Monday, July 7, 2014

VIDEO: Third Planeload of Diseased Aliens Lands in San Diego: Official Gag Order Clamps Down on #Murrieta Information

Here's the latest from KGTV-ABC News 10 San Diego, "Third immigrant plane lands in San Diego" (VIDEO):
SAN DIEGO - A third plane filled with Central American immigrants landed at Lindbergh Field Monday morning as protests continued at the Border Patrol station in Murrieta.

Three Department of Human Services buses shuttled them from the plane to one of San Diego's Border Patrol stations. The first plane from Texas carrying 140 immigrants arrived July 1.

The immigrants were then transported to the Border Patrol facility in Murrieta. However, the buses were blocked by protesters and forced to head back down to a facility in San Ysidro.

The second plane arrived Friday, the immigrants were bused to a BP facility in San Ysidro.

Ron Zermeno, a Border Patrol union official, told 10News last week that 40 of those immigrants on the first plane were quarantined at the BP Chula Vista Station with active scabies and head lice.

The rest were processed through other BP facilities and released. Zermeno later disclosed that a BP agent who had being processing immigrants had contracted scabies.

On Sunday, Zermeno told 10News that BP had placed him under a gag order.

 “As long as they send the bodies up there (Murrieta) to be processed, there will be no agents patrolling, and that's what the agency doesn't want me to say,” Zermeno said.

"Agents are tired, I know agents are being pulled from different areas to help processing," said Gabe Pacheco Monday, a BP spokesman.
Meanwhile Breitbart updates on the situation in Murrieta, "Murrieta Residents Preparing for Riot Squads, Ready to 'Be Detained'":
HOUSTON, Texas--A busload of illegal immigrants is expected to show up in Murrieta, California in spite of a furious group of residents who claim their town is no place for the migrants.

On Sunday Breitbart Texas broke the news that federal agents accompanying the bus will have riot gear and shields, in order to push back the crowd. Despite this, the protesters have no intentions of backing down--rather, the group is preparing for a showdown that one resident told Breitbart Texas "might get ugly."

Sources on the ground in Murrieta told Breitbart Texas that many protesters have already gathered in the town this morning in anticipation of the busload. Law enforcement is there, too.

"There are at least 60 officers here," John Henry, a Murrieta resident since 1991, told Breitbart Texas. "Most of them are local law enforcement like the Murrieta Police and others from the Riverside Country Sheriff's Office. But I have seen at least 10 or 15 federal agents here as well."

He added, "There was also a fire truck pulling a 20 foot trailer as well. I would assume it is for medical purposes."

Henry said that, according to "rumors," planes carrying illegal immigrants are expected to land at 11 a.m. PST. He mentioned that it takes about an hour to drive from the airport to the protest grounds in Murrieta.
Check the #Murrieta tag on Twitter or more information, and also @AmPowerBlog. I'll be on the ground later and will update with original reporting.

U.S. Banks Shut Down Mexican Drug Trade Money Transfers

Well, no doubt non-cartel illegals also used the services, but still.

At the New York Times, "Immigrants From Latin America and Africa Squeezed as Banks Curtail International Money Transfers":
As government regulators crack down on the financing of terrorists and drug traffickers, many big banks are abandoning the business of transferring money from the United States to other countries, moves that are expected to reverse years of declines in the cost of immigrants sending money home to their families.

While Mexico may be most affected — nearly half of the $51.1 billion in remittances sent from the United States in 2012 ended up in that country — the banks’ broad retreat over the last year is affecting other countries in Latin America and parts of Africa as well. The banks are being held accountable not only for the customers who directly use their money transfer services but also for their role in collecting remittances from money transmitting companies and wiring them abroad.

“This is transforming the business and may increase the costs of international money transfers,” said Manuel Orozco, a senior fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue, a research group in Washington.

JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America have scrapped low-cost services that allowed Mexican immigrants to send money to their families across the border. The Spanish bank BBVA is reportedly exploring the sale of its unit that wires money to Mexico and across Latin America. And in perhaps the deepest retrenchment by a bank, Citigroup’s Banamex USA unit has now closed many of its branches in Texas, California and Arizona that catered to Mexicans living in the United States and stopped most remittances to Mexico as it faces a federal investigation related to money laundering controls.

Regulators say the banking system was being exploited by terrorists and drug lords seeking to launder money. While they have not banned banks from engaging in higher-risk businesses like money transfers to certain countries, they acknowledge that banks must now invest significantly more to monitor the money moving through their systems or face substantial penalties...

VIDEO: Craven #Murrieta Officials Throw Patriot Protesters Under the Bus — #BorderInvasion

Murrieta Mayor Alan Long praised the town's patriot protesters for their "passion" last week, following the showdown with federal immigration officials.

But the coward's walking back his praise now, amid a heated national debate over immigration and humanitarianism. The Los Angeles Times has that, "Murrieta immigrant protests: Mayor defends his town's actions."

Mayor Long spoke to CNN's far-left Candy Crowley, and he was clearly uncomfortable during the discussion. Crowley was hammering him with humanitarian talking points. Here's the transcript, "California Mayor Alan Long on immigration: 'The world showed up on our doorsteps'."

But earlier, missed amid the turmoil, is the statement the city released on its website last Thursday, distancing officials from the protesters. See, the City of Murrieta, "Message to the Community" (via Don Allen, emphasis in italics added):
This has been a difficult week in the city of Murrieta. We have been challenged and in some ways we fell down in the face of the challenge. We have been both celebrated and vilified locally and in the national press -- and mostly based on inaccurate interpretations of the same issue. On Monday, Mayor Long gave a press conference. During that press conference he recognized people’s right to peaceful protest. He also expressed frustration with the federal immigration policy that appears to be encouraging women and children from Central America to migrate to the US via the Rio Grande Valley. He recognized that immigration is the responsibility of the federal government, but was concerned that the Murrieta Border Patrol station would be receiving 140 women and children every 72 hours for processing. This facility is not appropriate for that purpose – it is essentially a jail, designed to hold drug runners and criminals caught at the Border Patrol checkpoint on I-15 just south of Temecula. When Mayor Long expressed frustration with the federal government and recommended protest, he was suggesting that concerned citizens contact their US Representatives and the President to share their thoughts. To that end, a list of federal offices, Members of Congress representing our area and the White House phone numbers were compiled on a list that was shared at the press conference.

