Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Former Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle Agrees to Plea Deal on Child Pornography Charges

At CNN, "Former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle is expected to plead guilty to charges related to possession of child pornography, two law enforcement officials told CNN."

And at USA Today, "Reports: Possible plea set for ex-Subway spokesman Jared Fogle" (autoplay video warning).

Just pitiful.

Sarah Palin on Greta Van Susteren's 'On the Record' (VIDEO)

I mentioned Ms. Palin's appearance at my previous entry, "Sarah Palin Heading to One America News Network."

And here's the video from yesterday's segment of "On the Record": "Gov. Sarah Palin: On Immigration, It's Tough to 'Trump' Trump - Greta - 8/18/15."

Yosemite Campers Killed by Falling Limb Identified as Two Teenagers from Tustin (VIDEO)

This was an already heartbreaking story. I blogged it here, "Massive Tree Limb Falls, Crushes Two Kids Camping at Yosemite."

Now there's a local angle that makes this even more sad. My youngest son's still in middle school.


TUSTIN, Calif. (KABC) -- Two minors who died when a limb from an oak tree fell on a tent at a Yosemite Valley Campground early Friday have been identified as high school students from Orange County.

Dragon Kim, 14, and Justin Lee, 15, died around 5 a.m. Friday when the tree fell on their tent at the Upper Pines Campground. A park spokesman said the teens were on a camping vacation with family.

"I heard a loud crash, a loud boom. It almost sounded like a gunshot when it came down. I heard a woman screaming at the top of her lungs and I knew something was wrong," said witness Daniel Moore.

Both teenagers had attended Pioneer Middle School in Tustin and also played water polo together.

"I'm extremely sad and heartbroken to report that Dragon Kim and Justin Lee passed away over the weekend. The whole club sends their thoughts and prayers to the families of this tragedy," the Northwood Water Polo Club posted on Facebook.

Kim was a sophomore at Orange County School of the Arts in Santa Ana, where Lee was set to start next week.

Lissy Cunningham Page 3

On Twitter, RT'd by Alison Webster.

I posted Ms. Cunningham in April, "Rule 5 Sunday."

Carly Fiorina's Camp is Trying to Not Show the Sweat on Her Brow

She's sweating it?

There's no sweating up on the big stage!

Actually, she's just hoping to get up on that stage in the first place.

From Hadas Gold, at Politico, "Carly Fiorina’s play for varsity debate":
Carly Fiorina is in an all-out sprint to keep the momentum going at the polls in hopes of making it into CNN’s varsity debate next month, with recent numbers showing she’s gripping onto that stage by her fingertips.

Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO who has never held political office, got a boost on Tuesday as a CNN/ORC poll put her at 5 percent support, bumping Chris Christie out of the top 10.

CNN is taking the average of surveys released by 13 major polling operations between mid-July and Sept. 10 to determine the top 10 participants for the main event, while the remaining candidates who score at least 1 percent across their three best polls will participate in an earlier debate.

Pollsters say Fiorina is on track to make it to the big show on Sept. 16, as long as she is able to consistently score higher numbers in more polls.

Fiorina’s camp is trying to not show the sweat on Fiorina’s brow, even as she hustles. They know that one of her biggest liabilities is a lack of name recognition. So even as headlines have sprouted this week, condemning her executive record as far less than sterling, it still keeps Fiorina’s name out there. And after she delivered a commanding performance at the junior varsity Fox News debate earlier this month, Fiorina’s popping up everywhere, from the Iowa State Fair with her folksy plaid shirt and pork chop flipping, to a tour of Nevada and New Hampshire, for a breakneck schedule of town halls, meet-and-greets, and an education summit.

“We’re going to keep meeting with lots of voters, and answering every question,” said Sarah Isgur Flores, deputy campaign manager. “She wanted to introduce herself to voters,” said Flores on the debate response and good polls. “That was the goal. It’s accomplished.”

Getting to the main stage and delivering a repeat solid performance would be a further boost for Fiorina, showing that she deserves to be among the heavy-hitters. It would also be a test to see if she could break through the noise of Donald Trump, the spotlight hog of the first debate who prevented other candidates from getting their memorable moments.
And ICYMI, at BNI, "It’s taken two months, but the MSM is finally talking about the problem of presidential candidate Carly Fiorina being an apologist for Islam."

