Friday, November 6, 2009

NON-Glue Sniffers of the World, Unite!

You gotta love it!

Larisa Alexandrovna had to resurrect her obligatory, "I am not excusing what the shooter did by any measure," from another post while going off on conservatives who are inconveniently pointing out that Nidal Malik Hasan shouted "Allahu Akbar" - God is great - before opening fire, handed out Korans the morning of the attack, was openly sympathetic to Islamist homicide bombers, claimed speciously to be born to "Palestinian parents," and who killed in cold blood, not like "a guy who snapped." And she does this while falsely alleging racism once again:

The reaction to condemn all Muslims for this shooting is a reaction based in bigotry, not fact. That is what I am calling racist, not people outraged over the shooting - which would include me.
The slight problem is that I've never condemned all Muslims. The Political Carnival, also with a comprehension problem, hopped on "Airhead" Alexandrovna's bandwagon: Hence, the title of this post about the "non-glue sniffers," which is apparently a self-proclaimed badge of honor among leftist terror-enablers.

In any case,
Neptunus Lex sums it up for the mentally-challenged who smear conservatives as stupid racists and who can't differentiate between upstanding Muslim citizens and terror-backing Islamist scum:

To the extent that radical Islamic terrorists constitute a murderous threat to innocent Americans, Hasan had it exactly right. To the extent that the vast majority of Muslims want only to live their lives in peace, pay their taxes, send their kids to college and mow their lawns he had it exactly wrong. It’s a little more than ironic that Hasan became that which he believed others took him for – a weak dick coward more willing to gun down unarmed American soldiers than care for them in a combat zone.

Perhaps if Hasan had been willing to sacrifice his principles just a smidge and marry a nice Muslim girl who would be happy enough to raise his children for him but didn’t want to sit in the back room under a burkha like chattel, he’d have found more reasons for living than killing. Perhaps.

Of course, finding that perfect woman would have eventually resulted in having to, you know: Get dirty with the fiddly bits. With a woman.

Far better to stew in your resentments ...

And, further down at the post:

It’s not that most or even many Muslims want to cut infidel throats, for if they did it wouldn’t be a question of if or whether and we’d be at it hammer and tongs with the outcome not in doubt. The problem is that there is found within the Koran – the perfect, unalterable wisdom of a single, charismatic man as given to him by “God” – sufficient reason to do so, if you go looking hard enough. Which, for weak dick nutters, is all too easy to do.

We’ve loonies of our own in Christendom any have had the opportunity many times over the last two millenia to prove the fallen nature of man. But their crimes and misdemeanors are granted no borderline personality waivers by the Prince of Peace. “Love thy neighbor as thyself” was not footnoted, nor was it asterisked.

At the end of the day it comes down to this: Our guy died for us.

Theirs killed for them.

Spencer Ackerman: 'Protecting Islam From the Shootings at Fort Hood'

Spencer Ackerman's got this in his inbox today, "You are doing everything to protect Islam from the shootings at Fort Hood." It's the e-mail of the day.

From Ackerman's Islamophile blog, "
I Am Not the Cover for Your Conscience" (with corrections appended):

What a fucking day. This email made me happy. I’m drinking at my desk.


You are doing everything to protect Islam from the shootings at Fort Hood. The reason so many centrist/independents like myself are starting to lean towards Fox News, etc. ... is because you guys refuse to be fair. The hypocrisy is openly blatant now. You know if this was a story of a Christian psychiatrist killing opening fire on a group of homosexuals, the judgement would be swift. But that doesn’t happen. Fact is, every Christian majority nation has freedom of religion and freedom of speech. NO islamic majority nation has freedom of religion and freedom of speech. If you would just be honest, more would listen. Independent Americans are not fanatics, it’s just the media has moved so far left, we look that way.

Some of those Islamic majority nations respecting freedom of speech and freedom of religion include Turkey and, to a much lesser extent, Indonesia. India isn’t Muslim-majority, but it’s a democracy with, if I’m not mistaken, the world’s greatest number of Muslims.

And, well, actually, folks argue that Turkey -- with secularism waning amid a radical shift to Islamic fundamentism -- is becoming a "second Iran"; and you know, really, it's Indonesia, not India, that boasts the world largest Muslim population.

But hey, let's not go too hard on our national security "expert" at Firedoglake and the Washington Independent. I'm sure those folks find some benefit out of having Ackerman tag along -- for example, he rattles off Islamist exclamations for the faithful: insh'allah (God willing) Israel will be wiped from the face of the earth. And of course, those George Bush death chants are popular across the netroots!

But geez, the guy could at least get some of his facts straight!

