Thursday, June 19, 2014

No WMDs? #ISIS Jihadists Seize Saddam's 'Premiere' Chemical Weapons Production Facility

At the Wall Street Journal, "Sunni Extremists in Iraq Occupy Hussein's Chemical Weapons Facility: Officials Don't Believe the Militants Will Be Able to Create a Functional Weapon From the Material."

WSJ's report suggests there's no immediate danger that ISIS could convert old chemical materials into working weapons of mass destruction, but the more interesting thing is that we were told that there were no WMDs Iraq after the 2003 invasion, despite all the evidence to the contrary pre-invasion (evidence that Democrats repeatedly used to make the case for regime change).

From WSJ:
WASHINGTON—Sunni extremists in Iraq have occupied what was once Saddam Hussein's premier chemical-weapons production facility, a complex that still contains a stockpile of old weapons, State Department and other U.S. government officials said.

U.S. officials don't believe the Sunni militants will be able to create a functional chemical weapon from the material. The weapons stockpiled at the Al Muthanna complex are old, contaminated and hard to move, officials said.

Nonetheless, the capture of the chemical-weapon stockpile by the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, known as ISIS or ISIL, the militant group that is seizing territory in the country, has grabbed the attention of the U.S.

"We remain concerned about the seizure of any military site by the ISIL," Jen Psaki, the State Department spokeswoman, said in a written statement. "We do not believe that the complex contains CW materials of military value and it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to safely move the materials."

The takeover underscores the chaos gripping Iraq and the possibility that the growing Sunni rebellion could further destabilize the Middle East. Not lost on U.S. government and military officials is the irony that the latest chapter in a war designed to strip Iraq of chemical weapons could see radical Sunni extremists take control of that same stockpile.

The rise of ISIS has reignited the debate about the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the Bush administration and the 2011 decision by the Obama administration to withdraw remaining military forces from the country. The takeover of a chemical weapons stockpile—even if the weapons are useless—seems likely to further intensify those debates.

During the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, Hussein used the Muthanna complex to make chemical weapons, including sarin, mustard gas, and VX, according the Iraq Study Group, which conducted the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in the aftermath of the war.

The Iraq Study group did find chemical munitions at Muthanna but determined that inspections by United Nations Special Commission, or Unscom, had ensured the facility was dismantled and remaining chemical stocks militarily useless and sealed in bunkers.

"Two wars, sanctions and Unscom oversight reduced Iraqi's premier production facility to a stockpile of old damaged and contaminated chemical munitions (sealed in bunkers), a wasteland full of destroyed chemical munitions, razed structures, and unusable war-ravaged facilities," the Iraq Study Group's 2004 report concluded.

The Muthanna complex is near Lake Tharthar, roughly 45 miles northwest of Baghdad, an area now firmly in control of the Sunni rebels. ISIS has taken control of most of Anbar province as well as Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city.

Military officials said the U.S. was well aware of the Muthanna stockpile and wouldn't have left it there if it posed a military threat. Still, when the U.S. pulled out of Iraq, it didn't anticipate a large swath of the country, including numerous military bases, would be overrun by radical Sunni militants. One defense official said that if the U.S. had known the Iraqi government would lose control so soon, it might not have left the old chemical weapons in place.
So now we can blame the Obama administration for WMDs falling back into the hands of jihadist enemies of the United States.

Norman Podhoretz 'Re-Litigates' the War in #Iraq: President Obama 'Has Opened the Doors of Hell...'

Here's the piece at Commentary, "Iraq: What We Know Now and What We Knew Then" (at Memeorandum).

Podhoretz uses George Will's Monday op-ed at the Washington Post as his foil, and picking it up from there:
“Given the absence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction,” his indictment of Bush begins, but the only “given” in 2003 was the exact opposite. All fifteen agencies involved in gathering intelligence for the United States agreed “with high confidence” that “Iraq is continuing, and in some areas expanding its chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile programs contrary to UN resolutions.” So did the intelligence agencies of Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel, and France.

“Given” also that the Democrats would later accuse Bush of lying about this, here is a (partial) list of Democrats who had previously joined in the consensus: Bill Clinton; his Vice President Al Gore; his Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; his Secretary of Defense William Cohen; and his National Security Adviser Sandy Berger. In the Senate, there were Teddy Kennedy, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Jay Rockefeller, Robert Byrd, and Bob Graham–not to mention Nancy Pelosi, among scores of others, in the House, as well as liberal papers like the New York Times and the Washington Post. Each and every one of them saw Saddam Hussein as a threat, and they all advocated taking action against him.

“Given” all this, I would go so far as to say that not only was George W. Bush justified in ordering the invasion, but that if he had failed to do so, he would have deserved to be impeached for violating his oath to “preserve, protect, and defend” this country against any and all foreign enemies.    

As to the other items in George Will’s parade of horribles, they all belong to the period that followed the successful military phase of the invasion itself. I am willing to stipulate that many mistakes were made in the three years that followed, and that the entire operation would very likely have ended in defeat if Bush had not finally found in David Petraeus a general who wanted to win and knew how to do it. The upshot was that by the time Barack Obama took office, American casualties were all the way down, and that the Iraq turned over to him was a country largely at peace and living under a nascent democratic regime. So much for the case for blaming Bush.

Turning now to the case for blaming Obama, a commensurately eloquent one has been made by another old friend of mine, David Pryce Jones, the eminent British authority on the Arab world. After explaining why and how the al-Qaeda affiliate ISIS has been able to capture city after city in Iraq and is now only about fifty miles from Baghdad, David flatly declares that “President George W. Bush is vindicated. The sole way Iraq could have continued was under a permanent American presence that gave and guaranteed state functions. President Obama’s withdrawal of American forces is already a historic error. They alone could have kept the peace. Arabs have a phrase to the effect that some mistake has opened the doors of Hell. President Obama has opened those doors.”

Obama evidently now thinks that a de facto alliance with Iran—Iran!—is the way to close those doors, but such an alliance would only guarantee that they would open even wider than they are now. It would also solidify Iran’s influence over Iraq while giving a green light to an Iranian nuclear bomb.

Alas, none of the other proposals for getting us out of this fix seems fully persuasive. Which means that it may be too late to prevent Iraq from joining Syria as part of a new Iranian empire. It is not too late, however, to keep that empire from building a nuclear arsenal, and neither is it too late to keep Afghanistan from reverting to the al-Qaeda haven it was before 9/11. The problem is that doing those things would require Barack Obama to acknowledge that his policies are exposing us to an infinitely greater danger than we were in before 9/11. In my opinion–and I express it with fear and trembling–it would take something close to a miracle for him to undergo so radical a change of heart and mind. God help us then.
Read it all at the link.

Terror's New Headquarters

At the Economist, "The Capture of Mosul: Terror's New Headquarters":
In coming weeks the jihadists may fall prey to overstretch (see article). Perhaps Iraq’s humiliated army will muster the resolve to make a stand, or even retake Mosul. But, with its symbolic victories and an endless supply of young men, that will be of little comfort. ISIS aims to redraw the map of the Middle East by creating a Sunni state, starting with eastern Syria and the heart of Iraq. Its brand of militancy is spreading poison and terror across the Arab world. One day, if they have their way, ISIS’s suicide-bombers will also target Europe and America. Without a change of heart in Baghdad and Washington, ISIS and groups like it will continue to cause mayhem. Even with a new approach, it will be hard to stop the jihad.
Keep reading.

Amazon's Smartphone Release

Amazon's turning into the next tech juggernaut, and not so much in a good way.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Amazon unveils Fire smartphone."

