Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Why Hillary's Not Hitting Trump Too Hard

From Amy Chozick, at the New York Times, "Today in Politics: Hillary Clinton Weighs Using Donald Trump Against His Party":
Good Tuesday morning from Washington. Gov. John R. Kasich of Ohio is expected to join the ever-growing field for the Republican nomination, a field that, despite its numbers, has been increasingly overshadowed by Donald J. Trump. Such a development, however, suits at least one other candidate just fine.

As Mr. Trump surges in the polls and Republican leaders call for him to drop out of the race after his comments about Senator John McCain’s war record, there is one candidate who hopes Mr. Trump continues to thrive: Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton has denounced Mr. Trump’s comments about Mexican immigrants, but she has mostly avoided responding directly to him, instead trying to position him as the unbridled subconscious of the Republican Party who says in direct (and offensive) terms what his party rivals have been saying in veiled and polite ways for years.

“It’s not enough to use language of respect if you refuse to support policies of respect,” Mrs. Clinton said.

On Saturday in Arkansas, Mrs. Clinton referred to Mr. Trump as “the Republican front-runner.” Of his rivals, she said, “The sad truth is, if you look at many of their policies, it can be hard to tell the difference.” ...
More. (Via Ms. Chozick on Twitter.)

Congressional Republicans Weigh Votes to Strip Federal Funding from Planned Parenthood

Obama would never sign legislation stripping funding from this Nazi-like industrial abortion mill.

Remember, he's President Infanticide.

Still, the fanatical pro-aborts are freakin'.

At Politico, "Congress bears down on Planned Parenthood after second video":
Congress’ planned crackdown on Planned Parenthood is looking increasingly real.

Republican leaders are weighing a series of votes to defund Planned Parenthood — possibly beginning before the August recess — after the release of a second undercover sting video allegedly showing one of the abortion rights group’s officials discussing the sale of fetal organs.

The anti-Planned Parenthood drive extends to the House and Senate: The No. 2 Republican in each chamber said he expects votes to cut off federal funding for the group soon.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters Tuesday he’s anticipating amendments to strip the money over the course of the fall government funding debate. That’s in addition to a spate of Hill hearings he said are aimed at learning “the facts … and what’s truly is going on.”

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas said he expects lawmakers to offer a Planned Parenthood amendment to the highway bill, a major piece of must-pass legislation that’s slated for consideration beginning this week. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who is vying for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination, is personally eyeing such a strategy.

And some top Republicans expect GOP lawmakers to try to attach similar amendments to nearly any measure that crosses the Senate floor. Senate Republican Conference Committee Chairman John Thune of South Dakota, for example, said lawmakers will “offer amendments to whatever vehicles are coming across the Senate floor to deal with that: Defund it or deal with it in some other fashion.”

Planned Parenthood came under fire last week after an anti-abortion group released footage of an executive casually talking over lunch about doctors collecting fetal organs for biomedical companies during abortions — and allegedly about how much money could be earned through sales of fetal tissue.

On Tuesday, the same anti-abortion activists from the Center for Medical Progress released another undercover video depicting a different executive talking about the acceptable cost of such tissue, joking that she wants a Lamborghini as payment.
Planned Parenthood officials have said they do not profit off of fetal organs and have lambasted the videos as a smear campaign aimed at hurting the women’s health organization that also performs abortions.

The defunding threats come as pro-abortion rights group CREDO Mobile — which claims to be the largest corporate donor to Planned Parenthood — launched a campaign, imploring activists to contact Hill Democrats to support the organization more vocally...
Good luck with that.

I have a feeling the majority of congressional Dems will leave PP dangling in the wind. The politics of this whole thing are definitely not tilting leftward, and there's lots more videos to come.

Well played, Center for Medical Progress. Well played.

Still more at the link.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Cajon Pass Drivers Who Ran for Their Lives Frustrated by North Fire Towing Fees

I've heard different reports, and the Los Angeles Times indicates that some towing companies waived fees as a public service. See, "Cajon Pass fire victims outraged about towing fees: 'I didn't do anything illegal'."

But watch this report at CBS News Los Angeles: "Despite Volunteer Effort, Tow Truck Firms Hoping to 'Cash In' on Cajon Pass Fire."

Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 31 in Turkish Border Town

At the Wall Street Journal, "Attack is near embattled Syrian town of Kobani":

ISTANBUL—Turkey’s government blamed Islamic State for a suicide bombing in a Kurdish border town that killed at least 31 people, one of the worst cases of spillover violence from the four-year-old war in neighboring Syria.

The attacker targeted a cultural center in the town of Suruc where some 300 members of socialist youth groups from across the country were meeting Monday to prepare rebuilding projects in the Syrian city of Kobani, just across the border. Authorities said they suspect a suicide bomber on foot waded into a crowd and detonated explosives, shattering windows and leaving limbs scattered in the yard. More than 100 people were wounded.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the deadliest attack along the border in more than two years. But if Islamic State was behind it, it would be the group’s first known suicide bombing in Turkey.

The Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani was the site of a major victory for Kurdish militia forces over Islamic State in January after a four-month battle. The Syrian Kurdish forces went on to push the extremist fighters from other parts of northern Syria more recently—raising the possibility that the attack in Suruc was retaliation for those Kurdish advances.

The bombing may also have been a response to an intensified Turkish crackdown on Islamic State in recent weeks, a government official in Ankara said. Authorities have arrested scores of suspected members of the group in raids across the country, stepping up ongoing raids. Officials have tightened border controls to try to stem the flow of foreign fighters, deporting about 1,500 mostly Western visitors to Turkey as allies increased intelligence sharing.

“Initial findings point to a suicide bomber and Daesh,” Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said, referring to Islamic State by its Arabic acronym. Speaking after an extraordinary security meeting on the attack, he said terrorist organizations were trying to sabotage Turkey and derail a stable democracy in the region.

Suruc has emerged as a major staging ground for Kurds and their supporters seeking to cross into Kobani.

“They were targeted by anti-democratic forces that don’t want Kobani to be rebuilt,” said Idres Nassan Hassan, a Kurdish official in Kobani. “Those who carried out this attack are part of the terrorists that we are fighting.”

Thousands of people across Turkey protested the bombing, with some marching against Islamic State, also known as ISIS.

But others criticized the government and Mr. Davutoglu’s party, repeating oft-heard accusations that they support or tolerate Islamic State for the greater goal of ousting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The prime minister vehemently rejected the charge.

Turkey’s government said it was tightening security along its 565-mile border with Syria after the bombing. Ankara’s effort to clamp down on supporters may trigger more strikes by terrorists going forward, another Turkish official said.

“We are aware of ISIS capabilities inside Turkey,” the official said. “Turkey is seriously prioritizing this issue to bring it under control.”
Still more.

Also, "Turkey Says One Suspect Identified in Suicide Bombing."

'Before you decide to go to war on the Internet, first consider the fate of Max Read...'

Following-up up on "Nick Denton's Gawker Removes Gay-Shaming Post About Condé Nast CFO."