Larisa Alexandrovna, Terror-Enabler, Joins Charles Johnson in Leftist Fort Hood Hall of Shame

I noticed the incongruity of the occasion last night, although I was withholding more critical commentary until I had more information. While speaking at a Tribal Nations Conference yesterday, President Obama gave a "shout out" to members in the audience, speaking for a least three minutes before he found the decency of a more somber tone for the enormity of the events at Fort Hood. As Robert George writes:
Anyone at home aware of the major news story of the previous hours had to have been stunned. An incident like this requires a scrapping of the early light banter. The president should apologize for the tone of his remarks, explain what has happened, express sympathy for those slain and appeal for calm and patience until all the facts are in. That's the least that should occur.
And Weasel Zippers laments:
I just want to restate the disgust I have for our President. I keep hearing him say 'outburst of violence'. Why this choice of words? Why belittle the action? Why make it sound like he's talking about a 4 year old throwing a fit? I can only come up with one answer and it frightens me to the core. We know he doesn't see a purpose for the military, but his speech yesterday proves that he hates the military. That he would side with a Jihadist that killed/wounded over 30 of our heroes, disgusts me. That he would call yesterday's horrific act of violence an 'outburst of violence' validates that he deserves no respect. It is times like this that I REALLY miss President Bush.
And in response, Larisa Alexandrovna, who is one of the left's biggest race-baiting smear-merchants on the web - and now obviously an America-bashing terror-enabler - is excoriating those who are rightfully outraged at Obama's inappropriate nonchalance in a crisis deserving the deepest solemnity, "3, 2, 1... Attack Obama Over the Fort Hood Shooting":

Not that I am surprised one bit by the glue-sniffing attack on Obama in relation to the Fort Hood tragedy, but thought you might like a little tour of the lunacy, racism, hate, and stupidity that comprises that right-wing fringe of the Republican Party.
Yep, had to get the racist allegations in there. It's all about "race" and "hatred" with the Obama administration's apologists. Iran's going nuclear, unemployment's soaring past 10 percent, and this administration's own Department of Homeland Security -- as well as other federal officials and Army personnel -- knew of Nidal Malik Hasan's pyschological infirmities, and of his solidarity with Islamist suicide bombers. But for Larisa Alexandrovna, it's all about racist right-wing opportunism in attacking poor Obambi!

"Airhead" Alexandrovna
joins her gay-flame man-crush buddy Charles Johnson in the radical left's terror-enabling hall of shame. See, "Charles Johnson Silent on Jihadi Evidence in Fort Hood Murder Rampage."

Charles Johnson Silent on Jihadi Evidence in Fort Hood Murder Rampage

Perhaps we're seeing final confirmation of Charles Johnson's shift to the terror-backing left? This would be a major event, since Johnson made his name as a premiere anti-jihad blogger in early 2000s. So, who knows what's up? Johnson could be traveling today. Perhaps he had a medical procedure scheduled? Or, maybe he's just sick and tired of blogging and decided to take most of the morning off? What we do know is that Johnson's last two posts at Little Green Footballs include a hard science entry and an open thread. Not a word on Nidal Malik Hasan's murderous jihadi rampage at Fort Hood.

Screencaps provided here. The most recent post, "Overnight Birds," went up at 11:07:44 pm PST. The second one below, "Hubble: Birthplace of Stars," was published at 7:54:27 pm PST. There's another LGF entry at 5:23 yesterday on Apple's new "magic mouse," and then at 2:36 Johnson was moved to clarify the military rank of Nidal Hasan, "Fort Hood Shooter Identified As a Major." (I'm not linking to Little Green Footballs, but help yourself to clicking on LGF in your browser.)

Contrast Charles Johnson to those he's attacked as Nazis and racists, like Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs, "Arab Street is Rejoicing at the Slaughter of US Soldiers - Give 'em Billions! Give 'em Nukes! But most of all, Give 'em Respect!"; Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, "Killer’s Imam Stunned– Describes Nidal Malik Hasan As Quiet Man Who Attended Mosque Daily ... Update: Killer Shouted “Allahu Akbar” During Shootings"; Robert Spencer, "Fort Hood jihad shooter handed out Korans the morning of his attack"; and Robert Stacy McCain, "Another Belgian-American Goes Berserk."

This really should be final confirmation of Charles Johnson's leftist transmogrification. AND, as I'm about to hit the publish button, Johnson's posted a new entry on ... wait for it, an office center shooting in Orlando, Florida. Perhaps, being in Florida, there's a KKK connection on that one, or something?

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those who have been grieved by yesterday's tragedy, and in Orlando today. (Fox News is reporting that two have died in the attack; added, as many as six may have died, and the gunman has been arrested. See, "Orlando Police Reportedly Arrest Suspect Who Allegedly Shot Six, One Fatally, in Office Attack.")