And at Techmeme, "Introducing Fire, the First Smartphone Designed by Amazon."

'Morning Joe' Panel Mocks IRS for Lost Lois Lerner Emails

They're cracking up, "MSNBC Panel Mocks and Ridicules IRS for Losing Lois Lerner Emails."

Will Iraq or Syria Survive? U.N. Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi on Middle East Crisis

An interview at the hard-left Democracy Now!

Brahimi takes the standard leftist line that the current crisis is all the Bush administration's fault. Doh!

And FWIW, at attack on Brahimi from 9/11 truther Thierry Meyssan, "Taking stock of Lakhdar Brahimi."

Iraqi Government Denies Loss of Baiji Refinery to #ISIS Jihadists

Well, if that ISIS video from last night is authentic, it doesn't much look like Iraq forces control much around that refinery.

But here's this from Holly Williams for CBS News "This Morning":

South Carolina DMV Makes Transgender Teen Remove Makeup Before Taking Driver's License Photo

Here we go, at the "tipping point" of the civil rights agenda.

At the New York Daily News, "DMV forces gender non-conforming South Carolina teen to remove makeup for license photo: activists."

Click through at NYDN for the selfie Culpepper took right before removing his makeup.

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Also at the Los Angeles Times, "Gender group asks South Carolina to let teen wear makeup for DMV photo."

The Assassination of Nouri al-Maliki? U.S. Looks to Oust Iraqi Prime Minister

I suggested on Twitter a couple of days ago that the administration should go the Ngo Dinh Diem route. Nouri al-Maliki's been tightening his grip in defiance of Washington. But his time is up and it's not like there's no precedent for decisive action.

At the Wall Street Journal, "U.S. Signals Iraq's Maliki Should Go: The White House Is Convinced the Shiite Leader Is Unable to Reconcile With the Nation's Sunni Minority and Stabilize a Volatile Political Landscape":

Ngo Dinh Diem photo Diem_dead_zpse8fa8c9f.jpg
WASHINGTON—The Obama administration is signaling that it wants a new government in Iraq without Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, convinced the Shiite leader is unable to reconcile with the nation's Sunni minority and stabilize a volatile political landscape.

The U.S. administration is indicating it wants Iraq's political parties to form a new government without Mr. Maliki as he tries to assemble a ruling coalition following elections this past April, U.S. officials say.

Such a new government, U.S., officials say, would include the country's Sunni and Kurdish communities and could help to stem Sunni support for the al Qaeda offshoot, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, that has seized control of Iraqi cities over the past two weeks. That, the officials argue, would help to unify the country and reverse its slide into sectarian division.
No worries, of course.

The U.S. wants nothing to do with a coup against Maliki, because in reality the White House is just washing its hand of the whole affair. A violent overthrow of Maliki's regime would signal a return to America's viceroy role in Iraq. And that ain't happening. Shoot, as it is Obama's backing away from airstrikes against the insurgents. Basically, we're stuck with hashtags from here on out.

More at WSJ.

PHOTO: The body of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem (via Wikimedia Commons).

Kurdish Women Guard Against #ISIS

Well, you do what you gotta do.

From Jenan Moussa, who's reporting from Iraq:

The Implosion of #Iraq

At Der Spiegel, "A Country Implodes: ISIS Pushes Iraq to the Brink":
The terror group ISIS has occupied vast portions of Syria and Iraq in the hopes of establishing a caliphate. The jihadists' success lays bare Iraq's disintegration and could ignite yet another civil war between Shiites and Sunnis in the country.

Masoud Ali, a tall, friendly man with a beard and green eyes, was a taxi driver in Mosul until a few days ago. He likes the desert, and he loves his wife and his yellow Nissan. He never paid much attention to politics until now. "Inshallah," he says. Whatever happens is God's will. But then fighters with the "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria," or ISIS, overran the city of two million.

An evening curfew has been in force in Mosul since last Monday, says Ali. He and his family heard gunshots near their apartment on Tuesday, and when Ali looked outside, he saw a dead body lying on the street. Then the rumors began. "They've occupied all government buildings and the airport," said a friend. "The power station and the water works, too," a neighbor added. There were television reports of banks being robbed, the release of thousands of prisoners and the confiscation of oil wells. A day later, Masoud Ali loaded his family into his car and stepped on the gas. As they drove away, they could see police uniforms and abandoned military vehicles in the ditch. Government troops, most of them Sunnis, had surrendered to the Sunni ISIS fighters.

Ali, like most residents of Mosul, is also a Sunni. He had heard the mayor calling for the citizens of Mosul to defend themselves against ISIS. "But why should I have defended myself?" he asks. "For the Shiite government? For Prime Minister Maliki, who oppresses the Sunnis?" He shakes his head. "The conflict has escalated because people in Iraq don't like the government anymore."
Keep reading.

Nice slideshow there as well.

L.A. County Judge Denies Occidental College Request to Seal Due Process Lawsuit

This is interesting, at LAT, "Judge denies Occidental request to seal suit over expulsion."

Background at Fox News, "Good grades, good home gets college student profiled as rapist, claims lawsuit."

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

#ISIS Parades Through Beiji, #Iraq

An ISIS video clip, c/o AP: "Raw: ISIL Militants Parade Through Beiji."

And at Gateway Pundit, "Report: ISIS Takes Control of Baiji Oil Refinery (Video)."

VIDEO: F/A-18 Super Hornets Launch from USS George H.W. Bush Amid #Iraq Crisis

Via the U.S. Navy on YouTube:

And at WVEC-TV ABC 13 Norfolk, "USS George H.W. Bush Arrives in Persian Gulf."

Blockbuster Video: Dick and Liz Cheney on #KellyFile — 'The Collapsing Obama Doctrine'

Here's the Cheneys Wall Street Journal op-ed, "Dick and Liz Cheney: Rarely Has a U.S. President Been So Wrong About So Much at the Expense of So Many."

And from tonight's Kelly File with Megyn Kelly, the interview:

Somali-Canadian Farah Mohamed Shirdon of Calgary Joins #ISIS Jihad in Iraq

Via Blazing Cat Fur, "Mosaic of Diversity Alert: Farah Mohamed Shirdon of Calgary fighting with ISIS, threatens Canada in Jihadi vid."

Washington #Redskins Trademarks Canceled

I saw this early today at Legal Insurrection, "“Redskins” trademark cancelled by USPTO as “disparaging” — Are “Negro” and “Colored” next?"

And here's the Wall Street Journal's report, "U.S. Patent Office Cancels Washington Redskins Trademarks: Federal Agency Rules Redskins Name Disparages Native Americans."

And another unhinged leftist at MSNBC, race-baiting Joy Reid, "Joy Reid 'Warns' MSNBC Viewers That 'Racial Slur' Redskins Will Be Said During Segment."

VIDEO: On the Frontline of the Battle Against #ISIS Insurgents

Ruth Sherlock reports from Tal Afar:

And at Telegraph UK, "Iraq crisis: Saddam's men return to power in city once held by US."

Unhinged #MSNBC Blowhard Ed Schultz: 'Obama's Way is Working' in #Iraq

Heh, the world is literally burning down. Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine. It all worked out just as planned, says the unhinged blowhard Ed Schultz.

It's like freakin' freak show.

At Free Beacon, "Big Eddie: ‘Obama’s Way is Working’ in Iraq."

British Glamour Model Jodie Gasson Shows Off Her Twin Peaks in Rocky Wilderness of the Desert

At Egotastic!, "Jodie Gasson Has Adventure In the Desert."