GamerGate's not my bailiwick, although it's interesting as hell.

So don't miss this excellent entry from the indubitable Robert Stacy McCain, at the Other McCain, "Congratulations, ‘Dishonest Fascists’ — #GamerGate Destroys Max Read":
“Never underestimate your enemy,” is a maxim of military strategy. Before you decide to go to war on the Internet, first consider the fate of Max Read, who was riding high as editor of Gawker until he decided that insulting #GamerGate was a smart move. He chose poorly.

Custer at Little Bighorn, the French at Dien Bien Phu — military history offers many parallels to Max Read’s fateful miscalculation, but perhaps the best would be Gen. John Sedgwick. On May 9, 1864, Sedgwick was directing the placement of Union artillery near Spotsylvania, Virginia. Annoyed that his men were ducking to avoid fire from Confederate sharpshooters a thousand yards away, he said: “Why are you dodging like this? They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.” A moment later, Sedgwick was killed by a bullet from one of the Confederates whose marksmanship he had disparaged. Hubris, meet nemesis.

The resignation Monday of Max Read as editor-in-chief of Gawker, along with his executive editor Tommy Craggs, will not likely be interpreted by major media as a vindication of #GamerGate, because most of the media share the same shallow prejudice that led Read to declare his disdain for #GamerGate as “a small, contemptible crusade . . . of dedicated anti-feminist internet trolls.” Well, he who laughs last, et cetera...
Keep reading.

Plus, a pretty good inside scoop at the New York Observer, "Is Gawker Destroying Itself From the Inside? Let’s Hope So."

And from Gabriel Sherman, at New York Magazine, "Nick Denton had been at odds with Executive Editor Tommy Craggs over company's long-term direction, with Denton telling Craggs that Gawker was 'too mean'." (Via Mediagazer.)

BONUS: From Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "THE DAY GAWKER TORE ITSELF APART, from Lloyd Grove of the Daily Beast, who also formerly worked for Condé Nast, whose CFO’s life was upended by Gawker last week..."

WATCH: New Video Shows Baltimore Riots Erupt While Police Told to 'Hold the Line' and 'Do Not Chase' — #FreddyGray

Yeah, the video comes out months later. Like it was some secret.

Remember, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake wanted to create "safe space" zones for black thugs to destroy the city.

Via CNN:

FLASHBACK: "Baltimore in Flames."

Militant French Ferry Workers Light Tires to Block Channel Tunnel Terminal (VIDEO)

At the Independent UK, "Calais strikes: French ferry workers block access to Channel Tunnel terminal."

And watch, at Reuters, "Striking ferry workers set fires to block Chunnel."

New Victoria's Secret Model Barbara Di Creddo for Vanity Fair Italia July 2015

We're getting into the fall season, which means Victoria's Secret will start pumping out lingerie videos in preparation for the December fashion show.

So, Ms. Di Creddo's one of the new kids on the block. She's nice.


And also at Dreaming of Dior, "'The Island That Is' - Barbara Di Creddo for Vanity Fair Italia July 2015."

Cool Chameleon Like to Pop Bubbles

Reason number umpteenth million why we love the Internet.

At ABC News San Francisco, "WATCH: This chameleon is super excited to pop bubbles."

And on YouTube, "This clever chameleon just can't get enough of popping bubbles."

Refugio State Beach Reopens Two Months After Oil Spill (VIDEO)

The oil spill was just about two month ago. See, "Santa Barbara Refugio Oil Spill is Bleak Reminder of 1969 Environmental Disaster."

And now Refugio's back open, via KEYT Santa Barbara:

No Apologies: Darla Neugebauer, Owner of Marcy's Diner, Screams at Toddler to Stop Bawling (VIDEO)

WTF, the damned kid was screaming for an hour?!!

Talk about some divine patience that most people do not have.

And the entitled parents can just STFU. My wife and I would have had our own baby out of the restaurant in minutes. If the kid doesn't stop crying we'll take our dinner to go, thank you. It's not acceptable to upset everyone else's meal with a spoiled, screaming brat. And people are outraged as Ms. Neugebauer? Sorry, go get a life people. You and your screaming princesses.

At the Portland Press-Herald (careful the auto-play video ads), "Owner of Portland diner defends yelling at screaming child":
The Marcy's Diner proprietor says the girl was disrupting her customers' dining experience.
You think?

Great advertising for the establishment. Rational people are no doubt swarming the place, slapping down 25 percent tips.

Rev Up Your Engines with April Rose

I used to post quite a bit on April Rose when she was doing videos for Maxim. I wondered what happened to her, since she hasn't been featured at Maxim's YouTube page lately.

Well, mystery solved. Turns out she's graduated to Playboy, heh.

Maybe she'll be a Playboy Playmate of the Month pretty soon!

Watch: "Rev Up Your Engines and Get Ready to Race With April Rose."

Report: Mohammod Abdulazeez 'Did Internet Searches on Martyrdom' Ahead of #Chattanooga Shootings

Do these idiots in the press have enough "evidence" to start calling this guy an Islamic jihadist?

This is ridiculous. It's like Chinese water torture or something.

Previously, "Mohammod Abdulazeez Surfed Anwar al-Awlaki Videos in Lead-Up to #ChattanoogaShootings."

And now at CNN:

The Right Lays Off Gaffe-Prone Donald Trump

It's all playing out in real time.

I think the Wall Street Journal announced Trump's obituary prematurely, although what goes up must come down, as they say.

In any case, Noah Rothman's a little perturbed, heh, in an otherwise perceptive essay.

See, "The GOP Entertainment Wing’s Flight of Fancy."

Father of Kathryn Steinle, Victim of #Democrat Sanctuary City Murder, Testifies Before Congress (VIDEO)

Mr. Jim Steinle's prepared statement is here.

And from ABC 7 News San Francisco:

Dr. Mary Gatter Haggles Over Abortion Baby-Parts, Wants Lamborghini, in New Investigative Video

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the political action committee behind America's abortion holocaust, is feverishly pumping out pro-abort propaganda, working especially to destroy the credibility of the activists behind the investigation of the left's illegal abortion baby-parts market.

And it's easy to see why.

The Center for Medical Progress is out with a new and devastating video.

Twitchy reports, "Planned Parenthood HAGGLES over baby body parts; This brutal point says it all. And what it says is horrifying," and "MONSTERS part 2: Butchery HAGGLING? This 2nd shocking Planned Parenthood video will make you sick."

Plus, "Why is Lamborghini trending? Just when you thought Planned Parenthood couldn’t get more depraved … ; Update: Screenshot."

Watch these leftist ghouls at the video: "Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods."

Also at the Federalist, "Second Video of Planned Parenthood’s Baby Organ Trafficking Scheme Surfaces."

California Black Lawmakers Urge Fort Bragg Name Change

Okay, here we go.

Taking down the Confederate flag won't be enough. The left is insatiable. It's like "1984."

At the Sacramento Bee:
The California Legislative Black Caucus has joined the nascent campaign to rename the small coastal community of Fort Bragg in Mendocino County.

