Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I'm Going to Vote for Trump Though It Makes Me Want to Projectile Vomit (VIDEO)

Well, at least he's going to hold his nose and do the right thing. I suspect you'll see more and more so-called #NeverTrump folks do this as well. Those who don't in the end are grandstanding bitches.

From Kurt Schlichter, at Town Hall, "I intend to vote for Donald Trump, and just typing those words makes me throw up a little."

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hillary Clinton Crushed in Coal Country of West Virginia


At Instapundit, "CRACKS IN THE FOUNDATION: Clinton Faces Hard Reality Of Unity In Trump Country."

Click through for the Ruby Cramer piece at BuzzFeed.

And extra harsh piling on, from the Hill. The Democrats are going to be nominating a train wreck of a standard-bearer. I love it!

Jackie Johnson's Morning Clouds with Afternoon Sunshine Forecast

I'm forecasting some tight bright yellow dresses, heh.

Here's the lovely Jackie Johnson, via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Donald Trump Will Stop the Ongoing Destruction of Our Country

From Bruce Kesler, at Maggie's Farm, "Where does loyalty belong?":
I am from the school of loyalty belonging in God, family, country, in that order. When it comes to voting, my loyalty does not belong to any individual or political party. My vote belongs to me. And, I have an obligation to behave responsibly and sensibly with my vote.

In that vein, whether I am a lifelong Republican or conservative is important, but only in so far as my deeply held beliefs are furthered or protected. Many Republicans or conservatives are disaffected or in pique by the apparent triumph of Donald Trump. However, for me, Trump does not get my vote because I am a Republican or conservative but because the alternatives are far worse in a continuation of the Democrats' ongoing literal destruction of our ethics, our economy, and our national security, while in actuality doing relatively less to upraise the unfortunate than to tie them into being lackeys of the central government instead of their own initiative, compounded by our citizen poor being undercut by uncontrolled inflows of foreign competitors for jobs and public funds. To not vote is to vote for the continuation of the past 8-years of the outright assault on the very fiber of the United States...
Still more.

Heather Mac Donald, The War on Cops

This looks fantastic!

Heather Mac Donald has been absolutely on fire this last couple of years with her commentary and reporting on the insidious "Black Lives Matter" movement. Her new book is destined to be a blockbuster.


It's out June 21st.

Pre-order at Amazon, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

Hillary Clinton Revives the 'War on Women'


The Dems are attacking Donald Trump as a misogynist, so they shouldn't be surprised when husband Bill's manifold sexual predations become inflammatory campaign fodder.

At the New York Times, "Hillary Clinton Says She Won't Respond to Donald Trump's Attacks About Her Husband":

After Donald J. Trump opened a line of attack on Hillary and Bill Clinton over the former president’s conduct toward women, Mrs. Clinton made clear on Monday that she did not intend to argue with Mr. Trump over the subject.

“I’m going to let him run his campaign however he chooses,” Mrs. Clinton told reporters after a campaign event in Northern Virginia.

In recent days, Mr. Trump, now the presumptive Republican nominee, has invoked Mr. Clinton’s sexual past, describing Mrs. Clinton as an “enabler” and suggesting that she has no credibility to question his own treatment of women.

Asked on Monday if she thought she would at some point have to respond on the subject, Mrs. Clinton said, “I’m answering him on what I think voters care about.” She added that she had “been very clear that a lot of his rhetoric is not only reckless, it’s dangerous.”

“I’m running my campaign,” Mrs. Clinton said. “I’m not running against him. He’s doing a fine job of doing that himself.”
In other words, she's getting off the war on women topic, lest she gets burned.

Relatives of Top Nazi Leaders Had Themselves Sterilized to Prevent Giving Birth to 'Monsters'

Well, this is one of those times where I can't say I disagree.

My god.

Talk about a living hell, 24/7, 365 days a year, you'd never have any relief from being the offspring of the Nazis.

At London's Daily Mail, "Bad blood: Hermann Goering's niece reveals she had herself sterilised rather than risk giving birth to 'a monster' as relatives of infamous Nazis reveal how their family ties have blighted them."

And I'm reading The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS, so the imagery of evil here is all the more immediate and horrifying.

'Isis' — Muslim Student, Sponsored by CAIR, Breaks Silence on Rancho Cucamonga Yearbook Mishap (VIDEO)

Bare Naked Islam reports, "In CALIPHORNIA, if you think it’s cool to dress like an ISIS jihadi bride for your yearbook photo, this is what happens."

Actually, the yearbook staff made an honest mistake, albeit unfortunate, considering.

