Sunday, August 31, 2014

Professor Daniel Drezner Speaks at Another Controversial Conference Panel — #APSA2014

Dan Drezner is Professor of International Politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

Folks will recall that Drezner's blog was one of the first I used to read on a regular basis, over a decade ago. He quit the blog recently when Foreign Policy moved to a weekly column format for its online writers, and now Drezner's set up shop at the Washington Post as a contributor.

But Drezner's also known for his questionable ethics and intelligence when it comes to conference participation. Earlier this year he appeared on a panel with Holocaust denier William Lind, who has been described by Michael Goldfarb as a "paleoconservative Jew-baiter extraordinaire."

Here's the report on the controversial event from Alana Goodman, "Antiwar Conference Featured Panelist Who Spoke at Holocaust Denial Conference."

So, with that kind of disgusting conference participation, one might expect Professor Drezner to be more choosy in aligning himself with enemies of Israel. (One might be even more likely to think so, as Drezner is himself Jewish.)

But no. It turns out Drezner spoke this weekend at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, at a panel called "Navigating a Career in International Relations." Well, "navigating" an IR career these days apparently means getting on the good side of the most vile anti-Israel academics in the field, Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, authors of the widely condemned book, The Israel Lobby.

At the APSA website, here's the panelist lineup for "Navigating a Career in International Relations":
Date: Saturday, Aug 30, 2014, 4:30 PM-6:00 PM

Location: Only those registered for the meeting can see room assignments. If you have registered, login to see rooms. Subject to change. Check the Final Program at the conference.

Co-sponsored by 18 International Security-33


Leslie Vinjamuri
University of London, SOAS


Helen V. Milner
Princeton University
Helen V. Milner
Princeton University
John J. Mearsheimer
University of Chicago
Daniel W. Drezner
Tufts University
Stephen M. Walt
Harvard University
Colin H. Kahl
Georgetown University
Jennifer M. Lind
Dartmouth College
Drezner, of course, is well-versed in the controversies surrounding Walt and Mearsheimer's The Israel Lobby. Indeed, back in 2005, he offered a robust defense of the embattled authors, going so far to argue that "Walt and Mearsheimer should not be criticized as anti-Semites, because that's patently false."

Really? "Patently false."

Well, the widely respected Anti-Defamation League, which describes itself as "the nation's premier civil rights/human relations agency", would beg to differ. Here's this ADL response to Walt and Mearsheimer at the website, from 2006, "A Review of Mearsheimer and Walt's "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" -- An Anti-Jewish Screed in Scholarly Guise."

And then there's the authoritative response from political scientist Eliot Cohen, who is the Robert E. Osgood Professor of Strategic Studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at John Hopkins University, at the Washington Post, in 2006, "Yes, It's Anti-Semitic."

I could go on listing eminent, reputable voices who have slammed The Israel Lobby for precisely what it is: hatred and bigotry.

But hey, nowadays hate and bigotry are apparently resume enhancers in the political science discipline.

In 2011, Professor Walt spoke at the far-left Code Pink's Move Over AIPAC! Summit, where attendees bestowed honors on the late White House correspondent Helen Thomas, whose later years where mired in controversy over vile comments she made, caught on tape, attacking Israel and suggesting that the Jews should "move back to Europe." Professor Mearsheimer, as well, has done little to clear his name of anti-Semitic aspersions, going so far as writing a book-jacket blurb for vicious Israel-basher Gilad Atzmon, who the ADL describes as:
... an outspoken and prolific promoter of classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jewish control over American foreign policy, and has written that Jews have a plan for world domination. He has trafficked in anti-Semitic canards such as the notion that Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus.
And here's Jeffrey Goldberg's dramatic headline on Mearsheimer, at the Atlantic, "John Mearsheimer Endorses a Hitler Apologist and Holocaust Revisionist." And see Commentary, "Mearsheimer’s Anti-Semitism Scandal." [Added: Don't miss Alan Dershowitz as well, at the New Republic, "Why are John Mearsheimer and Richard Falk Endorsing a Blatantly Anti-Semitic Book?"]

