Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Oracle, Arizona, Sees No Illegal Alien Buses, for Now

At the Arizona Republic, "Babeu keeps peace but buses with migrant kids a no-show":

The protest over immigrant children coming to Pinal County fizzled Tuesday afternoon after their buses failed to show.

A congressional source confirmed that the buses were not coming.

The buses were supposed to deliver between 40 and 60 children who were caught crossing into the U.S. illegally to the Sycamore Canyon Academy, a boys ranch in the Catalina Mountains, near Oracle, according to the Pinal County Sheriff's Department.

There was no word on alternate plans for the children. Protesters and supporters began gathering early Tuesday morning for an expected confrontation. But there was only a brief skirmish between the groups, which have differing views on how the U.S. should deal with the surge of immigrant children from Central America who have crossed the border alone.

At one point, a few supporters of the immigrant children ventured toward the protesters, who had gathered a couple of miles away on Mount Lemmon highway. The protesters responded by shouting, "Commies!"

But there was nothing like the heated confrontations between similar groups in Murrieta, Calif., earlier this month.
Also at the Arizona Daily Star, "Immigration tension boils over in Oracle."

'Which feminism are you talking about?...'

Another must-read excursion into the bizarre world of radical feminism (and lesbianism), at the Other McCain, "Sex Trouble: Radical Feminism and the Long Shadow of the ‘Lavender Menace’":
Many women who today identify themselves as feminists have never examined the history of these conflicts and are unfamiliar with the militant personalities and radical ideologies that have influenced feminism for the past half-century. When confronted with the extremist rhetoric of feminists — vehement denunciation of males, condemnation of heterosexuality, claims that men (collectively) oppress and victimize women (collectively) in ways comparable to the Holocaust — the average woman is understandably startled and, if she thinks of herself as a feminist, she quickly shifts into denial mode. The anti-male passage you’ve just quoted to her is an aberration, an anomaly, an expression of fringe beliefs that does not represent the feminism that she endorses. She is not a Marxist, she is not a lesbian or a man-hater, she is not the kind of pro-abortion fanatic who views motherhood as male-imposed tyranny. The question thus arises: Is she actually a feminist?
Keep reading.

Dr. Gina Loudon: Top 10 Things I Learned From #Murrieta Protesters

I took Dr. Gina to task for naively privileging "civility" over feet-to-the-fire hosting, so it's only fair for readers to get her take on things in the first person, at World Net Daily.

PREVIOUSLY: "#Murrieta Protesters @CassandraRules and @BeautifulChaosJ Spew Lies and Hatred, Not 'Civility'," and "Walter James Casper's Civility Bullshit Enables Hatred and Racism."

The GOP's Dicey Prospect for Senate Takeover in November

I'm extremely bullish on GOP prospects in November, especially with the national political environment so heavily anti-incumbent and when President Obama continues to be an anchor weighing down Democrat chances.

That said, careful state-by-state analyses show it's going to be hard fought all the way. Stuart Rothenberg's got one of the best pieces I've read in awhile. See, "Fight for the Senate Still Very Much Up in the Air."

Also, an interesting take at the Minority Report, "Good News! Colorado, Iowa Shift Toward GOP."

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hypocrite Open-Borders Democrat Martin O'Malley Won't Take Illegals in Home State of Maryland

It's Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, who's being touted for his "compassion" on immigration by lamestream media outlets. At Politico, for example, "Martin O’Malley: Don’t send kids to ‘certain death’."

And at Katrina vanden Heuval's far-left, The Nation, "Martin O’Malley’s Right: The Immigration Debate Must Respect ‘Essential Human Dignity’."

But, make sure you're sitting down, now O'Malley's begging the Obama White House not to ship busloads of dangerous and diseased illegals to Maryland.

At CNN, "First on CNN: After criticizing White House over unaccompanied minors, Martin O'Malley said don't send them to Maryland site":

 photo 440b583f-c5ce-4ae6-a5d6-f9181856014b_zps96edfa5d.png
(CNN) - After his strong criticism of the Obama administration's plans to return thousands of young undocumented migrants back to Central America, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley asked a top White House official that the children not be sent to a site that was under consideration in his home state, sources familiar with the conversation said.

"He privately said 'please don't send these kids to Western Maryland,'" a Democratic source told CNN. The heated discussion between O'Malley and White House domestic policy adviser Cecilia Munoz occurred during a phone call late Friday evening, sources familiar with the conversation added.

A potential Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, O'Malley surprised some in his party when he sharply criticized a White House proposal to give new legal authorities to the Department of Homeland Security to expedite the deportation of the unaccompanied minors and their families.

“We are not a country that should turn children away and send them back to certain death,” O’Malley said last week at a National Governors Association meeting in Nashville....

Instead, the governor urged the administration to show compassion toward the children, describing some of the facilities where the young detainees are being kept as "kennels."

“Through all of the great world religions we are told that hospitality to strangers is an essential human dignity,” O’Malley said.

Hours after making those remarks, O'Malley expressed concerns to Munoz about a proposal under consideration by the Department of Health and Human Services to convert a former Army Reserve Center in Westminster, Maryland to house the children.

A senior O'Malley administration official confirmed the conversation took place. But the official stressed O'Malley did not reject the idea of temporarily housing some of the children in other parts of the state. "Governor O’Malley and his administration are working cooperatively with federal officials to find suitable locations in Maryland for unaccompanied minors fleeing violence in Central America," said O'Malley press secretary Nina Smith. "As he has said repeatedly, he believes the priority should be placing children with family members and–if that’s not possible–locating housing that is safe, humane, and non-restrictive," she added.

The HHS plan stirred up outrage among local elected officials in Maryland, including Rep. Andy Harris, R-Maryland, whose office cited "potential health risks" to the surrounding community. "Flying them to Maryland only to turn around and fly them back home is nonsensical.

Instead, President Obama should immediately return them to their nation of origin," Harris said in a statement.

HHS has since scuttled the plan for the Western Maryland site, an O'Malley official said.
There you go.

You name it, from "climate change" to immigration to just about anything else, so-called "compassionate" leftists are the biggest freakin' hypocrites.

'The President has appointed himself Coyote-in-Chief, express-tracking illegal immigrants from the shores of the Rio Grande deep into the country...'

A fabulous piece, from Mark Steyn, "We Are All Border States Now."

Shawn Moran, V.P. of National Border Patrol Council: Illegal Immigrant 'Children' Include MS-13 Gang Members

At Free Beacon, "Border Crisis: Illegal Immigrant ‘Children’ Include MS-13 Gang Members; Expert: MS-13 Recruiting Inside Immigration Facilities."

And from last night, "VIDEO: Border Patrol Uncovers Massive MS-13 Gang Recruiting at Alien Detention Center in Nogales, Arizona."

Oracle, Arizona, Repels Obama Administration's Illegal Alien Onslaught — #BorderInvasion

AP's Astrid Galván reports, at KSAZ-TV FOX 10 News Phoenix, "Immigrants will not be bused to Ariz. town":

ORACLE, Ariz. (AP) - Protesters carrying "Return to Sender" and "Go home non-Yankees" signs faced off with immigrant rights activists Tuesday in a small Arizona town after a sheriff said a bus filled with Central American children was on its way.

