Sunday, February 3, 2013

Visiting Temecula

We all headed out to Temecula yesterday, to pick up my oldest son who was spending Friday and Saturday visiting with dear friends. We had dinner last night at Red Robin's, at the Promenade Mall in town there.

That's my 22 ounce Sam Adams next to my wife's iced tea:


Here's yours truly enjoying the ambiance:


This is Luke, 7-months-old, the newest member of their family:


This is my youngest son, now 11-years-old, holding Luke:


After dinner my oldest son, now 17-years-old, went cruising around the mall with our friends' daughter. We found them across the way from the Edwards 15 theater:


We enjoyed spending time with little Luke, especially. He's a sweet boy and is now rolling over very well and just starting to crawl. I tweeted about babies earlier. The more time one spends with children the more visceral one's opposition to abortion becomes.