Monday, July 18, 2016

Here's Molly Crabapple at #RNCinCLE

Following-up, "Cut Along the Dotted Line — #RNCinCLE."

She's got me blocked for my Emma Quangel blogging, so I logged out on Twitter.

Before I log back in, here's the witch at the convention, dissing journalists as cloven-hoofed demons:

Cut Along the Dotted Line — #RNCinCLE

Heh, seen at that last entry linking London's Daily Mail, "Citizen Patriots Reject Cleveland Police Calls to Abandon Open-Carry at #RNCinCLE."

Here, "First Amendment: Jim Gilles was demonstrating outside the RNC and said: 'No Muslim is a friend of mine. I have read the Koran and it says hate all non Muslims and that would mean me to. So I hate them'."

Molly Crabapple, the leftist who doxxed Emma Quangel, is on the scene, "A man in an Allah is Satan shirt spins depraved hatesex fantasies about Micah X Johnson."

Citizen Patriots Reject Cleveland Police Calls to Abandon Open-Carry at #RNCinCLE

One of the dudes is sporting a "Hillary for Prison" t-shirt, heh.

Notice that these are leftist "calls" to disarm law-abiding citizens. Ohio's apparently a big open-carry state, lol.

At London's Daily Mail, "Locked and loaded: Open-carry activists defy police calls to leave their guns at home as they parade assault rifles and handguns while backing Trump outside the Republican National Convention."

Dad Pulls Loose Tooth in Particularly Creative Way (VIDEO)

It's Sean Copeland and his son Brodie, two Americans who were slaughtered during the jihad truck rampage in Nice.

A beautiful video. What a great dad. And what an enormous loss of human life, for no reason other than an Islamic nihilist death wish.

At iOWNTHEWORLD Report, "Not Just Another “Dad Pulls Loose Tooth in Creative Way” Video."

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls Booed at Memorial Service for #Nice Jihad Victims (VIDEO)

Well, remember, he told French citizens to "learn to live" with Islamic jihad.

You know, in the name of diversity, or something.

At London's Daily Mail, "'Murderer!' Mourners boo French PM Manuel Valls over his failure to prevent terror attacks as thousands - and a Premier League football star - pack Nice promenade to remember the dead."

Black Lives Matter and Afro-Centric Insanity — #BatonRouge

Here's Robert Stacy McCain's analysis of the Baton Rouge killer, done as only Robert Stacy McCain can.

See, "GAVIN LONG: ‘Cosmo Ausar Setepenra’ and the Dangerous Kind of Crazy":

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Gavin Long’s bizarre Afrocentric cult mentality is neither new nor uncommon. Here is a 2004 Associated Press story about one such cult:
EATONTON, Ga. — Pyramids, obelisks and a lonely sphinx stand deserted on the Egyptian-themed compound where as many as 500 members of a quasi-religious sect lived only five years ago.

The United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors has gone quiet since its leader, Malachi York, was sentenced to 135 years in federal prison in April for molesting 14 boys and girls whose parents were members of his group.

The federal government has seized the Nuwaubians’ 476-acre farm in this middle Georgia town and the group’s members have dispersed. “York was it. Everything flowed from York. There was never any mistake about that,” said Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills, who has clashed with the Nuwaubians since York moved his followers from New York City’s Brooklyn borough to this rural county in 1993. “He was the absolute ruler. There was no one else,” Sill said.

At their height, the Nuwaubians brought 5,000 people to Eatonton for Savior’s Day to celebrate York’s birthday.

In 1999, as many as 500 people lived on the compound, practicing York’s malleable religion that shifted from Islamic roots to Judaism, Christianity and Egyptian mysticism, with members at times dressing as cowboys and American Indians. At one time, York even incorporated space aliens into his teachings, claiming that he was an extraterrestrial from the planet “Rizq.”
This kind of kook cult conspiracy stuff is always floating around out there. You’ve got white people who are into weird pagan sex cults, feminists who are into astrology, tarot, “goddess spirituality,” et cetera. Was it entirely coincidental that a crazy kook cultist like Gavin Long was inspired to drive to Louisiana and shoot cops? No, because the “Black Lives Matter” movement appeals to the same kind of Afrocentric racial insanity that led Gavin long to rename himself “Cosmo Setepenra.”
Keep reading.

He was crazy. But he was leftist crazy, heh.

Antonio Sabàto, Jr., at the #RNCinCLE

Heh, this dude's hot.

Brooke Baldwin was just interviewing him on CNN. She was probably creaming while checking out this hot Republican stud, heh.

He's speaking tonight.