Drezner is no doubt aware of all the latest controversies surrounding Walt and Mearsheimer, although he obviously remains untroubled and unconcerned with his own reputation. It'd be one thing if Drezner had appeared on a panel to debate Walt and Mearsheimer on some topical issue in international politics (Obama's bumbling foreign policy; Israel's third Gaza war). But Drezner's appeared at a professional development panel, and thus gave a disciplinary imprimatur to the views of Walt and Mearsheimer.

I called him out on Twitter yesterday:

In all, a sad statement on the state of the field: Israel-hatred as a career-booster in political science.

Revolt Against the Brassieres

At Barnorama, "Join The Fight Against Bras, Today!"

Plus, elsewhere it's Rule 5 Sunday, at Pirate's Cove, for example, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and "If All You See……is CO2 infused beer killing the climate, you might just be a Warmist."

And at 90 Miles from Tyranny, "Morning Mistress."

Also, from last Sunday at the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Sunday: Peaches En Regalia."

BONUS FLASHBACK: "#NOAFW – Exclusive: Feminists Attempt to Brainwash Kate Upton."

Check back here for more regular babe blogging updates.

Joan Rivers on Life Support

It's all so unreal, as she just performed on Thursday night.

But by Friday, she was rushed to Cedars Sinai.

At London's Daily Mail, "Joan Rivers' celebrity friends take to Twitter to pray for her recovery as her family face agonizing decision over whether or not to turn off life support machine."

And on Twitter:

Yes, Indeed, Let's Be Mindful of What 'the Left has already accomplished...'

Demonic hate-troll Walter James Casper tweets:

Oh, and we have "further to go"?

Right. We certainly wouldn't want to waste any time destroying the rest of the moral and strategic order that's taken decent society decades to build. The 1960's saw the rise of the most "destructive generation," and pity the next generations of Americans, who will live in greater danger and less prosperity than those who came before.

But according to vile Utopian assholes like Walter James Casper III, all of this is progress.

Let’s accept, arguendo, that the outgoing DIA chief is right, and that we are now in an era of danger similar to the mid-1930s. How did we get here? It’s worth looking back into the mists of time — an entire year, to Labor Day weekend 2013. What had not happened then? It’s quite a list, actually: the Chinese ADIZ, the Russian annexation of Crimea, the rise of ISIS, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the fall of Mosul, the end of Hungarian liberal democracy, the Central American refugee crisis, the Egyptian-UAE attacks on Libya, the extermination of Iraqi Christians, the Yazidi genocide, the scramble to revise NATO’s eastern-frontier defenses, the Kristallnacht-style pogroms in European cities, the reemergence of mainstream anti-Semitism, the third (or fourth, perhaps) American war in Iraq, racial riots in middle America, et cetera and ad nauseam.

All that was in the future just one year ago.

What is happening now is basically America’s version of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The President of the United States — supported to an exceptional extent by an electorate both uncomprehending and untrusting of the outside world — is Clarence the Angel, and he’s showing us what the world would be like if we’d never been born, Unsurprisingly, Bedford Falls is now Pottersville, and it’s a terrible place. Unfortunately we do not get to revert to the tolerable if modest status quo at the end of the lesson: George Bailey will eventually have to shell the town and retake it street by street from Old Man Potter’s Spetsnaz.

But the larger point here is not what’s happening, because what’s happening is obvious. Things are falling apart. The point is how fast it’s come. It takes the blood and labor of generations to build a general peace, and that peace is sustained by two pillars: a common moral vision, and force majeure. We spent a quarter-century chipping away at the latter, and finally discarded the former, and now that peace is gone. All this was the work of decades.

Look back, again, to Labor Day weekend 2013, and understand one thing: its undoing was the work of mere months.

Coco Crisp Scratched from #Athletics Starting Lineup for Second Day in a Row

Per Susan Slusser, on Twitter.