The rallies demonstrated the deep divide of the immigration debate as groups on both sides - and in similar numbers - showed up in Oracle to speak out on the issue.

It turned heated at times, with shouting matches and a group of mariachi musicians getting shoved before the skirmishes were quelled.

Anger has been spreading in the town of Oracle since Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu warned residents last week that immigrant children from Central America caught crossing the border illegally would be placed at the Sycamore Canyon Academy in Oracle. Protesters were hoping to mirror demonstrations in Murrieta, California, when immigrants were taken there recently.

"We are not going to tolerate illegals forced upon us," protester Loren Woods said.

Babeu is credited with stirring up the anti-immigrant protesters via social media postings and a press release Monday and by leaking information about the migrants' arrival to a local activist.

He addressed both sides of the protesters, asking them to remain civil, abide by the law and keep the roads cleared. Immigrant rights activists questioned Babeu about why he is stirring up protesters when he should be bringing order as the county's top lawman.

Babeu said he was simply informing the public and was at the site to make sure the protests on both sides were peaceful.

"All this was done in secrecy, and that's where a lot of people are upset," Babeu said Tuesday. "My concern (is) where's the federal government? Why are they not here? Why did they not hold a town hall to answer some of these questions?"
Well, yeah: "Sheriff Paul Babeu Slams Obama Administration: 'Nobody Has Talked to Us' About Shipping Dangerous Aliens to Arizona."

More here.

Sheriff Paul Babeu Slams Obama Administration: 'Nobody Has Talked to Us' About Shipping Dangerous Aliens to Arizona

Pinal Sheriff Paul Babeu has moved patriot protesters off the roads, keeping the lanes clear for the expected busloads today in Oracle, Arizona.

See the Arizona Republic, "Sheriff Babeu says he asks immigration protesters in Oracle to not block road."

Some reports on Twitter are claiming no buses will be sent today, citing Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick. But I don't see anything on that from Representative Kirkpatrick at her Twitter page.

Meanwhile, here's Sheriff Babeu today slamming the federal government, saying he's received no advance notice from Homeland Security (or anyone else) on shipments of illegals to Pinal County:

PREVIOUSLY: "Backlash! Local Communities Fight Federal Government's Flood of Illegal Aliens — #BorderInvasion," and "Immigration Backlash in Oracle, Arizona! Patriots Protest Feds' Open-Borders Tyranny!"

Report: Busload of Illegal Immigrants Shop with Food Stamp EBTs in China Grove, North Carolina

So far it's just this one report at the video, via Breitbart, "Illegal Immigrants Shop at Walmart With Food Stamp Cards."

Watch it at the link. I'll update with additional corroborating information when it becomes available.

Meanwhile, earlier mainstream media reports indicate that the USDA advertises benefits for illegal aliens. At CBS News Washington, D.C., "Watchdog Report: USDA Promoting Food Stamp Benefits to Illegal Immigrants." And following the links, here's Judicial Watch, "Watchdog Report: USDA Promoting Food Stamp Benefits to Illegal Immigrants."

Plus, at Fox News last year, "Illegal Immigrant Mother of Seven Given Food Stamps, Meds, Housing, and Social Security," and "No Citizenship? No Problem! - USDA Promotes Food Stamps to Illegals - Wake Up America - Stuart Varney."

Jose Antonio Vargas, Celebrity Illegal Alien, Detained by Border Patrol in McAllen, Texas

Maybe they'll deport the f-ker.

At the Dallas Morning News, "Jose Antonio Vargas detained at McAllen airport."

Immigration Backlash in Oracle, Arizona! Patriots Protest Feds' Open-Borders Tyranny!

Wow, the Murrieta model shifts to Oracle, Arizona.

At the Arizona Republic, "Protesters in Oracle inspired by Murrieta":

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu has played a key role in dueling protests planned for today in Oracle over the arrival of Central American immigrant children at a youth ranch — a position that has left the sheriff's critics and supporters at odds over whether he is inciting unrest or simply sharing information.

Last week, Babeu, a strong border-security proponent, mentioned that the displaced children were coming to Oracle as he promoted the candidacy of Christine Jones for governor. He later told political supporters and advocates of stricter immigration enforcement the exact location of the juvenile detention center where the displaced children will be temporarily housed.

Until then, a detention center for wayward youths in the Catalina Mountains called the Sycamore Canyon Academy had been a secret. The Sheriff's Office learned of the location from "whistle-blowers" within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Babeu's spokesman said in a news release Monday.

"We already have our hands full fighting the drug cartels and human smugglers. We don't need unaccompanied juveniles from Central America being flown into Arizona, compliments of President Obama," Babeu said in the statement. "Local residents have every right to be upset and to protest."

Babeu is deploying an unknown number of deputies to the site in southern Pinal County. The ranch has taken on extra staff in preparation for the children, who are described by people on one side of the immigration debate as refugees and and on the other as illegal immigrants.

Both sides will be in Oracle today. From 50 to 300 protestors are expected, Sheriff's Office Director of Administration Tim Gaffney said. No group asked for a permit, and they will be prevented from blocking roads, he said.

The planned Oracle protests could be a repeat of a recent showdown in the Southern California town of Murrieta, an inspiration to activists such as Robert Skiba. "We're going to stop it if we can," Skiba said.

"We will take all peaceful means necessary to stop the buses from entering this place."

Protesters in Murrieta, a city of 107,000 about 60 miles west of Palm Springs, thrust the community into the national spotlight earlier this month when demonstrators blocked buses carrying recent immigrants to be processed at a Border Patrol facility there. Another round of buses slated to arrive in the city on July 4 was rerouted, but dozens of people on both sides protested anyway. Six were arrested.

Skiba, a Babeu supporter, said he first learned of the transfer of children from Babeu at a National Rifle Association luncheon last week.

Alicia Bristow, another protest organizer, told allies in an e-mail Monday: "I spoke with Paul B. yesterday and he said the only way to stop this was for our community and the area to organize; and to contact our congressional members to tell them to stop this ludicrous dumping of illegals all over the country and especially, Pinal County."

Backlash! Local Communities Fight Federal Government's Flood of Illegal Aliens — #BorderInvasion

It's not just Murrieta.

At WSJ, "Flood of Child Migrants Spurs Local Backlash" (via Google):

The federal government is scrambling to find temporary housing for thousands of children streaming across the Mexican border, asking states for help as an increasing number of governors and local officials protest efforts to send the migrants to their communities.

While some officials are welcoming the children, concerns voiced in states and communities near the southwest border and beyond demonstrate the depth of the Obama administration's challenge in trying to manage the crisis.

In Escondido, Calif., the planning commission denied a permit to turn a former nursing home into a 96-bed youth shelter after residents protested at a packed public meeting. Federal officials abandoned plans to locate a facility near Richmond, Va., after protests from residents. In Texas, two communities passed resolutions stating they don't want shelters—before anyone suggested opening them there.