Jihad at Fort Hood: A Horror All Too Familiar

From Robert Spencer, at FrontPage Magazine, "Jihad at Fort Hood":

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army psychiatrist, murdered twelve people and wounded twenty-one inside Fort Hood in Texas yesterday, while, according to eyewitnesses, “shouting something in Arabic while he was shooting.” Investigators are scratching their heads and expressing puzzlement about why he did it. According to NPR, “the motive behind the shootings was not immediately clear, officials said.” The Washington Post agreed: “The motive remains unclear, although some sources reported the suspect is opposed to U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq and upset about an imminent deployment.” The Huffington Post spun faster, asserting that “there is no concrete reporting as to whether Nidal Malik Hasan was in fact a Muslim or an Arab.”

Yet there was, and what’s more, Major Hasan’s motive was perfectly clear — but it was one that the forces of political correctness and the Islamic advocacy groups in the United States have been working for years to obscure. So it is that now that another major jihad terror attack has taken place on American soil, authorities and the mainstream media are at a loss to explain why it happened – and the abundant evidence that it was a jihad attack is ignored.
Read the whole thing.

RELATED: From Victor Davis Hanson, "
Fort Hood Horror All Too Familiar":

After the 2007 Fort Dix plot, I wrote nearly three years ago the following chilling prognosis:

So, in the end, what are we to make of Fort Dix — yet another post-9/11 straw on an increasingly tired camel’s back?

We know that CAIR will neither seriously admonish Muslims charged with terrorist crimes nor introspectively examine the larger Islamic culture that seems to so incite the jihadist.

Such organizations will not do so as long as they can far more easily play on the self-doubt and guilt of the affluent and leisured citizen, who is supposed to believe that the dangers of radical Islam, both at the state and individual level, are mostly fictions inspired by our own prejudices. The sermonizing here in the United States by an Ayatollah Khatami, readily received by complaint listeners, and the satellite-beamed sophistry of Tariq Ramadan prove that well enough.

Most Americans will not remember Fort Dix in a week — just as they have forgotten Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle, Lodi, Portland, and all the rest; just as they want out of Fallujah now and probably Kandahar tomorrow.

Yet, at some point, the jihadists will go too far. Many of us, erroneously as it turned out, thought that, after twenty years of serial provocations, radical Islam had done precisely that on 9/11.

Apparently not. But such forbearance, even at this late hour in the post-West, is still not limitless.

The more a Palestinian imam promises us our death, the more the Iranian president promises a world without America, the more these al Qaedists, like the most recent keystone clowns at Fort Dix, do their small part in trying to reify such mad rhetoric, and the more the sophisticated apologists assure us that we, not they, are the real threat, the more likely the sofa-sitting, channel-surfing American will some day very soon blow up, rather than be blown up.
But read the whole thing.

'Allahu Akbar!' Nidal Malik Hasan Praised God Before Opening Fire!

At USA Today, "Shooter Praised God Before Fort Hood Massacre":

An Army psychiatrist who had counseled troops and was upset about being deployed to Iraq shouted "Allahu Akbar!" and opened fire on an unarmed crowd at Fort Hood Army base Thursday afternoon, killing 13 people and wounding 30, military officials said.

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. citizen born in Virginia to Jordanian parents, was wounded by a civilian police officer responding to a shooting rampage that is believed to be the worst ever at a U.S. base, said Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, commanding general of Fort Hood.

Cone told NBC's Today show on Friday that nearby troops heard Hasan made the comment, which is Arabic for "God is great!" before the melee that killed one civilian and 12 soldiers. Thirty people were wounded.

Also, from Atlas Shrugs, "Muslim Garbed Jihadi Nidal Hasan Screamed "Allah Akbar" as he Mowed Down US Soldiers at Fort Hood, Death Toll Rises."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Michele Bachmann on Today's Anti-ObamaCare Protests: 'The People Have Spoken!'

Here's today's statement from Michele Bachmann's campaign operation:

Dear Patriot,

As I write this note, thousands of everyday Americans have come to Washington to speak their mind about the misguided health care bill that Speaker Pelosi and President Obama are pushing through Congress.

What an awe-inspiring sight! These people came by plane, by train, by car and by bus. They drove overnight and they gave up their precious free time to share one message with this Congress: Keep your hands off my health care!

Less than one week from when I put out the call to the American people to come to Washington and pay this emergency house call on Congress, they're here and they're ready to stand up for their freedoms.

But, even as I stand here with these thousands of American people - moms, dads, grandparents all united by a love of what makes America great - the Democrats are setting their sights on me.
In fact, it is because I stand with you and these other great Americans that the liberals are doing all they can to demean my work in Congress.

