Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Legacy of Aunt Zeituni

From Michelle Malkin, "The legacy of Obama’s illegal alien aunt":

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Zeituni Onyango, President Obama’s illegal alien aunt, died this week of cancer and other complications. I hope she rests in peace. America, however, should be up in arms.

Auntie Zeituni is an enduring symbol of all that is wrong with this country’s immigration “policy” — or rather, its complete lack of a coherent, enforceable system of laws and rules that puts the national interest first. She was a beneficiary of the welfare state run amok, enabled by bipartisan fecklessness. To the bitter end, she bit the hand that fed her with predictable ingratitude and metastatic entitlement.

Zeituni’s 14-year illegal overstay is a reminder that our temporary visa program is an abysmal joke. Like millions of foreign students, business people and tourists to this country, Auntie Zeituni obtained a short-term visitor visa in 2000. It had an expiration date. She was supposed to go back to Kenya in two years after traveling here with her son, who had been accepted at a college in Boston.

But like millions of other “temporary” visa overstayers, Auntie Zeituni never went home. And despite billions spent on homeland security and immigration enforcement, no one ever went looking for her to kick her out of the country after her time was up.
Auntie Zeituni had no job skills, no special talent, no compelling reason to keep her here in America as an asset to our culture or our economy. She didn’t value the American Dream. She was a dependency nightmare. She collected $700 a month in welfare benefits and disability payments totaling $51,000. Somehow, Auntie Zeituni also drummed up money to apply for asylum and finagled her way into both federal and state public housing in Boston.

She contributed nothing to this country. The only “work” she did was gaming the system, complaining about her lot and blaming everyone else for her problems while they subsidized her 14-year illegal overstay.

Auntie Zeituni’s ridiculous asylum application and what happened afterward are reminders that our asylum and deportation systems are appalling jokes. Auntie Zeituni’s bogus request was rejected by the immigration court system. A judge ordered her to return to Kenya in 2003. She appealed. She lost. A judge again ordered her to leave in 2004.

But Auntie Zeituni never went home. Like an estimated 700,000 other deportation absconders, she evaded the judicial order for nearly a half-dozen years and continued to feed at the government trough. When the Bush administration had the chance to put the pedal to the enforcement metal in 2008, they caved. Pandering to pro-amnesty forces, Bush officials issued a 72-hour cease-and-desist order to all fugitive apprehension teams to spare Obama embarrassment over his auntie right before Election Day.

As an Immigration and Customs Enforcement source told me at the time: “The ICE fugitive operations group throughout the U.S. was told to stand down until after the election from arresting or transporting anyone out of the U.S. This was done to avoid any mistakes of deporting or arresting anyone who could have a connection to the election, i.e., anyone from Kenya who could be a relative. The decision was election-driven.” Such stand-down non-enforcement orders are standard operating procedure in Washington.

Auntie Zeituni’s illegal activity and ingratitude were rewarded time and time again...

Obama could've kicked her out. Instead, Auntie Zeituni got a green card in 2010.

God bless America!

Jessica Davies Wins Hot Shots Calendar Competition

Here's the background at the South Wales Evening Post, "Glamour and lingerie model aiming to be Wales's first 'hot shots' girl - to raise cash for injured soldiers."

And the announcement at Hot Shots:

And a bonus cleavage selfie from Ms. Davies.

Shots Fired in Eastern #Ukraine Town Kramatorsk

At the BBC, "Ukraine crisis: 'Another police building seized in east'."

At the Washington Post, "Pro-Russian gunmen seize police headquarters in eastern Ukraine":

MOSCOW — Trouble flared in eastern Ukraine on Saturday as pro-Russian gunmen occupied a police headquarters in a small city north of Donetsk and attacked government buildings in several nearby towns.

To Ukrainian officials it looked like the beginning of a replay of the Crimea takeover by Russia, which began with men in unmarked uniforms storming the regional parliament, then spreading their control throughout the peninsula...

Say Goodbye to Erasmus Longfellow!

A closed-minded wannabe conservative with 285 followers.

He/she's been tweeted me for a few weeks, has had a few interesting things to say, and I followed back. But this afternoon I tweeted and retweeted a few from Pat Dollard, and that was too much, apparently:

I didn't even catch the whole debate about Dollard and "kill all Muslims." Must've been working that day, although I did see the unhinged leftist reaction.