VIDEO: General David Petraeus Says #Iraq Must Defeat #ISIS Insurgency

The country need to unite against extremists and prevent a sectarian civil war.

At Telegraph UK, "General Petraeus: Iraq must unite against extremists."

Just 37 Percent of Americans Back President Obama's Handling of Foreign Policy

At the Wall Street Journal, "Poll Shows Erosion in President's Support Only 37% Back Obama's Handling of Foreign Policy, but Respondents Side With Him on Climate Change and Education."

At AoSHQ, "Chuck Todd: Given Grim Polling Showing 'Disaster' In Level of Support, Obama's Presidency is 'Over'."

Here's the video: "Chuck Todd: WSJ/NBC Poll 'Disaster for the President'."

#Iraq Battles for Control of Oil Refinery

At the Wall Street Journal, "Iraqi Government Forces Battle for Control of Major Oil Refinery Elite Counterterrorism Units Battle Islamist Rebels for Control of Baiji Refinery":

Iraq's counterterrorism units backed by other security forces and helicopter gunships were battling insurgents on Wednesday for control of the country's main oil refinery, trying to keep the fuel hub that supplies Baghdad from falling to a powerful week-old offensive by Sunni Muslim militants, Iraqi officials said.

The gunships bombarded positions of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham fighters inside the refinery in the northern city of Beiji, a state oil official said.

Two fuel-storage tanks were in flames after hours of fighting that erupted before dawn on Wednesday, when ISIS militants attacked with mortars and machine guns, another state oil official said.  The refinery's several hundred employees fled the facility as it came under the latest assault in the weeklong siege of the oil hub.

A military spokesman, Gen. Qassim Atta, insisted on Iraqiya state television that the refinery was under full government control, contradicting oil ministry officials and others who said the oil facility was at least partly in insurgent hands. By late Wednesday, ISIS fighters had retreated from the refinery complex to an adjacent compound for employees, ministry officials said.
Keep reading.

Troop Backstabber Harry Reid Dismissed Iraq War as Lost in '07: Smirks at #ISIS Bloodbath Today

The treasonous Senate Majority Leader voted for 2002's Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq, but soon began stabbing American troops in the back by abandoning his support for the deployment.

Here's the New York Times report on Harry Reid from 2007, "Leading Democrat in Senate Tells Reporters, ‘This War Is Lost’." Just one more member of the cut-and-run Democrat Party of defeat.

And now the Los Angeles Times reports, "Senate leader Harry Reid rejects call for U.S. troop buildup in Iraq."

Also, see Robert Tracinski, at the Federalist, "Obama’s Wish-Fulfilling Prophecy in Iraq."

Communists Call Cops, Shut Down 'Right-Wing Blogger' at Portland State Open Public Meeting

This is excellent.

I know how the guy feels. I remember when ANSWER's Richard Becker got in my face when I went to take his photo at Los Angeles City College in 2009: He screamed, "What right-wing organization do you work for"?!! Later, the ANSWER thugs hit me with flag poles when I was covering their protest against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2010. I think they'd forgotten about me last year, when I covered the ANSWER march protesting police brutality in Anaheim.

But man, these goons up in Portland are even more over-the-top.

At the Salem-Keizer Sentinel, "Communists Shut Down Press: 'WE DON’T ALLOW RIGHT WING BLOGGERS TO TAPE OUR EVENTS'."

And at Truth Revolt, ""You're a f*****g piece of s**t!" — Socialist University Group Tries to Eject Blogger for Filming Public Meeting."

It's "right-wing blogger" Dan Sandini of Daylight Disinfectant.

Great work:

Prime Minister Cameron: #ISIS Planning to Attack Britain

At Telegraph UK, "Iraq crisis: Isis planning to attack Britain, says Cameron - live":
Latest developments and news from the Iraq crisis, where David Cameron has warned that Isis jihadists seeking to build an Islamic caliphate also plan to "attack us here at home in the United Kingdom."

Clarissa Ward on Growing Sectarian Violence in #Iraq

At CBS News "This Morning":

Dick and Liz Cheney: Rarely Has a U.S. President Been So Wrong About So Much at the Expense of So Many

At the Wall Street Journal, "The Collapsing Obama Doctrine" (at Memeorandum):
As the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threaten Baghdad, thousands of slaughtered Iraqis in their wake, it is worth recalling a few of President Obama's past statements about ISIS and al Qaeda. "If a J.V. team puts on Lakers' uniforms that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant" (January 2014). "[C]ore al Qaeda is on its heels, has been decimated" (August 2013). "So, let there be no doubt: The tide of war is receding" (September 2011).
Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is "ending" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—as though wishing made it so. His rhetoric has now come crashing into reality. Watching the black-clad ISIS jihadists take territory once secured by American blood is final proof, if any were needed, that America's enemies are not "decimated." They are emboldened and on the march.
Keep reading at Memeorandum, and not especially the leftist heads exploding there.

#ISIS Moves Seized U.S. M-1 Abrams Tanks Into Syria

This is unreal.

It's like ISIS jihadists just asked for U.S. hardware and the Iraqis said "How much do you need"?

At Free Beacon, "ISIL Moving Seized U.S. Tanks, Humvees to Syria."

'The goal of BDS is to sow the seeds of discord on college campuses...'

The campus BDS movement, at Inside Higher Ed, "Middle East Conflict, U.S. Campuses":
As pro-Palestinian, pro-BDS activism has increased on campuses, it's upset many pro-Israel students, who question whether student governments are being urged to hold Israel to higher standards than other countries in the world and whether the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is being portrayed accurately in campus discussions and debates.

"There was more anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activity on American campuses in this past one year than there have been in the last 10 years combined,” said David Eden, the chief administrative officer at Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.

“The goal of BDS is to sow the seeds of discord on college campuses,” said Eden, who described the movement as “pro-hate” and “anti-peace.” (He also noted that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has come out against it.)
Keep reading.

Nouri al-Maliki Tightens Grip on Power

Huh? I guess he didn't get the White House memo about loosening up his dictatorial regime.

At the Washington Post, "Iraqi premier Maliki gaining strength as Shiites rally behind him":
BAGHDAD — Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is tightening his hold on power in response to the catastrophe unfolding in Iraq, even as his critics blame his policies for causing the mayhem that is tearing the country apart.

Reinforced by a call to arms from the country’s top Shiite cleric and by promises of support from Iran, Maliki has set about rallying the country’s Shiite majority behind his leadership as Sunni extremists bear down on Baghdad.

Negotiations on the formation of a new government have been suspended, and instead, Shiite factions who had sought to prevent Maliki from securing a third term in office by aligning with Sunni and Kurdish politicians have thrown their support behind him.

The risk of even deeper polarization between the sects is evident. The streets of Baghdad now teem with armed Shiite men, whose response to the clergy’s summoning of fighters has further shored up Maliki’s position.

Sunnis shuddered Tuesday at the news that the body of a Sunni imam and two of his assistants had been discovered in Baghdad’s morgue, four days after they were detained by men wearing government uniforms. The episode echoed the sectarian bloodletting that raged in the middle of the last decade, and it reinforced fears that a new round of killings could be imminent.

Officials close to Maliki acknowledge that his exclusionary politics and failure to reach out to Sunnis may have contributed to the ease with which predominantly Sunni parts of the country have fallen under the control of al-Qaeda-linked extremists over the past week.
Keep reading.

