Friday, July 3, 2009

Sarah Palin Quits! Career Breaker? No Joy in Palinville?

I just now caught this, "Gov. Sarah Palin to resign her office." Also, Fox News, "Palin Quits as Alaska Governor," and CNN, "Palin stepping down as governor by end of July, not seeking re-election" (via Memeorandum).

Turning on CNN I watch portions of Palin's farewell speech. Allahpundit's all over the story. Is Palin done? "
Breaking: Palin to resign within weeks? Update: Is her career over?"

Is she going national or going away?
I caught this earlier, and it sounds about right:

If she wants to be the Republican Party's presidential nominee in 2012, she needs to spend more time raising money, establishing her international and national expertise, and traveling the Lower 48. And she needs to start now.
But the handicapping is on (running updates):

* AOSHQ: "It's over. You can't resign from a governorship and then run for higher office. Barring some strong reason, like needing treatment for cancer."

* But Dan Riehl adds:

I think it's way to early to presume that, assuming she ever does plan on running. At her age, 45, she doesn't even have to be thinking 2012. Heck, she'd only be 56 in 2020, for heaven's sake. A Fox interview with her Brother shed some light on her reasoning. She was telling him off the record that it was eating up 80% of her and her staff's time fighting spurious ethics charges and national battles over media attacks. And it was costing Alaska a great deal of time and money.

She could spend the next eight years raising her kids, writing books, getting rich and developing any national GOP identity she wants. Bill Kristol, an obvious fan, thinks this is an opening shot for 2012. Could be, though she has a lot of work to do in a short time, if so. But she isn't going to lose a lot of core support over this. I don't think she sees politics the way most politicians do.
Folks need to remember that Barack Obama won the Democratic presidential nomination with just over three years experience in national office. Palin has now run on a presidential ticket. She's performed on the national stage, and taken more withering fire than most politicians will take in a lifetime.

I think Dan Riehl is right that it's absurd to think Palin is through in national politics. The danger is that someone even more attractive and motivating could come along and dominate national GOP politics while she's out of the limelight. But who? At this point, Bobby Jindal and Tim Pawlenty can't hold a candle to Palin. Huckabee's going to be strong, and Mitt Romney may be the GOP's rock in the '12 "invisible primary." But today we might have seen Palin's "you won't have Sarah Palin to kick around" moment. If she stays on the sidelines in '12 AND if Barack Obama is reelected to a second term, look for Sarah Palin to be the prohibitive frontrunner in 2016. The conservative base will be looking for the most genuine conservative around, and Palin's youthful vigor, and canny ability to raise the passions of the conservative stalwarts, may be too much for even the most well-organized primary challenger that year. All of this depends on Palin indeed taking the time to polish her resume and skills. Being out of office, and free from the endless attacks - what Palin called "the politics of personal destruction" - may well be an asset in launching a presidential bid from the outside.

Here's the announcement:

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

UPDATE: Mere Rhetoric fleshes out in detail Palin's possiblities for 2016.

Standard Operating Procedures for Summer BBQ

Good stuff! Barbeque etiquette from Maggie's Farm (humor alert!!):
We are about to enter the BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking activity. When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into motion:


(1) The woman buys the food.

(2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert.

(3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill - beer in hand.

(4) The woman remains outside the compulsory three meter exclusion zone where the exuberance of testosterone and other manly bonding activities can take place without the interference of the woman.
Here comes the important part:


More routine...

(6) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.

(7) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is looking great. He thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he flips the meat ...

More at the link!

Fireworks Suck: This Year's Leftist Attack on Independence Day

July 4th is practically sacred, so on this holiday, they can't come right out and call America a racist imperialist abomination without looking like total creeps.

Or can they? Yep. No problem, attack fireworks. That's a good proxy. It's the esthetics, you know. Scott Lemieux hates 'em. Freaking boring. And he gets a big rah rah from ... wait for it ... Matthew Yglesias! At least you can catch a good party!

