Tuesday, July 12, 2016

White Papa John's Delivery Man Murdered by Black Thugs in Georgia: Where's the Outcry?

The murder went down in March, but folks are still tweeting about the crime, demanding answers to the media's silence.

White lives don't matter so much, I guess?

At Heat Street:

White People Can't Be No Allies to #BlackLivesMatter

From the far-left professor Roxane Gay, at Marie Claire (of all places), "On Making Black Lives Matter - The extreme violence of the past week has clarified one thing: Allies aren't enough anymore":

Black people do not need allies. We need people to stand up and take on the problems borne of oppression as their own, without remove or distance. We need people to do this even if they cannot fully understand what it's like to be oppressed for their race or ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, class, religion, or other marker of identity. We need people to use common sense to figure out how to participate in social justice.

Don't tell us about your racist uncle or grandfather or sister or cousin. Don't try to unburden yourself of guilt that isn't yours to carry. Actively listen when marginalized people tell you about their oppression—don't offer your pity (which only helps you) and don't apologize. Listen and do your best to understand what it feels like to live with oppression as a constant. Speak up when you hear people making racist jokes. Speak up when you see injustice in action. Inform yourself about your local law enforcement and how they treat people of color. Vote. Take a stand instead of waiting for absolution from people of color. We don't have that kind of time. We're fighting for our lives.
That's kind of like STFU and sit your honky white ass down mofo.

But still more, in any case.

Theresa May Prime Minister May Be Disaster for Brit­ain

She backs sharia law, which I mentioned previously.

David Cameron was hopelessly PC on Islamic jihad, which we saw to our everlasting regret after the brutal beheading of Drummer Lee Rigby.

I don't know if Britain can handle more of this, even with the Brexit vote. They've got enough jihadists in country already as it is.

In any case, from Robert Spencer, at Jihad Watch, "Robert Spencer in Epic Times: Theresa May Prime Minister: A Disaster for Brit­ain":

Theresa May photo 1024px-Ukraine_Forum_on_Asset_Recovery_281403892898629_zpsg97kvr41.jpg
OPINION - The worst outcome of Britain's unexpected vote to leave the European Union was the resignation of David Cameron as Prime Minister - not because he was a great leader (he wasn't), but because his successor is Theresa May, who promises to surpass even her feckless predecessor and become the weakest, most appeasement-minded Prime Minister since Neville Chamberlain.

As I was banned by Theresa May from entering Britain for the crime of correctly noting that Islam has doctrines involving violence against unbelievers, I know firsthand her anxiousness to please forces that do not regard free speech and open debate as positives for society. But there is more. As head of the UK Home Office, May announced a review of Britain's Sharia courts - then appointed Muslims to oversee it, drawing protests from human rights activists concerned that her review board would be too biased to note the courts' violations of women's rights...
Still more.

Cover Girl Bella Thorne Shares the Strangest Things People Have Ever Said to Her on the Internet (VIDEO)

Watch, at Galore, "Bella Thorne​ Reads the Weirdest Tweets She Has Ever Gotten."

Daniela Lopez Bikini Beach Style

Lots of bikinis!

Via Galore:

Joy Corrigan Bikini Flash in Miami

At WWTDD, "Joy Corrigan Bikini Nip Flash In Miami."

More, at Egotastic!, "Joy Corrigan is One Hell of a Sexy Cowgirl."

Georgia Mother of Five Sentenced to 6-Years Probation for Smoking Marijuana, Drinking Alcohol, and Playing Naked Twister with Teenagers in 2015

Naked Twister, eh?

I wonder what else this "hip" mom did with her clothes off.


I know parents try to be cool with the teenage kids, but you have to draw the line sometimes, man.

Frankly, she's lucky she's not doing some time behind bars.

At the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Bashes Donald Trump, Crossing a Line

The Notorious RBG just got a little more notorious.

And it's not pretty.

She's a partisan hack, frankly.