Palestinians Celebrate #Hamas Kidnappings of Three Israeli Teenagers

At Israelly Cool, "More Palestinian Reactions to Kidnapping: The Most Disturbing of All (Updated)."

And from the IDF:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

William Jacobson Speaks at Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel, Los Angeles

Following-up, "Professor William Jacobson, 'The Case for Israel and Academic Freedom,' Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel (June 17, 2014)."

I tweeted from the lecture:

The presentation was very familiar to me, as I'm an avid reader of William's blog. But check the archives for some of his work on the left's academic boycott of Israel. Also, I expect the talk tonight was quite similar to the lecture William gave at Vassar, where the college's 39 academic boycotters refused to accept William's offer of debate. See, "Vassar College Wins (Update – Video added)."

The folks at CJHS videotaped the event and no doubt the clip will be posted at Legal Insurrection when it's available.

Plus, I had the pleasure to meet Darleen Click of Protein Wisdom, and she was taking notes. So, it's good bet she'll have a review posted right away and I'll update.

Overall, a great event and a nice break from blogging. Conservatives are the best people. I always enjoy meeting up with them.

New York Metropolitan Opera Cancels 'Death of Klinghoffer'

At Truth Revolt, "Breaking: Met Opera Cancels Anti-American, Anti-Semitic Broadcast."

And at CBS News New York, "Metropolitan Opera Cancels Simulcast Amid Anti-Semitism Fears." And at the Los Angeles Times, "Metropolitan Opera cancels 'Klinghoffer' cinema broadcasts."

Professor William Jacobson, 'The Case for Israel and Academic Freedom,' Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel (June 17, 2014)

Yesterday William posted the announcement, at Legal Insurrection, "If it’s Tuesday, it must be L.A."

I'm heading out right now to attend the lecture.

More from Mark Tapson, at FrontPage Magazine, "The Case for Israel and Academic Freedom":

William Jacobson photo William-A-Jacobson-Cornell-Law-School-speaking-at-Vassar-College-620x420_zpsf777198c.jpg
This Tuesday evening in Los Angeles, Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors is hosting Cornell law professor William A. Jacobson as he presents “The Case for Israel and Academic Freedom.” At the forefront of the fight against the American Studies Association (ASA) academic boycott of Israel, Jacobson will argue that the boycott is anti-educational, anti-peace, and based on misconceptions and omissions about the history and legality of the conflict.

Prof. Jacobson is the founder and publisher of two popular websites, Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection, which have covered the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement for years. He has been cited in major publications such as The Jerusalem Post, The Times of Israel, Forbes, National Review, Commentary, and elsewhere. Through Legal Insurrection, Jacobson was instrumental in obtaining rejections of the academic boycott by over 250 University Presidents, and has filed a challenge to the ASA’s tax exempt status.

I asked him a few questions in advance of Tuesday’s event...
Keep reading.

And here's the event listing, at the Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors homepage, "EVENT: The Case for Israel and Academic Freedom | June 17, 2014."

Should be home tonight about 10:00 or 11:00pm, and blogging will resume.

Thanks everyone. Hope to see you there!

New York Times Claims Abu Khattala Launched #Benghazi Attack in Retaliation for 'Innocence of Muslims' Video

Well, the president promised to bring the perpetrators to justice, almost two years ago. And you gotta love the timing. Sure does help Hillary Clinton's battlespace preparation, to say nothing of getting the administration's Iraq debacle out of the headlines.

The main story's at Wall Street Journal, "U.S. Forces Capture Key Benghazi Suspect Grabbed in a Nighttime Raid, Ahmed Abu Khattala Faces Possible Death Penalty." And from Barbara Starr at CNN:

But the the big deal here is how the New York Times joins Clinton's battlespace prep with this unsourced report, citing "private conversations," in which Abu Khattala is said to have launched the Benghazi attack to take "revenge" against the "Innocence of Muslims" video --- the controversial online film which was the basis for the administration's Susan Rice talking points after the attack of September 11, 1012.

See, "A Brazen Figure in Benghazi Holds an Attack’s Secrets Apprehension of Ahmed Abu Khattala May Begin to Answer Questions on Assault":
But for all his brazenness, Mr. Abu Khattala also holds many tantalizing secrets for the Americans investigating and debating the attack.

His apprehension by United States military commandos and law enforcement agents may finally begin to address some of the persistent questions about who carried out the attack and why. Those questions have spawned a small industry of conspiracy theories, political scandals, talk radio broadcasts, and a continuing congressional investigation.

Despite extensive speculation about the role of Al Qaeda in directing the attack in Libya, Mr. Abu Khattala is a local Islamist militant, with no known connections to international terrorist groups, according to American officials briefed on the criminal investigation and intelligence reporting, as well as other Benghazi Islamists who know him.

In interviews, Mr. Abu Khattala professed his admiration for Osama bin Laden and blamed American foreign policy for the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But he remained a distant admirer, having spent most of his adult life jailed for his extremism under Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.

During the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi, Mr. Abu Khattala formed his own militia, which played a small role in the NATO-backed uprising. But within a few months, he had pulled his small band back from the front, deeming most of his fellow Islamists insufficiently committed to establishing a puritanical theocracy and too close to the West.

After Colonel Qaddafi fell, Mr. Abu Khattala was one of the disgruntled veterans of the uprising who kept Benghazi on edge. Though he had friends among the militia leaders of the city who were close to American and British diplomats who took residence in the city, he kept his distance from foreign diplomats and rallied his own supporters to protest what he viewed as foreign interference in Libya’s affairs.

What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video.

An earlier demonstration venting anger over the video outside the American Embassy in Cairo had culminated in a breach of its walls, and it dominated Arab news coverage. Mr. Abu Khattala told both fellow Islamist fighters and others that the attack in Benghazi was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him...
Keep reading.

Well obviously these unnamed sources from "private conversations" just aren't going to fly, considering such an explosive issue.

The fact is, according to Stephen Hayes, in contrast to administration claims, the intelligence community's "talking points didn't once mention the anti-Islam video that Rice placed at the center of her narrative."

With this questionable report from the New York Times, White House hacks and Obama's media lapdogs can once again deny the facts debunking the "Innocence of Muslims" narrative. It's a classic protection gambit for the White House and it plays perfectly into Hillary Clinton's book tour media rollout, which is frankly nothing more than an early presidential campaign tour.

Brigitte Gabriel Destroys 'Moderate' Muslim Saba Ahmed at Heritage Benghazi Accountability Panel

I saw Dana Milbank's column last night, "Heritage's ugly Benghazi panel." What a complete smear. I didn't even need to see the video before calling the dude out as a complete hack.

So now this Heritage panel has blown out into a major partisan battle over what, "Islamphobia"? Or conservative "anti-Muslim hatred"? Who knows with the idiot progressive? Clearly, Brigitte Gabriel nails the point so hard that PC tool Milbank had to smear her and the entire Heritage event as racist or something. But you can see the exchange for yourself at clip, as well as the fierce push back on the right below.

Here's Pat Dollard, "WATCH, MUST-SEE: The Awesome Brigitte Gabriel Destroys ‘Moderate’ Muslim…Receives Standing Ovation During Benghazi Panel."

And here's "moderate" Saba Ahmed shown holding a microphone at the back of the conference room. She looks Jumanah Imad Albahri and probably would be "for it" if Hezbollah was able to round up all the world's Jews for extermination. (Indeed Ahmed's background is described as "weird" with "ties to convicted a terrorist.")

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More from Noah Rothman, at Hot Air, "Dana Milbank’s take on Heritage’s ‘ugly’ Benghazi panel is utterly dishonest." And Mollie Hemingway, at the Federalist, "Friends Don’t Let Friends Read Dana Milbank."