Sadly, too many people took this as encouragement to protest the arrival of buses carrying the women and children to the Border Patrol station in Murrieta. Protesters came from around the southland to oppose the arrival of undocumented immigrants to Murrieta for processing. In the face of the protest, three buses were turned around and the protesters claimed victory. This was not victory. It was a loss for the city of Murrieta, for the community that we live in and love. It made this extremely compassionate community look heartless and uncaring. That is NOT the Murrieta that we all know and love.

There appear to be two sides to this issue – those who believe Mayor Long was encouraging them to stand in front of the buses in protest, and those who believe that Murrieta does not recognize that the US is the envy of the world and that people want to migrate here, even at the risk of their lives and the lives of their children. Both sides are wrong. We understand that people want to come to the US to seek a better life for their families, and we are a compassionate people who want to help. But we also are a country whose legal system is based on the rule of law, and the people migrating must do so within the boundaries of the law. The protests resulting from the incorrect interpretations of Mayor Long’s comments have given our community a black eye.

To be clear, the City of Murrieta’s primary role is public safety. Our police department has been out in force to protect the lives and the rights of those individuals who have chosen to protest. We are proud of our police department knowing that they have done an outstanding job of maintaining the peace.

Beyond that, we recognize that there is a battle in play between the Congress and the President over immigration. True, this is a federal issue and should be resolved at the federal level. But it is affecting our community is a very real and ugly way. This brings us back to Mayor Long’s original message – we should be contacting our US Representatives and the President and letting them know that their failure to resolve this issue has damaged our community, and not only ours, but communities throughout the southwestern US. We should be encouraging them to begin a dialogue – a dialogue that we are very ready to be part of. And above all, we should show everyone what a truly compassionate and caring community Murrieta is!

Rick Dudley
City Manager
Also at Guardian UK, "Alan Long, the mayor of Murrieta, the southern town that has become a flashpoint in a crisis over undocumented migrants, blamed outsiders for orchestrating furious protests outside a US border patrol station there, which turned away the buses on Tuesday."

Open-Borders Catch and Release: Honduras Illegal Aliens Released by ICE, Reunited with Family (VIDEO)

It's pretty amazing.

Literally nowhere else in the world can you just traipse over a nation's border and then be released into the general population, with the official wink of knowing you'll never be seen again.

Once again,Carlos Delgado reporting, for XETV-TDT San Diego 6 News:

Congressman to Introduce Bill Authorizing Immediate Return of Illegal Alien Children

Via Pat Dollard.

Illegal Alien Border Crisis Threatens U.S. Existence

America’s porous southern border and the recent surge in illegal immigration is more than just a “humanitarian crisis,” claims the top U.S. general in charge of Central and South America, it’s a threat to the United States’ very existence.

Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly is commander of the U.S. Southern Command, or SOUTHCOM, charged with responsibility for the Caribbean Sea and all lands south of Mexico.

Particularly in regards to the drug trade, murder rates and terrorist activity brewing in Central America, Kelly says, the waves of Latin Americans sweeping through Mexico and illegally into Texas presents a threat to the U.S. every bit as serious as Iran or North Korea.

“In comparison to other global threats, the near collapse of societies in [this] hemisphere with the associated drug and [illegal immigrant] flow are frequently viewed to be of low importance,” Kelly said in an interview with Defense One. “Many argue these threats are not existential and do not challenge our national security. I disagree.”

It isn’t the first time Kelly has sounded the alarm. In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee in March, Kelly complained that budget cuts in recent years have handcuffed the military’s ability to shut down many drug and human trafficking corridors.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

#Murrieta Police Prep for Illegal Alien Showdown

From Douglas Gibbs:

It's the same setup as yesterday. The patriots at the corner are standing guard, ready to sound the tocsin:

The final confrontation could be tomorrow, as I've been reporting. I'll have updates as things happen.

VIDEO: San Ysidro's Diseased Aliens Now Processed and Released into General Population!

Remember, as I reported earlier this morning, once these aliens are released it may be years before they're called back for deportation hearings, "Democrats Won't Seal Border as Traffickers Exploit Left's Permiso System of Backdoor Amnesty."

Diseased alien migrants, overflowing our Border Patrol stations in Texas, shipped to California, and now processed and ready to flood welfare services and local hospitals. All at the cost of local communities. It's an alien invasion.

Carlos Delgado reporting, for XETV-TDT San Diego 6 News:

PREVIOUSLY: "#Murrieta Tinderbox! Feds to Deploy Riot Police Against Patriots Protesting Obama's Illegal Alien Invasion!"

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

William Warren photo Deepest_Sand_Trap_zps4499d2f7.jpg

Also at Randy's Roundtable, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

More from Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – 4th of You-Lie."

Islamic State Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Appears in Public

At the Los Angeles Times, "Islamic State leader exhorts fellow Sunnis to join him":

The secretive head of the Islamic State militant group has made what appears to be his first public appearance, purportedly speaking from a mosque in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, according to a video posted online Saturday.

The video, uploaded by supporters to websites, including YouTube, appears to show Abu Bakr Baghdadi, chief of the Islamic State, an Al Qaeda offshoot, leading prayers in the Grand Mosque in Mosul, which was overrun by insurgents last month as part of an offensive across northern Iraq. The Islamic State stands at the forefront of a Sunni Muslim uprising that threatens the U.S.-backed Iraqi government in Baghdad...

VIDEO: Martha Raddatz Spews Leftist Open-Borders Talking Points During Interview with Rick Perry

Via Media Research Center, "ABC’s Raddatz Peddles Obama Talking Points on Border Crisis During Interview with Rick Perry."

Watch. Governor Perry is awesome:

'There are many things which are widely recognized as offensive which are not crimes, yet the aggregation of feminist pet peeves into a collective category called “rape culture” permits a sort of rhetorical abracadabra where everything leads to a discussion of rape...'