Their inspiration is Slate (where else), "Fireworks Suck: They Really Do." Forget aesthetics. Go for full anti-Americanism (via Memeorandum):
... the professional fireworks display is an exercise in pomposity, aggression, triumphalism, and hubris. The pyrotechnician—and, more importantly, his patron—intends to ornament the night sky beyond the powers of God himself. He means to inspire awe for little purpose other than to demonstrate his power. The first great fireworks nuts in the Western world were Peter the Great (who put on a five-hour show to celebrate the birth of his first son) and Louis XIV (who, with a specially equipped sundial, used them to tell time at Versailles). Fireworks are imperialist and, as we used to say in school, hegemonic. That they are popularly believed to be populist entertainment does not say much for the populace.

An Important Milestone in Iraq

From Peter Wehner, at Commentary:

The ultimate wisdom in initiating the Iraq war is still to be validated by contingent events still to unfold. What is happening today is a transition, not a final triumph. And while Iraq is today a legitimate, representative, and responsible democracy, it remains fragile. Hard-earned progress can still be undone. The Iraqi military will have to prove it can provide security to its citizens. Relations between the Iraqi government and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government in the north, particularly over the oil-rich province of Kirkuk, are tense. None of us can foretell the future, and almost all of us have been wrong about some aspect of the war or another.

Still, it is worth pointing out that those who wrote off the war as unwinnable and a miserable failure, who made confident, sweeping arguments that have been overturned by events, and who had grown so weary of the conflict that they were willing to consign Iraqis to mass slaughters and America to a historically consequential defeat -- they were thankfully, blessedly wrong. And the Land between the Rivers, which has known too much tyranny and too many tears, may yet bind up its wounds.

Why They Hate Her...

From Jim Geraghty, "Why They Hate Her, the Angelina Jolie of Politics" (via Cold Fury):
Liberals believe that their ideas, philosophy, worldview, and policies liberate believers, and that the conservative equivalents limit people. Liberals see themselves as rejecting outdated beliefs and obsolete ideas, overturning established orders, and discarding traditions established by superstitious and ignorant forebears who weren't as enlightened as we are. Conservatives, in their minds, are runaway cultural superegos, always wagging their fingers about individual responsibility, dismissing excuses, reminding people that they can't always do what they want because of the consequences to themselves and to others.

Conservatism, they suspect, will leave you in a marriage that doesn't satisfy you, burden you with children you don't want, repress your passions, and trap you in a empty, boring, and unfulfilled life, with no hand of government able to help.

Today almost everyone faces some sort of challenge in balancing work and family; I don't know too many people who believe there are sufficient hours in a day. And then along comes this woman who's made all of these "conservative" choices and now has an amazing career, a supportive husband, a beautiful family, and great health and appearance, and she bears it all, including the inevitable hard times, with pluck and a smile, as far as we can tell. (For all we know, perhaps behind closed doors, Sarah Palin screams into a pillow when it all gets to be too much. But what we know about her suggests she relieves her stress by shooting moose.)

July 4th: More Than Just an American Holiday...

From William Bennett and John Cribb, "The Last Best Hope of Earth":

"I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence." This statement from Abraham Lincoln in Philadelphia in 1861 was no staff-manufactured line. It was an expression from a man filled with deep emotion at finding himself standing in the hall where a courageous band of rebels pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to a high and dangerous purpose -- American independence. We celebrate them on July Fourth.Lincoln revered the Declaration and its ideals of liberty and equality. In an 1858 speech in Chicago, he said it was "the father of all moral principle" in the American republic, and its spirit "the electric cord . . . that links the hearts of patriotic and liberty-loving men together."He spent much time pondering the hardships endured by those who had fought for independence. In that speech he called them "iron men." As a boy, he read accounts of the patriots' battlefield struggles in Parson Weems's "Life of Washington" and thought, as he told the New Jersey state Senate in 1861, that "there must have been something more than common that those men struggled for."
More at the link.