Also from Erick Erickson, "What Dana Milbank Does Not Tell You."

Gun-Toting Child Jihadists Oversee #ISIS Execution of Shia Guards Outside Baghdad

At London's Daily Mail, "The boy jihadis: Sickening new images reveal gun-toting children as young as eight watching ISIS execution as Shia prison guards 'slaughter 44 Sunni inmates north of Baghdad'."

#ISIS Children photo article-2658858-1ED7D03700000578-63_964x538_zpsfdad4c68.jpg

More updates throughout the day.

The Return of Christian Anti-Semitism

From Melanie Phillips, at Commentary, "'Jesus Was a Palestinian': The Return of Christian Anti-Semitism":
In all the uproar over the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement and the campaign to delegitimize Israel, the role of Protestant churches has received scant attention. This is a terrible mistake. The return of replacement theology is of the greatest possible significance to the way Israel is regarded in the West. The Church still has great influence over Western culture. Even in Britain, people think Christian clerics embody integrity, conscience, and truth-telling; when they assert that Israel is a racist, oppressive, aggressive state, they are believed. And in the United States, such is the centrality of Christianity and the Hebrew Bible that if this theological and political slide into untruth and hatred is not stopped, there will be drastic consequences—not just for support of Israel but for American society.

As Christians are murdered by Islamists across the world, some of their churches are directing their passions elsewhere. They are busily rewriting history, constructing a theology out of gross political distortion and lining up once again with historic forces of unfathomable darkness. It is not just the State of Israel that is being threatened as a result. Stamping upon its parent, the Church is embracing its own assassin—and the West’s potential nemesis.
This is a complicated essay that deserves multiples readings. And so I'll leave off to dear readers for now on this. I can say that this piece is astonishingly eye-opening. The malignant historical revisionism is just sickening, which has turned Christian faith into an ideology of Nazism.

Definition of the #Democrat Party

Heh, seen on Twitter last night:

Dodgers, #Angels Have Mixed Reaction to Tobacco After Death of Tony Gwynn

I guess Tony Gwynn attributed his cancer to smokeless tobacco.

I thought "What the heck?" when I heard he'd passed. He was only 54.

In any case, at the Los Angeles Times:
For many players, the use of smokeless tobacco becomes entwined with playing the game. It becomes difficult to imagine baseball without it.
I can see that. But times are changing.

In any case, read it all at that link.

The World Ignites on #Obama’s Watch

From Walter Russell Mead, at the American Interest:
As Islamist jihadis like Boko Haram murder and kidnap their way across Nigeria and Mali in pursuit of what they somehow convince themselves is a noble purpose, as Iraq and Syria writhe in the flames of an insurgency gone into hyperdrive, as the Taliban licks its chops over the future of Afghanistan, and as the smoke rises over Karachi’s airport, Washington is still trying to pretend that the global war on terror is a thing of the past.

John Kerry's Proposal to Work with Iran Is 'Preposterous'

At National Review:

Bill O'Reilly: 'Enormous Dereliction of Duty' if Obama Fails to Bomb #Iraq

Another great talking points memo:

Kenya Terrorist Attack 'Most Sophisticated Seen of Its Kind'

More on the Nairobi al-Shabaab attack, via Telegraph UK:

PREVIOUSLY: "Al-Shabaab Massacres Dozens in Nairobi! U.S Marines Stationed Atop Embassy!"

Monday, June 16, 2014

Hobby Lobby Critics Demonize Belief

From Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary:
The legal and political world is awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case with bated breath. The court’s ruling will determine whether the Obama administration’s efforts to restrict religious freedom or the plaintiffs’ belief that faith may be practiced in the public square will prevail. The arguments over the merits of the case in which the government’s attempt to impose a contraception and abortion drug mandate on private businesses as well as religious institutions have been endlessly rehearsed as a sidebar to the general debate about ObamaCare. But, as I noted earlier this year, rather than confining the debate to the question of constitutional rights, critics of the plaintiffs in Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius have done their best to portray the business owners who seek to strike down the government mandate as not merely wrong but a threat to liberty.

In order to do this, the administration and its cheering section in the mainstream media have sought to transform the debate from one that centers on government using its power to force people of faith to choose between their religion and their business to the dubious notion that dissenters from the mandate wish to impose their beliefs on others. This is a false premise since even if the owners of Hobby Lobby win, its employees won’t be prevented from obtaining birth control or abortion-inducing drugs. The only thing that will change is whether their Christian employers will be forced to pay for them.

But efforts to demonize Hobby Lobby are not confined to these specious arguments. As today’s feature in Politico on the Green family shows, the goal of the liberal critics of Hobby Lobby isn’t so much to draw the line on religious freedom as it is to depict their foes as crazy religious extremists who want to transform America into a “Christian nation.” That this is an unfair distortion of their intent as well as the point of the court case goes without saying. But the fact that mainstream publications feel free to mock the Greens in this manner tells us exactly why the plaintiffs’ fears about restrictions on religious freedom may be justified.

In Politico’s telling, the Greens are religious fanatics who not only are willing to conduct their businesses along religious lines, including closing their chain of hobby stores on Sunday, but also want to promote their beliefs to others. The Greens may wind up investing hundreds of millions of their vast fortune to the building of a Bible museum in Washington D.C. The also want to promote Bible study and ... funding a textbook and curriculum about religious studies they’d like to see be adopted by school systems. According to Politico, these efforts are stirring concern in the ranks of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and other liberal organs....
The attacks on the Greens illustrate the intolerance of openly expressed faith that is at the core of the mandate the administration is seeking to enforce. The Greens are no threat to the liberty of non-believers who need not visit their bible museum nor read the religious materials they publish.
Keep reading.

Six in 10 Americans Dissatisfied with Obama Administration Handling of 2012 #Benghazi Attack

Yes, because it was all just some unhinged GOP whipped up frenzy for the base, or something.

At CNN, "CNN/ORC Poll: Majority dissatisfied with handling of Benghazi."

Just 37 percent are satisfied with the administration's handling of Benghazi, and:
Sixty-one percent of Americans surveyed think the administration has generally been dishonest in providing information about Benghazi in the aftermath of the attack.

“That may be one reason why overall dissatisfaction with the White House has gone from 50% in 2012 to 60% now,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
There'll be more on this. An ABC News poll out last week found that 58 percent of Americans thought the White House "covered up what it knows" about. Benghazi.

VIDEO: U.S.-Made Stinger Missiles Likely in Hands of #ISIS Jihadists in Iraq

Following-up from previously, "Sources: #ISIS Jihadists Likely Have U.S.-Made Stinger Missiles."

Only America Can Prevent a Disaster in #Iraq

From the former American Regent in Iraq, L. Paul Bremmer, at the Wall Street Journal:
America's core interest remains a stable, united and democratic Iraq. But American regional interests are broader. At stake now is the century-old political structure of the entire region, with huge consequences for our friends and allies there.

If the terrorists continue south and take the capital, Baghdad, or threaten the Shiite holy cities of Karbala and Najaf, a full-scale civil war is likely. Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Friday issued the first call for "jihad" by the Shiite religious leadership in almost 100 years. Radical Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr has reactivated his " Mahdi " army and other Shiite leaders have recalled two battalions from Syria to fight in Iraq. A serious threat to the holy cities would almost certainly provoke intervention by Iranian Revolutionary Guards on the side of the Shiites. Kurdish leaders, who have the best-organized military force in Iraq, have taken advantage of the current chaos to wrest control of the long-coveted city of Kirkuk from the central government, and would be tempted to declare Kurdistan's independence.