At the National Governors Association meeting in Nashville, Tenn., over the weekend, governors expressed concerns over the cost of housing children in their states. And Nebraska's governor complained about 200 children who were sent to his state to live with their families, saying federal officials should have told the state who was being sent there.

"Governors and mayors have the right to know when the federal government is transporting a large group of individuals, in this case illegal immigrants, into your state," Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman, a Republican, said in an interview this weekend. He said he is concerned federal officials won't answer questions about plans to send the children to public schools and the potential costs to taxpayers.

Federal law requires that children from countries other than Mexico or Canada who cross the border unaccompanied by an adult be transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services, which is responsible for housing them on a temporary basis and then finding sponsors, usually families, where they can live while their deportation cases unfold.

HHS says it is working with local officials as it tries to open new shelters. But an agency spokesman said HHS is legally barred from notifying states when it places children with their families, as was the case in Nebraska, due to privacy concerns.

Until recently, HHS had about 100 shelters, capable of housing a total of 6,600 children, a capacity that quickly proved inadequate.

This spring, the agency opened three temporary facilities at military bases in Texas, Oklahoma and California, to house nearly 3,000 more. The agency said it is identifying a "wide range" of potential facilities in hopes of finding a few more.

To expand its options, HHS sent a letter to governors on July 1 seeking assistance identifying additional sites.

The border crisis was a major topic of concern this weekend at the summer meeting of governors, who met privately with HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell about the issue. They expressed concerns about the costs to states that wind up housing children, about their health upon arrival and what the federal government ultimately plans to do with them, said the NGA's chairwoman, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, a Republican.

More broadly, she said she worried that the U.S. may be signaling to other countries that it has an "open border" policy and that they can send children here in perpetuity, assured that America will "feed, house, shelter and take care of" them.

The White House has said that it is working to stem the flow of unauthorized immigrants, both because the U.S. cannot handle the influx and because it wants to discourage children from making the perilous journey. The president has promised that children who don't qualify for legal status here will be deported home, and to speed deportations, he has proposed changing a 2008 law that mandates a drawn-out court process for Central American children that has made speedy removals difficult.

Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Colorado Democrat, said costs must be a concern. "Our citizens already feel burdened by all kinds of changes. They don't want to see another burden coming into their state. So, however we deal with the humanitarian aspects of this, we have to do it in the most cost-effective way possible," he said Sunday.

But other governors were more open to the idea....

But there has been resistance in many other places—notably in Murrieta, Calif., roughly 65 miles north of San Diego, where protesters blocked buses carrying migrants, mostly women and children from Central America, to a U.S. Border Patrol station.

In Escondido, between Murrieta and San Diego, commissioners worried that the proposed shelter would increase traffic and overburden the neighborhood, said Jay Petrek, the city's assistant planning director. "They felt this was not the right location."

League City, Texas, enacted an ordinance last week that prohibits local officials from cooperating with any federal requests to house undocumented immigrants in the community because of "the potential threat of communicable diseases reported to be prevalent among illegal aliens."

And in the town of Greece, in upstate New York, supervisor William Reilich said constituents raised concerns after learning that the federal government was looking into placing immigrant children in a warehouse in town. The plan was scrapped.

After HHS officials said Thursday that they were considering housing undocumented children at a former Army Reserve facility near Westminster, Md., local officials protested. By Saturday, HHS said it was no longer considering the former Army site, though that may be because it was abandoned years ago and it doesn't have access to drinking water, according to local officials.

Concerns have also been expressed about a federal facility recently repurposed by the Department of Homeland Security in Artesia, N.M., to detain families with children until their cases can be heard. Artesia Mayor Phil Burch said his community of about 11,000 people will have to spend $225,000 to install a new traffic light near the facility due to the increased traffic. Mr. Burch said DHS officials projected the site will be used to house undocumented immigrants for up to a year—a duration he said locals find implausible.
And at the video up top, John Russell, of Agawam, Hampden County, Massachusetts, say illegals should be "deported."


Newport Beach Paddle Out for Hero Lifeguard Who Gave His Life

This was on Sunday.

What a story, at CBS News Los Angeles, "Paddle Out Held to Honor Lifeguard Who Drowned In the Line of Duty."

More, "Large Crowd Gathers to Honor Lifeguard Killed In the Line of Duty."

The lifeguard, Ben Carlson, saved the swimmer before he himself was overcome by the heavy surf.

When the GOP Takes the Senate

From former New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg, at the Hill:
Conventional wisdom is clear that the next Congress has a considerable likelihood of being a Republican Congress.

That same consensus also holds that if the GOP does indeed take control, the next two years will be marked by confrontation with the White House and even less actual legislative action than the present Congress has accomplished.

To be fair, there is some compelling logic behind these conclusions. President Obama has clearly opted out of the role of governing through legislation. He has become the most defensive president since at least World War II, blaming the Congress not just for all the ills of the nation but even for some of his international failures.

The president is pursuing this strategy while his party controls the Senate. This being so, it is difficult to imagine him shifting from that approach in a scenario where his party does not hold either chamber of Congress.

The Republican House appears to be equally averse to working with the administration. It has developed into a controlling party that has no control over itself.

Factions rule, and compromise or governance is simply not where their interests lie. Does adding a Republican Senate to the Republican House change this equation? Or, more likely, does it simply mean more of the same, only at an amplified volume?

The Beltway pundits are betting on the latter.

It seems like a good bet, especially since a Republican Senate will have its own dysfunctional factions in the persons of Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) et al.

But, in fact, this is not the direction in which things would go if Republicans gained the majority in the Senate...

Gregg thinks there might be compromise after November if Republicans take control, sensing that Obama wants to leave a legacy.

I doubt it, and frankly, I don't care how the Republicans look next year as long as they actually win the majority. Obama's not going to sign GOP legislation. He's way too arrogant and partisan. He'll ride things out, more lame than any lame duck in recent history.

Most of all, Republicans will deliver a crushing blow this year that demoralizes the Democrat Party. I expect Hillary Clinton to run, and most likely will capture the 2016 Democrat nomination. Republicans will be better off by taking extreme care in developing a competent and electable pool of likely GOP presidential prospects. 2016 won't be a shoo in. But the last three presidencies, which were all two-term administrations, were followed by a change of party control in the White House, so historical patterns augur well for the GOP. It's gonna be intense whatever happens.

William Hague Resigns as British Foreign Minister

At Telegraph UK, "Reshuffle: William Hague quits as a dozen ministers axed":
William Hague stands down as Foreign Secretary as David Cameron ousts a dozen older male ministers in major reshuffle.
Cameron's obviously under pressure to diversify the cabinet ahead of parliamentary elections.

An interesting piece.


Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Models' Biggest Fears

Lily Aldridge is a sweetie.

Dangerous Journey North for Illegal Aliens

This is an amazing video, for it reveals just how huge an industry is the human smuggling market to the United States.