Another great piece on unhinged leftists and the lies of "rape culture."

See, "The Dorchester Doofus."

#Murrieta Tinderbox! Feds to Deploy Riot Police Against Patriots Protesting Obama's Illegal Alien Invasion!

I was out visiting friends in Temecula yesterday. I drove over to the Murrieta Border Patrol station around 4:00pm. The big July 4th protests had cooled off but there was a heavy police presence on the ground. The cops had blocked off access roads to the alien processing facility. The few protesters on hand were to separated into roped off demonstration areas.

Jeremy Oliver, a conservative activist from Temecula, was on the phone with Breitbart correspondents as I arrived near the police stronghold out front. I spoke with him for a few minutes. He told me that tomorrow could see a major confrontation on the ground. Word is that federal marshals and riot police will be on hand to guarantee the shipment of additional aliens from the San Ysidro station. It's a tinderbox waiting to explode. More illegals have been brought in over the weekend ("Second Batch of Diseased Alien Migrants Lands in San Diego — #BorderInvasion.")

So, now here comes the new report from Kristin Tate, at Breitbart Texas, "SOURCE: FEDS TO BRING IN RIOT SQUAD AGAINST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION PROTESTERS":
HOUSTON, Texas--As illegal immigrants continue to spill across the U.S.-Mexico border, federal authorities are attempting to relocate the migrants from South Texas to housing facilities in states across the nation. One such facility is located in Murrieta, California, where a large group of protesters recently blocked a bus full of migrants from arriving. The protesters remain there, adamant that illegal immigrants don't get dumped in their town. But soon the concerned citizens may be forced to step down--Breitbart Texas has learned that federal agents plan to arrive in Murrieta on Monday with riot gear to ensure that another busload makes it to the housing facility.

Jeremy Oliver, a resident of Temecula, California--a town that neighbors Murrieta--told Breitbart Texas that local police officers warned the protesters that "it's going to get ugly."

Oliver said, "The feds are pissed that they haven't been able to use this facility. Officers out there warned people that federal agents will be in Murrieta on Monday--they are going to get the next bus through no matter what. Riot gear and shields will be used to push the crowd back."

John Henry, a Murrieta resident since 1991, was told the same thing by local officers. "We're being told that federal Marshals or ICE will be here in the next few days and that they are bringing riot gear," Henry said.

"They're apparently going to be blocking off the street with concrete blockades so that no vehicles can get through. The River County Sheriff's Department showed up last night and brought huge watch tower that shoots up into the air 35 feet."

I tweeted from Murrieta yesterday. Quiet scene, with protesters roped off and police standing watch over the facility. It's definitely tense, though. The huge police presence portends a showdown. I'll have more original reporting as things develop:

That's Jeremy Oliver, in cargo shorts and black cap, speaking to the pro-immigration protesters:

Here's the scene at the patriot's command post. As the protests swelled last Friday, police blocked the entrance at Madison and Fig streets, the south side of the processing center:

Democrats Won't Seal Border as Traffickers Exploit Left's Permiso System of Backdoor Amnesty

So, I've been getting a kick out of this exchange with Professor Martinez, who teaches women's and gender studies at the University of Missouri–Columbia. See, "Wave of Unaccompanied Alien Children Swamps the United States — #BorderInvasion." (Also, on Hatesac's trolling, lol, "Stalking Hate-Troll Repsac3: Still Stalking. Still Hatin'. Still Trolling.")

And then I crack open this morning's Los Angeles Times and the paper reports data on illegal alien children deportations based on numbers obtained through a freedom of information request. Not only are deportations way down, but most alien migrants end up staying in the United States for years while their cases work through the system. In other words, just as I argued yesterday, illegal alien migrants aren't sent back home, and thus those so-called "rumors" of immigration "permisos" drawing migrants north are largely true. This of course harshly debunks the leftist lies of the past couple of days. Facts are hard for idiot progs. Indeed, when faced with the facts, Professor Martinez cravenly blocked me on Twitter rather than deal with her literally criminal support for the Democrats' open-borders lawlessness.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Deportation data won't dispel rumors drawing migrant minors to U.S.":
President Obama and his aides have repeatedly sought to dispel the rumors driving thousands of children and teens from Central America to cross the U.S. border each month with the expectation they will be given a permiso and allowed to stay.

But under the Obama administration, those reports have proved increasingly true.

The number of immigrants under 18 who were deported or turned away at ports of entry fell from 8,143 in 2008, the last year of the George W. Bush administration, to 1,669 last year, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement data released under a Freedom of Information Act request.

Similarly, about 600 minors were ordered deported each year from nonborder states a decade ago. Ninety-five were deported last year, records show, even as a flood of unaccompanied minors from Central America — five times more than two years earlier — began pouring across the Southwest border.
Human traffickers are exploiting a 2008 law that allows lengthy legal proceedings for Central American migrants. President Obama would like to tighten the law, but congressional Democrats have rebuked the White House, holding out instead for massive "comprehensive" illegal alien amnesty:

Provisos photo photo16_zpse3dadd58.jpg
A mounting backlog in immigration courts since then has allowed most Central American minors to stay for years while their cases wend their way through the legal system. Once they are assigned to social workers, as the law requires, the overwhelming majority are sent to live with their parents or relatives in the United States, officials said.

Organized crime groups in Central America have exploited the slow U.S. legal process and the compassion shown to children in apparent crisis, according to David Leopold, an immigration attorney in Cleveland.

He said smugglers, who may charge a family up to $12,000 to deliver a child to the border, often tell them exactly what to say to American officials.

"The cartels have figured out where the hole is," he said. About 60 criminal investigators have been sent to San Antonio and Houston to try to infiltrate these networks and prosecute the smugglers who bring the children into the United States, officials said.

Obama last week asked Congress to change the 2008 law to give the head of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, greater discretion to send children back to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras more quickly. 

But Obama is likely to face stiff opposition from fellow Democrats, who have vowed to block narrow changes to immigration laws. Senate Democrats overwhelmingly backed a comprehensive immigration bill last summer only to see the measure die in the GOP-led House.

"He can't get it passed," a senior Democratic staffer in the Senate said of Obama's request.