In a letter Thursday, eight members of the caucus urged Mayor Dave Turner to “engage your community in a serious re-examination of the historical implications of your city’s name and come to the conclusion that now is the time to end your ties to such a disgraced and treasonous figure in our nation’s history.”

Fort Bragg was originally a 19th-century Army outpost named for officer Braxton Bragg, who later became a high-ranking general and adviser to Confederate States of America President Jefferson Davis, as well as the owner of more than 100 slaves.

Questions over whether the town would be forced to rebrand itself recently emerged after the introduction of Senate Bill 539, which would prohibit public entities in California from bearing the name of Confederate leaders.

Sen. Steve Glazer, D-Orinda, amended the bill this week to explicitly exclude cities, but not before asking Fort Bragg officials to consider a voluntary name change. So far, residents have expressed little interest in the idea.
It's a Democrat majority in Sacramento, so no doubt leftists will get this through and move on to the next memory-hole target.

Remember the controversy over the Robert E. Lee Elementary School in Long Beach? Well, leftists are turning up the pressure. See, "Activists demand renaming of Robert E. Lee Elementary in Long Beach."

The Real Reason Our Troops at Chattanooga Were Unarmed is Absolutely Infuriating

From Kurt Schlichter, at IJR:
Service members on base and outside at remote recruiting sites are not being deprived of weapons just because of short-sighted directives. It’s much worse than that. They have no access to guns to protect themselves – though in most states the civilians they pass in the streets off-post can legally and easily carry concealed – because senior military leaders are more terrified of career-ending “incidents” than the safety of their troops.

It’s a disgrace, but it’s only another example of the moral rot within the leadership of our Armed Forces that began before the Obama era but which now, under his poisonous leadership, threatens to destroy the greatest military in human history...
That's almost depressing.

But keep reading.

Rick Perry on 'Meet the Press': 'We're Seeing the Real Donald Trump Now'

From Sunday morning;

My dream ticket is Perry/Fiorina, which I imagine is about as likely as Trump winning the nomination.

Alternative Routes After Interstate 10 Closure

Folks are going to be racking up a lot of extra miles to make it to Phoenix, or back.

At ABC 15 News Phoenix, "Detour options between Arizona and California."

Plus, "Heavy rains collapse I-10 bridge in California."

Des Moines Register Calls for Donald Trump to Drop Out of Presidential Race

It's not like the establishment in Des Moines is neutral, or anything. You know, Trump might spoil the party for the first-in-the-nation folks over there. Can't have that.

See, "Editorial: Trump should pull the plug on his bloviating side show":
It's time for Donald Trump to drop out of the race for president of the United States.

People who run for public office typically perform a great public service, regardless of whether they win on Election Day. That's particularly true of presidential candidates, most of whom must devote two years of their lives to hard-fought campaigns that involve staggering personal and financial sacrifices, all in an effort to serve their country.

And then there's Trump.

In the five weeks since he announced his campaign to seek the GOP nomination for president, Trump has been more focused on promoting himself, and his brand, than in addressing the problems facing the nation. If he were merely a self-absorbed, B-list celebrity, his unchecked ego could be tolerated as a source of mild amusement. But he now wants to become president, which means that he aspires to be the leader of the free world and the keeper of our nuclear launch codes.

That is problematic, because Trump, by every indication, seems wholly unqualified to sit in the White House. If he had not already disqualified himself through his attempts to demonize immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, he certainly did so by questioning the war record of John McCain, the Republican senator from Arizona.
Keep reading.

And let the voters sort it all out.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Mohammod Abdulazeez Surfed Anwar al-Awlaki Videos in Lead-Up to #ChattanoogaShootings

According to the New York Times, Abdulazeez "had viewed material connected to Anwar al-Awlaki" at some point before the Chattanooga attacks.

Of course, the Times still won't call out the suspect for his Islamic jihad, instead dismissing the attacks as the result of "mental illness" and "drug abuse." He was "alienated" from the United States, blah blah. Sounds like the same excuses the press gave for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is now on death row at Colorado's Supermax Prison.

Leftists and the media enablers are the handmaidens of Islamic terrorism.

See, FWIW, "In Chattanooga, a Young Man in a Downward Spiral."

A Time to Confront Our Enemies at Home

From David Horowitz and Daniel Greenfield, at FrontPage Magazine:
The killing of five unarmed military servicemen at two military recruiting centers is an omen and a warning: The “war on terror” has come home.

Thanks to Obama’s retreat from Iraq and the Middle East, the jihad waged by Islamic terrorists is now being fought on American soil, instead of on a battlefront in Fallujah and Anbar. Thanks to the borders Obama has destroyed and the tens of thousands of legal immigrants the White House has decided to import from terrorist regions, the enemy is among us. Thanks to Obama’s denial that we are at war at all, the Islamic jihad is now being waged in Chattanooga and Fort Hood, the fly over country that liberals and progressives have always despised.

This is not the first time that a military recruiting office in the South was attacked by a Muslim terrorist. In 2009 – Obama’s first year in office - Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad opened fire on a military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas, under orders from Al Qaeda in Yemen, and killed Private William Long.

It was the shot that should have been heard around the country but wasn’t, because America’s Commander-in-Chief told us that Muhammad was a lone crazed assassin, not a vanguard Islamic soldier. According to Obama, there was no war with Islamic fanatics. The fanatic himself rejected the lie.  "This is not the first attack, and won't be the last," Muhammad warned. “I'm just one Muhammad. There are millions of Muhammads out there. And I hope and pray the next one will be more deadlier than Muhammad Atta!”

The next one—the attack this time-- was certainly deadlier than his. Mohammad Youssduf Adulazeer’s attack in Chattanooga copied Muhammad’s tactic of opening fire from a car on a recruiting center before driving on to the next target. In 2009 Abdulhakim Muhammad was not charged with terrorism. The Commander-in-Chief called him “a lone gunman” and a pliant media dutifully dismissed his military mission as a product of personal depression and mental instability rather than an act of service to Allah’s war.

Barack Obama’s first year in office was also the year of the Fort Hood massacre, when a self-declared Islamist warrior, shouting “Allahu Ahkbar,” gunned down 13 American soldiers - also unarmed by order of their government. The Obama administration officially labeled his act of war “workplace violence” and refused to identify the enemy or take steps to defend his targets.

Four unarmed Marines and an unarmed sailor died this week because of the refusal of our Commander-in-Chief to learn from the 2009 attacks or prepare for the next. Instead he covered it up with psychobabble, and continued to deny our servicemen the weapons that could have saved their lives. Obama’s strategy in this war to destroy us, target by target, is to lull Americans into believing that there is no war, that Islamic terrorists are “not Islamic,” and that “the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.” The result of Obama’s denial is that the war has come home and we are fighting blind in our own country with our hands tied behind our backs...
Keep reading.

John McCain Wants Donald Trump to Apologize to Veterans (VIDEO)

At 24 percent, the big question now is whether Trump has peaked.

