. "I think that we should be able to take care of ourselves and to earn enough money to pay for basics, and health insurance is one of them," she told me. For two years she had paid out of pocket for that plan, but now she is being told that the plan isn't good enough for her.

The Sept. 26 letter from my mother's insurer promised that the more expensive plan "conforms with the new health care law"—by covering maternity needs, newborn wellness and pediatric dental care. My mother asked: "Do I need maternity care at 52?" In addition to requiring her to pay an extra $1,677 annually, the plan would have increased her deductible by $1,500.

But she had at least been presented with an option that she could turn down, unlike on the state exchange...
Continue reading.

Leftists will say they're making the woman better off. But she liked her plan, because it preserved her dignity. ObamaCare robbed her of it. We're all caught in the maw of the vicious Democrat healthcare tyranny. Only complete repeal --- and the utter decimation of the menacing Democrat Party --- will begin to turn things around, and restore some dignity.

Dems Calling for #ObamaCare Repeal?

From Megan McArdle, at Bloomberg, "Wishful Thinking Can't Hold Obamacare Together":
The Obamacare story is as much a political story, and a media story, as it is a policy story. If people think that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act won’t work, then it probably won’t; the politicians will start passing “fixes” that undermine the functionality of its interlocking parts, and companies and consumers will abandon the fledgling markets. If people think that Obamacare will work -- well, it might not work anyway, because the real world does not always deliver rhetorically pleasing symmetry. But it certainly has a much better shot.

Of note, then, is one development you saw over the weekend: People are starting to talk about repeal. In early October, most people -- including me -- would have ranked this as wishful Republican thinking, along the lines of “repeal the Fed.” But the weekend brought us the National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar suggesting that Democrats might begin calling for repeal if things don’t get better soon...
Lots more at the link.

New AFP Ads Target Democrats on #ObamaCare

From Americans for Prosperity.

Make those f-kers eat it.

Dream Angels Holiday 2013

These babes are wild.

And it's just over three weeks now until the fashion show. Lovely.

Deep Danger for Democrats in 2014

From Stan Veuger, at the National Interest, "Obamacare Reforms Could Doom Dems in 2014":
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Things aren’t exactly looking up for President Obama these days. The rollout of the Affordable Care Act’s central feature, the exchanges where people without employer-provided health insurance are meant to purchase plans, has been disastrous, marked by IT problems and astonishingly low enrollment numbers. The President’s promise that “If you like your plan, you can keep it” has been shown to be knowingly false. The number of people losing coverage is so far rapidly outpacing the number of people gaining coverage. And the administration’s haphazard fixes may only be worsening the situation, promising even deeper political trouble down the road.

First the administration delayed the employer mandate, which, now starting in 2015, will force employers with more than fifty quasi-full-time employees to provide health insurance or pay a new tax. The administration’s decision to delay the mandate, welcome as it may have been to businesses that gained an additional year to deal with the new regulations and obligations they will face, will almost surely lead to political damage at a very unhelpful time. Right before the 2014 midterm elections, about half of all employer plans would have to be canceled or replaced. This would show an immense number of Americans, more than ten times as many as those who are now receiving individual-market cancellation notices, that the administration’s promises that you can keep your doctor were false, and it will show them this in a direct, personal manner. It seems unlikely that congressional Democrats would be willing to deal with the political fallout from such unpleasant news right before facing reelection.

Having delayed the employer mandate, the administration then had to deal with the individual mandate, and the exchanges on which individuals were supposed to purchase health insurance policies to comply with it. All was working wonderfully well in the President’s mind until October 1, when the glory of Kayak, the beauty of Amazon Prime, and the convenience of Uber would converge, creating, a website that would win the Internet instantly and put Facebook and Google to shame. That didn’t happen, and after initially downplaying the problems with the infrastructure sustaining the exchanges the administration announced that it had finally found a shovel-ready project: by December 1, the website should be working for 4 out of every 5 people looking for health insurance—a pretty high bar, given how things have gone so far. The problem, of course, is that millions of people will now have only a two-week window to ensure that they have health insurance starting on January 1. And quite a few of those people will find that the prices and policies available to them are not particularly wonderful, especially those who had individual coverage already.

Ah yes, the people who had managed to navigate the individual market before the exchanges came into being! A lot of their plans got canceled. After attempts to spin their loss as a victory for Western civilization failed, President Obama saw himself forced to introduce yet another potentially damaging fix. During an impromptu press conference, he announced that in his infinite benevolence he would give insurance companies the chance to uncancel canceled insurance policies. This was certainly not planned for, and involves the following risk: if relatively healthy people choose to stay on their preexisting plans, and relatively unhealthy people join the exchanges, insurers will have to deal with a much costlier group of people buying new ACA-approved policies. And that will inevitably lead to rising premiums and significant sticker shock… again, right before the 2014 elections.
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