And Slusser at SF Gate, "A’s acquire Adam Dunn from White Sox."

The A's are in a slumpin' funk.

Bad News for Al Gore: Arctic Sea Ice Growing Thicker and Larger (GRAPHS)

At London's Daily Mail, "Myth of arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now."

Also at WUWT, "‘The Arctic sea ice spiral of death seems to have reversed’."

Al Gore is such an ass.

More from Debra Saunders, at the San Francisco Chronicle, "Al Gore suit against Al Jazeera the height of hypocrisy."

Brutal Rise of Islamic State Turns Old Enemies Into New Friends

At WSJ, "Nations Long at Loggerheads, Such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, Find Common Ground in Bid to Curb Extremists":
In the brutal calculation of Middle East politics, the baseline for friendship has always been simple: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

By that standard, the Islamic State extremist group is creating friendships aplenty. An odd set of bedfellows or potential bedfellows, transcending geographical, ideological and alliance bounds, is emerging from the ranks of those threatened by what many see as the most dangerous militant movement in a generation.

Shiite Muslim Iran and Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia, for instance, have been bitter foes since at least 1979, when the Iranian revolutionary government of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini hoped to inspire similar revolutions in the Sunni world. But both countries now fear Islamic State's armed radical Islamist movement, which seeks to usurp their own claimed leadership of the Muslim world.

That led Iran and Saudi Arabia to independently back the same candidate to lead Iraq, in a push for a new government that might unite Sunnis and Shiites to battle Islamic State. This week, Iranian and Saudi diplomats held a rare meeting to consult.

Turkey has long distrusted and worked against ethnic Kurds, especially a violent splinter group known as the PKK that operates out of the mountainous environs of northern Iraq. But the Turks looked the other way when Syrian Kurdish militias affiliated with the PKK played a starring role in the rescue from Islamic State fighters of thousands of Yazidis stranded on a mountainside.

Russia and the U.S. are at loggerheads in Ukraine and elsewhere, including the Middle East. But they agree that the sort of violent Islam practiced by Islamic State, which now controls large swaths of Iraq and Syria, endangers the global order in which both countries compete for influence.

Islamic State even has had a falling out with al Qaeda, the group that spawned it. Al Qaeda's official Syrian branch, known as the Nusra Front, is outflanked and mocked by Islamic State. So Nusra has joined the fight against Islamic State, clashing violently on the battlefields of Syria.

These countries and movements may be at odds over nearly everything else, but nothing focuses the mind like a mortal threat, say some analysts and former top security officials. Given not only Islamic State's savagery but its potential to overthrow regimes and spill over borders, they all seem to agree on only one thing: It needs to be stopped.

Lacking a coalition of the willing, the Obama administration should muster up a sort of alliance of the unwilling, these analysts argue. Whether that is possible, and whether the U.S. has the guile and clout to unite such disparate forces—either formally, or more likely in a combination of overt, covert and arm's-length arrangements—is an open question.

"It has to be patched together, somewhat ad hoc, with maybe some sort of informal and even clandestine agreements on who does what," says Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former U.S. national-security adviser.
More at that top link.

The Macan, Porsche's New 'Speed-Hunting' SUV

I've loved these cars ever since I was a little kid.

Some day. Some day.

At LAT, "The Macan, Porsche's New 'Speed-Hunting' SUV":

Pay no mind to the Porsche Macan's 18 cubic feet of cargo room, its capacity to carry five adults comfortably and its commanding view of the road. With 340 horsepower and reflexes that would make Catwoman jealous, the Macan S never got the memo that it's not a sports car. Porsche's speed-hunting pedigree shows in every corner of this all-new small SUV.

The Macan is the smaller sibling to the Cayenne, the German marque's original SUV, which sent Porsche purists into fits when it was introduced a decade ago but reaped huge profits in the U.S. and globally.

