Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ezra Klein, #ObamaCare Über Cheerleader, Admits Democrat Healthcare Launch Is Total Disaster


I don't like Ezra Klein. He's a bald-faced liar and partisan hack. A juice-box loser.

But hey, things are so bad even this tool can't spin things otherwise.

From Mary Katharine Ham, "Ezra Klein: Let’s face it, they’ve done a terrible job launching Obamacare."

And FWIW, here's the juice-box boy at WaPo, "Wonkbook: Obamacare’s Web site is really bad."

#ObamaCare is wrong for America and the disastrous health exchange launch is only a glimpse of the crushing incompetence and failing care in the years to come.

It's going to take full repeal to get rid of this monstrosity, but fortunately things are going so badly the GOP will leveraged into power in the coming elections, especially 2016.