As it now stands, the 2008 law guarantees unaccompanied minors from those countries access to a federal asylum officer and a chance to tell a U.S. judge that they were victims of a crime or face abuse or sexual trafficking if they are sent home. If the claim is deemed credible, judges may grant a waiver from immediate deportation.

"Word of mouth gets back, and now people are calling and saying, 'This is what I said'" in court, said a senior U.S. law enforcement official, who was not authorized to speak on the record. "Whether it is true or not, the perception is that they are successfully entering the United States.... That is what is driving up the landings."

The increase has been dramatic. For most of the last decade, U.S. agents apprehended fewer than 4,000 ‎unaccompanied children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras each year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection figures. ‎

The total jumped to 10,146 in fiscal year 2012. It doubled to 20,805 last fiscal year. It nearly doubled again, to 39,133, between last October and June 15 this year...

Stalking Hate-Troll Repsac3: Still Stalking. Still Hatin'. Still Trolling

Truly bizarre.

It's been since January since anyone's paid attention to Walter James Casper III, who Robert Stacy McCain eviscerated at the time, "Portrait of a Stalker Troll: @Repsac3, Also Known as Walter James Casper III."

And no one would now be paying the hate-addled racist any attention, except of course Casper's been trolling my Twitter convos like the creepy-ass racist cracker he is. What a genuinely sick bastard. Truly clinical.

Recall yesterday I had a couple of long exchanges with Professor Rebecca Martínez, blogged here: "Wave of Unaccompanied Alien Children Swamps the United States — #BorderInvasion." So I was just reviewing things, and I see that the stalking racist asshat Repsac was jumping into my conversation with Professor Martínez, with links and lame rebuttals to points I'd made. I know. I know. The lady was struggling as it is, but man, that is some creepy shit. Like a child who has no friends on the playground, who gets his butt kicked repeatedly, and bleats waahh waahh waahh when his stalk-obsession is getting just too much attention.

As Robert wrote in January:
The conflict between Casper and Professor Douglas is not about politics, nor is it about Professor Douglas.

That is to say, Casper’s espousal of left-wing political ideas is not the reason for his behavior, but simply a pretext, and if he weren’t harassing Professor Douglas, he’d be harassing some other target, selected more or less at random. There is, of course, a specific history to the conflict between them, but it is ultimately irrelevant. There are plenty of people every bit as left-wing as Casper who are not obsessive stalkers, and there are other conservative bloggers who might just as easily become targets for stalking, if ever they attracted the attention of such a grotesquely deformed personality as Casper. Walter James Casper III has spent years smearing and harassing Professor Douglas, trying to get him fired from his job. This could (and in fact, often does) happen to any blogger who has a day job.

To get an idea of the pathetic nature of Casper’s obsession, he has devoted an entire blog, called “American Nihilist,” to his anti-Douglas jihad. In the past six months, that stalker site has attracted an average of about 15 visitors a day. By contrast, Professor Douglas’s blog has averaged nearly 2,000 visitors daily.
Pathetic. Pathological too.

Tania Gail warned me years ago that Repsac was stalking her all over the Internet, and she was going to kick his ass if he got in her face. Because Reppy's a cowardly Internet troll who's been repudiated relentlessly for years. He's gonna come to a hard end one of these days. People have his number. He needs to back the f-k off.

Here's the hate-freak troll stalking my Twitter convo:

Interestingly, this Rebecca woman is just like racist Repsac3 --- closed-minded, conspiratorial and rabidly partisan to the exclusion of decency, morality and simple logic. My friend Plaidy on Twitter basically rolled her eyes at this sad little woman:

Yeah, people like this never do get it. (It'd be sad if they weren't truly terrible, terrible losers.) That's why racist Repsac trolls and stalks my every comment online. He gets some sick perversity turn-on by tweeting inane responses to people I'm engaging online. Demonic fatal attraction man. F-ker better watch it. Folks got his number, you know, boom! one of these days or something.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Wave of Unaccompanied Alien Children Swamps the United States — #BorderInvasion

Earlier today, Professor Rebecca Martínez refused to believe that 90 percent of illegal alien migrants --- those illegals of the current border crisis --- end up staying in the United States. The 90 percent figure is widely cited, referring either to those who are allowed to stay legally in the country or those who fail to show up to their deportation hearings. According to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, for example, "90 percent of mostly teenage immigrants who entered the country illegally will not show up to their immigration court hearings, and that approximately 135,000 of them will go missing." (Via U.S. News and World Report.)

Folks can read the good professor's timeline for all the tweets, here and here.

But by the time I tweeted this piece from the Economist, Professor Martínez was doing a fabulous Tara Dublin reprise. See, "Migration to the United States: Under-age and on the move":

Whereas the United States is allowed rapidly to send illegal Mexican child migrants back across the border, it is required to treat those from Central America differently. Under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorisation Act of 2008, moreover, border agents cannot hold children for more than 72 hours. They must be given a court hearing before they are either deported or allowed to stay. Since there are around 5,000 immigration cases pending for every qualified judge, that can take years. While the child migrants wait, around 90% go to stay with a relative already in the United States, says the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), a think-tank.

They may start school, make friends and perhaps learn to swing a baseball bat. Those who don’t have family in the United States are cared for by foster families or put into residential facilities, which are already full. In Lawrenceville, a 1,400-strong town in Virginia, the federal government is trying to convert a disused university campus into accommodation for 500 children.

The customers at Crazy Joe’s, a beer garden in the Texan border town of Mission, have seen the changes in migration close up. In previous years, migrants and smugglers were usually young men with backpacks, darting through the brush to the safety of a waiting car. “Those ones hide, and they run,” says Sarah Garcia, the owner. The new ones do the opposite. For the past three weeks, migrants have been turning up at Crazy Joe’s every other day. None of them was trying to avoid being spotted. A group of boys, all claiming to be 16 or 17 years old, asked Ms Garcia for directions to Austin, to Virginia, to New York. A family with a baby accepted some ibuprofen and nappies. Most of the new arrivals, Ms Garcia says, want her to call the Border Patrol.