ABC News 10 San Diego:

#Angels Get Seven Runs in 2nd Inning in 11-1 Rout of #RedSox in Anaheim

Another one of those high-scoring days for the Angels.

At Los Angeles Times, "Angels power their way to 11-1 win over Red Sox in first game of doubleheader":
The Angels scored seven runs in a span of eight pitches in the second inning en route to an 11-1 blowout of the Boston Red Sox in the first game of a doubleheader in Angel Stadium on Monday.

All-Star left-hander Hector Santiago survived a 31-pitch first inning and made it through five laborious innings, allowing one run and eight hits, walking one and equaling his career-high with 10 strikeouts to improve to 7-4 with a 2.30 earned-run average, third-best in the American League.

Santiago threw 114 pitches, 77 for strikes, and worked his way out of two jams, striking out David Ortiz and Hanley Ramirez with two on to end the first inning and whiffing Ryan Hanigan and Mookie Betts with the bases loaded to end the fourth.

Santiago has 108 strikeouts and 35 walks and has held opponents to a .153 average (11 for 72) with runners in scoring position this season.

Erick Aybar sparked the second-inning rally with a single to left field off Red Sox starter Eduardo Rodriguez and took second on C.J. Cron’s one-out walk. Chris Iannetta singled to left to score Aybar.

Daniel Robertson followed with a first-pitch, run-scoring double over the head of Ramirez, the Boston left fielder who misplayed the ball badly. Johnny Giavotella hit a first-pitch, two-run single to center, and Kole Calhoun hit a first-pitch, two-run homer to right-center for a 6-0 lead.

Mike Trout’s two-pitch at-bat resulted in a line-out to third base, but Albert Pujols drove a 1-and-0 pitch over the wall in left-center for his 27th homer of the season and 547th of his career, moving the Angels slugger to within one of Mike Schmidt for 15th place on baseball’s all-time list.

The homer, which gave the Angels a 7-0 lead, was also Pujols’ 1,136th extra-base hit, tying him for 12th place with Ty Cobb on the all-time list.

The Red Sox snapped a 21-inning scoreless streak to start their four-game series in Anaheim when David Ortiz and Pablo Sandoval singled in the top of the fourth, and Mike Napoli hit an RBI single to center to make it 7-1.

But Sandoval’s fielding error at third base paved the way for the Angels to score four unearned runs off reliever Noe Ramirez in the bottom of the fourth. Aybar hit an RBI single and David Freese crushed a three-run homer to center that traveled an estimated 452 feet, the second-longest of his career.

The Angels, who have won 14 of 17 games and are 10-3 in July, can complete a four-game sweep of the Red Sox with a win in the second game Monday night.

Liziane Soares



Donald Trump Surges to 24 Percent Support in New Poll, Smashing #GOP Presidential Field

Trump's support declined a bit on the last day of the survey, so the report suggests Trump's numbers could be dropping. Perhaps. It's going to be a blip in any case. He'll be surging again in the weeks ahead, simply because he's busting the chops of the entire political establishment. People like that. Regular people, not the D.C. permanent political class and the far-left coastal elites.

At WaPo, "Poll: Trump surges to big lead in GOP presidential race."

And from Elizabeth Price Foley, at Instapundit, "Trump punches back twice as hard, which is kind of fun to watch. No wonder the GOP Establishment hates him as much as the Democrats."

Trump photo CKY3TMNVEAAaeDv_zpsky295yds.jpg
More at Memorandum, especially the idiot Josh Marshall, "Nope. Trump's Latest Outrage Will Not Sink Him One Bit."

And on Twitter, "Rush: Donald Trump Tells Establishment To 'Go to Hell'."

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Hailey Clauson on High School, Kissing, and More

Watch: "Hailey Clauson's 50 seconds and a kiss."

PREVIOUSLY: "Hailey Clauson Swimsuit Body Paint," and "Uncovered Hailey Clauson."

Just Finished Bruce Catton's, The Coming Fury

I've been catching up on my Civil War history in light of the Stogie/Donald debates.

A few weeks back I started hitting up nearby used bookstores to augment my library. I'm reading about two or three books at a time, lol. But I did finish the Bruce Catton paperback last night. He was a great historian. Once I got going I decided not to put it down. The book flows like a novel. Really amazing book. It easily debunks the Marxist and radical libertarian narrative that Stogie's been pushing, and it's honest about the role of slavery in the origins of the Civil War.

It's out of print --- Catton died in 1978 --- but here's the Amazon link in any case, The Coming Fury (The Centennial History of the Civil War, Vol. 1).

Bruce Catton photo 11760055_10207589828046783_7690288698741505244_n_zpsujebj1ys.jpg

Man Armed with AR-15 Stands Guard at Virginia Military Recruiting Offices (VIDEO)

This is getting to be a thing.

At Fox 5 in Washington D.C., "Man with AR-15 Stands at Recruiting Center in Virginia":
You don't need a permit to openly carry guns in Virginia. “The police already came by and checked me out, cleared my guns, doing their duty,” said the man. “It was all good.”

Poll Shows Support for Homosexual Marriage Tanking After Supreme Court's Obergefell Ruling

This is counterintuitive.

You'd think a threshold's been crossed, and public acceptance of homosexual nuptials would increase.

But no. What's happening is the over-the-top football-spiking of the left's depraved homos is simply turning people off. Indeed, I've been predicting that support for homosexual marriage would decline as the homosexual ayatollahs, emboldened by judicial fiat, started to violently impose their hateful agenda on the rest of America. Combine that with the numerous examples of threats to religious liberty, and it's clear that same-sex licentiousness will continue to be a hot-button issue in politics and elections going forward.

At USA Today, "Poll shows slight dip in gay marriage support since Supreme Court ruling":

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NEW YORK (AP) — The Supreme Court's ruling last month legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide has left Americans sharply divided, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that suggests support for gay unions may be down slightly from earlier this year.

The poll also found a near-even split over whether local officials with religious objections should be required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, with 47 percent saying that should be the case and 49 percent say they should be exempt.

Overall, if there's a conflict, a majority of those questioned think religious liberties should win out over gay rights, according to the poll. While 39 percent said it's more important for the government to protect gay rights, 56 percent said protection of religious liberties should take precedence.

The poll was conducted July 9 to July 13, less than three weeks after the Supreme Court ruled states cannot ban same-sex marriage.

According to the poll, 42 percent support same-sex marriage and 40 percent oppose it. The percentage saying they favor legal same-sex marriage in their state was down slightly from the 48 percent who said so in an April poll. In January, 44 percent were in favor.

Asked specifically about the Supreme Court ruling, 39 percent said they approve and 41 percent said they disapprove.

"What the Supreme Court did is jeopardize our religious freedoms," said Michael Boehm, 61, an industrial controls engineer from the Detroit area who describes himself as a conservative-leaning independent.

"You're going to see a conflict between civil law and people who want to live their lives according to their faiths," Boehm said...
Only 42 percent support homosexual marriage? That's not a "slight decline." That's an almost 20 percent drop off from the widely touted Gallup poll that had support for homo unions at 60 percent.