And note something important: Most of those chronicled are not small children, who the uncaring left has exploited to push their sick open-borders political agenda.

Pamplona Bull Runner Gored Right Through the Leg!

One of the worst scenes out of Pamplona I can remember, and I blog this every year. Man.

Watch at the video below.

London's Daily Mail has the stop action photos, with the man horribly gored: "Gory scenes in Pamplona: The eye-watering moment a runner was gored through the leg during the final running of the bulls at Spain's San Fermin festival."

Monday, July 14, 2014

Wolf Blitzer Again Ducks for Cover

I like Wolf. I don't think he has to prove his mettle at this point.

Stay safe man.

PREVIOUSLY: "Israel Air Raid Sirens Send Wolf Blitzer Running for Cover."

VIDEO: Border Patrol Uncovers Massive MS-13 Gang Recruiting at Alien Detention Center in Nogales, Arizona

Americans are simply not going to take this any longer.

After awhile, the bleating leftist cries of "compassion" ring hollow in the face of the massive criminal onslaught overwhelming our borders. Seriously. This is Mara Salvatrucha, recruiting children as young as 10-years-old.  And this isn't Fox News pumping up the invasion, but local ABC15 KNXV-TV Phoenix.

Just tell the faux-compassion leftists to get bent, freakin' assholes.


'Worst President Ever Elected' — Chicago Blacks Ask 'Where's Our Asylum?'

I've been meaning to get to this outstanding report at Rebel Pundit, "Chicago-Southside Residents Go Off on Obama over Amnesty: “Worst President Ever Elected”."

Watch the video at the link.

And now picked up at IBD, holla!

Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo: Obama Administration 'Encouraging Human Smuggling' Across the Border

An unprecedented catastrophe, on the O'Reilly Factor:

Bret Baier's Special Report: On the Front Lines of the #BorderInvasion

John Roberts has an exclusive report, for Special Report:

Jew-Hatred in Toronto

At the Canadian Jewish News, "Protesters square off in front of Israeli consulate":
TORONTO — As the Gaza conflict continued in the Middle East, more than 1,000 pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters faced off on either side of Bloor Street at Avenue Road early Friday evening, waving placards and flags and hurling insults across a sea of Toronto police officers and crowd-control fencing.

Plus, watch Michael Coren's video from the protests. It's foaming hatred everywhere, and rabid conspiracy theories. One of the protest signs says, "From the river to the sea... Palestinians will be free." Which of course is another way of saying "We'll sweep the dirty Jews into the sea."

So much for peace.

More at BCF, "Michael Coren receives warm welcome from Pallie Protesters..."

Heavenly Surfing Video Will Leave You Speechless

From the comments on Facebook, "It's like touching the face of God."

Mike Trout Won't Participate in All-Star Game's Home Run Derby

At the Los Angeles Times, "Angels' Mike Trout looks forward to future Home Run Derby":

Mike Trout is the consensus best player in baseball.

He would have been a natural for Monday night's Home Run Derby -- he has more home runs than any of the 10 contestants -- but he rejected an invitation.

"A lot of guys were giving me crap about it," Trout said Monday.

His Angels teammates?

"Around the league," Trout said. Trout, 22, left little doubt that his decision reflected the wishes of Angels manager Mike Scioscia. Trout said he would welcome another opportunity to participate.

"If I get another chance, and if I said I wanted to do it," Trout said, "Scioscia would be against it, but he would support it."
More, "Home Run Derby: Some sluggers would just as soon sit than swing."

Watch that video and you'll get a feel for the kind of power Trout's boasting.

What a guy. Glad he's on the Angels, lol.

Why The Ramones Mattered

Jon Gabriel's a very knowledgeable music aficionado, especially on the punk and alternative scenes on which I cut my teeth.

Be sure to click through to read his essay on the Ramones, at Richochet:

I was so moved I tweeted him my 1981 Ramones concert ticket, heh:

U.S. Border Agent Saves Illegal Alien Who Tried to Hang Himself from Border Fence in Calexico

Man, if the Border Patrol isn't challenged enough already.

At the Riverside Press-Enterprise, "CALEXICO: Man tries to hang himself from border fence":

A 27-year-old man tried to hang himself from the border fence in Calexico Sunday night, authorities said.

A U.S. Border Patrol agent near 1st Street saw the man scaling the fence with a rope on the Mexico side about 7 p.m. As the agent approached, the man wrapped the rope around his neck, hanging himself on the U.S. side of the fence, Border Patrol Agent Eduardo Jacobo said.

The agent grabbed the man by his legs, elevating him to release the pressure around his neck, until another agent arrived to help, a Border Patrol news release said. At some point, the rope came loose and the agents lowered the man to the ground.
The man was revived at the scene and taken to a hospital.

Sunday Cartoons (On Monday)

Blogging has been busier than normal this last couple of weeks, and yesterday I forgot to post my Sunday cartoons. (It's not the first time, although I like taking a humor break here and there.)

This cartoon is out today from Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Israeli vs Hamas Defense Shields."

 photo D-Shied-590-LI_zpse4033707.jpg

More at Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies," and Theo Spark, "Cartoon Round Up..."

Emily Ratajkowski Sanity Break

We interrupt our leftist Holocaust blogging to bring you this very important update.

At Egotastic!, "Emily Ratajkowski Brings Her Faptastic Funbags to Italy."

And from the lovely lady on Twitter:

More at Ms. Emily's Instagram page as well.

Leftist Protesters in Seattle Depict Jews as Drinking Blood and Eating Gentile Babies — #AntiSemitism

Look, I was talking about Europe last night when I mentioned this is the worst surge of anti-Jewish hatred since the 1930s, but it's here at home as well.

Just scroll trough this post at the Mike Report, "SHOCKING ANTI-SEMITIC HATEFEST IN DOWNTOWN SEATTLE."

Right out of the Nazi playbook:

Democrat Congressional La Raza Caucus Puts Racist Solidarity Ahead of American Security

At Fox News Latino, "Latino lawmakers oppose expedited deportation of young migrants."
Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus emphatically stated Friday their opposition to the deportation of immigrant children and asked President Barack Obama to safeguard their rights.

At a press conference in the CHC office in Washington, Rep Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) declared himself in favor of the supplementary funds requested by Obama to address the influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America, but only as long as "we do not short-circuit justice for the children."
These congressional racists are hard at work destroying the fabric of America, and the Democrat Party leftist hordes are totally down with it.

Doug Schoen: 'The election for the most part will be about immigration...'

And the Obama administration has "put politics ahead of people, and it's a tragedy."

At 1:00 minute at the clip:

And keep in mind, November elections were already looking bad for the Democrats, but now even mainstream outlets are reporting that the Dems have lost whatever advantage they had on immigration politics. At the Washington Post, "Border crisis scrambling the politics of immigration policy":
Until now, the politics of immigration have been seen as a no-lose proposition for President Obama and the Democrats. If they could get a comprehensive overhaul passed, they would win. And if Republicans blocked it, the GOP would further alienate crucial Hispanic and moderate voters.