According to ABC 7 Los Angeles:
The school district said there was a student at Rancho Cucamonga High School named Isis Phillips, but she transferred earlier this year.

School officials also confirmed Zehlif was not the only person on two pages to have the wrong name under their picture.

"We are, at this point, involved in an investigation on how this could occur," said one spokesperson.

Some students said they think the mistake was being blown out of proportion.

"The yearbook is kind of notoriously known for, you know, mixing up names, making mistakes," said Ethan Espinoza, a student at the school.

But it's an issue that Zehlif takes seriously...
Of course. She's got the CAIR litigation jihadists to shake down the school district and propagandize this case into a wildly inflated instance of "Islamophobia."

More at CBS News 2 Los Angeles, "Muslim Student Wrongly Identified in Yearbook as ‘Isis’ Says She's 'Sad,' 'Embarrassed'."

CAIR "hasn't rule out" taking legal action, naturally.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Jackie Johnson's Tuesday Clearing Forecast

The lovely Jackie Johnson's back for this week's weather reporting.

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Alberta Premier Rachel Notley Moved to Tears by Fort McMurray Wildfires (VIDEO)

Well, I doubt Ezra Levant and the folks at the Rebel credit the premiere's sincerity here.

Via Telegraph UK:

PREVIOUSLY: "Eco-Freaks Exploit and Demonize Fossil Fuels During Ft. McMurray Wildfires (VIDEO)."

Natasha Oakley and Devin Brugman Black Bikinis in Miami (PHOTOS)

At Egotastic!, "Natasha Oakley and Devin Brugman Black Bikini Hotties."

Also, at London's Daily Mail, "'It's been a real struggle': Devin Brugman reveals her busty assets were the reason she and Natasha Oakley created an activewear line."

They're hot. Ms. Brugman is spectacular. Man.

FLASHBACK: "'A Bikini A Day' Founder Devin Brugman Blasts Bodacious Bikini in Miami Beach."

The 'Never Trump' Pouters

From David Horowitz, at Big Government, "The conservatives who have declared war on the primary victor are displaying a myopia that could be deadly in November when Donald Trump will lead Republicans against a party that has divided the country, destroyed its borders, empowered its enemies, and put 93 million Americans into dependency on the state":

This reckless disregard for consequences is matched only by a blindness to what has made Trump the presumptive nominee. When he entered the Republican primaries a year ago, Trump was given no chance of surviving even the first contest, let alone becoming the Republican nominee. That was the view of all the experts, and especially those experts with the best records of prediction.

Trump — who had never held political office and had no experience in any political job — faced a field of sixteen tested political leaders, including nine governors and five senators from major states. Most of his political opponents were conservatives. During the primaries, several hundred million dollars were spent in negative campaign ads — nastier and more personal than in any Republican primary in memory. At least 60,000 of those ads were aimed at Trump, attacking him as a fraud, a corporate predator, a not-so-closet liberal, an ally of Hillary Clinton, indistinguishable from Barack Obama, an ignoramus, and too crass to be president (Bill Clinton, anyone?).

These negative ads were directed at Republican primary voters, a constituency well to the right of the party. These primary voters are a constituency that may be said to represent the heart of the conservative movement in America and are generally more politically engaged and informed than most Republican voters. Trump won their support. He won by millions of votes — more votes from this conservative heartland than any Republican in primary history. To describe Trump as ignorant — as so many Beltway intellectuals have — is merely to privilege book knowledge over real-world knowledge, not an especially wise way to judge political leaders.

A chorus of detractors has attempted to dismiss Trump’s political victory as representing a mere plurality of primary voters, but how many candidates have won outright majorities among a field of seventeen, or five, or even three? When the Republican primary contest was actually reduced to three, Trump beat the “true conservative,” Ted Cruz, with more than fifty percent of the votes. He did this in blue states and red states, in virtually all precincts and among all Republican demographics. He clinched the nomination by beating Cruz with an outright majority in conservative Indiana.

In opposing the clear choice of the Republican primary electorate, the “Never Trump” crowd is simply displaying their contempt for the most politically active Republican voters. This contempt was dramatically displayed during a CNN segment with Trump’s spokeswoman, Katrina Pierson, and Bill Kristol, the self-appointed guru of a Third Party movement whose only result can be to split the Republican ticket and provide Hillary with her best shot at the presidency.

Pierson urged Kristol to help unify the Party behind its presumptive nominee. Kristol grinned and answered her: “You want leaders to become followers.” Could there be a more arrogant response? By what authority does Bill Kristol regard himself as a leader? Trump has the confidence of millions of highly committed and generally conservative Republican voters. That makes him a leader. Who does Bill Kristol lead except a coterie of inside-the-Beltway foreign policy interventionists, who supported the fiasco in Libya that opened the door to al-Qaeda and ISIS?