Actually, she gave excellent answers on defeating Islamic State in recent interviews. I think we need to hear her round it out on what Islam really is.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Angry Hillary Clinton Shuts Down Press Conference, Waves Arms, Attacks Reporters for Asking Questions About Emails (VIDEO)

I saw her waving her hands today, walking away shrugging with body-language saying, "It's not my problem, you low-life scum-sucking losers."

And frankly, she did, if not in so many words.

At the Hill, via Memeorandum, "Clinton pulls plug on testy presser over server questions."

There's more at RealClearVideo, with both video and transcripts of the exchange, "Fireworks: Hillary Clinton vs. Ed Henry: 'My Personal Emails Are Personal, Right?'" (Via Memeorandum.)

Even the radical leftists at MSNBC are fed up with Ms. Clinton's stonewall, as you can see at the video below. Frankly, John Nichols is a Bernie Sanders operative anyway, and obviously thinks Clinton's in bed with Wall Street.

Plus, Amy Chozick has the transcript from the very last moment of the exchange, at the New York Times, "For Hillary Clinton, Another Grilling About Emails":

At one point Mr. [Ed] Henry [from Fox News] asked Mrs. Clinton about an NBC News report that the Federal Bureau of Investigation may be able to recover some of the messages on the server and whether she had tried to wipe the server clean before handing it over to the F.B.I. That exchange follows:

Mr. Henry: Did you try to wipe the entire server?

Mrs. Clinton: My personal emails are my personal business, right? We went through a painstaking process and turned over 55,000 pages of anything we thought could be work-related. Under the law, that decision is made by the official. I was the official. I made those decisions, and as I just said over 1,200 of the emails have already been deemed not work-related. All I can tell you is in retrospect had I used a government account and I’d said: “You know what, let’s release everything. Let’s let everybody in America see what I did for four years,” we would have the same arguments.

Mr. Henry: Answer the question. Did you try to wipe the whole server? You didn’t answer the question.

Mrs. Clinton: I don’t. I have no idea, that’s why I turned it over.

Mr. Henry: You were the official in charge of it. Did you wipe the server?

Mrs. Clinton: What? With a cloth or something?

Mr. Henry: I don’t know. You know how it works digitally.

Mrs. Clinton: I don’t know how it works digitally at all.

Mr. Henry: So you didn’t try? You did not try?

Mrs. Clinton: Ed, I know you want to make a point and I can just repeat what I said.

Mr. Henry: It’s a simple question.

Mrs. Clinton: In order to be as cooperative as possible we have turned over the server. They can do whatever they want to with the server to figure out what is there and not there. That’s for the people investigating it to figure out. But we have turned over everything that was work-related, every single thing. Personal stuff, we did not. I had no obligation to do so and did not.

After that, Mrs. Clinton started to depart the gymnasium here, where she had just concluded a wide-ranging town hall meeting. A NBC News reporter shouted, “Is this an indication that this issue isn’t going to go away for the remainder of your campaign?”

But by then a visibly irritated Mrs. Clinton had already made her way toward the door. She threw a wristy wave goodbye to the press corps as she said, “Nobody talks to me about it other than you guys.”
And here's Ed Henry's report from tonight's Special Report on Fox, "Mainstream Media Hammer Hillary Over E-Mail Troubles."

FBI Working to Recover Hillary's Clinton's Deleted Emails

They say they're "optimistic." But we'll see. We'll see.

At Hot Air, "Oh yes: Sources tell NBC that FBI is optimistic it can recover data from Hillary’s wiped server; Update: Hillary dodges when asked if server was wiped."

Phoenix Apartment Complex Has No Air Conditioning


When I was in Phoenix back in 2010 to cover the immigration rallies, temperatures soared to over 100 degrees. It's so hot there, I can't believe that building codes would allow non-air conditioned apartment homes.

At ABC News 15 Phoenix, "Apartment complex in Phoenix has no air conditioning."

Sarah Palin Heading to One America News Network

Just saw Ms. Palin on Greta Van Susteren's "On the Record," which is supposedly the first time she's been on cable news in two months.

I like One America News. Tomi Larhen's show is cool, although I only watch it on YouTube. I haven't checked network availability through my cable provider yet, although the channel is expected to make a move on Fox News as the "next" conservative news network.

At Mediaite, "CONFIRMED: Sarah Palin Returns to Cable News."


The Rise of Sexual Fluidity


I need to check, but I don't think Diane Lane's sexually fluid.

The topic came up when I tweeted out this WSJ report from last night, "Kristen Stewart, Miley Cyrus and the Rise of Sexual Fluidity."

