Friday, October 24, 2014

Barack Obama, Bewildered Bystander

From Charles Krauthammer, at the Washington Post:
The president is upset. Very upset. Frustrated and angry. Seething about the government’s handling of Ebola, said the front-page headline in the New York Times last Saturday.

There’s only one problem with this pose, so obligingly transcribed for him by the Times. It’s his government. He’s president. Has been for six years. Yet Barack Obama reflexively insists on playing the shocked outsider when something goes wrong within his own administration...

Obama's the biggest dirtbag loser, which is sayin something, since Democrats have such a deep bench.

New York Doctor Contracts Ebola

At the New York Times, "Craig Spencer, Doctor in New York City, Is Sick With Ebola."

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Desperate Democrats and the Stages of Leftist Grief

On progressive death and dying.

A great post, from Noah Rothman, at Hot Air, "Circular firing squad: Democrats ready to dump on Obama if they lose the Senate":
While the race for control of the U.S. Senate is not over yet, and Democrats are aggressively defending embattled incumbents as well as supporting capable candidates in traditionally Republican states like Kentucky and Georgia, the situation is looking grim for the president’s party.

While the Senate is not yet in Republican hands, Democrats are engaging in the stages of grief right before our eyes as the last remaining bulwark propping up the nearly spent Obama presidency crumbles...

And see also, the Wall Street Journal, "A Catastrophic GOP Victory":
A President can use his veto pen, but he also has to pick his spots lest he become the main obstructionist. A shrewd GOP leadership would be able to make at least incremental progress toward the party’s goals of faster economic growth, rising incomes, and more health-care choice.

The media know all of this, which may be the real reason so many are so eager to portray a GOP victory as defeat even before the votes are counted. Their real worry is that Republican gains in the House, and a sweep in the Senate, would represent a repudiation of six years of liberal governance. Their fear is that a GOP Congress might even succeed.
Heh, I'm feeling the exquisite early pangs of schadenfreude.

Kat Von D Attacks CBS-2 News Crew in West Hollywood

Kat Von D is Katherine von Drachenberg, who's basically a dirtbag famous for being famous.

At CBS Los Angeles, "Caught On Video: Kat Von D Attacks CBS2 News Camera After Fire at WeHo Tattoo Shop."

Ebola Death Panels?

At Instapundit, "BOY, RON KLAIN JUST STARTED YESTERDAY AND THEY’RE ALREADY TALKING ABOUT EBOLA DEATH PANELS: Some U.S. hospitals weigh withholding care to Ebola patients."

Democrats love death panels, so it'll be no surprise when Ebola patients are denied treatment.

Behati Prinsloo Lingerie Shoot for Victoria's Secret October 2014

At Egotastic!, "Behati Prinsloo Downright Sprung Upright for Victoria’s Secret Lingerie."

Dana Loesch's New Book, Hands Off My Gun: Out Now!

Dana's new book is the must-have conservative tome for the holidays.

Buy it: Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America.

Dana Loesch photo Dana-Loesch_Hands-Off-My-Gun_zps7f4b3283.png

When 'Tolerance' Becomes Illiberal

At the O.C. Register:
Gay rights advocates have won a sweeping and deserved victory in the court of public opinion – and done so at a breathtaking pace. They ought not to tarnish that triumph by employing a type of victor’s justice that calls into question how far their professed loyalty to tolerance really runs.
Well, they're not really about tolerance at all, but RTWT.

Shia LaBeouf Interview with Jimmy Kimmel

Stay with this. Shia's freakin' hilarious.

Also, "Shia LaBeouf Removed His Tooth," and "Shia LaBeouf on Fighting Brad Pitt."

Game Theory Explains #GamerGate

Game theory and Darwinian evolution.

Pretty amazing.

From Clark, at Popehat, "Gamer Gate: Three Stages to Obit."

Look for Leftists to Rewrite the 1990s as Hillary Gears Up for 2016

At the Wall Street Journal, "An Affair to Remember":
As Hillary and Bill Clinton prepare for another White House ramble, the country is fated to endure more than a few 1990s flashbacks, often including attempts to whitewash the real history. The latest character to re-emerge is Monica Lewinsky, the former intern who is doffing her beret to reinvent herself as an anti-cyberbullying activist.