Those Americans who have pressed in the past for dividing Iraq should be careful: They might get what they wished for. The price would be very high: a regional war on top of an Iraqi civil war. American action now would be considerably less difficult than later.

After a feckless and hesitant American policy against any intervention to stop Bashar Assad's slaughter in Syria, the region needs to see that we understand the risks by demonstrating a clear commitment to help restabilize Iraq. That means first stopping the southward march of the ISIL; then helping the Iraqis retake important cities like Mosul, Tikrit and Fallujah...
Continue reading.

And, if you can bear it, watch Bremer's interview with Erin Burnett on CNN, " Paul Bremer: Obama is to blame for Iraq."

A a leftist attack dog, I tweeted:

Military Package for U.S. Counteroffensive Against #ISIS in Iraq

Following-up from earlier, "Iraq Expert Danielle Pletka Beats Back Leftist Talking Points on 'Crossfire'."

See Jack Keane and Danielle Pletka, at the Wall Street Journal, "A Plan to Save Iraq From ISIS and Iran":
The Middle East is in a downward spiral. More than 160,000 have died in Syria's civil war, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, aka ISIS, has captured key Iraqi cities and is marching on Baghdad, and the security investments made by the U.S. over the past decade—like them or not—are being frittered away.

It is still possible to reverse the recent gains of ISIS, an outgrowth of what was once al Qaeda in Iraq. The group's fighters number only in the thousands, and while well-armed, they lack the accoutrements of a serious military. But only the United States can provide the necessary military assistance for Baghdad to beat back our shared enemy.

Setting aside for the moment the question of whether this administration has the will to intervene again in Iraq, here are the components of a reasonable military package that can make a difference:

Intelligence architecture. Iraq's intel screens went blank after the U.S. military pulled out in 2011. Washington needs to restore Baghdad's ability to access national, regional and local intelligence sources, enabling the Iraqi military to gain vital situational awareness.

Planners and advisers. The Iraqi military needs planners to assist with the defense of Baghdad and the eventual counter-offensive to regain lost territory, as well as advisers down to division level where units are still viable.

Counterterrorism. Special operations forces should be employed clandestinely to attack high value ISIS targets and leaders in Iraq and Syria.

Air power. Air power alone cannot win a war, but it can significantly diminish enemy forces and, when used in coordination with ground forces, can exponentially increase the odds of success.

SIS has made extraordinary progress in recent weeks in Iraq and controls large swaths of territory in northern Syria. But its forces are not impregnable and their tactics are not terribly complicated. ISIS has progressed via two main routes in Iraq, traveling during the day in columns. Its forces and staging areas are exposed targets—but the Iraqis have very limited air power.

Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and some of the necessary target development have already begun on the Iraq side; the U.S. needs to expand them to the Syria side of the Iraqi-Syrian border. We need to know more about who is moving, how they're moving, who is helping, and how to stop them. This target information will assist air interdiction and non-American ground forces to counter ISIS.

The next necessary step is air interdiction of ISIS staging areas, supplies, sanctuaries and lines of communication...
Continue reading.

See also, "Frederick Kagan and William Kristol: Plan for #Iraq."

Samantha Hoopes for Galore Magazine

She's wonderful.


Frederick Kagan and William Kristol: Plan for #Iraq

At the Weekly Standard, "What to Do in Iraq":
Throwing our weight behind Iran in the fight against al Qaeda in Iraq, as some are suggesting, would make things even worse. Conducting U.S. airstrikes without deploying American special operators or other ground forces would in effect make the U.S. Iran’s air force. Such an approach would be extremely shortsighted. The al Qaeda threat in Iraq is great, and the U.S. must take action against it. But backing the Iranians means backing the Shi’a militias that have been the principal drivers of sectarian warfare, to say nothing of turning our backs on the moderates on both sides who are suffering the most. Allowing Iran to in effect extend its border several hundred kilometers to the west with actual troop deployments would be a strategic disaster. In addition, the U.S. would be perceived as becoming the ally of the Islamic Republic of Iran against all of the forces of the Arab and Sunni world, conceding Syria to the Iranian-backed Bashir al-Assad, and accepting the emergence of an Iranian hegemony soon to be backed by nuclear weapons. And at the end of the day, Iran is not going to be able to take over the Sunni areas of Iraq—so we would end up both strengthening Iran and not defeating ISIS.

Now is not the time to re-litigate either the decision to invade Iraq in 2003 or the decision to withdraw from it in 2011. The crisis is urgent, and it would be useful to focus on a path ahead rather than indulge in recriminations. All paths are now fraught with difficulties, including the path we recommend. But the alternatives of permitting a victory for al Qaeda and/or strengthening Iran would be disastrous.
Heh, I love that "not the time to re-litigate" bit. That's all the left wants to do, frankly. They don't care about anything other than protecting President Clusterf-k and blaming everything in Iraq on the evil George W. Bush.

Speaking of which, all the usual leftist idiots are aggregated at the Memeorandum thread.

In Texas' Rio Grande Valley, a Seemingly Endless Surge of Immigrants

This was at the Los Angeles Times over the weekend, now at Memeorandum.

Here's a video, in Spanish, of illegals taking a raft over the Rio Grande a month ago: "Immigrants crossing the Rio Grande river."

More at Gateway Pundit, "35,000 Illegal Immigrants Stream Across U.S. Border EACH MONTH."

Behind #Iraq's Sectarian Divide

And interesting ethnic primer at the New York Times, on video: "A Look at Iraq's Factions and Their Goals."

Iraq Expert Danielle Pletka Beats Back Leftist Talking Points on 'Crossfire'

I love how she says, "Heh, hold your horses. We could argue about going into Iraq until the cows come home," or something to that effect, heh.

Obama Sending 275 Troops to Protect U.S. Embassy in Baghdad

This is breaking, at the Hill, "Obama: 275 troops to Iraq to protect embassy."

Sources: #ISIS Jihadists Likely Have U.S.-Made Stinger Missiles

Right now on Fox News with Greta Van Susteren.

I'll update as more information becomes available.

U.N. Condemns 'War Crimes' as Tal Afar Falls to Jihadists in #Iraq

See, Telegraph UK, "Iraq crisis: UN condemns 'war crimes' as another town falls to Isis":

Human rights commissioner Navi Pillay voices shock at 'executions' carried out by militants as Isis takes Tal Afar, once a symbol of US military success.

Cold blooded "executions" said to have been carried out by militants in northern Iraq almost certainly amount to war crimes, the United Nations said on Monday, as a key northern town fell to the insurgents.

After the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (Isis) released graphic photographs of its fighters shooting scores of young men, Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, voiced shock over the bloodshed.

Isis claims to have executed 1,700 people after capturing the Iraqi city of Tikrit. Ms Pillay said the figure could not be verified, but added: "This apparently systematic series of cold-blooded executions, mostly conducted in various locations in the Tikrit area, almost certainly amounts to war crimes."

Ms Pillay urged "comprehensive action", saying: "We want to alert the world to address this immediately."

Comprehensive action. What does that mean? The U.N. can do about as much in Iraq as it did in Ukraine, which is nothing.

Also at the New York Times, "Sunni Rebels in Iraq Kill Shiite Volunteers and Seize New City." And at the Guardian UK, "Iraqi city of Tal Afar falls to Isis insurgents."