Hmm, you think the Supreme Court stepped in and derailed a political contest raging across the country at the state level? No wonder conservative support for the Court is collapsing.

Hat Tip: The Daily Signal, "Poll: 59% Believe Businesses Should Be Able to Decline Gay Weddings."

Ku Klux Klan Rallies for Confederate Flag in South Carolina (VIDEO)

Stogie keeps posting photos of Southern blacks hoisting the Confederate flag.

To each his own, I guess. Some blacks were down with slavery, feared being free men. That's the tradition they're upholding.

And remember, Stogie threatened to block me if I pressed him about why the Klan proudly boosts the Confederate banner. Cowardly.

Drones Disrupt Aerial Firefight Drops Over Cajon Pass North Fire (VIDEO)

At the Riverside Press-Enterprise, "DRONES: Unmanned aircraft briefly hinders fire fight":

For the pilots who fight fire from the sky, it’s getting to the point of being ridiculous.

An hour after Friday’s inferno erupted in the Cajon Pass, a drone was seen spying on the flurry of activity as flames incinerated trapped vehicles on Interstate 15 and frightened motorists fled for their lives. Authorities immediately grounded firefighting aircraft.

It marked at least the fourth time since late June that a drone was spotted in the vicinity of pilots bombing an Inland Southern California wildfire with retardant or water. Each time the incident halted an aerial attack and may have allowed flames to spread farther, and more rapidly, than they would have, officials said.

“I wish I had an answer for the fix to all of this,” said a frustrated Mike Eaton, aviation officer for the San Bernardino and Cleveland national forests, in a telephone interview Saturday. “I don’t know if the public just doesn’t understand or if they are just not paying attention.”

In any event, many operators aren’t getting the point that their remotely controlled flying devices pose a danger to manned airplanes and helicopters. Or they don’t believe it...

Judge Jeanine Pirro Hammers Cowardly Obama Administration's Craven Response to #ChattanoogaShootings

Just drop dead over the target, at usual.

Iran's Defense Minister Forbids International Military Site Inspections

Well, this is a big surprise.

At the Times of Israel, "Iran defense chief forbids international inspections of military sites":
Iran’s defense minister on Monday said Tehran would not allow international inspectors to enter the Islamic Republic’s military sites, in comments that appear at odds with the terms of a landmark nuclear deal struck with world powers last week.

Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan also said the nuclear deal does not limit its missile development, which he maintained Tehran would “resolutely” pursue.

The comments came on the heels of Iran’s Foreign Ministry saying the UN could not ban Iranian ballistic missile development under the deal and a top military commander rejecting the UN’s adoption of the groundbreaking accord earlier in the day.

Taken together, the comments shed doubt on Tehran’s willingness to keep to some of the concessions agreed to in the pact, which has been touted in the West as the best way to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and was endorsed unanimously in the United Nations Security Council Monday...
There are no verification guarantees in the Obama Iran pact. Indeed, the agreement isn't even about reigning in Iran's nukes. It's about establishing an Obama "peace" legacy and cementing Iranian hegemony in the Mideast to counterbalance Israeli power.

Bernie Sanders Supporters Wear Robin Hood Caps at Netroots Nation in Phoenix

Because Sanders is proposing a "Robin Hood Tax," of course.

From Chris Cillizza, on Twitter, "The 1 pic that tells you everything you need to know about Bernie Sanders."

Chillary Clinton

We could get this lady as president, sigh.

Watch: "Can't.. stop.. watching."

Anaheim Angels Deploy Helicopter to Help Dry Playing Field Ahead of Today's Double-Header

At the Angels' Twitter feed, "Pulling out all the stops to prepare the field for today's doubleheader #AtTheBigA."

And from Mike DiGiovanna, "Heard #Angels had helicopter over OF this morning to help dry grass."

Heh, watch this Vine, "There is a helicopter in the outfield..."

And ICYMI, from yesterday's Los Angeles Times, "Angels' home game against Boston Red Sox is rained out, and that's rare."

Interstate 10 Closed After Bridge Collapses (VIDEO)

At the Palm Springs Desert Sun, "I-10 closed at collapsed bridge in Desert Center":

A bridge collapse east of the Coachella Valley late Sunday afternoon forced the closure of Interstate 10 – the main roadway between Southern California and Phoenix – injuring one man and stranding hundreds of motorists backed up for miles.

The Tex Wash bridge, built on the eastbound I-10 in 1967, was listed as functionally obsolete in the 2013 National Bridge Inventory released last year. Essentially, the bridge was listed as no longer adequate for its task, though it was not listed as having known structural problems that needed to be fixed.

A black truck was driving east on I-10 when the bridge crumpled beneath it about 4:45 p.m. Bystanders used straps from their cars to tie the truck to a guardrail and prevent it from washing away in the running water below. The passenger was able to get out but the driver had to be rescued. Firefighters went into rapidly rising water with asphalt and debris falling around them to pull the driver out by 7 p.m...

Also at LAT, "Unusually strong July rains offer a preview of a robust El Niño."

Executive Editor Tommy Craggs and Editor-in-Chief Max Read Resign from Gawker; Craggs Says Advertisers Threatened to Pull Out Over Gay Escort Story

At the Hollywood Reporter, "Gawker Editor-In-Chief Resigns After Controversial Post Gets Take Down." (Via Mediagazer.)

Also at the Wrap, "Gawker Executive Editor and Editor-in-Chief Both Resign After Gay Porn Story Fiasco
."In memos sent to staff and management, Craggs and Read said an unprecedented breach of the firewall between Gawker’s business and editorial side had occurred, and they could no longer operate at the company.

“On Friday a post was deleted from Gawker over the strenuous objections of Tommy and myself, as well as the entire staff of executive editors,” Read wrote in a memo to Gawker’s partnership group. “That this post was deleted at all is an absolute surrender of Gawker’s claim to ‘radical transparency'; that non-editorial business executives were given a vote in the decision to remove it is an unacceptable and unprecedented breach of the editorial firewall, and turns Gawker’s claim to be the world’s largest independent media company into, essentially, a joke.”
That's a huge aggregation at Mediagazer, for good reason.

And ICYMI, at the Other McCain, "Web Site Everybody Hates Reminds Everybody Why We Hate Them," and "The #GamerGate vs. Gawker War."

PREVIOUSLY: "Nick Denton's Gawker Removes Gay-Shaming Post About Condé Nast CFO."

Donald Trump's Self-Immolation Arrived Slightly Ahead of Schedule

At the Wall Street Journal, America's open-borders newspaper of record on the right, "Trump and His Apologists":
It came slightly ahead of schedule, but Donald Trump’s inevitable self-immolation arrived on the weekend when he assailed John McCain’s war record. The question now is how long his political and media apologists on the right will keep pretending he’s a serious candidate.

Speaking at a forum in Iowa, Mr. Trump declared that Senator McCain was “not a war hero,” adding that “he’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Mr. McCain spent more than five years in a Vietnamese prison camp, was tortured to the point of lifelong disability, and yet refused an offer to be released before all of his fellow prisoners. Mr. Trump had a more relaxed war due to military deferments. The Trump dump drew immediate condemnations from most GOP candidates and others, but the political apprentice refused to apologize.