In a speech this week at a Forbes magazine conference that went viral on the Web, Ms. Lewinsky describes herself as a “survivor” of online abuse—she became “the creature from the media lagoon.” As the worst abusers, she cited Matt Drudge and the New York Post, which gave Ms. Lewinsky a term of tabloid endearment as “the portly pepperpot.” Another culprit was “a politically motivated independent prosecutor,” or Ken Starr.

The problem is that Ms. Lewinsky was actually the victim of the Clinton lagoon, as White House operatives tried to destroy her reputation when the scandal broke. The real bullies weren’t online but in the West Wing...
Keep reading.

Behind the Scenes, a Tank Expert Kept 'Fury' Authentic

At War is Boring, "Former British Army soldier David Rae got to play a German commander, too":
“You’re not going to see a tank film again,” Rae explained. “There’s not much shelf-life left on these machines.” Fury is these old war wagons’ last chance to show off. Rae was there to make sure they showed off right.

Ottawa Parliament Attack is 'New Face of Terror'

Once again, the inimitable Charles Krauthammer.

Also at Instapundit, "CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Homegrown Radicals Like Ottawa Gunman ‘New Face of Terror.’ They should be mocked and shamed like the pathetic, gullible losers that they are."

3-Month Old Baby Killed in Jerusalem Terror Attack

At the Times of Israel, "Baby killed as car rams crowd in Jerusalem terror attack," and "Baby killed in Jerusalem terror attack laid to rest."

Also, video at Israel Matzav, "And again: 'Palestinian' terrorist drives into crowd near light rail station, murders 3-montth old girl."

Charlie Cook Isn't Quite as Whacked as the Kos Kook

Well, Charlie's predicting no 14-seat GOP pickup in the Senate, like the Kos Kook from the other day, "'Democratic Armageddon'."

Indeed, it's no sure thing for the Republicans. See, "Kansas and Georgia Change the Equation on Senate-Majority Math":
Republicans still have the edge for a Senate majority, but this fight has a lot more uncertainty than the computer models suggest.
No matter the size of the GOP gains, the Democrats are going to get hammered. It's not going to be pretty.

Victoria's Secret Very Sexy Scandalous


Evidence Supports Officer's Account of Shooting in Ferguson

At the Washington Post.


And at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Source: Darren Wilson says Michael Brown kept charging at him." (Via Memeorandum.)

Kelly Brook 2015 Calendar (PHOTOS)

Freakin' glorious.

At Egotastic!, "Kelly Brook Boobtastic Hotness Seeps Through Her 2015 Calendar."

'Somewhere out there online, Neal Rauhauser must be lurking in the shadows of #GamerGate...'

From Robert Stacy McCain, "A #GamerGate Oddity."

The Hunter Biden Chronicles of Cronyism and Corruption

From Michelle Malkin:

Everything you need to know about Beltway nepotism, corporate cronyism and corruption can be found in the biography of Robert Hunter Biden. Where are the Occupy Wall Street rabble-rousers and enemies of elitist privilege when you need them? Straining their neck muscles to look the other way.

The youngest son of Vice President Joe Biden made news last week after The Wall Street Journal revealed he had been booted from the Navy Reserve for cocaine use. His drug abuse was certainly no surprise to the Navy, which issued him a waiver for a previous drug offense before commissioning him as a public affairs officer at the age of 43. The Navy also bent over backward a second time with an age waiver so he could secure the cushy part-time job.

Papa Biden loves to tout his middle-class, “Average Joe” credentials. But rest assured, if his son had been “Hunter Smith” or “Hunter Jones” or “Hunter Brown,” the Navy’s extraordinary dispensations would be all but unattainable. Oh, and if he had been “Hunter Palin,” The New York Times would be on its 50th front-page investigative report by now.

Despite the disgraceful ejection from our military, Hunter’s Connecticut law license won’t be subject to automatic review. Because, well, Biden.

Biden’s bennies are not just one-offs. Skating by, flouting rules and extracting favors are the story of Hunter’s life.
Pretty rich, but keep reading, heh.