Hat Tip: Declaration of Independence via ShrinkWrapped.

Then They Came for ... Blazing Cat Fur

From Mark Steyn's, citing my friend BCF, "Statist Fat Cats vs. Blazing Cat Fur":

Oh, dear, what’s the country coming to? Defenders of state censorship are too cowed to speak out in favour of not letting people speak out? You could hardly ask for a better snapshot of the degradation of “human rights” in contemporary Canada than the chief censor whining to a banqueting suite full of government apparatchiks that the ingrate citizenry are insufficiently respectful of them. The bureaucrats at the top table control hundreds of millions of public dollars. Jennifer Lynch represents state power; Ezra and I represent a bunch of impecunious bloggers. Yet the Dominion of Canada has been reduced to complaining that Blazing Cat Fur is out to get it.
Updates on the insanity at Blazing Cat Fur.

Related: David Warren, "
Then They Came for Mark Steyn...", and The MoxArgon Group, XRAN XPLAINS: The Maclean's/Mark Steyn Controversy

Required Reading: Mark Steyn, "
The Future Belongs to Islam."

NTCNews Economic Outlook

** ASSOCIATED PRESS: Most Asian markets fell Friday as a weaker-than-expected U.S. jobs report signaled more pain ahead for the world's largest economy. . . . Optimism about the U.S. economy, a critical market for Asian-made goods, buckled after the government said employers slashed 467,000 jobs in June. That was far worse than the 363,000 that economists predicted . . . READ MORE ...


** '


UPDATE: From Business Week, "
Jobs Report: A Blow to Optimism." Also, "Joblessness Hits 9.5%, Deflating Recovery Hopes." And Wall Street Journal, "No Decision Yet on More Stimulus" (via Memeorandum).

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rule 5 Rescue: Katy Perry, Cosmo Edition!

Well, Monique Stuart has been making herself scarce these days, but she's been one of the hottest Katy Perry Rule 5 bloggers this last few months!

The interview is here: "Katy Perry, Superstar! Broke and on the brink of giving up, the glam siren almost let Hollywood get the best of her. One hit album later, she’s hell-bent on owning the place."

And I'm going straight to mass linkage (more commentary on Saturday's holiday Full Metal Roundup!):

