Sunday, May 29, 2011

At the Vans Skatepark Café...

You can get a lot of reading done while your kid knocks himself out (not literally, let's hope):


And outside Lucky Strike Lanes, adjacent to the parking lot as you're walking in, you can enjoy huge pictures of beautiful women bowling:


Thus progressive asshats like Scott Eric Kaufman should just GTF away. ASFLs.

P.S. I'm borrowing the café blogging concept from Althouse: "At the Picnic Café..."

PREVIOUSLY: "Vans Skatepark — The Block in Orange."

Anthony Weiner Scandal Now Links Porn Star Ginger Lee — And #WeinerGate Victim Gennette Cordova Speaks Out!

This calls for a fresh post. I expected to update from my my post linking Datech Guy, but this story is too big now. Upon getting home from another trip to Vans Skatepark, I headed over to William Jacobson's and he asks, "Have the facts about Weiner's tweet been exposed yet?" That's one of those questions in which you respond with a question, like, "Are you sitting down?"


I checked Dan Riehl on Twitter, and he links to The Prudence Paine Papers, who has a bombshell: "Porn Star Says Weiner Sent Her a Private Message." Check the link. That's gone viral big time. And lots more at Memeorandum as well, for example, at New York Daily News, "Statement from Gennette Cordova, student who was sent lewd Twitter photo from Rep. Weiner's account":
I am a 21-year-old college student from Seattle. I have never met Congressman Weiner, though I am a fan. I go to school in Bellingham where I spend all of my time; I've never been to New York or to DC. The point I am trying to make is that, contrary to the impression that I apparently gave from my tweet, I am not his girlfriend. Nor am I the wife, girlfriend or mistress of Barack Obama, Ray Allen or Cristiano Ronaldo, despite the fact that I have made similar assertions about them via Twitter.

There have never been any inappropriate exchanges between Anthony Weiner and myself, including the tweet/picture in question, which had apparently been deleted before it reached me. I cannot answer the questions that I do not have the answers to. I am not sure whether or not this letter will alleviate any future harassment. I also do not have a clear understanding as to how or why exactly I am involved in this fiasco. I do know that my life has been seriously impacted by speculation and faulty allegations. My reputation has been called into question by those who lack the character to report the facts.
Well, I doubt that's going to be helpful. Epic idiot Tommy Christopher responds at Mediaite, "Alleged Recipient Of Alleged Rep. Weiner Photo Gennette Nicole Issues Statement." This is pathetic:
Since the story broke, a pile of circumstantial evidence and rampant speculation,throughout the blogosphere, have all but decimated the presumption of innocence due the Congressman, while details that could be exculpatory have been largely ignored or dismissed.

Some conservative blogs, which I will not link to, have taken to dissecting the tweets of underage girls who followed Rep. Weiner, without redacting their user information (as we did), and without mentioning that these girls were being harassed by the Twitter user who first, and last, noticed Weiner’s tweet in real time. These girls deserve to be left alone, not drawn into a controversy in which they are not even direct parties.

Also, at CBS News, "Rep. Weiner: I did not send Twitter crotch pic." And Washington Post, "Rep. Weiner says lewd Twitter photo was sent by hacker."

Now at NYT, "Congressman Says Hacker Sent Lewd Photo Using His Name."

Added (10:25 PDT): At Ace of Spades, "One Coin In The Fountain: Jonah Goldberg Breaks Establishment Embargo On WeinerGate."

Danica Patrick's Last Indy 500

According to Los Angeles Times, "Danica Patrick is at a crossroads on the eve of the Indy 500."

How will the Izod IndyCar Series get along without her if she bolts for NASCAR stock-car racing next year, as is widely expected?

"I don't believe I can answer that," Patrick said. "I don't know. Whether I go or whether I stay, I don't think I'm capable of answering whether or not the IndyCar series would be better or worse. I'm not sure."

Another uncertainty is whether Sunday's race, the 100th anniversary of the Indy 500, will be Patrick's last at the Brickyard. But this much is sure: No race means more to Patrick than this one.
Also: "Indianapolis 500 winner: Dan Wheldon." and "Danica Patrick Runs Out of Gas After Leading At Indy 500."

'Every Baby Is a Little Miracle'

ICYMI, be sure to read my end-of-semester report. This message came through in class meetings, without prompting. With rare exception, abortion was just not cool. And the ones who were down with it were Soros-types poisoned by left-wing blogs and NPR:

Via LaShawn Barber and Legal Insurrection.

Peter Ingemi on #Weinergate

See Datech Guy's Blog, "Hey MSM any old Twit(erer) understands what Rep Weiner’s numbers mean." (Via Instapundit.)