At WaPo, "In bashing Donald Trump, some say Ruth Bader Ginsburg just crossed a very important line":

It's a political cliche at this point to joke about moving to another country if a certain presidential candidate doesn't win. Gobs of Americans were headed to Canada if George W. Bush was reelected in 2004. A similar contingent threatened to flood across our northern border when Barack Obama was elected and reelected.

Generally, though, you don't hear a Supreme Court justice talking like this. In fact, you generally don't hear a Supreme Court justice talking at all — much less about the big political issues of the day.

Most justices aren't Ruth Bader Ginsburg, though. And in a new New York Times interview, Ginsburg doesn't hold a thing back when it comes to the 2016 election.

“I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,” Ginsburg told the Times' Adam Liptak. “For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.”

Ginsburg also recalled something her late husband said about such matters: "Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand."

This appears to be a joke, but Ginsburg's sentiment here is crystal clear: She thinks Donald Trump would be a dangerous president. And in saying it, she goes to a place justices almost never do — and perhaps never have — for some very good reasons.

Also from Ms. EBL:

They are not even trying to hide their bias anymore, that is how cocky they have become. If you think the damage Obama has caused to the country is bad, imagine the Supreme Court shifting three or four justices to the left. Because that is what will happen if Crooked Hillary wins.

Hague Tribunal Rejects Beijing's Claims to South China Sea (VIDEO)


At the WSJ, "China Digs In Heels After Tribunal Rules Against Sea Claims":

SHANGHAI—This was the humiliating result that China feared most: A small country, the Philippines, took on and comprehensively defeated the aspiring regional hegemon in an international court of law. Beijing can’t back down.

In the aftermath of an unambiguous and unanimous legal verdict that strikes down Beijing’s historic claims to the South China Sea, rebukes it for turning coral reefs into island fortresses through massive dredging and sides with bullied Philippine fishermen, the Chinese government’s legitimacy is on the line.

China’s response will be guided by the reactions of a nationalistic public and a conviction that the judges in The Hague who delivered their stinging judgment were pawns in a U.S. conspiracy to contain China’s rise. China will now turn its wrath on America. Before the verdict, the China Daily denounced the case as a “farce directed by Washington.” On Tuesday, Xinhua News Agency used similar language, calling it a “farce directed with meticulous care by outside forces.”

At a time of rapidly rising tensions, the immediate danger is that miscalculations or accidents could draw China and America into conflict.

Ahead of the decision as China’s denunciations of The Hague tribunal reached a crescendo, China held live-fire drills off the Paracels, a group of South China Sea islands it controls. China is “not afraid of trouble,” President Xi Jinping asserted. Earlier, America sent an aircraft-carrier battle group into the region.

On a map, the “nine-dash line” that the tribunal has invalidated looks like a cow’s tongue hanging from China’s southern coast and encompassing almost the entire South China Sea. In the eyes of the Chinese public, it is a proud marker of their country’s spreading power and prestige. It is stamped into every new Chinese passport. Likewise, the artificial islands have become prominent emblems of China’s resurgence.

For a country that regularly invokes the sanctity of international law, citing its own victimization in the era of arrogant imperialism, the outcome is a moral challenge, as well as a legal one. Two years ago, Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged a United Nations gathering to “reject the law of the jungle where the strong do what they want and the weak suffer what they must.”...

And fuck China, the biggest fucking crybabies.

Nina Agdal Irresistibles (VIDEO)

Via Theo Spark:

Impassioned Plea from Dallas Police Chief David Brown

At the New York Post:

Star Swain National Anthem at the Lincoln Memorial (VIDEO)

I saw this earlier, but I'm just now posting.

My bad, heh.

At the New York Post, "This beautiful rendition of the national anthem made this girl a star: While on vacation, Star Swain from Tallahassee was convinced to sing the national anthem while visiting the Lincoln Memorial. Her performance was filmed, and she ended up becoming a viral sensation."

And at CBS Evening News, "Woman's impromptu national anthem performance goes viral: It was supposed to be just a stop on a family vacation, but Star Swain's visit to the Lincoln Memorial stirred her patriotism and she burst into song. Now she's a viral sensation."