GrEaT sAtAn'S gIrLfRiEnD, Steve Bartin's Newsalert, ShrinkWrapped, The Average American, Paco Enterprises, Ken Davenport, Doug Ross Journal, The Blog Prof, Fausta's Blog, Clueless Emma, Obob's World, Seymour Nuts, Red State, Dr. Sanity, The Desert Glows Green, Not One Red Cent, Vinegar and Honey, Dan Collins, Scott Kingsmore, The Astute Bloggers, The BoBo Files, Grant Jones, Tapline, New Testament News, Wizbang, William Jacobson, Phyllis Chesler, Right View from the Left Coast, Generation Patriot, Macsmind, Flopping Aces, Edge's Conservative Movies, Stop the ACLU, Snooper's Report, Grandpa John's, Cranky Conservative, Jimmie Bise, Little Miss Attila, Moe Lane, Private Pigg, Pundit & Pundette, The Rhetorican, R.S. McCain, Saber Point, Stephen Kruiser, Suzanna Logan, TrogloPundit, Villainous Company, PoliGazette, Prying 1, The Western Experience, The Oklahoma Patriot, Right Wing Sparkle, Conservatism With Heart, Duck of Minerva, Wolf Howling, Right Wing Nation, Right Wing Nuthouse, Melissa Clouthier, Paula in Israel, Pamela Geller, Vanessa's Blog, Pat's Daily Rants, Bob's Bar & Grill, Power Line, Melanie Morgan, Dave in Boca, Neo-Neocon, Right in a Left World, Flag Gazer, Stephen Green, The Tygrrrr Express, The News Factor, Israel Matsav, The Conservative Manifesto, Gates of Vienna, Joust The Facts, Panhandle Poet, Steven Givler, The Astute Blogger, Chris Wysocki, Moonbattery, Sweating Through the Fog, Three Beers Later, PA Pundits, Sister Toldjah, Blazing Cat Fur, The Daley Gator, Just One Minute, Dave's World, Sparks From the Anvil, Gateway Pundit, Political Pistachio, Liberty Pundit, Not One Red Cent, Right Truth, Dave's Notepad, The Red Hunter, Maggie's Farm, The Next Right, This Ain't Hell, Stop the ACLU, Politics and Critical Thinking, Riehl World View, Midnight Blue, Caroline Glick, The Griper, FouseSquawk, The Other McCain, Cheat Seeking Missiles, Roger Simon, Classical Values, Samantha Speaks, Grizzly Mama, The Capitol Tribune, The Patriot Room, The Real World, RADARSITE, Serr8d's Cutting Edge, Bloviating Zeppelin, Born Again Redneck The Educated Shoprat, St. Blogustine, Yid With Lid, Pondering Penguin, Betsy's Page, The Anchoress, Ace of Spades HQ, Right Wing Sparkle, Thunder Run, The Classic Liberal, Conservative Grapevine, Cassy Fiano, Jim Treacher, NetRightNation, Q and O, Urban Grounds, Ed Driscoll, Cold Fury, Michelle Malkin, Neptunus Lex, Neo-Neocon, The Liberty Papers, The Monkey Cage, Law and Order Teacher, Mike's America, AubreyJ, Dan Collins, The Jungle Hut, Wake Up America, Dan Riehl, Nikki's Blog, Big Girl Pants, Maggie's Notebook, Hummers & Cigarettes, Mark Goluskin, Jawa Report, Darleen Click, The Skepticrats, Sarge Charlie, Thoughts With Attitude, Kim Priestap, Swedish Meatballs Confidential, Five Feet of Fury, Amy Proctor, Blonde Sagacity, Liberty Papers, TigerHawk, Point of a Gun, Right Wing News, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Nice Deb, Becky Brindle, Fishersville Mike, Monique Stuart, No Sheeples Here!, Dana at CSPT, Glenn Reynolds, Obi’s Sister, Right Truth, Gold-Plated Witch on Wheels, Chicago Ray, Ace of Spades HQ, Natalie's Blog. Ann Althouse, Pirate's Cove, and, Track-a-'Crat.

'HONEST SCRAP' - A Blog Award

I got tagged with this "honest scrap" award (from my good friend RaDena).

I think you're supposed to bestow this award on another 10 "honest scrapers." (It's been a big week blogging, so I'm skipping the ten honest things I'm supposed to say about myself!) So here goes (and this is just a quick round up for now - more to follow, so don't feel left out if I didn't get you linked up):

* Blazing Cat Fur.

* Clueless Emma.

* Cold Fury.

* Dave's Notepad.

* Dave's World.

* Grandpa John.

* Fishersville Mike.

* No Sheeples Here!

* Piece of Work in Progress.

* Pundit & Pundette.

More links later friends ... now go out and bestow some awards.

July 2, 1969 - The Flight to Nha Trang

Check this post from Pat Houseworth, "July 2, 1969 .... The Flight to Nha Trang:

I spent the night of July 2, 1969, in the Transit Barrack at Tan Son Nhut on the outskirts of I mentioned, the sounds and the anticipation left me with little sleep, and the events of early the next day are pretty cloudy 40 years hence. What I do rememberr is that I walked on to that concrete runway at TSN, and got on board a Military Plane for the first time...I had been a member of the Air Force for a year by this time, but had never flown in a Air Force aircraft...all my flights had been civilian to this point ...
Head on over to Pat's to read the whole thing!