And what the heck? See also Bryan Preston, at The Tattler, "Weinergate: Or, don’t believe in twitter coincidences."

Check here for updates ...

Added: I met Peter at CPAC and haven't had a chance to post his pic:


Sarah Palin Rides Harley-Davidson at Rolling Thunder!

She's crusin' a hog, with some help from the Rolling Thunder bikers. See NYT, "For Palin, a Short Ride With Lots of Rumbling." (Added: A Memeorandum thread.)

Also at Daily Caller, "Palin rides Harley and fuels 2012 suspicion."

VIDEO: Via Gateway Pundit, "ROLLING THUNDER… SARAH PALIN Rides Hog Into DC."

Bill Whittle's Firewall: 'Turncoat Nation'

Via Right Klik:

RELATED: Victor Davis Hanson, How The Obama Administration Threatens Our National Security.

FLASHBACK: Whittle's original series, "What We Believe."

Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively!

Must be rough.

Leo splits with Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli and is now dating Blake Lively?

Well, I guess they're trying to keep hush hush about it. See, London's Daily Mail, "What romance? Leonardo DiCaprio and rumoured new flame Blake Lively attempt a low profile on French leg of holiday" (via WeSmirch).

Also: "Pics! Leonardo DiCaprio & Blake Lively Leave Their Hotel In France Separately!", and "PIC: Blake Lively, Leo DiCaprio Exit French Hotel Separately."

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

PHOTO: From last October: "Blake Lively Rule 5."

RELATED ROUNDUP: At Pirate's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup."

Caroline Glick: 'American Jewish Organizations and Obama'

At Big Peace:

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

President Obama’s speech on the Middle East at the State Department last week, his icy glares at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office last Friday, his address before the AIPAC conference on Sunday, and his subsequent press briefings have all made clear that he is not sympathetically inclined toward Israel, nor does he consider Israel an ally worth defending.

Obama’s advocacy of the 1949 armistice lines as a starting point for negotiations demonstrate his lack of support for Israel’s right to defensible borders. His non-response to the Hamas-Fatah unity deal demonstrates that there is nothing the Palestinians can do that will make him accept the reality that their commitment to Israel’s destruction, rather than Israel’s continued control over Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, is the reason there is no peace between them and Israel.

The full essay at the link.

IMAGE CREDIT: Israel Matzav, "Why American Jewish Organizations are Defending Obama."

Samantha Power: 'Interventionista!'

The woman is repulsive.

The National Interest piece, by Jacob Heilbrunn, is here: "Samantha and Her Subjects."

And Peter Berger has a critical review at The American Interest: "Samantha and the Lone Sheriff."

Heilbrunn criticizes Power on a number of counts—for being selective in her choices of outrageous atrocities (no mention in the book of the genocidal actions of Stalin and Mao), for giving undue respect to endorsement of interventions by the United Nations, for painting too rosy a picture of Sergio Vieira de Mello, the Brazilian diplomat murdered while on a UN mission in Iraq (he is the subject of another book by Power, Chasing the Flame, 2008). But he criticizes her mainly for “providing an ideological smokescreen for the use of American military power in dubious circumstances”. Heilbrunn savors the irony of Power having opposed George W. Bush’s intervention in Iraq and now justifying Obama’s in Libya. In defending the latter action, she (as well as Obama himself) sounds very much like Bush defending the invasion of Iraq. She insists on an important difference: Bush, though he tried, failed to get a UN endorsement; Obama acted with such an endorsement, thus seemingly in accord with the liberal creed of “multilateralism”.
RELATED: See a more friendly albeit obstreperous interventionista: GrEaT sAtAn"S gIrLfRiEnD.

Scott Eric Kaufman ASFL!!


Only the dolts at LGM would fall for Scott Eric Kaufman's witless dodge, "Busted!"

And since Scott's a member in good standing of the left's Israel-bashing ASFL cadres, I'll spell it out for the idiots: It's not SEK's deployment of f**king profanity, but his AWARDING students college credit for vulgar language, which for the assignment in question replaced anything remotely requiring hard thinking. In other words, that's sh*tty instruction, if folks catch my drift.

That said, might as well post some Kate Upton, which will no doubt cause tantrums among the mentally challenged LGM commentariat, folks who make Spongebob and Patrick look like committee-members for a prestigious national science competition. I quit commenting over there after Robert Farley dipped into his trove of underage pop star porn (for a smear job), which is typical for progressives. It's all cool with lefties: "The Sexual Revolution and Children: How the Left Took Things Too Far." Yep. There's clue on SEK's obsession with professors who post women in bikinis. Project much? Need to blow off some guilt and shame? Well, it's hard out there for a lowlife postmodern academic ASFL.