His campaign instead released a statement that compounded the felony. “I am not a fan [sic] John McCain because he has done so little for our Veterans,” the statement said. “He is yet another all talk, no action politician who spends too much time on television and not enough time doing his job and helping the Vets. He is also allowing our military to decrease substantially in size and strength, something which should never be allowed to happen.”

Coming from a reality TV star, this too-much-time-on-television line is hilarious. Mr. McCain doesn’t need our defense on Mr. Trump’s other insults, but they are notable because anyone with a cursory knowledge of politics knows they’re false. They show that Mr. Trump has barely a passing acquaintance with America’s current policy debates.

The summer Trump polling spurt has nonetheless been instructive in exposing a growing problem on the political right. All too many conservatives, including some magazine editors, have been willing to overlook his hucksterism as he’s risen in the polls. They pretend that he deserves respect because he’s giving voice to some deep disquiet or anger in the American electorate.

But America has rarely lacked for demagogues willing to exploit public discontents. William Jennings Bryan won three Democratic presidential nominations running against eastern elites. In 1948 Henry Wallace ran as a Soviet sympathizer while Strom Thurmond won 39 electoral votes running as a segregationist. Either one would have been a disaster as President.

As a standard-bearer for conservative ideas, Mr. Trump would likewise be a catastrophe...
Perhaps so, but as Selena Zito pointed out, most of what's going on right now, this deep rumbling of populism, isn't about Donald Trump at all, and it won't go away once Trump's driven from the race.

Continue reading, in any case.

And see Donald Trump's op-ed, at USA Today, "I don't need to be lectured — McCain has abandoned our veterans."

Democrats O'Malley and Sanders Booed Off the State at Netroots Nation in Phoenix (VIDEO)

Truly bizarre.

Folks on Twitter were comparing the excoriation of O'Malley and Sanders to the Soviet show trials of the 1930s. Actually, I wonder if they realize just how close that comparison hits home. Damn.

At Progs Today, "#BlackLivesMatter Activists Take Over Stage at Progressive Netroots Nation Conference."

And at Twitchy, "Pass the popcorn: #BlackLivesMatter protesters take over Netroots panel [photos, video]," and "Illegal alien moderator of Netroots Nation explains chaos: ‘We cannot silence women of color’."

Lily Aldridge for L'Officiel Netherlands

At Glossy Newsstand.

And Supermodels Online.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Rained Out in Anaheim for the First Time Since 1995

Well, this is interesting.

You could see how hard it was raining on ESPN. Some brave fans were just hanging out sopping wet. Heh, ridiculous

At the O.C. Register, "Angels rained out at home for the first time in 20 years":
ANAHEIM – Mike Scioscia, the longest tenured manager in the majors, has seen plenty, but he hadn’t seen this.

The Angels had a home game postponed by rain on Sunday night, the first time since June 16, 1995, five years before Scioscia took over.

The teams will play a split-admission doubleheader on Monday, with the first game at 2 p.m. and the second at 7 p.m. It will be the first doubleheader at Angel Stadium since 2003, when they made up a game that had been rained out in Kansas City.

The last time the Angels made up a home rainout with a doubleheader was Aug. 5, 1988, against the Chicago White Sox.

The rare July storm delayed the 5 p.m. start of the game for about 2 ½ hours before it finally called. The grounds crew had spent about 45 minutes in the outfield, but they couldn’t clear enough of the standing water.

“Unfortunately you never really know how your drainage system works until you get enough water,” Scioscia said. “There is so much standing water in that outfield it has nowhere to go… The field was unplayable with no way to remedy it.”

Both teams will simply move Sunday’s scheduled starters to Monday’s first game, with Hector Santiago starting for the Angels against Boston’s Eduardo Rodriguez...

Donald Trump Says He Won't Apologize for John McCain Comments

Here's Trump's interview on this morning's "This Week" at ABC News, "Donald Trump Says He Does Not Owe John McCain an Apology."

And it's been the lead story at Memeorandum all day.

See Politico, "TRUMP: NO APOLOGY! -- ‘TRUMP IS TOAST ... Boom to bust’: Luntz sees onslaught by veterans if no apology – HILLARY on Trump and GOP field: ‘can be hard to tell the difference’."

Perhaps he is toast, but it should be up to the voters to decide, not the leftist media elite.

More from Sharyl Attkisson, "Fact Check: The Washington Post on Donald Trump and John McCain."

Record-Breaking Rain Drenches San Diego

The Padres are in rain delay --- the exact situation I was fearing for last night's #RedSox at #Angels game!

At Gas Lamp Ball, "Padres-Rockies in a rain delay."

And from the Padres on Twitter, "The #Padres trail 1-0 in the top of the 5th. The rain is really coming down now," and "We don't always have rain delays but when we do things get weird..."

Also at the San Diego Union-Tribune, "Thunderstorms Jar San Diego Awake":

Drought-stricken San Diego received record rainfall on Saturday from Tropical Storm Dolores, whose unexpectedly tough punch also caused power outages, street flooding, a brush fire, downed trees and dozens of accidents on local freeways.

By 5 p.m. Saturday, San Diego's Lindbergh Field had recorded 1.03 inches of rain, which is more precipitation than the city had received during the entire month of July dating back to 1902. San Diego averages only 0.02 inch of precipitation in July.

The onslaught was even bigger near Miramar Marine Corp Air Station, which got 1.55 inches, and Kearny Mesa, which got 1.44 inches. Ramona Airport recorded 1.18 inches. In Tierrasanta, a microburst of wind toppled several pine trees, including one that hit a carport and house.

"It was like there was a bull's eye on the area from Camp Pendleton over to Ramona and Poway and down to Santee and Chula Vista and over to the coast," said Brett Albright, a forecaster for the National Weather Service. "This kind of system can produce sporadically heavy rain. But the cells kept forming and coming ashore. This won't do anything for the drought, but it will reduce the risk of wildfires for the next week or two."

Report: University of Virginia Associate Dean Nicole Eramo 'Vouchsafed' for Bogus, Retracted Rolling Stone Story, 'A Rape on Campus'

This is big.

At the Hollywood Reporter, "Rolling Stone Argues University of Virginia Vouched for Discredited Rape Story."

Via Robert Stacy McCain, at the Other McCain, "‘Rape Culture’ or ‘Libel Culture’? Lawyers for Rolling Stone Blame the Victim":
This is dynamite, my friends. What Rolling Stone is saying is that officials at UVA — specifically including Emily Renda — were responsible for the “flawed or false” story that Jackie told Sabrina Rubin Erdely.

Renda had included an account of Jackie’s claim (identifying her as “Jenna”) in Renda’s June 2014 testimony before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee...
The left's demonic ideological house of cards is collapsing, and it's ugly.

Keep reading.