Above, the Telegraph has captions translating the clip I posted yesterday: "Tunisian #ISIS Jihadist Executes 5 Captured Soldiers in #Iraq — WARNING GRAPHIC."

New Photos Show #ISIS Excecuting Iraqi Troops Near Syrian Border — GRAPHIC

From Dubai journalist Jenan Moussa, on Twitter.

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Obama White House Vacillates on #Iraq

Watch retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Jessie Jane Duff, on Neil Cavuto's show on Fox News.

See, "ISIS Closes In on Baghdad While White House Vacillates."

Who knows, maybe we'll see some airstrikes soon. Earlier: "CNN Reports Obama Administration Leaning Toward Airstrikes in #Iraq."

Indeed, Obama Administration Had a Choice About What to Do in #Iraq

Patrick Brennan, at National Review, just destroys idiot MSNBC hack Chris Hayes, "No, U.S. Troops Didn’t Have to Leave Iraq."

These are fundamentally unserious people. Unfortunately the same sort of fundamentally unserious people are now in charge of American national security.

CNN Reports Obama Administration Leaning Toward Airstrikes in #Iraq

Someone at the White House is beating the president over the head, saying, "Sir, you can't just leave the U.S. out of this. Forget your pledge to end the war. We need to go back in and do SOMETHING!"

So, here's Brooke Baldwin:

RELATED: At Weasel Zippers, "Report: Obama Considering Sending U.S. Special Forces to Iraq…"

College Porn Star Belle Knox Loses Financial Aid at Duke University

Her real name is Miriam Weeks. "Belle Knox" is her stage name.

Now she's lost her tuition, but she's making so much money she'll still be able to afford it.

At Time, "‘Duke Porn Star’: I Lost My Financial Aid."

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D-Day Veteran Bernard Jordan 'Overwhelmed' After Receiving 2,500 Birthday Cards

This is great, at Telegraph UK:
Bernard Jordan, who absconded from his care home to join his comrades in Normandy for D-Day, receives thousands of cards and presents on his 90th birthday.
More at Sky News, "90-Year-Old Veteran Returns Home After Normandy Adventure."

Chrissy Teigen, Nina Agdal and Lily Aldridge

For Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:

Ex-CIA Deputy Chief Michael Morell Slams Obama's #Iran Rapprochement — #Iraq #ISIS

At the Washington Free Beacon, "Morell: Not in U.S. Interests to Work with Iran to Stop ISIS."

Yeah, well, you think?

Full video at CBS "This Morning":

Al-Shabaab Massacres Dozens in Nairobi! U.S Marines Stationed Atop Embassy!

At London's Daily Mail, "'My husband told them we were Christians and they shot him in the head': How al-Shabaab militia went from door to door killing non-Muslims as Kenyan village watched World Cup."

And at Pamela's, "“U.S. Marines Now Stationed on the roof of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi”: Dozens Killed In Jihadist Attack On Kenyan Town":
More of the catastrophic fall-out of Obama’s pro-jihadist foreign policy putsch. The roiling chaos across the Middle East and Africa escalates at frightening speed.

Obama’s patriarchal homeland, once the beacon of democracy on the dark continent, is under siege by jihadists.

Obama’s priority? He is coming to New York in as part of a Democratic fundraising effort.

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CNN Reports on #Iraq Troop Executions by Tunisian #ISIS Jihadi

I reported on this yesterday, "Tunisian #ISIS Jihadist Executes 5 Captured Soldiers in #Iraq — WARNING GRAPHIC."

CNN's Brooke Baldwin is reporting on this as this post goes live, and here's an Arwa Damon report from a little while ago.

Hey John Kerry, Iran's EFPs (Explosively Formed Penetrators) Killed Hundreds of U.S. Troops in #Iraq!

A number of outlets are reporting that Secretary of State John Kerry is opening talks on security cooperation with Iran, which is world's biggest state-sponsor of international terrorism.

For Example, at the Los Angeles Times, "U.S. may join Iran in effort to resolve crisis in Iraq"; at Politico, "John Kerry: U.S. open to talks with Iran over Iraq"; and the Wall Street Journal, "Iraq Loses Key City, as U.S. 'Open' to Iran Talks on Crisis."

It boggles the mind that the Obama administration would be seeking an entente with our greatest enemy in the region, or perhaps not, since the president and his treasonous cronies have been scheming to reduce U.S. global power from their first day in office.

Here's National Journal's report from 2011, "Record Number of U.S. Troops Killed by Iranian Weapons":
U.S. military commanders in Iraq say Iranian-made weaponry is killing American troops there at an unprecedented pace, posing new dangers to the remaining forces and highlighting Tehran’s intensifying push to gain influence over post-U.S. Iraq.

June was the deadliest month in more than two years for U.S. troops, with 14 killed. In May, the U.S. death toll was two. In April, it was 11. Senior U.S. commanders say the three primary Iranian-backed militias, Kataib Hezbollah, the Promise Day Brigade, and Asaib al Haq, and their rockets were behind 12 of the deaths in June.

A detailed U.S. military breakdown of June’s casualties illustrates the growing threat posed by Iranian munitions.

Military officials said six of the 14 dead troops were killed by so-called “explosively formed penetrators,” or EFPs, a sophisticated roadside bomb capable of piercing through even the best-protected U.S. vehicles. Five other troops were killed earlier in the month when a barrage of rockets slammed into their base in Baghdad. It was the largest single-day U.S. loss of life since April 2009, when a truck bomb killed five soldiers. The remaining three troops killed in June died after a rocket known as an “improvised rocket-assisted mortar,” or IRAM, landed in a remote U.S. outpost in southern Iraq.

U.S. officials say the EFPs, rockets, and IRAMs all come from neighboring Iran. Tehran denies providing the weaponry to Shia militias operating in Iraq.

“We’re seeing a sharp increase in the amount of munitions coming across the border, some manufactured as recently as 2010,” Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, the top U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad, said in an interview. “These are highly lethal weapons, and their sheer volume is a major concern.”

Buchanan said much of the current weaponry is passing into the country through its formal border crossings with Iran. Current and former American military officers claim that those border crossings are guarded by Iraqi security personnel whose long-standing financial relationships with their Iranian counterparts means they will accept bribes or turn a blind eye in order to allow munitions through.
Back in 2007, the Washington post called EFPs "The Deadliest IEDs." See, "'The single most effective weapon against our deployed forces'":
IEDs have caused nearly two-thirds of the 3,100 American combat deaths in Iraq, and an even higher proportion of battle wounds. This year alone, through mid-July, they have also resulted in an estimated 11,000 Iraqi civilian casualties and more than 600 deaths among Iraqi security forces. To the extent that the United States is not winning militarily in Iraq, the roadside bomb, which as of Sept. 22 had killed or wounded 21,200 Americans, is both a proximate cause and a metaphor for the miscalculation and improvisation that have characterized the war.
EFPs constituted the most serious threat the coalition forces in Iraq. Here's Toby Harnden in 2006, at Telegraph UK, "Three Iranian factories 'mass-produce bombs to kill British in Iraq'":
Three factories in Iran are mass-producing the sophisticated roadside bombs used to kill British soldiers over the border in Iraq, it has been claimed.

The lethal bombs are being made by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps at ordnance factory sites in Tehran, according to opponents of the country's theocratic regime.

Designed to penetrate heavy armour, the devices being manufactured in Iran involve the use of "explosively formed projectiles" or EFPs, also known as shaped charges, often triggered by infra-red beams.