But with the current crisis on the Southwest border, where authorities have apprehended tens of thousands of unaccompanied Central American children since October, that calculus may be shifting.

Republicans and even some Democrats have accused Obama of being insufficiently engaged in a calamity that many say he should have seen coming. And the president’s own party is deeply divided over what must be done now — particularly on the sensitive question of deporting children who have traveled thousands of miles and turned themselves in to U.S. authorities to escape from the desperate situations they faced in countries such as Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

The emergency has also renewed questions about the administration’s competence, reminiscent of those raised during the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, last year’s botched rollout of the health-care law and more recent revelations of mismanagement that jeopardized care of patients at veterans hospitals.
Oh yeah, baby.

And remember, 3 in 5 support deportation of illegal aliens. It's not looking good for the idiot open-borders Democrat leftists.

Endless Wave of Illegal Immigrants Floods Rio Grande Valley

These aliens are running toward Border Patrol agents, pleased as punched to be picked up and detained. No doubt they'll be in the U.S. for a long stay.

Fox News reports:
McALLEN, Texas — Life jackets of all sizes and the occasional punctured raft are strewn along the banks of the Rio Grande, just south of Mission, Texas, where a relentless onslaught of illegal immigrants eagerly surrender to beleaguered Border Patrol agents around the clock.

It’s a cycle for which there is no end in sight.

“You're going to be out here a long time,” Fernando, an El Salvadoran child, told shortly after surrendering to Border Patrol authorities after midnight Saturday. “There are thousands of us."

With most of the men and women charged with securing the Mexican border busy processing some of the 60,000 illegal immigrants who have made the harrowing - and sometimes deadly -journey to the American border in the past nine months, only a handful of Border Patrol agents drive the riverside loop in a small town called Granjeno just south of Mission, in the Rincon peninsula.
More at AP:

VIDEO: Federal Officers Open Fire as Pro-Palestinian Thugs Attack Israel Protesters in Los Angeles

At the Los Angeles Times, "Federal officer fires weapon in altercation at pro-Israel rally."

At the video, it was a Homeland Security officer who fired one shot at a truck filled with pro-Palestinian thugs. The truck had pulled up to peaceful pro-Israeli protesters and the murderous goons started swinging flagpoles, striking the pro-Israel demonstrators.

Also, "Fight at pro-Israel rally started over stomping of Palestinian flag," and "Federal agent who fired gun during pro-Israel rally is placed on leave."

PREVIOUSLY: "France: Pro-Palestine Nazis Chant 'Death to the Jews', Trap Hundreds Inside Paris Synagogue."

Sunday, July 13, 2014

France: Pro-Palestine Nazis Chant 'Death to the Jews', Trap Hundreds Inside Paris Synagogue

French Jewish emigration to Israel has been steadily increasing in recent years, amid the monstrous growth of violent anti-Semitism.

I've been formally studying politics since the mid-1980s, and I don't ever recall things being this bad, almost like the pogroms against the Jews in the 1930s.

Lots of folks are on this, so here's a little roundup.

At Legal Insurrection, "Paris Synagogue attacked by Pro-Palestinian crowd carrying boycott message," and Weasel Zippers, "French Muslims Chant “Slaughter The Jews,” Teenage Jewish Girl Attacked by Man Shouting “Dirty Jewess, Inshallah You Will Die”…"

And at the Times of Israel, "Anti-Israel protesters trap hundreds in Paris synagogue."

More, at FrontPage Magazine, "Muslim Protesters in Paris Chant “Death to the Jews”, Attack Synagogue."

And at Yid With Lid, "Attack On Paris Synagogue With Screams of 'Death to the Jews!'"

Still more at Twitchy, "‘Terrifying’: Jewish synagogue attacked, besieged by protesters in Paris; ‘Hundreds trapped’ [pics, video]."

VIDEO: Americans First! Fontana Patriots Protest St. Joseph's Church Secret 'Obama Cash' for Illegal Aliens — #BorderInvasion

At the Riverside Press-Enterprise, "FONTANA: Protesters demonstrate outside church":
One protest organizer said many of the picketers were involved in the Murrieta protest earlier this month that blocked busloads of migrant women and children from being processed at the border patrol station in that Riverside County city.

On Sunday, the protesters said that if the church is serving the poor, they should be Americans.

“We’d like to see these illegals repatriated back to their home countries,” said organizer Tressa Capps of Fontana. “We have plenty of our own citizens in desperate need.”

[San Bernardino Diocese spokesman John] Andrews said Christ’s teachings do not discriminate among the needy.

“The Good Samaritan didn’t ask the person on the side of the road for his legal status,” he said.

“We think this is a time that our government, our churches, should be focusing on American citizens,” said Upland resident Robin Hvidston of We the People Rising. She said the church should focus on domestic foster children, the homeless and veterans.
Here's a Tressa Capps video from Fontana:

Also, at the video below, Kit Daniels reports for Info Wars. The church spokesman, John Andrews, is apparently speaking out of both sides of his mouth, no doubt looking to avoid a blizzard of anti-amnesty protests. According to NBC News Los Angeles, "SoCal Churches Provide Temporary Shelter, "Spiritual Food" for Immigrants":

Officials with the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino told NBC4 Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials reached out to them in an effort to address the border crisis stemming from a wave of undocumented immigrants from Central America who have recently crossed into the United States at the Texas-Mexico border. President Barack Obama has described the situation as a "humanitarian crisis."

"As a church, we want to let them know that there are people here in the United States who love and support them, they're praying with them and for them," said John Andrews, of the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino County. "Maybe that can give them some of that spiritual food for the next leg of their journey."
Although the immigrants' final travel destinations could not be confirmed, San Bernardino Diocese spokesman John Andrews told Breitbart News that the church provided "travel cash" to those headed on long journeys east toward New York or New Jersey.

Andrews also said the church was helping the illegal immigrants--32 children and 14 women--buy bus tickets, and helping them navigate the complex bus transportation system.
So, not helping the illegals now? No deception going on here, no sir. So what's the scoop? Were church officials coerced to support the aliens? Did the church receive federal funding for illegal alien "travel cash"? Liberty News reported earlier that Obama's HHS has been funding churches for years, "EXCLUSIVE: HHS Bankrolled Catholic and Baptist Church from 2010 to 2013 to Prepare for Obama’s 2014 Invasion!"

Either way, the church spokesman Andrews is sure changing his tune.

Remember, the Nazis coerced the churches in the 1930s. How long until American households are required to house illegal aliens for the Obama regime? See, "The Catholic Church in Obama's AmeriKKKa: Co-Opted by Führer's Regime to Bypass Law, House Criminal Aliens in California." It sure has been hush-hush up in Massachusetts as well. Massachusetts! These people are on the side of the regime and they were kept in the dark on subterranean illegal alien transfers, per Michelle Malkin and Twitchy:

Plus, more from Jennifer Maher at the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin:

Daily Email Newsletter TheSkimm Hits 500,000 Subscribers

The lovely Carly Zakin, at left, caught my attention.