And, that's why I need your help. They'll come at me with both guns, putting millions of dollars into spreading lies about me and my work here in Congress. Can you help me with your most generous contribution today?

Here's what the Democratic National Committee (DNC) had to say about the awesome power of the American people as they gathered on the West lawn of the U.S. Capitol today:

"If the Republican party wants to make Michele Bachmann the voice of the party, that's more than fine with us. We'll help circulate the petition. ... It's their extreme right-wing, rigid ideological agenda that has Americans leaving the Republican Party in droves - and so, if displays like today are what they think is a smart political strategy, all we can say is: go for it."

They still don't get it.
Today wasn't about me. And, it wasn't about any extreme agenda. It was about the American people and what mainstream America believes and supports and wants from their Congress.

I need your help to stay in Congress fighting for you. Your support means that I can keep fighting:

  • Against the cap and tax national energy tax and for true energy independence
  • Against government takeover of your health care and for consumer control of your health care decisions
  • For accountability from your government
  • For lower taxes, less red tape, and greater economic freedom for the American people
  • For an end to the same old Washington double speak that bails out Wall Street at the expense of America's continued prosperity
  • For continued American exceptionalism in the world

Will you help me with your most generous donation today? I cannot continue this fight without you and I promise you that I will never shrink from a fight to protect your liberty and your all-American opportunity to prosper.

God Bless You and Thank you!

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

Please join me in supporting Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

Click here to make a contribution.

Image Credit: Felicia Cravens.

Jihadist Attack at Fort Hood! - Nidal Malik Hasan Said 'Muslims Should Rise Up' - U.S. Islamists, Leftists in Damage Control!

From Atlas Shrugs, "MUSLIM TERROR ATTACK: 'TWELVE shot dead' 12 30 Wounded, Mass Shooting at Fort Hood, US Army Base":

UPDATE: Shlep Smith has the jihadi's cousin on the phone, Nader Hasan, and Schlep is lapping up the lies and he is doing the taqiya. Nader is saying the Malik was a great American. Hasan is saying that the mass murderer "was harassed" and that's why he methodically planned and executed this massive attack on a US military installation.

He was not a convert. He is a devout Muslim who joined the army with a purpose.

7:16 pm UPDATE: Malik Nadal Hasan, the jihadi who led the attack on Fort Hood, was quoted as saying "Muslims have the right to rise up against the US military" "The Muslims have a right to stand up against the aggressors" "Maybe we should have more of these where people strap bombs on themselves and go into Times Square" - this according to Col Terry Lee, who worked with Muslim convert.

No word on the two other suspects ..... something tells me they are not scientologists.

UPDATE: Unprecedented in American history.
Plus, at the Times of London, "Fort Hood Shooting: Nidal Malik Hasan 'Said Muslims Should Rise Up'":

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who killed 11 people before being shot dead at Fort Hood, had said Muslims should "rise up" and attack Americans in retaliation for the US war in Iraq, a former army colleague said last night.

Col Terry Lee, a retired officer who worked with him at the military base in Texas, described angry confrontations between Maj Hasan and other officers after he expressed his views.
Maj Hasan was reportedly fighting orders to be deployed to Iraq at the end of the month, claiming that he was the victim of harassment and insults because of his Arab background and his faith.

The major was a psychiatrist who had been treating soldiers returning from Iraq for post-traumatic stress and alcohol and drug abuse problems.

"He was making outlandish comments condemning our foreign policy and claimed Muslims had the right to rise up and attack Americans," Col Lee told Fox News.

"He said Muslims should stand up and fight the aggressor and that we should not be in the war in the first place." He said that Maj Hasan said he was "happy" when a US soldier was killed in an attack on a military recruitment centre in Arkansas in June. An American convert to Islam was accused of the shootings.

Col Lee said that other officers had told him that Maj Hasan had said "maybe people should strap bombs on themselves and go to Time Square" in New York.

He said he was aware that the major had been subject to "name calling" during heated arguments with other officers.

Federal law enforcement officials have said Maj Hasan had come to their attention at least six months ago because of internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats.

The officials said the postings appeared to have been made by Maj Hasan but they were still trying to confirm that he was the author.

Maj Hasan's cousin Nader Husan said he was happy working for the military but did dread deployment to Iraq.

Mr Hasan said his cousin was a US-born Muslim who had joined the military after high school. He had served as a psychiatrist at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC, which treats many badly wounded troops.

"He was a psychiatrist at Walter Reed dealing with the people coming back and ... trying to help them with their trauma," he said.

He said his cousin had been transferred to Fort Hood in April months ago and was very reluctant to be deployed to Iraq. "We've known over the last five years that was probably his worst nightmare," he said.
Plus, from Jawa Report, "Terror at Ft. Hood: 7 9 12 Dead, 31 Injured, Major Nidal Malik Hasan Wounded and in Custody."