BONUS: At the Tallahassee Democrat, "Star Swain set to sing anthem in Vegas, NASCAR in Charlotte."

Monday, July 11, 2016

Residents Outraged When Three Women Strip Down to Their Swimsuits to Cool Off in 400-Year Old Fontana dell'Acqua Paola in Rome

I'm sure it was fun, but it's not a public swimming pool, heh.

The city’s extensive network of baroque fountains are cherished by Romans as some of the architectural highlights of the Italian capital.

Anyone leaping into the fountains faces a fine of up to 200 Euros (£170).

Trump Supporter Matthew Meincke Assaulted at #BlackLivesMatter Protest in Phoenix (VIDEO)

This guy's cool.

He's on Facebook too.

'Millennials are the worst. I should know — I am one...'


This is a great essay.

From Johnny Oleksinsk, at the New York Post:

Too often, during a conversation, a young person’s eyes glaze over as they decide what scintillating tidbit about their brilliant selves to reveal next, be it the three days they didn’t leave their apartment, or how a study abroad experience in Portugal nine years ago shaped who they are today. News flash: Nobody cares.

(Sorry, I just got a text from someone I’d rather be spending time with. Feel free to keep reading while I carry on a separate conversation with them.)

The New York Times and the Left Have Blood on Their Hands

From Dennis Prager, at FrontPage Magazine, "The white-hating and cop-hating hysteria that fueled the Dallas shooting":
It was very appropriate that on Friday, the day after the massacre of five Dallas police officers, The New York Times devoted nearly the whole top half of its front page to four enormous photos of the death of Philando Castile, a black motorist killed by a Minnesota police officer.

Of course, the paper was printed prior to the Dallas murders; and even The New York Times might not have so prominently featured the Minnesota killing on its front page had the Dallas murders occurred a few hours earlier.

Nevertheless, it was completely appropriate. The New York Times has been in the forefront of the left's hysterical, hate-filled attacks on police officers and whites.

Also appropriately, on the day of the Dallas murders, the Times published two white-hating, police-hating pieces.

One was by Michael Eric Dyson, a radical black professor of sociology at Georgetown University.

The Dyson column is nothing more than a racist hit piece on "white America."

An example:

"At birth, (whites) are given a pair of binoculars ... Those binoculars are privilege; they are status, regardless of your class. In fact the greatest privilege that exists is for white folk to get stopped by a cop and not end up dead when the encounter is over."

Dyson wrote these words based on the police killings of two blacks last week, about which he knows nothing except the narrative of the (left-wing) media and what he has seen on some grainy phone videos.

And not once does Professor Dyson mention that the Minnesota police officer was Latino. Why would he? That would suggest that Latinos, too, are given racist binoculars at birth. But Dyson would never say so, because it is white America he loathes.

Nor does he note, or perhaps even know — because of his left-wing binoculars — facts such as these:

In 2015, of the 990 people shot dead by police, 93 were unarmed and 38 of them were black. Of the 505 people shot dead by police thus far in 2016, 37 were unarmed and of them 13 were black. Given that blacks murder and rob more than whites — they committed 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country in 2009 (despite comprising about 15 percent of the population in these counties) — an unarmed black is less likely to be killed by police than an unarmed white. (Data from the Washington Post.)

Does Dyson, a professor of sociology, not know these statistics? Does he not know that, statistically, whites have more reason to fear being murdered by a black than vice versa? If he doesn't, he shouldn't be teaching sociology. If he does, students should be aware that he is a left-wing, black nationalist propagandist, not a teacher.

The same day the Times published Dyson's piece, it published a second anti-white, anti-cop, hate-America piece by the mother of Michael Brown, the young black man killed in Ferguson, Missouri. That black grand jurors and even Obama's Department of Justice found the policeman who killed Brown was acting in self-defense after being attacked and thus justified him in doing so means nothing to The New York Times. So it published the grieving mother's anti-cop hate.