Donald Trump Surfs the Wave of America's Populism of Frustration

From Selena Zito, at the Pittsburgh Tribune, "Reflecting populism born of frustration":
There is a disturbance in American politics. But no one in the political class seems to be pinpointing the correct source.

Donald Trump gets all of the credit for it from journalists, pundits and academics. They could not be more wrong.

They are looking only at the surface, seeing the response to his harangues as an affirmation of the man. If they looked beyond the cartoonish image of Trump, they would understand that the true disturbance is the frustration of Americans, not the bluster of one man.

The same goes for the surge by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont against Hillary Clinton on the Democrats' side. Clinton's other competitors — Virginia's Jim Webb, a former U.S. senator and Navy secretary, and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley — are running deliberate campaigns, but they don't reflect the fire and unrest of voters on the center-left.

It is always remarkable to witness experts not understanding the field in which they are experts; even more remarkable, they still do not recognize the frustration of the masses, despite the unsettling wave elections of 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2014 that vividly affirmed populist movements against both political parties' establishments.

Americans are just tired of it all. Tired of no one speaking honestly to them, tired of being told they cannot speak honestly.

Think about this: For two administrations, Democrats, Republicans and independents effectively have been told to hold their tongues. During the Bush administration, you were unpatriotic if you criticized the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; during the Obama administration, you're a racist if you criticize the president or his policies.

And don't even think about expressing your values if those are outside the elite's standard of everyone deserving equality and fairness (unless, of course, you disagree with that elitist viewpoint, in which case hatred and character destruction are your reward).

This column has reported endlessly on the unnamed populist movement afoot in this country, one bridging both sides of the political aisle and uniting Americans against the establishment.

People look at government with an anger and a frustration which Washington does not understand.

In a span of a few days last week, Americans witnessed Washington's glaring failure with disbelief...
She's an extremely perceptive commentator.

Keep reading.

Arizona Released 260 Illegal Alien Criminal Offenders in 2013 (VIDEO)

These sanctuary policies need to stay in the news right through November 2016.

The Dems will be hit hard.

At ABC News 10 Phoenix:

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Ramirez Cartoon photo CKKBRZrUwAAfz7m_zpsuv92negx.jpg

Also at Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Speechless In San Francisco," and Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

More at Randy's Roundtable, "Friday Nite Funnies," and Theo Spark's, "Cartoon Roundup."

Cartoon Credit: IBD.

Rule 5 Sunday


Fit Totty photo sexy-fit_zps7v3oytjs.jpg
At Toasted on the Inside, "We Need These Hot Chicks Washing Cars All the Time."

Also at Wirecutter's, "Your Good Morning Girl."

More, at Pirate's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and "If All You See……is evil carbon pollution polluting beer, you might just be a Warmist."

At Goodstuff's, "GOODSTUFFs BLOGGING MAGAZINE (199th Issue): Stephanie Arias is our Bella of the Week."

Plus, at Randy's Roundtable, "Thursday Nite Tart: Nichole Meyer."

Plus, Postal Dogs has "Sheer Breast Shots of the Jenner Sisters."

90 Miles From Tyranny has "Morning Mistress."

From First Street Journal, "Rule 5 Blogging: Are all Finns blonde?"

Still more from Proof Positive, "Friday Night Babe: Abigail Ratchford!"


Also at GCeleb, "Maria Sharapova Wore a Bikini in Montenegro."

Ms. EBL, "Ariana Kelly Crazy Maryland Democrat Who Flash Her Boobs Rule 5."

At Odie's Place, "Jogging ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style."

From Zoo Today, "Lucy Collett's brilliantly busty ZOO shoot!"

Also from Sports Illustrated, "Rose Bertram sexy French teacher."

At GQ, "Sofia Resing Prefers Surfers to Soccer Players."

At Esquire, "Chrissy Teigen is a Woman We Love."

Still more, from V Magazine, "HONEYMOONING WITH LANA DEL REY." And at Daily Mail, "She looks safer in THOSE sheets: Lana Del Rey poses semi-naked in Maxim... after appearing in rape scene directed by Eli Roth."

Also at Daily Mail, "Tragedy at Demi Moore's Beverly Hills home: Man, 21, is found dead in star's pool after falling into the water during late night party."

Finally, at the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Sunday: Force It."

Surfer Fights Off Great White Shark During South Africa Competition (VIDEO)

By the size of that dorsal fin it must have easily been a 15-foot great white, if not even larger.

Terrifying. The guy's lucky he wasn't killed.

At the Sidney Morning Herald, "Shark attacks Australian surfer Mick Fanning during live competition":

The shark approached ominously from behind as Fanning sat on his board, before launching at him.

"I was just sitting there and I felt something just get stuck in my leg rope, and I was kicking, trying to get it away," Fanning said afterwards.

Fanning appeared in shock and at a loss for words as he tried to describe the attack.

"I was just about to start moving and then I felt something grab [and] get stuck in my leg rope. And I instantly just jumped away and it just kept coming at my board. I was just started kicking and screaming. Wow!

"I just saw fin, I didn't see the teeth. I was waiting for the teeth to come at me as I was swimming."

Fanning, a three-time world champion, was competing against fellow Australian Julian Wilson in the world tour event final. The event was cancelled with the surfers to split the prizemoney.

Fanning and Wilson are locked in a world title battle, but the competition was the bottom of both surfers' priority lists following the incident.

"I'm happy to not even compete ever again. Seriously, to walk away from that, I'm just so stoked," said Fanning.

Chattanooga Terrorist Mohammad Abdulazeez Sent Text Message 'Declaring War' on Enemies

I read about this text message earlier, at the Washington Post, "Tenn. gunman used drugs, struggled with clash of faith."

The suspect quotes the Hadith 38, "Allah the Almighty has said: 'Whosoever acts with enmity towards a friend [wali] of Mine, I will indeed declare war against him. Nothing endears My servant to Me than doing of what I have made obligatory upon him to do'."

Now authorities are scrutinizing this as a possible call to jihad.

At the New York Times, "Federal Inquiry Turns to a Text Sent by Gunman in Chattanooga Rampage":
Investigators are checking the text message not only to verify it, but to see if it provides any motivations for Mr. Abdulazeez.

The official said that the friend who came forward with the text message has been interviewed by F.B.I. agents. The friend, who has not been publicly identified, told Reuters that he thought nothing of the text initially, but now wonders if it was a hint of Thursday’s attacks...

Also at the BBC, "Chattanooga attack: Gunman Abdulazeez 'sent war text'."

Tim Hunt Vindicated in University College London Sexism Dispute

I haven't blogged this story, although it's extremely fascinating. Louise Mensch has been on a crusade for the truth.

The background, from June, is at the BBC, "Sir Tim Hunt resigns from university role over girls comment."

And now from Louise Mensch and Natalia Demina, at the Time of London, "The tape that shows Sir Tim was wronged."

Secret 1933 Film Shows Edward VIII Teaching Nazi Salute to Queen Elizabeth

This is a huge story across the pond.

At the Sun UK, "Their Royal Heilnesses":
THE Queen and Queen Mum raise a Nazi salute in an astonishing home movie shot at Balmoral and seen today for the first time.