And the reactions from the U.S. Islamist/socialist alliance: John Nichols at the Nation, "Horror at Fort Hood Inspires Horribly Predictable Islamophobia." Plus, Digby, "Ft. Hood, "... this is all rumor and gossip. We really know nothing at this point." (Yeah. Right.) Also, Crooks and Liars, "Wingnuts Rush to Conclusions About Fort Hood Shooter -- But Cousin Says He Was 'Good American' Harassed for Being Muslim." (Blame the U.S. Military).

And, from the terror-enabling Council on American-Islamic Relations, "U.S. Muslims Condemn Attack at Fort Hood." (But compare to Frontpage Magazine, "CAIR Exposed," and "CAIR: We Have a Problem.")

Also, Memeorandum.

'Kill the Bill' - Conservatives March on Washington Against ObamaCare; Democrats Oblivious to Grassroots Rebellion!

ABC News has the initial report, "'Tea Partiers,' House Republicans Rally Against Health Care Bill: Thousands Converge at Capitol Days Before Key Vote."

But check this out from Fox News, "
Health Care Protesters Run Up Against Wall of Momentum as Bill Nears Vote":

Egged on by House Republicans, thousands of protesters railed against Democrats' health care reform plan in Washington Thursday and flooded the offices of their representatives to urge them to oppose the plan.

But while GOP lawmakers and demonstrators proclaimed their intention to "kill the bill," the White House and House Democrats remained confident. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is driving the bill toward a Saturday vote, and her top deputy said Thursday that Democrats will have the 218 votes needed to pass the sweeping, $1.2 trillion package.

President Obama, meanwhile, touted fresh endorsements of the plan from the American Medical Association and the AARP, as White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs dismissed the protesters as rebels without a cause.
More at the link.

Also, at the New York Times, "
On the Hill, Protesters Chant ‘Kill the Bill’." (Via Memeorandum.)
Photo Credit:
Felicia Cravens.

(More awesome pictures at Monsters and Critics, "
In Pictures: 'Congress Health Care Protest'.")

Twelve Killed in Fort Hood Shootings‎: President Obama, 'A Horrific Outburst of Violence' - UPDATED!! Muslim Jihad in America!

UPDATED! See, "Jihadist Attack at Fort Hood! - Nidal Malik Hasan Said 'Muslims Should Rise Up' - U.S. Islamists, Leftists in Damage Control!."


From the Politico, "President Obama: Fort Hood Shooting 'Horrific'":

President Barack Obama promised "answers to every single question" about Thursday's shooting at Fort Hood after an attack by at least one U.S. service member that left 12 soldiers dead and 31 wounded.

Speaking at the Interior Department, Obama said he had already conferred with Defense Secretary Robert Gates about the attack and would continue to receive updates.

"We don't yet know all the details," Obama said. "What we do know is that a number of American soldiers have been killed and even more have been wounded in a horrific outburst of violence."

"These are men and women who have made the selfless and courageous decision to risk and at times give their lives to the rest of us on a daily basis," the president continued. "It is horrifying that they should come under fire at an Army base on American soil."

Obama's remarks came at the conclusion of the Tribal Nations Conference hosted by the Interior Department and the White House. He told his listeners – leaders from many of the 564 federally recognized American Indian tribes – that he had discarded his prepared comments in light of the breaking news.

"I planned to make some broader remarks," he said after brief introductory comments. "But as some of you might have heard there has been a tragic shooting at the Fort Hood Army base in Texas."
Also, at the Houston Chronicle, "12 Killed in Shooting at Fort Hood." (Via Memeorandum.)

Added: From ABC News:

The suspected gunman was identified by ABC News as Major Nadal Malik Hasan, who is psychologist or a psychiatrist.

He was promoted to major status in May, according to the Army Times.

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R-Texas, told Fox News that military sources informed her that the gunman was about to be deployed to Iraq.

The shooter was killed and two other suspects, who are also soldiers, have been apprehended, Lt. Gen. Robert W. Cone said.

Thousands Join Michele Bachmann to Protest ObamaCare! (VIDEO)

From Thousands Join Bachmann Rally Against Health Care Bill":

Rep. Michele Bachmann says her "Super Bowl of Freedom" at the U.S. Capitol today can torpedo Democratic health care overhaul plans by enlisting "the voices of freedom."

At noon eastern time today, the lawn near the Capitol's West Front was crowded with thousands of protesters who chanted "kill the bill."

"Are they going to listen?" Bachmann asked the throng of cheering protesters, referring to House Democrats. "Oh, yeah, they're going to listen."

Bachmann stood at a podium that promoted the House GOP health care plan, declaring "Health Care Freedom."