But think about it: two young women, in their 20s, running an email newsletter that now has investors placing million dollar-plus financing deals for the business? You know, because capitalism is horrible. Just horrible!

Via the Wall Street Journal:

Karolina Kurkova Photoshoot in Ibiza

A beautiful woman, she was featured at the New York Times early this year, "Czech Fashion Model Karolina Kurkova Seems to Be Everywhere."

And now at Egotastic!, "Karolina Kurkova Gotcha Candids Pure Peeping Heat from Ibiza."

BONUS: At London's Daily Mail, "Karolina Kurkova takes her supermodel style to Ibiza as she rocks a black skater dress and killer heels at fashion event."

Germany Wins #WorldCup2014

At the Los Angeles Times, "World Cup final live: Germany defeats Argentina, 1-0, to win title."

And on Twitter:

The Fate of Anna, the Woman Who Was 'Raped' at Hobart and William Smith Colleges

You know, before we had the current fraternity and binge drinking culture (going back decades, for sure), which now includes women as much as ever, common sense and traditional values cautioned against getting drunk out of your mind, especially at a place teeming with dozens of plastered college frat boys.

It's a bad mixture all around.

I tweeted this New York Times story to Robert Stacy McCain last night:

And now at the Other McCain, "How to Get Raped at College":
One wonders how the world could be arranged so that 18-year-old girls can get drunk at parties and “grind” with football players without the players inferring from this behavior that the girls are interested in having sex.

One also wonders why colleges are treated like bubbles where normal rules do not apply. In the normal world, sexual assault is a felony, and is investigated and prosecuted as such. On college campuses, it seems, sexual assault is treated about as seriously as laws against providing alcohol to teenagers, i.e., not seriously at all: “Oopsie! You got drunk. Oopsie! Is that a football player’s penis in your butt?”

See, there is an unspoken agreement involved: If parents are paying $46,852 a year to send their daughter to college, the college isn’t going to kick the girl out (and forfeit $46,582) just because her idea of fun is chugging rum at the Kappa Sig house. If it weren’t for drunk freshman girls “grinding” on the dance floor, why would the guys at Kappa Sig — all of whom represent $46,852 in annual revenue to the college administration — bother throwing parties? And if the football players can’t take turns banging the drunk girl they picked up at the Kappa Sig house, what’s the point of playing football?

These are the implicit assumptions of 21st-century elite college life: Underage drinking and sexual promiscuity, for $46,852 a year...
I was shaking my head through the Times' article, and obviously if a woman alleges she's been raped, the last place she should go is to her college administration (a.k.a. Sham-Investigations-R-Us), but just screw political correctness if I suggest she was practically asking for it. From the Times:
Anna and her girlfriends often joked about how the national rape estimates might affect them. “They kept repeating the statistics,” she said, and “every night we would go out we would be like, ‘Oh, who’s going to be the one?’ ”

It took just 14 days to find out, Anna said.

Whether one believes the accuser or the accused, it would be hard to dispute that what happened was a life-altering experience that ruptured Anna’s nascent friendships, damaged her health, traumatized her family and derailed her college plans....

...on Sept. 7, Anna attended one of the year’s first big social events — a “highlighter party,” where students write on one another’s clothes with a marker that glows under black light.

Later there was dancing. Anna and a senior football player she had just met were grinding to the music, rubbing their bodies together. With so many students packed together in the basement, it became hot, and the football player escorted Anna upstairs, where smaller groups congregated in students’ bedrooms. A friend tried to stop her, but she went anyway.

Anna said she had begun the evening drinking shots of rum mixed into Gatorade. She drank one beer at the dance, she said, and then the rest of an opened beer her dance partner had given her.

Around midnight, a fraternity member tried to enter his room, but found it locked. He opened the door with his key and caught a glimpse of what would become a pivotal episode in Anna’s case: The senior football player was naked, and Anna was sitting on a bed with her top off, covering her breasts. The visitor quickly left.

About the same time, Anna texted the friend who had tried to intervene earlier; she had asked him to hold her keys because she had a hole in her pocket, and wanted them back. A subsequent message was darker, talking of hookups. “He got ten guys to try and hu with me,” Anna wrote and added, “I’m scared.”

She would later tell the hearing panel that she had exaggerated the number to get her friend’s attention. She texted again for her keys, and then wrote, “He won’t leave me.”

Her friend tried calling, but got no response. Around 1 a.m., he asked another student to check Anna’s room. She wasn’t there. “We need to find her ASAP,” he texted, adding, “She is so drunk.”

Eventually he tracked her to a building called the Barn, a dance hall favored by students who do not belong to fraternities. Inside the dimly lit room, a D.J. played music near a couple of pool tables.

Around 1:25 a.m., after 10 minutes of searching, the friend said, he found Anna “bent over the pool table face down with her back towards the wall.” She and the senior football player had their pants down, he said, “and it was clear they were having sex.”

Anna “had a scared look on her face,” he said, as six or seven people, perhaps five feet away, were “looking and laughing.”

Anna’s friend, a freshman who was also a football player, approached his teammate and told him that he was being disrespectful and had “crossed the line.”

“It wasn’t me, it was her,” the teammate replied.

The friend walked Anna back to her dorm. On the way, another student saw her crying.

To this day, Anna says she remembers nothing about the Barn, the pool table or what happened there...
If you read the whole thing, one commentator (Detective Brian E. Choffin, scroll down) indicates that given Anna's BAC, it's not likely she could have blacked out from the amount of alcohol she'd consumed. In other words, she might not be telling the truth.

Of course, some of the statements of the accused were disputed as well, so who knows?

I certainly don't know what to believe, which brings me back to the notion of personal responsibility. Anna got herself into trouble. So many of these "rape" stories I read about are just like this. It always comes down to he said, she said, and alcohol is involved, so the left's meme that "she couldn't have given consent" automatically prejudices the case against the accused. And since men have virtually no due process in these situations, it's a stacked deck. In this case Anna doesn't come out looking good, and her accusers were exonerated. But that's not the usual way these things play out. Parents need to know that before they send their sons away to college, the young men have "rape suspect" targets on their backs.


Live blog at Telegraph UK.

And from Evil Blogger Lady on Twitter:

Plus, via WSJ:

Holly Hobby Lobby Responds to Leftist Hatred: Walter James Casper III Spews More Leftist Hate

Repsac3, "Still Stalking. Still Hatin'. Still Trolling."

Haters gotta hate, trolls gotta troll, and stalkers gotta stalk.

Words Walter James Casper lives by, sadly for the idiot loser.

I was following Holly Fisher when she was tweeting about her baby's heart condition and the cruel effects of ObamaCare. She then started getting a lot of attention with her hip Hobby Lobby photo, and the left's hate just rained down after that. After her picture of the American flag, the Bible, and her rifle, leftists went full DEFCON on this sweet lady, and Walter James Casper responded with some faux denunciation of the prog demons, then spewed that whatever happens to her she "deserves" it. Casper's an evil man (a scourge chronicled here for years). He could have just respected the woman's right to speak her mind. He could have just denounced leftist hate and left it at that. But no, demonic Casper had to cast his hateful spell on the woman and her child, wishing bad omens on her, saying that she deserved the hate.