People-smugglers have changed their behaviour, too. They used to charge $3,000 per adult for three attempts at crossing. As the chances of getting an adult across have fallen because of tighter controls, the odds of getting a child in (for the same $3,000 payment) have stayed the same. In some cases children have floated across the Rio Grande on rafts in full view of agents on the banks, says Doris Meissner of MPI.

It's a great piece, authoritative. But apparently not good enough for Professor Martínez, because there's no link to "research," or something.

Actually, the woman's an idiot who refuses to even process information that violates her Marxian collectivist, radical feminist women's studies postmodern ontology. In other words, she's a typical brain-dead academic leftist.

Second Batch of Diseased Alien Migrants Lands in San Diego — #BorderInvasion

No big breaking news on the Murrieta immigration front, although yesterday another load of diseased migrants shipped to San Ysidro.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Immigrants arrive in San Diego by plane, are taken to San Ysidro."

Plus, "Murrieta immigrant detainee protests keep growing."

I'll be monitoring developments throughout the day and should have some original reporting. Check back...

Palestinian Teenager Was Burned Alive, Official Says

From Jodi Rudoren, at the New York Times:

JERUSALEM — An autopsy of the Palestinian teenager who was snatched from an East Jerusalem street and slain on Wednesday found soot in his lungs that suggests he was burned alive, according to a senior Palestinian official briefed on the preliminary results.

The autopsy showed that the teenager, Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir, 16, who was buried as a martyr on Friday in a funeral that drew thousands, had a head injury and burns over 90 percent of his body, the Palestinian attorney general, Mohammed al-A’wewy, wrote on his agency’s official website.

The Israeli police are still investigating the attack and have not named any suspects in what is widely seen as an act of revenge by Jews for the abduction and murder last month of three Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank...
Continue reading.

Spectacular Mike Trout Game-Winning Home Run in #Angels 7-6 Win Over Astros

The Los Angeles Times reports, "Angels again hit bull's-eye against lefties in 7-6 win over Astros."

A fabulous game. Recall that I took my family out to Anaheim Stadium last year for July 4th, and it was fantastic.

Last night Mike Trout seemed as if he was in a drought, but he came up to the plate with the scored tied 6-6 in the bottom of the 9th, and I said to my oldest son, "He's a great hitter." And boy, he smacked the third pitch for a brutal line drive right over the left field fence. Man, the entire stadium was rockin':

I tweeted from the game, a family selfie:

More baseball blogging tomorrow. This is the most fun we've had on 4th of July in years. We're hoping to make it a family tradition of Independence Day baseball.

TYRANNY! Patriots Arrested at #Murrieta Illegal Alien Dumping Station — SecureTheBorder

Liberty Unyielding has been on top of this story, "Developing in Murrieta: Americans arrested to make way for illegal immigrants *Update*," and "More arrests at Murrieta protest; feds silent on buses; buses diverted again?"

And see the Los Angeles Daily News, "Protester arrested outside Border Patrol station in Murrieta":

MURRIETA- At least one protester was arrested today outside the Border Patrol station in Murrieta, as tensions rose among protesters from both sides of the immigration issue.

The protester was seen calmly walking towards a police squad car, as demonstrators both opposing and supporting the federal government’s recent migrant policies lined a rural road and shouted at each other.

CBS2 identified the arrested protestor as Larry Spencer, and said police told them he was charged with delaying a police officer. “It’s a free speech issue,” Spencer told the station, as he vowed “I am not going anywhere.”

Friday, July 4, 2014

Brook Wilensky-Lanford Has No Clue of the Religious Basis of America's Founding

I just saw this piece, at the New Republic, at Memeorandum, "The Dangerous Lies We Tell About America's Founding" (and here). The author is Brook Wilensky-Lanford, who is the editor of a religious-hate magazine, Killing the Buddha.

She's young, as you can see at her Twitter feed.

Her New Republic piece deserves a thorough fisking, one that deploys authoritative academic texts especially, although I've fleshed out a preliminary rebuttal in a series of tweets. This woman is someone who's latched onto some fringe theories to bolster some pretty out-there claims about the nation's founders and the sacred ideals that gird America's democratic order:

#Murrieta 4th of July Update — #SecureTheBorder

Following-up from earlier, "VIDEO UPDATE: #Murrieta Showdown as Patriots Resist Obama's Criminal Illegal Alien Dumping — #SecureTheBorder."

I'll have more tonight...

VIDEO UPDATE: #Murrieta Showdown as Patriots Resist Obama's Criminal Illegal Alien Dumping — #SecureTheBorder

Following-up from earlier, "July 4th Protest! #Murrieta Patriots Repel Obama-Backed Illegal Alien Onslaught!"

Now from Jake Tapper and Kyung Lah (speaking to Brooke Baldwin) at CNN:

VIDEO: California Highway Patrolman Beats Black Woman on Roadside

Via CBS News:

Also at the Los Angeles Times, "Motorist video shows violent encounter between CHP officer, woman."

Domestic Goddess Christine McConnell

OMG this lady is the best.

I saw the BuzzFeed piece, "This Woman Looks Like a Pinup But Bakes Like Tim Burton." (Via Instapundit.)

But don't miss this at London's Daily Mail. The lady's a riot: "Not so sweet after all...Domestic goddess becomes viral sensation with her terrifying cakes that look like they come straight from a horror flick."
"The date went well for a while until Jason decided to peek under McConnell's bikini..."

July 4th Protest! #Murrieta Patriots Repel Obama-Backed Illegal Alien Onslaught!

More national news coverage of the Murrieta patriot uprising, "The Town Where Immigrants Hit a Human Wall."

And here's the local coverage of today's patriotic uprising in Murrieta:


When Unaccompanied Alien Minors Are Really Baby #Democrats

From Diana West:
There is one thing we can predict about the tens of thousands of "minor aliens" crashing our southern border. If permitted to stay in this country and gain citizenship, at least 8 in 10 of them will grow up to be Big Government Democrats. They will likely believe that the U.S. government isn't big enough, and doesn't offer enough tax-payer-funded services.
Keep reading.


Happy 4th of July!