GOP members of Congress stood on the Capitol steps behind her.

Bachmann was followed by actor Jon Voight, who called his listeners "brave, concerned patriotic American citizens."

Among the signs displayed at the flag-draped rally was one demanding "Waterboard Congress" and another that said, "Vote no to government-run health care."

The Democratic National Committee was quick to mock Bachmann. "If the Republican party wants to make Michele Bachmann the voice of the party, that's more than fine with us," said spokesman Hari Sevugan, accusing her of an "extreme right-wing, rigid ideological agenda."

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs also dismissed the rally during his daily briefing.

"I think anybody that watches is struck by the fact that there's a rally going on without a solution on their side," Gibbs told reporters. "They've rolled out a piece of legislation, and I use those -- I hesitate to even say that -- it's a series of old ideas" that wouldn't solve the nation's health care woes.
Check Glenn Reynolds for more (with pictures).

RELATED: Dana Loesch, "
Why Rush Through a Bill Nobody Supports?"

Jon Voight at Capitol Hill Health Care Protest‎: 'Obama's Only Success is Taking America Apart'

From Freedom's Lighthouse, "Jon Voight Delivers Great Speech at Anti-ObamaCare Rally On Capitol Steps":

Jon Voight speaking today in D.C.: "President Obama's only success is taking America apart piece by piece."

See also, Gateway Pundit, "
It's On and IT'S MASSIVE- “Kill the Bill Rally” In DC!" (Via Memeorandum.)

Plus, the Politco, "
Tea Parties Descend on Capitol."

GOP Looks to Avoid the Very Thing it Needs - the Intraparty Fight

Actually, the GOP needs an intraparty fight, given the recent flubs by the likes of Newt Gingrich. And Michael Steele's getting more grating all the time. In any case, at the New York Times, "Energized G.O.P. Looking to Avoid an Intraparty Feud" (via):
Republicans emerged from Tuesday’s elections energized by victories in Virginia and New Jersey, but their leaders immediately began maneuvering to avoid a prolonged battle with conservative activists over what the party stands for and how to regain power.

The victories, in races for governor, were cast by the party’s national chairman, Michael Steele, as a sign of a “Republican renaissance.” In New Jersey, Gov. Jon S. Corzine, a Democrat, was toppled by the Republican nominee, Christopher J. Christie. In Virginia, Robert F. McDonnell, the Republican, defeated his Democratic opponent, R. Creigh Deeds.

Republicans said the victories showed that President Obama and his party were vulnerable on the economy, government spending and other issues.

Yet throughout the day Wednesday, Republicans grappled with the disappointing outcome of a special election for what had been a reliably Republican House seat in upstate New York. That contest became a battleground between the party establishment and a conservative insurgency demanding more ideological purity from candidates.

The race was won by a Democrat, Bill Owens, after the Republican nominee, Dede Scozzafava, a moderate, quit as conservative leaders and grass-roots organizations rallied around Douglas L. Hoffman, who ran on the Conservative Party line.

Despite Mr. Hoffman’s loss, many conservatives promised to press on with opposition to centrist Republican candidates. That vow intensified concerns among party leaders that the opportunities they see coming out of Tuesday’s results could be dimmed by intramural battles over whether to reach for the political center or do more to motivate the base on the party’s right.
And you can see the huge problem with this piece, by the Times' Adam Nagourney. Dede Scozzafava was no "moderate." She had radical union backing and won awards as an abortion extremist. The old-line press, by speaking of hardcore leftists as "moderates," actually emboldens conservative activists even more. The whole D.C.-New York "corridor" is corrupted by the RINO-DIABLO infection.

On with the intraparty fight, I say. Let's get the GOP back to basics so we can restore some liberty in this country.

'Every Parent's Nightmare': Gossip Girl to Air Hot Sex Threesome

Look, my oldest kid watches "Gossip Girl" - and who can blame him - Blake Lively and Leighton Meester are hot!

But, my kid's still 13 years-old. On this season's premier, Gossip Girl will showcase a sexual threesome. According to the
Ausiello Files:

Sources confirm to me exclusively that Gossip Girl’s Nov. 9 episode will feature three major characters having sex. At the same time. In the same bed. Together.

Check the post for the possible "combos."

Actually, this ain't so great for responsible families. Where do parents draw the line?

Well, check the New York Daily News, "
'Gossip Girl' Threesome Adds Up to Bad News for Teens, Says Parents Television Council":

In France it's called a "menage a trois." In America, it's called a "bad idea" - at least according to the Parent's Television Council.

The organization has sent a letter to Entertainment Weekly and the CW, criticizing the TV network for planning to air a "Gossip Girl" episode that features a threesome.