Antonio Sabàto, Jr. photo Antonio-Sabato-Calvin-Klein-04_zps2xrffkg6.jpg

Massacre of Cops in Baton Rouge — Key Step in Obama's Race War — #BlackLivesMatter

From Matthew Vadum, at FrontPage Magazine, "If you didn’t believe Obama wanted a race war before, you better believe it now":

CLEVELAND -- In what is becoming a depressingly regular occurrence in the Obama era, police officers were murdered by a black militant in a shootout in Baton Rouge on Sunday, apparently in revenge for the recent police-involved death of black career criminal Alton Sterling outside a Baton Rouge food store.

At time of writing, three police officers had succumbed to the injuries they suffered in Louisiana's capital city. Another three were wounded.

Of course, murdering police officers has long been encouraged by activists with the Marxist, anti-American, revolutionary Black Lives Matter cult, with the support of the activist Left and financing from speculator George Soros. A year ago Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who openly advocates the mass murder of whites, called for “10,000 fearless men” to “rise up and kill those who kill us.” Like many radicals, Farrakhan mischaracterizes Black Lives Matter as a rising civil rights movement.

President Barack Hussein Obama, who a decade ago promoted inter-racial warfare in Kenya, has long tried to provoke civil unrest here in the U.S. with his hateful anti-cop rhetoric and his relentless demonization of opponents. His goal is fundamental transformation of the United States. A Red diaper baby who identifies violence-espousing communist Frantz Fanon as an intellectual influence, he has also steadfastly refused to condemn Black Lives Matter. In fact Obama has lavished attention on the movement’s leaders and invited them to the White House over and over again.

The Baton Rouge attack came 10 days after a black militant murdered five Dallas area police officers, the deadliest attack on U.S. law enforcement since Sept. 11, 2001.

A few days later Obama flew to Dallas and attended a memorial service at which he lectured the dead officers' relatives about how racist and brutal police officers are. The very next day Obama hosted leaders of Black Lives Matter, whose members urge the murder of cops, at the White House.

The Baton Rouge attack came 12 days after local police killed homeless recidivist Sterling during an altercation. Sterling, who had reportedly threatened a passer-by with a gun, violently resisted arrest and tried to grab a policeman's gun.

The shooter in Baton Rouge was killed by police following an exchange of gunfire outside a fitness center. He has been identified as Gavin Eugene Long, who claimed to have been a member of Nation of Islam. He also reportedly turned 29 yesterday.

Long was honorably discharged from the U.S. Marines in 2010. A fervent racist, he ranted against "crackers," the Daily Caller reports.

Long, who also used the name Cosmo Ausar Setepenra, talked about the Dallas massacre and recent police shootings of black men in social media posts, according to Heavy. “Violence is not THE answer (its [sic] a answer), but at what point do you stand up so that your people dont [sic] become the Native Americans…EXTINCT?,” he tweeted July 13.

Referring to the death of Alton Sterling, he said, "If I would have been there with Alton -- clap," Long said in a July 14 video. In the video he also discussed black liberation theology and said he wrote a book.

"I wrote it for my dark-skinned brothers," he said of the book.

"If you look at all the rebels like Black Panthers, Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X ... Elijah Muhammad, they was light-skinned. But we know how hard y'all got it."

In another video, Long justified his fellow ex-soldier and black militant Micah X. Johnson's killing of cops in Dallas. "It's justice, you know what I'm saying," Long said.

Long may also have telegraphed his plans in a cryptic Twitter post early Sunday morning. He wrote, "Just [because] you wake up every morning doesn't mean that you're living. And just [because] you shed your physical body doesn't mean that you're dead."

The officers Long killed are Brad Garafola, 45, Matthew Gerald, 41, and Montrell Jackson, 32.

Jackson, a black man, had poignantly sounded a note of despair in a Facebook post July 8, three days after Sterling's death at the hands of police and as racial tensions ramped up in Baton Rouge and across the nation...
That's a great piece.

Still more.

Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter

Actually, this isn't new.

The same key organizers who pushed the Occupy movement were on the ground when Ferguson went up in flames. Professional communist agitators have been behind Black Lives Matter from day one.

At Blazing Cat Fur:
The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) casts itself as a spontaneous uprising born of inner city frustration, but is, in fact, the latest and most dangerous face of a web of well-funded communist/socialist organizations that have been agitating against America for decades. Its agitation has provoked police killings and other violence, lawlessness and unrest in minority communities throughout the U.S. If allowed to continue, that agitation could devolve into anarchy and civil war. The BLM crowd appears to be spoiling for just such an outcome...
Keep reading.

Previously, "Black Lives Matter Was Gaining Ground, Then — Oops — It Revealed Its True Face."

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Cleveland Braces for Major Security Threats at Republican National Convention

I'd be surprised if we didn't see Ferguson-style rioting over these next few days. And if we do, those comparisons we're seeing to the Summer of '68 are going to be prophetic.

