Sunday, March 2, 2014

Letter Protesting Professor Lisa Duggan's Racist Anti-Israel Conference to NYU President John Sexton

In my post last Sunday, "Professor Lisa Duggan and the Academic Boycott of Israel," I mentioned that I'd be sending a letter to NYU's administration protesting the racist "Circuits of Influence" conference organized by Lisa Duggan, Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis in NYU's Department of Social and Cultural Analysis.

I just sent this to NYU's President John Sexton and cc'd to a number of other administrators at the university.
NYU Anti-Israel Conference

Dear President Sexton:

I meant to write earlier, but I see now that Professor Lisa Duggan's Israel-hating conference has now been concluded:

Professor Duggan sought to keep this event private and secret from public view. Why? Such behavior fundamentally contradicts the purpose of the academic mission, at both your university and across the system of higher education in the United States.

I can't see how your administration thought that no stain would be attached to this event for the reputation of New York University. Enough shame cannot be heaped on you for sanctioning or affiliating with such hatred.

I know you've dealt with many aspects of the whole ASA boycott controversy, so no need to rehash things.

I just wanted to be on record that your school now has a reputation for literally racist speech that normally would have no place in the academic setting and the discrimination promoted at such events has no constitutional protection. Indeed, there'd likely have been widespread campus outrage and approbation were it other minorities besides Israeli Jews (and Israeli scholars) who were being targeted.


Donald K. Douglas, Ph.D.
Irvine, California
For related background, I refer readers to William Jacobson's entry from December, "Reader crowdsourcing project to fight American Studies Assoc anti-Israel boycott."

I recommend that readers considering similar letters to university administrators keep it simple and to the point, and also keep it explicitly professional and without ad hominem invective and vituperation. And if readers are contacting a university in which they are alumni, be sure to make mention of the withholding of charitable contributions to the university's foundation.

Be respectful but keep the pressure on.