The letter, written by PTC chief Tim Winter, states, "To include a story line like this on a program that is expressly targeted to impressionable teenagers is reckless and irresponsible. I appeal to your highest sense of decency, respect and common sense in urging you to preempt this episode."
Plus, see also the full-page ad for the premiere, "Every Parent's Nightmare."

'House Call' Today: Michele Bachmann Protest Will Be 'Super Bowl of Freedom'

Here's a video roundup of Michele Bachmann making the case for her "House Call" protest today on Capitol Hill. Renew America has an information page, "Rep. Michelle Bachmann's National Tea Party."

Also, from Patricia Murphy, "
Michele Bachmann's Capitol House Call: 'Get Your Hands Off My Health Care!'":

Rep. Michele Bachmann's message for conservatives traveling to Washington to attend her Capitol Hill House Call event Thursday is simple: "Go into the Capitol and find members of Congress," she told activists Wednesday night. "Don't bring your pitchforks, bring your video cameras. And get them on record saying how they're going to vote and why. And tell them, 'Take your hands off my health care!' "

Bachmann (R-Minn.) gave the marching orders on a conference call of top activists, many of whom planned to board buses in New Jersey and North Carolina Thursday morning to attend the event that the congresswoman thought up last week. "Nothing is more influential than an eyeball-to-eyeball meeting between a freedom-loving constituent and a member of Congress," she explained. "Nothing scares a member of Congress more than freedom-loving Americans."

Bachmann said she thought up the event as she lamented the speed with which the Democrats' health care reform bills were moving through Congress. "I was near despair," she said. "I was thinking, 'It looks like this bill is going to go through.' But then I thought, 'This is it. This is the Super Bowl of Freedom.'"
Also, Congressman Mike Pence has organized a 12-hour online town hall meeting to run tandem with Representative Bachmann's "House Call." See, "GOP Organizes 12-hour Online Town Hall for Thursday." (RELATED: The Washington Post, "House Expected to Vote on Health Bill Saturday." Via Memeorandum. AND, from Pat in Shreveport, "Here Comes Obamacare: Melt the Phones!)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and the 'Party Demanders'

Hans Noel, at the Monkey Cage, offers a political science perspective on New York 23rd's special election.

Noel is a co-author of
The Party Decides: Presidential Nominations Before and After Reform. His analysis at the Monkey Cage is intriguing. He argues what we call "movement conservatives" (leaders of the right-wing base) are actually "party demanders" who push a cohesive ideological agenda onto local party organizations -- where party hacks are likely to face more varied constituency pressures. (That, by the way, is the argument Michael Steele's been making; the GOP chairman is now, in fact, in the middle of an intra-party war been Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and the RNC.) Note how Noel's essay is hip to the current buzz-trends and lingo on the ground among activists and bloggers ("DIABLOs"):

I think the NY-23 story is a great illustration of two basic and related phenomena. First, party coalition members constantly negotiate and renegotiation their party’s collective position, and they often do so with nominations. Second, ideologues strongly influence the preferences of party activists, so the party ultimately has to respond to them.

First, the negotiation. This is not about upstart outsiders messing with the “real” party in New York. The New York state and local party leaders represent some interests in the Republican Party, but they are more moderate, in their own preferences or at least in the preference of voters they are responsive to. The national party includes folks like that, but it also includes “movement conservative” types, like Sarah Palin. I think it’s wrong to call these people “the base.” In The Party Decides, we called them “policy demanders.” They want something, and it might be different from what upstate NY Republicans want. But since the member goes to Washington, they care about who that person is. That these different interests would fight it out over a nomination is to be expected.

The kicker here is Scozzafava’s endorsement of Owens. A lot of commentators portrayed the pro-Hoffman wing of the party as lacking in party loyalty, but Scozzafava is the one who really bolted the party. She kind of does look like a DIABLO (Democrat in All But Label Only) in retrospect.

Second, the ideologues. A lot of what holds the party together is a conservative ideology, which is reinforced by Glenn Beck but is created by more serious people (like writers in the National Review and the Weekly Standard). Those people and their writings are what creates the conservative movement. Conservatism is not merely an electoral strategy. It’s a belief system, and one that important and powerful players share.

This is important, because as you may have noticed, Hoffman lost in NY-23, while more moderate Republican gubernatorial candidates won in NJ and VA (mostly for the reasons Marc Hetherington laid out in an earlier post). If all you care about is electing Republicans, Hoffman was a blunder. But if you’re a movement conservative, winning the seat with someone who so easily switched to the Democrats might be only marginally better than losing it.

The Mark Hetherington essay is here.

I know for a fact conservatives would rather lose, and most folks can't stand Michael Steele (so he's really in an unenviable position with his attacks on Limbaugh and Palin -- the most popular personalities on the right today).