The company is hoping for similar success with the Macan, which is Indonesian for "tiger." For sale now, it's Porsche's play for the burgeoning compact crossover segment — one of the fastest-growing areas of the luxury vehicle market, fueled by wealthy empty-nesters, first-time luxury buyers and professional women.

How Erin Andrews Stays So Fit

At Health Magazine, "Erin Andrews: On Staying Energized, Working Out, and Being Outspoken."

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Poland on Edge as Russia Carves Up Ukraine

So I guess I'm not the only one making World War II analogies in light of Russian aggression in Ukraine. If anyone would know the consequences of appeasement, it'd be the Poles.

At the Times of Israel, "Poland on edge 75 years after Hitler and Stalin carved it up":
Memories of World War II have been bubbling to the surface since Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula in March.

WARSAW (AFP) — Poland marks the 75th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II Monday with one eye on Russia, which invaded it during the war and is now throwing its weight around in neighboring Ukraine.

From the very first German shells fired at a Polish fort in Gdansk in the early hours of September 1, 1939, to the final days in 1945, Poland suffered some of the worst horrors of the war, chief among them the extermination of most of its Jewish population by the Nazis.

Nearly six million Poles, or about 17 percent of the population — including around three million Jews — died in the conflict.

Memories of the era have been bubbling to the surface since Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula in March, and a fierce conflict began in the country’s east.

“To use military force against one’s neighbors, to annex their territory, to prevent them from freely choosing their place in the world — this provides a worrying reminder of the dark chapters of Europe’s 20th-century history,” Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski said in a newspaper opinion piece ahead of the anniversary.

Polish historian Andrzej Friszke meanwhile recalled the infamous Munich agreement that Britain and France signed with Nazi Germany in 1938, allowing it to annex swathes of Czechoslovakia in a failed bid to avert war...

Coco Crisp Scratched from Starting Lineup for Tonight's #Angels-#Athletics Game

Via Susan Slusser, at the San Francisco Chronicle:

And here's the video from last night's game:

PREVIOUSLY: "#Angels Beat #Athletics 4-0 in Spectacular Rivaly Match at Anaheim Stadium."

High Expectations, New Traditions for #USC Football

Fresno State faces the Trojans at the Coliseum, starting in a couple of minutes.

At the Los Angeles Times, "USC's Steve Sarkisian hopes fans can embrace break with tradition":
There is a certain traditional look to USC football.

Traveler, the white horse, races down the sidelines during home games, right past the iconic USC song girls. The Trojans marching band performs "Fight On" after every USC first down. And fans need a program to identify the Trojans because they are the only players in major college football who have never had names on the back of their jerseys.

But change will be obvious the first time USC has the ball Saturday when the Trojans open the season against Fresno State at the Coliseum.

New Coach Steve Sarkisian has hit the fast-forward button on USC's offense.

Get ready for no huddles. For a quarterback mainly in the shotgun formation. Coaches relaying signs to players like baseball third-base coaches. Sideline staff holding giant cards featuring NFL team helmets, colors and various patterns and symbols.

ere is a certain traditional look to USC football.

Traveler, the white horse, races down the sidelines during home games, right past the iconic USC song girls. The Trojans marching band performs "Fight On" after every USC first down. And fans need a program to identify the Trojans because they are the only players in major college football who have never had names on the back of their jerseys.

But change will be obvious the first time USC has the ball Saturday when the Trojans open the season against Fresno State at the Coliseum.

New Coach Steve Sarkisian has hit the fast-forward button on USC's offense.

Get ready for no huddles. For a quarterback mainly in the shotgun formation. Coaches relaying signs to players like baseball third-base coaches. Sideline staff holding giant cards featuring NFL team helmets, colors and various patterns and symbols.

First NFL Homosexual Michael Sam Cut by Rams


You gotta love it, at Bleacher Report, "Michael Sam Cut by Rams: Latest Details, Comments and Reaction."

Plus, on Twitter:

Hot Anais Zanotta Bikini Pics

At Barnorama, "Anais Zanotti Shows Off Her Love For France In A Hot Bikini." (Via Linkiest.)