No one is right on 100 percent of the time. Pat Dollard has the courage of his convictions and stands up for what he thinks is right. And he's entitled to his opinions. He'll pay for them in the marketplace, including being thrown under the bus by a good number of conservatives. Fine by me. It's not my fight. Frankly, though, it's going to take something a little more obscene for me to go all leftist with the totalitarian thought policing, although it's clear that sometimes even conservatives in good standing sadly ape the worst characteristics of hate-filled leftist pathology.

I won't go there.

I don't want to kill "all Muslims." I would like to kill more of them who're trying to kill us, however. And for that reason I won't stand with regressive leftists who apologize for Islam and mount campaigns of hatred against good people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

"Erasmus Longfellow" is in that category, as far as I'm concerned.


Bundy Ranch, the Federal Government, and the Nevada Water Tipping Point — #BundyRanch

You might have seen the furor over Bundy Ranch on Twitter.

And now from Monica Morrill, at American Thinker:

Many Americans have been watching with great consternation the ongoing struggle between the Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Marshals against Cliven Bundy and his family. There are no signs of either side relinquishing its position. Many onlookers have been informed that this dispute is over protecting the desert tortoise. But it is nothing of the sort. In fact, the reality of the dispute goes far underneath what is being talked about. The more appropriate source of the dispute is ground water as well as surface water – this is a war over water.

Cliven Bundy and his family claim that they can trace their family ownership back to around the 1870s on their current property in Clark County. This is well before any federal offices such as the EPA, BLM, or water management were created. This corresponds with the Homestead rights that were established during the Lincoln administration in 1862 to entice people to settle the western frontier and expand the U.S. agricultural enterprises. This 19th-century policy was meant to encourage and support settlement by families like the Bundys. Now, over 150 years later, what seemed to be borderless country surrounding small-town Bunkerville in Nevada is an inhospitable petri dish for the experiments of growing federal regulations.

The Bundy Ranch “VO” is now the last large cattle ranch standing in Clark County. According to an anonymous source who has lived in Nevada for thirty-five years, the other major ranches in Clark County have been driven out of existence for one reason or another by the BLM and the Feds. It is claimed that the BLM are masquerading as conservationists, using their federal power to wield the final blow to reclaim the settlement rights they once honored to settlers like the Bundys...
And see Dana Loesch, "The Real Story Behind The Bundy Ranch Harassment":
By now you’re familiar with the standoff between the federal government, i.e. the Bureau of Land Management, and 67 year-old rancher Cliven Bundy. (If not, check the backstory and my radio interview with him here.) The BLM asserts their power through the expressed desire to protect the endangered desert tortoise, a tortoise so “endangered” that their population can no longer be contained by the refuge constructed for them so the government is closing it and euthanizing over a thousand tortoises. The tortoises, the excuse that BLM has given for violating claims to easements and running all but one lone rancher out of southern Nevada, is doing fine. In fact, the tortoise has lived in harmony with cattle in the Gold Butte, Clark County Nevada for over a hundred years, or as long as Cliven Bundy’s family has lived on the land as ranchers. In fact, the real threat to it is urbanization, not cattle.

A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher. They want his land...
More at iOWNTHEWORLD, "Feds to Stand Down at Bundy Ranch."

And at Twitchy, "Former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh arrives in Nevada with questions as #BundyRanch standoff ends."

Still more, FWIW, at ABC News, "Nevada Cattle Rancher Wins ‘Range War’ With Feds" (via Memeorandum).

Bwahaha!! Rachel Maddow Not So Pleased With Kathleen Sebelius Resignation

Via NRSC, you gotta love it. Maddow's circling the drain and her viewers are brain-dead anti-American assholes.

'Proud Democrat' Racist @Mailman105 Tweets Racist Hatred to Smokin' Conservative Michelle Malkin

From the tolerant leftist files.

Classic, typical Democrat scumbag. These idiots are a dime a dozen.

Democrats, and the New York Times, Looking Ahead to 2016

I guess it takes a little edge off the 2014 pain.

The New York Times looks ahead, "Tough Tests Looming in 2016 Raise Stakes for G.O.P. in Midterm Elections."

November's gonna be a Democrat bloodbath. I'll worry about 2016 later. Two years and seven months is a very long time in politics.