RELATED: To facilitate head explosion at the retardo-nihilist LGM/Sadly commentariat: "Kate Upton Sports Illustrated Photoshoot — It's Friday Rule 5," and "Kate Upton Sports Illustrated Bodypaint Video — Phenomenal Rule 5 Encore!"

Political Scientist Michael McFaul Tapped as Ambassador to Russia

A professor of political science at Stanford University and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. McFaul had an obligatory essay back in 1992, widely assigned on graduate syllabi: "A Tale of Two Worlds: Core and Periphery in the Post-Cold War Era." This is quite an accomplishment for him. At New York Times: "Policy Adviser to Become U.S. Ambassador to Russia":
WASHINGTON — President Obama has decided to send the architect of his so-called Russia reset policy to Moscow as the next United States ambassador there, seeking to further bolster an improved relationship as both countries head into a potentially volatile election season.

Mr. Obama plans to nominate Michael McFaul, his top White House adviser on Russia policy, for the post, according to administration officials who declined to be identified before the formal announcement. Mr. Obama told the Russian president, Dmitri A. Medvedev, of his choice during a meeting in France last week, officials said.

In selecting Mr. McFaul, Mr. Obama is breaking with recent tradition in Moscow, where all but one of eight American ambassadors over the last 30 years have been career diplomats. But in choosing someone from his own inner circle, Mr. Obama underscored his determination to keep Russian-American relations a centerpiece of his foreign policy after his early push to reset the relationship following years of growing tension.

“Mike, as the guy who really helped the president establish the reset, is the perfect person to go to Moscow to make sure there’s no lapse in momentum in the relationship,” one of the administration officials said ...

Although not a diplomat, Mr. McFaul, 47, is widely considered one of the foremost American voices on Russia, with deep contacts in Moscow. He was a Rhodes scholar who first traveled to the Soviet Union in 1983 and lived there at several points over the next decade. A Stanford University professor and Hoover Institution fellow, he is the author or editor of more than 20 books, establishing a reputation as a vocal advocate of Russian democracy and sharp critic of Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin’s crackdown on dissent.

Mr. McFaul’s friendly ties with neoconservatives at times have generated suspicions among his fellow Democrats, but since joining the White House he has also occasionally been at odds with fellow democracy advocates who have been critical of the reset policy.
He's a good guy. Amazing Obama's not sending some ACORN communist to Mosow.

Michele Bachmann May Struggle in Palin's Shadow

From Maeve Reston, at Los Angeles Times:


Reporting from Pleasant Valley, Iowa

In Iowa's conservative circles, Michele Bachmann's name seemed to be on everyone's lips last week.

With a GOP presidential field that has left voters wanting more, the provocative "tea party" favorite arrived Friday seemingly well positioned to snap up supporters of 2008 Iowa caucus winner Mike Huckabee after he declined to run for 2012. Her visit here to attend several GOP fundraisers and private meetings with activists generated a flurry of speculation that the Minnesota congresswoman would enter the race earlier than expected.

But Bachmann's visit also showed how her ambitions have been complicated by another charismatic firebrand from the right: Sarah Palin.

Over cocktails at the Polk County GOP fundraiser Thursday, much of the party gossip had shifted to deciphering Palin's latest moves — including reports that she has purchased an Arizona home that could serve as a 2012 base, and her bus tour beginning Sunday in the Washington, D.C., area. The attention came at the expense of Bachmann, who had been scheduled to appear but was kept in Washington by House votes.

Even before the latest Palin boomlet, interviews with voters across Iowa suggested that despite their starkly different backgrounds and resumes, Bachmann may labor in Palin's shadow whether the former Alaska governor ends up running or not.

PHOTO: "Michele Bachmann at David Horowitz West Coast Retreat in Palos Verdes, April 2, 2011."

Kate Upton Sports Illustrated Bodypaint Video — Phenomenal Rule 5 Encore!

Previously: "Kate Upton Sports Illustrated Photoshoot — It's Friday Rule 5."

An encore:

And thanks to Proof for the linkage at Proof-Positive and Say Anything.

Bob Belvedere has a Rule 5 Saturday entry. And William Teach, "If All You See…"

And more for Robert Stacy McCain, since I'm building up some reciprocal linkage credits this weekend. (And here's an interesting roundup on Anthony Weiner's Internet scrubbing operation. So far only the New York Post has run anything on this, and even that piece was a joke.)