By the way, compare Noel's analysis to Rush Limbaugh's, "Conservatism Didn't Lose in NY-23. (Via Memeorandum.) I got a good laugh there, where Rush calls Dede Scozzafava a "babe."

Conservative Success in NY-23

From the Politico, "Conservatives on NY-23: We Didn't Lose":

Conservative grass-roots activists asserted Wednesday that third-party candidate Doug Hoffman’s loss in a New York special election was no setback but, rather, signaled a victory for the burgeoning political movement.

Hoffman, who surged to the brink of victory after becoming a rallying point for disaffected Republicans and tea party activists, lost to Democrat Bill Owens 49 percent to 46 percent in a contest that grabbed national headlines.

“I think time was the biggest factor, and if [Hoffman had] had a bit more time, he would have won,” said Everett Wilkinson, a South Florida-based tea party organizer who was watching the contest closely. “I wouldn’t consider it a loss. I think we were successful.”

Janet Spencer, a South Carolina-based tea party activist who in September chartered two buses to take 75 of her neighbors to the nation’s capital for the Taxpayer March on Washington, went one step further, declaring the outcome a win.

“In my opinion, I do consider it kind of a victory because he had a lot of odds going against him and not a lot of time,” she said.

Others dismissed Tuesday’s defeat as one lost skirmish in a larger battle to remake the Republican Party and establish populist conservatism as a political force.

“We plan to continue to play a role when we see a candidate who should be kept from Congress or when we see a candidate who should be advanced,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List.

Dick Armey, the chairman of FreedomWorks, the limited-government, anti-tax organization that has been instrumental in ginning up tea parties, said Hoffman’s loss was simply a function of having too little time — just two months — to mount a successful campaign.

“He just got there late, that’s all,” Armey said. “We think small-government conservatives had a big victory last night.”

Too Perfect: Alleged Carrie Prejean Sex Tape Brings Close to Miss California Lawsuit

TMZ has two stories, "Prejean Settlement - Like Kissing Your Sister," and "Prejean Sex Tape Triggers Settlement." (Via Memeorandum.)

But, hey, wouldn't a Carrie Prejean sex vid have blown the Erin Andrews voyeur story out of the water? TMZ claims it had a copy of the video months ago, but refused to release it:
The video the lawyer showed Carrie is extremely graphic and has never been released publicly. We know that, because TMZ obtained the video months ago but decided not to post it because it was so racy. Let's just say, Carrie has a promising solo career.
Yeah. Right.

There's been too much funny stuff going on throughout this scandal; and such a resolution is just too perfect for
Ms. Prejean's enemies.

The New Jersey Star-Ledger is also skeptical, "
Report: Carrie Prejean Sex Tape Turned Up During Miss California Lawsuit Negotations."

For more, see my earlier report at Pajamas Media, "
Miss California Carrie Prejean’s Odyssey: Not Very Pretty."

Time Has Come Today...

This one's not actually from the 100.3 The Sound playlist (or at least I haven't heard it there yet). No, the Ramones' cover of the Chambers Brothers' "Time Has Come Today" just seemed right in capturing some meaning from yesterday's big elections. This Google video takes a little longer to load, but the sound's way better than the YouTube copy. This was a 1983 release, so the early MTV video is way kitsch, but turn it up anyway:

Time has come today
Young hearts can go their way
Can't put it off another day
I don't care what others say
They say we don't listen anyway
Time has come today, hey

The room has changed today
I have no place to stay
I'm thinking about the subway
Mu love has blown away
My tears have come and gone
Oh'Lord I got to run
I got no home
No, I have no home

Now the time has come
Nowhere (place) to run
Might get burned up by the sun
But I'll have my fun
I've been loved, pushed (put) aside
I've been crushed by tumbling tide
And my soul has been psychedelicized

Now the time has come
There are things to realize
Time has come today
Time has come today

Nancy Pelosi: 'We Won Last Night'

From Nice Deb, "Video: Nancy Pelosi Positively Giddy Over Election Night Results":

It's an ominous sign that she sees the NY-23 race as “a victory for health-care reform and other initiatives”, never mind the fact that Democrat Bill Owens campaigned against the public option. This is all the more reason to answer Michelle Bachmann’s call and head out to DC, tomorrow to protest ObamaCare if at all possible. You can also protest at your home state’s capital if a trip to DC is too much.

As for her bogus claim that the Owens win was a first for a Dem in that district “since the Civil War” … Please – are all Democrats
using Daily Kos talking points, now?
Also, Conservative Xpress, "Nancy Pelosi On Election Results: "We Won Last Night" (Video)" (with a link to the Politico, "Pelosi Dismisses Dem Losses in Virginia and New Jersey")