James B. Webb Apologizes

I've had a couple of e-mails today regarding the latest round with James B. Webb ("Blacks as Monkeys? Even When Leftists Hit Bottom, They Keep Digging"). I'm sharing them here without additional commentary. James B. Webb's apology follows. This should end the matter for now.

Commenter Gregory Koster (not of CUNY) sent me the following e-mail, published with his permission:
Dear Mr. Douglas:

I am Gregory Koster, an occasional commenter at your blog AMERICAN POWER. I am writing you privately to express sympathy at having that odious James Webb throwing tar at you. Simultaneously, I think you are caught in a no win situation. He is winning in the sense that every post you devote to him takes away from the posts that are the reason everyone should read AP. He is most unlikely to apologize to you, nor to drop this vendetta. I think you would be better off ignoring him. To be sure, he will bray loudly about your being afraid to engage him, but after all, his blog gets many fewer readers than AP has. Each time you link to him, he gets readers that make a great audience for him. The reverse is not true.

In your AP Blogger profile, you write: "Yet in friendship, you'll find no one more dignified, trustworthy, nor loyal."

Trustworthy and loyal I believe. Responding to Webb is costing you dignity. To what end? Short of violence, he's not going to stop. I don't think his psyche will allow him to stop. Best, I think, to let him go. What harm can his cawing do you, professionally, or as a blogger?

I am sure following such advice would exact a price from you, in allowing him to crow. But this price can easily be paid by concentrating on AP blogging, and considering that every time he crows or throws tar, he is under your control, and is spending time from his allotted lifespan that he won't get back. That's one way to improve this world.

To this end, I've stopped reading your posts on Webb. The moment I see his name, I go to the next entry.

As for me: I can't prove it, but I hope you'll accept that I'm just a reader who stumbled onto your blog (from one of RS McCain's links, I think) and enjoys reading all but Webb. I write solely because Webb is getting in the way of my reading. I don't know you, nor Webb. Reading this puts you under no obligation to do anything. I am grateful to you for reading.

I know you are busy, so please don't trouble to answer this.

Sincerely yours,

Gregory Koster
Another reader, who prefers to stay anonymous, was very upset today. She sent me this on Comrade Comrade Repsac3, in response to this comment at the blog (by permission):

I can't believe that Repsac3 is still sticking his nose into this thing. It looks like the others could just stay out of it, and allow you and JBW settle things between yourselves. That's the way they operate, though ... like members of a gang, ganging up on a single individual. I guess they believe in power in numbers ... several of them against you. They are the most disgusting group of men that I have ever had the displeasure of learning about ... if, indeed, they can be called 'men.' They are more like a bunch of bullying, juvenile delinquents. I've a good mind to go to another of my screen names and comment, I'm so disgusted. If I did that, I wouldn't be posting as anonymous, and they wouldn't be able to come to my blog, via yours. I'll have to give that some thought.
Here's James B. Webb's apology. I accept it for what it is:
I'm sorry, Don. I'm sorry that you seem to take yourself and the rest of the world so seriously that you have no discernable sense of humor to speak of. I'm also sorry that you can not grasp the concept that a handicapped person could be included even tangentially in a joke about someone else without that handicapped person being the butt of the joke, nor that you can not grasp that a black person who doesn't look obviously black by most objective measurements and rarely identifies himself as such could be included in a joke about fighting a fictional monkey without that black person also being called a monkey. I like handicapped people, neoconservatives, black people and monkeys and I call many from every group friends. I'm sorry that you can't view the world without confusing several of these hominids in your blindingly righteous indignation.

Obama's Presstitutes

Congratulations to Carol at No Sheeples Here! She getting some sweet Memeorandum traffic action for her post today, "The Pressitutes: Obama’s Lewinsky":

The snake oil salesman answered questions from a member of the Service Employees International Union and a member of Health Care For America Now. The audience was stacked and the questions were pre-selected. The political sham made for good television but in no way informed the public about socialized medicine.