Inaccurate Statements by Congressman Anthony Weiner's Office on Coed Tweet Scandal

Dan Riehl updates, at Big Government, "Rep. Weiner Spokesperson Lies to ‘New York Post’."

Also, more from Moe Lane, "#Weinergate Update: Coed Being Scrubbed From Google," and here and at Memeorandum.

Plus, "Did N.Y. Congressman Send Penis Photo to Student?"

PHOTO CREDIT: Gennette Nicole on Twitpic.

Vans Skatepark — The Block in Orange

I was out most of the day yesterday with my son, pictured with the red shorts and white t-shirt:



The skatepark hosted a Thrasher Magazine/Pro-Tec skate jam last weekend, "Pro-Tec Pool Party (Masters) 2011." Also, "Highlights From the 2011 Pro-Tec Pool Party." I don't see mention of Tony Alva at the links, although he's on the wall up in the visitors' gallery:

Vans Skatepark

Also, a poster with the combi-pool pictured. It's a replica of the Upland Skatepark's original combi from the late 1970s:

Vans Skatepark

I'm amazed at the memories I have when visiting the skateparks. And it's weird to think I'm taking my own kid to skate, and he's just as obsessed with it as I was when I was his age. We're going again today.

More From 'The Top 100 Albums of All Time' — David Bowie 'Ziggy Stardust' at No. 79


Heard it yesterday while out to the skatepark, "No. 79: David Bowie | Ziggy Stardust (Side 2)":

PREVIOUSLY: "The Sound L.A., 'Top 100 Rock Albums of All Time' — J.T.'s 'Sweet Baby James' at No. 83'."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Sound L.A., 'Top 100 Rock Albums of All Time' — J.T.'s 'Sweet Baby James' at No. 83

For the holiday weekend, at The Sound L.A.: "The Top 100 Rock Albums of All Time." Pretty interesting. David Bowie's "Diamond Dogs" came in a No. 88.

I was out for a bit and heard "No. 83: James Taylor | Sweet Baby James (Side 1)," including, "Oh, Susannah":

As this post goes live, "No. 81: Elton John | Madman Across the Water (Side 1)", is on the turntable. It's happening all weekend and you can listen from your laptop.

(And this reminds me of my good friend Tony from Down Under, who posts his weekly Sunday Night Music entries over at P.A. Pundits International. Enjoy the music, Tony!)

Robert Stacy McCain: 'Pacifism and Historical Ignorance'

An excellent post.

I promised McCain I'd throw him some traffic this weekend. He links to a Victor Davis Hanson essay, on which I'll have more later. Meanwhile, I'm snagging this video, a Legal Insurrection upload:

RELATED: From Evan Sayet, at FrontPage Mag, "Why Jews Support the Democratic Party."

More on all of this tonight ...

Representative Anthony Weiner Twitter Underwear Scandal! — UPDATED!

The Twitter timeline looks pretty incriminating, via Joe Brooks.

And at Big Government, "Weinergate: Congressman Claims “Facebook Hacked” As Lewd Photo Hits Twitter" (via Memeorandum).

That's gotta be the most idiotic stunt ever, the more so for a Member of Congress.

Commentary at Sister Toldjah, "Did Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) mistakenly Tweet a photo of his … um …", and Doug Ross, "Anthony's Weiner Makes Underwhelming Twitter Debut":

Anthony's Weiner needs to resign from Congress immediately. It's the ethical thing to do. He won't, of course, because he's a shameless, power-hungry, Marxist hack like his mentor Chuck Schumer. He won't resign because it would be the ethical thing to do.

Weiner's Twitter feed is here.

Added: Don Surber has more:

Victim or Bret Favre wannabe?

Either way, the photo was hardly impressive.

And Lee Stranahan rounds up additional tweets from Representative Weiner: "Rep. Anthony Weiner Selectively Edits Himself."

UPDATE: Robert Stacy McCain has a beautiful roundup with updates: "Weiner’s Wiener? UPDATE: Who Is ‘Gennette Nicole’? UPDATE: Questions Piling Up" And Doug Ross has an epic post, "Photos: Anthony Weiner's Self-Proclaimed Girlfriend is a 21-Year Old Coed, only 25 Years Younger Than the Married Congressman." Also, Dan Riehl at Big Government, "Weinergate: Why Would Rep Weiner Care What Time It Was In Seattle?"

And lamestream outlets aren't reporting, although Weiner's wiener's fit for the tabloids. At New York Post, "Undies in a twist over 'Weiner wiener': Twitter pic a hack job, he says."