Heh, one of the reasons I love the 4th is because I get to post this fabulous photo of Angie Harmon every year!

Here's the original post, from 2009, "Angie Harmon: 'I Disagree With Obama'."

Speaking of Obama, here's a related piece, at USA Today, "Presidents promote patriotism on July 4."

Angie Harmon

Israel-Hating Jew Max Blumenthal Blames Benjamin Netanyahu for Murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir: 'His Incitement Has Led Directly' to Death of 'Palestinian Boy...'

Max Blumenthal has long equated Israel with Nazi Germany, and his Israel-bashing book is so rabidly hate-filled it "makes even anti-Zionists blush."

Here's his interview with hard-left Russia Today host Abby Martin. Blumenthal decries alleged Israeli "racist hate-crimes" against Palestinians "in revenge attacks incited by Netanyahu." It's really conspiratorial, inflammatory stuff, man:

Blumenthal also goes on to denounce Jodi Rudoren and Isabel Kershner of the New York Times for "whitewashing" Israeli government complicity in the "real sources of this crisis." Just wow.

Here's the piece he's referring to, "Arab Boy’s Death Escalates Clash Over Abductions."

Hateful. Seriously, he just keeps ratcheting up the BDS-style demonizations as he goes along. He's practically frothing at the mouth.

UPDATE: Linked at the Other McCain, "Max Blumenthal Claims That Netanyahu ‘Stage-Managed’ Kidnapped Teens Crisis." Thanks!

Hurricane Arthur Hits East Coast

At the Raleigh News and Observer, "Wary NC coast braces as Category 2 Hurricane Arthur makes landfall."

And at the Boston Globe, "Hurricane Arthur reaches N.C. shore."

Video of Mohammed Abu Khdeir Abduction

Via Telegraph UK:

Video obtained by The Telegraph shows the moment 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir was bundled into a car in Jerusalem - only to be found dead hours later.

Dramatic new footage has emerged that may show the moment when an Arab youth was abducted from the streets of an East Jerusalem neighbourhood before later being found murdered.

The 10-minute video, shot from a CCTV security camera, shows 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir being approached by two men and then forcibly pushed into a car, relatives believe.

While images in the film are indistinct, the Abu Khdeir family say they provide vital evidence of his abduction before his body was found burned in a Jerusalem forest in what they believe was a revenge killing by Right-wing Israelis in retribution for the abduction and murder of three Jewish teenagers, suspected to be the work of Palestinian militants.

The video - shot from a camera inside a shop across the street from where Mohammed is believed to have been sitting - shows what appears to be a light coloured car drive past a row of shops in the Shuafat neigbourhood.

Although his outline is hard to determine in the video, the teenager's relatives say he is sitting on the steps outside one shop...
RELATED: At Elder of Ziyon, "We don't know anything. But here's what we do know. (update.)"

'Viva La Raza!' Pro-Illegal Alien Activists at Murrieta Town Hall

From Michelle Moons, at Breitbart.

There's video at the link.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fight Back Against the Lies About Israel

From Kurt Schlichter, at Israel Revolt, "Detonate the Narrative":
What you’ll face when defending Israel is a bizarro world of twisted morality. You job is not to convince the Israel haters – you can’t. They all fall somewhere on a scale running from gross stupidity to malignant hatred, and you aren’t going to change what passes for their minds. Focus on the people who haven’t made up their minds. Get them to think twice about where the candidates stands on Israel when they fill out their ballots.

What you need to do is remain focused and forceful. Americans are generally nice people. They wonder why Israel sometimes seems harsh to their untrained eyes – though in military terms Israel’s reactions are so measured and limited that their very restraint puts Israeli lives at risk.

When Roman citizens were murdered by local savages, the legions would show up, slaughter the men, sell the women and children into slavery, and sow the fields with salt. If the Arab forces had the chance, they would try to do the same, but frankly they aren’t competent enough to coordinate an operation that complex, so they’d just murder everyone.

When it is victimized, Israel drops a few bombs after it makes absolutely sure no merely semi-guilty people are around, then it builds walls to keep the scumbags out. And it gets zero credit for holding back.

It gets zero credit for holding back because, while the left talks about the Israeli situation in moral terms, morals mean nothing to the left. This is about power. Israel refuses to bend to the left’s will and highlights the failure of the left’s friends. It must be destroyed. And for the left, the fact this means the end of the Jews is just icing on the cake...

Barack Obama is 'Running Out the Clock' on His Presidency

A very perceptive piece from Peggy Noonan, at WSJ, "The Daydream and the Nightmare":
Barack Obama doesn't seem to care about his unpopularity, or the decisions he's made that have not turned out well. He doesn't seem concerned. A guess at the reason: He thinks he is right about his essential policies. He is steering the world toward not relying on America. He is steering America toward greater dependence on and allegiance to government. He is creating a more federally controlled, Washington-centric nation that is run and organized by progressives. He thinks he's done his work, set America on a leftward course, and though his poll numbers are down now, history will look back on him and see him as heroic, realistic, using his phone and pen each day in spite of unprecedented resistance. He is Lincoln, scorned in his time but loved by history.

Supreme Court Unleashes Wave of Leftist Lies and Intolerance — #HobbyLobby

At the Wall Street Journal, "Hooray! The War on Women Is Back":
Do Democrats seem livelier than usual this week—more spring in their step, maybe, their cheeks rosier, extra gleam in the eye? Verily, the Supreme Court has liberated them to unleash their gender and other identity-politics grievances in an election year.

Democrats claim to be distraught over the Court's Hobby Lobby decision, but really they can barely suppress their glee. Allowing some religious objectors in business to opt out of the contraception mandate lends them a campaign theme that isn't the economy, the Middle East in flames or incompetent governance. No agenda, no problem. Patriarchs and Republicans—if that's not redundant—are coming for your womb, ladies.

 Here's White House press secretary Josh Earnest : "President Obama believes that women should make personal health-care decisions for themselves rather than their bosses deciding for them. . . . The constitutional lawyer in the Oval Office disagrees with that conclusion." This appeal to diploma is weird, because Hobby Lobby turned on the straightforward application of a federal statute. The First Amendment's free-exercise clause wasn't reached.