The pageant of subterfuge at the town hall meeting was exposed by Helen Thomas who has covered the White House during every presidency since John F. Kennedy.

Following a testy exchange during a briefing with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas told that not even Richard Nixon tried to control the press the way President Obama is trying to control the press.
Also Blogging: And So it Goes in Shreveport, The Blog Prof, Piece of Work In Progress, and The TrogloPundit.

See also, Michelle Malkin, "
Washington Post: Laughingstocks and Let’s Make a Deal!; Update: “Salons” Shut Down."

Why Andrew Sullivan is the Best Smear-Merchant on the Web

From Patrick Appell's apologia for Andrew Sullivan's debased "Trig Trutherism":

Andrew has an uncanny ability to see important stories before anyone else. He understood the potential of the Iran story before almost any blogger. He saw the discussion that the Tiller murder might provoke the minute he read the news. This sort of insight is a gift, but false positives are hard to let go of. That is the way the human brain is wired.
Actually, that's the way Andrew Sullivan's brain is wired, and perhaps tweaked by HIV-associated dementia. Markos Moultisas is a close second. I wrote about this last summer. See, "Kos and Andrew: Merchants of Hate."

See aso, "Trig Trutherism! Andrew Sullivan Gets a Lifeline - Again!"

Obama's Stimulus Swindle

Here's more data on Obama's disastrous economic policy, from the House Republican Conference:

Here's the new GOP video, which is "a little "unfocused" (via Memeorandum):

From Moe Lane, "This is a hokey ad ... but I like it anyway ..."

More commentary at the link.

See also, "Democratic Irresponsibility."

Democratic Irresponsibility

Here's a follow-up to my post from last night, "Firms Closing as Leftist Policies Make Costs of Doing Business Prohibitive."

Recall that Democratic economic policies are already killing businesses and jobs.

We also know that the administration proposes massive unfunded liabilities that will hang an anchor of debt around future generations. The chart above is from "
Policy Watch," House Republican Conference. There's more good stuff at the link.

Here's some additional resources I received from the GOP House leadership:

* Raise the top income tax rates from their current 33 percent and 35 percent rates to 36 percent and 39.6 percent in 2011:

* Limit itemized deductions for people paying high rates:

* Increase capital gains and dividend taxes by 33 percent for people paying high income tax rates:

* Impose a value-added tax (VAT) on all goods and services:

* Raise the Social Security tax by lifting the cap:

* Raise a variety of business taxes by $353 billion over 10 years, including repeal of LIFO rules, restoring Superfund taxes, seven tax increases on energy companies, and more :

* Tax employer-provided health benefits:

* Implement a cap-and-trade system for emissions permits, the functional equivalent of a massive new tax

* Tax drivers on their mileage:

* Change rules to raise gift taxes:

* Restore the estate tax at 45 percent:

* Raise cigarette tax by 62 cents a pack:

* Raise taxes on beer, wine, liquor, and soda:

* Eliminate health savings accounts and flexible savings accounts:

* Tax employer-provided cellphones:

* Tax AIG employee: bonuses

* Raise taxes on overseas corporate earnings:

Blacks as Monkeys? Even When Leftists Hit Bottom, They Keep Digging

Who knows if James B. Webb is gay? (NTTAWWT!) As I've said all along (see, "James B. Webb: Depths of Psychological Denial"), only God knows for sure. I do know that Mr. Webb links to the atheist OUT campaign, and that page is a portal to gay sex weblogs. Frankly, it's a tacit endorsement of the lifestyle, IMHO. No matter, as I've shown, Mr. Webb is a hypocrite and a homophobe who doesn't get snark (even when it's labeled as such). So now, it turns out, a man who refuses reason to embrace hatred and nihilism, appears to be racist as well. This long exchange has has reduced James B. Webb to a purveyor of the most despicable racial slurs.