At NYT, "A Civil Start to Protests, but Cleveland Is Bracing for Worse":

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CLEVELAND — The barricades were up and the police were ready, but the rowdy protests expected to descend this week on Cleveland for the Republican National Convention were contained to small pockets of unrest amid largely peaceful demonstrations across the city.

At the height of the protests early Sunday evening, about 200 demonstrators marched down Euclid Avenue in the heart of downtown, stopping traffic and shouting, “No justice, no peace, no racist police!” as they neared Quicken Loans Arena, the site of the convention. The crowd, which was also directing its ire at Donald J. Trump, was circled by police officers in cars and on bicycles and horseback.

Some protesters said they had been handled roughly by the police, and there were reports of people being detained.

“They pushed us against the wall and said, ‘We are going to search your bags,’” said Cloud Kallisti, 43, of Akron.

The protesters were animated by both Mr. Trump, the presumptive presidential nominee, and recent violence between the police and civilians. While some protesters spilled into the streets, there were few signs of the violence or mass arrests that the authorities had feared, giving the day a feeling of relative calm before a potential storm, with the convention beginning Monday....

The coalition of protesters was broad, including some from Black Lives Matter, a pro-Palestine group and Code Pink, an all-female group whose members showed up wearing pink Statue of Liberty costumes.

Marching alongside the protesters was a group of volunteers calling themselves the “Peace Team.” Dressed in bright yellow jerseys, they said they were around to keep the peace.

Despite the general civility on Sunday, the police are expecting the protests to intensify this week. City officials have devised plans to handle mass arrests, identifying jail facilities that could hold more than 975 people and planning to keep courts open for 20 hours daily to process cases. Hospitals have stockpiled medical supplies and prepared for convention-related emergencies.

Cleveland is bringing in roughly 2,500 law enforcement officers from as far away as California, Florida and Texas to bolster its convention-dedicated force of about 500. It is also deploying a video unit to document crowd management and police activity.

Calvin D. Williams, Cleveland’s police chief, said at a news conference on Sunday morning that the city could not be better prepared.

“We planned for almost anything and everything,” he said. “It’s game time,” he added. “We are ready for it.”
"Game time."

That's for sure. Let's hope police open up with some full-body slamming on those Black Lives Matter and Code Pink protesters, lol.

Irina Shayk's Tinfoil Hat

Heh, she's prepping for the New World Order, lol.

At London's Daily Mail, "Bradley Cooper's girlfriend Irina Shayk sunbathes in makeshift tin-foil turban in Italy."

And Bradley Cooper's dating her? Lucky dude!

She's crazy glamorous.

She's a freakin' hot babe. (More here and here.)

Jessica Valenti is Absurd

She has no credible argument to Dana Loesch's powerful new ad for the NRA:

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Left's Inferno of Anti-Cop Agitation Spreads

From Heather Mac Donald, at City Journal, "The Fire Spreads":
Between the Dallas assassinations and today’s, officers have been shot at and ambushed in Tennessee, Missouri, Georgia, and Washington, D.C. Authorities have been circumspect in identifying the reasons behind those shootings—unlike the alacrity with which racial motives are assigned to cops when they shoot someone in the line of duty— and the incidents have been brushed under the rug. But we are quickly reaching the worst days of the nightmare 1960s, when it seemed that the very foundation of society was breaking apart. The difference between the 1960s and today is that the hatred of law enforcement and of whites is being stoked by the highest reaches of the establishment. Universities sometimes seem like little else than factories of desperately ginned-up racial grievance. That the cop killer in Dallas and apparently in Baton Rouge as well came out of the military is an indication that the happy talk about how the military is an engine of racial reconciliation is naïve. The country has been pretending that the main source of racism today comes from whites. Anyone who has spent time in the inner city and even more middle-class black precincts—such as college campuses—knows differently.

And here's her book, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

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Law and Order Will Headline the Republican National Convention in Cleveland (VIDEO)

It's going to be big.

One of the first things Donald Trump said in his "60 Minutes" interview tonight is that "we need law and order." (At the video below.)

I mean, we've endured some extremely horrific, traumatizing events these past couple of weeks, and Trump would be foolish not to exploit Americans' fear and anxiety for political gain.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Law and Order Will Be a Big Republican Convention Theme":

The Republican National Convention will open Monday under the pall of antipolice violence, a development likely to bring a new emphasis to presumptive nominee Donald Trump’s repeated pledges to make law and order a theme of both his nominating convention and the looming fall campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The Sunday killing of three police officers in Baton Rouge, La., rattled a nation already reeling after a recent terrorist attack in Orlando, Fla., as well as a summer of extraordinary violence and turmoil at home and abroad that includes the deaths of two black men at the hands of police, a terrorist attack in France and an assault on police at a protest in Dallas.