There's another ex-lawyer who should also know better, given that her husband signed the relevant law "to protect perhaps the most precious of all American liberties," as Bill Clinton put it in 1993. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) sailed through the House unanimously and the Senate 97-3.

Yet today Hillary Clinton thinks the Clinton family's RFRA legacy is nearly Iranian. Its protections belong to "a disturbing trend that you see in a lot of societies that are very unstable, anti-democratic and frankly prone to extremism," which is "women and girls being deprived of their rights," including "control over their bodies," she said this week.

America's mullahs are also after Democratic Party chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who warned on MSNBC that "Republicans want to do everything they can to have the long hand of government, and now the long hand of business, reach into a woman's body and make health-care decisions for her." Democrats made Hobby Lobby-based fundraising pitches over the weekend, before the decision was even handed down.

One of them featured Sandra Fluke, the middle-aged Georgetown Law coed now enjoying a 16th minute of fame after demanding that Congress give her free birth control in 2012...
Remember Sandra Fluke last name sounds like "fuck."


Page 3 Hotties Protest Value Added Tax for British Holidays

It's Sabine Jemeljanova and Nicole Neal, Sun News Page 3 models --- and bleedin' lovelies, heh.

Sun News has a paywall, but here's a snippet of the call for protests, "Stick your VAT on Brit hols and boost economy by £4billion."

PREVIOUS Sabine Jemeljanova here. Nicole Neal is here.

U.S. Border Patrol Arrests Mexican Drug Smuggler Near #Murrieta, Seizing $830,000 in Cash — #SecureTheBorder

Man, we are just being invaded!

At the San Bernardino Press-Enterprise, "TEMECULA: Border Patrol agents seize cash in traffic stop."

Cooper Harris, 22-Month-Old Baby in #HotCarDeath, Had 'Scratches' on Face, 'Abrasions' to Back of Head

Well, CNN had on the whole probable cause bond hearing for Ross Harris today. The case will be going to trial. See the Marietta Daily Journal, "Judge rules there is probable cause for trial; no bond for father."

Just the fact of the alleged premeditated murder of the boy, Cooper, who died of hyperthermia, is horrible enough. But at the hearing the detective testified to as many of six graphic "sext" messages sent by the defendant, including that of an erect penis. Harris had also received images of women's breasts. So it's salacious and depraved, as all this sexting was going on as the baby was boiling to death outside in the car. Jane Velez-Mitchell was on a CNN panel earlier and she was just horrified, noting especially how the child was obviously thrashing violently in an effort to release himself from the seat-belt, scratching his face and causing lacerations to his head. I don't see video for that, but here's a live-blog transcript at HLN, "Cop: Dad sexted while child died in hot car":
2:09 p.m. ET: Stoddard said several injuries were found on the toddler’s body:
“Marks on the child’s face. It would have come from the child or a scratch being made while the child was alive and then not healing or scabbing over or anything after that, soon after he passed away.” There were also abrasions to the back of the boy’s head, according to Stoddard.

During the day, Harris was having conversations with up to six different women, according to Stoddard, who said explicit photos were being exchanged.

“We’ve only scratched the surface,” said Stoddard in regards to the searches done on Harris’ computers.
Some video of the detective's testimony, "Detective: 'We've only scratched the surface'."

And watch Nancy Grace's segment pre-hearing, laying out her theory of likely developments in the case. She pretty much nailed it:

Bill Whittle's Firewall: 'Losing the Peace in Iraq'

Fabulous commentary, as usual, if not a bit depressing, considering that essentially half of our national electorate support the enemies of the United States.

Via Disrupting the Narrative, "FIREWALL: LOSING THE PEACE IN IRAQ."

Deadly Diseases Crossing Borders with Illegals — #SecureTheBorder


xoGisele on Instagram

I blogged this lady Christmas 2013 and also for Rule 5 in January.

She's on Instagram.

And of course Twitter as well.

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters Rips 'Horse's Ass' Bill Ayers

A great segment from last night's Kelly File, via Nice Deb, "Lt. Col. Ralph Peters Responds to “Horse’s Ass” Bill Ayers: “It’s Time People Stopped Insulting Vietnam Vets”."

Burger King Goes Full Homo


At Blazing Cat Fur, "I Don't Even Want to Know What's In the 'Secret Sauce'."

Cal State Northridge Fraternity Pledge Dies After Alleged 'Hazing' Hike

This kind of stuff is criminal and has to stop.

At the Los Angeles Times.

Poor and Poxed: Unaccompanied Illegal Aliens Flood Across Southwestern U.S. — #SecureTheBorder

The thought of sending your young child off on a dangerous journey, thousands of miles, through a country that is essentially a narco-trafficking dictatorship, boggles the mind.

Sadly, no doubt the children relish the adventure, having lived through poverty and degradation in their own poor, crime-wracked Latin American countries.

Whatever the cause, the Obama administration must take the ultimate responsibility for the hardship --- death and desperation --- that befalls these children. An astonishing degree of inhumanity. But that's the Democrat Party for you. Everything is about politics. Screw human decency.

At the Los Angeles Times, "More than rumors drive Central American youths toward U.S.":

LAT Immigration photo photo15_zpsf3079b01.jpg
A couple of weeks ago, sisters Karen and Sindy Laucel joined the exodus of youths from Central America, hoping to reconnect with their mother, who had left this farming village a decade ago in search of work in the U.S.

With so many heading north, now seemed the time to reunite. The teens filled a single backpack with three days' worth of clothes, and their mother paid a coyote, or guide, to take her daughters and a 10-year-old girl from the village to the U.S. border nearly 2,000 miles away.

Crossing the Suchiate River into Mexico on an inner tube and traveling mostly by bus, they seemed to be among the lucky ones. They avoided the extortion, rape and other crimes so prevalent along the route — up until the moment an immigration agent pulled them from a bus in central Mexico.

Held for a week in a shelter near Mexico City with dozens of other girls and boys, they ate pizza and watched telenovelas until they were dispatched back home.