Earlier, after I had demonstrated James' blatant hypocrisy, he posted this on his unwillingness to let go:
It's getting kind of sad, yet I don't want to let up on him because he keeps lying and mischaracterizing everything I've said ... As I've said, I have a problem letting an insult or argument go unanswered.

And to make good on that pledge, in his post today, "American Power and Unhealthy Obsession," Mr. Webb smears me as a monkey "throwing poop." Mr. Webb is referring to his previous Planet of the Apes smackdown Photoshop. I called him out on it earlier. This is an implied threat here, and I'd frankly prefer to hear it to my face. But, instead of retracting his post, Mr. Webb digs even deeper into the hellhole of moral depravity. Now I'm a "poop throwing monkey":

Seriously though you can relax Don, that's just a picture of my pet liberal-attack-hate-monkey Thade. He says that he'll be happy to meet you for a throwdown anytime anywhere but he has two conditions: 1) Your tussle will have to stay within the bounds of "monkey rules" (I truly have no idea what that means; just pray that there's no flinging of poop involved...) and 2) You must rub bananas all over yourself prior to the fight; apparently it gets him into the mood.
When a remark even remotely this crude is made with reference to President Obama, the entire left-wing of the political spectrum erupts in outrage. But for the atheistic socialists of the hard left-wing base, this kind of blatant racism is totally cool. For reference, remember the Huffington Post's, "New York Post Chimp Cartoon Compares Stimulus Author To Dead Primate." Or, here's the reaction from an obscure radical blog, "Racist New York Post Continues a Murdoch Theme."

But the friends of James B. Webb will be cheering and slapping high fives at the latest smackdown against Dr. Douglas, the "evil" neoconservative.

Enough is enough!

This pissing contest has gone on long enough. I am again calling on James B. Webb to issue a full apology to me. I will publish it here in a new post. This debate began almost two weeks ago, when Mr. Webb attacked the "
everyday stupidity of right-wing religious neoconservatives." Now it's time for him to have the last word. I confess honestly myself right here: Sure, I like to debate and tussle online, and I admit that I'm pretty zealous in defending against attacks as a "stupid" neocon extremist. And things have gotten pretty ugly too.

So, now James can show he's a gentleman. James B. Webb can end it here with a full apology for his "blacks as monkeys" slur (see, "
Blacks as Monkeys? It's Time For An Adult Conversation"). I will accept his apology and we all can move on.

President Obama: Don't Forsake American Exceptionalism

Monica Crowley recounts Michael Jackson's relationship to President Ronald Reagan (she notes how both men reached the towering heights of fame and power, both beginning with humble origins). But it's her discussion of American exceptionalism that is superb.

During his public life, Barack Obama has often referred to his biracial background and itinerant childhood and has said, "In no other country on Earth is my story even possible." True.

But earlier this year, while attending the European summit of the Group of 20 major economic countries, the president was asked if he believed in American exceptionalism. He replied, "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism, and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."

Not exactly the way Mr. Reagan would have answered.

American exceptionalism is grounded in the founding of the United States upon an idea, rather than upon the ambitions of men. Indeed, it was designed to be a nation of laws and specifically not of men, built on the concept of individual liberty and equal justice before the law, with freedoms ranging from speech to worship, and rights from gun ownership to assembly.

The Founding Fathers institutionalized these freedoms so we would be safe from the overweening burdens and capricious claims of a too-powerful state. These freedoms would allow individuals to do as they pleased within the confines of the law and to achieve, in ways big and small, to the benefit of the country as a whole.

Even in extremely difficult times, American exceptionalism survived. Faced with the darkest days of civil and foreign wars; economic depression and recessions; weak leadership at home or aggressive, hostile leadership from abroad; the American people kept faith in the uniqueness of our democratic experiment. Liberty provides opportunity, which is why in our 233 short years, we have produced (even with its flaws and flawed representatives) the greatest democracy in the world, the most productive engine of economic growth, the most influential culture and the most far-reaching effects of innovation.