John Kerry's Demand for 'Global Coalition' Signals Cowardice, Weakness, and Appeasement

It's almost like a bad joke, although sadly this is for real.

The headline of Secretary Kerry's op-ed at the New York Times says it all: "To Defeat Terror, We Need the World's Help: John Kerry: The Threat of ISIS Demands a Global Coalition." (Via Memeorandum.)

Kerry proclaims the need for "a broad coalition" nearly a half a dozen times. And he tries to lend authority to his case by calling on the memory of "the first President George Bush and Secretary of State James A. Baker III," who raised a truly broad international coalition behind 500,000 American troops to evict Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991. The U.S. today would be lucky to get 500 "special advisers" in Iraq to coordinate the precipitous withdrawal of all American diplomatic and humanitarian personnel.

Kerry's essay is the modern equivalent of the "peace in our time" diplomacy of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in 1938. It's a statement of avoidance-at-all-costs foreign policy that is the hallmark of the Obama presidency.

Pamela Geller has more, "Hiding From Behind: “Global coalition needed to stop Islamic State”":
More weakness and cowardice from the jihad sympathizer in the White House.

In the wake of Obama’s catastrophic failure in Iraq and Syria, the Obama administration is laying off on everyone else. The “Junior Varsity” team has conquered whole swaths of the Middle East and there is no stopping them. At least not while Hussein is in the White House.

Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry, a NY Times editorial, which I am sure the Islamic State reads every morning over the pile up of heads and corpses,  is a “global coalition using political, humanitarian, economic, law enforcement and intelligence tools to support military force.” Obama has no global coalition. He has alienated every ally we had. Unlike George Bush who had a “Coalition of the Willing” of 48 countries.

This is just another embarrassing example of Obama’s impotence. The rise of the Islamic State is a direct result of Obama’s foreign policy — the disengagement and dismantling American influence and power in the Middle East and the world. The spread of jihad is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever jihad wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles (paraphrasing Ayn Rand).

We have the military, cultural, and moral superiority to defeat jihad. We choose not to. A global coalition needs a leader. Has anyone called Stephen Harper?
And don't miss Tom Maguire, "Save It For The Funny Papers, Or, The Long Slow Flip-Flop Into Light."

(Via Memeorandum.)

BONUS: Fox News reports, "Kerry: The Threat of ISIS Demands a Global Coalition."

The Science is Settled and You're Racist

Andrew Klavan is hilarious.

Andrea Tantaros Tells the Leftist Speech Nazis to Get Bent

At Twitchy, "Andrea Tantaros: I will not apologize for criticizing radical Islamic jihadism."

I sent that along to a couple of leftist Nazis. These are disgusting people and Ms. Tantaros towers over them in moral clarity, to say nothing of intelligence.

Terrorist Attack 'Highly Likely' in Britain

It's Kabuki theater.

Here's British Home Secretary Theresa May making her announcement on the elevated threat level in the U.K.:

The UK terror threat level has been raised to severe, meaning that a terrorist attack is "highly likely".

Theresa May, the Home Secretary, stressed that there was no information to suggest an attack was imminent.

She said the decision was taken as a result of the involvement of British fighters in the conflicts in Iraq and Syria.

It is the first time the threat level has been at “severe” since 2011 when it was reduced to “substantial”.
PREVIOUSLY: "'Severe' Terror Threat in Britain Amid Increasing Fears of U.K. Jihadists."

George Galloway Beaten Up — Left With Smashed Jaw

At Blazing Cat Fur:
The notoriously anti-Israel and anti-West Member of Parliament George Galloway has reportedly been beaten up on a London street tonight, with one news outlet reporting that Galloway has suffered a broken jaw at the hands of his attacker.
And Instapundit snarks, "COULDN’T HAPPEN TO A NICER GUY..."

Emma Kuziara Naughty Striptease

At Egotastic!, "Emma K. Poses for Sexy Photoshoot."