"I cried and cried and cried," said Karen, 15. "Only when I finally saw all the other girls did I calm down." Sindy, a year older, has memorized her mother's phone number in North Carolina, and said she just wanted to get to know her. "I know her only by photos," Sindy said. Some Central Americans feel encouraged by rumors that children who cross into the United States will be allowed to stay. But other fundamental reasons fueling migration have remained unchanged for decades: family unification, hometown violence, inescapable poverty and lack of opportunity.
The Obama administration says it detained more than 50,000 "unaccompanied minors" trying to cross the border in the first half of this year. In fact, the smuggling of people to the U.S. is big business. Coyotes, who in Mexico are often descendants of some of the country's most vicious drug cartels, can charge $7,000 or more for a single migrant.

These networks may in fact be stimulating the current exodus by lying about the difficulties of the journey and giving false promises about what lies ahead, experts say.

"The majority of parents are there [in the U.S.] and they are asking for their children to join them," said Merlin Palma, a homemaker and mother of two waiting her turn at the Horcones beauty salon. "Coyotes take them, but it's dangerous. They promise you a thousand things, but on the way it's different. The kids suffer."
A humane presidential administration would take decisive action to protect these children. Migrants would be turned back at the border. The U.S. government would rebuke Mexico for its callous porousness, and the State Department would be warning foreign government of sanctions for encouraging their citizens to flood the American Southwest.

Of course, none of this is happening, because the Obama White House is mounting a demonic Alinskyite campaign of manufactured crisis, putting untold alien migrant lives at risk, to say nothing of the dozens upon dozens of American communities now fearing for their safety and trying to protect themselves from Third World diseases.

Utter Democrat Party moral bankruptcy. That's what this country has come to under the criminal Obama administration.

The Immigration Reform Collapse

I love the Wall Street Journal, but they've been hopelessly in favor of open borders as long as I've been reading the paper.

Still, the editors come down harshly on the administration's manufactured border crisis, "The Immigration Reform Collapse":
Immigration reform has finally collapsed in Congress for this year, and President Obama and House Republicans are both responsible. The larger loss is for America's economy and dynamism, but as a political matter Republicans are likely to pay the steeper price.

On Monday Mr. Obama chastised Republicans for the failure, but it took two not to tango. The President now says he'll act unilaterally, but his threat all along that he would do so is one reason so many Republicans concluded that they couldn't trust him to honestly implement any reform. One price of Mr. Obama's legal abuses is that few in Congress think he will faithfully execute any law as written.

The President is also responsible for the current spectacle of federal incompetence at the border with Mexico. The worst Republican restrictionists couldn't have come up with a better plan to kill reform than the sight of thousands of children flooding over the border into camps that Homeland Security can't manage. Many of the children are fleeing poverty and mayhem in Central America, but many have been sent by parents who heard rumors that once they get here Mr. Obama will let them stay.

Immigration reform requires some confidence that the federal government can police the border, implement E-Verify for new business hires, and manage revamped guest-worker programs. The televised sight of chaos on the border has been a godsend to GOP nativists...
Well, that's for sure.

Other than that, the editors hammer Republicans, mistakenly, for failure to reach agreement on comprehensive reform. At this point, of course, it's the administration that's taking the bulk of heat from the public. Congress has congenitally low approval ratings in any case. GOP congressional candidates are going to sweep up in November, and Obama will drag down Senate Democrats around the country. It's still 2 1/2 years until November 2016. A lot can happen in the meantime.

More at the link.

Laura Ingraham Brings Down the Enforcement Hammer — #SecureTheBorder

Expose Liberals goes after Bill O'Reilly for his immigration segment last night, "Gasbag Bill O’Reilly bashes Murrieta protesters, calls illegals victims."

But O'Reilly's O'Reilly. More of an old-fashioned working class traditionalist than a movement conservative. No so for Laura Ingraham, however. She's got the beat of the anti-establishment sentiment down cold.

Outrage Over Unauthorized Immigrants and Reaction to Their Arrival

At the San Diego Union-Tribune, "Letters to the editor on unauthorized immigrants from Central America, for July 2, 2014."

It's actually running about 2-1 in favor of the bleeding heart leftists and open-borders goons. But there's some folks who fully support the Murrieta patriots:
Congratulations to the protesters stopping the buses carrying illegal immigrants. You are representing the desire of Americans across the country to enforce the borders of the United States and prevent illegal immigration of anyone, young or old. We must protect our country. When the United States regains its strength, we can again help other people. In the meantime, our country comes first.

I grew up in San Diego, my family still lives there, and I heartily support the actions taken by the protesters to assert our rights as a country to maintain our borders.

Linda Conde
Roosevelt, Utah


I recall a couple of years ago during the most recent push for “comprehensive immigration reform,” Republicans refused to sign on until border security was enhanced. Then-Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano went on all the talk shows to get the message out that security along the southern border is better now than it has ever been.

Now we hear that tens of thousands of children from Central America are simply walking right across the border, and turning themselves over to the nearest Border Patrol agent. Doesn’t sound too secure to me.

And now our president and vice president are making public statements urging people in Central America not to send their children north to cross the border. I think we have a responsibility to secure the border before we ask people not to simply walk across it. If we’re making it that easy to break into our country, then whose fault is that?

I don’t blame the immigrants. I blame our own government, which is too corrupt and incompetent to do anything right. Who cares how many Border Patrol agents they hired? That doesn’t mean anything to me. If there was a big enough wall along every inch of that border, you wouldn’t need so many agents to chase people all over the desert on foot. Brett

Alan Pankauski 
Spring Valley


The recent invasion at our southern border is the biggest threat to our way of life and it should concern all Americans. Imagine what would happen if the current administration allowed anyone who is persecuted (in any sense of the word) in their own country, to cross the border illegally or legally and take up residency here in the U.S. How long do you think it would be before word spread to other Third World countries. How many would flock to our borders seeking the good life? Three million? Twenty Million? One billion? When does it stop? The time is now. Twelve million and counting…

Barry Basso 

NBC's Richard Engel: #ISIS Threat 'Could Easily Be Directed at the United States...'

Engel's been doing great reporting on the jihadist threat, not overdoing it but not candy-coating it either.