Casper's number is up. Folks have him pegged. He needs to watch his back. Word is folks are tired of the trolling. Mastic's on the map, if you know what I'm saying yo.

Rick Perry: Obama Doesn't Care About Border Security (VIDEO)

Governor Perry's seeing his star rise amid the border invasion, and I'm glad he's taking a stand against Rand Paul and the isolationists on foreign policy.

And from yesterday's Washington Post, from Governor Perry, "Isolationist policies make the threat of terrorism even greater":
As a veteran, and as a governor who has supported Texas National Guard deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, I can understand the emotions behind isolationism. Many people are tired of war, and the urge to pull back is a natural, human reaction. Unfortunately, we live in a world where isolationist policies would only endanger our national security even further.

That’s why it’s disheartening to hear fellow Republicans, such as Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), suggest that our nation should ignore what’s happening in Iraq. The main problem with this argument is that it means ignoring the profound threat that the group now calling itself the Islamic State poses to the United States and the world.

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Obama's Border Invasion a 'Trojan Horse' to Advance Democrat Agenda

Another awesome opening statement, via Nice Deb, "Judge Jeanine Pirro Blasts Obama on Border Crisis: You Created This Mess – YOU Fix It (Video)."

Blockbuster! Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman Rails Against Secrecy, Tyranny of Obama's Illegal Alien Invasion

At the Wall Street Journal, "Governor Vexed With Secrecy in Sending Illegal Immigrants to Nebraska: Federal Government Says It Is Just Following the Law" (at Google):
NASHVILLE, Tenn.—In a sign of the far-reaching impact of the U.S. immigration crisis and its political fallout, Nebraska's governor says 200 children who entered the country illegally were sent to his state this week without warning and that federal officials are refusing to identify them or their locations.

Gov. Dave Heineman, a Republican, said federal officials also wouldn't answer questions about public school attendance by the children and the potential costs to taxpayers.

"Governors and mayors have the right to know when the federal government is transporting a large group of individuals, in this case illegal immigrants, into your state," Mr. Heineman told The Wall Street Journal in an interview on Saturday. "We need to know who they are, and so far, they are saying they're not going to give us that information."

An Obama administration official on Saturday said the Central American children now in Nebraska aren't at a facility but are being housed with family members and sponsors while they await immigration proceedings. Some of the children arrived in the recent border surge, while others came earlier in the year.

Mr. Heineman's complaint comes at a time when the federal government is contending with protests against the placement of illegal-immigrant children in other communities. Protesters in Murrieta, Calif., north of San Diego, have turned away buses carrying migrants, mostly women and children from Central America, to a U.S. Border Patrol station.

–The immigrant children are part of a deluge of tens of thousands of minors fleeing strife in Central America, a situation leading President Barack Obama to ask Congress for $3.7 billion in emergency funds. More than 52,000 unaccompanied minors crossed the border into the U.S. during the first nine months of the fiscal year that began in October, and officials expect the total to reach 90,000 by the autumn.

The border crossings are a top concern among state officials gathered here for a National Governors Association meeting and a reminder, they say, that Congress's failure to overhaul immigration laws puts heavy burdens on the states.

Mr. Heineman said he raised the issue privately with Vice President Joe Biden after Mr. Biden spoke on Friday to the governors association. Mr. Biden's office declined to comment on Saturday.

The Republican Governors Association is alerting members about the transfer of children to Nebraska, highlighting the issue at a time when Mr. Obama is already facing criticism for failing to visit the border during a fundraising trip last week to Texas.

"There are concerns that this type of activity—placing children in locations across the country—is occurring throughout the United States, and information is not being shared appropriately with states," the Republican Governors Association policy director, Marie Thomas Sanderson, wrote in an email to members on Friday and viewed by the Journal.

Will Jenkins, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, which is overseeing the immigrant children, said the health and human services department is required to protect the privacy of unaccompanied children and keep their personal information confidential.

"Federal law requires that HHS feed, shelter and provide medical care for unaccompanied children until it is able to place them in safe settings with family members or sponsors while they await immigration proceedings," he said in a written statement. "These family members and sponsors live in many states, including Nebraska."

Protect the privacy, as if the Democrats cared about the well being of these illegals.

VIDEO: Central American Illegals to be 'Warehoused' in City of Bell — Literally!

Yes, because warehousing human beings is so "compassionate."

A warehouse in Bell may soon be revived to serve as a temporary shelter for children caught crossing the border illegally.
Watch it at the link.

And the report claims that the illegal aliens are to be deported after one month, but if they're from Central America, as current law stands, they won't be. They're entitled to deportation hearings and the appeals process can drag out for years. By that time, of course, these aliens are fully integrated into American society. They're not going to be deported.

PREVIOUSLY: "Scandal-Plagued City of Bell, California, Plans to House Diseased Central American Illegal Aliens."

UPDATE: Here's the video clip available on YouTube:

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Anchor Baby Aliens: Surge of Central American Illegals Includes Pregnant Teenage Mothers

Yes, because the open-borders Democrats are all "compassionate."

This is horrible. No pregnant teenager should be making this trek, to say nothing of the thousands of children risking their lives because of craven Democrat Party electoral politics.

And once these teenage aliens arrive in the U.S, a child born here automatically becomes a U.S. citizen.

At BuzzFeed, "Surge of Undocumented Minors Includes Pregnant Mothers":
Under the 14th Amendment their children will be American citizens if they are born in the United States. It is unclear whether the mothers — and their children — will be deported. Wolfe did not respond to multiple requests for comment on that issue, and White House spokesman Josh Earnest did not respond to a request for comment Saturday.

McCain-Flake Immigration Bill Would Accelerate Deportations of Illegals - #SecureTheBorder

At the Arizona Republic, "McCain, Salmon bills aim to speed immigrant removals":

Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake and Rep. Matt Salmon are moving forward with bills to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis at the border.

McCain and Flake, both Arizona Republicans, are set to introduce legislation in the Senate that would amend a 2008 law to make it easier for the United States to repatriate unaccompanied immigrant children to non-contiguous countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Most of the tens of thousands of kids who have crossed the U.S. border since October have come from the three Central American nations.

Comedian Paul Rodriguez Slams Obama's Open-Borders Invasion: 'Are we prepared to be overwhelmed?'

At Truth Revolt, "Comedian Stumps CNN's Lemon With Illegal-Immigration Views."

Death of Guatemalan Boy Puts Spotlight on Obama's Inhumane Border Debacle

Via Reuters:
The body of a Guatemalan boy who died in the Texas desert is returned to his family as pressure grows on the U.S. to resolve a border humanitarian crisis.

#Murrieta Disses Patriots, Hires Latino Supremacist Xavier Hermosillo as 'Crisis Management Advisor'

Following-up from Monday, "VIDEO: Craven #Murrieta Officials Throw Patriot Protesters Under the Bus — #BorderInvasion."