The weapons can pierce the armour of British and American tanks and armoured personnel carriers and completely destroy armoured Land Rovers, which are used by the majority of British troops on operations in Iraq.

The Sunday Telegraph revealed in April that Iranian-made devices employing several EFPs, directed at different angles, were being used in Iraq.

And in June, this newspaper obtained the first picture of one of the Iraqi insurgent weapons - designed to fire an armour-piercing EFP - believed to have been responsible for the deaths of 17 British soldiers.

British Government scientists have already established that the mines are precision-made weapons thought to have been turned on a lathe by craftsmen trained in the manufacture of munitions.

Members of the Washington-based Iran Policy Committee have released the details about the three bomb factories gathered by the exile group, the National Council for Resistance in Iran (NCRI).
Here are graphic photos of the destruction inflicted by these devices. In your mind's eye, situate yourself behind the controls of a Humvee patrolling Baghdad in 2007. Via Pajamas Media, "How Iran Is Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq." These projectiles explode at more than 2,000 feet-per-second:

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And now the U.S. is seeking to give Tehran a lead role in resolving the crisis in Iraq? That'd be like opening talks on cooperation with the German High Command as British and French forces were being evacuated at Dunkirk in 1940.

The Obama administration has sold out American interests and placed the lives of Americans and untold number of Iraqis at risk. The solution is not to let Iran gain greater influence in Iraq. We have the options to reverse the ISIS advance. And we have over a decade of on-the-ground experience in defeating the jihadi extremist. All we need is the requisite leadership to beat back this incursion and avoid an existential defeat in the Middle East.

Obama's Iraq Disaster

From Marc Thiessen, at the Washington Post:
When Obama took office he inherited a pacified Iraq, where the terrorists had been defeated both militarily and ideologically.

Militarily, thanks to Bush’s surge, coupled with the Sunni Awakening, al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI, now the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS) was driven from the strongholds it had established in Anbar and other Iraqi provinces. It controlled no major territory, and its top leader — Abu Musab al-Zarqawi — had been killed by U.S. Special Operations forces.

Ideologically, the terrorists had suffered a popular rejection. Iraq was supposed to be a place where al-Qaeda rallied the Sunni masses to drive America out, but instead, the Sunnis joined with Americans to drive al-Qaeda out — a massive ideological defeat.  Obama took that inheritance and squandered it, with two catastrophic mistakes:

First, he withdrew all U.S. forces from Iraq — allowing the defeated terrorists to regroup and reconstitute themselves.

Second, he failed to support the moderate, pro-Western opposition in neighboring Syria — creating room for ISIS to fill the security vacuum. ISIS took over large swaths of Syrian territory, established a safe haven, used it to recruit and train thousands of jihadists, and prepared their current offensive in Iraq.

The result: When Obama took office, the terrorists had been driven from their safe havens; now they are on threatening to take control of a nation. Iraq is on the cusp of turning into what Afghanistan was in the 1990s — a safe haven from which to plan attacks on America and its allies.

American Soccer Players Don't Fake Injuries or Exaggerate Contact as Much as Others

I posted a few soccer tweets the other day, joking about how I was waiting for the Angels game to come on (although I didn't go so far as to say soccer wasn't an American sport --- I used to enjoy playing soccer as a kid).

I later got a kick when I saw Althouse hilarious dissing the soccer sensationalism over the World Cup. See, "Why I'm not clicking on Google doodles for a while." And the comments are a riot:
Finally Althouse gets something right. One of the few remaining reasons to be proud of being an American is that we are the only people who realize that soccer is shit. It's the only sport that bans the use of the hands, and using our hands is what makes us human. Thus, by definition, soccer is a game for sub-humans, and, boy, do the fans show it. To be fair to them, though, the games themselves are so boring that the only way to stay awake is to start a riot or a war, or at least turn to the guy next to you and head-butt his face in.
In any case, I guess we're not so great at the sport's cheating culture either. At the New York Times, "On Soccer: Where Dishonesty Is Best Policy, U.S. Soccer Falls Short":
NATAL, Brazil — The list of improvements that the United States men’s soccer team needs to make is considerable. Coach Jurgen Klinsmann would like to see a more consistent back line, better touch from his midfielders and plenty more production from the attackers.  
Yet as Klinsmann and his players begin their World Cup here Monday against Ghana, trickier questions of soccer acumen have come into focus:

Are the Americans bad at playacting? And if so, should they try to get better?

The first part seems easy enough. For better or worse, gamesmanship and embellishment — or, depending on your sensibilities, cheating — are part of high-level soccer. Players exaggerate contact. They amplify the mundane. They turn niggling knocks into something closer to grim death.

They do all this to force the referee to make decisions, with the hope that if he is confronted by imagined bloodshed often enough, he will ultimately determine he has seen some. Applying this sort of pressure on the official is a skill that, by their own admission, United States players generally perform poorly, if they perform it at all...

#Obama Faces Fresh Questions on 'How Wars End'

From Julie Pace, at AP, "For Obama, Fresh Questions About How Wars End":

From the Rose Garden, President Barack Obama outlined a timetable for the gradual withdrawal of the last U.S. troops in Afghanistan and said confidently, "This is how wars end in the 21st century."

But less than three weeks after his May 27 announcement, there is a sudden burst of uncertainty surrounding the way Obama has moved to bring the two conflicts he inherited to a close.

In Iraq, a fast-moving Islamic insurgency is pressing toward Baghdad, raising the possibility of fresh American military action more than two years after the last U.S. troops withdrew. The chaos in Iraq also raises questions about whether Obama's plans to keep a small military presence in Afghanistan until the end of 2016 can prevent a similar backslide there or whether extremists are simply lying in wait until the U.S. withdrawal deadline passes.

"Could all of this have been avoided? The answer is absolutely yes," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said of the deteriorating situation in Iraq. McCain, one of the White House's chief foreign policy critics and Obama's 2008 presidential rival, added that Obama is "about to make the same mistake in Afghanistan he made in Iraq."

That criticism strikes at the heart of Obama's clearest foreign policy pledge: a commitment to ending the conflicts started by his predecessor, George W. Bush, and keeping the U.S. out of further military entanglements.

The turmoil in Iraq presents a particularly troubling dilemma for the White House. Obama's early opposition to the Iraq war was a defining factor in his 2008 presidential campaign and he cast the withdrawal of all American troops in late 2011 as a promise fulfilled. The president and his top advisers have since cited the end of the war as one of Obama's top achievements in office.

But the vacuum left by American forces has been filled by waves of resurgent violence and burgeoning Sunni extremism. Still, Obama resisted calls for the U.S. to get involved, saying it was now Iraq's sovereign government's responsibility to ensure the country's security.

The current situation in Iraq appears to have made that stance untenable.

Obama, who once called Iraq a "dumb war," now says it is clear the government in Baghdad needs more help from the U.S. in order to contain a violent al-Qaida inspired group that, he said, could pose a threat to American security interests.

While the White House is still evaluating a range of options, administration officials say the president is considering strikes with manned aircrafts, but only if Iraqi leaders were to outline a political plan for easing sectarian tensions.

Even limited and targeted U.S. airstrikes in Iraq would mark an almost unimaginable turn of events for many of the war-weary Americans who twice elected Obama president.
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Laura Ingraham on Sunday's News Shows

Ingraham played a huge hand in the Dave Brat win last week.

Watch, from "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," with Jonathan Karl moderating, "'This Week': Powerhouse Roundtable I."

And on Howard Kurtz's show, on Fox News, "Radio Host Helped Sink Cantor - Ingraham Campaigned With David Brat."