The blacks and whites of the left have led much of America, especially black America, to believe that cops are generally racist, that there is "systemic" racism and that whites are privileged and racist. It's all a lie that has had — and will continue to have — murderous consequences.

America has become the least racist multiracial, multiethnic country in world history. This drives the America-hating left crazy...
Still more.

Kalyn Chapman James, First Black Miss Alabama, Says Dallas Cop Killer Was a 'Martyr'

That's truly despicable.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "First Black Miss Alabama: 'I Don't Feel Sad for the Officers That Lost Their Lives … Shooter Was a Martyr'."

Kalyn Chapman James photo CnIwJm_VIAAhyeh_zps0xhj0nd4.jpg

Donald Trump: 'I am the Law and Order Candidate' (VIDEO)

Hat Tip: The Daily Pundit.

Also, at USA Today, "Trump declares himself 'law and order' candidate."

Unraveling Obama's False Narratives (VIDEO)

From Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary:

President Obama stated something that was incontrovertibly true on Saturday when he said, “America is not as divided as some have suggested.” He’s right. The awful nature of two police shootings of African-Americans last week followed by the horror of the murder of five police officers in Dallas has left some Americans feeling as if their country is falling apart. The comparison being mooted in many places was to 1968 when race riots and political assassinations seemed to drive the country to the brink of chaos. So President Obama did the right thing when he sought to use the bully pulpit of the presidency to remind us that this perception is highly misleading. As bad as the last week felt—and it felt very bad indeed—there is no comparison to that moment of crisis.

But if many Americans feel as if the nation is heading toward an abyss, it is due in no small measure to the same person who is, belatedly, trying to calm public opinion. Throughout his presidency and in particular during the last two years since the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri in August 2014, he and other administration figures, such as former Attorney General Eric Holder, have worked hard to promote a false narrative of resurgent American racism. If the president is now trying to assert that individual acts of violence, whether an arguably unjustified shooting by a police officer or a mass shooting by a disturbed individual, should not cause us to jump to conclusions about that act representing the intentions of an entire group, then it is he, as much as anyone who has encouraged Americans to think in this manner. Having helped to encourage that fundamental misreading of American society as irremediably racist despite the fact that we twice elected an African-American to the presidency, it is a little too little and far too late for him to be offering wiser counsel.

It must be understood that the Black Lives Matter movement, which has done its best to perpetuate the myth that all blacks are in danger from the police everywhere, did not operate in a vacuum. Though their hateful statements were more extreme than anything said by the president or Holder, the administration helped legitimize the now widely held belief that police are an out-of-control force that is over-militarized and inclined to murder minorities with impunity.

The closer one looks at many of the individual episodes that form the core of the racism narrative, the harder it is to fit them into a pre-existing context. Some of the iconic incidents that sent people into the streets and provoked outrage from the White House and were held up as “proof” that it is open season on blacks by cops have turned out to undermine the racism narrative. The death that set off this movement—the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri—was judged by legal authorities to be justified.

To state this is not to deny that there are instances of police misconduct. Like all governmental agencies and employees, police departments and officers are fallible. But if there is a heightened sense of an adversarial relationship between police and some of the minority communities they serve, it has been exacerbated by forces like Black Lives Matter in an irresponsible manner. They have seized on every tragedy that could be possibly viewed through a racial lens and done their best to use it to promote an inchoate agenda that promoted hatred. Racism is an integral element of the history of this country and should never be ignored or underestimated. It has even reared its ugly head at times during the presidential campaign. But it cannot explain every crime or action taken by the police...
Keep reading.

Police Chief David Brown Receives Death Threats After #Dallas Attack (VIDEO)

Well, he's the chief of police. He should be okay.

But still.

Leftists are truly evil.

Watch, via AP, "Dallas Police Chief Receiving Death Threats":
Dallas Police Chief David Brown confirmed Monday that he and his family are receiving death threats in the wake of last Thursday's killing of five police officers. He also said the country is asking its police officers "to do too much."