See the exchange on Twitter, with R.S. McCain and Ms. EBL.

BONUS: "The Late Late Show Diane Lane on Craig Ferguson (VIDEO)."

Diane Lane photo Diane_Lane_zpsi8qceylq.jpg

Donald Trump Boosts Lead in New CNN Poll, Gains Favorability With Voters (VIDEO)

Very interesting findings.

Trump almost doubles the support that Jeb Bush gets (24 to 13 percent respectively), and perhaps more troubling for movement conservatives, Scott Walker's down to 8 percent at the poll.

See, "Post-debate, Trump pulls clear of competition" (at Memeorandum).

Go right to the survey internals here. Trump's doubled his support from June, and he beats all the other candidates on favorability. And he's destroying the competition on immigration and the economy, the hottest of hot-button issues this year.

Also at Hot Air, "Brutal: Jeb Bush sinks to 35/57 favorable rating among registered voters in new CNN poll."

That Echelon Insights poll from a week ago isn't looking like so much an outlier at all.

FLASHBACK: "Wham!! New Echelon Insights Poll Has Donald Trump at 29 Percent, Soaring Over GOP Field!"

Los Angeles Unified Hopes for a Good First Day Back to School

Oh boy.

I'm glad my kids don't go there, or a least my little kid. My 19-year-old graduated from Irvine High last year, and that was tough enough.

At the Los Angeles Times, "L.A. Unified looks for smoother tech operations this school year":

Getting students into the right classroom on the first day of school is a modest goal.

But it's a huge improvement over last year, when thousands of students in the Los Angeles Unified School District were left without class assignments and teachers couldn't even take roll.

Officials this week are trying to right two major technology debacles: a malfunctioning records system and a now-abandoned plan to provide iPads to all students.

Last year, the records system caused chaos at campuses around the district. The iPad project led to an ongoing FBI investigation. And both contributed to the departure of the superintendent and other top administrators.

As schools opened Tuesday, officials are hopeful that they've turned the corner on their technology fiascoes.

A recent spot check of district schools found about 3% of students still needed to be assigned classes. At Jefferson High School, south of downtown, only one student, a new arrival to the campus, was lacking a schedule.

This time last year, Jefferson couldn't determine how many students it had, and few, if any, had correct class assignments — let alone accurate transcripts or grade-point averages needed for college applications.

Although Jefferson may have been most affected, the system failed districtwide. It couldn't handle the volume of data or the complexity of tasks.

"We feel good that students are in the right classes," said Jefferson Principal Jack Foote. "We had kids pick up their schedules last week."

The student records system had seemed like a bargain at first — it was based on free computer code, obtained from Fresno Unified, which could be modified as needed. It was intended to unite all student records in one place, including attendance, course schedules, emergency contacts, past performance and special needs. Such coordination, officials hoped, would lead to faster and more appropriate services for students and more efficient business practices.

The new program, called My Integrated Student Information System (MISIS), cost $133 million to get on track. Officials set aside $80 million this year to pay for additional fixes.

Veteran school system lawyer Diane H. Pappas was placed in charge of salvaging the records system. She assembled consultants, district technicians, volunteers from the private sector and staffers from schools.

A software company might update a program two or three times a year, Pappas said, whereas the district has had to push through 100 fixes some weeks.

"We've been rebuilding on what was here," Pappas said. "MISIS was in a complete state of disarray."

Note that the district had a graduation rate of 77 percent for the 2013-14 school year, an improvement from previous years, but still meaning that almost one fourth of all students don't receive a diploma. Irvine Unified has a 95 percent graduation rate, which is on the high side of statewide averages. You can see why families like living in Irvine.

Also, "The mismatch between LAUSD's diversity of students and teachers."

Donald Trump Shows Up for Jury Duty

He got no special treatment, although he was called to a jury after all.

At Politico, "Donald Trump shows up for jury duty, and causes a scene."

And at CBS News 2 New York, "Trump Reports for Jury Duty."

Eileen Javora's Got Your Tuesday Forecast

It's going to be a little cooler, especially later in the week. The Central Valley is still pretty scorching though, man. I used to live in Fresno and it's incredibly hot up there in the summer.

At KCRA News 3 Sacramento:

Yay! The #Angels Finally Win One!

Well, I wasn't optimistic last night when the Angels went up 2-1 after a C.J. Cron solo home run in the seventh inning. Frankly, Huston "Blown Save" Street makes me nervous, but he was able to nail it down for the win last night.