I say this as someone who has written three books supporting the intervention in Iraq and who thinks Trump is dead wrong on this issue. However, I also understand that the Bush administration did not defend the war the Democrats sabotaged, allowing its critics to turn it into a bad war in the eyes of the American people. Consequently, Trump’s attack on the intervention is a smart political move that will allow him to win over many Democrat, Independent, and even conservative voters who think Iraq was a mistake and do not appreciate the necessity of that war or the tragedy of the Democrats’ opposition to it. You can’t reverse historical judgments in election year sound bites. Understanding this, instinctively or otherwise, makes Trump politically smarter than his Washington detractors.

Conservatives like Kristol claim to oppose Trump on principles but then turn to Mitt Romney for a Third Party run. This is the same Mitt Romney who, as governor of Massachusetts, was the father of Obamacare but ran against Obamacare in 2012. So much for principles...
Keep reading.

I love David Horowitz.

I'm personally flabbergasted at how puerile and nasty these "Never Trump" pouters have become. They're off-putting, to say the very least.

Eco-Freaks Exploit and Demonize Fossil Fuels During Ft. McMurray Wildfires (VIDEO)

The sick far-left prog Elizabeth Kolbert exemplifies the leftist hatred, at the New Yorker, "Fort McMurray and the Fires of Climate Change."

And see even the mainstream (craven) take at LAT, "Wildfire at Fort McMurray quickly overtakes Canada's environmental debate."

Meanwhile, check out this killer video featuring Holly Nicholas, at the Rebel.

Facts. Those pesky facts leftists hate, lol.

Angela Davis, Freedom Is a Constant Struggle

I met Angela Davis at a book signing in Los Angeles years ago.

My older sister got to know her after attending one of her courses at San Francisco State. This was back in the 1980s. I was still a Democrat. Little did I know just how nasty a leftist Angela Davis is.

I read her autobiography at the time, but was still fawning and doe-eyed. Not so much now.

In any case, I picked up a copy of her book, Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement.

Know your enemies, people. If you wonder why I read these books, even pay for them. I always make it a point to know my enemies, and to have read their works. I'm usually better read on all the collectivist cant than my faculty colleagues at work, to say nothing of the idiot trolls online.

I'll have more later, as always.

Angela Davis photo Cover_zpsltflyl5z.jpg

Deal of the Day: Eton Rugged Rukus Smartphone-Charging Speaker

Solar powered. Heh, that's pretty cool.

At Amazon, Eton Rugged Rukus The solar-powered, Bluetooth-ready, smartphone-charging speaker.

Also, NeverKink 5/8-Inch by 100-Feet Series 3000 Extra Heavy Duty Garden Hose.

More, from Katie Pavlich, Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women.

And Ann Coulter, Never Trust a Liberal Over 3-Especially a Republican.

Kate Obenshain, Divider-in-Chief: The Fraud of Hope and Change.

From Michelle Malkin, Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies.

BONUS: Jedediah Bila, Outnumbered: Chronicles of a Manhattan Conservative.

Facebook Routinely Censors Conservative Viewpoints

So what else is new?

I already hate Facebook. I use it to post links a couple of times a week, and that's it. Once my old high school classmates found me on the network, and they all turned about to be idiot progressives, that pretty much ruined the experience --- to say nothing of all the data tracking bullshit.

We're pretty much screwed in the social media age.

At Gizmodo, via Memeorandum, "Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News."

Actually, I saw this headline last night, at RWN, "BREAKING Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News."

Who Is the Mysterious Spaniard Leaking Game of Thrones Plots?


I hate Game of Thrones spoilers!

At Heat Street, "Meet Frikidoctor, the Premiere Game of Thrones Spoiler."

Planned Parenthood Helping Transgender Patients With Sex Changes by Offering Hormone Treatment

I tweeted this story out the other day, from my iPhone.

Planned Parenthood isn't about family planning. It's about fomenting the cultural Marxist revolutionary overthrow of traditional order.

At Blazing Cat Fur.

Obama on Trump: 'This Isn't Entertainment...'


From Ace, "Really asshole?"

Ampibia Evo Audio Bluetooth Wireless Shockproof Shower Speaker Radio: Bigger Speaker! Better Sound!

At Amazon, Ampibia Evo Audio Bluetooth Wireless Shockproof Shower Speaker Radio, IP67 Handsfree Portable 5W Speakerphone with Built in Mic, Premium Smooth Black Fully Waterproof Guaranteed!