In response, Mr. Trump has declared that the GOP will run on a platform of taking decisive action to end the violence. Indeed, the party said Sunday that the theme of Monday’s opening-night program will be “Make America Safe Again.”

“We grieve for the officers killed in Baton Rouge today. How many law enforcement and people have to die because of a lack of leadership in our country? We demand law and order,” Mr. Trump wrote online after the Baton Rouge shooting.

Introducing his running mate Mike Pence on Saturday—the day before the Baton Rouge shooting—Mr. Trump described the Republican ticket as “the law and order candidates,” and said that Republicans are “the law and order party.”

“We’re going to change things around. There’s going to be respect again for law and order,” Mr. Trump said.

Leanna Decker Embraces Nature (VIDEO)

Via Playboy:

The Pine Marten Constantly on the Hunt (VIDEO)

"The Hunt" is back on for a new episode tonight, on BBC America.

I'm enjoying it.

Young Girl Traumatized by Nice Terror Attack, Details Horrific Scene, Dead Bodies Everywhere, Severed Heads, Blood (VIDEO)

Well, I guess she's lucky to be alive.

But yeah, I can only imagine.


U.S. Resumes Military Operations at Incirlik Air Base Following Attempted Coup in Turkey (VIDEO)

Following-up from yesterday, "Stability in Turkey is Key Strategic Goal of U.S. Foreign Policy."

At Legal Insurrection, "UPDATE: Operations Resume at Incirlik Air Base."

Cosmo Setepenra Alias Used by Baton Rouge Cop-Killing Suspect Gavin Eugene Long

I've been holding off on updates, because mainstream media outlets have really delayed reporting on the identity of the Baton Rouge suspect.

Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller was apparently the first to troll through Gavin Long's social media accounts. See, "Exclusive: Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ on YouTube Channel."

But see also BuzzFeed, "This is What We Know About the Man Who Shot Three Baton Rouge Police Officers."

The suspect, who apparently used the alias Cosmo Setepenra, is seen showing solidarity with Dallas police killer Micah Xavier Johnson":

MSM outlets are slow to pick up on the news, perhaps due to the pressure of confirmation, or probably because the suspect further destroys the false "Black Lives Matter" narrative.

However, the Kansas City Star has a pretty good discussion, "Gunman suspected of killing 3 Baton Rouge officers identified as Kansas City man":

While Long appeared to have little presence on social media using his birth name, he left an online trail linking to various social media accounts and websites that reference the online identity “Cosmo Setepenra.” The domain for these accounts and websites are registered under the name Gavin Long and list a Kansas City address.

A phone number listed for the domain was also used in websites where Long apparently used the identity of Cosmo Setepenra. No person with the name Cosmo Setepenra appeared to be otherwise listed in Kansas City or elsewhere.

As Cosmos, a self-proclaimed “freedom strategist, mental game coach, nutritionist, author and spiritual advisor,” Long shared his perspective frequently on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and a personal website that touted the “Convos with Cosmo.”

On his website, “Convos with Cosmos,” he wrote blog posts about sex, health and entertainment and appeared to sell holistic health coaching sessions. In recent weeks, he had shared commentary about high-profile officer involved shootings, including Alton Sterling, who was shot by police outside a Baton Rouge gas station earlier this month.

He told a YouTube audience that he traveled to Dallas before the police shooting and was in the city during a sniper attack that killed five officers.

He opined on how history shows how “100 percent of revolutions, of victims fighting their oppression, from victims fighting their bullies, 100 percent have been successful through fighting back, through bloodshed. Zero have been successful just over simply protesting. It doesn’ has never worked and it never will. You got to fight back.”

He encouraged “real” and “alpha” individuals who wanted change to take a different tactic in invoking change.

“It’s only fighting back or money,” Long said. “That’s all they care about. Revenue and blood. Revenue and blood. Revenue and blood.”

Recent tweets seemed to reference his desire to see a more powerful, unified force combat white power and “elevate” black people.

“Power doesn’t respect weakness. Power only respects Power.

# Alton # Castile,” he tweeted on July 7.

He also tweeted:

“Violence is not THE answer (its a answer), but at what point do you stand up so that your people dont become the Native Americans...EXTINCT?” and “Just bc you wake up every morning doesn't mean that you're living. And just bc you shed your physical body doesn't mean that you're dead.”

Authorities initially believed that two other assailants might be at large, but hours later said the dead gunman was the only person who fired at the officers.

The local FBI office is assisting with the investigation stemming from the shooting earlier Sunday. However, details of their investigation were not released, said Bridget Patton, spokeswoman for the FBI in Kansas City.

Louisiana State Police Timeline of Events in Baton Rouge Police Shooting


Seen now on Twitter:

Previously, "Gavin Eugene Long Identified as Suspect in Baton Rouge Police Ambush Killings."