Hermosillo, a long-time Hispanic activist in Los Angeles, once crowed about the city's growing Latino presence:
"We are taking (the city) house by house . . . block by block." His advice: "Better wake up and smell the refried beans."
And so now it turns out Murrieta city officials have hired this supremacist hack as a "crisis management advisor."

At the Riverside Press-Enterprise, "MURRIETA: City hires a crisis management adviser":
As Murrieta Mayor Alan Long watched a pro-migrant demonstration outside City Hall on Wednesday night, he had an adviser at his side – a crisis management adviser.

Xavier Hermosillo said he has been assisting Long with a busy schedule of media interviews. It’s no mystery why Hermosillo’s services are needed.

Since angry anti-illegal immigration protesters at the Murrieta U.S. Border Patrol Station turned away a convoy of buses carrying migrants flown in from Texas July 1, the city in general and the mayor, in particular, have been criticized in the national – even international – media. Some have accused Long of encouraging protesters to thwart the buses.

Immigration activists at Wednesday night’s demonstration, too, blamed city officials for failing to make way for the convoy.

Though Border Patrol officials announced this week that they had halted flights of migrants from Texas, on Friday a handful of illegal immigration critics were still camped out in front of the Border Patrol station.

Assistant City Manager Kim Summers said in an email that Hermosillo contacted the city to offer help reaching out to the Spanish-speaking media, offering his services at a “deeply discounted rate.”

“He has much more experience in that arena than we do,” Summers wrote. “It was important that we get the message out to the Spanish-speaking public that our job is to keep the peace and that the vast majority of protesters are not our citizens but activists from all over.”

Long said he has been dismayed by the negative portrayal of Murrieta in the national media.

“The unfortunate part is, the side of the community no one’s seeing is what we’re really known for. We’re a compassionate, giving city,” Long said.
Long's a dolt. The dude should pay less attention to the leftist media and more to American public opinion, "Poll: Three in Five Americans Say Illegal Aliens Should Be Deported — #BorderInvasion."

Hermosillo can be seen at this slideshow, "Photos: Murrieta a flashpoint in immigrant crisis."

Surge From the South: Crime-Ridden Neighborhoods in Central America Send Rising Flow of Illegals to U.S.

Keep in mind, crime, poverty and unrest are not unique to Central America, although it's sad that the Obama open-borders Democrats have validated rumors of easy passage to the United States. It's not easy. It's dangerous, with children risking violent rape and death to make the trek. But Democrats don't care as long as they can ensure a crop of illegal aliens to fill voting rolls in future elections.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Hondurans in Dire Straits Pulled North by Rumors" (at Google):

Mara Salvatrucha photo gang-10_zpsa5ba397c.jpg
SAN PEDRO SULA, Honduras—Busloads of deportees from Mexico roll into this industrial city near Central America's Caribbean coast three afternoons a week, disgorging hundreds of women and children who had striven and failed to leave desolate lives behind.

The poor, violent neighborhoods of San Pedro Sula have led Central America in a surge of unaccompanied minors traveling illegally to the U.S., according to the Department of Homeland Security. U.S. Border Patrol agents have detained more than 52,000 children since October, creating a humanitarian crisis and sparking a bitter debate in Washington about the reasons for the exodus and how to stop it.

President Barack Obama has asked Congress for $3.7 billion in funding to stanch the flow with tougher border enforcement, faster deportations and more effective warnings to would-be migrants that they have little chance of staying in the U.S. Mexico has stepped up enforcement on its own southern border, and Honduras and other Central American governments have begun to actively discourage children from setting out.

The success of those efforts hinges on whether people on the meaner streets of cities such as San Pedro now judge the journey north futile or still worth a chance. Early indications from migrants and community activists in this city—one of the world's most crime-ridden—suggest the efforts will fall short.

"We are going to think about it for two or three months and then probably try again," Edras Pineda, a sparrow-like 17-year-old, said recently to the nods of half a dozen other teen deportees at a government reception center here.

"You study and study and there isn't any work," said Mr. Pineda, who set off for the north with a friend from their farm town as soon as school recessed in June.

Lenient handling of unaccompanied minors dictated by a 2008 U.S. law fed rumors earlier this year—spread by gossiping neighbors and business-seeking smugglers alike—that minors traveling alone, or with an adult, can somehow obtain a permit to stay in the U.S. In fact, such permits don't exist. But because the flood of minors has overwhelmed immigration courts, some minors are being released to relatives already in the U.S. to await hearings months, sometimes years, away.

"I believed it would be easy for my son to obtain papers in the North. It wasn't true," reads a poster being distributed in Central America as part of the new U.S. campaign to dispel that notion. "Our children are our future. Let's protect them."

Past information campaigns—by the U.S. and Mexican governments as well as private and public aid groups—have similarly warned of the danger of illegally migrating. They have had scant impact, said Salvador Gutiérrez, an official with the Central America regional office of the International Organization for Migration in San José, Costa Rica.

"As long as the economic and violence situation doesn't change, it's going to be very difficult," Mr. Gutiérrez said of hopes of immediately stopping the flow of minors.

"The impact on migrants is going to be very limited."

Mr. Gutierrez said his organization believes the rush to the border was sparked by a rumor that began in Guatemala and spread quickly through Central America. Such rumors have arisen in the past and have taken months or even years to debunk, he said.

Crittenton Foster Family Agency Offers $6,000+ Monthly for 'Compassionate' Housing for Alien Minors

I saw this floating around the other day, and according to Breitbart the advertisement checks out.


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The report is confirmed by Ben Swann, "Ad Promises $6,000 a Month Tax Free To House Immigrant Children."

Michelle Fields Slams Leftist Robert Beckel on #BorderInvasion — #CashinIn

A great panel. Frankly, even leftist Beckel knows we have to seal the border.

Michelle slams him, however, and the cause of the crisis, which is the Obama administration's open borders policies.

Kelly Brook Spotted Leaving the Gym in Los Angeles

We interrupt our regularly-scheduled amnesty blogging to bring this very important update.

Via Egotastic!, "Kelly Brook Booty in Tights Leaving the Gym in LA."

VIDEO: Minutemen Founder Jim Gilchrist Issues Call to Remobilize Patriots, Repel Border Invasion!

Gilchrist is interviewed at the clip, and he assures of the Minutemen patriots he's calling to the border, "whatever they do, they stay within the rule of law."

And the open-borders extremists, like open-borders shill Pedro Rios of the radical leftist American Friends Service Committee, denounces the Minutemen patriots as "dangerous" vigilantes.

Right, what's dangerous is the unchecked flood of aliens which shows no sign of abating anytime soon, thanks to the Obama open-borders Democrats.

Here's the latest from KGTV-ABC News 10 San Diego, "Minuteman Group Issues Call to Remobilize Patrols" (VIDEO).

(Also here, "Minuteman project begins recruiting volunteers to patrol San Diego border.")