The film shows the then Princess Elizabeth, just seven, larking about in 1933....

Experts last night hailed the footage as an incredible new historical document of huge public interest.

Watch the video here.

And a bit of the reaction, at London's Daily Mail, "'The Sun has sunk to a new low': British public reacts with fury after tabloid publishes 80-year-old pictures of the seven-year-old Queen and the Queen Mother being taught a Nazi salute."

More at the Telegraph UK, "Hunt for source of leaked Nazi salute footage: Palace opens investigation as it accuses The Sun of 'exploiting’ the Queen and the memory of her family."

And at the Guardian UK, "Royals told: open archives on family ties to Nazi regime - Historian urges that secret correspondence be made public to reveal the truth after Queen’s Nazi salute footage released."

Also, "Fascism, abdication and war: the story of a turbulent era: As Germany fell into the grip of fascism in the 1920s and 30s, the British royal family was facing its own crisis, and the lure of totalitarianism was spreading through the highest levels of British society."

And commentary, from Bella Bathurst, "If the royals were an ordinary family, the Nazi salute video wouldn’t matter. But they’re not," and "Karina Urbach, "Behind the infant Queen’s gesture lies a dark history of aristocratic Nazi links."

Kole Calhoun Homers Twice, Garrett Richards Pitches Shutout, as Angels Blank Red Sox 3-0 at Angel Stadium

So I go down to get another beer in the third inning and Kole Calhoun blasts a home run as soon as I get in line. I'm like, "What the heck, heh?" But it was all cool because as soon as he gets up again he hit another blast to the right field seats in the fifth.

See Mike DiGiovanna, at the Los Angeles Times, "Garrett Richards goes the distance in Angels' 3-0 win over Red Sox." And also Jeff Fletcher, at the O.C. Register, "Angels' Garrett Richards throws 2-hit shutout; Kole Calhoun hits 2 homers."

Garrett Richards was spectacular. Before I knew it it was two outs and the bottom of the ninth and everybody starts standing at two strikes. I'm all, this is sweet!

We left home a little before 5:00pm, and it was starting to clear up. It rained pretty good for most of the early afternoon. You can see the tropical clouds over the Santa Ana mountains at the photo. We had some drizzle during the game, but nothing bothersome at all. Kinda fun, actually.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez Set Off No Red Flags

Well, no red flags before the attacks.

He's got a history of extreme devotion to jihad. His writing and pious language already indicate religious motives, although authorities want hard evidence of radicalization.

At WaPo, "Marines’ killer set off no red flags":
As investigators sought to decipher the motives of the gunman who targeted U.S. troops in Chattanooga, Tenn., they also began to confront the uncomfortable question of whether counterterrorism agencies are reaching the practical limits of what they can do to detect homegrown plots.

On Friday, federal officials said they were investigating the shootings Thursday in Chattanooga as a possible terrorist attack but were a long way from drawing conclusions. They said the gunman, 24-year-old Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, had not previously drawn the attention of authorities, save for a drunken-driving charge a few months ago.

On Saturday, the Navy said a male petty officer died at 2:17 a.m. of wounds received in Thursday’s shooting — bringing the number killed in the rampage to five. The sailor’s name had not been released.

Abdulazeez’s travels to the Middle East, his acquisition of several firearms and his recent online musings about the meaning of Islam were coming under fresh examination as hundreds of federal agents sought to reconstruct his movements and mind-set.

“At this time, we have no indication he was inspired by or directed by anyone other than himself,” Edward Reinhold, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s office in Knoxville, Tenn., told reporters Friday.

U.S. officials said that devices including a computer and cellphone believed to have belonged to Abdulazeez were being examined by FBI technicians in a laboratory at Quantico, Va.

The FBI said that Abdulazeez was armed with at least two rifles or shotguns, as well as a handgun, when he opened fire on a military recruiting center and a Navy Reserve facility in Chattanooga. Authorities did not give a more detailed description of the firearms or say how he obtained them.

“Some of the weapons were purchased legally and some of them may not have been,” Reinhold said. U.S. counterterrorism officials have become increasingly worried about the ability of the Islamic State and al-Qaeda offshoots to attract and radicalize followers in the United States. At the same time, authorities have expressed concern that their ability to detect such contact has been eroded by the spread of encrypted communication.

Federal authorities have arrested more than 10 people over the past six weeks who are suspected of having ties to the Islamic State. U.S. officials said the crackdown was part of an effort to suppress a surge in suspected plots aimed at unleashing violence on U.S. targets during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ended the day of the attacks in Chattanooga.

But officials have also said that homegrown radicals have gotten better at hiding their intentions and cloaking their contacts with overseas groups, despite a massive expansion in U.S. surveillance capabilities since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks...

Plus, "Tenn. gunman used drugs, struggled with clash of faith."

Southern California Endures Wildfires, Lightning, Beach Closures

Definitely some strange weather, and terrifying circumstances.

At the Long Beach Press-Telegram:
A fast-moving storm rumbled through Southern California on Saturday producing thunder, lightning that closed beaches from Malibu to Long Beach, power outages and flash-flood warnings, but it helped firefighters get a handle on two major fires in the Inland Empire.

And today’s forecast calls for much of the same.

While there were no reports of injuries or property damage, the storm did strike an American Airlines plane heading from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., forcing it to turn around and make an emergency landing at LAX. The storm also saw Los Angeles firefighters rescue a 20-year old man from the Los Angeles River and canceled several outdoor events throughout the region.

The Boeing 737 had 159 passengers, seven crew members and seven hours of fuel on board as it landed, according to the airline and Los Angeles firefighters’ radio traffic. It landed about 1:35 p.m. and taxied to the Alaska Airlines terminal.

The storm also knocked out power to thousands.

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power reported 10,000 customers affected by outages, likely related to the storm. In addition, Long Beach continued working — as it has since Wednesday — through its worst power outage in 50 years, and more than 1,000 customers lost power in the High Desert, according to Southern California Edison, which worked to restore power to most by around noon Saturday.

The lightning is expected to continue, but less frequently than Saturday, through midday Monday, said Brett Albright, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service’s San Diego office.

A flash-flood watch was in effect through 8 p.m. today, especially in mountain areas, he said...

Tropical Cyclone Dolores

It's been raining today, which is great for the Cajon Pass wildfire. But not so great for tonight's game, which is still on.

At LAT, "Rain, thunder and lightning pound L.A. area; flooding possible."

Here's O.C. Register Angels beat writer Jeff Fletcher, on Twitter: "The collective uneducated guesses about weather tonight for Angels: game will be played. May be some delays. Will be wet."

'Visceral' Ta-Nehisi Coates

We're currently living through Ta-Nehisi Coates's fifteen minutes of fame.

This New York Times piece isn't as fawning as the Washington Post article I wrote about earlier. See, "Ta-Nehisi Coates’s ‘Visceral’ Take on Being Black in America."

Tyler Cowen writes about Coates' new book, here.

And at Amazon, Between the World and Me.