At the O.C. Register, "C.J. Cron hits key homer in Angels' much-needed 2-1 win over White Sox."

And watch, at MLB, "8/17/15: Cron hits go-ahead homer to give Angels win."

U.S. Army Skydiver Corey Hood Dies in Freak Accident at Chicago Air Show

At CBS News 2 Chicago, "One of Final Photos of Army Parachutist Shows Exuberance Before Fatal Jump."

And watch, at CBS Evening News, "Army skydiver dies after mid-air collision."

He was knocked unconscious, landed on a building, and then fell over the side, crashing on the ground below.

Yeah, a freak accident and a goddamned bummer.

Glenn Beck: Donald Trump's 'Record is Horrendous When It Comes to Conservative Principles' (VIDEO)

I wanna follow-up on this great post at Hot Air from yesterday, "Glenn Beck on Sean Hannity: We’re at an impasse because I don’t understand why conservatives trust Trump."

Take your time reading that entry, which provides an insightful take on the conservative splits over the Trump campaign.

For me, I don't pretend Trump's a conservative. I just like the way he's pushed illegal immigration to the top of the national policy agenda. I certainly don't know if I'd vote for Trump in the GOP primary. Shoot, California's primary is scheduled for June 7, 2016, which means the race could be decided by then in any case. The fact is, Trump's pulling the Republican field to the right on immigration. Voters will vote for those who they see as best representing their interests, and in this case border security and economic nationalism appear as top interests among conservatives (and a lot of independents, according to polls).

So, it turns out that Glenn Beck just can't buy Donald Trump as a genuine conservative, whereas Sean Hannity looks at Trump pragmatically, seeing him as the kinda guy who can turn the country around.

It's pretty compelling.

Watch: "Glenn Beck questions Donald Trump's popularity," and "Glenn Beck provides insight into America's struggles."

Heidi Klum's Still a Smokin' 10!

She's hot in my book!

At People, "Heidi Klum Fires Back at Donald Trump After He Says She's Not a 10 Anymore."

And then Heidi on Twitter, "#TrumpHasSpoken #sadly #9.99."

And at Althouse, "#HeidiTrumpsTrump."

BONUS: Flashback to 2011, "Heidi Klum Nude!"

What American Dream? Today's Young People Are Worse Off Under Obama-Democrats

At IBD, "Is the American Dream Dead for Millennials and Gen X?":

The 2008 financial crisis hit when Shelley Finke was a senior in college. "I remember completely freaking out to my dad, 'I'm never going to have a job,'" she said. "He had just bought a home that year, and he took a huge hit on it. It scared me to think about a house in that way."

Finke did get a job. And now she's house hunting, because her belief that paying rent is "throwing money out the window" outweighs the traumatic memory of the housing bubble bursting.

Even though she's doing all the right things — moving back in with her dad to save for a down payment, setting her sights on a town house rather than a single-family — Finke has one big strike against her.

Members of her generation, the millennials, and generation X, born just before them, have far less wealth than older folks.

Americans 62 and older were 40% wealthier in 2013 than people that age were in 1989, but the middle-aged and young were about 30% less wealthy, St. Louis Federal Reserve researchers noted in a recent report.

Young people just starting out almost never have as much wealth as those at the end of their careers. But the researchers broke down the numbers another way. In 1989, the median wealth of the old, middle-aged and young was $149,728, $153,759 and $19,830 (in 2013 dollars). In 2013, those figures had jumped for seniors, to $209,590, but fallen for the middle-aged and young, to $106,094 and $14,220.

Wealth matters in ways that earning power — jobs and wages — does not. This generational wealth gap is reshaping the economy. It's also making many younger people feel they have it worse than their parents — a cruel distortion of the American dream.
Finke says she's lucky. Her parents didn't go to college, but managed to help her finance her education. But she and her friends feel worse off than their parents.

"It always seems like we're living paycheck to paycheck, and it's hard to save," she said. "I don't know why it's been more of a struggle for us."

The St. Louis Fed researchers offer a few reasons.

'Straight Outta Compton' Not Showing in Compton


It's not playing in N.W.A.'s hood.

Straight outta movie theaters.

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles, "The hit film is not playing in its home city, which lacks a theater."

And ICYMI, "'Straight Outta Compton' Reviews Slam Overly-Long Sputtering Film That Leaves Out Group's Hate Speech," and "Ice Cube on Charges of Racism, Anti-Semitism: 'That's not who I'm about ... you can't discriminate...' (VIDEO)."