President Obama's reference to British or Greek exceptionalism suggests a belief that the United States doesn't stand alone with a particular greatness but that every nation is great in its own way and America is simply one of many nations with something cool to offer.

This kind of multicultural, politically correct, "we're all unique in unique ways, every kid must win at dodgeball" thinking is the basis for his economic and foreign policies, from his schemes to nationalize the auto, banking, and health care industries to his lollygagging on behalf of those fighting for greater freedom in Iran.

Israeli Strike on Iran? Timing's Never Been Better

From John Bolton, "Time for an Israeli Strike?":

Those who oppose Iran acquiring nuclear weapons are left in the near term with only the option of targeted military force against its weapons facilities. Significantly, the uprising in Iran also makes it more likely that an effective public diplomacy campaign could be waged in the country to explain to Iranians that such an attack is directed against the regime, not against the Iranian people. This was always true, but it has become even more important to make this case emphatically, when the gulf between the Islamic revolution of 1979 and the citizens of Iran has never been clearer or wider. Military action against Iran's nuclear program and the ultimate goal of regime change can be worked together consistently.

Otherwise, be prepared for an Iran with nuclear weapons, which some, including Obama advisers, believe could be contained and deterred. That is not a hypothesis we should seek to test in the real world. The cost of error could be fatal.
It's a great piece (full essay at the link).

Adam Serwer is not pleased:

Bolton mocks those who are in favor of continued engagement as "theologically committed" to such a course, even though he's certain it won't lead anywhere. Robert Farley and Matthew Yglesias have both expressed skepticism about whether meaningful engagement is possible with Iran post-crackdown, but it doesn't necessarily follow that bombing is in our interest, given our continued involvement in Iraq and the devastation a bombing would cause. It also probably wouldn't work; the consequences of a failed bombing would be pretty catastrophic both for the people of Iran and our relationships in the region, and it would reinforce the legitimacy of the regime at a time when it is struggling to maintain it.
Serwer cites Robert Farley (a man totally bereft of moral credibility) and Matthew Yglesias (who espouses a foreign policy that only Caracas, Damascus, and Tehran could love).

Yglesias is basically an American Basiji, and Farley's no better.

And our options in Iran? Jules Crittenden says
there's never been a better time to take out the nukes. And here's this from Israel Matsav, who notes that it's not all upside:

Israel should strike Iran now, because there is no choice. It has to be done, and this seems to be the ideal time to do it. Curiously, there has been very little talk here over the last three weeks about preparations for striking Iran, although we saw a lot of talk about that in the winter and in the spring. But to expect an Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear capability to bring about regime change is probably wishful thinking given the values and goals of the current US administration. It is more likely to bring a further crackdown on Iranians by the Ahmadinejad regime and sanctions against Israel from the United Nations with US cooperation.

American Soldier Believed Captured by Taliban

From the Los Angeles Times, "American Soldier Believed Captured in Afghanistan":

An American soldier is believed to have been captured by insurgents in eastern Afghanistan, the U.S. military said today.

The soldier has been missing from his unit since Tuesday, said Army Capt. Elizabeth Mathias. Citing concern for his safety, she did not disclose the circumstances of his disappearance, or explain how military authorities had concluded that he was being held, or say whether there had been any communication with insurgents about the missing man.

The brief military statement was not definitive about a capture having occurred; Mathias said the soldier in question was "believed" to have fallen into the hands of "militant forces."

There was no immediate public claim of responsibility from any insurgent group. A number of different militant commanders, not all of them affiliated with the Taliban, operate in eastern Afghanistan.

However, the Reuters news agency quoted a senior Taliban commander, Mullah Sangeen, as saying the soldier was captured earlier this week as he left a base in Paktika province on patrol.
See also CNN. Plus, Dan Riehl has more on the new U.S. offensive in southern Afghanistan (via Memeorandum); but check Greyhawk for the military angle and updates.