Fifty-Four Percent Majority Disapproves of #ObamaCare

I guess the respondents at Gallup don't read Voxsplainer Ezra Klein, "Americans Remain Negative Toward Healthcare Law":
PRINCETON, NJ -- With the open enrollment period for obtaining health insurance through a federal government exchange now over, Americans' views on the broader healthcare law remain more negative than positive. Currently, 43% approve and 54% disapprove of the law, commonly known as "Obamacare." The approval figure is a bit higher than Gallup's estimates since last November, but disapproval is essentially unchanged.
Well, if the law's been working better, and website all "fixed," seems we'd be seeing some improvement in those numbers. Not yet, though. Not yet. And given Pew's findings yesterday of 8-1 Republican voter disapproval of the law, it's going to be tough sledding for the idiot Democrats come fall.

Conservative Firepower Has Senate #Democrats Playing Defense

I love this, especially the Koch-sponsored ads from Americans for Prosperity.

At the New York Times, "Big GOP Donors Stir Senate Runs":

Democrats in races that will help determine control of the Senate are rapidly burning through their campaign cash, whittling away their financial advantage over Republican opponents as they fend off attacks from conservative groups, according to figures released through Friday.

The spending on both sides underscores the critical role that outside conservative groups are playing as Republicans try to retake the Senate. In state after state, organizations like Americans for Prosperity, the nonprofit linked to the conservative billionaires David H. and Charles G. Koch, have kept Democrats on the defensive with a barrage of negative ads while establishment-backed Republican candidates raise money and navigate their way through primaries.

In Alaska, the Democratic incumbent, Senator Mark Begich, spent about as much money as he raised during the first three months of the year, while Dan Sullivan, a Republican candidate and former state attorney general, increased his fund-raising and substantially narrowed Mr. Begich’s advantage in cash on hand.

In Montana, Senator John Walsh, a Democrat, spent almost three-quarters of the money he raised since January, ending with about $700,000. Representative Bruce Braley of Iowa, the likely Democratic nominee for Senate, spent over 60 percent of the cash he raised.

Senator Mary L. Landrieu, Democrat of Louisiana, spent only about a third of what she collected through the end of March. But last month, Ms. Landrieu reserved $2.7 million of advertising time, according to strategists tracking both parties’ television spending, which will cut deeply into the $7.5 million she reported at the beginning of April.

“The spending totals so far show that a lot of Democratic candidates find themselves on the run,” said Brad Dayspring, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Democratic strategists say their candidates have faced a historic early onslaught of outside spending — about $33 million in all, most of it from Koch-linked groups — without squandering their coffers and while staying, for the most part, ahead of or even with their Republican rivals in the polls.

In the five battleground races where both candidates have reported their totals — Alaska, Colorado, Louisiana, Montana and North Carolina — Democrats reported a combined $25.2 million in cash on hand, compared with $12.1 million for Republicans. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee had $22 million, compared with $15.9 million for the Republican committee...
The funniest thing is how Democrats are actually outraising Republicans, all the while demonizing the Koch brothers (and in some case, taking their money).

And boy, NYT's sure got it out for the Kochs. Wouldn't want to help tilt a few of those toss-up states into the Democrat column, or anything. Nah.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Dropbox, Unfazed by 'Drop-Dropbox' Campaign, Not Dropping Condi Rice

At Instapundit, "STANDING UP TO THE RACIST BULLIES OF THE LEFT: Dropbox Unswayed By Anti-Condi #DropDropbox Campaign."

Speaking of racist bullies, leftist idiot Tom Hilton is co-blogging at No More Mister Nice Blog, the asshole. He's all down with the thugish campaign against Mozilla, and comes up with the one of the dumbest arguments I've heard on why Eich was an epic homophobic hater in '08 but Obama not so much. (Pay no mind to the crown of sunshine floating above the Lightworker's head, of course.)

Yep, racist bullies and totalitarian thugs. Never cave to these losers, lol.

'CBS Has Just Declared War on the Heatland of America...'

At Mashable, "Limbaugh on Colbert: CBS Has Declared War on the Heartland of America."

Watch it: "Rush Limbaugh Attacks CBS for Hiring Stephen Colbert to Replace David Letterman."

And at NYT, "Colbert Will Host ‘Late Show,’ Playing Himself for a Change."

Sharyl Attkisson on the O'Reilly Factor

Via Legal Insurrection, "The incurious media when it comes to Obama admin scandals."

I knew this was about Attkisson before I even clicked the linked headline at my sidebar. She's an awesome lady.

5 Students Among 10 Dead in Northern California Crash

At the Los Angeles Times, "Bus crash: What caused FedEx driver to veer, cause fiery collision?":

WILLOWS, Calif. -- Investigators combing through the wreckage of the fiery Northern California crash that killed 10 people, including five high school students, said they do not yet know what caused the driver of a FedEx truck to veer across a freeway median and hit the students' bus head-on.

California Highway Patrol Lt. Scott Fredrick said it remained unclear whether the FedEx driver – who officials said was among those killed – had fallen asleep, if his freight truck had some type of mechanical failure or if it was involved in separate collision that preceded the fiery crash.

Fredrick said CHP investigators were being assisted by the National Transportation Safety Board, which sent a team that arrived about 10 a.m. Friday. Investigators would use “sophisticated surveying and mapping equipment,” along with 3-D diagramming, to reconstruct what led up to the crash, he said.

Fredrick said investigators would also consider roadway and weather conditions at the time. But he and others cautioned it could take up to six months for the CHP to complete its report.

White House Retweets Lame Ezra Klein Tweet Stroking Sebelius Retirement


At the Weekly Standard, "WH RT: 'Kathleen Sebelius Is Resigning Because 'Obamacare Has Won'."

At Twitchy, "‘An embarrassment’: White House embraces Voxsplaining in shameless lapdog-stroking retweet."

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges Dons Hijab for Meeting with Somalian Islamists

Islamization of America.

At D.C. Clothesline, "Sharia Submission: Minneapolis Mayor Proudly Wears Hijab When Meeting Somali Muslims."

Betsy Hodges photo 10176139_10203775928705473_2787702143143470026_n_zpsf5ed1801.jpg

Hat Tip: Debra Burlingame.

President Nominates Sylvia Mathews Burwell to Lead Health and Human Services

She's a bureaucratic barnacle.

At the New York Times, "Obama Names Health Pick, Veteran of Fiscal Battles":

WASHINGTON — President Obama said Friday that he was nominating his budget director, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, as the administration tries to move beyond its early stumbles in carrying out Mr. Obama’s health law.

If confirmed by the Senate, Ms. Burwell would succeed Kathleen Sebelius, whose five-year tenure was marred by the disastrous rollout of the federal insurance marketplace that is a centerpiece of the law. Ms. Sebelius’s legacy, though, may well depend on whether Ms. Burwell and her successors can elevate public opinion of the law to a level matching programs like Medicare.

PREVIOUSLY: "Obama Announces Sebelius Resignation."

Obama Announces Sebelius Resignation

At WaPo, "Kathleen Sebelius steps down as HHS secretary; OMB director will take her place."

And at Twitchy, "‘Can’t breathe’: Sebelius’ ‘perfect’ farewell ‘glitch’ is comedy gold [video, Photoshop]."

Glenn Greenwald Back in the U.S.

Well, I guess the feds didn't nab 'em after all.

At Puff Ho, "Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras Successfully Return to the United States."

Also at Mashable, "WikiLeaks Live Tweets Glenn Greenwald's Flight to US."

Communists and rabid anti-Semites. Greenwald's biggest backers.

Republicans More Likely to See #ObamaCare as 'Very Important' to Their Vote

It's interesting how leftists are spinning the Sebelius resignation as a "victory" for #ObamaCare.

But GOP voters are more riled up this year, so they'll turn out in much higher numbers in November's election. They disapprove of the law by a roughly eight-to-one margin.

See Pew Research, "More Republicans See Health Care Stance as ‘Very Important’ to Midterm Vote: Views of ACA Little Changed Following Enrollment Surge":
In looking ahead to this fall’s elections, Republicans are more likely than Democrats to view a candidate’s position on the Affordable Care Act as very important to their vote. A new national survey finds that 64% of Republican registered voters say a candidate’s stance on the health care law will be very important in their voting decision, compared with 52% of Democrats and 45% of independents.

The new national survey by the Pew Research Center and USA TODAY, conducted April 3-6 among 1,010 adults, finds more continue to disapprove (50%) than approve (37%) of the 2010 health care law. Last month, the balance of opinion was similar – 53% disapproved of the law, while 41% approved.

Six-in-ten (60%) voters who oppose the health care law say that a candidate’s stance on the health care law will be very important to their vote, compared with about half (48%) of voters who support the law.
Don't swallow the left's bullshit. The law remains a massive cluster-k. Democrats are going to be crushed at the polls. The writing's on the wall.